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12 results for "shortName":
windowsGetShortName - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceFile ObjectMethodswindowsGetShortName
method of file object syntax string windowsgetshortname( object localdirspec ) parameters the windowsregisterserver method has the following parameter: localdirspec a filespecobject representing a directory obtained by getcomponentfolder or getfolder.
... returns a string with the windows shortname.
... example flongfilepath = getfolder(fprogram, "longfilename.file"); sshortfilepath = file.windowsgetshortname(flongfilepath); if(sshortfilepath) { // do something } ...
Localization Use Cases
MozillaProjectsL20nLocalization Use Cases
declensions in gaia's browser app, there's an about-browser string defined as follows in apps/browser/locales/browser: about-browser=about {{browserbrandshortname}} problem definition in many inflected languages (e.g.
... in slovenian, the ideal string would inflect the noun, like so: o firefoxu however, since we want the name of the browser to be stored in the browserbrandshortname entity, we can't modify it.
... about-browser=o brskalniku {{browserbrandshortname}} solution in l20n, this problem can be easily solved by defining multiple variants of the browserbrandshortname entity, to match different grammatical cases of the noun.
...And 5 more matches
Install.js - Archive of obsolete content
install.js install.rdf (optional -- see above) code // install.js // xpiinstaller // by pike (heavily inspired by code from henrik gemal and stephen clavering) var xpiinstaller = { // --- editable items begin --- extfullname: 'sample extension', // the name displayed to the user (don't include the version) extshortname: 'sampleext', // the leafname of the jar file (without the .jar part) extversion: '1.0', extauthor: 'insert-your-name-here', extlocalenames: null, // e.g.
...['classic', 'modern'] extpostinstallmessage: null, // set to null for no post-install message // --- editable items end --- profileinstall: true, silentinstall: false, install: function() { var jarname = this.extshortname + '.jar'; var profiledir = install.getfolder('profile', 'chrome'); // parse http arguments this.parsearguments(); // check if extension is already installed in profile if (file.exists(install.getfolder(profiledir, jarname))) { if (!this.silentinstall) { install.alert('updating existing profile install of ' + this.extfullname + ' to version ' + this.extversion + '.'); } this.profileinstall = true; } else if (!this.silentinstall) { // ask user for install location, profile or brow...
... this.profileinstall = install.confirm('install ' + this.extfullname + ' ' + this.extversion + ' to your profile directory (ok) or your browser directory (cancel)?'); } // init install var dispname = this.extfullname + ' ' + this.extversion; var regname = '/' + this.extauthor + '/' + this.extshortname; install.initinstall(dispname, regname, this.extversion); // find directory to install into var installpath; if (this.profileinstall) installpath = profiledir; else installpath = install.getfolder('chrome'); // add jar file install.addfile(null, 'chrome/' + jarname, installpath, null); // register chrome var jarpath = install.getfolder(installpath, jarname); var installtype = this.profileinstall ?
... install.profile_chrome : install.delayed_chrome; // register content install.registerchrome(install.content | installtype, jarpath, 'content/' + this.extshortname + '/'); // register locales for (var locale in this.extlocalenames) { var regpath = 'locale/' + this.extlocalenames[locale] + '/' + this.extshortname + '/'; install.registerchrome(install.locale | installtype, jarpath, regpath); } // register skins for (var skin in this.extskinnames) { var regpath = 'skin/' + this.extskinnames[skin] + '/' + this.extshortname + '/'; install.registerchrome( | installtype, jarpath, regpath); } // perform install var err = install.performinstall(); if (err == install.success || err == install.reboot_needed) { if (!this.silentinstall && this.e...
Appendix E: DOM Building and Insertion (HTML & XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsOverlay ExtensionsXUL SchoolDOM Building and HTML Insertion
m.namespaces = { html: "", xul: "" }; jsontodom.defaultnamespace = jsontodom.namespaces.html; function jsontodom(jsontemplate, doc, nodes) { function namespace(name) { var reelemnameparts = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name); return { namespace: jsontodom.namespaces[reelemnameparts[1]], shortname: reelemnameparts[2] }; } // note that 'elemnameorarray' is: either the full element name (eg.
...parse element namespace prefix (if none exists, default to defaultnamespace), and create element var elemns = namespace(elemnameorarray); var elem = doc.createelementns(elemns.namespace || jsontodom.defaultnamespace, elemns.shortname); // set element's attributes and/or callback functions (eg.
...they're not in any namespace) elem.setattributens(attrns.namespace || "", attrns.shortname, val); } } // create and append this element's children var childelems = array.slice(arguments, 2); childelems.foreach(function(childelem) { if (childelem != null) { elem.appendchild( childelem instanceof doc.defaultview.node ?
import - JavaScript
for example, this inserts shortname into the current scope.
... import {reallyreallylongmoduleexportname as shortname} from '/modules/my-module.js'; rename multiple exports during import import multiple exports from a module with convenient aliases.
... import { reallyreallylongmoduleexportname as shortname, anotherlongmodulename as short } from '/modules/my-module.js'; import a module for its side effects only import an entire module for side effects only, without importing anything.
OpenSearch description format
<opensearchdescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz=""> <shortname>[snk]</shortname> <description>[search engine full name and summary]</description> <inputencoding>[utf-8]</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon">[]</image> <url type="text/html" template="[searchurl]"> <param name="[key name]" value="{searchterms}"/> <!-- other params if you need them… --> <param name="[other key name...
...]" value="[parameter value]"/> </url> <url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="[suggestionurl]"/> <moz:searchform>[]</moz:searchform> </opensearchdescription> shortname a short name for the search engine.
...this must match your plugin file's <shortname>.
Creating MozSearch plugins
MozillaCreating MozSearch plugins
the following xml is the bundled firefox 2 search plugin for searching using yahoo!: <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>yahoo</shortname> <description>yahoo search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16"></image> <url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="get" template="
... <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>mdc</shortname> <description>mozilla developer center search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16">%2f9haaaabgdbtueaak%2finwwk6qaaabl0rvh0u29mdhdhcmuaqwrvymugsw1hz2vszwfkexhjztwaaahwsurbvhjayvz%2f%2fz8djqaggjiqoe%2ffv2fv7oz8rays%2fn%2bvkfg%2fiynjfyd%2f1%2brvq7ffu3dpfpsbaaheahibcj85c8bn2nj4...
Search Extension Tutorial (Draft) - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsdraft Search Extension Tutorial
search.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>example engine</shortname> <description>example search engine</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16" type="image/png">data:image/png;base64, ...
Windows Install - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceExamplesWindows Install
mp = getfolder("temporary"); var fprogram = getfolder("program"); var fren8dot3ini = getwinprofile(ftemp, "ren8dot3.ini"); var binicreated = false; var flongfilepath; var sshortfilepath; if(fren8dot3ini != null) { for(i = 0; i < listlongfilepaths.length; i++) { flongfilepath = getfolder(fprogram, listlongfilepaths[i]); sshortfilepath = file.windowsgetshortname(flongfilepath); if(sshortfilepath) { fren8dot3ini.writestring("rename", sshortfilepath, flongfilepath); binicreated = true; } } if(binicreated) updatewinreg4ren8dot3() ; } return(0); } // main var srdest; var err; var fprogram; srdest = 449; err = initinstall(prettyname, regname, ""); logcomment("initinstall: ...
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceFile ObjectMethods
windowsgetshortname returns the windows shortname of the path.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
eto init tostring file no properties methods copy dircreate dirgetparent dirremove dirrename diskspaceavailable execute exists isdirectory isfile macalias moddate moddatechanged move remove rename size windowsgetshortname windowsregisterserver windowsshortcut winprofile no properties methods getstring writestring winreg no properties methods createkey deletekey deletevalue enumkeys enumvaluenames getvalue getvaluenumber getvaluestring iskeywritable ...
Patches and pushes
MozillaProductization guidePatches and pushes
<searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>yahoo</shortname> <description>yahoo search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16"></image> ***this tag is optional***<url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="get" template="