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this content is now available at nsiobserverservice.removeobserver().
method overview void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver, in boolean aownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver); attributes attribute type description root nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode the root of the results.
... aownsweak if false, the result will keep an owning reference to the observer, which must be removed by calling removeobserver().
... removeobserver() removes an observer that was added by a previous call to addobserver().
... void removeobserver( in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver ); parameters aobserver the observer to remove.
Component; nsIPrefBranch
n string aprefname, in nsiidref atype, [iid_is(atype), retval] out nsqiresult avalue); long getintpref(in string aprefname,requires gecko 54 [optional] in long adefaultvalue); long getpreftype(in string aprefname); void lockpref(in string aprefname); boolean prefhasuservalue(in string aprefname); boolean prefislocked(in string aprefname); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); void resetbranch(in string astartingat); void setboolpref(in string aprefname, in long avalue); void setcharpref(in string aprefname, in string avalue); requires gecko 58 void setstringpref(in string aprefname, in utf8string avalue); void setcomplexvalue(in string aprefname, in nsiidref atype, in nsisuppor...
... removeobserver() remove a preference change observer.
... note: you must call removeobserver method on the same nsiprefbranch instance on which you called addobserver method in order to remove aobserver; otherwise, the observer will not be removed.
... void removeobserver( in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver ); parameters adomain the preference which is being observed for changes.
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); methods addobserver() add a preference change observer.
... removeobserver() remove a preference change observer.
... note: you must call removeobserver method on the same nsiprefbranch2 instance on which you called addobserver() method in order to remove aobserver; otherwise, the observer will not be removed.
... void removeobserver( in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver ); parameters adomain the preference which is being observed for changes.
Observer Notifications - Archive of obsolete content
to remove an observer for a specific topic, you use the removeobserver method.
... observerservice.removeobserver(testobserver, "xulschoolhello-test-topic"); after you have registered some observers to listen to a notification topic, you can then use the notifyobservers method to send a notification to all of them.
... */ uninit : function() { this._observerservice.removeobserver( this, "xulschoolhello-test-topic"); }, /** * observes the registered notification topics.
Search Extension Tutorial (Draft) - Archive of obsolete content
var selectsearch = false; function removeobserver() { try { services.obs.removeobserver(searchobserver, engine_added); } // if we've already removed this observer, ignore the error.
... removeobserver(); // if the engine is not hidden and this is the first run, move // it to the first position in the engine list and select it if (selectsearch && !engine.hidden) {, 0); = engine; } } } // observer topic const engine_added = "browser-search-engine-modified"; function startup(data, reason) { firstrun = reason == addon_install...
... if (selectsearch) services.obs.addobserver(searchobserver, engine_added, false);, ci.nsisearchengine.data_xml, null, false); } } function shutdown(data, reason) { // remove our observer, if necessary if (reason != app_shutdown) removeobserver(); // clean up the search engine on uninstall or disabled.
Common causes of memory leaks in extensions - Extensions
to avoid this problem explicitly call nsiobserverservice.removeobserver() in an unload event listener.
... in overlay code you may use an unload event listener: addeventlistener("unload", function() { services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing"); }, false); in bootstrap.js (restartless add-ons) unregister your observer in your shutdown function: function shutdown() { // ...
... services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing"); } in javascript code modules it recommended to also observe the xpcom-shutdown or quit-application notifications and unregister your observers from that topic: var myobserver = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") { services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing"); services.obs.removeobserver(myobserver, "xpcom-shutdown"); } else { // do something with "private-browsing" } } }; services.obs.addobserver(myobserver, "private-browsing", false); services.obs.addobserver(myobserver, "xpcom-shutdown", false); finally, a lot of services other than nsiobserverservice accept nsiobserver parameters or other interfaces and will keep strong references around.
Displaying Places information using views
to disconnect a viewer from its result, call removeobserver(view) on your result.
...for these objects to be freed during javascript garbage collection, you must clear this cycle by calling result.removeobserver(view).
...because the object implementing nsitreeview also implements nsinavhistoryresultobserver, the viewer then disconnects itself from the result by calling removeobserver().) is this still right when using nsinavhistoryresultobserver?
void removepageannotations(in nsiuri auri); void removeitemannotations(in long long aitemid); void copypageannotations(in nsiuri asourceuri, in nsiuri adesturi, in boolean aoverwritedest); void copyitemannotations(in long long asourceitemid, in long long adestitemid, in boolean aoverwritedest); void addobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); void removeobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); nsiuri getannotationuri(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); constants constant value description expire_session 0 for temporary data that can be discarded when the user exits.
... removeobserver() this method removes an annotaton observer previously registered by addobserver() method.
... void removeobserver( in nsiannotationobserver aobserver ); parameters aobserver annotation observer.
ing aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); nsivariant getpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback acallback); nsipropertybag2 getprefs(in nsivariant agroup); nsipropertybag2 getprefsbyname(in astring aname); boolean haspref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removegroupedprefs(); void removeobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); void removepref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removeprefsbyname(in astring aname); void setpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, in nsivariant avalue); attributes attribute type description dbconnection mozistorageconnection the database connection to the ...
...void removegroupedprefs(); removeobserver() removes an observer that's presently monitoring a preference for changes.
... void removeobserver( in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver ); parameters aname the name of the preference to stop observing.
n astring domain, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removebysubdomainandname(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removeglobal(in astring name, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void removeobserverforname(in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer); void set(in astring domain, in astring name, in nsivariant value, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); void setglobal(in astring name, in nsivariant value, in nsiloadcontext context, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback2 callback); methods addobserverforname...
... removeobserverforname() unregisters an observer for the given name.
... void removeobserverforname( in astring name, in nsicontentprefobserver observer ); parameters name the name for which the observer was registered.
firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) implemented by:;1 as a service: var httpactivitydistributor = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsihttpactivitydistributor); method overview void addobserver(in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver); void removeobserver(in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver); methods addobserver() begins delivery of notifications of http transport activity.
... removeobserver() stops delivery of notifications of http transport activity.
... void removeobserver( in nsihttpactivityobserver aobserver ); parameters aobserver the nsihttpactivityobserver that should no longer receive notifications of http transport activity.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummary aother); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); void update(); attributes attribute type description content astring the content of the microsummary.
... note: this method returns false if either objects don't have a generator removeobserver() remove a microsummary observer from this microsummary.
... void removeobserver( in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer ); parameters observer the microsummary observer to remove.
obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); nsisimpleenumerator enumerate(); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); methods addobserver() add a microsummary observer to this microsummary set.
...removeobserver() remove a microsummary observer from this microsummary.
... void removeobserver( in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer ); parameters observer the microsummary observer to remove.
solete since gecko 1.9 void moveitem(in long long aitemid, in long long anewparentid, in long aindex); void removechildat(in long long afolder, in long aindex); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void removefolder(in long long afolder); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void removefolderchildren(in long long aitemid); void removeitem(in long long aitemid); void removeobserver(in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer); void replaceitem(in print64 folder, in nsiuri item, in nsiuri newitem); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void runinbatchmode(in nsinavhistorybatchcallback acallback, in nsisupports auserdata); void setfolderreadonly(in long long afolder, in boolean areadonly); void setfoldertitle(in print64 folder, in astring title); obsolete sinc...
... removeobserver() this method removes a bookmark observer.
... void removeobserver( in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer ); parameters observer the bookmark observer to be removed.
, size_is(aresultcount)] out nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, out unsigned long aresultcount, out nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); autf8string queriestoquerystring([array, size_is(aquerycount)] in nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer); void runinbatchmode(in nsinavhistorybatchcallback acallback, in nsisupports aclosure); void importhistory(in nsifile file); astring getcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri); astring setcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri, in astring acharset); attributes attribute type description hashistoryentries boolean...
... removeobserver() this method removes a history observer.
... void removeobserver( in nsinavhistoryobserver observer ); parameters observer the history observer to be removed.
nsIObserverService;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); method overview void addobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic, in boolean ownsweak); nsisimpleenumerator enumerateobservers( in string atopic ); void notifyobservers( in nsisupports asubject, in string atopic, in wstring somedata ); void removeobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic ); methods addobserver() registers a given listener for a notifications regarding the specified topic.
... removeobserver() this method is called to unregister an observer for a particular topic.
... void removeobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic ); parameters anobserver the nsiobserver instance to remove.
Bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
var parentfolderid = bmsvc.getfolderidforitem(newbkmkid); observing changes to bookmarks and tags to set up an observer to listen for changes related to bookmarks, you will need to create an nsinavbookmarkobserver object and use the nsinavbookmarksservice.addobserver() and nsinavbookmarksservice.removeobserver() methods.
...parent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; // an extension var myextension = { // this function is called when my add-on is loaded onload: function() { bmsvc.addobserver(myext_bookmarklistener, false); }, // this function is called when my add-on is unloaded onunload: function() { bmsvc.removeobserver(myext_bookmarklistener); }, dosomething: function() { alert("did something."); } }; see also nsinavbookmarksservice nsinavbookmarkobserver places using xpcom without chrome - bookmark observer ...
Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
this.branch.addobserver("", this, false); }, unregister: function() { this.branch.removeobserver("", this); }, observe: function(asubject, atopic, adata) { // asubject is the nsiprefbranch we're observing (after appropriate qi) // adata is the name of the pref that's been changed (relative to asubject) switch (adata) { case "pref1": // extensions.myextension.pref1 was changed break; case "pref2": // extensions.myextension.pref2 was changed...
... foreach(function (pref_leaf_name) { that._callback(that._branch, pref_leaf_name); }); } }; preflistener.prototype.unregister = function() { if (this._branch) this._branch.removeobserver('', this); }; var mylistener = new preflistener( "extensions.myextension.", function(branch, name) { switch (name) { case "pref1": // extensions.myextension.pref1 was changed break; case "pref2": // extensions.myextension.pref2 was changed break; } } ); mylistener.register(true); note: you need to keep a reference to the preference bra...
Monitoring plugins - Archive of obsolete content
clean up to unregister your class with the observer service - when you no longer want to be listening to runtime notifications - your class must include an unregister method that contains the following code: var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "experimental-notify-plugin-call"); skeleton observer class below is a skeleton class that you may use to listen to runtime notifications: function pluginobserver() { this.registered = false; this.register(); //takes care of registering this class with observer services as an observer for plugin runtime notifications } pluginwatcherobserver.prototype = { observe: func...
...his, "experimental-notify-plugin-call", false); this.registered = true; } }, //unregisters from the observer services unregister: function() { if (this.registered == true) { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "experimental-notify-plugin-call"); this.registered = false; } } } additional resources more information on the observer service: nsiobserverservice nsiobserver ...
Manipulating bookmarks using Places
var parentfolderid = bmsvc.getfolderidforitem(newbkmkid); observing changes to bookmarks and tags to set up an observer to listen for changes related to bookmarks, you will need to create an nsinavbookmarkobserver object and use the nsinavbookmarksservice.addobserver() and nsinavbookmarksservice.removeobserver() methods.
...parent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; // an extension var myextension = { // this function is called when my add-on is loaded onload: function() { bmsvc.addobserver(myext_bookmarklistener, false); }, // this function is called when my add-on is unloaded onunload: function() { bmsvc.removeobserver(myext_bookmarklistener); }, dosomething: function() { alert("did something."); } }; see also nsinavbookmarksservice nsinavbookmarkobserver places using xpcom without chrome - bookmark observer ...
Setting HTTP request headers
to unregister the observer use nsiobserverservice.removeobserver as follows: observerservice.removeobserver(httprequestobserver, "http-on-modify-request"); all-in-one example here is a slightly different version of our httprequestobserver object.
...ce(ci.nsihttpchannel); httpchannel.setrequestheader("x-hello", "world", false); } }, get observerservice() { return cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); }, register: function() { this.observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false); }, unregister: function() { this.observerservice.removeobserver(this, "http-on-modify-request"); } }; this object has a convenience register() and unregister() methods, so in order to activate it you just need to call: httprequestobserver.register(); you should also remember to unregister the observer at shutdown: httprequestobserver.unregister(); and that's it.
platform/xpcom - Archive of obsolete content
getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); var starobserver = class({ extends: unknown, interfaces: [ 'nsiobserver' ], topic: '*', register: function register() { observerservice.addobserver(this, this.topic, false); }, unregister: function() { observerservice.removeobserver(this, this.topic); }, observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { console.log('star observer:', subject, topic, data); } }); var starobserver = starobserver(); starobserver.register(); implementing xpcom factories the xpcom module exports a class called factory which implements the nsifactory interface.
Creating Event Targets - Archive of obsolete content
", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { console.log("visited ", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; exports.main = function() { bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); }; exports.onunload = function() { bookmarkservice.removeobserver(bookmarkobserver); } try running this add-on, adding and visiting bookmarks, and observing the output in the console.
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
.nsiioservice); function certsservice() {} certsservice.prototype = { observe: function(asubject, atopic, adata) { switch(atopic) { case "app-startup": gobserver.addobserver(this,"xpcom-shutdown",false); gobserver.addobserver(this,"final-ui-startup",false); break; case "xpcom-shutdown": gobserver.removeobserver(this,"final-ui-startup"); gobserver.removeobserver(this,"xpcom-shutdown"); break; case "final-ui-startup": this.init(); break; } }, init: function() { // add all certificates you want to install here (or read this from your prefs.js ...) var certificates = "root.crt,user.crt"; var certs...
Handling Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
} }, always remember to remove the observer when you don't need it anymore: this._prefservice.queryinterface(ci.nsiprefbranch2); this._prefservice.removeobserver(prefname, this); preference windows it's very common for extensions to have a few settings that their users can change to tailor them to their needs.
Tabbed browser - Archive of obsolete content
components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); services.obs.addobserver(httpobs, 'http-on-modify-request', false); //services.obs.removeobserver(httpobs, 'http-on-modify-request'); //uncomment this line, or run this line when you want to remove the observer var httpobs = { observe: function (asubject, atopic, adata) { if (atopic == 'http-on-modify-request') { /*start - do not edit here*/ var ohttp = asubject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsihttpchannel); //i used nsihttpchannel but i guess you c...
Adding preferences to an extension - Archive of obsolete content
shutdown: function() { this.prefs.removeobserver("", this); }, observe() the stockwatcher.observe() function is called whenever an event occurs on the preference branch we're watching.
Supporting private browsing mode - Archive of obsolete content
"onenterprivatebrowsing" in this._watcher) { this.watcher.onenterprivatebrowsing(); } } else if (adata == "exit") { this._inprivatebrowsing = false; if (this.watcher && "onexitprivatebrowsing" in this._watcher) { this.watcher.onexitprivatebrowsing(); } } } else if (atopic == "quit-application") { this._os.removeobserver(this, "quit-application"); this._os.removeobserver(this, "private-browsing"); } }, get inprivatebrowsing() { return this._inprivatebrowsing; }, get watcher() { return this._watcher; }, set watcher(val) { this._watcher = val; } }; of special note is the fact that this helper object is designed to not break on versions of firefox without private browsing supp...
Template and Tree Listeners - Archive of obsolete content
you can add more than one observer if needed, and can remove them again with the builder's removeobserver method.
CommandLine - Archive of obsolete content
ervice;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "commandline-args-changed", false); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "commandline-args-changed"); } } var observer = new commandlineobserver(); // because we haven't yet registered a commandlineobserver when the application is // launched the first time, we simulate a notification here.
Creating Sandboxed HTTP Connections
the removeobserver method takes in the listener object and the topic and removes it from the notification list.
Communicating with frame scripts
rverservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect", false); console.log("listening"); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "message-manager-disconnect"); } } var observer = new myobserver(); observer.register(); ...
Places Developer Guide
bmsvc.removeobserver(observer); html import/export the nsiplacesimportexportservice service is used for import and export of bookmarks in the netscape bookmarks html format.
Using the Places annotation service
to add or remove an observer use the methods: addobserver(aobserver); removeobserver(aobserver); where aobserver is an object implementing the nsiannotationobserver interface.
Using the Places history service
nsinavhistoryservice.removeobserver: removes a previously added observer.
811 removeobserver this content is now available at nsiobserverservice.removeobserver().
ice ); observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-examine-response", false); observerservice.addobserver(this, "http-on-examine-cached-response", false); }; myhttprequestobserver.prototype.unregister = function ( ) { var observerservice = components.classes[ ";1" ].getservice( components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice ); observerservice.removeobserver( this, "http-on-examine-response" ); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "http-on-examine-cached-response"); }; see also nsihttpchannel ...
s.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.addobserver(this, "mytopicid", false); }, unregister: function() { var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); observerservice.removeobserver(this, "mytopicid"); } } instantiation - this should be fired once you're ready to start observing (for example a window's load event).
ody); }, function(areason) { // promise was rejected, right now i didnt set up rejection, but i should listen to on abort or bade status code then reject maybe } ).catch( function(acatch) { console.error('something went wrong, a typo by dev probably:', acatch); } ); } }; services.obs.addobserver(httpresponseobserver, 'http-on-examine-response', false); // services.obs.removeobserver(httpresponseobserver, 'http-on-examine-response'); // call this when you dont want to listen anymore ...