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5 results for "compareTo":
compareTo - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceInstallVersion ObjectMethodscompareTo
compareto compares the version information specified in this object to the version information specified in the version parameter.
... method of installversion object syntax compareto ( installversion version); compareto ( string version); compareto ( int major, int minor, int release, int build); parameters the compareto method has the following parameters: maj the major version number.
... the following constants are defined and available for checking the value returned by compareto: installversion.major_diff installversion.minor_diff installversion.rel_diff installversion.bld_diff installversion.equal installversion.major_diff_minus installversion.minor_diff_minus installversion.rel_diff_minus installversion.bld_diff_minus example this code uses the compareto method to determine whether or not version 3.2.1 of...
... the royal airways software has been previously installed: existingvi = installtrigger.getversion("/royalairways/royalsw"); if ( existingvi.compareto("3.2.1") <= 0 ) { // ...
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceInstallVersion ObjectMethods
methods compareto compares the version information specified in this object to the version information specified in the version parameter.
InstallVersion Object - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceInstallVersion Object
the init() method associates a particular version with an installversion object, the tostring() method converts versions in various formats to a string, and the compareto() method compares these string and indicates the relationship between the two versions.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
logcomment patch performinstall refreshplugins registerchrome reseterror setpackagefolder installtrigger no properties methods compareversion enabled getversion install installchrome startsoftwareupdate installversion properties methods compareto init tostring file no properties methods copy dircreate dirgetparent dirremove dirrename diskspaceavailable execute exists isdirectory isfile macalias moddate moddatechanged move remove rename size windowsgetsho...
see here: nsixulappinfo components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/services.jsm"); var curentbrowserversion = services.appinfo.platformversion; //example: '31.*' var comparetothisversion = '25.*'; var compareresult =, comparetothisversion); if (compareresult == -1) { //currentbrowserversion is less than '25.*' (comparetothisversion) } else if (compareresult == 0) { //currentbrowserversion is '25.*' (comparetothisversion) } else if (compareresult == 1) { //currentbrowserversion is greater than '25.*' (comparetothisve...