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RTCIceCandidatePairStats - Web APIs
the webrtc rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary reports statistics which provide insight into the quality and performance of an rtcpeerconnection while connected and configured as described by the specified pair of ice candidates.
... if a rtcstats-based object's type is candidate-pair, it's an rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... properties rtcicecandidatepairstats is based upon rtcstats and inherits its properties.
...And 30 more matches
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.state - Web APIs
the state property in an rtcicecandidatepairstats object indicates the state of the check list of which the candidate pair is a member.
... syntax state = rtcicecandidatepairstats.state; value a domstring whose value is one of those found in the rtcstatsicecandidatepairstate enumerated type.
... ice check lists during ice negotiation, the ice layer builds up a check list, which is a list of potential pairings of ice candidates.
...And 8 more matches
RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair() - Web APIs
the rtcicetransport method getselectedcandidatepair() returns an rtcicecandidatepair object containing the current best-choice pair of ice candidates describing the configuration of the endpoints of the transport.
... syntax candidatepair = rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); parameters none.
... return value a rtcicecandidatepair object describing the configurations of the currently-selected candidate pair's two endpoints.
...And 7 more matches
RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState - Web APIs
the rtcstatsicecandidatepairstate enumerated type represents the set of string values which are possible for the rtcicecandidatepairstats object's state property.
... this represents the state of this candidate pair within the ice check list for the rtcpeerconnection.
... see ice check lists in rtcicecandidatepairstats.state for further information about how ice check lsits work.
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RTCIceCandidatePairStats.selected - Web APIs
the non-standard, firefox-specific rtcicecandidatepairstats property selected indicates whether or not the candidate pair described by the object is the one currently being used to communicate with the remote peer.
... syntax isselected = icpstats.selected; value a firefox-specific boolean value which is true if the candidate pair described by this object is the one currently in use.
... in any other browser, you can determine the selected candidate pair by looking for a stats object of type transport, which is an rtctransportstats object.
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RTCIceCandidatePair.local - Web APIs
the local property of the rtcicecandidatepair dictionary specifies the rtcicecandidate which describes the configuration of the local end of a viable webrtc connection.
... syntax localcandidate = rtcicecandidatepair.local; value an rtcicecandidate which describes the configuration of the local end of a viable pair of ice candidates.
... the rtcicecandidatepair is returned by the rtcicetransport method getselectedcandidatepair().
...And 3 more matches
RTCIceCandidatePair.remote - Web APIs
the remote property of the rtcicecandidatepair dictionary specifies the rtcicecandidate describing the configuration of the remote end of a viable webrtc connection.
... syntax remotecandidate = rtcicecandidatepair.remote; value an rtcicecandidate which describes the configuration of the remote end of a viable pair of ice candidates.
... the rtcicecandidatepair is returned by the rtcicetransport method getselectedcandidatepair().
...And 3 more matches
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.availableOutgoingBitrate - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property availableoutgoingbitrate returns a value indicative of the available outbound capacity of the network connection represented by the candidate pair.
... syntax availableoutgoingbitrate = rtcicecandidatepairstats.availableoutgoingbitrate; value a floating-point value which approximates the amount of available bandwidth for outgoing data on the network connection described by the rtcicecandidatepair.
... the rtcicecandidatepair described by this object has never been used.
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RTCIceTransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange - Web APIs
the rtcicetransport interface's onselectedcandidatepairchange event handler specifies a function to be called to handle the selectedcandidatepairchange event, which is fired when the ice agent selects a new candidate pair to be used for the connection.
... syntax rtcicetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = candidatepairhandler; value this propoerty should be set to reference an event handler function to be called by the ice agent when it discovers a new candidate pair that the rtcicetransport will be using for communication with the remote peer.
... this event will occur at least once, and may occur more than once if the ice agent continues to identify candidate pairs that will work better, more closely match the requested parameters, and so forth.
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RTCIceCandidatePairStats.nominated - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property nominated specifies whether or not the candidate pair described by the underlying rtcicecandidatepair has been nominated to be used as the configuration for the webrtc connection.
... syntax nominated = rtcicecandidatepairstats.nominated; value a boolean value which is set to true by the ice layer if the controlling user agent has indicated that the candidate pair should be used to configure the webrtc connection between the two peers.
... note: if more than one candidate pair are nominated at the same time, the one whose priority is higher will be selected for use.
...And 2 more matches
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.priority - Web APIs
the obsolete rtcicecandidatepairstats property priority reports the priority of the candidate pair as an integer value.
... the higher the value, the more likely the webrtc layer is to select the candidate pair when the time comes to establish (or re-establish) a connection between the two peers.
... syntax pairpriority = rtcicecandidatepairstats.priority; value an integer value indicating the priority of this pair of candidates as compared to other pairs on the same peer connection.
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RTCIceTransport: selectedcandidatepairchange event - Web APIs
a selectedcandidatepairchange event is sent to an rtcicetransport when the ice agent selects a new pair of candidates that describe the endpoints of a viable connection.
... the pair of candidates is in turn described by an rtcicecandidatepair object which contains one rtcicecandidate representing the local end of the connection, and another representing the remote end of the connection.
... bubbles no cancelable no interface event event handler property onselectedcandidatepairchange examples this example creates an event handler for selectedcandidatepairchange that updates a display providing the user information about the progress of the ice negotiation for an rtcpeerconnection called pc.
...And 2 more matches
name fc_generatekeypair - generate a new public/private key pair syntax ck_rv fc_generatekeypair( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_mechanism_ptr pmechanism, ck_attribute_ptr ppublickeytemplate, ck_ulong uspublickeyattributecount, ck_attribute_ptr pprivatekeytemplate, ck_ulong usprivatekeyattributecount, ck_object_handle_ptr phpublickey, ck_object_handle_ptr phprivatekey ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
... description fc_generatekeypair generates a public/private key pair, creating new key objects.
...a user must log into the token (to assume the nss user role) before calling fc_generatekeypair.
... return value examples see also nsc_generatekeypair ...
CryptoKeyPair - Web APIs
the cryptokeypair dictionary of the web crypto api represents a key pair for an asymmetric cryptography algorithm, also known as a public-key algorithm.
... a cryptokeypair object can be obtained using subtlecrypto.generatekey(), when the selected algorithm is one of the asymmetric algorithms: rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5, rsa-pss, rsa-oaep, ecdsa, or ecdh.
... examples the examples for subtlecrypto methods often use cryptokeypair objects.
... for example: subtlecrypto.generatekey() subtlecrypto.derivekey() subtlecrypto.importkey() subtlecrypto.exportkey() subtlecrypto.wrapkey() subtlecrypto.unwrapkey() subtlecrypto.encrypt() subtlecrypto.decrypt() subtlecrypto.sign() subtlecrypto.verify() specifications specification status comment web cryptography apithe definition of 'cryptokeypair' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePair - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepair dictionary describes a pair of ice candidates which together comprise a description of a viable connection between two webrtc endpoints.
... it is used as the return value from rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair() to identify the currently-selected candidate pair identified by the ice agent.
... example in this example, an event handler for selectedcandidatepairchange is set up to update an on-screen display showing the protocol used by the currently selected candidate pair.
... var icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; var localproto = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); var remoteproto = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = function(event) { var pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotocol.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotocol.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepair' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.availableIncomingBitrate - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property availableincomingbitrate returns a value indicative of the available inbound capacity of the network connection represented by the candidate pair.
... syntax availableincomingbitrate = rtcicecandidatepairstats.availableincomingbitrate; value a floating-point value which approximates the amount of available bandwidth for incoming data on the network connection described by the rtcicecandidatepair.
... the value returned is calculated by adding up the available bit rate for every rtp stream using the connection described by this candidate pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.availableincomingbitrate' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.consentExpiredTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property consentexpiredtimestamp indicates the time at which the most recent stun binding response expired.
... syntax consentexpiration = rtcicecandidatepairstats.consentexpiredtimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object that indicates the time at which the stun binding that allows the two peers described by this rtcicecandidatepair to communicate will expire (or the time at which the binding did expire, if the time has passed).
... this property's value is undefined if there have been no stun binding responses yet on the candidate pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.consentexpiredtimestamp' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.bytesReceived - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property bytesreceived indicates the total number of payload bytes—that is, bytes which aren't overhead such as headers or padding—that hve been received to date on the connection described by the candidate pair.
... syntax received = rtcicecandidatepairstats.bytesreceived; value an integer value indicating the total number of bytes received so far on the connection described by this candidate pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.bytesreceived' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.bytesSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property bytessent indicates the total number of payload bytes—that is, bytes which aren't overhead such as headers or padding—that hve been sent so far on the connection described by the candidate pair.
... syntax sent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.bytessent; value an integer value indicating the total number of bytes sent so far on the connection described by this candidate pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.bytessent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.circuitBreakerTriggerCount - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property circuitbreakertriggercount indicates the number of times the circuit-breaker has been triggered to indicate a connection timeout or other unexpected connection abort on this specific connection configuration.
... syntax cbtcount = rtcicecandidatepairstats.circuitbreakertriggercount; value an integer value indicating the number of times the circuit-breaker has been triggered for the 5-tuple used by this connection.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.circuitbreakertriggercount' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.consentRequestsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property consentrequestssent specifies the number of consent requests that have been sent by this peer to the remote peer on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
... syntax consentrequestssent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.consentrequestssent; value an integer indicating the number of consent requests this peer has sent to the other peer over the connection described by the pair of candidates referenced by this rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.consentrequestssent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.currentRoundTripTime - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property currentroundtriptime is a floating-point value indicating the number of seconds it takes for data to be sent by this peer to the remote peer and back over the connection described by this pair of ice candidates.
... syntax rtt = rtcicecandidatepairstats.currentroundtriptime; value a floating-point value indicating the round-trip time, in seconds for the connection described by the pair of candidates for which this rtcicecandidatepairstats object offers statistics.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.currentroundtriptime' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.firstRequestTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property firstrequesttimestamp specifies the time at which the first stun request was sent on the described candidate pair.
... syntax firstrequesttimestamp = rtcicecandidatepairstats.firstrequesttimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object indicating the timestamp at which the first stun request was sent on the connection described by the described pair of candidates.
... you can use this value in combination with lastrequesttimestamp and requestssent to compute the average interval between consecutive connectivity checks: avgcheckinterval = (candidatepairstats.lastrequesttimestamp - candidatepairstats.firstrequesttimestamp) / candidatepairstats.requestssent; specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.firstrequesttimestamp' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.lastPacketReceivedTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property lastpacketreceivedtimestamp indicates the time at which the connection described by the candidate pair last received a packet.
... syntax lastpacketreceivedtimestamp = rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastpacketreceivedtimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object indicating the timestamp at which the connection described by pair of candidates last received a packet, stun packets excluded.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastpacketreceivedtimestamp' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.lastRequestTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property lastrequesttimestamp indicates the time at which the most recent stun request was sent on the described candidate pair.
... syntax lastrequesttimestamp = rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastrequesttimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object indicating the timestamp at which the last (most recent) stun request was sent on the connection indicated by the described pair of candidates.
... you can use this value in combination with firstrequesttimestamp and requestssent to compute the average interval between consecutive connectivity checks: avgcheckinterval = (candidatepairstats.lastrequesttimestamp - candidatepairstats.firstrequesttimestamp) / candidatepairstats.requestssent; specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastrequesttimestamp' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.packetsReceived - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's packetsreceived property indicates the total number of packets of any kind that have been received on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
... syntax packetsreceived = rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetsreceived; value an integer value indicating the total number of packets, of any kind, which have been received on the connection described by the two candidates comprising this pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetsreceived' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.packetsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's packetssent property indicates the total number of packets which have been sent on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
... syntax packetssent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetssent; value an integer value indicating the total number of packets, of any kind, which have been sent on the connection described by the two candidates comprising this pair.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.packetssent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.remoteCandidateId - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property remotecandidateid is a string that uniquely identifies the remote ice candidate which was analyzed to generate the rtcicecandidatestats used to compute the statistics for this pair of candidates.
... syntax remotecandidateid = rtcicecandidatepairstats.remotecandidateid; value a domstring uniquely identifies the remote ice candidate—that is, the candidate describing a configuration for the remote peer—which is represented by the remote end of these statistics.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.remotecandidateid' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.requestsReceived - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's requestsreceived property indicates the total number of stun connectivity check requests that have been received so far on the connection described by this pairing of candidates.
... syntax requestsreceived = rtcicecandidatepairstats.requestsreceived; value an integer value which specifies the number of stun connectivity and/or consent requests that have been received to date on the connection described by this pair of ice candidates.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.requestsreceived' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.requestsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's requestssent property indicates the total number of stun connectivity check requests that have been sent so far on the connection described by this pair of candidates.
... syntax requestssent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.requestssent; value an integer value which specifies the number of stun connectivity requests that have been sent to date on the connection described by this pair of ice candidates.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.requestssent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.responsesReceived - Web APIs
the responsesreceived property in the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary indicates the total number of stun connectivity check responses that have been received on the connection described by this pair of candidates.
... syntax responsesreceived = rtcicecandidatepairstats.responsesreceived; value an integer value which specifies the number of stun connectivity request responses that have been received on the connection described by this pair of candidates so far.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.responsesreceived' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.responsesSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's responsessent property indicates the total number of stun connectivity check responses that have been sent so far on the connection described by this pair of candidates.
... syntax responsessent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.responsessent; value an integer value indicating the number of times a repsonse has been sent to a stun connectivity check request.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.responsessent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.retransmissionsReceived - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's retransmissionsreceived property indicates the total number of stun connectivity check request retransmissions that have been received so far on the pair of candidates.
... syntax retransmissionsreceived = rtcicecandidatepairstats.retransmissionsreceived; value an integer value indicating the total number of retransmitted stun connectivity check requests have been received on the connection referenced by this candidate pair so far.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.retransmissionsreceived' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.retransmissionsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's retransmissionssent property indicates the total number of stun connectivity check request retransmissions that have been sent so far on the pair of candidates.
... syntax retransmissionssent = rtcicecandidatepairstats.retransmissionssent; value an integer value indicating the total number of retransmitted stun connectivity check requests have been sent on the connection referenced by this candidate pair so far.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.retransmissionssent' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.totalRoundTripTime - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats dictionary's totalroundtriptime property is the total time that has elapsed between sending stun requests and receiving the responses, for all such requests that have been made so far on the pair of candidates described by this rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... syntax totalrtt = rtcicecandidatepairstats.totalroundtriptime; value this floating-point value indicates the total number of seconds which have elapsed between sending out stun connectivity and consent check requests and receiving their responses, for all such requests made so far on the connection described by this candidate pair.
... you can calculate the average round-trip time (rtt) by dividing this value by the value of the responsesreceived property: rtt = rtcicecandidatepairstats.totalroundtriptime / rtcicecandidatepairstats.responsesreceived; specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.totalroundtriptime' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.transportId - Web APIs
the transportid property uniquely identifies the rtcicetransport that was inspected to obtain the transport-related statistics contained in the rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... syntax transportid = rtcicecandidatepairstats.transportid; value a domstring which uniquely identifies the rtcicetransport object from which the transport-related data was obtained for the statistics contained in this rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.transportid' in that specification.
BluetoothDevice.paired - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.paired read-only property returns a boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
... syntax var paired = instanceofbluetoothdevice.paired returns a boolean.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.readable - Web APIs
the obsolete rtcicecandidatepairstats property readable reports whether or not the connection described by the candidate pair has received at least one valid incoming ice request.
... syntax isreadable = rtcicecandidatepairstats.readable; value a boolean value which is true if the connection described by this candidate pair has received at least one valid ice request, and is therefore ready to be read from.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.writable - Web APIs
the obsolete rtcicecandidatepairstats property writable reports whether or not the connection described by the candidate pair is writable.
... syntax iswritable = rtcicecandidatepairstats.writable; value a boolean value which is true if the connection described by this candidate pair has received acknowledgement of receipt (ack) for at least one ice request and that stun consent hasn't expired.
Index - Web APIs
216 authenticatorassertionresponse api, authentication, authenticatorassertionresponse, interface, reference, web authentication api, webauthn the authenticatorassertionresponse interface of the web authentication api is returned by credentialscontainer.get() when a publickeycredential is passed, and provides proof to a service that it has a key pair and that the authentication request is valid and approved.
... 220 authenticatorattestationresponse api, authentication, authenticatorattestationresponse, interface, reference, web authentication api, webauthn the authenticatorattestationresponse interface of the web authentication api is returned by credentialscontainer.create() when a publickeycredential is passed, and provides a cryptographic root of trust for the new key pair that has been generated.
... 223 authenticatorresponse api, authentication, authenticatorresponse, interface, reference, web authentication api, webauthn the authenticatorresponse interface of the web authentication api is the base interface for interfaces that provide a cryptographic root of trust for a key pair.
...And 99 more matches
for example, while nss supports random calculation (creation) of a new public/private key pair, it's difficult to work with such a raw key pair.
... the usual approach is to create a certificate signing request (csr) as soon as an application is done with the creation step, which will have created a handle to the key pair, and which can be used for the necessary related operations, like producing a proof-of-ownership of the private key, which is usually required when submitting the public key with a csr to a ca.
... for example, if you wanted to create your own pair of keys and request a new certificate from a ca, you could use certutil to create an empty database, then use certutil to operate on your database and create a certificate request (which involves creating the desired key pair) and export it to a file, submit the request file to the ca, receive the file from the ca, and import the certificate into your database.
...And 25 more matches
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
just as it is wrong to exclude someone from a physical building because they are in a wheelchair (modern public buildings generally have wheelchair ramps or elevators), it is also not right to exclude someone from a website because they have a visual impairment.
... note: the world health organization's disability and health fact sheet states that "over a billion people, about 15% of the world's population, have some form of disability", and "between 110 million and 190 million adults have significant difficulties in functioning." people with visual impairments people with visual impairments include people with blindness, low-level vision, and color blindness.
... many people with visual impairments use screen magnifiers that are either physical magnifiers or software zoom capabilities.
...And 14 more matches
it can also list, generate, modify, or delete certificates within the database, create or change the password, generate new public and private key pairs, display the contents of the key database, or delete key pairs within the key database. such a case, only the private key is deleted from the key pair.
... -g generate a new public and private key pair within a key database.
...And 10 more matches
NSS tools : certutil
it can specifically list, generate, modify, or delete certificates, create or change the password, generate new public and private key pairs, display the contents of the key database, or delete key pairs within the key database. such a case, only the private key is deleted from the key pair.
... -g generate a new public and private key pair within a key database.
...And 9 more matches
d - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
any subsequent coordinate pair(s) are interpreted as parameter(s) for implicit absolute lineto (l) command(s) (see below).
...any subsequent coordinate pair(s) are interpreted as parameter(s) for implicit relative lineto (l) command(s) (see below).
...any subsequent coordinate pair(s) are interpreted as parameter(s) for implicit absolute lineto (l) command(s).
...And 9 more matches
the dict.jsm javascript code module offers routines for managing dictionaries of key/value pairs.
... to use it, you first need to import the code module into your javascript scope: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/dict.jsm"); creating a dictionary you can create a new, empty dictionary by simply calling the dict() constructor: var newdict = new dict(); if you wish, you may also pass in an object literal of key/value pairs with which to initialize the dictionary: var someobj = {}; var newdict = new dict({key1: "foo", key2: someobj}); note that values may be any javascript object type.
... items iterator returns an iterator over all of the items in the dictionary; each item is returned as a pair (a two-element array) with the first element being the key and the second being the value.
...And 7 more matches
Web Authentication API - Web APIs
similar to the other forms of the credential management api, the web authentication api has two basic methods that correspond to register and login: navigator.credentials.create() - when used with the publickey option, creates new credentials, either for registering a new account or for associating a new asymmetric key pair credentials with an existing account.
...this is a new concept in authentication: when authenticating using passwords, the password is stored in a user's brain and no other device is needed; when authenticating using web authentication, the password is replaced with a key pair that is stored in an authenticator.
... authenticator creates new key pair and attestation - before doing anything, the authenticator will typically ask for some form of user verification.
...And 7 more matches
HTML parser threading
nshtml5parser has one tokenizer/tree builder pair for parsing data from document.write().
...nshtml5streamparser has one tokenizer/tree builder pair for parsing data from the network.
...thus, each tokenizer/tree builder pair sees atoms that are atomic (pointer-comparable) within the tokenizer/tree builder pair.
...And 6 more matches
NSS Tools certutil
it can also list, generate, modify, or delete certificates within the cert8.db file and create or change the password, generate new public and private key pairs, display the contents of the key database, or delete key pairs within the key3.db file.
... -g generate a new public and private key pair within a key database.
...some smart cards (for example, the litronic card) can store only one key pair.
...And 6 more matches
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
cognitive impairment refers to a broad range of disabilities, from people with intellectual disabilities who may have the most-limited capabilities, to age-related issues with thinking and remembering.
... though there is a lot of diversity within clinical definitions of cognitive impairments, people with them experience a common set of functional problems.
...for example, dementia and alzheimer's are permanent cognitive impairments that get progressively worse.
...And 6 more matches
by convention, all certificates making up a single personality should have the same label (that is, a pair of certificates, one for signing and one for key exchange, should have the same label).
...if the token cannot do ckm_rsa_pkcs_gen_keypair, nss uses its software key generation code and writes the private and public keys into the token using c_createobject.
...this is also true for ckm_dsa and ckm_dsa_gen_keypair.
...And 5 more matches
PKCS #11 Module Specs
the file format consists of name/value pairs of the form name=value.
... each name/value pair is separated by a blank value.
... in additions applications/libraries should be able to ignore additional name value pairs which are used to specify configuration for other applications.
...And 5 more matches
Starting WebLock
the nsicategoryservice maintains sets of name-value pairs like the one below.
...each category contains a set of name-value pairs.
... for example, you might have a category named "important people" in which the name-value pairs would be names and phone numbers.
...And 5 more matches
RTCIceTransport - Web APIs
role read only returns a domstring whose value is one of the members of the rtcicerole enumerated type: "controlling" or "controlled"; this indicates whether the ice agent is the one that makes the final decision as to the candidate pair to use or not.
...the value of state can be used to determine whether the ice agent has made an initial connection using a viable candidate pair ("connected"), made its final selection of candidate pairs ("completed"), or in an error state ("failed"), among other states.
... getselectedcandidatepair() returns a rtcicecandidatepair object that identifies the two candidates—one for each end of the connection—that have been selected so far.
...And 5 more matches
RTCIceTransportState - Web APIs
"checking" at least one remote candidate has been received, and the rtcicetransport has begun examining pairings of remote and local candidates in order to attempt to identify viable pairs that could be used to establish a connection.
... "connected" a viable candidate pair has been found and selected, and the rtcicetransport has connected the two peers together using that pair.
... however, there are still candidates pairings to consider, and there may still be gathering underway on one or both of the two devices.
...And 5 more matches
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
submitted with the form as part of a name/value pair.
...submitted with the form as part of a name/value pair.
... warning: automatically focusing a form control can confuse visually-impaired people using screen-reading technology and people with cognitive impairments.
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PKCS11 Implement
typically, nss uses c_createobject for creating a new private key if pkcs #12 is operating or if your writable token doesn't support c_generatekeypair.
...these values must match the equivalent values for related keys and certificates and must be unique among key pairs on a given token.
...ltipurpose tokens c_encrypt c_decrypt ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_rsa_x_509 (ssl 2.0 server only) c_decrypt ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_rsa_x_509 (ssl 2.0 server only) c_decrypt c_sign ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_dsa c_sign ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_dsa c_sign ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_dsa c_sign ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_dsa c_verify ckm_rsa_pkcs ckm_dsa c_verifyrecover ckm_rsa_pkcs c_generatekey c_generatekeypair (if token is read/write)c_generatekeypair (if token is read/write) c_generatekeypair (if token is read/write)c_generatekeypair (if token is read/write) c_wrapkey c_unwrapkey ckm_rsa_pkcs c_unwrapkey ckm_rsa_pkcs c_unwrapkey ckm_rsa_pkcs c_unwrapkey ckm_rsa_pkcs c_generaterandom c_save (when token runs out of sessions) c_restore (when token runs out of sessions) exte...
...And 4 more matches
RTCIceTransport.state - Web APIs
"checking" at least one remote candidate has been received, and the rtcicetransport has begun examining pairings of remote and local candidates in order to attempt to identify viable pairs that could be used to establish a connection.
... "connected" a viable candidate pair has been found and selected, and the rtcicetransport has connected the two peers together using that pair.
... however, there are still candidates pairings to consider, and there may still be gathering underway on one or both of the two devices.
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Attestation and Assertion - Web APIs
attestation when an authenticator registers a new key pair with a service, the authenticator signs the public key with an attestation certificate.
... attestationobject - cryptographic attestation that a newly generated keypair was created by that authenticator.
... implement the fido u2f standard use this format none - browsers may prompt users whether they want a site to be allowed to see their attestation data and/or may remove attestation data from the authenticator's response if the `attestation` parameter in `navigator.credentials.create()` is set to `none` the purpose of attestation is to cryptographically prove that a newly generated key pair came from a specific device.
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itemprop - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
every html element can have an itemprop attribute specified, and an itemprop consists of a name-value pair.
... each name-value pair is called a property, and a group of one or more properties forms an item.
...</div> properties can also be groups of name-value pairs, by putting the itemscope attribute on the element that declares the property.
...And 4 more matches
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
every html element can have an itemprop attribute specified, and an itemprop consists of a name-value pair.
... each name-value pair is called a property, and a group of one or more properties forms an item.
...specifying the itemscope attribute for an element creates a new item, which results in a number of name-value pairs that are associated with the element.
...And 4 more matches
NSS Sample Code Sample1
this program shows the following: rsa key pair generation naming rsa key pairs looking up a previously generated key pair by name creating aes and mac keys (or encryption and mac keys in general) wrapping symmetric keys using your own rsa key pair so that they can be stored on disk or in a database.
... as an alternative to token symmetric keys as a way to store large numbers of symmetric keys wrapping symmetric keys using an rsa key from another server unwrapping keys using your own rsa key pair the main part of the program shows a typical sequence of events for two servers that are trying to extablish a shared key pair.
...the primary host generates an rsa keypair that will be used // store keys locally.
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Python binding for NSS
for simplicity you can receive a block of formatted text but if you need more control, such as when building gui elments you can access a list of "lines", each line is paired with an indentation level value.
... the (indent, text) pairs allow you to insert the item into a gui tree structure or simply change the indentation formatting.
... allow lables and values to be justified when printing objects the following classes were added rsagenparams the following class methods were added nss.nss.certificate.get_extension nss.nss.pk11slot.generate_key_pair nss.nss.dsapublickey.format nss.nss.dsapublickey.format_lines the following module functions were added nss.nss.pub_wrap_sym_key the following internal utilities were added pystring_utf8 secitem_new_alloc() the following class constructors were modified to accept intialization parameters keypqgparams (dsa generation par...
...And 3 more matches
toolkit/components/satchel/public/nsiformhistory.idlscriptable a service which holds a set of name/value pairs.
... methods addentry() adds a name and value pair to the form history.
... void addentry( in astring name, in astring value ); parameters name value entryexists() gets whether a name and value pair exists in the form history.
...And 3 more matches
SubtleCrypto.exportKey() - Web APIs
rypto.subtle.exportkey( "pkcs8", key ); const exportedasstring = ab2str(exported); const exportedasbase64 = window.btoa(exportedasstring); const pemexported = `-----begin private key-----\n${exportedasbase64}\n-----end private key-----`; const exportkeyoutput = document.queryselector(".exported-key"); exportkeyoutput.textcontent = pemexported; } /* generate a sign/verify key pair, then set up an event listener on the "export" button.
... */ window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "rsa-pss", // consider using a 4096-bit key for systems that require long-term security moduluslength: 2048, publicexponent: new uint8array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "sha-256", }, true, ["sign", "verify"] ).then((keypair) => { const exportbutton = document.queryselector(".pkcs8"); exportbutton.addeventlistener("click", () => { exportcryptokey(keypair.privatekey); }); }); subjectpublickeyinfo export this example exports an rsa public encryption key as a pem-encoded subjectpublickeyinfo object.
...pto.subtle.exportkey( "spki", key ); const exportedasstring = ab2str(exported); const exportedasbase64 = window.btoa(exportedasstring); const pemexported = `-----begin public key-----\n${exportedasbase64}\n-----end public key-----`; const exportkeyoutput = document.queryselector(".exported-key"); exportkeyoutput.textcontent = pemexported; } /* generate an encrypt/decrypt key pair, then set up an event listener on the "export" button.
...And 3 more matches
SubtleCrypto.generateKey() - Web APIs
use the generatekey() method of the subtlecrypto interface to generate a new key (for symmetric algorithms) or key pair (for public-key algorithms).
... return value result is a promise that fulfills with a cryptokey (for symmetric algorithms) or a cryptokeypair (for public-key algorithms).
... syntaxerror raised when the result is a cryptokeypair and its privatekey.usages attribute is empty.
...And 3 more matches
WebRTC connectivity - Web APIs
choosing a candidate pair the ice layer selects one of the two peers to serve as the controlling agent.
... this is the ice agent which will make the final decision as to which candidate pair to use for the connection.
... the controlling agent not only takes responsibility for making the final decision as to which candidate pair to use, but also for signaling that selection to the controlled agent by using stun and an updated offer, if necessary.
...And 3 more matches
Map - JavaScript
the map object holds key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys.
... performance performs better in scenarios involving frequent additions and removals of key-value pairs.
... not optimized for frequent additions and removals of key-value pairs.
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SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
91 g1 deprecated, svg, svg attribute the g1 attribute specifies a list of glyph names which identify a set of possible first glyphs in the kerning pair.
... 92 g2 deprecated, svg, svg attribute the g2 attribute specifies a list of glyph names which identify a set of possible second glyphs in the kerning pair.
... 111 k deprecated, svg, svg attribute the k attribute specifies the amount for decreasing the spacing between the two glyphs in a kerning pair.
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querystring - Archive of obsolete content
globals functions stringify(fields, separator, assignment) serializes an object containing name:value pairs into a query string: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }); // => 'foo=bar&baz=4' by default '&' and'=' are used as separator and assignment characters, but you can override this using additional optional parameters: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }, ';', ':'); // => 'foo:bar;baz:4' parameters fields : object the data to convert to a query string.
... separator : string the string to use as a separator between each name:value pair.
... parse(querystring, separator, assignment) parse a query string into an object containing name:value pairs: querystring.parse('foo=bar&baz=bla') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } optionally separator and assignment arguments may be passed to override default '&' and '=' characters: querystring.parse('foo:bar|baz:bla', '|', ':') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } parameters querystring : string the query string.
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Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography - Archive of obsolete content
a dn is a series of name-value pairs, such as uid=doe, that uniquely identify an entity-that is, the certificate subject.
... for example, this might be a typical dn for an employee of example corp: uid=doe,,cn=john doe,o=example corp.,c=us the abbreviations before each equal sign in this example have these meanings: uid: user id e: email address cn: the user's common name o: organization c: country dns may include a variety of other name-value pairs.
...making information about the certificate available to other applications is publishing the certificate and then backing up the key pairs so that the certificate can be recovered if it is lost.
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Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
when we say accessibility in the context of web technology, most people immediately think of making sure websites/apps are usable by people with disabilities, for example: visually impaired people using screen readers or magnification/zoom to access text people with motor function impairments using the keyboard (or other non-mouse features) to activate website functionality.
... people with hearing impairments relying on captions/subtitles or other text alternatives for audio/video content.
... text alternatives text alternatives are very important for accessibility — if a person has a visual or hearing impairment that stops them being able to see or hear some content, then this is a problem.
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NSS tools : modutil
les { unix/ { relativepath{%root%/lib/} absolutepath{/usr/local/netscape/lib/} filepermissions{555} } xplat/instr.html { relativepath{%root%/docs/inst.html} absolutepath{/usr/local/netscape/docs/inst.html} filepermissions{555} } } } irix:6.2:mips { equivalentplatform { sunos:5.5.1:sparc } } } script grammar the script is basic java, allowing lists, key-value pairs, strings, and combinations of all of them.
... --> valuelist valuelist --> value valuelist <null> value ---> key_value_pair string key_value_pair --> key { valuelist } key --> string string --> simple_string "complex_string" simple_string --> [^ \t\n\""{""}"]+ complex_string --> ([^\"\\\r\n]|(\\\")|(\\\\))+ quotes and backslashes must be escaped with a backslash.
...each entry in the list is itself a key-value pair: the key is the name of the platform and the value list contains various attributes of the platform.
...And 2 more matches
NSS tools : modutil
filepermissions{555} } xplat/instr.html { relativepath{%root%/docs/inst.html} absolutepath{/usr/local/netscape/docs/inst.html} filepermissions{555} } } } irix:6.2:mips { equivalentplatform { sunos:5.5.1:sparc } } } script grammar the script is basic java, allowing lists, key-value pairs, strings, and combinations of all of them.
... --> valuelist valuelist --> value valuelist <null> value ---> key_value_pair string key_value_pair --> key { valuelist } key --> string string --> simple_string "complex_string" simple_string --> [^ \t\n\""{""}"]+ complex_string --> ([^\"\\\r\n]|(\\\")|(\\\\))+ quotes and backslashes must be escaped with a backslash.
...each entry in the list is itself a key-value pair: the key is the name of the platform and the value list contains various attributes of the platform.
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WebIDL bindings
r, errorresult& rv); void dosomethingelse(myclass& aotherinstance, errorresult& rv); void dotheother(jscontext* cx, js::value asomething); void doyetanotherthing(bool aactuallydoit); static void staticoperation(const globalobject& aglobal, js::value asomething); } c++ reflections of webidl attributes a webidl attribute is turned into a pair of method calls for the getter and setter on the underlying c++ object.
... iterable interfaces have different requirements, based on if they are single or pair value iterators.
... example interface for a pair value iterator: interface stringandlongiterable { iterable<domstring, long>; }; the bindings for this pair value iterator interface require the following methods be implemented in the c++ object: class stringandlongiterable { public: // returns the number of items in the iterable storage size_t getiterablelength(); // returns key of pair at aindex in iterable storage nsastring& getke...
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SubtleCrypto.deriveKey() - Web APIs
it enables two people who each have an ecdh public/private key pair to generate a shared secret: that is, a secret that they — and noone else — share.
... ecdh in this example alice and bob each generate an ecdh key pair, then exchange public keys.
...e an aes key, given: - our ecdh private key - their ecdh public key */ function derivesecretkey(privatekey, publickey) { return window.crypto.subtle.derivekey( { name: "ecdh", public: publickey }, privatekey, { name: "aes-gcm", length: 256 }, false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"] ); } async function agreesharedsecretkey() { // generate 2 ecdh key pairs: one for alice and one for bob // in more normal usage, they would generate their key pairs // separately and exchange public keys securely let aliceskeypair = await window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "ecdh", namedcurve: "p-384" }, false, ["derivekey"] ); let bobskeypair = await window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "ecdh", namedc...
...And 2 more matches
SubtleCrypto.wrapKey() - Web APIs
tion key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(12)); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "pkcs8", keytowrap, wrappingkey, { name: "aes-gcm", iv: iv } ); } /* generate a sign/verify key pair, then wrap the private key.
... */ window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "rsa-pss", // consider using a 4096-bit key for systems that require long-term security moduluslength: 2048, publicexponent: new uint8array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "sha-256", }, true, ["sign", "verify"] ) .then((keypair) => { return wrapcryptokey(keypair.privatekey); }) .then((wrappedkey) => { console.log(wrappedkey); }); subjectpublickeyinfo wrap this example wraps an rsa public encryption key.
... key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "spki", keytowrap, wrappingkey, { name: "aes-cbc", iv: iv } ); } /* generate an encrypt/decrypt key pair, then wrap it.
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URLSearchParams - Web APIs
methods urlsearchparams.append() appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter.
... urlsearchparams.entries() returns an iterator allowing iteration through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... urlsearchparams.keys() returns an iterator allowing iteration through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
...And 2 more matches
Signing an XPI - Archive of obsolete content
certificate common name: xpi test organization: tjworld organization unit: software state or province: nottingham country (must be exactly 2 characters): gb username: tj email address: generated public/private key pair certificate request generated certificate has been signed certificate "mytestcert" added to database exported certificate to x509.raw and x509.cacert.
...later, you must use the same browser when installing the new certificate because the key and certificate pair must be together.
...when the key/certificate pair is imported from mozilla firefox afterwards, the private key will be added but the certificate name will remain the same.
... object signing certificates --------------------------------------- mytestcert issued by: mytestcert (xpi test) expires: tue mar 14, 2006 code signing (certum) issued by: certum level iii ca (certum level iii ca) expires: tue mar 14, 2006 --------------------------------------- for a list including ca's, use "signtool -l" now you must export the new key/certificate pair from the mozilla firefox certificate database and into the nss certificate database.
Installing plugins to Gecko embedding browsers on Windows - Archive of obsolete content
hkey_local_machine\software\mozilla\netscape 6 6.1\extensions\ access the plugins value and value-data pair, e.g: plugins = c:\program files\netscape\netscape 6\plugins.
... you also have the components value and value-data pair; this is for xpcom components. can access the components value and value-data pair (telling you where the components directory is) in a similar manner, e.g.: components=c:\program files\netscape\netscape 6\components.
...hkey_local_machine\software\mozilla\netscape 6 6.1\bin\ access the pathtoexe value and value-data pair, e.g: pathtoexe=c:\program files\netscape\netscape 6\netscp6.exe you now have information about the location of the exe on windows for gecko embedding browsers.
Anonymous Content - Archive of obsolete content
<xbl:binding id="fileuploadcontrol"> <xbl:content> <html:input type="text" xbl:inherits="value"/> <html:input type="button" value="browse..."/> </xbl:content> </xbl:binding> each entry in the inherits list can either simply list an attribute (such as value in the example above), or it can specify an = separated pair consisting of the attribute on the anonymous content that should be tied to the attribute on the bound element.
... the special value xbl:text can be used in an = separated pair, where the prefix defined is the xbl namespace.
... when specified on the left-hand side of the pair it indicates that the attribute on the right-hand side should be stored as text nodes underneath the anonymous element. may be used only in an = separated pair.
Sending form data - Learn web development
the names and values of the non-file form controls are sent to the server as name=value pairs joined with ampersands.
... the data is appended to the url as a series of name/value pairs.
... after the url web address has ended, we include a question mark (?) followed by the name/value pairs, each one separated by an ampersand (&).
... on the server side: retrieving the data whichever http method you choose, the server receives a string that will be parsed in order to get the data as a list of key/value pairs.
Sending forms through JavaScript - Learn web development
form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) is made of url-encoded lists of key/value pairs.
... let's look at an example: <button>click me!</button> and now the javascript: const btn = document.queryselector('button'); function senddata( data ) { console.log( 'sending data' ); const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); let urlencodeddata = "", urlencodeddatapairs = [], name; // turn the data object into an array of url-encoded key/value pairs.
... for( name in data ) { urlencodeddatapairs.push( encodeuricomponent( name ) + '=' + encodeuricomponent( data[name] ) ); } // combine the pairs into a single string and replace all %-encoded spaces to // the '+' character; matches the behaviour of browser form submissions.
... urlencodeddata = urlencodeddatapairs.join( '&' ).replace( /%20/g, '+' ); // define what happens on successful data submission xhr.addeventlistener( 'load', function(event) { alert( 'yeah!
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
previous overview: tables next in the second article in this module, we look at some more advanced features of html tables — such as captions/summaries and grouping your rows into table head, body and footer sections — as well as looking at the accessibility of tables for visually impaired users.
...</table> </td> <td>cell2</td> <td>cell3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>cell4</td> <td>cell5</td> <td>cell6</td> </tr> </table> the output of which looks something like this: title1 title2 title3 cell1 cell2 cell3 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell5 cell6 tables for visually impaired users let's recap briefly on how we use data tables.
...visually impaired people often use a screenreader that reads out information on web pages to them.
... note: there are around 253 million people living with visual impairment according to who data in 2017.
Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
(p1) na this relates to multimedia players 2.7 repair missing content.
... (p2) p no alt repair strategies in place.
... 2.8 no repair text.
... (p3) p we have no repair strategy in 2.7 we have no way to configure that alt="" still needs to be repaired 2.9 render conditional content automatically.
IPDL Tutorial
struct namevaluepair { nscstring name; nscstring value; }; in implementation code, these structs can be created and used like so: namevaluepair entry(astring, anotherstring); foo(, entry.value()); // named accessor functions return references to the members arrays ipdl has simple syntax for arrays: invokemethod(nscstring[] args); in c++ this is translated into a nstarray reference: virtual bo...
...}; subprotocol actor lifetime allocpprotocol and deallocpprotocol are a matched pair of functions. this case, the alloc/dealloc pairs can perform different actions.
... given the simple protocols: // --- pexample.ipdl include protocol psubexample; async protocol pexample { manages psubexample; parent: async pchild(); }; // --- psubexample.ipdl include protocol pexample; async protocol psubexample { manager pexample; child: async __delete__(); }; we assume that there is a psubexampleparent/child pair in existence, such that some element now wishes to trigger the protocol's deletion from the parent side.
Localization and Plurals
# see: # #1 number of files # example: 111 files - downloads downloadstitlefiles=#1 file - downloads;#1 files - downloads # localization note (timepair): #1 time number; #2 time unit # example: 1 second; 11 seconds timepair=#1 #2 seconds=second;seconds minutes=minute;minutes hours=hour;hours downloads.js: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/pluralform.jsm"); let getstr = function(string) document.getelementbyid("strings").getstring(string); // get the correct plural form for the title let numdownloads = 3; let title = pluralform.
...get(numdownloads, getstr("downloadstitlefiles")); // put in the correct number of downloads print(title.replace("#1", numdownloads)); // get the correct plural form of seconds let timeleft = 55; let seconds = pluralform.get(timeleft, getstr("seconds")); // print the localized string for "55 seconds" print(getstr("timepair").replace("#1", timeleft).replace("#2", seconds)); method: makegetter if you're writing an extension, you'll want to use makegetter instead of pluralform.get() or pluralform.numforms().
...for example, your extension localized for english with plural rule #1, which expects 2 plural forms, is installed on a localized version of firefox with plural rule #4, which expects 3 forms: /** * create a pair of plural form functions for the given plural rule number.
... * * @param arulenum * the plural rule number to create functions * @return a pair: [function that gets the right plural form, * function that returns the number of plural forms] */ [string pluralform get(int anum, string awords), int numforms numforms()] makegetter(int arulenum) here is an example usage of makegetter: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/pluralform.jsm"); // let's get irish (plural rule #11) let [get, numforms] = pluralform.makegetter(11); // make up some values to use with "get" let dummytext = "form 1;form 2;form 3;form 4;form 5"; let dummynum = 10; // in the case of irish, the value 10 uses plural form #4, so "form 4" is printed print(get(dummynum, dummytext)); in this example, the irish plural rule was hardcoded, but this cou...
JSS Provider Notes
the following example shows how you can specify which token is used for various jca operations: // lookup pkcs #11 tokens cryptomanager manager = cryptomanager.getinstance(); cryptotoken tokena = manager.gettokenbyname("tokena"); cryptotoken tokenb = manager.gettokenbyname("tokenb"); // create an rsa keypairgenerator using tokena manager.setthreadtoken(tokena); keypairgenerator rsakpg = keypairgenerator.getinstance("rsa", "mozilla-jss"); // create a dsa keypairgenerator using tokenb manager.setthreadtoken(tokenb); keypairgenerator dsakpg = keypairgenerator.getinstance("dsa", "mozilla-jss"); // generate an rsa keypair.
...rsakpg.initialize(1024); keypair rsapair = rsakpg.generatekeypair(); // generate a dsa keypair.
...dsakpg.initialize(1024); keypair dsapair = dsakpg.generatekeypair(); supported classes cipher dsaprivatekey dsapublickey keyfactory keygenerator keypairgenerator mac messagedigest rsaprivatekey rsapublickey secretkeyfactory secretkey securerandom signature what's not supported the following classes don't work very well: keystore: there are many serious problems mapping the jca keystore interface onto nss's model of pkcs #11 modules.
... keypairgenerator supported algorithms notes dsa rsa the securerandom argument passed to initialize() is ignored, because nss does not support specifying an external source of randomness.
Mozilla-JSS JCA Provider notes
the following example shows how you can specify which token is used for various jca operations: // lookup pkcs #11 tokens cryptomanager manager = cryptomanager.getinstance(); cryptotoken tokena = manager.gettokenbyname("tokena"); cryptotoken tokenb = manager.gettokenbyname("tokenb"); // create an rsa keypairgenerator using tokena manager.setthreadtoken(tokena); keypairgenerator rsakpg = keypairgenerator.getinstance("mozilla-jss", "rsa"); // create a dsa keypairgenerator using tokenb manager.setthreadtoken(tokenb); keypairgenerator dsakpg = keypairgenerator.getinstance("mozilla-jss", "dsa"); // generate an rsa keypair.
...rsakpg.initialize(1024); keypair rsapair = rsakpg.generatekeypair(); // generate a dsa keypair.
...dsakpg.initialize(1024); keypair dsapair = dsakpg.generatekeypair(); supported classes cipher dsaprivatekey dsapublickey keyfactory keygenerator keypairgenerator mac messagedigest rsaprivatekey rsapublickey secretkeyfactory secretkey securerandom signature cipher supported algorithms notes aes des desede (des3) rc2 rc4 rsa the following modes and padding schemes are supported: algorithm mode padding des ecb nopadding cbc nopadding pkcs5 padding desede des3 ecb nopadding cbc ...
... keypairgenerator supported algorithms notes dsa rsa the securerandom argument passed to initialize() is ignored, because nss does not support specifying an external source of randomness.
Enc Dec MAC Output Public Key as CSR
_base (-0x2000) #define port_errortostring(err) pr_errortostring((err), pr_language_i_default) #endif #endif /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -s -r -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'g' for generating rsa keypair for wrapping\n\n", "g"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'e' for encrypt operation\n\n", "e"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'd' for decrypt operation\n\n", "d"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db password [optional]\n\n", "-p "); fprintf(stderr, ...
... secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "error while generating the random numbers : %s\n", port_errortostring(rv)); goto cleanup; } pk11_randomupdate(randbuf, blocksize); switch (keytype) { case rsakey: rsaparams.keysizeinbits = size; = publicexponent; mechanism = ckm_rsa_pkcs_key_pair_gen; algtag = sec_oid_pkcs1_md5_with_rsa_encryption; params = &rsaparams; break; default: goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "generating key.
... this may take a few moments...\n\n"); privkey = pk11_generatekeypair(slot, mechanism, params, pubkeyp, pr_true /*isperm*/, pr_true /*issensitive*/, pwdata); cleanup: return privkey; } /* * extract the public key request from csr */ seckeypublickey * extractpublickeyfromcertrequest(const char *infilename, prbool ascii) { certsigneddata signeddata; secitem reqder; certcertificaterequest *certreq = null; secstatus rv = secsuccess; prarenapool *arena = null; seckeypublickey *publickey = null; arena = port_newarena(der_default_chunksize); if (arena == null) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } rv = readderfromfile(&re...
... ascii, certreqfilename); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to create certificate request\n"); } cleanup: if (privkey) { seckey_destroyprivatekey(privkey); } if (pubkey) { seckey_destroypublickey(pubkey); } return rv; } /* * this example illustrates basic encryption/decryption and macing * generates the rsa key pair as token object and outputs public key as cert request.
nss tech note7
the strength of an rsa key pair is measured by the size of its modulus because given the modulus and public exponent, the best known algorithm for computing the private exponent is to factor the modulus.
... rsa key pairs may be generated inside a crypto module (also known as a token).
... use pk11_generatekeypair() to generate a key pair in a crypto module.
... key pairs may be generated elsewhere, exported in encrypted form, and imported into a crypto module.
NSS Tools modutil
xplat/instr.html { relativepath{%root%/docs/inst.html} absolutepath{/usr/local/netscape/docs/inst.html} filepermissions{555} } } } irix:6.2:mips { equivalentplatform { sunos:5.5.1:sparc } }} script grammar the script file grammar is as follows: --> valuelistvaluelist --> value valuelist <null>value ---> key_value_pair stringkey_value_pair --> key { valuelist }key --> stringstring --> simple_string "complex_string"simple_string --> [^ \t\n\""{""}"]+ (no whitespace, quotes, or braces.)complex_string --> ([^\"\\\r\n]|(\\\")|(\\\\))+ (quotes andbackslashes must be escaped with a backslash.
...each entry in the list is itself a key-value pair: the key is the name of the platform and the value list contains various attributes of the platform.
...each entry in the file list is a key-value pair: the key is the path of the file in the jar archive, and the value list contains attributes of the file.
...this key-value pair is a bitstring specified in hexadecimal (0x) format.
extensions/xml-rpc/idl/nsidictionary.idlscriptable a simple mutable table of objects, maintained as key/value pairs.
...setvalue() add the key-value pair to the dictionary.
... nsisupports deletevalue( in string key ); parameters key the key indicating the pair to be removed.
...clear() delete all key-value pairs from the dictionary.
Cache.put() - Web APIs
the put() method of the cache interface allows key/value pairs to be added to the current cache object.
... fetch(url).then(function(response) { if (!response.ok) { throw new typeerror('bad response status'); } return cache.put(url, response); }) note: put() will overwrite any key/value pair previously stored in the cache that matches the request.
... note: cache.add/cache.addall do not cache responses with response.status values that are not in the 200 range, whereas cache.put lets you store any request/response pair.
... syntax cache.put(request, response).then(function() { // request/response pair has been added to the cache }); parameters request the request object or url that you want to add to the cache.
FormData - Web APIs
the formdata interface provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the xmlhttprequest.send() method.
... formdata.delete() deletes a key/value pair from a formdata object.
... formdata.entries() returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... formdata.keys() returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
Headers - Web APIs
a headers object has an associated header list, which is initially empty and consists of zero or more name and value pairs.
... headers.entries() returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... headers.keys() returns an iterator allowing you to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
... headers.values() returns an iterator allowing you to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
RTCIceCandidateStats.localCandidateId - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property localcandidateid is a string that uniquely identifies the local ice candidate which was analyzed to generate the rtcicecandidatestats used to compute the statistics for this pair of candidates.
... syntax localcandidateid = rtcicecandidatepairstats.localcandidateid; value a domstring giving a unique identifier for the local rtcicecandidate for the connection described by this rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... this candidate is the source of one of the two rtcicecandidatestats objects that were used to compute the contents of this rtcicecandidatepairstats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.localcandidateid' in that specification.
RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState - Web APIs
"checking" the ice agent has been given one or more remote candidates and is checking pairs of local and remote candidates against one another to try to find a compatible match, but has not yet found a pair which will allow the peer connection to be made.
... "connected" a usable pairing of local and remote candidates has been found for all components of the connection, and the connection has been established.
... "completed" the ice agent has finished gathering candidates, has checked all pairs against one another, and has found a connection for all components.
... "failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
"checking" the ice agent has been given one or more remote candidates and is checking pairs of local and remote candidates against one another to try to find a compatible match, but has not yet found a pair which will allow the peer connection to be made.
... "connected" a usable pairing of local and remote candidates has been found for all components of the connection, and the connection has been established.
... "completed" the ice agent has finished gathering candidates, has checked all pairs against one another, and has found a connection for all components.
... "failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.localId - Web APIs
usage notes you can think of the local and remote views of the same rtp stream as pairs, each of which has a reference back to the other one.
... example in this example, we have a pair of functions: the first, networkteststart(), captures an initial report, and the second, networkteststop(), captures a second report, then uses the two reports to output some information about the network conditions...
... finding paired statistics each statistics record of type remote-outbound-rtp (describing a remote peer's statistics about sending data to the local peer) has a corresponding record of type inbound-rtp which describes the local peer's perspective on the same data being moved between the two peers.
... let's create a utility function to help us look up the value of a key in the paired statistics object.
SubtleCrypto.deriveBits() - Web APIs
ecdh in this example alice and bob each generate an ecdh key pair.
... = new uint8array(sharedsecret, 0, 5); const sharedsecretvalue = document.queryselector(".ecdh .derived-bits-value"); sharedsecretvalue.classlist.add("fade-in"); sharedsecretvalue.addeventlistener("animationend", () => { sharedsecretvalue.classlist.remove("fade-in"); }); sharedsecretvalue.textcontent = `${buffer}...[${sharedsecret.bytelength} bytes total]`; } // generate 2 ecdh key pairs: one for alice and one for bob // in more normal usage, they would generate their key pairs // separately and exchange public keys securely const generatealiceskeypair = window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "ecdh", namedcurve: "p-384" }, false, ["derivebits"] ); const generatebobskeypair = window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "ecdh", namedcurve: "p-384" }, ...
... false, ["derivebits"] ); promise.all([generatealiceskeypair, generatebobskeypair]).then(values => { const aliceskeypair = values[0]; const bobskeypair = values[1]; const derivebitsbutton = document.queryselector(".ecdh .derive-bits-button"); derivebitsbutton.addeventlistener("click", () => { // alice then generates a secret using her private key and bob's public key.
... derivesharedsecret(aliceskeypair.privatekey, bobskeypair.publickey); }); }); pbkdf2 in this example we ask the user for a password, then use it to derive some bits using pbkdf2.
USB.getDevices() - Web APIs
the getdevices method of the usb interface returns a promise that resolves with an array of usbdevice objects for paired attached devices.
... for information on pairing devices, see usb.requestdevice().
... example the following example logs the product name and serial number of paired devices to the console.
... for information on pairing devices, see usb.requestdevice().
USB - Web APIs
event handlers usb.onconnect an event handler called whenever a previously paired device is connected.
... usb.ondisconnect an event handler called whenever a paired device is disconnected.
... methods usb.getdevices() returns a promise that resolves with an array of usbdevice objects for paired attached devices.
...calling this function triggers the user agent's pairing flow.
USBDevice - Web APIs
the usbdevice interface of the the webusb api provides access to metadata about a paired usb device and methods for controlling it.
... properties usbdevice.configuration read only a usbconfiguration object for the currently selected interface for a paired usb device.
... usbdevice.configurations read only an array of device-specific interfaces for controlling a paired usb device.
... usbdevice.opened read only indicates whether a session has been started with a paired usb device.
Syntax - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a property and value pair is called a declaration, and any css engine calculates which declarations apply to every single element of a page in order to appropriately lay it out, and to style it.
...the pair is separated by a colon, ':' (u+003a colon), and white spaces before, between, and after properties and values, but not necessarily inside, are ignored.
...not all pairs of properties and values are allowed and each property defines what are the valid values.
... a statement is a building block that begins with any non-space characters and ends at the first closing brace or semi-colon (outside a string, non-escaped and not included into another {}, () or [] pair).
align-content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
... the empty space before the first and after the last item equals half of the space between each pair of adjacent items.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items, the start edge and the first item, and the end edge and the last item, are all exactly the same.
justify-content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
... the empty space before the first and after the last item equals half of the space between each pair of adjacent items.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items, the main-start edge and the first item, and the main-end edge and the last item, are all exactly the same.
place-content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same.
... the empty space before the first and after the last item equals half of the space between each pair of adjacent items.
...the spacing between each pair of adjacent items, the main-start edge and the first item, and the main-end edge and the last item, are all exactly the same.
<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this value must specify a year-month pairing later than or equal to the one specified by the min attribute.
... this value must be a year-month pairing which is earlier than or equal to the one specified by the max attribute.
...the first is a native month input, and the other is a pair of <select> elements that allow choosing a month and year independently, for compatibility with browsers that don't yet support <input type="month">.
...on>november</option> <option>december</option> </select> </span> <span> <label for="year">year:</label> <select id="year" name="year"> </select> </span> </div> </div> </form> the <div> with the id nativedatepicker uses the month input type to request the month and year, while the <div> with the id fallbackdatepicker instead uses a pair of <select> elements.
Microdata - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
microdata uses a supporting vocabulary to describe an item and name-value pairs to assign values to its properties.
... at a high level, microdata consists of a group of name-value pairs.
... the groups are called items, and each name-value pair is a property.
...every html element may have an itemprop attribute specified, where an itemprop consists of a name and value pair.
Object.entries() - JavaScript
the object.entries() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs, in the same order as that provided by a loop.
... syntax object.entries(obj) parameters obj the object whose own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs are to be returned.
... return value an array of the given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs.
... description object.entries() returns an array whose elements are arrays corresponding to the enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs found directly upon object.
String.prototype.charAt() - JavaScript
fff) if (i === 0) { throw 'low surrogate without preceding high surrogate'; } var prev = str.charcodeat(i - 1); // (could change last hex to 0xdb7f to treat high private // surrogates as single characters) if (0xd800 > prev || prev > 0xdbff) { throw 'low surrogate without preceding high surrogate'; } // we can pass over low surrogates now as the second component // in a pair which we have already processed return false; } in an ecmascript 2016 environment which allows destructured assignment, the following is a more succinct and somewhat more flexible alternative in that it does increment for an incrementing variable automatically (if the character warrants it in being a surrogate pair).
... let str = 'a\ud87e\udc04z' // we could also use a non-bmp character directly for (let i = 0, chr; i < str.length; i++) { [chr, i] = getwholecharandi(str, i) // adapt this line at the top of each loop, passing in the whole string and // the current iteration and returning an array with the individual character // and 'i' value (only changed if a surrogate pair) console.log(chr) } function getwholecharandi(str, i) { let code = str.charcodeat(i) if (number.isnan(code)) { return '' // position not found } if (code < 0xd800 || code > 0xdfff) { return [str.charat(i), i] // normal character, keeping 'i' the same } // high surrogate (could change last hex to 0xdb7f to treat high private // surrogates as single characters) if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff...
...increment) return [str.charat(i + 1), i + 1] } fixing charat() to support non-basic-multilingual-plane (bmp) characters while the previous example may be more useful for programs that must support non-bmp characters (since it does not require the caller to know where any non-bmp character might appear), in the event that one does wish, in choosing a character by index, to treat the surrogate pairs within a string as the single characters they represent, one can use the following: function fixedcharat(str, idx) { let ret = '' str += '' let end = str.length let surrogatepairs = /[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]/g while ((surrogatepairs.exec(str)) != null) { let lastidx = surrogatepairs.lastindex if (lastidx - 2 < idx) { idx++ } else { break } } if ...
...(idx >= end || idx < 0) { return '' } ret += str.charat(idx) if (/[\ud800-\udbff]/.test(ret) && /[\udc00-\udfff]/.test(str.charat(idx + 1))) { // go one further, since one of the "characters" is part of a surrogate pair ret += str.charat(idx + 1) } return ret } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.prototype.charat' in that specification.
String.prototype.charCodeAt() - JavaScript
if the unicode code point cannot be represented in a single utf-16 code unit (because its value is greater than 0xffff) then the code unit returned will be the first part of a surrogate pair for the code point.
...this is because the higher code points are represented by a pair of (lower valued) "surrogate" pseudo-characters which are used to comprise the real character.
...ation return false; // hi = str.charcodeat(idx - 1); // low = code; // return ((hi - 0xd800) * 0x400) + // (low - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; } return code; } fixing charcodeat() to handle non-basic-multilingual-plane characters if their presence earlier in the string is known function knowncharcodeat(str, idx) { str += ''; var code, end = str.length; var surrogatepairs = /[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]/g; while ((surrogatepairs.exec(str)) != null) { var li = surrogatepairs.lastindex; if (li - 2 < idx) { idx++; } else { break; } } if (idx >= end || idx < 0) { return nan; } code = str.charcodeat(idx); var hi, low; if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff) { hi = code; low = str.charcodeat(idx + 1); // ...
...go one further, since one of the "characters" // is part of a surrogate pair return ((hi - 0xd800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; } return code; } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.prototype.charcodeat' in that specification.
String.fromCharCode() - JavaScript
a valid combination of two surrogates used to represent a supplementary character is known as a surrogate pair.
... because fromcharcode() only works with 16-bit values (same as the \u escape sequence), a surrogate pair is required in order to return a supplementary character.
...0x1f303) and both surrogate values that represent it (e.g., 0xd83c and 0xdf03), it does require an extra step to either calculate or look up the surrogate pair values every time a supplementary code point is to be used.
...a surrogate pair): string.fromcharcode(0xd83c, 0xdf03); // code point u+1f303 "night with string.fromcharcode(55356, 57091); // stars" == "\ud83c\udf03" string.fromcharcode(0xd834, 0xdf06, 0x61, 0xd834, 0xdf07); // "\ud834\udf06a\ud834\udf07" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.fromcharcode' in that specification.
request - Archive of obsolete content
headers object an unordered collection of name/value pairs representing headers to send with the request.
...if content is an object, it should be a collection of name/value pairs.
... headers the http response headers represented as key/value pairs.
ui/button/action - Archive of obsolete content
you can specify this in one of three ways: as a resource:// url pointing at an icon file in your add-on's "data" directory, typically constructed using as a relative path: a string in the form "./iconfile", where "iconfile" is a relative path to the icon file beginning in your add-on's "data" directory as an object, or dictionary of key-value pairs.
...each key-value pair specifies an icon: each value specifies an image file as a resource:// url or relative path.
... icon the button's icon or icons, as a url, relative path, or object containing a set of key-value pairs.
ui/button/toggle - Archive of obsolete content
you can specify this in one of three ways: as a resource:// url pointing at an icon file in your add-on's "data" directory, typically constructed using as a relative path: a string in the form "./iconfile", where "iconfile" is a relative path to the icon file beginning in your add-on's "data" directory as an object, or dictionary of key-value pairs.
...each key-value pair specifies an icon: each value specifies an image file as a resource:// url or relative path.
... icon the button's icon or icons, as a url, relative path, or object containing a set of key-value pairs.
Editor Embedding Guide - Archive of obsolete content
setbooleanvalue setlongvalue setdoublevalue setstringvalue setcstringvalue setisupportsvalue removevalue each will take a name value pair.
... commandparam->setcstringvalue("state_attribute","left"); reading for reading you may go after individual name/value pairs you know are there or you may iterate through all the name/value pairs and programatically pull off data.
... first getnext (returns the next name in the name/value pair list) hasmoreelements getvaluetype (numeric enum type see nsicommandparams for values) if the name/value pair is known or it was obtained using the methods described above, it is possible to call the following methods: getbooleanvalue getlongvalue getdoublevalue getstringvalue getcstringvalue getisupportsvalue all of these take pointers to values except for getstringvalue which demands a reference to an nsastring.
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
your design might look cool, but it is no good if people with visual impairments like color blindness can't read your content.
...a visually impaired user might want to make the text bigger on all websites they visit, or a user with severe color deficiency might want to put all websites in high contrast colors that are easy for them to see.
... complex functionality like 3d games are not so easy to make accessible — a complex 3d game created using webgl will be rendered on a <canvas> element, which has no facility at this time to provide text alternatives or other information for severely visually impaired users to make use of.
How CSS is structured - Learn web development
when a property is paired with a value, this pairing is called a css declaration.
... finally, css declaration blocks are paired with selectors to produce css rulesets (or css rules).
...the property and value in each pair is separated by a colon.
How can we design for all types of users? - Learn web development
make it extra easy to read the text, to help visually-impaired people and people using their phones on the street.
... for instance, let's test the colors on this page and see how we fare in the colour contrast analyser: the luminosity contrast ratio between text and background is 8.30:1, which exceeds the minimum standard (4.5:1) and should enable many visually-impaired people to read this page.
...for example, visually impaired users rely on a screen reader, which can only handle text.
HTML table basics - Learn web development
when done correctly, even blind people can interpret tabular data in an html table — a successful html table should enhance the experience of sighted and visually impaired users alike.
...the main reasons are as follows: layout tables reduce accessibility for visually impaired users: screenreaders, used by blind people, interpret the tags that exist in an html page and read out the contents to the user. the next article we will look at some slightly more advanced table features, and start to think how accessible they are for visually impaired people.
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
hearing impaired we must also consider the increasing numbers of aging baby boomers that are beginning to experience problems with their sight, vision or dexterity.
...alternative ways to access the screen's contents most computer programs are so visual, they are difficult or impossible to use for persons with visual impairments.
...talking programs are also useful for print disabilities other than visual impairments, such as dyslexia.
Mozilla Style System Documentation
in the layout system, these formatting objects are described as frames (interface nsiframe), although a pair of frames represents table formatting objects.
... style contexts and the rule tree when the style system creates a style context, it walks through the style sheets (interface nsistylesheet) attached to a document in the order defined by the css cascade and finds the style rules (interface nsistylerule) thatmatch the content node or content node + pseudo-element pair.
...(in css,declarations are the property-value pairs within style rules.
An overview of NSS Internals
for example, while nss supports random calculation (creation) of a new public/private key pair, it's difficult to work with such a raw key pair.
... the usual approach is to create a certificate signing request (csr) as soon as an application is done with the creation step, which will have created a handle to the key pair, and which can be used for the necessary related operations, like producing a proof-of-ownership of the private key, which is usually required when submitting the public key with a csr to a ca.
... for example, if you wanted to create your own pair of keys and request a new certificate from a ca, you could use certutil to create an empty database, then use certutil to operate on your database and create a certificate request (which involves creating the desired key pair) and export it to a file, submit the request file to the ca, receive the file from the ca, and import the certificate into your database.
NSS 3.30 release notes
in ssl.h ssl_alertreceivedcallback - register a callback function, that will be called whenever an ssl/tls alert is received ssl_alertsentcallback - register a callback function, that will be called whenever an ssl/tls alert is sent ssl_setsessionticketkeypair - configures an asymmetric key pair, for use in wrapping session ticket keys, used by the server.
... this function currently only accepts an rsa public/private key pair.
... rsa-pss signatures produced by key pairs with a modulus bit length that is not a multiple of 8 are now supported.
Enc Dec MAC Using Key Wrap CertReq PKCS10 CSR
s) { fprintf(stderr, "error while generating the random numbers : %s\n", port_errortostring(rv)); goto cleanup; } pk11_randomupdate(randbuf, blocksize); switch (keytype) { case rsakey: rsaparams.keysizeinbits = size; = publicexponent; mechanism = ckm_rsa_pkcs_key_pair_gen; algtag = sec_oid_pkcs1_md5_with_rsa_encryption; params = &rsaparams; break; default: goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "generating key.
... this may take a few moments...\n\n"); privkey = pk11_generatekeypair(slot, mechanism, params, pubkeyp, pr_true /*isperm*/, pr_true /*issensitive*/, pwdata); cleanup: return privkey; } /* * get the certificate request from csr */ static certcertificaterequest * getcertrequest(char *infilename, prbool ascii) { certsigneddata signeddata; secitem reqder; certcertificaterequest *certreq = null; secstatus rv = secsuccess; prarenapool *arena = null; = null; arena = port_newarena(der_default_chunksize); if (arena == null) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } rv = readderfromfile(&reqder, infil...
...c) { switch (c) { case 'g': return generate_csr; case 'a': return add_cert_to_db; case 'h': return save_cert_to_header; case 'e': return encrypt; case 'd': return decrypt; case 's': return sign; case 'v': return verify; default: return unknown; } } /* * this example illustrates basic encryption/decryption and macing * generates the rsa key pair as token object and outputs public key as cert request.
ey = null; secstatus rv; unsigned char randbuf[blocksize + 1]; rv = generaterandom(randbuf, blocksize); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "error while generating the random numbers : %s\n", port_errortostring(rv)); goto cleanup; } pk11_randomupdate(randbuf, blocksize); switch (keytype) { case rsakey: rsaparams.keysizeinbits = size; = publicexponent; mechanism = ckm_rsa_pkcs_key_pair_gen; algtag = sec_oid_pkcs1_md5_with_rsa_encryption; params = &rsaparams; break; default: goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "generating key.
... this may take a few moments...\n\n"); privkey = pk11_generatekeypair(slot, mechanism, params, pubkeyp, pr_true /*isperm*/, pr_true /*issensitive*/, pwdata); cleanup: return privkey; } /* * get the certificate request from csr */ static certcertificaterequest * getcertrequest(char *infilename, prbool ascii) { certsigneddata signeddata; secitem reqder; certcertificaterequest *certreq = null; secstatus rv = secsuccess; prarenapool *arena = null; = null; arena = port_newarena(der_default_chunksize); if (arena == null) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } rv = readderfromfile(&reqder, infilename, ascii); if (rv) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } certreq = (certcertificaterequest*) port_arenazalloc (arena, sizeof(certcertificaterequest)); if (!certreq) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } ...
...tter to command */ static commandtype option2command(char c) { switch (c) { case 'g': return generate_csr; case 'a': return add_cert_to_db; case 'h': return save_cert_to_header; case 'e': return encrypt; case 'd': return decrypt; case 's': return sign; case 'v': return verify; default: return unknown; } } /* * this example illustrates basic encryption/decryption and macing * generates the rsa key pair as token object and outputs public key as cert request.
NSS tools : signtool
-g nickname generates a new private-public key pair and corresponding object-signing certificate with the given nickname.
...d archive into a jar file after you have signed it: cd signdir zip -r ../myjar.jar * adding: meta-inf/ (stored 0%) adding: meta-inf/ (deflated 15%) adding: meta-inf/signtool.sf (deflated 28%) adding: meta-inf/signtool.rsa (stored 0%) adding: text.txt (stored 0%) generating the keys and certificate the signtool option -g generates a new public-private key pair and certificate.
... organization unit: server products division state or province: california country (must be exactly 2 characters): us username: someuser email address: enter password or pin for "communicator certificate db": [password will not echo] generated public/private key pair certificate request generated certificate has been signed certificate "mytestcert" added to database exported certificate to x509.raw and x509.cacert.
actions are needed more for ats that assist the mobility impaired, such as on-screen keyboards and voice command software.
... 373 nsicachemetadatavisitor cache, interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference this method is called for each key/value pair in the meta data for a cache entry.
... 662 nsifocusmanager interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, needscontent implemented by:;1 as a service: 663 nsiformhistory2 interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, needscontent, xpcom interface reference adds a name and value pair to the form history.
meta data is a table of key/value string pairs.
...meta data is a table of key/value string pairs.
... visitmetadata() this method means that the visitor will be called with key/value pair for each meta data element.
CSSUnparsedValue.entries() - Web APIs
the cssunparsedvalue.entries() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
... syntax cssunparsedvalue.entries(obj) parameters obj the cssunparsedvalue whose enumerable own property [key, value] pairs are to be returned.
... return value an array of the given cssunparsedvalue object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs.
DOMTokenList - Web APIs
domtokenlist.entries() returns an iterator, allowing you to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... domtokenlist.keys() returns an iterator, allowing you to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
... domtokenlist.values() returns an iterator, allowing you to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
FormData.entries() - Web APIs
the formdata.entries() method returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... the key of each pair is a usvstring object; the value either a usvstring, or a blob.
... example // create a test formdata object var formdata = new formdata(); formdata.append('key1', 'value1'); formdata.append('key2', 'value2'); // display the key/value pairs for(var pair of formdata.entries()) { console.log(pair[0]+ ', '+ pair[1]); } the result is: key1, value1 key2, value2 specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequestthe definition of 'entries() (as iterator<>)' in that specification.
Headers.entries() - Web APIs
the headers.entries() method returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... the both the key and value of each pairs are bytestring objects.
... example // create a test headers object var myheaders = new headers(); myheaders.append('content-type', 'text/xml'); myheaders.append('vary', 'accept-language'); // display the key/value pairs for (var pair of myheaders.entries()) { console.log(pair[0]+ ': '+ pair[1]); } the result is: content-type: text/xml vary: accept-language ...
NodeList - Web APIs
nodelist.entries() returns an iterator, allowing code to go through all key/value pairs contained in the collection.
... nodelist.keys() returns an iterator, allowing code to go through all the keys of the key/value pairs contained in the collection.
... (in this case, the keys are numbers starting from 0.) nodelist.values() returns an iterator allowing code to go through all values (nodes) of the key/value pairs contained in the collection.
RTCIceCandidateStats.lastPacketSentTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property lastpacketsenttimestamp indicates the time at which the connection described by the candidate pair last sent a packet, not including stun packets.
... syntax lastpacketsenttimestamp = rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastpacketsenttimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object indicating the timestamp at which the connection described by pair of candidates last sent a packet, stun packets excluded.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastpacketsenttimestamp' in that specification.
RTCIceCandidateStats.lastResponseTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property lastresponsetimestamp indicates the time at which the last stun response was received on the described candidate pair.
... syntax lastresponsetimestamp = rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastresponsetimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp object indicating the timestamp at which the most recent stun response was received on the connection defined by the described pair of candidates.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.lastresponsetimestamp' in that specification.
RTCRtpTransceiver - Web APIs
the webrtc interface rtcrtptransceiver describes a permanent pairing of an rtcrtpsender and an rtcrtpreceiver, along with some shared state.
...this pairing of send and receive srtp streams is significant for some applications, so rtcrtptransceiver is used to represent this pairing, along with other important state from the media section.
... stopped indicates whether or not sending and receiving using the paired rtcrtpsender and rtcrtpreceiver has been permanently disabled, either due to sdp offer/answer, or due to a call to stop().
RTCStatsReport - Web APIs
the statistic category names are members of the enumerated type rtcstatstype, as follows: candidate-pair an rtcicecandidatepairstats object providing statistics related to an rtcicetransport.
... candidate pairs other than the currently active pair for the transport are deleted when the rtcpeerconnection changes its rtcpeerconnection.icegatheringstate to new during an ice restart.
... the active candidate pair is deleted after the transport switches to another candidate pair; this change cannot be detected otherwise.
RTCStatsType - Web APIs
values candidate-pair an rtcicecandidatepairstats object providing statistics related to an rtcicetransport.
... candidate pairs other than the currently active pair for the transport are deleted when the rtcpeerconnection changes its rtcpeerconnection.icegatheringstate to new during an ice restart.
... the active candidate pair is deleted after the transport switches to another candidate pair; this change cannot be detected otherwise.
URLSearchParams.entries() - Web APIs
the entries() method of the urlsearchparams interface returns an iterator allowing iteration through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
... the key and value of each pair are usvstring objects.
... examples // create a test urlsearchparams object var searchparams = new urlsearchparams("key1=value1&key2=value2"); // display the key/value pairs for(var pair of searchparams.entries()) { console.log(pair[0]+ ', '+ pair[1]); } the result is: key1, value1 key2, value2 specifications specification status comment urlthe definition of 'entries() (see "iterable")' in that specification.
URLSearchParams.sort() - Web APIs
the urlsearchparams.sort() method sorts all key/value pairs contained in this object in place and returns undefined.
...the relative order between key/value pairs with equal keys will be preserved).
... examples // create a test urlsearchparams object var searchparams = new urlsearchparams("c=4&a=2&b=3&a=1"); // sort the key/value pairs searchparams.sort(); // display the sorted query string console.log(searchparams.tostring()); the result is: a=2&a=1&b=3&c=4 specifications specification status comment urlthe definition of 'sort()' in that specification.
USB.requestDevice() - Web APIs
calling this function triggers the user agent's pairing flow.
... syntax usb.requestdevice([filters]) parameters filters an array of filter objects for possible devices you would like to pair.
...this triggers a user-agent flow that prompts the user to select a device for pairing.
Web APIs
ion channelmergernode channelsplitternode characterdata childnode client clients clipboard clipboardevent clipboarditem closeevent comment compositionevent constantsourcenode constrainboolean constraindomstring constraindouble constrainulong contentindex contentindexevent convolvernode countqueuingstrategy crashreportbody credential credentialscontainer crypto cryptokey cryptokeypair customelementregistry customevent d domconfiguration domerror domexception domhighrestimestamp domimplementation domimplementationlist domlocator dommatrix dommatrixreadonly domobject domparser dompoint dompointinit dompointreadonly domquad domrect domrectreadonly domstring domstringlist domstringmap domtimestamp domtokenlist domuserdata datatransfer datatransferitem datatransf...
... publickeycredential publickeycredentialcreationoptions publickeycredentialrequestoptions pushevent pushmanager pushmessagedata pushregistrationmanager pushsubscription r rtcansweroptions rtccertificate rtcconfiguration rtcdtmfsender rtcdtmftonechangeevent rtcdatachannel rtcdatachannelevent rtcdtlstransport rtcerror rtcerrorevent rtcicecandidate rtcicecandidateinit rtcicecandidatepair rtcicecandidatepairstats rtcicecandidatestats rtcicecandidatetype rtcicecomponent rtcicecredentialtype rtcicegathererstate rtciceparameters rtciceprotocol rtcicerole rtciceserver rtcicetcpcandidatetype rtcicetransport rtcicetransportstate rtcidentityassertion rtcidentityerrorevent rtcidentityevent rtcinboundrtpstreamstats rtcnetworktype rtcofferansweroptions rtcofferoptions rtcoutboundrtp...
...tcrtpcodeccapability rtcrtpcodecparameters rtcrtpcontributingsource rtcrtpencodingparameters rtcrtpparameters rtcrtpreceiveparameters rtcrtpreceiver rtcrtpsendparameters rtcrtpsender rtcrtpstreamstats rtcrtpsynchronizationsource rtcrtptransceiver rtcrtptransceiverdirection rtcrtptransceiverinit rtcsctptransport rtcsessiondescription rtcsessiondescriptioncallback rtcstats rtcstatsicecandidatepairstate rtcstatsreport rtcstatstype rtctrackevent rtctrackeventinit radionodelist range readablebytestreamcontroller readablestream readablestreambyobreader readablestreambyobrequest readablestreamdefaultcontroller readablestreamdefaultreader relativeorientationsensor renderingcontext report reportingobserver reportingobserveroptions request requestdestination resizeobserver resizeobse...
Perceivable - Accessibility
this is for the benefit of hearing-impaired viewers who cannot hear the content.
...this is for the benefit of hearing-impaired viewers who cannot hear the content.
... "listen to the audio instructions for guidance" this is obviously problematic—audio will be inaccessible to those with hearing impairments, whereas text can be read, but also spoken by a screenreader if required.
Using feature queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the value part of the property value pair matters more if you are testing for new values of a particular property.
... limitations of feature queries the @supports rule tests to see if the browser can parse one or more property/value pairs, and therefore if it claims to support the feature(s).
... if the property and value pair is understood by the browser it returns a positive response.
<basic-shape> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a pair of insets in either dimension that add up to more than the used dimension (such as left and right insets of 75% apiece) define a shape enclosing no area.
... each pair argument in the list represents xi and yi - the x and y axis coordinates of the ith vertex of the polygon.
... a <position> value in circle() or ellipse() is computed as a pair of offsets (horizontal then vertical) from the top left origin, each given as a combination of an absolute length and a percentage.
<area> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
rect or rectangle: the value is two x,y pairs: left, top, right, bottom.
... circle: the value is x,y,r where x,y is a pair specifying the center of the circle and r is a value for the radius.
... poly or polygon: the value is a set of x,y pairs for each point in the polygon: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, and so on.
WeakMap() constructor - JavaScript
the weakmap() constructor creates weakmap objects which are a collections of key/value pairs in which the keys are weakly referenced.
... syntax new weakmap([iterable]) parameters iterable iterable is an array or other iterable object whose elements are key-value pairs (2-element arrays).
... each key-value pair will be added to the new weakmap.
Lexical grammar - JavaScript
code points u+10000 to u+10ffff require two escape sequences representing the two code units (a surrogate pair) used to encode the character; the surrogate pair is distinct from the code point.
...code points in the range u+10000 to u+10ffff do not need to be represented as a surrogate pair.
... '\u{2f804}' // cjk compatibility ideograph-2f804 (u+2f804) // the same character represented as a surrogate pair '\ud87e\udc04' regular expression literals see also regexp for more information.
g1 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the g1 attribute specifies a list of glyph names which identify a set of possible first glyphs in the kerning pair.
...the total set of possible first glyphs in the kerning pair is the union of glyphs specified by the u1 and g1 attributes.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value <name># default value none animatable no <name># this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of glyph names (i.e., values that match glyph-name attributes on <glyph> elements) which identify a set of possible first glyphs in the kerning pair.
g2 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the g2 attribute specifies a list of glyph names which identify a set of possible second glyphs in the kerning pair.
...the total set of possible second glyphs in the kerning pair is the union of glyphs specified by the u2 and g2 attributes.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value <name># default value none animatable no <name># this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of glyph names (i.e., values that match glyph-name attributes on <glyph> elements) which identify a set of possible second glyphs in the kerning pair.
u1 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the u1 attribute specifies list of unicode characters (refer to the description of the unicode attribute of the <glyph> element for a description of how to express individual unicode characters) and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible first glyphs in a kerning pair.
...the total set of possible first glyphs in the kerning pair is the union of glyphs specified by the u1 and g1 attributes.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value [ <character> | <urange> ]# default value none animatable no [ <character> | <urange> ]# this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of unicode characters and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible first glyphs in a kerning pair.
u2 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the u2 attribute specifies list of unicode characters (refer to the description of the unicode attribute of the <glyph> element for a description of how to express individual unicode characters) and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible second glyphs in a kerning pair.
...the total set of possible second glyphs in the kerning pair is the union of glyphs specified by the u2 and g2 attributes.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value [ <character> | <urange> ]# default value none animatable no [ <character> | <urange> ]# this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of unicode characters and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible second glyphs in a kerning pair.
<metadata> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
--> <g id="cablea" transform="translate(107 88)"> <title>cable a</title> <desc>10baset twisted pair cable</desc> <path d="m0,0c100,140 50,140 -8,160"/> </g> <!-- draw cable b.
... --> <g id="cableb" transform="translate(142 88)"> <title>cable b</title> <desc>10baset twisted pair cable</desc> <path d="m0,0c100,180 110,160 159,160"/> </g> <!-- draw cable n.
... --> <g id="cablen" transform="translate(242 88)"> <title>cable n</title> <desc>10baset twisted pair cable</desc> <path d="m0,0c0,-70 20,-50 60,-50"/> </g> </svg> specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<metadata>' in that specification.
test/assert - Archive of obsolete content
other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == "object", equivalence is determined by ==.
... for all other object pairs, including array objects, equivalence is determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified with, the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every corresponding key, and an identical "prototype" property.
JavaScript crypto - Archive of obsolete content
if you choose to implement these flags, your module must supply the following additional functions for each flag: pkcs11_mech_flag: must support ckm_rsa_pkcs and ckm_rsa_x_509 and the following functions: c_wrapkey, c_encrypt, c_sign, c_decrypt, c_unwrapkey, c_verifyrecover, c_verify, c_generatekeypair (2048, 1024, 512) size pkcs11_mech_dsa_flag: must support ckm_dsa and the following functions: c_sign, c_verify, c_generatekeypair pkcs11_mech_rc2_flag: must support ckm_rc2_cbc and ckm_rc2_ecb and the following functions: c_generatekey, c_encrypt, c_decrypt, c_wrapkey, c_unwrapkey pkcs11_mech_rc4_flag: must support ckm_rc4_cbc and ckm_rc4_ecb and the following functions: c_generatekey, c_encr...
...ypt, c_decrypt, c_wrapkey, c_unwrapkey pkcs11_mech_des_flag: must support ckm_cpmf_cbc, ckm_des_cbc, ckm_des3_cbc, ckm_cpmf_ecb, ckm_des_ecb, ckm_des3_ecb and the following functions: c_generatekey, c_encrypt, c_decrypt, c_wrapkey, c_unwrapkey pkcs11_mech_dh_flag: must support ckm_dh_pkcs_derive and ckm_dh_key_pair_gen and the following functions: c_derivekey, c_generatekeypair pkcs11_mech_md5_flag: hashing must be able to function without authentication.
getValue - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want.
... returns a winregvalue object representing the value of the named value-name/value pair or null if there is no value or if there is an error.
getValueString - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want.
... returns a string representing the value of the named value-name/value pair or null if there's an error, the value is not found, or the value is not a string.
Digital Signatures - Archive of obsolete content
the content of the hashed data cannot, for all practical purposes, be deduced from the hash-which is why it is called "one-way." similarly, in public key encryption, a key pair is generated for digital signing.
... the key pair consists of a private signing key and a public verification key.
Encryption and Decryption - Archive of obsolete content
public-key encryption (also called asymmetric encryption) involves a pair of keys-a public key and a private key-associated with an entity that needs to authenticate its identity electronically or to sign or encrypt data.
...for public key algorithms, since half of the key pair is publicly known, the other half (private key) can be derived using published, though complex, mathematical calculations.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
346 public-key cryptography cryptography, glossary, public-key cryptography, security public-key cryptography — or asymmetric cryptography — is a cryptographic system in which keys come in pairs.
...screen readers are essential to people who are blind, as well as useful to people who are visually impaired, illiterate, or have a learning disability.
What is CSS? - Learn web development
inside those will be one or more declarations, which take the form of property and value pairs.
... each pair specifies a property of the element(s) we are selecting, then a value that we'd like to give the property.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
let's consider video: hearing impairment how does a hearing-impaired person benefit from a video?
... visual impairment again, provide a text transcript that a user can consult without needing to play the video, and an audio-description (an off-screen voice that describes what is happening in the video).
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
each individual pair of <label>/<input> elements should be contained in its own list item (or similar).
...the coordinates are sent as two key/value pairs: the x value key is the value of the name attribute followed by the string ".x".
Your first form - Learn web development
form controls can also be programmed to enforce specific formats or values to be entered (form validation), and paired with text labels that describe their purpose to both sighted and blind users.
...the form data is sent to the server as name/value pairs.
HTML basics - Learn web development
in this attribute, you specify descriptive text for users who cannot see the image, possibly because of the following reasons: they are visually impaired.
... users with significant visual impairments often use tools called screen readers to read out the alt text to them.
Document and website structure - Learn web development
we use color and font size to draw sighted users' attention to the most useful parts of the content, like the navigation menu and related links, but what about visually impaired people for example, who might not find concepts like "pink" and "large font" very useful?
...blind and visually impaired people represent roughly 4-5% of the world population (in 2012 there were 285 million such people in the world, while the total population was around 7 billion).
Video and audio content - Learn web development
for example: many people have auditory impairments (such as being hard of hearing or deaf) so can't hear the audio clearly if at all.
... timed descriptions text which should be spoken by the media player in order to describe important visuals to blind or otherwise visually impaired users.
Handling text — strings in JavaScript - Learn web development
in the last instance, we joined only two strings, but you can join as many as you like, as long as you include a + between each pair.
...i gave it a score of ${ score/highestscore * 100 }%.`; there is no more need to open and close multiple string pieces — the whole lot can just be wrapped in a single pair of backticks.
JavaScript object basics - Learn web development
each name/value pair must be separated by a comma, and the name and value in each case are separated by a colon.
... let's illustrate what we mean with a simplified pair of person objects: const person1 = { name: 'chris', greeting: function() { alert('hi!
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
information can be encoded as: url parameters: get requests encode data in the url sent to the server by adding name/value pairs onto the end of it — for example
... you always have a question mark (?) separating the rest of the url from the url parameters, an equals sign (=) separating each name from its associated value, and an ampersand (&) separating each pair.
Mozilla's Section 508 Compliance
requirement windows linux/unix mac os requirement windows linux/unix mac os a) at least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
...gnopernicus support in beta no screen reader support on mac os x b) at least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
Obsolete Build Caveats and Tips
delete the vcvars32.bat file and repair your visual studio installation with the setup program.
... edit vcvars32.bat to correct the problem (see "workaround: repair the vs2008 command line build environment by editing c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat manually").
Writing localizable code
about localizers a few notes about localizers for developers who rarely deal with them: localizers like tools, and they don't like editors, localization tools are often based on key-value pairs, at least some localizers have their talents focused on language skills and are not savvy in programming, or even building applications. most cases, you can just as well put the processing into the content code and reference different key-value pairs in l10n.
MathML Demo: <mmultiscripts> - attach prescripts and tensor indices to a base
the scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in f b a .
...for example m c d a b the scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in f b a there are some variations possible: <mmultiscripts> a a b c d nested <msubsup>s a a b c d or &invisiblecomma; a a ⁣ c b ⁣ d ...
TimerFirings logging
204 801266240[7f7c1f248000]: [7163] fn timer (one_shot 50 ms): [content] 135 -495057024[7f74e105ba00]: [7108] fn timer (one_shot 4 ms): [content] 118 801266240[7f7c1f248000]: [7163] fn timer (one_shot 100 ms): [content] 103 801266240[7f7c1f248000]: [7163] fn timer (one_shot 50 ms): [content] 94 801266240[7f7c1f248000]: [7163] fn timer (one_shot 50 ms): [content] https://ad.
... 204 fn timer (one_shot): [content] 186 fn timer (one_shot): nsbrowserstatusfilter::timeouthandler 138 fn timer (one_shot): [content] 118 fn timer (one_shot): [content] 108 fn timer (slack): layeractivitytracker 104 fn timer (slack): nsidocument::selectorcache 104 fn timer (slack): cctimerfired ...
4.3.1 Release Notes
sslsocket.ssl_renegotiate_requires_xtn - not yet implemented explicitly set the key usage for the generated private key in pkcs #11, each keypair can be marked with the operations it will be used to perform.
... see generateeckeypairwithopflags see generatersakeypairwithopflags see generatedsakeypairwithopflags distribution information jss is checked into mozilla/security/jss/.
NSS 3.12.4 release notes
bug 488550: crash in certutil or pp when printing cert with empty subject name bug 488992: fix lib/freebl/win_rand.c warnings bug 489010: stop exporting mktemp and dbopen (again) bug 489287: resolve a few remaining issues with nss's new revocation flags bug 489710: byteswap optimize for msvc++ bug 490154: cryptokey framework requires module to implement generatekey when they support keypairgeneration bug 491044: remove support for vms (a.k.a., openvms) from nss bug 491174: cert_pkixverifycert reports wrong error code when ee cert is expired bug 491919: cert.h doesn't have valid functions prototypes bug 492131: a failure to import a cert from a p12 file leaves error code set to zero bug 492385: crash freeing named crl entry on shutdown bug 493135: bltest crashes if it can't open the ...
...[[@isspace - secmod_argisblank - secmod_arghasblanks - secmod_formatpair - secmod_mknewmodulespec] bug 498509: produce debuggable optimized builds for mozilla on macosx bug 498511: produce debuggable optimized nss builds for mozilla on linux bug 499385: drbg reseed function needs to be tested on post bug 499825: utilrename.h is missing from solaris packages bug 502961: allocator mismatch in pk11mode bug 502965: allocator mismatch in sdrtest bug 502972: another allocat...
(see cert.h) cert_newtempcertificate (see cert.h) cert_setocsptimeout (see certhigh/ocsp.h) cert_setusepkixforvalidation (see cert.h) cert_pkixverifycert (see cert.h) hash_gettype (see sechash.h) nss_initwithmerge (see nss.h) pk11_createmergelog (see pk11pub.h) pk11_creategenericobject (see pk11pub.h) pk11_createpbev2algorithmid (see pk11pub.h) pk11_destroymergelog (see pk11pub.h) pk11_generatekeypairwithopflags (see pk11pub.h) pk11_getpbecryptomechanism (see pk11pub.h) pk11_isremovable (see pk11pub.h) pk11_mergetokens (see pk11pub.h) pk11_writerawattribute (see pk11pub.h) seckey_ecparamstobasepointorderlen (see keyhi.h) seckey_ecparamstokeysize (see keyhi.h) secmod_deletemoduleex (see secmod.h) sec_getregisteredhttpclient (see ocsp.h) sec_pkcs5isalgorithmpbealgtag (see secpkcs5.h) vfy_createc...
...rl bar bug 403822: pkix_pl_ocsprequest_create can leave some members uninitialized bug 403910: cert_findusercertbyusage() returns wrong certificate if multiple certs with same subject available bug 404919: memory leak in sftkdb_readsecmoddb() (sftkmod.c) bug 406120: allow application to specify ocsp timeout bug 361025: support for camellia cipher suites to tls rfc4132 bug 376417: pk11_generatekeypair needs to get the key usage from the caller.
FIPS mode of operation
fc_verifyinit fc_verify fc_verifyupdate fc_verifyfinal fc_verifyrecoverinit fc_verifyrecover dual-function cryptographic functions fc_digestencryptupdate fc_decryptdigestupdate fc_signencryptupdate fc_decryptverifyupdate key management functions fc_generatekey: dsa domain parameters (pqg) fc_generatekeypair: dsa, rsa, and ecdsa.
... performs pair-wise consistency test.
g, prfiledesc *socket, struct certdistnamesstr *canames, struct certcertificatestr **pretcert, struct seckeyprivatekeystr **pretkey); parameters this function has the following parameters: arg the arg parameter passed to ssl_getclientauthdatahook, which should be a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the nickname of the certificate and key pair to use.
... if arg is null, nss_getclientauthdata searches the certificate and key databases for a suitable match and uses the certificate and key pair it finds, if any.
NSS Tools
overall objectives provide a tool for analyzing and repairing certificate databases (dbck).
... source, documentation, dbck 1.0 analyze and repair certificate databases (not working in nss 3.2) source, tasks/plans modutil 1.1 manage the database of pkcs11 modules (secmod.db).
SpiderMonkey Internals
jsarray.*, jsbool.*, jsdate.*, jsfun.*, jsmath.*, jsnum.*, jsstr.* these file pairs implement the standard classes and (where they exist) their underlying primitive types.
... jsobj.*, jsscope.* these two pairs declare and implement the js object system.
at its core, it can be viewed as a set of rows, collections of name-value pairs, which can be organized into various tables.
...cells and aliases and mids cells are the core of mork: they are key-value pairs of columns and the particular row's values.
Avoiding leaks in JavaScript XPCOM components
a closure is a code × environment pair: function objects are not just the code; they're also the environment.
... to understand closures a little better before examining how they can cause leaks, consider the following example, in which there are two pairs of function objects, and each pair has an instance of the private_data variable: // this function returns an array containing two functions.
Creating the Component Code
as you can see in onion peel view of xpcom component creation, the main accessor for the xpcom object is createinstance, which is expected to return the object that matches a given cid and iid pair.
...this method, which you must implement in your component code, is expected to return an nsifactory object for a given cid/iid pair.
outputoptions semicolon-delimited list of name=value pairs that can give options to the output encoder.
...outputoptions semicolon-delimited list of name=value pairs that can give options to the output encoder.
the return value is a list of pairs [<url>, <wasloadedinglobalscope>].
...each script is returned as a pair: [<url>, <wasloadedinglobalscope>].
the return value is a list of pairs [<url>, false].
...each script is returned as a pair: [<url>, false].
example pushservice.getsubscription( "chrome://my-module/push", scriptsecuritymanager.getsystemprincipal(), (code, subscription) => { if (!components.issuccesscode(code)) { cu.reporterror("error fetching subscription: " + code); return; } // `subscription == null` if the `(scope, principal)` pair doesn't have a // push subscription.
... example pushservice.unsubscribe( "chrome://my-module/push", scriptsecuritymanager.getsystemprincipal(), (code, ok) => { if (!components.issuccesscode(code)) { cu.reporterror("error unsubscribing: " + code); return; } // `ok === true` if the subscription was removed, or `false` if the // `(scope, principal)` pair didn't have a subscription.
preferences the preference system makes it possible to store data for mozilla applications using a key/value pairing system.
...for example, this popup notification is displayed when a web site requests geolocation information: using raii classes in mozilla raii classes are useful when two operations (e.g., lock/unlock, addref/release, pushstate/popstate) must be paired.
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse - Web APIs
the authenticatorassertionresponse interface of the web authentication api is returned by credentialscontainer.get() when a publickeycredential is passed, and provides proof to a service that it has a key pair and that the authentication request is valid and approved.
...the assertion signature is created with the private key of keypair that was created during the navigator.credentials.create() call and verified using the public key of that same keypair.
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse - Web APIs
the authenticatorattestationresponse interface of the web authentication api is returned by credentialscontainer.create() when a publickeycredential is passed, and provides a cryptographic root of trust for the new key pair that has been generated.
... authenticatorattestationresponse.attestationobject secure contextread only an arraybuffer containing authenticator data and an attestation statement for a newly-created key pair.
ConstantSourceNode.offset - Web APIs
example this example shows how to set up a constantsourcenode so its offset is used as the input to a pair of gainnodes; this snippet is derived from the complete example you can find in controlling multiple parameters with constantsourcenode.
...with the linkage above in place, that can be done using this simple event handler: function handleclickevent(event) { volumeslidercontrol.value = constantsource.offset.value; } all this function has to do is fetch the current value of the slider control we're using to control the paired nodes' gains, then store that value into the constantsourcenode's offset parameter.
Credential Management API - Web APIs
passwordcredential provides information about a username/password pair.
... publickeycredential provides a credential for logging in using an un-phishable and data-breach resistant asymmetric key pair instead of a password.
CryptoKey - Web APIs
"private": this key is the private half of an asymmetric algorithm's cryptokeypair.
... "public": this key is the public half of an asymmetric algorithm's cryptokeypair.
DOMTokenList.entries() - Web APIs
the domtokenlist.entries() method returns an iterator allowing you to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
...we when retrieve an iterator containing the key/value pairs using entries(), then iterate through each one using a for...of loop, writing them to the <span>'s node.textcontent.
Document.cookie - Web APIs
key=value pairs).
...consider also that: any of the following cookie attribute values can optionally follow the key-value pair, specifying the cookie to set/update, and preceded by a semi-colon separator: ;path=path (e.g., '/', '/mydir') if not specified, defaults to the current path of the current document location.
EventTarget.addEventListener() - Web APIs
the attachevent() method could be paired with the onresize event to detect when certain elements in a web page were resized.
... the proprietary mselementresize event, when paired with the addeventlistener method of registering event handlers, provides similar functionality as onresize, firing when certain html elements are resized.
Basic concepts - Web APIs
so keep the following important concepts in mind: indexeddb databases store key-value pairs.
...the object store persistently holds records, which are key-value pairs.
install - Web APIs
the { } constructor takes a comma-delimited set of label/value pairs.
... for installations, these pairs are the xpinstall confirm dialog display name and the path of the xpi, respectively.
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_on_demand "pairing" starts the process of pairing the remote with a device to be controlled.
... keycode_pairing (225) "pinpdown" a button to move the picture-in-picture view downward.
KeyboardLayoutMap.entries - Web APIs
the entries read-only property of the keyboardlayoutmap interface returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
... syntax keyboardlayoutmap.entries() value an array of the given keyboardlayoutmap object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs.
KeyframeEffect.setKeyframes() - Web APIs
an object containing key-value pairs consisting of the property to animate and an array of values to iterate over.
... attributes keyframes may specify property-value pairs for any of the animatable css properties.
MediaKeySystemConfiguration - Web APIs
mediakeysystemconfiguration.audiocapabilities read only returns a list of supported audio type and capability pairs.
... mediakeysystemconfiguration.videocapabilities read only returns a list of supported video type and capability pairs.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.perDscpPacketsReceived - Web APIs
the perdscppacketsreceived property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary is a record comprised of key/value pairs in which each key is a string representation of a differentiated services code point and the value is the number of packets received for that dcsp.
... syntax var perdscppacketsreceived = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.perdscppacketsreceived; value a record comprised of string/value pairs.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.perDscpPacketsSent - Web APIs
the perdscppacketssent property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary is a record comprised of key/value pairs in which each key is a string representation of a differentiated services code point and the value is the number of packets sent for that dcsp.
... syntax var perdscppacketssent = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.perdscppacketssent; value a record comprised of string/value pairs.
RTCRtpTransceiver.mid - Web APIs
the read-only rtcrtptransceiver interface's mid property specifies the negotiated media id (mid) which the local and remote peers have agreed upon to uniquely identify the stream's pairing of sender and receiver.
... syntax var mediaid = rtcrtptransceiver.mid; value a domstring which uniquely identifies the pairing of source and destination of the transceiver's stream.
RTCTrackEvent.transceiver - Web APIs
the transceiver pairs the track's receiver with an rtcrtpsender.
... syntax var rtptransceiver = trackevent.transceiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
RTCTrackEventInit.transceiver - Web APIs
the transceiver pairs the track's receiver with an rtcrtpsender to allow bidirectional communication.
... syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var rtptransceiver = trackeventinit.transceiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
SVGElement - Web APIs
anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties also inherits properties from: documentandelementeventhandlers, element, elementcssinlinestyle, globaleventhandlers, htmlorforeignelement, svgelementinstance svgelement.datasetread only a domstringmap object which provides a list of key/value pairs of named data attributes which correspond to custom data attributes attached to the element.
... these can also be defined in svg using attributes of the form data-*, where * is the key name for the pair.
Using server-sent events - Web APIs
each notification is sent as a block of text terminated by a pair of newlines.
...messages in the event stream are separated by a pair of newline characters.
StylePropertyMapReadOnly.entries() - Web APIs
the stylepropertymapreadonly.entries() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
... return value an array of the given stylepropertymapreadonly object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs.
URLSearchParams() - Web APIs
a sequence of usvstring pairs, representing names/values.
... // retrieve params via, passed into ctor var url = new url(''); var params = new urlsearchparams(; // pass in a string literal var params2 = new urlsearchparams("foo=1&bar=2"); var params2a = new urlsearchparams("?foo=1&bar=2"); // pass in a sequence of pairs var params3 = new urlsearchparams([["foo", "1"], ["bar", "2"]]); // pass in a record var params4 = new urlsearchparams({"foo": "1", "bar": "2"}); specifications specification status comment urlthe definition of 'urlsearchparams()' in that specification.
USVString - Web APIs
usvstring is equivalent to domstring except for not allowing unpaired surrogate codepoints.
... unpaired surrogate codepoints present in usvstring are converted by the browser to unicode 'replacement character' u+fffd, (�).
WebRTC Statistics API - Web APIs
mapping of statistic category names to the dictionaries they implement statistic category name (rtcstatstype) description dictionaries implemented candidate-pair statistics describing the change from one rtcicetransport to another, such as during an ice restart.
... rtcicecandidatepairstats rtcstats certificate statistics about a certificate being used by an rtcicetransport.
Keyframe Formats - Web APIs
an object containing key-value pairs consisting of the property to animate and an array of values to iterate over.
... attributes keyframes may specify property-value pairs for any of the animatable css properties.
Controlling multiple parameters with ConstantSourceNode - Web APIs
then we get references to the control widgets, setting playbutton to reference the play button and volumecontrol to reference the slider control that the user will use to adjust the gain on the linked pair of oscillators.
... controlling the linked oscillators the changevolume() function—the event handler for the slider control for the gain on the linked oscillator pair—looks like this: function changevolume(event) { constantnode.offset.value = volumecontrol.value; } that simple function controls the gain on both nodes.
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
automated checking & repair cynthia says™ from hisoftware® company "cynthia says™" is a free online webpage accessibility validation service that is designed to identify errors in webpage related to section 508 standards and/or the wcag guidelines.
...color contrast analyzer algorithm is based on the formula provided in techniques for accessibility evaluation and repair tools from w3c.
Typical use cases of Flexbox - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a common pattern is to have an <input> element paired with a <button>, perhaps for a search form or where you simply want your visitor to enter an email address.
...this means we have a pair of fields, with the text field growing and shrinking as the available space changes.
OpenType font features guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
these include things like ligatures (special glyphs that combine characters like 'fi' or 'ffl'), kerning (adjustments to the spacing between specific letterform pairings), fractions, numeral styles, and a number of others.
... kerning (font-kerning) this refers to the spacing between specific glyph pairings.
quotes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
[<string> <string>]+ one or more pairs of <string> values for open-quote and close-quote.
... the first pair represents the outer level of quotation, the second pair is for the first nested level, next pair for third level and so on.
text-transform - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the text-transform property takes into account language-specific case mapping rules such as the following: in turkic languages, like turkish (tr), azerbaijani (az), crimean tatar (crh), volga tatar (tt), and bashkir (ba), there are two kinds of i, with and without the dot, and two case pairings: i/İ and ı/i.
...άμε στο "Θεϊκό φαΐ" ή στη "Νεράιδα"</strong> </p> <p>text-transform: uppercase <strong><span>Θα πάμε στο "Θεϊκό φαΐ" ή στη "Νεράιδα"</span></strong> </p> span { text-transform: uppercase; } strong { float: right; } this demonstrates how greek vowels except disjunctive eta should have no accent, and the accent on the first vowel of a vowel pair becomes a diaeresis on the second vowel.
<dl>: The Description List element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).
... metadata description lists are useful for displaying metadata as a list of key-value pairs.
<input type="checkbox"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when the form is submitted, the data name/value pair will be subscribe=newsletter.
...if both checkboxes are checked and then the form is submitted, you'll get a string of name/value pairs submitted like this: interest=coding&interest=music.
<keygen> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when the submit button is pressed, a key pair of the selected size is generated.
...the signedpublickeyandchallenge is base64 encoded, and the ascii data is finally submitted to the server as the value of a form name/value pair, where the name is name as specified by the name attribute of the keygen element.
<table>: The Table element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
mdn tables for visually impaired users tables with two headers • tables • w3c wai web accessibility tutorials tables with irregular headers • tables • w3c wai web accessibility tutorials h63: using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables | w3c techniques for wcag 2.0 complicated tables assistive technology such as screen readers may have difficulty parsing tables that are so co...
... mdn tables for visually impaired users tables with multi-level headers • tables • w3c wai web accessibility tutorials h43: using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables | techniques for w3c wcag 2.0 specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'table element' in that specification.
itemscope - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
specifying the itemscope attribute for an element creates a new item, which results in a number of name-value pairs that are associated with the element.
...the item consists of a group of name-value pairs.
Cookie - HTTP
header type request header forbidden header name yes syntax cookie: <cookie-list> cookie: name=value cookie: name=value; name2=value2; name3=value3 <cookie-list> a list of name-value pairs in the form of <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>.
... pairs in the list are separated by a semicolon and a space ('; ').
An overview of HTTP - HTTP
before a client and server can exchange an http request/response pair, they must establish a tcp connection, a process which requires several round-trips.
... the default behavior of http/1.0 is to open a separate tcp connection for each http request/response pair.
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
for example, the following integer with more than 32 bits will be converted to a 32 bit integer: before: 1110 0110 1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0000 0001 after: 1010 0000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0000 0001 each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first bit to first bit, second bit to second bit, and so on.
... the operator is applied to each pair of bits, and the result is constructed bitwise.
Array.prototype.sort() - JavaScript
thus the character formed by the surrogate pair \ud655\ude55 will be sorted before the character \uff3a.
... comparefunction(a, b) must always return the same value when given a specific pair of elements a and b as its two arguments.
JSON.parse() - JavaScript
first we // replace the json backslash pairs with "@" (a non-json character).
... j = eval("(" + text + ")"); // in the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing // each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
Map() constructor - JavaScript
syntax new map([iterable]) parameters iterable an array or other iterable object whose elements are key-value pairs.
... (for example, arrays with two elements, such as [[ 1, 'one' ],[ 2, 'two' ]].) each key-value pair is added to the new map.
Object.fromEntries() - JavaScript
the object.fromentries() method transforms a list of key-value pairs into an object.
... description the object.fromentries() method takes a list of key-value pairs and returns a new object whose properties are given by those entries.
Object - JavaScript
object.entries() returns an array containing all of the [key, value] pairs of a given object's own enumerable string properties.
... object.fromentries() returns a new object from an iterable of [key, value] pairs.
String.prototype.codePointAt() - JavaScript
if no utf-16 surrogate pair begins at pos, the code unit at pos is returned.
...number(position) : 0; if (index != index) { // better `isnan` index = 0; } // account for out-of-bounds indices: if (index < 0 || index >= size) { return undefined; } // get the first code unit var first = string.charcodeat(index); var second; if ( // check if it’s the start of a surrogate pair first >= 0xd800 && first <= 0xdbff && // high surrogate size > index + 1 // there is a next code unit ) { second = string.charcodeat(index + 1); if (second >= 0xdc00 && second <= 0xdfff) { // low surrogate // return (first - 0xd800) * 0x400 + second - 0xdc00 + 0x10000; ...
Bitwise AND (&) - JavaScript
for example, the following integer with more than 32 bits will be converted to a 32 bit integer: before: 11100110111110100000000000000110000000000001 after: 10100000000000000110000000000001 each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first bit to first bit, second bit to second bit, and so on.
... the operator is applied to each pair of bits, and the result is constructed bitwise.
Bitwise NOT (~) - JavaScript
for example, the following integer with more than 32 bits will be converted to a 32 bit integer: before: 11100110111110100000000000000110000000000001 after: 10100000000000000110000000000001 each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first bit to first bit, second bit to second bit, and so on.
... the operator is applied to each pair of bits, and the result is constructed bitwise.
Bitwise OR (|) - JavaScript
for example, the following integer with more than 32 bits will be converted to a 32 bit integer: before: 11100110111110100000000000000110000000000001 after: 10100000000000000110000000000001 each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first bit to first bit, second bit to second bit, and so on.
... the operator is applied to each pair of bits, and the result is constructed bitwise.
Bitwise XOR (^) - JavaScript
for example, the following integer with more than 32 bits will be converted to a 32 bit integer: before: 11100110111110100000000000000110000000000001 after: 10100000000000000110000000000001 each bit in the first operand is paired with the corresponding bit in the second operand: first bit to first bit, second bit to second bit, and so on.
... the operator is applied to each pair of bits, and the result is constructed bitwise.
Object initializer - JavaScript
an object initializer is a comma-delimited list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object, enclosed in curly braces ({}). simply notate a list of key: value pairs delimited by commas.
Trailing commas - JavaScript
parameter definitions the following function definition pairs are legal and equivalent to each other.
... function f(p) {} function f(p,) {} (p) => {}; (p,) => {}; the trailing comma also works with method definitions for classes or objects: class c { one(a,) {} two(a, b,) {} } var obj = { one(a,) {}, two(a, b,) {}, }; function calls the following function invocation pairs are legal and equivalent to each other.
Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
the key frames are full frames, which are used to repair any damage or artifact residue that's currently visible.
...these are due to the mathematics involved in the coding of the residual frames, and can be easily noticed before being repaired by the next key frame.
Using dns-prefetch - Web Performance
second, it’s also possible to specify dns-prefetch (and other resources hints) as an http header by using the http link field: link: <>; rel=dns-prefetch third, consider pairing dns-prefetch with the preconnect hint.
... the logic behind pairing these hints is because support for dns-prefetch is better than support for preconnect.
k - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the k attribute specifies the amount for decreasing the spacing between the two glyphs in a kerning pair.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value <number> default value none animatable no <number> this value indicates the amount for decreasing the spacing between the two glyphs in the kerning pair.
Content type - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
number-optional-number <number-optional-number> a pair of <number>s, where the second <number> is optional.
... number-optional-number ::= number | number, number in the svg dom, a <number-optional-number> is represented using a pair of svganimatedinteger or svganimatednumber objects.
page-mod - Archive of obsolete content
the option consists of an object literal listing name:value pairs for the values you want to provide to the content script.
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
the option consists of an object literal listing name:value pairs for the values you want to provide to the content script.
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
using string bundles from javascript assuming the extension has with name/value pairs such as: invalid.url=the speficied url, %s, is invalid.
Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility - Archive of obsolete content
the technical details of the signing mechanism are beyond the scope of this document however the basics are as follows: step 1 - done once, before you publish your add-on the target: adding updatekey in install.rdf the add-on author creates a public/private rsa cryptographic key pair.
Security best practices in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
this is the same store that holds the logins from web pages, and passwords can only be retrieved using a site/username pairing known to the author.
Session store API - Archive of obsolete content
saving a value with a tab the following code will attach a key/value pair to a tab, so that when the tab is restored, that pair is still associated with it.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
one request for each key pair that is generated.
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
ef", e); } eop print $page; windows peculiarities without web base cgi file, beware that in windows, the original (before encoding) mozilla.js file must start with: //begin ce prefs , if not you'll get "failed to read configuration file..." message, and mozilla won't start :-( in windows environment variables like user or home, are username and homepath, that's why we must create a different pair of configuration files (cfg and cgi) for both systems (linux/windows).
HTTP Class Overview - Archive of obsolete content
request and response parses incoming data nshttpchunkeddecoder owned by a transaction strips chunked transfer encoding nshttprequesthead owns a nshttpheaderarray knows how to fill a request buffer nshttpresponsehead owns a nshttpheaderarray knows how to parse response lines performs common header manipulations/calculations nshttpheaderarray stores http "<header>:<value>" pairs nshttpauthcache stores authentication credentials for http auth domains nshttpbasicauth implements nsihttpauthenticator generates basic auth credentials from user:pass nshttpdigestauth implements nsihttpauthenticator generates digest auth credentials from user:pass original document information author(s): darin fisher last updated date: august 5, 2002 copyright informati...
generateCRMFRequest() - Archive of obsolete content
one request for each key pair that is generated.
Table Cellmap - Archive of obsolete content
the current solution is to use nscellmap::getdataat with a special argument aupdatezerospan to repair the cellmap if it encounters a empty cell (nsnull), by looking for a origin of a zero row- or colspan that spans the queried place in the cellmap.
Elements - Archive of obsolete content
a property consists of a pair of getter/setter functions that can be defined using onget/onset attributes or getter/setter elements underneath the property element.
loadResources - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax object loadresources( string xpipath ); parameters the sole input parameter for loadresources is a string representing the path to the properties file in the xpi in which the key/value pairs are defined.
WinProfile Object - Archive of obsolete content
the two methods of the winprofile object, getstring and writestring, allow you to read and write the data in the key/value pairs of a windows .ini file.
deleteValue - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair you want to remove.
getValueNumber - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want.
setValue - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want to change.
setValueNumber - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want to change.
setValueString - Archive of obsolete content
valname the name of the value-name/value pair whose value you want to change.
spellcheck - Archive of obsolete content
thespellcheck attribute works well paired with the autocomplete, autocapitalize, and autocorrect attributes too!
Bindings - Archive of obsolete content
ce.jpg, ?title = 'palace from above') (?start =, ?photo =, ?title = 'canal') (?start =, ?photo =, ?title = 'obelisk') the second triple will add a ?description for the first photo, adding a fourth variable-value pair to the existing data.
Result Generation - Archive of obsolete content
so, to summarize: start out with a one possible result as the seed iterate over the results determined so far and augment them with additional data add any new possible results remove any rejected results repeat steps 2 to 4 for each query statement once done, all remaining results become matches each possible result is made up of a set of variable-value pairs.
stringbundle - Archive of obsolete content
a property file is a list of property key-value pairs each on a separate line.
textbox - Archive of obsolete content
thespellcheck attribute works well paired with the autocomplete, autocapitalize, and autocorrect attributes too!
XUL Application Packaging - Archive of obsolete content
it is parsed as a windows-style ini file with [headings] and key=value pairs.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
announcments mike connor announced new 'driving' bugs "we have added a pair of drivers-only flags...o track bugs that are not strictly blockers, but are wanted as soon as possible" benjamin smedberg announced new rules for patches to toolkit from now on unit test must be provided with all patches.
Introduction to SSL - Archive of obsolete content
it's important to note that both client and server authentication involve encrypting some piece of data with one key of a public-private key pair and decrypting it with the other key: in the case of server authentication, the client encrypts the premaster secret with the server's public key.
Making sure your theme works with RTL locales - Archive of obsolete content
should i make a special theme for these locales?" don't despair: making a theme rtl-compatible is fairly easy!
Using SSH to connect to CVS - Archive of obsolete content
the following command should generate a suitable key pair: ssh-keygen -t dsa this will take a moment, followed by a prompt for a passphrase.
New in JavaScript 1.8 - Archive of obsolete content
however, that made it impossible to destructure the values of an array - that were arrays (i.e., when an iterator returns an array of the current key-value pair).
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
hopefully we can help you avoid a lot of frustration and despair :).
XForms - Archive of obsolete content
other strengths that xforms brings to the table is the separation of data from presentation, strong data typing, the ability to submit xml data to servers instead of name/value pairs, and a descriptive way to author forms so that they can be displayed by a wide variety of devices.
Plug-in Development Overview - Gecko Plugin API Reference
for this the version stamp of the embedded resource of the plug-in dll should contain the following set of string/value pairs: mimetype: for mime types fileextents: for file extensions fileopenname: for file open template productname: for plug-in name filedescription: for description language: for language in use in the mime types and file extensions strings, multiple values are separated by the "|" character, for example: video/quicktime|audio/aiff|image/jpeg the version stamp will be loaded only if it...
Key - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in public-key cryptography, there exists a pair of related keys known as the public key and private key.
Public-key cryptography - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
public-key cryptography — or asymmetric cryptography — is a cryptographic system in which keys come in pairs.
Screen reader - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
screen readers are essential to people who are blind, as well as useful to people who are visually impaired, illiterate, or have a learning disability.
Semantics - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
some of the benefits from writing semantic markup are as follows: search engines will consider its contents as important keywords to influence the page's search rankings (see seo) screen readers can use it as a signpost to help visually impaired users navigate a page finding blocks of meaningful code is significantly easier than searching though endless divs with or without semantic or namespaced classes suggests to the developer the type of data that will be populated semantic naming mirrors proper custom element/component naming when approaching which markup to use, ask yourself, "what element(s) best describe/represent the data...
Symmetric-key cryptography - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
this is usually contrasted with public-key cryptography, in which keys are generated in pairs and the transformation made by one key can only be reversed using the other key.
Assessment: Accessibility troubleshooting - Learn web development
the audio player the <audio> player isn't accessible to hearing impaired (deaf) people — can you add some kind of accessible alternative for these users?
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
text alternatives whereas textual content is inherently accessible, the same cannot necessarily be said for multimedia content — image and video content cannot be seen by visually-impaired people, and audio content cannot be heard by hearing-impaired people.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
text alternatives whereas textual content is inherently accessible, the same cannot necessarily be said for multimedia content — image and video content cannot be seen by visually-impaired people, and audio content cannot be heard by hearing-impaired people.
Mobile accessibility - Learn web development
these days, mobile devices can usually handle fully-featured websites, and the main platforms even have screenreaders built in to enable visually impaired users to use them successfully.
Accessible multimedia - Learn web development
but don't despair — here we will help you navigate through the techniques available for making multimedia more accessible.
WAI-ARIA basics - Learn web development
traditional static websites with largely text content are therefore easy to make accessible for people with visual impairments.
Accessibility - Learn web development
overview when someone describes a site as "accessible," they mean that any user can use all its features and content, regardless of how the user accesses the web — even and especially users with physical or mental impairments.
Cascade and inheritance - Learn web development
the effect of css location finally, it is also useful to note that the importance of a css declaration depends on what stylesheet it is specified in — it is possible for users to set custom stylesheets to override the developer's styles, for example the user might be visually impaired, and want to set the font size on all web pages they visit to be double the normal size to allow for easier reading.
Fundamental CSS comprehension - Learn web development
you've got four pairs of selector and ruleset to match in your css resources.
Organizing your CSS - Learn web development
we personally find it is more readable to have each property and value pair on a new line.
CSS values and units - Learn web development
each pair of values represents one of the channels — red, green and blue — and allows us to specify any of the 256 available values for each (16 x 16 = 256.) these values are a bit more complex and less easy to understand, but they are a lot more versatile than keywords — you can use hex values to represent any color you want to use in your color scheme.
Introduction to CSS layout - Learn web development
each label/input pair is wrapped in a <div>, for layout purposes.
What is a URL? - Learn web development
those parameters are a list of key/value pairs separated with the & symbol.
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
we can start with a completely semantic, accessible, unordered list of radio buttons with an associated <label>, labeling the entire group with a semantically appropriate <fieldset> and <legend> pair.
Test your skills: Form structure - Learn web development
add a suitable set of structural elements around the label/field pairs to separate them out.
Test your skills: Form validation - Learn web development
note: regular expressions are really challenging if you are new to them, but don't despair — have a go and see where you get to; there is no shame in asking for some help.
Installing basic software - Learn web development
you should also test how your site performs on mobile devices and on any old browsers your target audience may still be using (such as ie 8–10.) lynx, a text-based terminal web browser, is great for seeing how your site is experienced by visually-impaired users.
The web and web standards - Learn web development
this includes people with visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive disabilities, or physical disabilities.
Define terms with HTML - Learn web development
how to build a description list description lists are just what they claim to be: a list of terms and their matching descriptions (e.g., definition lists, dictionary entries, faqs, and key-value pairs).
HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
severely visually impaired people often don't read web pages; they listen to them instead.
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
your html document will be indexed more effectively by search engines if its language is set (allowing it to appear correctly in language-specific results, for example), and it is useful to people with visual impairments using screen readers (for example, the word "six" exists in both french and english, but is pronounced differently.) you can also set subsections of your document to be recognised as different languages.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
it can come in handy for a number of reasons: the user is visually impaired, and is using a screen reader to read the web out to them.
HTML Tables - Learn web development
html table advanced features and accessibility this module looks at some more advanced features of html tables — such as captions/summaries and grouping your rows into table head, body and footer sections — as well as looking at the accessibility of tables for visually impaired users.
Index - Learn web development
in the next article we will look at some slightly more advanced table features, and start to think how accessible they are for visually impaired people.
Functions — reusable blocks of code - Learn web development
pretty much anytime you make use of a javascript structure that features a pair of parentheses — () — and you're not using a common built-in language structure like a for loop, while or do...while loop, or if...else statement, you are making use of a function.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
storing simple data — web storage the web storage api is very easy to use — you store simple name/value pairs of data (limited to strings, numbers, etc.) and retrieve these values when needed.
Inheritance in JavaScript - Learn web development
getters and setters work in pairs.
Introduction to the server side - Learn web development
the request includes a url identifying the affected resource, a method that defines the required action (for example to get, delete, or post the resource), and may include additional information encoded in url parameters (the field-value pairs sent via a query string), as post data (data sent by the http post method), or in associated cookies.
Framework main features - Learn web development
handlebars uses a double-pair of curly braces, instead of a single pair.
Deployment and next steps - Learn web development
to use it you'll have to create an ssh key pair.
Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
in our case, our <input> would end up like so — update the component's first label/input pair (inside the edit template) like so: <label for="todo-{}" class="todo-label">new name for '{}'</label> <input bind:value={name} bind:this={nameel} use:selectonfocus type="text" id="todo-{}" autocomplete="off" class="todo-text" /> let's try it out.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
in our case, just adding a role="alert" to the <div> container will do the trick, like this: <div role="alert" on:click={() => visible = false}> in general, testing your applications using screen readers is a good idea, not only to discover accessibility issues but also to get used to how visually impaired people use the web.
Introduction to cross browser testing - Learn web development
on the other hand, it is not ok for a site to work fine for sighted users, but be completely inaccessible for visually impaired users because their screen reader application can't read any of the information stored on it.
Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
visually impaired users using screenreaders should be able to access the text.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
// for elements, this is the tag name /* [out] */ short *namespaceid, /* [out] */ bstr *nodevalue, /* [out] */ unsigned int *numchildren, /* [out] */ unsigned int *uniqueid, // see description of unique id's in above section on events /* [out] */ unsigned short *nodetype); the get_attributes method returns the set of attribute, value pairs for a given node, as well as the namespace id for each attribute.
Adding a new CSS property
this is particularly important in case the unexpected token is a parenthesis or something else that requires matching the other half of a pair.
all params should now be sent in a hash (struct, dict, hashmap or whatever your language of choice calls key, value pairs).
Chrome registration
typically a contract id will be paired with a component entry immediately preceding.
Creating reftest-based unit tests
the second pair of files, spaces3.html and spaces4.html, confirms that two regular spaces do not produce the same visual construct as two non-breaking spaces.
Debugging Table Reflow
it can be invoked by set gecko_block_debug_flags=reflow the available options are: reflow really-noisy-reflow max-element-size space-manager verify-lines damage-repair lame-paint-metrics lame-reflow-metrics disable-resize-opt these options can be combined with a comma separated list messages generated by the reflow switch: block(div)(1)@00be5ac4: reflowing dirty lines computedwidth=9000 computedheight=1500 this message is generated inside of nsresult nsblockframe::reflowdirtylines(nsblockreflowstate& astate) it first shows the block id and address and...
The Firefox codebase: CSS Guidelines
using the background/text pairs is especially important to ensure the contrast is respected in all situations.
Limitations of chrome scripts
this is one of a pair of articles: the other one lists limitations of frame scripts.
Limitations of frame scripts
this is one of a pair of articles: the other one lists limitations of chrome scripts.
Gecko Keypress Event
the pairs of characters that might be on the same key depend on the keyboard layout.
How Mozilla determines MIME Types
when loading an uri with a type that mozilla can not handle, a helper app dialog shows up, and the displayed information comes from these sources: ask the os for a handler of the given <extension, mime type> pair.
bypass both main threads if used from a non-main thread in a content process write process-agnostic code because it can be used even from another thread in the parent process the parent side of a pbackground actor pair is always on the designated background thread, while the child side is on the thread that chooses to use pbackground.
in case an array of parameters is given, it will be treated as an array of key-value pairs.
Following the Android Toasts Tutorial from a JNI Perspective
let's declare these methods in the third argument of loadclass we add a key-value pair, with the key being static_methods and methods and the value being an array.
getnotification() retrieve a notification object associated with the browser/id pair.
JavaScript code modules
dict.jsm provides an api for key/value pair dictionaries.
Mozilla Content Localized in Your Language
add fluency :: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, diacritics, typography, unpaired brackets or quote marks, whitespace.
Localization content best practices
the pair should be used to surround statements and references to user input.
Localizing with Koala
it may happen that a pair of files from which one is "added" and the other one is "removed" is actually the same file which has been moved from one directory to a different one.
Using the viewport meta tag to control layout on mobile browsers
usage of user-scalable=no can cause accessibility issues to users with visual impairments such as low vision.
Mozilla Style System
nsistylerule an nsistylerule is animmutable set of css property-value pairs.
xul school: add-on performance tips for add-on developers to help them avoid impairing application performance.
the preference system makes it possible to store data for mozilla applications using a key/value pairing system.
Firefox Sync
we have a google document on how bookmark repair works.
NSPR's Position On Abrupt Thread Termination
to make this solution work requires that a function that encounters an error be designed such that it first repairs its immediate state, and then reports that error to its caller.
I/O Functions
pollable events are implemented using a pipe or a pair of tcp sockets connected via the loopback address, therefore setting and/or waiting for pollable events are expensive operating system calls.
a pair of functions is used to allocate and tree the table, and another pair of functions is used to allocate and free the table entries.
enumeration type used in the option field of prsocketoptiondata to form the name portion of a name-value pair.
description prsocketoptiondata is a name-value pair for a socket option.
note: pr_centermonitor and pr_cexitmonitor must be paired--that is, there must be an exit for every entry--or the object will never become available for any other thread.
each call to pr_loadlibrary must be paired with a corresponding call to pr_unloadlibrary in order to return the runtime to its original state.
Cryptography functions
zzamapsig mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslotlist mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslotlistelement mxr 3.11 and later pk11_freesymkey mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatefortezzaiv mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatekeypair mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatekeypairwithflags mxr 3.10.2 and later pk11_generatekeypairwithopflags mxr 3.12 and later pk11_generatenewparam mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generaterandom mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generaterandomonslot mxr 3.11 and later ...
FIPS Mode - an explanation
to that end, mozilla products can function in a "fips mode", which is really "fips 140 mode", when paired with a compliant copy of nss.
t to nss bug 425469: add multiple new roots: geotrust bug 426568: add comodo certification authority certificate to nss bug 431381: add network solutions certificate authority root to nss bug 431621: add diginotar root ca root to nss bug 431772: add network solutions and diginotar root certs to nss bug 442912: fix nssckbi version number on 3.11 branch bug 443045: fix pk11_generatekeypair for ecc keys on the 3.11 branch bug 444850: nss misbehaves badly in the presence of a disabled pkcs#11 slot bug 462948: lint warnings for source files that include keythi.h documentation for a list of the primary nss documentation pages on, see nss documentation.
bug 311432: ecc's ecl_use_fp code (for linux x86) fails pairwise consistency test bug 330622: certutil's usage messages incorrectly document certain options bug 330628: coreconf/ should _not_ default to x86 but result in an error if host is not recognized bug 359302: remove the sslsample code from nss source tree bug 372241: need more versatile form of cert_nametoascii bug 390296: nss ignores subject cn even when san contains no dnsname ...
NSS 3.17.4 release notes
bug 1094492: fixed a memory corruption issue during failure of keypair generation.
NSS 3.18 release notes
the default key size used by certutil when creating an rsa key pair has been increased from 1024 bits to 2048 bits.
NSS Sample Code Sample_1_Hashing
sample code 1 /* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* * maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
NSS Sample Code sample4
* # create ca cert, self-signed, generates key-pair, prompts for key * # type, cert type etc * # answers for prompts: 5,9,n,y,-1,n,5,6,7,9,n * $ certutil -s -s "cn=test ca, o=bogus inc, l=mtn view, st=ca, c=us" \ * -n testca -t ctu,ctu,ctu -v 60 -x -d .
Hashing - sample 1
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> #include <nss.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* * maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
/* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> #include <prprf.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
nss tech note5
see section symmetric key wrapping/unwrapping of a private key to move a symmetric key pk11symkey *destsymkey = pk11_copytoslot(destslot, wrapmech, cka_unwrap?, origsymkey); generate an rsa key pair pk11_generatekeypair<big> is the function to use</big>.
nss tech note8
so, in nss 3.4, the global variables ssl3_sid_timeout and ssl_sid_timeout were intended to become the definitions for the client cache only, and each server cache had its own new pair of variables for ssl2 and ssl3 session lifetimes, i.e., cache->ssl2timeout and cache->ssl3timeout.
NSS functions
zzamapsig mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslotlist mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslotlistelement mxr 3.11 and later pk11_freesymkey mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatefortezzaiv mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatekeypair mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generatekeypairwithflags mxr 3.10.2 and later pk11_generatekeypairwithopflags mxr 3.12 and later pk11_generatenewparam mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generaterandom mxr 3.2 and later pk11_generaterandomonslot mxr 3.11 and later ...
NSS reference
encryption/decryption hashing key generation generate keys, key pairs, and domain parameters.
sec_error_keygen_fail -8092 unable to generate public-private key pair.
NSS Tools dbck-tasks
the dbck tool should be able to repair a currupted database.
Rhino optimization
arguments are passed as object/number pairs to reduce conversion overhead.
Property cache
the hash table entries are key-value pairs.
JSAPI User Guide
the parent object is passed as the second argument, as * with all other api calls that take an object/name pair.
keysonly jsbool if true, the iterator should yield keys only, not [key, value] pairs.
this happens if the destination is too small for the resulting string or if the source buffer isn't proper utf-16 because it contains unpaired surrogate values.
it may contain surrogate code units that aren't properly paired.
in memory it is represented as a pointer to the other string and a pair of integers for the substring's starting point and length, rather than as a separate copy of all the characters.
var target = {}; var handler = {}; var pair = proxy.revocable(target, handler); var proxy = pair.proxy; var revoke = pair.revoke; revoke(); // bool succeeded; // bool rv = js_preventextensions(cx, proxy, &succeeded); // // rv == false, succeeded is indeterminate the second case occurs when no internal error is encountered, but the object simply refuses to be made non-extensible.
JSAPI reference
s_objectisregexp added in spidermonkey 17 js_getregexpflags added in spidermonkey 17 js_getregexpsource added in spidermonkey 17 js_executeregexp js_executeregexpnostatics js_clearregexproots obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 serialization struct jsstructuredclonecallbacks js_setstructuredclonecallbacks js_readstructuredclone js_writestructuredclone js_structuredclone js_readuint32pair js_readbytes js_writeuint32pair js_writebytes security struct jsprincipals js_setobjectprincipalsfinder obsolete since javascript 1.8 js_setprincipalstranscoder obsolete since javascript 1.8 enum jsaccessmode obsolete since jsapi 29 js_checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 jsobjectops.checkaccess obsolete since javascript 1.8 jsclass.checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 js_setcheck...
SpiderMonkey 31
this method pairs with the existing (currently non-mandatory) js_shutdown method, which uninitializes the js engine after all runtimes have been destroyed.
TPS Bookmark Lists
a bookmark asset list is an object with one or more key-value pairs.
Using RAII classes in Mozilla
raii classes are useful when two operations (e.g., lock/unlock, addref/release, pushstate/popstate) must be paired.
Using the Places annotation service
you can get an annotation uri for a given uri/name pair by calling: getannotationuri(auri, aname); in order for the annotation protocol to work, the annotation in question must have been declared with a mime type.
actions are needed more for ats that assist the mobility impaired, such as on-screen keyboards and voice command software.
this removes a single misspelling and correction pair from the list.
enumeration of properties you can also enumerate all the properties on this object with a enumeration: // valuestobind is an object that contains key-value pairs // to bind to the statement before executing it.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean visitmetadataelement(in string key, in string value); methods visitmetadataelement() this method is called for each key/value pair in the meta data for a cache entry.
xpcom/components/nsicategorymanager.idlscriptable this interface provides access to a data structure that holds a list of name-value pairs, called categories, where each value is a list of strings.
this flag can be set, for example, for redirects or for cases when a single channel has multiple parts to it (and thus can follow onstoprequest with another onstartrequest/onstoprequest pair, each pair for a different request).
preferences are saved as key/value pairs on a per-website basis.
this interface doesn't impart any special significance to global preferences; they're simply name-value pairs that aren't associated with any particular domain.
a storage object stores an arbitrary set of key-value pairs, which may be retrieved, modified and removed as needed.
getclassobject() obtains a class object from a nsimodule for a given cid and iid pair.
calls to pusheventqueue() may be nested, and must each be paired with a corresponding call to popeventqueue() to restore the original state of the thread.
Weak reference
why can't i just queryinterface between the pair?
attributes in idl are akin to javascript properties, in that they are a getter and (optionally) a setter pair.
Initialization and Destruction - Plugins
the arguments in the embed element are name-value pairs made up of the attribute name (for example, align) and its value (for example, top).
Memory - Plugins
allocating and freeing memory to allocate memory and free memory, use these paired functions: npn_memalloc allocates a specified amount of memory in the browser's memory space.
Plug-in Development Overview - Plugins
for this the version stamp of the embedded resource of the plug-in dll should contain the following set of string/value pairs: mimetype: for mime types fileextents: for file extensions fileopenname: for file open template productname: for plug-in name filedescription: for description language: for language in use in the mime types and file extensions strings, multiple values are separated by the "|" character, for example: video/quicktime|audio/aiff|image/jpeg the version stamp will be loaded only if it...
URLs - Plugins
posting data to an http server the following code posts two name-value pairs to a cgi script through http.
Accessibility Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
color contrast contrast ratio information is particularly useful when you are designing the color palette for your website because if the contrast is not sufficient, readers with visual impairments such as low vision or color blindness will be unable to read the text.
DOM Inspector FAQ - Firefox Developer Tools
you can do a search via the node's name, id, or an attribute/value pair.
Debugger.Memory - Firefox Developer Tools
again, such a string retains other strings, but the memory consumed by the string itself is a small constant independent of its size, since it is simply a pair of pointers.
Debugger.Script - Firefox Developer Tools
unlike getalloffsets(), which returns all offsets that are entry points for each line, getallcolumnoffsets() returns all offsets that are entry points for each (line, column) pair.
Network request details - Firefox Developer Tools
(there may be some exceptions, such as x-firefox-spdy, which is added by firefox.) you can copy some or all of the response header in json format by using the context menu: if you select copy, a single key word, value pair is copied.
Edit fonts - Firefox Developer Tools
the css font-variation-settings property uses the tag as part of the key-value pair.
Storage Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
a string containing key-value pairs, like "id=1234:foo=bar" is shown as json: {id:1234, foo: "bar"}.
ANGLE_instanced_arrays.drawArraysInstancedANGLE() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
ANGLE_instanced_arrays.drawElementsInstancedANGLE() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
AudioWorkletGlobalScope.registerProcessor - Web APIs
note: a key-value pair { name: constructor } is saved internally in the audioworkletglobalscope once the processor is registered.
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.attestationObject - Web APIs
as part of the credentialscontainer.create() call, an authenticator will create a new keypair as well as an attestationobject for that keypair.
AuthenticatorResponse - Web APIs
the authenticatorresponse interface of the web authentication api is the base interface for interfaces that provide a cryptographic root of trust for a key pair. - Web APIs
call the returned stream's pipethrough() method to pipe the stream through a transformstream or any other readable and writable pair.
BluetoothDevice - Web APIs
bluetoothdevice.paired read only a boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
CSS.supports() - Web APIs
the first one allows to test the support of a pair property-value: propertyname a domstring containing the name of the css property to check.
CSS - Web APIs
css.supports() returns a boolean indicating if the pair property-value, or the condition, given in parameter is supported.
CSSStyleRule.styleMap - Web APIs
the stylemap read-only property of the cssstylerule interface returns a stylepropertymap object which provides access to the rule's property-value pairs.
CSSStyleRule - Web APIs
cssstylerule.stylemap read only returns a stylepropertymap object which provides access to the rule's property-value pairs.
CSSUnparsedValue - Web APIs
methods cssunparsedvalue.entries() returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
Using the CSS Typed Object Model - Web APIs
we start with some html: a paragraph with a link, as well as a definition list to which we will add all the css property / value pairs.
CSS Typed Object Model API - Web APIs
cssunparsedvalue.entries() method returning an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
Cache.add() - Web APIs
note: add() will overwrite any key/value pair previously stored in the cache that matches the request.
Cache.addAll() - Web APIs
note: addall() will overwrite any key/value pairs previously stored in the cache that match the request, but will fail if a resulting put() operation would overwrite a previous cache entry stored by the same addall() method.
Cache - Web APIs
the cache interface provides a storage mechanism for request / response object pairs that are cached, for example as part of the serviceworker life cycle.
DOMTokenList.forEach() - Web APIs
the foreach() method of the domtokenlist interface calls the callback given in parameter once for each value pair in the list, in insertion order.
DeprecationReportBody - Web APIs
we loop over each report using a basic for loop, then iterate over each entry of in the report's body (a deprecationreportbody instance) using a structure, displaying each key/value pair inside a list item.
EcKeyGenParams - Web APIs
the eckeygenparams dictionary of the web crypto api represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into subtlecrypto.generatekey(), when generating any elliptic-curve-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as either of ecdsa or ecdh.
EcKeyImportParams - Web APIs
the eckeyimportparams dictionary of the web crypto api represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into subtlecrypto.importkey() or subtlecrypto.unwrapkey(), when generating any elliptic-curve-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as either of ecdsa or ecdh.
EcdhKeyDeriveParams - Web APIs
ecdh enables two people who each have a key pair consisting of a public and a private key to derive a shared secret.
Element.attributes - Web APIs
to be more specific, attributes is a key/value pair of strings that represents any information regarding that attribute.
Element.computedStyleMap() - Web APIs
examples we start with some simple html: a paragraph with a link, and a definition list to which we will add all the css property / value pairs.
Element: dblclick event - Web APIs
dblclick fires after two click events (and by extension, after two pairs of mousedown and mouseup events).
FormData() - Web APIs
example the following line creates an empty formdata object: var formdata = new formdata(); // currently empty you could add a key/value pair to this using formdata.append: formdata.append('username', 'chris'); or you can specify the optional form argument when creating the formdata object, to prepopulate it with values from the specified form: <form id="myform" name="myform"> <div> <label for="username">enter name:</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="username"> </div> <div> <label for="useracc">enter a...
Using FormData Objects - Web APIs
the formdata object lets you compile a set of key/value pairs to send using xmlhttprequest.
FormData.append() - Web APIs
example the following line creates an empty formdata object: var formdata = new formdata(); // currently empty you can add key/value pairs to this using formdata.append: formdata.append('username', 'chris'); formdata.append('userpic', myfileinput.files[0], 'chris.jpg'); as with regular form data, you can append multiple values with the same name.
FormData.delete() - Web APIs
example the following line creates an empty formdata object and prepopulates it with key/value pairs from a form: var formdata = new formdata(myform); you can delete keys and their values using delete(): formdata.delete('username'); specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequestthe definition of 'delete()' in that specification.
FormData.set() - Web APIs
example the following line creates an empty formdata object: var formdata = new formdata(); // currently empty you can set key/value pairs on this using formdata.set: formdata.set('username', 'chris'); formdata.set('userpic', myfileinput.files[0], 'chris.jpg'); if the sent value is different than string or blob it will be automatically converted to string: formdata.set('name', 72); formdata.get('name'); // "72" specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequestthe definition of 'set()' in that s...
FormDataEntryValue - Web APIs
a string or file that represents a single value from a set of formdata key-value pairs.
Image() - Web APIs
if no size is specified in the constructor both pairs of properties have the same values.
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
it will be read aloud or sent to the touch device, for example, to support visually impaired users.
HTMLImageElement.longDesc - Web APIs
this can be used by readers both as an explanation, but also as a substitute for visually-impaired users.
HTMLMediaElement - Web APIs
htmlmediaelement.mozcapturestream() [enter description] htmlmediaelement.mozcapturestreamuntilended() [enter description] htmlmediaelement.mozgetmetadata() returns object, which contains properties that represent metadata from the playing media resource as {key: value} pairs.
HTMLParamElement - Web APIs
the htmlparamelement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular htmlelement object interface it inherits) for manipulating <param> elements, representing a pair of a key and a value that acts as a parameter for an <object> element.
KeyboardLayoutMap - Web APIs
properties keyboardlayoutmap.entries read only returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
KeyframeEffect.getKeyframes() - Web APIs
return value returns a sequence of objects with the following format: property value pairs as many property value pairs as are contained in each keyframe of the animation.
MediaKeyStatusMap.entries() - Web APIs
the entries() read-only property of the mediakeystatusmap interface returns a new iterator object, containing an array of [key, value] pairs for each element in the status map, in insertion order.
MediaKeyStatusMap.forEach() - Web APIs
the foreach property of the mediakeystatusmap interface calls callback once for each key-value pair in the status map, in insertion order.
MediaKeyStatusMap.size - Web APIs
the size read-only property of the mediakeystatusmap interface returns the number of key/value pairs in the status map.
MediaKeyStatusMap - Web APIs
mediakeystatusmap.foreach(callback[, argument]) read only calls callback once for each key-value pair in the status map, in insertion order.
audioCapabilities - Web APIs
the mediakeysystemconfiguration.audiocapabilities read-only property returns an array of supported audio type and capability pairs.
videoCapabilities - Web APIs
the mediakeysystemconfiguration.videocapabilities read-only property returns an array of supported video type and capability pairs.
MediaStreamTrack.applyConstraints() - Web APIs
it specifies that the page or web app needs a width between 640 and 1280 and a height between 480 and 720, with the later number in each pair being preferred.
MediaTrackSettings.deviceId - Web APIs
since there is a one-to-one pairing of id with each source, all tracks with the same source will share the same id for any given origin, so mediastreamtrack.getcapabilities() will always return exactly one value for deviceid.
Microdata DOM API - Web APIs
mg itemprop="img" src="hedral.jpeg" alt="" title="hedral, age 18 months"> </section> would result in the following output: name desc img (the duplicate occurrence of "" is not included in the list.) htmlpropertiescollection the htmlpropertiescollection interface is used for collections of elements that add name-value pairs to a particular item in the microdata model.
NameList - Web APIs
namelist has been removed, effective with gecko 10.0 the namelist interface provides an abstraction for an ordered collection of name and namespace value pairs.
NodeList.entries() - Web APIs
the nodelist.entries() method returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
NodeList.prototype.forEach() - Web APIs
the foreach() method of the nodelist interface calls the callback given in parameter once for each value pair in the list, in insertion order.
PasswordCredential - Web APIs
the interface of the credential management api provides information about a username/password pair.
Permissions.query() - Web APIs
}) parameters permissiondescriptor an object that sets options for the query operation consisting of a comma-separated list of name-value pairs.
Permissions.revoke() - Web APIs
var revokepromise = navigator.permissions.revoke(descriptor); parameters descriptor an object based on the permissiondescriptor dictionary that sets options for the operation consisting of a comma-separated list of name-value pairs.
PublicKeyCredential - Web APIs
the publickeycredential interface provides information about a public key / private key pair, which is a credential for logging in to a service using an un-phishable and data-breach resistant asymmetric key pair instead of a password.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.pubKeyCredParams - Web APIs
alg a numeric identifier for the algorithm to be used to generate the key pair.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions - Web APIs
smith", }, // requested format of new keypair pubkeycredparams: [{ type: "public-key", alg: cose_alg_ecdsa_w_sha256, }], // timeout after 1 minute timeout: 60000, // do not send the authenticator's origin attestation attestation: "none", extensions: { uvm: true, exts: true }, // filter out authenticators which are bound to the ...
PushManager.permissionState() - Web APIs
this value is part of a signing key pair generated by your application server and usable with elliptic curve digital signature (ecdsa) over the p-256 curve.
PushSubscription.options - Web APIs
this value is part of a signing key pair generated by your application server, and usable with elliptic curve digital signature (ecdsa), over the p-256 curve.
RTCIceRole - Web APIs
you can learn more about ice roles in choosing a candidate pair in webrtc connectivity.
RTCIceTransport.getLocalCandidates() - Web APIs
to find the best match found so far, call rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair().
RTCIceTransport.getRemoteCandidates() - Web APIs
to find the best match found so far, call rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair().
RTCIceTransport.role - Web APIs
you can learn more about ice roles in choosing a candidate pair in webrtc connectivity.
RTCIceTransport: statechange event - Web APIs
the state can be used to determine how far through the process of examining, verifying, and selecting a valid candidate pair is prior to successfully connecting the two peers for webrtc communications.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
perdscppacketsreceived a record of key-value pairs with strings as the keys mapped to 32-bit integer values, each indicating the total number of packets this receiver has received on this rtp stream from this source for each differentiated services code point (dscp).
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
perdscppacketssent a record of key-value pairs with strings as the keys mapped to 32-bit integer values, each indicating the total number of packets this rtcrtpsender has transmitted for this source for each differentiated services code point (dscp).
RTCPeerConnection.addTrack() - Web APIs
note: every rtcrtpsender is paired with an rtcrtpreceiver to make up an rtcrtptransceiver.
RTCTrackEvent.receiver - Web APIs
syntax var rtpreceiver = trackevent.receiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
RTCTrackEventInit.receiver - Web APIs
syntax var trackeventinit = { receiver: rtpreceiver, track: mediastreamtrack, streams: [videostream], transceiver: rtptransceiver }; var rtpreceiver = trackeventinit.receiver; value the rtcrtptransceiver which pairs the receiver with a sender and other properties which establish a single bidirectional srtp stream for use by the track associated with the rtctrackevent.
ReadableStream.pipeThrough() - Web APIs
the pipethrough() method of the readablestream interface provides a chainable way of piping the current stream through a transform stream or any other writable/readable pair.
ReadableStream - Web APIs
readablestream.pipethrough() provides a chainable way of piping the current stream through a transform stream or any other writable/readable pair.
Report - Web APIs
we loop over each report using a basic for loop, then iterate over each entry of in the report's body using a structure, displaying each key/value pair inside a list item.
Response() - Web APIs
headers: any headers you want to add to your response, contained within a headers object or object literal of bytestring key/value pairs (see http headers for a reference).
RsaHashedImportParams - Web APIs
the rsahashedimportparams dictionary of the web crypto api represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into subtlecrypto.importkey() or subtlecrypto.unwrapkey(), when importing any rsa-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as any of rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5, rsa-pss, or rsa-oaep.
RsaHashedKeyGenParams - Web APIs
the rsahashedkeygenparams dictionary of the web crypto api represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into subtlecrypto.generatekey(), when generating any rsa-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as any of rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5, rsa-pss, or rsa-oaep.
SVGRect - Web APIs
rectangles consist of an x and y coordinate pair identifying a minimum x value, a minimum y value, and a width and height, which are constrained to be non-negative.
SVGSVGElement - Web APIs
calls to suspendredraw() and unsuspendredraw() should, but need not be, made in balanced pairs.
Service Worker API - Web APIs
interfaces cache represents the storage for request / response object pairs that are cached as part of the serviceworker life cycle.
Streams API concepts - Web APIs
there are two methods available in the spec to facilitate this: readablestream.pipethrough() — pipes the stream through a transform stream, which is a pair comprised of a writable stream that has data written to it, and a readable stream that then has the data read out of it — this acts as a kind of treadmill that constantly takes data in and transforms it to a new state.
Using readable streams - Web APIs
this involves two methods — readablestream.pipethrough(), which pipes a readable stream through a writer/reader pair to transform one data format into another, and readablestream.pipeto(), which pipes a readable stream to a writer acting as an end point for the pipe chain.
StylePropertyMapReadOnly - Web APIs
methods stylepropertymapreadonly.entries() returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property [key, value] pairs, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
SubtleCrypto.decrypt() - Web APIs
if using rsa-oaep, this is the privatekey property of the cryptokeypair object.
SubtleCrypto - Web APIs
subtlecrypto.generatekey() returns a promise that fulfills with a newly-generated cryptokey, for symmetrical algorithms, or a cryptokeypair, containing two newly generated keys, for asymmetrical algorithms.
URLSearchParams.append() - Web APIs
the append() method of the urlsearchparams interface appends a specified key/value pair as a new search parameter.
URLSearchParams.set() - Web APIs
'use strict' function genurl(rexp, atext, bdebug=false){ let theurl theurl= new url('') theurl.searchparams.set( 'expression', rexp.tostring() ) theurl.searchparams.set( 'tool', 'replace' ) theurl.searchparams.set( 'input', '\u2911\u20dc' )// ⤑⃜ theurl.searchparams.set( 'text', atext.join('\n') ) if( bdebug ){ // display the key/value pairs for(var pair of theurl.searchparams.entries()) { console.debug(pair[0] + ' = \'' + pair[1] + '\''); } console.debug(theurl) } return theurl } var url = genurl( /(^\s*\/\/|\s*[^:]\/\/).*\s*$|\s*\/\*(.|\n)+?\*\/\s*$/gm // single/multi-line comments // /(^\s*\/\/.*|\s*[^:]\/\/.*)/g // single-line comments ,[ "these should work:", "", "// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused...
the url standard also defines concepts such as domains, hosts, and ip addresses, and also attempts to describe in a standard way the legacy application/x-www-form-urlencoded mime type used to submit web forms' contents as a set of key/value pairs.
USB.onconnect - Web APIs
the onconnect property of the usb interface is an event handler called whenever a paired device is connected.
USB.ondisconnect - Web APIs
the ondisconnect property of the usb is an event handler called whenever a paired device is disconnected.
USBDevice.configuration - Web APIs
the configuration read only property of the usbdevice interface returns a usbconfiguration object for the currently selected interface for a paired usb device.
USBDevice.configurations - Web APIs
the configurations read only property of the usbdevice interface an array of device-specific interfaces for controlling a paired usb device.
USBDevice.opened - Web APIs
the opened read only property of the usbdevice interface indicates whether a session has been started with a paired usb device.
Vibration API - Web APIs
you may specify as many vibration/pause pairs as you like, and you may provide either an even or odd number of entries; it's worth noting that you don't have to provide a pause as your last entry since the vibration automatically stops at the end of each vibration period.
WebGL2RenderingContext.drawArraysInstanced() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
WebGL2RenderingContext.drawElementsInstanced() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
WebGL2RenderingContext.drawRangeElements() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
WebGLRenderingContext.drawArrays() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
WebGLRenderingContext.drawElements() - Web APIs
gl.lines: draws a line between a pair of vertices.
Creating 3D objects using WebGL - Web APIs
3, 14, 12, 14, 15, // bottom 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19, // right 20, 21, 22, 20, 22, 23, // left ]; // now send the element array to gl gl.bufferdata(gl.element_array_buffer, new uint16array(indices), gl.static_draw); return { position: positionbuffer, color: colorbuffer, indices: indexbuffer, }; } the indices array defines each face like a pair of triangles, specifying each triangle's vertices as an index into the cube's vertex arrays.
WebGL model view projection - Web APIs
it still represents a point in 3d space and it can easily be demonstrated how to construct this type of coordinate through a pair of simple functions.
Introduction to the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) - Web APIs
rtcrtptransceiver an rtcrtptransceiver is a pair of one rtp sender and one rtp receiver which share an sdp mid attribute, which means they share the same sdp media m-line (representing a bidirectional srtp stream).
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
optionally, see rfc 8445: interactive connectivity establishment, section 2.3 ("negotiating candidate pairs and concluding ice") if you want greater understanding of how this process is completed inside the ice layer.
selectedcandidatepairchange the currently-selected pair of ice candidates has changed for the rtcicetransport on which the event is fired.
WebSocket.close() - Web APIs
syntax_err the reason string is too long or contains unpaired surrogates.
WebSocket.send() - Web APIs
syntax_err the data is a string that has unpaired surrogates.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
these devices include phones, which show the resulting scene on the device's screen in a 2d presentation, as well as goggles that use a pair of cameras, one for each eye, to capture the scene in stereo in order to retain the world's depth, with the webxr scene then rendered for each eye with that eye's captured background in place.
Lighting a WebXR setting - Web APIs
ambient light can also be used to apply a color tint to a scene; for example, in a game in which the player has a special pair of yellow-tinted glasses, you can add a yellow ambient light.
Example and tutorial: Simple synth keyboard - Web APIs
we draw this in a pair of nested <div> elements so that we can make the keyboard horizontally scrollable if all the keys don't fit on the screen, without having them wrap around.
Using the Web Storage API - Web APIs
the web storage api provides mechanisms by which browsers can securely store key/value pairs.
Web Storage API - Web APIs
the web storage api provides mechanisms by which browsers can store key/value pairs, in a much more intuitive fashion than using cookies.
Functions and classes available to Web Workers - Web APIs
8 (8) no support no support no support formdata formdata objects provide a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the xmlhttprequest send() method.
Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
using formdata objects the formdata constructor lets you compile a set of key/value pairs to send using xmlhttprequest.
XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader() - Web APIs
if there are multiple response headers with the same name, then their values are returned as a single concatenated string, where each value is separated from the previous one by a pair of comma and space.
XRInputSourceArray.entries() - Web APIs
the xrinputsourcearray interface's entries() method returns a javascript iterator which can then be used to iterate over the key/value pairs in the input source array.
XRInputSourceArray - Web APIs
entries() returns an iterator you can use to walk the list of key/value pairs in the list.
ARIA: document role - Accessibility
keyboard interactions the element should be made focusable by setting the tabindex="0" attribute / value pair on it.
Accessibility and Spacial Patterns - Accessibility
there's the potential for causing harm if there are more than five light-dark pairs of stripes in any orientation.
Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
"a pattern with the potential for provoking seizures contains clearly discernible stripes, numbering more than five light-dark pairs of stripes in any orientation" in addition to stripes, checkered patterns have also been known to cause photosensitive seizures, according to cedars-sinai.
cognitive accessibility when creating web content, be aware of how you can ensure that it is accessible to people cognitive impairments.
additive-symbols - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the additive-symbols descriptor defines additive tuples, each of which is a pair containing a symbol and a non-negative integer weight.
@supports - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the supports condition consists of one or more name-value pairs combined by conjunctions (and), disjunctions (or), and/or negations (not).
CSS Fonts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
these include things like ligatures (special glyphs that combine characters like 'fi' or 'ffl'), kerning (adjustments to the spacing between specific letterform pairings), fractions, numeral styles, and a number of others.
CSS Grid Layout and Progressive Enhancement - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
rather than checking a viewport width, or some feature of the browser or device, we check for support of a css property and value pair using an @supports rule.
Basic Shapes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this shape accepts three or more pairs of values (a polygon must at least draw a triangle).
CSS values and units - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
every css declaration includes a property / value pair.
Introducing the CSS Cascade - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
which css entities participate in the cascade only css declarations, that is property/value pairs, participate in the cascade.
Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: while a syntax error in a css property / value pair will lead to the line being ignored, using a cascaded value, invalid substitution -- using a custom property value that is invalid -- is not ignored, leading to the value to be inherited.
box-shadow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if any pair of input shadows has one inset and the other not inset, the entire shadow list is uninterpolable.
counter-increment - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you may specify as many counters to increment as you want, with each name or name-number pair separated by a space.
counter-reset - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you may specify as many counters to reset as you want, with each name or name-number pair separated by a space.
counter-set - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you may specify as many counters to reset as you want, with each name or name-number pair separated by a space.
cursor - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
each <url> may be optionally followed by a pair of space-separated numbers, which represent <x><y> coordinates.
Adapting to the new two-value syntax of display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
what about the matched pair display: inline flow-root?
font-variant-caps - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example: in turkic languages, such as turkish (tr), azerbaijani (az), crimean tatar (crh), volga tatar (tt), and bashkir (ba), there are two kinds of i (one with the dot, one without) and two case pairings: i/İ and ı/i.
font-variation-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
each setting is always one or more pairs consisting of a <string> of 4 ascii characters followed by a <number> indicating the axis value to set.
scroll-snap-coordinate - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for each pairing, the first value gives the x coordinate of the snap coordinate, the second value its y coordinate.
Constraint validation - Developer guides
all newlines are normalized to a single character (as opposed to crlf pairs) for <textarea>.
Developer guides
using formdata objects the formdata object lets you compile a set of key/value pairs to send using xmlhttprequest.
Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
that is, rather than representing simply "january," an html month string represents a month and year paired, like "january 1972." a valid month string consists of a valid year number (a string of at least four digits), followed by a hyphen character ("-", or u+002d), followed by a two-digit numeric month number, where 01 represents january and 12 represents december.
<button>: The Button element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
name the name of the button, submitted as a pair with the button’s value as part of the form data.
<dfn>: The Definition element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <p> element, the <dt>/<dd> pairing, or the <section> element which is the nearest ancestor of the <dfn> is considered to be the definition of the term.
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
there are a number of situations in which a browser might not display images, such as: non-visual browsers (such as those used by people with visual impairments) the user chooses not to display images (saving bandwidth, privacy reasons) the image is invalid or an unsupported type in these cases, the browser may replace the image with the text in the element's alt attribute.
<input type="search"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when submitted, the data name/value pair sent to the server will be q=searchterm.
<input type="submit"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
upon submitting, the data name/value pair gets sent to the server.
<input type="text"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
basic example <form> <div> <label for="uname">choose a username: </label> <input type="text" id="uname" name="name"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> this renders like so: when submitted, the data name/value pair sent to the server will be uname=chris (if "chris" was entered as the input value before submission).
Standard metadata names - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <meta> element can be used to provide document metadata in terms of name-value pairs, with the name attribute giving the metadata name, and the content attribute giving the value.
<meta>: The Document-level Metadata element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ations mdn understanding wcag, guideline 3.1 explanations understanding success criterion 2.2.1 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 understanding success criterion 2.2.4 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 understanding success criterion 3.2.5 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 name the name and content attributes can be used together to provide document metadata in terms of name-value pairs, with the name attribute giving the metadata name, and the content attribute giving the value.
<source>: The Media or Image Source element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
each source size consists of a comma-separated list of media condition-length pairs.
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
soft: the browser ensures that all line breaks in the value consist of a cr+lf pair, but does not insert any additional line breaks.
<title>: The Document Title element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
use a descriptive phrase, or a term-definition pairing for glossary or reference-style pages.
HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).
title - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
="cooltip"> <p>hovering here will show “cooltip”.</p> <p title="">hovering here will show nothing.</p> </div> result accessibility concerns use of the title attribute is highly problematic for: people using touch-only devices people navigating with keyboards people navigating with assistive technology such as screen readers or magnifiers people experiencing fine motor control impairment people with cognitive concerns this is due to inconsistent browser support, compounded by the additional assistive technology parsing of the browser-rendered page.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
every html element may have an itemprop attribute specified, where an itemprop consists of a name and value pair.
Microformats - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
microformats use supporting vocabularies to describe objects and name-value pairs to assign values to their properties.
HTTP authentication - HTTP
ources digest see rfc 7616, only md5 hashing is supported in firefox, see bug 472823 for sha encryption support hoba see rfc 7486, section 3, http origin-bound authentication, digital-signature-based mutual see rfc 8120 aws4-hmac-sha256 see aws docs basic authentication scheme the "basic" http authentication scheme is defined in rfc 7617, which transmits credentials as user id/password pairs, encoded using base64.
Identifying resources on the Web - HTTP
those parameters are a list of key/value pairs separated with the & symbol.
HTTP conditional requests - HTTP
this impairs performance, and http has a specific header to avoid this scenario: if-range: this solution is more efficient, but slightly less flexible, as only one etag can be used in the condition.
Using HTTP cookies - HTTP
a simple cookie is set like this: set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value> this shows the server sending headers to tell the client to store a pair of cookies: http/2.0 200 ok content-type: text/html set-cookie: yummy_cookie=choco set-cookie: tasty_cookie=strawberry [page content] then, with every subsequent request to the server, the browser sends back all previously stored cookies to the server using the cookie header.
Set-Cookie - HTTP
>; httponly set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; samesite=strict set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; samesite=lax set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; samesite=none // multiple attributes are also possible, for example: set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; domain=<domain-value>; secure; httponly attributes <cookie-name>=<cookie-value> a cookie begins with a name-value pair: a <cookie-name> can be any us-ascii characters, except control characters, spaces, or tabs.
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
you can have expressions in both the switch part and the cases if you like; comparisons take place between the two using the === operator: switch (1 + 3) { case 2 + 2: yay(); break; default: neverhappens(); } objects javascript objects can be thought of as simple collections of name-value pairs.
Control flow and error handling - JavaScript
the block is delimited by a pair of curly brackets: { statement_1; statement_2; ⋮ statement_n; } example block statements are commonly used with control flow statements (if, for, while).
Details of the object model - JavaScript
specifying properties in a constructor, take 1 the following pairs of examples show the java and javascript definitions for these objects.
Grammar and types - JavaScript
more succinctly, the syntax is: [(+|-)][digits].[digits][(e|e)[(+|-)]digits] for example: 3.1415926 -.123456789 -3.1e+12 .1e-23 object literals an object literal is a list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object, enclosed in curly braces ({}).
Keyed collections - JavaScript
weakmap object the weakmap object is a collection of key/value pairs in which the keys are objects only and the values can be arbitrary values.
Working with objects - JavaScript
for example, let's create an object named mycar and give it properties named make, model, and year as follows: var mycar = new object(); mycar.make = 'ford'; mycar.model = 'mustang'; mycar.year = 1969; the above example could also be written using an object initializer, which is a comma-delimited list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object, enclosed in curly braces ({}): var mycar = { make: 'ford', model: 'mustang', year: 1969 }; unassigned properties of an object are undefined (and not null).
Warning: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated - JavaScript
function func(array) { if (array) { for (var x of array) { console.log(x); } } } func([10, 20]); // 10 // 20 func(null); // prints nothing func(undefined); // prints nothing iterating over an object's key-value pair deprecated syntax there's a deprecated idiom to iterate over the specified object's key-value pairs using for and the deprecated iterator object.
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad parsing - JavaScript
arse: expected double-quoted property name syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data after property name when ':' was expected syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ':' after property name in object syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data after property value in object syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property value in object syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property-value pair in object literal syntaxerror: json.parse: property names must be double-quoted strings syntaxerror: json.parse: expected property name or '}' syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected character syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after json data syntaxerror: json.parse error: invalid character at position {0} (edge) error type syntaxerror what went wrong?
URIError: malformed URI sequence - JavaScript
an urierror will be thrown if there is an attempt to encode a surrogate which is not part of a high-low pair, for example: encodeuri('\ud800'); // "urierror: malformed uri sequence" encodeuri('\udfff'); // "urierror: malformed uri sequence" a high-low pair is ok.
Arrow function expressions - JavaScript
syntax basic syntax (param1, param2, …, paramn) => { statements } (param1, param2, …, paramn) => expression // equivalent to: => { return expression; } // parentheses are optional when there's only one parameter name: (singleparam) => { statements } singleparam => { statements } // the parameter list for a function with no parameters should be written with a pair of parentheses.
Array.prototype.entries() - JavaScript
the entries() method returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Array.prototype.join() - JavaScript
syntax arr.join([separator]) parameters separator optional specifies a string to separate each pair of adjacent elements of the array.
Array - JavaScript
array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
BigInt64Array - JavaScript
bigint64array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
BigUint64Array - JavaScript
biguint64array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Float32Array - JavaScript
float32array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Float64Array - JavaScript
float64array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Int16Array - JavaScript
int16array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Int32Array - JavaScript
int32array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Int8Array - JavaScript
int8array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Intl.Collator.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl.DisplayNames.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl​.List​Format​.prototype​.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl.NumberFormat() constructor - JavaScript
pairs of simple units can be concatenated with "-per-" to make a compound unit.
Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl.PluralRules.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
if any unicode extension values were requested in the input bcp 47 language tag that led to this locale, the key-value pairs that were requested and are supported for this locale are included in locale.
Intl - JavaScript
examples: "de-de-u-co-phonebk": use the phonebook variant of the german sort order, which interprets umlauted vowels as corresponding character pairs: ä → ae, ö → oe, ü → ue.
Map.prototype.entries() - JavaScript
the entries() method returns a new iterator object that contains the [key, value] pairs for each element in the map object in insertion order.
Map.prototype.forEach() - JavaScript
the foreach() method executes a provided function once per each key/value pair in the map object, in insertion order.
Object.create() - JavaScript
for example: a simple common debugging function: // display top-level property name:value pairs of given object function showproperties(obj){ for(var prop in obj){ console.log(prop + ": " + obj[prop] + "\n" ); } } not such simple results: (especially if silent error-trapping had hidden the error messages) ob={}; ob.po=oco;; // create a compound object using the test objects from above as property values > showproperties( ob ) // display top-level properties - po: [obje...
Object.defineProperty() - JavaScript
an accessor descriptor is a property described by a getter-setter pair of functions.
Promise() constructor - JavaScript
} at the time when the constructor generates the new promiseobj, it also generates a corresponding pair of functions for resolutionfunc and rejectionfunc; these are "tethered" to the promiseobj.
String.fromCodePoint() - JavaScript
instead, it requires the utf-16 surrogate pair in order to return a supplementary character: string.fromcharcode(0xd83c, 0xdf03); // code point u+1f303 "night with string.fromcharcode(55356, 57091); // stars" == "\ud83c\udf03" string.fromcodepoint(), on the other hand, can return 4-byte supplementary characters, as well as the more common 2-byte bmp characters, by specifying their code point (which is equivalent to the utf-32 code unit):...
String.prototype.split() - JavaScript
this destroys surrogate pairs.
TypedArray.prototype.entries() - JavaScript
the entries() method returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
TypedArray - JavaScript
typedarray.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Uint16Array - JavaScript
uint16array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Uint32Array - JavaScript
uint32array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Uint8Array - JavaScript
uint8array.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
Uint8ClampedArray - JavaScript
uint8clampedarray.prototype.entries() returns a new array iterator object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array.
WeakMap - JavaScript
the weakmap object is a collection of key/value pairs in which the keys are weakly referenced.
encodeURI() - JavaScript
encoding a lone high surrogate throws an urierror will be thrown if one attempts to encode a surrogate which is not part of a high-low pair, e.g., // high-low pair ok console.log(encodeuri('\ud800\udfff')); // lone high surrogate throws "urierror: malformed uri sequence" console.log(encodeuri('\ud800')); // lone low surrogate throws "urierror: malformed uri sequence" console.log(encodeuri('\udfff')); encoding for ipv6 if one wishes to follow the more recent rfc3986 for urls, which makes square brackets reserved (for ipv6) and th...
encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript
e space gets encoded as %20) console.log(encodeuricomponent(set1)); // %3b%2c%2f%3f%3a%40%26%3d%2b%24 console.log(encodeuricomponent(set2)); // -_.!~*'() console.log(encodeuricomponent(set3)); // %23 console.log(encodeuricomponent(set4)); // abc%20abc%20123 (the space gets encoded as %20) note that a urierror will be thrown if one attempts to encode a surrogate which is not part of a high-low pair, e.g., // high-low pair ok console.log(encodeuricomponent('\ud800\udfff')); // lone high surrogate throws "urierror: malformed uri sequence" console.log(encodeuricomponent('\ud800')); // lone low surrogate throws "urierror: malformed uri sequence" console.log(encodeuricomponent('\udfff')); use encodeuricomponent() on user-entered fields from forms post'd to the server.
parseInt() - JavaScript
if radix is undefined or 0, it is assumed to be 10 except when the number begins with the character pairs 0x or 0x, in which case a radix of 16 is assumed.
Grouping operator ( ) - JavaScript
syntax ( ) description the grouping operator consists of a pair of parentheses around an expression or sub-expression to override the normal operator precedence so that expressions with lower precedence can be evaluated before an expression with higher priority.
Spread syntax (...) - JavaScript
spread syntax (...) allows an iterable such as an array expression or string to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for array literals) are expected, or an object expression to be expanded in places where zero or more key-value pairs (for object literals) are expected.
block - JavaScript
the block is delimited by a pair of braces ("curly brackets") and may optionally be labelled: the source for this interactive example is stored in a github repository. - JavaScript
although arrays are often more practical for storing data, in situations where a key-value pair is preferred for working with data (with properties acting as the "key"), there may be instances where you want to check if any of those keys hold a particular value.
Statements and declarations - JavaScript
the block is delimited by a pair of curly brackets.
Strict mode - JavaScript
function f(a) { 'use strict'; a = 42; return [a, arguments[0]]; } var pair = f(17); console.assert(pair[0] === 42); console.assert(pair[1] === 17); third, arguments.callee is no longer supported.
MathML element reference - MathML
) <mscarry> (single carry, child element of <mscarries>) <msgroup> (grouped rows of <mstack> and <mlongdiv> elements) <msline> (horizontal lines inside <mstack> elements) <mspace> (space) <msqrt> (square root without an index) <msrow> (rows in <mstack> elements) <mstack> (stacked alignment) <mstyle> (style change) <msub> (subscript) <msup> (superscript) <msubsup> (subscript-superscript pair) t <mtable> (table or matrix) <mtd> (cell in a table or a matrix) <mtext> (text) <mtr> (row in a table or a matrix) u <munder> (underscript) <munderover> (underscript-overscript pair) other elements <semantics> (container for semantic annotations) <annotation> (data annotations) <annotation-xml> (xml annotations) mathml presentation elements by category top-level elements...
Web audio codec guide - Web media technologies
in addition to providing audio for specific speakers in a sound system, some codecs may allow audio channels to be used to provide alternative audio, such as vocals in different languages or descriptive audio for visually impaired people.
Media container formats (file types) - Web media technologies
in other cases, a particular codec, stored in a certain container type, is so ubiquitous that the pairing is treated in a unique fashion.
OpenSearch description format
param the parameters that must be passed in along with the search query as key/value pairs.
points - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
each point is defined by a pair of number representing a x and a y coordinate in the user coordinate system.
xlink:title - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it may be used, for example, to make titles available to applications used by visually impaired users, or to create a table of links, or to present help text that appears when a user lets a mouse pointer hover over a starting resource.
<feComposite> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
example svg <svg width="330" height="195" viewbox="0 0 1100 650" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>example fecomposite - examples of fecomposite operations</title> <desc>four rows of six pairs of overlapping triangles depicting the six different fecomposite operators under different opacity values and different clearing of the background.</desc> <defs> <desc>define two sets of six filters for each of the six compositing operators.
<polygon> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
<svg viewbox="0 0 200 100" xmlns=""> <!-- example of a polygon with the default fill --> <polygon points="0,100 50,25 50,75 100,0" /> <!-- example of the same polygon shape with stroke and no fill --> <polygon points="100,100 150,25 150,75 200,0" fill="none" stroke="black" /> </svg> attributes points this attribute defines the list of points (pairs of x,y absolute coordinates) required to draw the polygon.
<polyline> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
viewbox="0 0 200 100" xmlns=""> <!-- example of a polyline with the default fill --> <polyline points="0,100 50,25 50,75 100,0" /> <!-- example of the same polyline shape with stroke and no fill --> <polyline points="100,100 150,25 150,75 200,0" fill="none" stroke="black" /> </svg> attributes points this attribute defines the list of points (pairs of x,y absolute coordinates) required to draw the polyline value type: <number>+ ; default value: ""; animatable: yes pathlength this attribute lets specify the total length for the path, in user units.
Paths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
while creating complex paths using an xml editor or text editor is not recommended, understanding how they work will allow to identify and repair display issues in svgs.
Insecure passwords - Web security
attackers are getting smarter; they steal username/password pairs from one site and then try reusing them on more lucrative sites.
WebAssembly Concepts - WebAssembly
instance: a module paired with all the state it uses at runtime including a memory, table, and set of imported values.
Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly
each node in the tree goes inside a pair of parentheses — ( ...