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2 results for "blueswayedshoes":
Creating a Skin - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTutorialCreating a Skin
for example, change references of 'classic/1.0' to 'blueswayedshoes/1.0'.
... add a line to the file 'chrome/installed-chrome.txt of the following form: skin,install,url,file:///stuff/blueswayedshoes/ where the last part points to the directory you created.
Cross Package Overlays - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTutorialCross Package Overlays
the following example shows how: <rdf:seq about="urn:mozilla:stylesheets"> <rdf:li resource="chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul"/> </rdf:seq> <rdf:seq about="chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul"> <rdf:li>chrome://blueswayedshoes/skin/myskinfile.css</rdf:li> </rdf:seq> next, we'll see how to create an installer for a xul application.