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13 results for "participants":
Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
organizational structure for handling security bugs we are organizing the investigation and fixing of mozilla security vulnerabilities similar to the way mozilla project activities are handled in general: there will be a security module owner, a small core of active contributors who can act as peers to the module owner, a larger group of less active participants, and other people who may become involved from time to time.
... other participants besides the permanent security bug group members described above, there are two other categories of people who may participate in security bug group activities and have access to otherwise-confidential security bug reports: a person who reports a security bug will have continued access to all bugzilla activities associated with that bug, even if the bug is marked "security-sensitive." any ot...
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveNewsgroup summariesmozilla-dev-accessibility2006-10-06
other links of interest: roadmap for accessible rich internet applications (wai-aria roadmap) roles for accessible rich internet applications (wai-aria roles) states and properties module for accessible rich internet applications (wai-aria states and properties) making ajax work with screen readers meetings accessibility hackfest 2006 - october 10-12 in cambridge, ma (more details) participants include the mozilla foundation, ibm, sun and novell to name a few.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveNewsgroup summariesmozilla-dev-apps-calendar2006-09-29
27 status meeting cancelled most of the mozilla calendar participants were unavailable during sept.
Table Reflow Internals - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveTable Reflow Internals
absolutely positioned elements) reflows reflowee and passes a reflow state (in) and a reflow metrics (in/out) review of reflow the reflow state: is a node in a tree structurally equivalent to the frame tree of reflow participants contains: reflow type, avail size, various computed values, resolved style structs possible request for preferred size and more.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
322 placeholder names cryptography, glossary, security placeholder names are commonly used in cryptography to indicate the participants in a conversation, without resorting to terminology such as "party a," "eavesdropper," and "malicious attacker." 323 plaintext cryptography, glossary, security plaintext refers to information that is being used as an input to an encryption algorithm, or to ciphertext that has been decrypted.
Placeholder names - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
GlossaryPlaceholder names
placeholder names are commonly used in cryptography to indicate the participants in a conversation, without resorting to terminology such as "party a," "eavesdropper," and "malicious attacker." the most commonly used names are: alice and bob, two parties who want to send messages to each other, occasionally joined by carol, a third participant eve, a passive attacker who is eavesdropping on alice and bob's conversation mallory, an active attacker ("man-in-the-middle") who is able to modify their conversation and replay old messages ...
RTCP (RTP Control Protocol) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
rtcp periodically transmits control packets to all of an rtp session's participants, using the same mechanism that is being used to transmit the data packets.
Contributing to the Mozilla code base
MozillaDeveloper guideIntroduction
the mozilla community prides itself on being an open, accessible, and friendly community for new participants.
XPCOM ownership guidelines
MozillaTechXPCOMXPCOM ownership guidelines
special code must be provided and called to break the cycle before the participants can be individually released.
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
WebAPIWebRTC APISignaling and video calling
at this point, the two participants know which codecs and codec parameters are to be used for this call.
signaling and two-way video calling a tutorial and example which turns a websocket-based chat system created for a previous example and adds support for opening video calls among participants.
Web Accessibility: Understanding Colors and Luminance - Accessibility
WebAccessibilityUnderstanding Colors and Luminance
for example, it has been demonstrated that some colors are more likely to cause epileptic fits than others; there is an interesting observation in a discussion thread, "what is the “grayscale” setting for in accessibility options?" in which one of the participants states: "i have photo-triggered ocular migraines and wish everything had a greyscale option.
Codecs used by WebRTC - Web media technologies
WebMediaFormatsWebRTC codecs
while compression is always a necessity when dealing with media on the web, it's of additional importance when videoconferencing in order to ensure that the participants are able to communicate without lag or interruptions.