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5 results for "ipAddress":
Writing a WebSocket server in C# - Web APIs
WebAPIWebSockets APIWriting WebSocket server
tcplistener constructor: tcplistener( localaddr, int port) localaddr specifies the ip of the listener, and port specifies the port.
... to create an ipaddress object from a string, use the parse static method of ipaddress.
... here's a barebones server implementation: ​using; using; using system; class server { public static void main() { tcplistener server = new tcplistener(ipaddress.parse(""), 80); server.start(); console.writeline("server has started on{0}waiting for a connection...", environment.newline); tcpclient client = server.accepttcpclient(); console.writeline("a client connected."); } } tcpclient methods: getstream() gets the stream which is the communication channel.
... encoded.length; i++) { decoded[i] = (byte)(encoded[i] ^ mask[i % 4]); } put together wsserver.cs // // csc wsserver.cs // wsserver.exe using system; using; using; using system.text; using system.text.regularexpressions; class server { public static void main() { string ip = ""; int port = 80; var server = new tcplistener(ipaddress.parse(ip), port); server.start(); console.writeline("server has started on {0}:{1}, waiting for a connection...", ip, port); tcpclient client = server.accepttcpclient(); console.writeline("a client connected."); networkstream stream = client.getstream(); // enter to an infinite cycle to be able to handle every change in stream while (tru...
Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
WebHTTPProxy servers and tunnelingProxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file
(of course, the javascripts must be edited to reflect your site's domain name and/or subnets.) predefined functions and environment these functions can be used in building the pac file: hostname based conditions isplainhostname() dnsdomainis() localhostordomainis() isresolvable() isinnet() related utility functions dnsresolve() convert_addr() myipaddress() dnsdomainlevels() url/hostname based conditions shexpmatch() time based conditions weekdayrange() daterange() timerange() logging utility alert() there was one associative array (object) already defined, because at the time javascript code was unable to define it by itself: proxyconfig.bindings note: pactester (part of the pacpa...
... example convert_addr(""); // returns the decimal number 1745889538 myipaddress() syntax myipaddress() parameters (none) returns the server ip address of the machine firefox is running on, as a string in the dot-separated integer format.
... myipaddress() returns the same ip address as the server address returned by nslookup localhost on a linux machine.
... example myipaddress() //returns the string "" if you were running firefox on that localhost dnsdomainlevels() syntax dnsdomainlevels(host) parameters host is the hostname from the url.
Gecko Roles
role_ipaddress represents an edit control designed for an internet protocol (ip) address.
role_ipaddress 63 represents an edit control designed for an internet protocol (ip) address.
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
WebAccessibilityImplementing MSAA server
[important] role_combobox [important] role_droplist [important] role_progressbar [important] role_dial role_hotkeyfield role_slider role_spinbutton role_diagram role_animation role_equation role_buttondropdown role_buttonmenu role_buttondropdowngrid role_whitespace role_pagetablist [important] role_clock role_splitbutton role_ipaddress role_nothing msaa object identifiers cheat sheet for information on what each object identifier does, see the msdn object identifiers constants page.