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3 results for "getMessages":
Gloda examples
MozillaThunderbirdGloda examples
a) show all messages in a conversation regardless of the folder in which they are stored, b) search messages by subject assuming that you have a message (glodamessage) in the conversation already, this is straight forward using glodamessage.conversation.getmessagescollection() alistener = { /* called when new items are returned by the database query or freshly indexed */ onitemsadded: function _onitemsadded(aitems, acollection) { }, /* called when items that are already in our collection get re-indexed */ onitemsmodified: function _onitemsmodified(aitems, acollection) { }, /* called when items that are in our collection are purg...
...n _onitemsremoved(aitems, acollection) { }, /* called when our database query completes */ onquerycompleted: function _onquerycompleted(conversation_coll) { try { for (var conv in conversation_coll) { //do something with the conversation here alert(conv.subject); } } catch (e) {} } } glodamessage.conversation.getmessagescollection(alistener) alternatively if you need to get a conversation based on the subject, you need to do a query (using the same listener as above).
cangetmessages boolean true if "get messages" ui actions should be enabled for the account type.
Creating a gloda message query
MozillaThunderbirdCreating a Gloda message query
glodamessage.conversation.getmessagescollection(alistener, adata) returns a collection that should contain all of the messages gloda knows about that belong to the conversation.