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4 results for "jobTitle":
homeaddress2 astring homecity astring homestate astring homezipcode astring homecountry astring workaddress astring workaddress2 astring workcity astring workstate astring workzipcode astring workcountry astring jobtitle astring department astring company astring aimscreenname astring anniversaryyear astring anniversarymonth astring anniversaryday astring spousename astring familyname astring defaultaddress astring category astring ...
MozillaTechXPCOMReferencensIAbCard (Tb3)
same as home, but with `work' instead of `home' other contact: faxnumber, faxnumbertype pagernumber, pagernumbertype cellularnumber, cellularnumbertype jobtitle, department, company _aimscreenname dates: anniversaryyear, anniversarymonth, anniversaryday birthyear, birthmonth, birthday webpage1 (work), webpage2 (home) custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 notes integral properties: lastmodifieddate popularityindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent i...
Address Book examples
MozillaThunderbirdAddress Book Examples
let card = collection.getcardfromproperty("jobtitle", "software engineer", false); if you are searching for a card with a particular email address, you can use the cardforemailaddress function that will match against multiple email addresses stored in one card.
LDAP Support
MozillaThunderbirdLDAP Support
e cellularnumber mobile cellularnumber cellphone cellularnumber carphone workaddress postofficebox workaddress streetaddress workcity l workcity locality workstate st workstate region workzipcode postalcode workzipcode zip workcountry countryname jobtitle title department ou department orgunit department department department departmentnumber company o company company workcountry countryname _aimscreenname nscpaimscreenname webpage1 workurl webpage2 homeurl birthyear birthyear custom1 custom1 c...