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5 results for "UDPSocket":
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferencePR NewUDPSocket
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_newudpsocket(void); returns the function returns one of the following values: upon successful completion, a pointer to the prfiledesc object created for the newly opened udp socket.
... pr_newudpsocket creates a new udp socket.
... see also pr_newudpsocket is deprecated because it is hardcoded to create an ipv4 udp socket.
... new code should use pr_openudpsocket instead, which allows the address family (ipv4 or ipv6) of the new udp socket to be specified.
PR OpenUDPSocket
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferencePR OpenUDPSocket
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_openudpsocket(printn af); parameters the function has the following parameters: af the address family of the new udp socket.
... pr_openudpsocket creates a new udp socket of the address family af.
Nonblocking IO In NSPR
MozillaProjectsNSPRNonblocking IO In NSPR
in nspr, a new socket returned by <tt>pr_newtcpsocket()</tt> or <tt>pr_newudpsocket()</tt> is always created in blocking mode.
I/O Functions
MozillaProjectsNSPRReferenceI O Functions
list of functions: pr_openudpsocket pr_newudpsocket pr_opentcpsocket pr_newtcpsocket pr_importtcpsocket pr_connect pr_connectcontinue pr_accept pr_bind pr_listen pr_shutdown pr_recv pr_send pr_recvfrom pr_sendto pr_transmitfile pr_acceptread pr_getsockname pr_getpeername pr_getsocketoption pr_setsocketoption converting between host and network addresses pr_ntohs pr_ntohl pr_htons pr_htonl pr_familyi...
Index - Web APIs
4336 udp socket api udpsocket, mozudpsocket //todo: docs are missing, see 4337 uievent api, dom, event, interface, reference, uievent, events the uievent interface represents simple user interface events.