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10 results for "TCPSocket":
PR ImportTCPSocket
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferencePR ImportTCPSocket
syntax #include "private/pprio.h" prfiledesc* pr_importtcpsocket(prosfd osfd); parameters the function has the following parameters: osfd the native file descriptor for the tcp socket to import.
... description a native tcp socket osfd can be imported into nspr with pr_importtcpsocket.
... the caller gives up control of the native tcp socket osfd and should use the prfiledesc* returned by pr_importtcpsocket instead.
...And 6 more matches
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferencePR NewTCPSocket
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_newtcpsocket(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: upon successful completion, a pointer to the prfiledesc object created for the newly opened ipv4 tcp socket.
...pr_newtcpsocket creates a new ipv4 tcp socket.
... see also pr_newtcpsocket is deprecated because it is hardcoded to create an ipv4 tcp socket.
... new code should use pr_opentcpsocket instead, which allows the address family (ipv4 or ipv6) of the new tcp socket to be specified.
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferencePR OpenTCPSocket
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_opentcpsocket(printn af); parameters the function has the following parameters: af the address family of the new tcp socket.
...pr_opentcpsocket creates a new tcp socket of the address family af.
Nonblocking IO In NSPR
MozillaProjectsNSPRNonblocking IO In NSPR
in nspr, a new socket returned by <tt>pr_newtcpsocket()</tt> or <tt>pr_newudpsocket()</tt> is always created in blocking mode.
... one can make the new socket nonblocking by using <tt>pr_setsockopt()</tt> as in the example below (error checking is omitted for clarity): <tt>prfiledesc *sock;</tt> <tt>printn optval = 1;</tt> <tt>sock = pr_newtcpsocket();</tt> /* * make the socket nonblocking */ pr_setsockopt(sock, pr_sockopt_nonblocking, &optval, sizeof(optval)); programming constraints there are some constraints due to the use of nt asynchronous i/o in the nspr.
I/O Functions
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferenceI O Functions
list of functions: pr_openudpsocket pr_newudpsocket pr_opentcpsocket pr_newtcpsocket pr_importtcpsocket pr_connect pr_connectcontinue pr_accept pr_bind pr_listen pr_shutdown pr_recv pr_send pr_recvfrom pr_sendto pr_transmitfile pr_acceptread pr_getsockname pr_getpeername pr_getsocketoption pr_setsocketoption converting between host and network addresses pr_ntohs pr_ntohl pr_htons pr_htonl pr_familyinet memory-mapped i/o functions th...
otherwise, you use functions such as pr_open and pr_newtcpsocket to obtain a file descriptor, which you should treat as an opaque structure.
NSPR functions
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceNSPR functions
pr_importtcpsocket socket i/o functions as mentioned above, the ssl library in nss implements the ssl protocol as an nspr i/o layer.
MozillaProjectsNSSSSL functionssslintro.html
configuration the configuration portion of an ssl-enabled application typically begins by opening a new socket and then importing the new socket into the ssl environment: pr_newtcpsocket.
40529161749" cookieenabled:true donottrack:"yes" geolocation:geolocation language:"en-us" mimetypes:mimetypearray mozalarms:null mozapps:xpcwrappednative_nohelper mozcameras:cameramanager mozconnection:mozconnection mozcontacts:contactmanager mozid:null mozkeyboard:xpcwrappednative_nohelper mozpay:null mozpermissionsettings:null mozphonenumberservice:phonenumberservice mozpower:mozpowermanager moztcpsocket:null online:true oscpu:"windows nt 5.1" platform:"win32" plugins:pluginarray product:"gecko" productsub:"20100101" useragent:"mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 5.1; rv:30.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/30.0" vendor:"" vendorsub:"" __proto__:navigatorprototype from here we can easily see the operating system version.
How to check the security state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL - Web APIs
WebAPIXMLHttpRequestHow to check the secruity state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL
// adapted from the patch for moztcpsocket error reporting (bug 861196).