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5 results for "Raptor":
The Implementation of the Application Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULXUL and RDFThe Implementation of the Application Object Model
this nsxmlelement implements a whole slew of interfaces, since raptor has multiple apis for referring to these objects.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozilla release FAQ
gecko (formerly raptor) is the new html rendering engine in mozilla.
Table Reflow Internals - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveTable Reflow Internals
</td> <td> <img src=raptor.jpg width=200 height=100%> </td> </tr> </table> this cell's width is constrained by the table and image widths.
Gecko FAQ - Gecko Redirect 1
gecko has been known previously by the code names "raptor" and "nglayout"; the new name was chosen following a trademark infringement dispute.
Text labels and names - Accessibility
WebAccessibilityUnderstanding WCAGText labels and names
<label for="dino-select">choose a dinosaur:</label> <select id="dino-select"> <optgroup label="theropods"> <option>tyrannosaurus</option> <option>velociraptor</option> <option>deinonychus</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="sauropods"> <option>diplodocus</option> <option>saltasaurus</option> <option>apatosaurus</option> </optgroup> </select> toolbars must be labeled when there is more than one toolbar if you define more than one toolbar in a web application using the aria toolbar role, you must use the ar...