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3 results for "anniversary":
Creating a hybrid CD - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaCreating a hybrid CD
here's what i did to create the cd for the second anniversary party.
homecountry astring workaddress astring workaddress2 astring workcity astring workstate astring workzipcode astring workcountry astring jobtitle astring department astring company astring aimscreenname astring anniversaryyear astring anniversarymonth astring anniversaryday astring spousename astring familyname astring defaultaddress astring category astring webpage1 astring used for the contact's work web page webpage2 astring used for the contact's home web page birt...
MozillaTechXPCOMReferencensIAbCard (Tb3)
same as home, but with `work' instead of `home' other contact: faxnumber, faxnumbertype pagernumber, pagernumbertype cellularnumber, cellularnumbertype jobtitle, department, company _aimscreenname dates: anniversaryyear, anniversarymonth, anniversaryday birthyear, birthmonth, birthday webpage1 (work), webpage2 (home) custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 notes integral properties: lastmodifieddate popularityindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent inherits from: nsiabitem method overview nsivariant getprope...