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2 results for "MozSmsMessage":
smsrequestmanager = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsismsrequestmanager); method overview long addrequest(in nsidommozsmsrequest arequest); long createrequest(in nsidommozsmsmanager amanager, out nsidommozsmsrequest arequest); void notifycreatemessagelist(in long arequestid, in long alistid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygetsmsfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifygotnextmessage(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygotsms(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifymarkedmessageread(in long arequestid, in bool aread); void notifymarkmessagereadfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifynomessageinlist(i...
...n long arequestid); void notifyreadmessagelistfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmsdeleted(in long arequestid, in bool adeleted); void notifysmsdeletefailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssendfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssent(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); constants all sms related errors that could apply to smsrequest objects.
...notifycreatemessagelist() void notifycreatemessagelist( in long arequestid, in long alistid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage ); parameters arequestid a number representing the id of the request.
...And 3 more matches
to create an instance, use: var smsservice = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsismsservice); method overview [implicit_jscontext] nsidommozsmsmessage createsmsmessage(in long id, in domstring delivery, in domstring sender, in domstring receiver, in domstring body, in jsval timestamp, in bool read ); unsigned short getnumberofmessagesfortext(in domstring text); boolean hassupport(); void send(in domstring number, in domstring message, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); methods crea...
...tesmsmessage() [implicit_jscontext] nsidommozsmsmessage createsmsmessage( in long id, in domstring delivery, in domstring sender, in domstring receiver, in domstring body, in jsval timestamp, in bool read ); parameters id a number representing the id of the message.