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4 results for "CalIEvent":
calICalendarViewController - Archive of obsolete content
difyoccurrence (in caliitemoccurrence aoccurrence, in calidatetime anewstarttime, in calidatetime anewendtime); void deleteoccurrence (in caliitemoccurrence aoccurrence); }; methods createnewevent void createnewevent (in calicalendar acalendar, in calidatetime astarttime, in calidatetime aendtime); the createnewevent method is used for creating a new calievent in the calicalendar specified by the acalendar parameter.
...if astarttime is specified, then the calievent is meant to be created 'silently', that is, without a more detailed dialog appearing.
... the calievent should have its enddate set to aendtime, if this parameter is specified.
...the other values of the calievent (title, summary, alarm, etc) should likewise be set to defaults.
calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
summary an object implementing calicalendarview is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of dom nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calievent and calitodo objects. implemented here, it corresponds to the calendar containing all of the calievents and calitodos that shoud be shown in the view.
...other areas of the code will often use this as a basis for default values for new calievents and calitodos.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
1994 calicalendarview interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference an object implementing calicalendarview is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of dom nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calievent and calitodo objects.
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
building transformiix standalone calicalendarview an object implementing calicalendarview is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of dom nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calievent and calitodo objects.