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7 results for "getLength":
String.prototype.padStart() - JavaScript
WebJavaScriptReferenceGlobal ObjectsStringpadStart
syntax str.padstart(targetlength [, padstring]) parameters targetlength the length of the resulting string once the current str has been padded.
...if padstring is too long to stay within the targetlength, it will be truncated from the end.
... return value a string of the specified targetlength with padstring applied from the start.
... examples basic examples 'abc'.padstart(10); // " abc" 'abc'.padstart(10, "foo"); // "foofoofabc" 'abc'.padstart(6,"123465"); // "123abc" 'abc'.padstart(8, "0"); // "00000abc" 'abc'.padstart(1); // "abc" fixed width string number conversion // javascript version of: (unsigned) // printf "%0*d" width num function leftfillnum(num, targetlength) { return num.tostring().padstart(targetlength, 0); } const num = 123; console.log(leftfillnum(num, 5)); // expected output: "00123" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.prototype.padstart' in that specification.
XPCOM array guide
void notifyobservers(nsiarray* aarray) { pruint32 length; aarray->getlength(&length); for (pruint32 i=0; i<length; ++i) { nscomptr<nsimyobserver> element; aarray->queryelementat(i, ns_get_iid(nsielement), getter_addrefs(element)); element->observe(); } } a simpler option is to use the helper do_queryelementat which is typesafe.
... void notifyobservers(nsiarray* aarray) { pruint32 length; aarray->getlength(&length); for (pruint32 i=0; i<length; ++i) { nscomptr<nsimyobserver> element = do_queryelementat(aarray, i); element->observe(); } } passing as a parameter since nsiarray is an xpcom object, it should be passed as a pointer.
... when the array can or should be modified, then use nsimutablearray: // array is read-only because it uses nsiarray void printsize(nsiarray* elements) { pruint32 count; elements->getlength(&count); printf("there are %d elements.\n", count); } // using nsimutablearray, so callee may modify void tweakarray(nsimutablearray* elements) { elements->removeelementat(0); elements->appendelement(newelement, pr_false); } while it is usually possible to call queryinterface on an nsiarray to get access to the nsimutablearray interface, this is against convention and it should be avoided.
String.prototype.padEnd() - JavaScript
WebJavaScriptReferenceGlobal ObjectsStringpadEnd
syntax str.padend(targetlength [, padstring]) parameters targetlength the length of the resulting string once the current str has been padded.
...if padstring is too long to stay within targetlength, it will be truncated: for left-to-right languages the left-most part and for right-to-left languages the right-most will be applied.
... return value a string of the specified targetlength with the padstring applied at the end of the current str.
String - JavaScript
WebJavaScriptReferenceGlobal ObjectsString
string.prototype.padend(targetlength [, padstring]) pads the current string from the end with a given string and returns a new string of the length targetlength.
... string.prototype.padstart(targetlength [, padstring]) pads the current string from the start with a given string and returns a new string of the length targetlength.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
enericize(a[e],f[e][b],true);}}})();var hash=new native({name:"hash",initialize:function(a){if($type(a)=="hash"){a=$unlink(a.getclean()); }for(var b in a){this[b]=a[b];}return this;}});hash.implement({foreach:function(b,c){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)){,this[a],a,this); }}},getclean:function(){var b={};for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)){b[a]=this[a];}}return b;},getlength:function(){var b=0;for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)){b++; }}return b;}});hash.alias("foreach","each");array.implement({foreach:function(c,d){for(var b=0,a=this.length;b<a;b++){,this[b],b,this);}}});array.alias("foreach","each"); function $a(b){if(b.item){var a=b.length,c=new array(a);while(a--){c[a]=b[a];}return c;}return;}function $arguments(a){r...
Exact Stack Rooting
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyInternalsGCExact Stack Rooting
bool returnfoo(jscontext *cx, mutablehandlestring out) { out.set(js_newstringcopyz(cx, "foo")); return bool(out); } size_t getlengthfoo(jscontext *cx) { rootedstring s(cx); if (returnfoo(cx, &s)) return js_getstringlength(s); return size_t(-1); } all methods in the js-api that return gcpointers have been changed to this out-param style.
Using XPCOM Components
MozillaTechXPCOMGuideCreating componentsUsing XPCOM Components
esult rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; nscomptr<nsicookiemanager> cookiemanager; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid("", ns_get_iid(nsicookiemanager), getter_addrefs(cookiemanager)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; pruint32 len; deletedcookies->getlength(&len); for (int c=0; c<len; c++) cookiemanager->remove(deletedcookies[c].host, deletedcookies[c].name, deletedcookies[c].path, pr_false); xxx: in the original document, there were only the first three parameters to the |remove| call.