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4 results for "MozAfterPaint":
to get this interface, use: var domwindowutils = window.windowutils; method overview void activatenativemenuitemat(in astring indexstring); void clearmozafterpaintevents(); pruint32 comparecanvases(in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas1, in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas2, out unsigned long amaxdifference); double computeanimationdistance(in nsidomelement element, in astring property, in astring value1, in astring value2); nsicompositionstringsynthesizer createcompositionstringsynthesizer(); obsolete since gecko 38.0 vo...
... ismozafterpaintpending boolean returns true if a mozafterpaint event has been queued but not yet fired.
... void activatenativemenuitemat( in astring indexstring ); parameters indexstring clearmozafterpaintevents() void clearmozafterpaintevents(); parameters none.
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIaddNextPaintListener
the addnextpaintlistener() method of the htmliframeelement is used to define a handler to listen for the next mozafterpaint event coming from the browser <iframe>.
... parameters listener a function handler to listen for a mozafterpaint event.
Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser API
the methods removed in firefox 65 are: htmliframeelement.addnextpaintlistener() defines a handler to listen for the next mozafterpaint event in the browser <iframe>.
Event reference
mozafterpaint addons specific content has been repainted.