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49 results for "attachments":
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the nsimessenger interface provides functions for managing the history, undo and redo operations, and for loading, saving, or deleting messages and attachments in mailnews.
... boolean aasfile, in nsimsgidentity aidentity, in astring amsgfilename); void openattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveallattachments(in unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] in string contenttypearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string urlarray, [array, size_is(count)] in string displaynamearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string messageuriarray); void saveattachmenttofile(in nsifile afile, in acstring aurl, in acstring amessageuri, in acstring acontenttype, in nsiurllistener alistener); void detachatt...
...achment(in string contenttpe, in string url, in string displayname, in string messageuri, in boolean savefirst, [optional] in boolean withoutwarning); void detachallattachments(in unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] in string contenttypearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string urlarray, [array, size_is(count)] in string displaynamearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string messageuriarray, in boolean savefirst, [optional] in boolean withoutwarning); nsilocalfile saveattachmenttofolder(in acstring contenttype, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in nsilocalfile adestfolder); nsimsgmessageservice messageservicefromuri(in acstring auri); nsimsgdbhdr msghdrfromuri(in acstring auri); acstring getmsguriatnavigatepos(in long a...
...And 5 more matches
nsmsgkey key, in boolean bneeded, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); boolean ismdnsent(in nsmsgkey key); void markread(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bread, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markreplied(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean breplied, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markforwarded(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bforwarded, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markhasattachments(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bhasattachments, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markthreadread(in nsimsgthread thread, in nsidbchangelistener instigator, in nsmsgkeyarrayptr thosemarked); native code only!
... bignored, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markthreadwatched(in nsimsgthread thread, in nsmsgkey threadkey, in boolean bwatched, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markheaderkilled(in nsimsgdbhdr msg, in boolean bignored, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); boolean isread(in nsmsgkey key); boolean isignored(in nsmsgkey key); boolean ismarked(in nsmsgkey key); boolean hasattachments(in nsmsgkey key); void markallread(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr thosemarked); native code only!
...msgkey key, in boolean bread, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); markreplied() void markreplied(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean breplied, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); markforwarded() void markforwarded(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bforwarded, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); markhasattachments() void markhasattachments(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bhasattachments, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); markthreadread() [noscript] void markthreadread(in nsimsgthread thread, in nsidbchangelistener instigator, in nsmsgkeyarrayptr thosemarked); markthreadignored() void markthr...
... in boolean bwatched, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); markheaderkilled() void markheaderkilled(in nsimsgdbhdr msg, in boolean bignored, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); isread() boolean isread(in nsmsgkey key); isignored() boolean isignored(in nsmsgkey key); ismarked() boolean ismarked(in nsmsgkey key); hasattachments() boolean hasattachments(in nsmsgkey key); markallread() [noscript] void markallread(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr thosemarked); markreadbydate() [noscript] void markreadbydate (in prtime startdate, in prtime enddate, in nsmsgkeyarrayptr markedids); deletemessages() [noscript] void deletemessages(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr nsmsgkeys, ...
Index - Web APIs
3386 rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.trackid api, audio, media, mediastreamtrack, property, rtcinboundrtpstreamstats, rtp, reference, statistics, stats, video, webrtc, webrtc api, trackid the trackid property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the id of the rtcreceiveraudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceivervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the mediastreamtrack which is receiving the incoming media.
... 3404 rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.trackid api, audio, media, mediastreamtrack, property, rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats, rtcrtpsender, rtp, reference, statistics, stats, video, webrtc, webrtc api, id, stream, track, trackid the trackid property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the id of the rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the mediastreamtrack which is being sent on this stream.
... 4653 webgl2renderingcontext.invalidateframebuffer() api, experimental, method, reference, webgl, webgl2 the webgl2renderingcontext.invalidateframebuffer() method of the webgl 2 api invalidates the contents of attachments in a framebuffer.
... 4654 webgl2renderingcontext.invalidatesubframebuffer() api, experimental, method, reference, webgl, webgl2 the webgl2renderingcontext.invalidatesubframebuffer() method of the webgl 2 api invalidates portions of the contents of attachments in a framebuffer.
properties attribute type description attachments char * obsolete attachments obsolete, do not use anymore attachmentsarray nsisupportsarray readonly attachvcard prbool bcc astring body astring bodyisasciionly prbool cc astring characterset char * defaultcharacterset char * readonly drafid char * dsn prbool fcc astring fcc2 astring followupto char * forcemsgencoding prbool forceplaintext prb...
... receiptheadertype print32 references char * replyto astring securityinfo nsisupports subject astring templatename astring temporaryfiles char * obsolete temporaryfiles obsolete, do not use anymore to astring usemultipartalternative prbool uuencodeattachments prbool methods utility methods prbool checkcharsetconversion ( out char * fallbackcharset ); nsimsgrecipientarray splitrecipients ( in prunichar * recipients, in prbool emailaddressonly ); void convertbodytoplaintext ( ); attachment handling methods void addattachment ( in nsimsgattachment attachment ); void removeat...
...tachment ( in nsimsgattachment attachment ); void removeattachments ( ); header methods void setheader(char* name, char* value); references this interface is the type of the following properties: nsimsgcompose.compfields, nsimsgcomposeparams.composefields this interface is passed as an argument to the following methods: nsimsgcomposesecure.begincryptoencapsulation, nsimsgcomposesecure.requirescryptoencapsulation, nsimsgsend.createandsendmessage, nsimsgsend.sendmessagefile, nsismimejshelper.getnocertaddresses, nsismimejshelper.getrecipientcertsinfo ...
void setstringproperty(in string propertyname, in string propertyvalue); string getstringproperty(in string propertyname); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyval); void markread(in boolean read); void markflagged(in boolean flagged); void markhasattachments(in boolean hasattachments); void setprioritystring(in string priority); unsigned long orflags(in unsigned long flags); unsigned long andflags(in unsigned long flags); void setreferences(in string references); acstring getstringreference(in long refnum); void setrecipientsarray(in string names, in string addresses,in unsigned long numaddresses)...
... markhasattachments() void markhasattachments(in boolean hasattachments); parameters hasattachments if true, mark as having attachments.
... if false mark as not having attachments.
Mail composition back end
these may all be 0 if all attachments are provided externally.
... const struct nsmsgattachmentdata *attachments, - subsequent attachments are provided as urls to load, described in the nsmsgattachmentdata structures.
... const struct nsmsgattachedfile *preloaded_attachments, - attachments that are already locally stored on disk (note: both attachments and preloaded_attachments cannot be specified on a single call void *relatedpart /* nsmsgsendpart */, - a related part for multipart related operations nsimsgsendlistener **alistenerarray) = 0; - an array of listeners for the send operation.
Use SQLite
this will create an sqlite db named tbird.sqlite inside your profile directory with a table called attachments.
... you can see the schema for the attachments table in the code.
... const cc = components.classes; const ci = components.interfaces; var tbirdsqlite = { onload: function() { // initialization code this.initialized = true; this.dbinit(); }, dbconnection: null, dbschema: { tables: { attachments:"id integer primary key, \ name text \ encoded text not null" } }, dbinit: function() { var dirservice = cc[";1"].
WEBGL_draw_buffers - Web APIs
ext.max_color_attachments_webgl a glint indicating the maximum number of framebuffer color attachment points.
... examples enabling the extension: var ext = gl.getextension('webgl_draw_buffers'); binding multiple textures (to a tx[] array) to different framebuffer color attachments: var fb = gl.createframebuffer(); gl.bindframebuffer(gl.framebuffer, fb); gl.framebuffertexture2d(gl.framebuffer, ext.color_attachment0_webgl, gl.texture_2d, tx[0], 0); gl.framebuffertexture2d(gl.framebuffer, ext.color_attachment1_webgl, gl.texture_2d, tx[1], 0); gl.framebuffertexture2d(gl.framebuffer, ext.color_attachment2_webgl, gl.texture_2d, tx[2], 0); gl.framebuffertexture2d(gl.framebuffer,...
... ext.color_attachment3_webgl, gl.texture_2d, tx[3], 0); mapping the color attachments to draw buffer slots that the fragment shader will write to using gl_fragdata: ext.drawbufferswebgl([ ext.color_attachment0_webgl, // gl_fragdata[0] ext.color_attachment1_webgl, // gl_fragdata[1] ext.color_attachment2_webgl, // gl_fragdata[2] ext.color_attachment3_webgl // gl_fragdata[3] ]); shader code that writes to multiple textures: <script type="x-shader/x-fragment"> #extension gl_ext_draw_buffers : require precision highp float; void main(void) { gl_fragdata[0] = vec4(0.25); gl_fragdata[1] = vec4(0.5); gl_fragdata[2] = vec4(0.75); gl_fragdata[3] = vec4(1.0); } </script> specifications specification status comment webgl_draw_buffersthe definition of 'webgl_draw_b...
WebGL2RenderingContext.invalidateFramebuffer() - Web APIs
the webgl2renderingcontext.invalidateframebuffer() method of the webgl 2 api invalidates the contents of attachments in a framebuffer.
... syntax void gl.invalidateframebuffer(target, attachments); parameters target a glenum specifying the binding point (target).
... attachments an array of glenum specifying the attachment points to invalidate.
WebGL2RenderingContext.invalidateSubFramebuffer() - Web APIs
the webgl2renderingcontext.invalidatesubframebuffer() method of the webgl 2 api invalidates portions of the contents of attachments in a framebuffer.
... syntax void gl.invalidatesubframebuffer(target, attachments, x, y, width, height); parameters target a glenum specifying the binding point (target).
... attachments an array of glenum specifying the attachment points to invalidate.
WebGL best practices - Web APIs
and to a lesser degree, vao attachments (vertexattribpointer, disable/enablevertexattribarray) drawing from static, unchanging vaos is faster than mutating the same vao for every draw call.
... memory usage of depth and stencil formats depth and stencil attachments and formats are actually inseparable on many devices.
...depth/stencil and/or multisampled attachments in particular are great candidates for invalidateframebuffer.
Binding Attachment and Detachment - Archive of obsolete content
if the binding document is loaded prior to the firing of the load event, then any binding attachments that are placed following the load will be synchronous if they come from one of these previously loaded binding documents.
...any subsequent binding attachments that occur on elements in the bound document for bindings in the binding document use the modified copy.
Introduction to the File and Directory Entries API - Web APIs
offline web mail client the client downloads attachments and stores them locally.
... the client caches attachments for later upload.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.trackId - Web APIs
the trackid property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the id of the rtcreceiveraudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceivervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the mediastreamtrack which is receiving the incoming media.
... syntax var trackstatsid = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.trackid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcreceiveraudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceivervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the track which is receiving the media from this rtp session.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.trackId - Web APIs
the trackid property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the id of the rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the mediastreamtrack which is being sent on this stream.
... syntax var trackstatsid = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.trackid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats object representing the track which is the source of the media being sent on this stream.
WebGL2RenderingContext - Web APIs
webgl2renderingcontext.invalidateframebuffer() invalidates the contents of attachments in a framebuffer.
... webgl2renderingcontext.invalidatesubframebuffer() invalidates portions of the contents of attachments in a framebuffer webgl2renderingcontext.readbuffer() selects a color buffer as the source for pixels.
WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() - Web APIs
gl.max_3d_texture_size glint gl.max_array_texture_layers glint gl.max_client_wait_timeout_webgl glint64 gl.max_color_attachments glint gl.max_combined_fragment_uniform_components glint64 gl.max_combined_uniform_blocks glint gl.max_combined_vertex_uniform_components glint64 gl.max_draw_buffers glint gl.max_element_index glint64 gl.max_elements_indices glint gl.max_elements_vertices glint gl.max_fra...
... ext.max_color_attachments_webgl glint webgl_draw_buffers the maximum number of framebuffer color attachment points.
WebGL constants - Web APIs
draw_buffer6 0x882b draw_buffer7 0x882c draw_buffer8 0x882d draw_buffer9 0x882e draw_buffer10 0x882f draw_buffer11 0x8830 draw_buffer12 0x8831 draw_buffer13 0x8832 draw_buffer14 0x8833 draw_buffer15 0x8834 max_color_attachments 0x8cdf color_attachment1 0x8ce1 color_attachment2 0x8ce2 color_attachment3 0x8ce3 color_attachment4 0x8ce4 color_attachment5 0x8ce5 color_attachment6 0x8ce6 color_attachment7 0x8ce7 color_attachment8 0x8ce8 color_attachment9 0x8ce9 ...
...fer draw_buffer9_webgl 0x882e draw buffer draw_buffer10_webgl 0x882f draw buffer draw_buffer11_webgl 0x8830 draw buffer draw_buffer12_webgl 0x8831 draw buffer draw_buffer13_webgl 0x8832 draw buffer draw_buffer14_webgl 0x8833 draw buffer draw_buffer15_webgl 0x8834 draw buffer max_color_attachments_webgl 0x8cdf maximum number of framebuffer color attachment points max_draw_buffers_webgl 0x8824 maximum number of draw buffers oes_vertex_array_object constant name value description vertex_array_binding_oes 0x85b5 the bound vertex array object (vao).
itemCount - Archive of obsolete content
example var bucket = document.getelementbyid("attachmentbucket"); if(bucket.itemcount == 0) { dump("\n\n no attachments \n\n"); } else { dump("\n\n attachment exists \n\n"); } ...
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
joes noticed that mp3 files are no longer allowed to be opened directly from email attachments in trunk builds of thunderbird and seamonkey.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
initially used for e-mail attachments, it has become the de facto standard to define types of documents anywhere.
mime - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
initially used for e-mail attachments, it has become the de facto standard to define types of documents anywhere.
Choosing the right approach - Learn web development
for example: remotedb.alldocs({ include_docs: true, attachments: true }).then(function (result) { let docs = result.rows; docs.foreach(function(element) { localdb.put(element.doc).then(function(response) { alert("pulled doc with id " + element.doc._id + " and added to local db."); }).catch(function (err) { if ( == 'conflict') { localdb.get(element.doc._id).then(function (resp) { localdb.remove(resp._id, resp._...
745 nsimessenger interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, messages, needscontent, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird the nsimessenger interface provides functions for managing the history, undo and redo operations, and for loading, saving, or deleting messages and attachments in mailnews.
for instance, when deleting attachments, this causes the message to be redisplayed.
gsearchattribvalue pager = 27; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue mobile = 28; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue city = 29; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue street = 30; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue title = 31; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue organization = 32; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue department = 33; // 34 - 43, reserved for ab / ldap; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue hasattachmentstatus = 44; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue junkstatus = 45; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue junkpercent = 46; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue junkscoreorigin = 47; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue label = 48; /* mail only...can search by label */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue hdrproperty = 49; // uses nsimsgsearchterm::hdrproperty const nsmsgsearchattribvalue folderflag = 50; // u...
| \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::size || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::ageindays || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderinfo || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::location || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::label || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkstatus || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderflag || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::uint32hdrproperty || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkpercent || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::hasattachmentstatus)) %} ...
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) constants name value description bynone 0x11 not sorted bydate 0x12 bysubject 0x13 byauthor 0x14 byid 0x15 bythread 0x16 bypriority 0x17 bystatus 0x18 bysize 0x19 byflagged 0x1a byunread 0x1b byrecipient 0x1c bylocation 0x1d bytags 0x1e byjunkstatus 0x1f byattachments 0x20 byaccount 0x21 bycustom 0x22 byreceived 0x23 ...
Creating a gloda message query
query.attachmenttypes(mimetype1, mimetype2, ...): constrain to messages with attachments among the given mime types.
Filelink Providers
filelink is a thunderbird feature that makes it easy for users to upload large attachments to web-based storage services such as hightail.
25 filelink providers thunderbird filelink is a thunderbird feature that makes it easy for users to upload large attachments to web-based storage services such as hightail.
libmime content type handlers
/* * this interface is implemented by content type handlers that will be * called upon by libmime to process various attachments types.
URLs - Plugins
you cannot use either of these functions to set the body or attachments of an email message.
LocalFileSystem - Web APIs
for example, if you were to create a mail app, you might create a temporary storage for caching assets (like images and attachments) to speed up performance, while creating persistent storage for unique data—such as drafts of emails that were composed while offline—that should not be lost before they are backed up into the cloud.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
trackid a string which identifies the statistics object representing the receiving track; this object is one of two types: rtcreceiveraudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceivervideotrackattachmentstats.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
trackid the id of the rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats object containing the current track attachment to the rtcrtpsender responsible for this stream.
RTCStatsReport - Web APIs
track the object is one of the types based on rtcmediahandlerstats: for audio tracks, the type is rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats and for video tracks, the type is rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats.
RTCStatsType - Web APIs
track the object is one of the types based on rtcmediahandlerstats: for audio tracks, the type is rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats and for video tracks, the type is rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats.
WebGLRenderingContext.checkFramebufferStatus() - Web APIs
gl.framebuffer_unsupported: the format of the attachment is not supported or if depth and stencil attachments are not the same renderbuffer.
WebRTC Statistics API - Web APIs
rtcsendervideotrackattachmentstats or rtcsenderaudiotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceivervideotrackattachmentstats or rtcreceiveraudiotrackattachmentstats rtcmediahandlerstats rtcstats transceiver statistics related to a specific rtcrtptransceiver.
XRWebGLLayer.framebuffer - Web APIs
opaque framebuffers' attachments (buffers and the like) can't be inspected or changed.
XRWebGLLayer.framebufferHeight - Web APIs
each of the framebuffer's attachments (pixel, depth, color, and/or stencil buffers, for example) are all this many pixels tall.
XRWebGLLayer.framebufferWidth - Web APIs
each of the framebuffer's attachments (pixel, depth, color, and/or stencil buffers, for example) are all this many pixels wide.
background-position-x - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <div></div> css div { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: skyblue; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position-x: center; background-position-y: bottom 10px; } result specifications specification status comment css backgrounds and borders module level 4the definition of 'background-position-x' in that specification.
background-position-y - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <div></div> css div { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: skyblue; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position-x: center; background-position-y: bottom 10px; } result specifications specification status comment css backgrounds and borders module level 4the definition of 'background-position-y' in that specification.
<blend-mode> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
on> <option>color-dodge</option> <option>color-burn</option> <option>hard-light</option> <option>soft-light</option> <option>difference</option> <option>exclusion</option> <option>hue</option> <option>saturation</option> <option>color</option> <option>luminosity</option> </select> css div { width: 300px; height: 300px; background: url( no-repeat center, linear-gradient(to bottom, blue, orange); } javascript const selectelem = document.queryselector('select'); const divelem = document.queryselector('div'); selectelem.addeventlistener('change', () => { = selectelem.value; }); result specifications specification ...
<filter-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
tion> <option>hue-rotate</option> <option>invert</option> <option>opacity</option> <option>saturate</option> <option>sepia</option> </select> </li> <li> <input type="range"><output></output> </li> <li> <p>current value: <code></code></p> </li> </ul> css div { width: 300px; height: 300px; background: url( no-repeat center; } li { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 20px; } input { width: 60% } output { width: 5%; text-align: center; } select { width: 40%; margin-left: 2px; } javascript const selectelem = document.queryselector('select'); const divelem = document.queryselec...
<input type="image"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this method supports complex data and file attachments.
<input type="submit"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this method supports complex data and file attachments.