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7 results for "clearWatch":
Geolocation.clearWatch() - Web APIs
the geolocation.clearwatch() method is used to unregister location/error monitoring handlers previously installed using geolocation.watchposition().
... syntax navigator.geolocation.clearwatch(id); parameters id the id number returned by the geolocation.watchposition() method when installing the handler you wish to remove.
... example var id, target, option; function success(pos) { var crd = pos.coords; if (target.latitude === crd.latitude && target.longitude === crd.longitude) { console.log('congratulation, you reach the target'); navigator.geolocation.clearwatch(id); } }; function error(err) { console.warn('error(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message); }; target = { latitude : 0, longitude: 0, } options = { enablehighaccuracy: false, timeout: 5000, maximumage: 0 }; id = navigator.geolocation.watchposition(success, error, options); specifications specification status comment geolocation api recommendation initial specification.
olocation = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsidomgeogeolocation); note: if nsidgeogeolocation throws an exception when importing, try using this: var geolocation = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsisupports); method overview void clearwatch(in unsigned short watchid); void getcurrentposition(in nsidomgeopositioncallback successcallback, [optional] in nsidomgeopositionerrorcallback errorcallback, [optional] in nsidomgeopositionoptions options); unsigned short watchposition(in nsidomgeopositioncallback successcallback, [optional] ...
... methods clearwatch() when the clearwatch() method is called, the watch() process stops calling for new position identifiers and cease invoking callbacks.
... void clearwatch( in unsigned short watchid ); parameters none.
...And 2 more matches
Geolocation.watchPosition() - Web APIs
the id can be passed to the geolocation.clearwatch() to unregister the handler.
... examples var id, target, options; function success(pos) { var crd = pos.coords; if (target.latitude === crd.latitude && target.longitude === crd.longitude) { console.log('congratulations, you reached the target'); navigator.geolocation.clearwatch(id); } } function error(err) { console.warn('error(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message); } target = { latitude : 0, longitude: 0 }; options = { enablehighaccuracy: false, timeout: 5000, maximumage: 0 }; id = navigator.geolocation.watchposition(success, error, options); specifications specification status comment geolocation apithe definition of 'watchposition()' in that specification.
Using the Geolocation API - Web APIs
WebAPIGeolocation APIUsing the Geolocation API
const watchid = navigator.geolocation.watchposition((position) => { dosomething(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); }); the watchposition() method returns an id number that can be used to uniquely identify the requested position watcher; you use this value in tandem with the clearwatch() method to stop watching the user's location.
... navigator.geolocation.clearwatch(watchid); fine tuning the response both getcurrentposition() and watchposition() accept a success callback, an optional error callback, and an optional positionoptions object.
breakpoints js_settrap js_gettrapopcode js_cleartrap js_clearscripttraps js_clearalltraps js_handletrap js_setinterrupt js_clearinterrupt watchpoints js_setwatchpoint js_clearwatchpoint js_clearwatchpointsforobject js_clearallwatchpoints inspecting the stack js_pctolinenumber js_linenumbertopc js_getfunctionscript js_getfunctionnative js_getfunctionfastnative js_getscriptprincipals typedef jsstackframe js_frameiterator js_getframescript js_getframepc js_getscriptedcaller js_stackframeprincipals js_evalframeprincipals js_getframeannotation js_setframeannotation js_getframeprincipalarray js_isnativeframe js_getframeobject js_getframescopechain js_getframecallobject js...
Geolocation - Web APIs
geolocation.clearwatch() secure context removes the particular handler previously installed using watchposition().
Index - Web APIs
1469 geolocation.clearwatch() api, geolocation, geolocation api, method, needsexample, reference, secure context the geolocation.clearwatch() method is used to unregister location/error monitoring handlers previously installed using geolocation.watchposition().