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2 results for "markMessageRead":
void deletemessage(in long messageid, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void createmessagelist(in nsidommozsmsfilter filter, in boolean reverse, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void getnextmessageinlist(in long listid, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void clearmessagelist(in long listid); void markmessageread(in long messageid, in boolean value, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid) methods savereceivedmessage() void savereceivedmessage( in domstring asender, in domstring abody, in unsigned long long adate ); parameters asender a domstring with the sender of the text message.
... markmessageread() requires gecko 15.0(firefox 15.0 / thunderbird 15.0 / seamonkey 2.12) void markmessageread( in long messageid, in boolean value, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid ); parameters messageid a number representing the id of the message.
void notifycreatemessagelist(in long arequestid, in long alistid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygetsmsfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifygotnextmessage(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygotsms(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifymarkedmessageread(in long arequestid, in bool aread); void notifymarkmessagereadfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifynomessageinlist(in long arequestid); void notifyreadmessagelistfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmsdeleted(in long arequestid, in bool adeleted); void notifysmsdeletefailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssendfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssent(in long arequestid, ...
... notifymarkmessagereadfailed() requires gecko 15.0(firefox 15.0 / thunderbird 15.0 / seamonkey 2.12) void notifymarkmessagereadfailed( in long arequestid in long aerror ); parameters arequestid a number representing the id of the request.