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11 results for "DataStore":
in the old rdf-based bookmarks datastore, bookmark ids are nsirdfresource objects.
... in the new places-based datastore, they are nsiuri objects.
...if the caller passes a bookmark id, and one of the microsummaries is the current one for the bookmark, this method will retrieve content from the datastore for that microsummary, which is useful when callers want to display a list of microsummaries for a page that isn't loaded, and they want to display the actual content of the selected microsummary immediately (rather than after the content is asynchronously loaded).
...refreshmicrosummary() refreshes a microsummary, updating its value in the datastore and ui.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
LearnJavaScriptClient-side web APIsClient-side storage
next, we check to see if the cursor contains a record from the datastore (if(cursor){ ...
... at the end of the if block, we use the idbcursor.continue() method to advance the cursor to the next record in the datastore, and run the content of the if block again.
RDF Datasource How-To - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaRDF Datasource How-To
if you choose this route, you'll need to implement each of the nsirdfdatastore methods "by hand".
CRUD - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
crud typically refers to operations performed in a database or datastore, but it can also apply to higher level functions of an application such as soft deletes where data is not actually deleted but marked as deleted via a status.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
crud typically refers to operations performed in a database or datastore, but it can also apply to higher level functions of an application such as soft deletes where data is not actually deleted but marked as deleted via a status.
MozillaJavaScript code modulesWebapps.jsm
rects: function sanitizeredirects(asource) _savewidgetsfullpath: function(amanifest, adestapp) appkind: function(aapp, amanifest) updatepermissionsforapp: function(aid, aispreinstalled) updateofflinecacheforapp: function(aid) installpreinstalledapp: function installpreinstalledapp(aid) removeifhttpsduplicate: function(aid) installsystemapps: function() loadandupdateapps: function() updatedatastore: function(aid, aorigin, amanifesturl, amanifest) _registersystemmessagesforentrypoint: function(amanifest, aapp, aentrypoint) _registerinterappconnectionsforentrypoint: function(amanifest, aapp,) _registersystemmessages: function(amanifest, aapp) _registerinterappconnections: function(amanifest, aapp) _createactivitiestoregister: function(amanifest, aapp, aentrypoint, arunupdate) _registera...
Places Developer Guide
MozillaTechPlacesPlaces Developer Guide
the bookmarks datastore is hierarchical, modeling folders and their contents.
specifically, this looks to see whether there are any known possible application handlers in either the nsihandlerservice datastore or registered with the os.
FileHandle API - Web APIs
WebAPIFile Handle API
var idbreq ='myfilestoragedatabase'); // if necessary, let's create a datastore for the files idbreq.onupgradeneeded = function () { this.result.createobjectstore('files'); } idbreq.onsuccess = function () { var db = this.result; // let's create a new file var handlereq = db.mozcreatefilehandle("test.txt", "plain/text"); handlereq.onsuccess = function () { var myfilehandle = this.result; var store = db.transaction(['files'], 'readwrite').objectstore('fil...
Browser storage limits and eviction criteria - Web APIs
WebAPIIndexedDB APIBrowser storage limits and eviction criteria
once the global limit for temporary storage is reached (more on the limit later), we try to find all currently unused origins (i.e., ones with no tabs/apps open that are keeping open datastores).
WorkerNavigator - Web APIs
properties the workernavigator interface implements properties from the navigatorid, navigatorlanguage, navigatoronline, navigatordatastore, and navigatorconcurrenthardware interfaces.