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58 results for "addObserver":
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this content is now available at nsiobserverservice.addobserver().
Component; nsIPrefBranch
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void clearuserpref(in string aprefname); void deletebranch(in string astartingat); boolean getboolpref(in string aprefname, requires gecko 54 [optional] in boolean adefaultvalue); string getcharpref(in string aprefname,requires gecko 54 [optional] in string adefaultvalue); requires ge...
... methods addobserver() adds a preference change observer.
...for example, if your observer is registered with addobserver("bar.", ...) on a branch with root "foo.", modifying the preference "" will trigger the observer, and adata parameter will be "bar.baz".
...And 4 more matches
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); methods addobserver() add a preference change observer.
...for example, if your observer is registered with addobserver("bar.", ...) on a branch with root "foo.", modifying the preference "" will trigger the observer, and adata parameter will be "bar.baz".
... void addobserver( in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak ); parameters adomain the preference on which to listen for changes.
...And 3 more matches
Displaying Places information using views
result.addobserver(view.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsinavhistoryresultobserver)); tree.view = view.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsitreeview); in fact this is how the built-in tree view works. hook up your view to a nsinavhistoryresult object, you call addobserver() on the result, passing the viewer object which is an instance of nsinavhistoryresultobserver.
...result.addobserver(myview.viewer); more practically, a variation of the code above might be internal to a method on your view.
...And 2 more matches
Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
this interface is described as: // "nsiprefbranch2 allows clients to observe changes to pref values." // this is only necessary prior to gecko 13 if (!("addobserver" in this.branch)) this.branch.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch2); // finally add the observer.
... this.branch.addobserver("", this, false); }, unregister: function() { this.branch.removeobserver("", this); }, observe: function(asubject, atopic, adata) { // asubject is the nsiprefbranch we're observing (after appropriate qi) // adata is the name of the pref that's been changed (relative to asubject) switch (adata) { case "pref1": // extensions.myextension.pref1 was changed break; case "pref2": // extensions.myextension.pref2 was changed break; } } } myprefobserver.register(); and next, here is a more evolved version of the previous code better fit for code reuse both within a project and across projects (for example, using javascript code modules): /** * @constructor * * @param {string} branch_name * @param {fu...
... */ preflistener.prototype.register = function(trigger) { this._branch.addobserver('', this, false); if (trigger) { let that = this; this._branch.getchildlist('', {}).
...after it's garbage collected, you won't receive notifications anymore, so use the provided examples above, and don't write something like the following code: // don't do this components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("myextension.prefs.") .queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch2) .addobserver("", this, false); using prefhasuservalue() nsiprefbranch.prefhasuservalue(preference) checks whether the preference has been changed from the default value.
XPCOM Objects - Archive of obsolete content
this._prefservice = cc[";1"].getservice(ci.nsiprefbranch); this._prefvalue = this._prefservice.getboolpref("somepreferencename"); this._prefservice.queryinterface(ci.nsiprefbranch2); this._prefservice.addobserver("somepreferencename", this, false); this._prefservice.queryinterface(ci.nsiprefbranch); this is a common piece of code you'll see when initializing components or jsm that rely on preferences.
...the addobserver method in nsiprefbranch2 is an example of this.
... void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); luckily, you don't have to do anything special if you want to register your js object as a preference observer.
... this._prefservice.addobserver( "extensions.xulschoolhello.somepref", this, false); }, observe : function(asubject, atopic, adata) { // do stuff here.
Creating JavaScript callbacks in components
here is a very simple example of the observer pattern: [scriptable, uuid(...)] interface stringparserobserver { void onword(string word); }; [scriptable, uuid(...)] interface stringparser { void parse(string data); void addobserver(stringparserobserver observer); }; in this example, the stringparser will call the stringparserobserver.onword method whenever it finishes parsing a word found in the raw string data.
... here is an example of how to use the callback system: var wordhandler = { onword : function(word) { alert(word); } }; var stringparser = /* get a reference to the parser somehow */ stringparser.addobserver(wordhandler); stringparser.parse("pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"); you can find examples of this pattern all over the mozilla codebase. we could convert the example above to accept javascript functions in place of the stringparserobserver by making the following changes: [scriptable, function, uuid(...)] interface stringparserobserver : nsisupports { void onword(string word); }; [scriptable, uuid(...)] interface stringparser { void parse(string data); void addobserver(stringparserobserver observer); }; note the only change was adding function to the interface attributes of the callback interface.
... now we can create a callback javascript function to handle the onword event: function handleword(word) { alert(word); } var stringparser = /* get a reference to the parser somehow */ stringparser.addobserver(handleword); stringparser.parse("pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"); yes, you can still use the normal interface-based callback implementation too.
notation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void removepageannotations(in nsiuri auri); void removeitemannotations(in long long aitemid); void copypageannotations(in nsiuri asourceuri, in nsiuri adesturi, in boolean aoverwritedest); void copyitemannotations(in long long asourceitemid, in long long adestitemid, in boolean aoverwritedest); void addobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); void removeobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); nsiuri getannotationuri(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); constants constant value description expire_session 0 for temporary data that can be discarded when the user exits.
... addobserver() this method adds an annotation observer.
... void addobserver( in nsiannotationobserver aobserver ); parameters aobserver annotation observer.
... removeobserver() this method removes an annotaton observer previously registered by addobserver() method.
method overview void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver, in boolean aownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver); attributes attribute type description root nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode the root of the results.
...obsolete since gecko 2.0 methods addobserver() adds an observer for changes that occur on the result.
... void addobserver( in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver, in boolean aownsweak ); parameters aobserver an object that implements the nsinavhistoryresultobserver interface, which will receive notifications of changes on the result.
... removeobserver() removes an observer that was added by a previous call to addobserver().
Creating Event Targets - Archive of obsolete content
kmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { console.log("added ", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { console.log("visited ", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; exports.main = function() { bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); }; exports.onunload = function() { bookmarkservice.removeobserver(bookmarkobserver); } try running this add-on, adding and visiting bookmarks, and observing the output in the console.
...vbookmarksservice); var bookmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { emit(exports, "added", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { emit(exports, "visited", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); exports.on = on.bind(null, exports); exports.once = once.bind(null, exports); exports.removelistener = function removelistener(type, listener) { off(exports, type, listener); }; this code implements a module which can emit added and visited events.
... bookmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { emit(target, "added", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { emit(target, "visited", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); } var bookmarkmanager = class({ extends: eventtarget, initialize: function initialize(options) {, options); merge(this, options); createobserver(this); } }); exports.bookmarkmanager = bookmarkmanager; the code to interact with the places api is the same here.
Observer Notifications - Archive of obsolete content
adding an observer to the observer service is simple, invoking the addobserver method with three parameters.
... getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(testobserver, "xulschoolhello-test-topic", false); you should come up with a notification topic that is unique so you know it will not conflict with firefox or other extensions topics.
... getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); this._observerservice.addobserver(this, "xulschoolhello-test-topic", false); }, /** * unitializes this object.
Common causes of memory leaks in extensions - Extensions
"private" : "normal"); } }; services.obs.addobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing", /* ownsweak */ false); the ownsweak = false parameter causes the observer service to use a strong reference to the observer object, which will cause it to hold onto the whole window. may also specify ownsweak = true in the call to nsiobserverservice.addobserver(), but that might require you to properly implement weak references as well.
...quit-application notifications and unregister your observers from that topic: var myobserver = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") { services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing"); services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "xpcom-shutdown"); } else { // do something with "private-browsing" } } }; services.obs.addobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing", false); services.obs.addobserver(myobserver, "xpcom-shutdown", false); finally, a lot of services other than nsiobserverservice accept nsiobserver parameters or other interfaces and will keep strong references around.
to create an instance, use: var contentprefservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsicontentprefservice); method overview void addobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); nsivariant getpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback acallback); nsipropertybag2 getprefs(in nsivariant agroup); nsipropertybag2 getprefsbyname(in astring aname); boolean haspref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removegroupedprefs(); ...
... methods addobserver() adds an observer that monitors a preference for changes.
... void addobserver( in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver ); parameters aname the name of the preference to observe.
method overview void addobserverforname(in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer); void getbydomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void getbysubdomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); nsicontentpref getcachedbydomainandna...
...oid removeobserverforname(in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer); void set(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsivariant value, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void setglobal(in astring name, in nsivariant value, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); methods addobserverforname() registers an observer that will be notified whenever a preference with the given name is set() or removed.
...void addobserverforname( in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer ); parameters name the name of the preferences to observe.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummary aother); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); void update(); attributes attribute type description content astring the content of the microsummary.
... methods addobserver() add a microsummary observer to this microsummary.
... void addobserver( in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer ); parameters observer the microsummary observer to add.
to use this service, use: var navbookmarksservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarksservice); method overview void addobserver(in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void beginupdatebatch(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void changebookmarkuri(in long long aitemid, in nsiuri anewuri); long long createdynamiccontainer(in long long aparentfolder, in autf8string aname, in astring acontractid, in long aindex); note: renamed from createcontainer in gecko 1.9 obsolete since gecko 13.0 ...
... methods addobserver() this method adds a bookmark observer.
... void addobserver( in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak ); parameters observer the bookmark observer to be added.
ns options); void querystringtoqueries(in autf8string aquerystring, [array, size_is(aresultcount)] out nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, out unsigned long aresultcount, out nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); autf8string queriestoquerystring([array, size_is(aquerycount)] in nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer); void runinbatchmode(in nsinavhistorybatchcallback acallback, in nsisupports aclosure); void importhistory(in nsifile file); astring getcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri); astring setcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri, in astring acharset); attri...
... addobserver() this method adds a history observer.
... void addobserver( in nsinavhistoryobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak ); parameters observer the history observer to be added.
Setting HTTP request headers
var observerservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(httprequestobserver, "http-on-modify-request", false); the first statement gets the object that will let us register with topics that we want to get notified about.
...ject, topic, data) { if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") { var httpchannel = subject.queryinterface(ci.nsihttpchannel); httpchannel.setrequestheader("x-hello", "world", false); } }, get observerservice() { return cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); }, register: function() { this.observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false); }, unregister: function() { this.observerservice.removeobserver(this, "http-on-modify-request"); } }; this object has a convenience register() and unregister() methods, so in order to activate it you just need to call: httprequestobserver.register(); you should also remember to unregister the observer at shutdown: httprequestobserver.unregist...
...ttpchannel); httpchannel.setrequestheader(headername, headervalue, false); return; } if (topic == "profile-after-change") { log("----------------------------> profile-after-change"); var os = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); os.addobserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false); return; } }, queryinterface: function (iid) { if (iid.equals(components.interfaces.nsiobserver) || iid.equals(components.interfaces.nsisupports)) return this; components.returncode = components.results.ns_error_no_interface; return null; }, }; var mymodule = { registerself: funct...
Bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
var parentfolderid = bmsvc.getfolderidforitem(newbkmkid); observing changes to bookmarks and tags to set up an observer to listen for changes related to bookmarks, you will need to create an nsinavbookmarkobserver object and use the nsinavbookmarksservice.addobserver() and nsinavbookmarksservice.removeobserver() methods.
...alue) { myextension.dosomething(); }, onitemvisited: function(abookmarkid, avisitid, time) {}, onitemmoved: function(aitemid, aoldparent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; // an extension var myextension = { // this function is called when my add-on is loaded onload: function() { bmsvc.addobserver(myext_bookmarklistener, false); }, // this function is called when my add-on is unloaded onunload: function() { bmsvc.removeobserver(myext_bookmarklistener); }, dosomething: function() { alert("did something."); } }; see also nsinavbookmarksservice nsinavbookmarkobserver places using xpcom without chrome - bookmark observer ...
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
to see what the postdata looks like before the request is even sent, use the 'http-on-modify-request' observer topic: observerservice.addobserver(observer, 'http-on-modify-request', false); where "observer" is an object that has a method "observe": function observe(subject, topic, data) { subject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiuploadchannel); postdata = subject.uploadstream; } here again, postdata is not a string, but an nsiinputstream, so you can use the last code snippet of the previous section to get the data as a string...
...//gre/modules/xpcomutils.jsm"); const gobserver = cc[';1'].getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); const gioservice = cc[";1"].getservice(ci.nsiioservice); function certsservice() {} certsservice.prototype = { observe: function(asubject, atopic, adata) { switch(atopic) { case "app-startup": gobserver.addobserver(this,"xpcom-shutdown",false); gobserver.addobserver(this,"final-ui-startup",false); break; case "xpcom-shutdown": gobserver.removeobserver(this,"final-ui-startup"); gobserver.removeobserver(this,"xpcom-shutdown"); break; case "final-ui-startup": this.init(); brea...
Tabbed browser - Archive of obsolete content
components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); services.obs.addobserver(httpobs, 'http-on-modify-request', false); //services.obs.removeobserver(httpobs, 'http-on-modify-request'); //uncomment this line, or run this line when you want to remove the observer var httpobs = { observe: function (asubject, atopic, adata) { if (atopic == 'http-on-modify-request') { /*start - do not edit here*/ var ohttp = asubject.queryinterface(compone...
...nding_aborted); goodies.contentwindow.location ='pages/test.html'); } else { //dont do anything as there is no contentwindow associated with the httpchannel, liekly a google ad is loading or some ajax call or something, so this is not an error } } return; } } }; services.obs.addobserver(httprequestobserver, "http-on-modify-request", false); //this function gets the contentwindow and other good stuff from loadcontext of httpchannel function loadcontextgoodies(httpchannel) { //httpchannel must be the subject of http-on-modify-request qi'ed to nsihttpchannel as is done on line 8 "httpchannel = subject.queryinterface(ci.nsihttpchannel);" //start loadcontext stuff va...
Adding preferences to an extension - Archive of obsolete content
var stockwatcher = { prefs: null, tickersymbol: "", // initialize the extension startup: function() { // register to receive notifications of preference changes this.prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("extensions.stockwatcher2."); this.prefs.addobserver("", this, false); this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.refreshinformation(); window.setinterval(this.refreshinformation, 10*60*1000); } }, our object has two member variables.
... the next step is to register a preference observer by calling the addobserver() method to establish that whenever any events occur on the preferences, our object (this) receives notification.
Supporting per-window private browsing - Archive of obsolete content
function pbobserver() { /* clear private data */ } var os = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); os.addobserver(pbobserver, "last-pb-context-exited", false); preventing a private session from ending if there are unfinished transactions involving private data, where the transactions will be terminated by the ending of a private session, an add-on can vote to prevent the session from ending (prompting the user is recommended).
...var os = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); os.addobserver(function (asubject, atopic, adata) { asubject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsisupportsprbool); // if another extension has not already canceled entering the private mode if (! { /* you should display some user interface here */ = true; // cancel the operation } }, "last-pb-context-exiting", false); forcing a channel into private mode usually, network channels inherit the privacy status of the document that created them, which means that they work correctly most of ...
Supporting private browsing mode - Archive of obsolete content
ener() { this.init(); } privatebrowsinglistener.prototype = { _os: null, _inprivatebrowsing: false, // whether we are in private browsing mode _watcher: null, // the watcher object init : function () { this._inited = true; this._os = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); this._os.addobserver(this, "private-browsing", false); this._os.addobserver(this, "quit-application", false); try { var pbs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprivatebrowsingservice); this._inprivatebrowsing = pbs.privatebrowsingenabled; } catch(ex) { // ignore exceptions in older versions of firefox }...
... to do this, simply watch for the private browsing private-browsing-cancel-vote notification with the subject "exit", and set its data field to true to cancel the operation, like this: var os = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); os.addobserver(function (asubject, atopic, adata) { asubject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsisupportsprbool); // if another extension has not already canceled entering the private mode if (! { if (adata == "exit") { // if we are leaving the private mode /* you should display some user interface here */ = true; // cancel the operation } ...
Template and Tree Listeners - Archive of obsolete content
the tree builder observer implements the nsixultreebuilderobserver interface and may be attached to a tree builder using the builder's addobserver method.
...var treebuilderobserver = { candropbeforeafter : function(idx, orient) { return false; }, candropon : function(idx, orient) { return true; }, candrop : function(idx, orient) { return !orient; }, ondrop : function(idx, orient) { // do something here }, }; //tree.builderview.addobserver(treebuilderobserver); // tree.builder.queryinterface (components.interfaces.nsixultreebuilder) .addobserver(treebuilderobserver); the candropbeforeafter method returns false since we do not want to allow before and after drops.
Monitoring plugins - Archive of obsolete content
register for runtime notifications with the observer service you must create a class with an observe method which receives 3 parameters (subject, topic and data) as well as a register method that contains the following code: var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice (components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "experimental-notify-plugin-call", false); observing as discussed above, to specify what you want done when a notification arrives your class must have an observe method, receiving 3 parameters (subject, topic and data).
... var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "experimental-notify-plugin-call", false); this.registered = true; } }, //unregisters from the observer services unregister: function() { if (this.registered == true) { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservic...
Creating Sandboxed HTTP Connections
the addobserver method is used to add an observer for a certain topic and takes in three agruments: an object than implements nsiobserver the topic to listen for.
...var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(listener, "http-on-modify-request", false); observerservice.addobserver(listener, "http-on-examine-response", false); the final piece is to manipulate the cookies.
Manipulating bookmarks using Places
var parentfolderid = bmsvc.getfolderidforitem(newbkmkid); observing changes to bookmarks and tags to set up an observer to listen for changes related to bookmarks, you will need to create an nsinavbookmarkobserver object and use the nsinavbookmarksservice.addobserver() and nsinavbookmarksservice.removeobserver() methods.
...alue) { myextension.dosomething(); }, onitemvisited: function(abookmarkid, avisitid, time) {}, onitemmoved: function(aitemid, aoldparent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; // an extension var myextension = { // this function is called when my add-on is loaded onload: function() { bmsvc.addobserver(myext_bookmarklistener, false); }, // this function is called when my add-on is unloaded onunload: function() { bmsvc.removeobserver(myext_bookmarklistener); }, dosomething: function() { alert("did something."); } }; see also nsinavbookmarksservice nsinavbookmarkobserver places using xpcom without chrome - bookmark observer ...
Places Developer Guide
}, queryinterface: function(iid) { if (iid.equals(ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver) || iid.equals(ci.nsisupports)) { return this; } throw cr.ns_error_no_interface; }, }; // register the observer with the bookmarks service var bmsvc = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsinavbookmarksservice); bmsvc.addobserver(observer, false); // un-register the observer when done.
...ri) { }, onclearhistory: function() { }, onpagechanged: function(auri, awhat, avalue) { }, onpageexpired: function(auri, avisittime, awholeentry) { }, queryinterface: function(iid) { if (iid.equals(components.interfaces.nsinavhistoryobserver) || iid.equals(components.interfaces.nsisupports)) { return this; } throw cr.ns_error_no_interface; } }; history.addobserver(observer, false); new tagging service the tagging of uris is provided by nsitaggingservice.
Using the Places annotation service
to add or remove an observer use the methods: addobserver(aobserver); removeobserver(aobserver); where aobserver is an object implementing the nsiannotationobserver interface.
...otationset(auri, aname); onitemannotationset(aitemid, aname); onpageannotationremoved(auri, aname); onitemannotationremoved(aitemid, aname); var observer = { onpageannotationset : function(auri, aname) { }, onitemannotationset : function(aitemid, aname) { }, onpageannotationremoved : function(auri, aname) { }, onitemannotationremoved: function(aitemid, aname) { } } annotationservice.addobserver(observer); } ...
rom: nsihttpactivityobserver last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) implemented by:;1 as a service: var httpactivitydistributor = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsihttpactivitydistributor); method overview void addobserver(in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver); void removeobserver(in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver); methods addobserver() begins delivery of notifications of http transport activity.
... void addobserver( in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver ); parameters aobserver the nsihttpactivityobserver that should receive notifications of http transport activity; this object's nsihttpactivityobserver.observeactivity() method will be called each time activity occurs.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); nsisimpleenumerator enumerate(); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); methods addobserver() add a microsummary observer to this microsummary set.
...void addobserver( in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer ); parameters observer the microsummary observer to add.
implemented by;1 as a service: var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); method overview void addobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic, in boolean ownsweak); nsisimpleenumerator enumerateobservers( in string atopic ); void notifyobservers( in nsisupports asubject, in string atopic, in wstring somedata ); void removeobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic ); methods addobserver() registers a given listener for a notifications regarding ...
... void addobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic, in boolean ownsweak ); parameters anobserver the nsiobserver object which will receive notifications.
Weak reference
nsresult addobserver( nsiobserver* ); nsresult notifyobservers( nsimessage* ); // ...
... nsresult nsobservable::addobserver( nsiobserver* aobserver ) { mobserver = getter_addrefs( ns_getweakreference(aobserver) ); // ...or append this to the list of observers return ns_ok; } nsresult nsobservable::notifyobservers( nsimessage* amessage ) { nscomptr<nsiobserver> observer = do_queryreferent(mobserver); if ( observer ) observer->noticemessage(amessage); else mobserver = 0; // or remove this observer from the list, he's gone away return ns_ok; } // ...
/loader - Archive of obsolete content
if (subject.wrappedjsobject === unloadsubject) console.log("i am about to unload, reason is " + reason); }}; observerservice.addobserver(observer, 'sdk:loader:destroy', false); unload the loader module exposes an unload() function that can be used to unload specific loader instance and undo changes made by modules loaded into it.
platform/xpcom - Archive of obsolete content
getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); var starobserver = class({ extends: unknown, interfaces: [ 'nsiobserver' ], topic: '*', register: function register() { observerservice.addobserver(this, this.topic, false); }, unregister: function() { observerservice.removeobserver(this, this.topic); }, observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { console.log('star observer:', subject, topic, data); } }); var starobserver = starobserver(); starobserver.register(); implementing xpcom factories the xpcom module exports a class called factory which implements the nsif...
Using XPCOM without chrome - Archive of obsolete content
notice the small l var bmlistener = bmlistener(); placesutils.bookmarks.addobserver(bmlistener, false); ...
Inline options - Archive of obsolete content
for example: var observer = { observe: function(asubject, atopic, adata) { if (atopic == "addon-options-displayed" && adata == "my_addon@my_domain") { var doc = asubject; var control = doc.getelementbyid("myaddon-pref-control"); control.value = "test"; } } }; services.obs.addobserver(observer, "addon-options-displayed", false); // don't forget to remove your observer when your add-on is shut down.
Handling Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
preference listeners the xpcom way to add a listener was mentioned in the xpcom section when describing the queryinterface method: this._prefservice.queryinterface(ci.nsiprefbranch2); this._prefservice.addobserver(prefname, this, false); this._prefservice.queryinterface(ci.nsiprefbranch); all the qi'ing is necessary because the addobserver method is in a different interface, and other than for adding and removing observers, we use the nsiprefbranch interface for everything related to preferences.
Search Extension Tutorial (Draft) - Archive of obsolete content
if (selectsearch) services.obs.addobserver(searchobserver, engine_added, false);, ci.nsisearchengine.data_xml, null, false); } } function shutdown(data, reason) { // remove our observer, if necessary if (reason != app_shutdown) removeobserver(); // clean up the search engine on uninstall or disabled.
CommandLine - Archive of obsolete content
ta) { var cmdline = asubject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsicommandline); var test = cmdline.handleflagwithparam("test", false); alert("test = " + test); }, register: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "commandline-args-changed", false); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "commandline-args-changed"); } } var observer = new commandlineobserver(); // because we haven't yet regist...
Using workers in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
let's take a look: startup: function() { // register to receive notifications of preference changes this.prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("stockwatcher2."); this.prefs.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch2); this.prefs.addobserver("", this, false); this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.worker = new worker("chrome://stockwatcher2/content/ticker_worker.js"); // small little dance to get 'this' to refer to stockwatcher, not the // worker, when a message is received.
Communicating with frame scripts
otype = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { var index = messagemanagers.indexof(subject); if (index != -1) { console.log("one of our message managers disconnected"); mms.splice(index, 1); } }, register: function() { var observerservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect", false); console.log("listening"); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect"); } } var observer = new myobserver(); observer.register(); ...
istener("my-addon:update-configuration", function(message) { maincopy =; }) funtion getmaincopy() { return maincopy; } // framescript.js components.utils.import("resource://my-addon/processmodule.jsm") // getmaincopy() used by other functions don't register observers (and other callbacks to global services) in a frame script bad: //framescript.js services.obs.addobserver("document-element-inserted", { observe: function(doc, topic, data) { if( != content) return; // bail out if this is for another tab decoratedocument(doc); } }) observer notifications get fired for events that happen anywhere in the browser, they are not scoped to the current tab.
Statistics API
var prefs = require("api-utils/preferences-service"); components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); function observer(subject, topic, json) { var data = json.parse(json); // process the data } prefs.set("javascript.options.mem.notify", true); services.obs.addobserver(observer, "garbage-collection-statistics", false); the toplevel json object contains these fields: timestamp: integer (microseconds) - time at which the gc ended, measured from epoch.
Using the Places history service
miscellaneous nsinavhistoryservice.addobserver: adds a history observer, which will be notified of changes to the history system.
Avoiding leaks in JavaScript XPCOM components
70022 (which also demonstrates a leak via a global variable, fixed later in bug 231266): const observer = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "open-new-tab-request" || subject != window) return; delayedopentab(data); } }; const service = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); service.addobserver(observer, "open-new-tab-request", false); in this example, there is a similar cycle between observe and service.
808 addobserver no summary!
Monitoring HTTP activity
this is done using the nsihttpactivitydistributor.addobserver() method in nsihttpactivitydistributor: var activitydistributor = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsihttpactivitydistributor); activitydistributor.addobserver(httpobserver); observable activities there are two classes of observable activities: those that occur at the socket level and thos...
example to listen to in-process accessibility invents, make your object an nsiobserver, and listen for accessible-event by using code something like this: nscomptr<nsiobserverservice> observerservice = do_getservice(";1", &rv); if (ns_succeeded(rv)) { rv = observerservice->addobserver(this, "accessible-event", pr_true); } ...
uri = subject.uri; subject.cancel( this.aborted ); alert( "found flash!" ); //handle flash file here } } }; myhttprequestobserver.prototype.register = function ( ) { var observerservice = components.classes[ ";1" ].getservice( components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice ); observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-examine-response", false); observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-examine-cached-response", false); }; myhttprequestobserver.prototype.unregister = function ( ) { var observerservice = components.classes[ ";1" ].getservice( components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice ); observerservice.removeobserver( this, "http-on-examine-res...
if its value is null, then it's an async refresh, and the caller should register itself as an nsimicrosummaryobserver via nsimicrosummary.addobserver() to find out when the refresh completes.
although this attribute is read-write, you should not alter it directly; instead, call nsinavhistoryresult.addobserver() to add an observer to a result.
}, register: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "mytopicid", false); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "mytopicid"); } } instantiation - this should be fired once you're ready to start observing (for example a window's load event).
}); } }; obsservice.addobserver(pushobserver, "push-message", false); obsservice.addobserver(pushobserver, "push-subscription-change", false); see also nsipushsubscription nsipushmessage pushmanager ...
{ // no error happened console.log('yay response done:', newlistener.responsebody); }, function(areason) { // promise was rejected, right now i didnt set up rejection, but i should listen to on abort or bade status code then reject maybe } ).catch( function(acatch) { console.error('something went wrong, a typo by dev probably:', acatch); } ); } }; services.obs.addobserver(httpresponseobserver, 'http-on-examine-response', false); // services.obs.removeobserver(httpresponseobserver, 'http-on-examine-response'); // call this when you dont want to listen anymore ...
Creating a Custom Column
window.addeventlistener("load", doonceloaded, false); function doonceloaded() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(createdbobserver, "msgcreatedbview", false); } var createdbobserver = { // components.interfaces.nsiobserver observe: function(amsgfolder, atopic, adata) { addcustomcolumnhandler(); } } in this example we have a function addcustomcolumnhandler() that is called whenever the event is fired.
customDBHeaders Preference
ing added: " + columnhandler + "\n"); } var createdbobserver = { // components.interfaces.nsiobserver observe: function(amsgfolder, atopic, adata) { dump("here here!"); addcustomcolumnhandler(); } } function doonceloaded(){ var observerservice = components.classes[";1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(createdbobserver, "msgcreatedbview", false); window.document.getelementbyid('foldertree').addeventlistener("select",addcustomcolumnhandler,false); } window.addeventlistener("load",doonceloaded,false); dump(" ~ ~ ~ ~ end superfluous ~ ~ ~ ~ \n"); important be aware that only messages that are added to the .msf database after the customdbheaders pref is set will have the corresponding strin...