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57 results for "NsIDOMNode":
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dom/interfaces/core/nsidomnode.idlscriptable this interface is the primary datatype for the entire document object model.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.6 method overview nsidomnode appendchild(in nsidomnode newchild) nsidomnode clonenode(in boolean deep); boolean hasattributes(); boolean haschildnodes(); nsidomnode insertbefore(in nsidomnode newchild, in nsidomnode refchild) boolean issupported(in domstring feature, in domstring version); void normalize(); nsidomnode removechild(in nsidomnode oldchild) nsidomnode replacechild(in nsidomnode newchild, in nsidomnode oldchild) attributes attribute type description attributes nsidomnamednodemap read only.
... childnodes nsidomnodelist read only.
...And 8 more matches
method overview void deletetabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey); void deletewindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey); nsidomnode duplicatetab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsidomnode atab); nsidomnode forgetclosedtab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex); nsidomnode forgetclosedwindow(in unsigned long aindex); astring getbrowserstate(); unsigned long getclos...
...edtabcount(in nsidomwindow awindow); astring getclosedtabdata(in nsidomwindow awindow); unsigned long getclosedwindowcount(); astring getclosedwindowdata(); astring gettabstate(in nsidomnode atab); astring gettabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey); astring getwindowstate(in nsidomwindow awindow); astring getwindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey); void init(in nsidomwindow awindow); void persisttabattribute(in astring aname); void restorelastsession(); void setbrowserstate(in astring astate); void settabstate(in nsidomnode atab, in astring astate); void settabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); void setwindowstate(in ...
...nsidomwindow awindow, in astring astate, in boolean aoverwrite); void setwindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); nsidomnode undoclosetab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex); nsidomwindow undoclosewindow(in unsigned long aindex); attributes attribute type description canrestorelastsession boolean is it possible to restore the previous session.
...And 12 more matches
as a service: var selection = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiselection); method overview void addrange(in nsidomrange range); void collapse(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] boolean collapsed(); void collapsenative(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); native code only!
... void collapsetoend(); void collapsetostart(); boolean containsnode(in nsidomnode node, in boolean partlycontained); void deletefromdocument(); void extend(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); void extendnative(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); native code only!
... nsidomrange getrangeat(in long index); void modify(in domstring alter, in domstring direction, in domstring granularity); void removeallranges(); void removerange(in nsidomrange range); void selectallchildren(in nsidomnode parentnode); void selectionlanguagechange(in boolean langrtl); domstring tostring(); attributes attribute type description anchornode nsidomnode returns the node in which the selection begins.
...And 8 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsiaccessible getaccessiblefor(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinweakshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getaccessibleinwindow(in nsidomnode anode, in nsidomwindow adomwin); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getapplicationaccessible(); nsiaccessible getattachedaccessiblefor(in n...
...sidomnode anode); nsiaccessible getcachedaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference ashell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessnode getcachedaccessnode(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference ashell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsidomnode getrelevantcontentnodefor(in nsidomnode anode); astring getstringeventtype(in unsigned long aeventtype); astring getstringrelationtype(in unsigned long arelationtype); astring getstringrole(in unsigned long arole); nsidomdomstringlist getstringstates(in unsigned long astates, in unsigned long aextrastates); methods getaccessiblefor() return an nsiaccessible for a dom node in pres shell 0.
...nsiaccessible getaccessiblefor( in nsidomnode anode ); parameters anode the dom node to get an accessible for.
...And 7 more matches
Reference Manual
nsidomnode* p = ...; while ( p ) { // ...
... nsidomnode* p = ...; while ( p ) { // ...
... nscomptr<nsidomnode> p = ...; while ( p ) { // ...
...And 6 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 5.0 (firefox 5.0 / thunderbird 5.0 / seamonkey 2.2) method overview void adddefaultproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue); void addinsertionlistener(in nsicontentfilter infilter); void align(in astring aalign); boolean breakisvisible(in nsidomnode anode); boolean candrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void checkselectionstateforanonymousbuttons(in nsiselection aselection); nsidomelement createanonymouselement(in astring atag, in nsidomnode aparentnode, in astring aanonclass, in boolean aiscreatedhidden); nsidomelement createelementwithdefaults(in astring atagname); void decreasefontsize(); vo... dodrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void getalignment(out boolean amixed, out short aalign); astring getbackgroundcolorstate(out boolean amixed); nsidomelement getelementorparentbytagname(in astring atagname, in nsidomnode anode); astring getfontcolorstate(out boolean amixed); astring getfontfacestate(out boolean amixed); astring getheadcontentsashtml(); astring gethighlightcolorstate(out boolean amixed); void getindentstate(out boolean acanindent, out boolean acanoutdent); void getinlineproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall); astring getinlinepropertywithattrvalue(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring aval...
... void indent(in astring aindent); void insertelementatselection(in nsidomelement aelement, in boolean adeleteselection); void insertfromdrop(in nsidomevent aevent); void inserthtml(in astring ainputstring); void inserthtmlwithcontext(in astring ainputstring, in astring acontextstr, in astring ainfostr, in astring aflavor, in nsidomdocument asourcedoc, in nsidomnode adestinationnode, in long adestinationoffset, in boolean adeleteselection); void insertlinkaroundselection(in nsidomelement aanchorelement); boolean isanonymouselement(in nsidomelement aelement); void makeorchangelist(in astring alisttype, in boolean entirelist, in astring abullettype); boolean nodeisblock(in nsidomnode node); void pastenoformatting(in...
...And 5 more matches
method overview void addbinding(in nsidomnode arulenode, in nsiatom avar, in nsiatom aref, in astring aexpr); print32 compareresults(in nsixultemplateresult aleft, in nsixultemplateresult aright, in nsiatom avar, in unsigned long asorthints); nsisupports compilequery(in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode aquery, in nsiatom arefvariable, in nsiatom amembervariable); void done(); nsisimpleenumerator generateresults(in nsisup...
...ports adatasource, in nsixultemplateresult aref, in nsisupports aquery); nsisupports getdatasource(in nsiarray adatasources, in nsidomnode arootnode, in boolean aistrusted, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, out boolean ashoulddelaybuilding); void initializeforbuilding(in nsisupports adatasource, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode arootnode); nsixultemplateresult translateref(in nsisupports adatasource, in astring arefstring); methods addbinding() add a variable binding for a particular rule.
...void addbinding( in nsidomnode arulenode, in nsiatom avar, in nsiatom aref, in astring aexpr ); parameters arulenode rule to add the binding to.
...And 5 more matches
element acanvas2, out unsigned long amaxdifference); double computeanimationdistance(in nsidomelement element, in astring property, in astring value1, in astring value2); nsicompositionstringsynthesizer createcompositionstringsynthesizer(); obsolete since gecko 38.0 void disablenontestmouseevents(in boolean adisable); boolean dispatchdomeventviapresshell(in nsidomnode atarget, in nsidomevent aevent, in boolean atrusted); nsidomelement elementfrompoint(in float ax, in float ay, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void entermodalstate(); nsidomelement findelementwithviewid(in nsviewid aid); void focus(in nsidomelement aelement); void forceupdatenativemenuat(in astring indexstring); ...
...ontents(in long ascript); void getscrollxy(in boolean aflushlayout, out long ascrollx, out long ascrolly); astring getvisiteddependentcomputedstyle(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring apseudoelement, in astring apropertyname); boolean isinmodalstate(); void leavemodalstate(); void loadsheet(in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type); nsidomnodelist nodesfromrect(in float ax, in float ay, in float atopsize, in float arightsize, in float abottomsize, in float aleftsize, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void processupdates(); obsolete since gecko 13.0 void purgepccounts(); unsigned long redraw([optional] in unsigned long acount); void renderdocument(in nsconstrect arect,...
... boolean dispatchdomeventviapresshell( in nsidomnode atarget, in nsidomevent aevent, in boolean atrusted ); parameters atarget aevent atrusted return value boolean to show if the event was successful elementfrompoint() retrieve the element at point ax, ay in the window's document.
...And 3 more matches
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void rebuild(); void refresh(); void addresult(in nsixultemplateresult aresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void removeresult(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); void replaceresult(in nsixultemplateresult aoldresult, in nsixultemplateresult anewresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void resultbindingchanged(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); nsixultemplateresult getresultforid(in astring aid); nsixultemplateresult getresultforcontent(in nsidomelement aelement); boolean hasgeneratedco...
...ntent(in nsirdfresource anode, in nsiatom atag); void addrulefilter(in nsidomnode arule, in nsixultemplaterulefilter afilter); [noscript] void init(in nsicontent aelement); [noscript] void createcontents(in nsicontent aelement, in boolean aforcecreation); void addlistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); void removelistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); attributes attribute type description root nsidomelement readonly: the root node in the dom to which this builder is attached.
...for xml this will be the nsidomnode for the datasource document or node for an inline reference (such as #name).
...And 3 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsisupportsarray getembeddedobjects(); nsidomnode insertascitedquotation(in astring aquotedtext, in astring acitation, in boolean ainserthtml); nsidomnode insertasquotation(in astring aquotedtext); void inserttextwithquotations(in domstring astringtoinsert); void pasteascitedquotation(in astring acitation, in long aselectiontype); void pasteasquotation(in long aselectiontype); void rewrap(in boolean arespectnewlines); void stripcites(); methods getembeddedobjects() get a list of img and object tags in the current document.
...nsidomnode insertascitedquotation( in astring aquotedtext, in astring acitation, in boolean ainserthtml ); parameters aquotedtext the actual text to be quoted.
...(vs plaintext) return value the nsidomnode which was inserted.
...And 2 more matches
ring extractscheme(in autf8string urlstring); unsigned long getprotocolflags(in string ascheme); nsiprotocolhandler getprotocolhandler(in string ascheme); nsichannel newchannel(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannel2(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsichannel newchannelfromuri(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannelfromuri2(in nsiuri auri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in unsigned lon...
...g asecurityflags, in unsigned long acontentpolicytype); nsichannel newchannelfromuriwithloadinfo(in nsiuri auri, in nsiloadinfo aloadinfo); nsichannel newchannelfromuriwithproxyflags2(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri aproxyuri, in uint32_t aproxyflags,in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsiuri newfileuri(in nsifile afile); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description offline boolean returns true if networking is in "offline" mode.
... nsichannel newchannel2( in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype, ); parameters aspec the spec for the desired uri.
...And 2 more matches
r/dom-utils;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.inidomutils); method overview void addpseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); void clearpseudoclasslocks(in nsidomelement aelement); [implicit_jscontext] jsval colornametorgb(in domstring acolorname); nsiarray getbindingurls(in nsidomelement aelement); nsidomnodelist getchildrenfornode(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent); unsigned long long getcontentstate(in nsidomelement aelement); void getcsspropertynames([optional] in unsigned long aflags, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out wstring aprops); nsisupportsarray getcssstylerules(in nsidomelement aelement, [optional] i...
...n domstring apseudo); nsidomnode getparentfornode(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent); unsigned long getruleline(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); unsigned long getrulecolumn(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); unsigned long getselectorcount(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); astring getselectortext(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); unsigned long long getspecificity(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); nsidomfontfacelist getusedfontfaces(in nsidomrange arange); bool haspseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); boolean isignorablewhitespace(in nsidomcharacterdata adatanode); bool isinheritedproperty(in astring apropertyna...
... nsidomnodelist getchildrenfornode( in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent ); parameters anode a dom node for which to retrieve the style nodes.
... nsidomnode getparentfornode( in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent ); parameters anode the node to return the parent of.
dom/interfaces/xpath/nsidomxpathresult.idlscriptable this interface describes an xpath result returned by nsidomxpathevaluator or document.evaluate inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsidomnode iteratenext(); nsidomnode snapshotitem(in unsigned long index); attributes attribute type description booleanvalue boolean if resulttype is boolean_type, the boolean value.
... singlenodevalue nsidomnode if resulttype is any_unordered_node_type or first_ordered_node_type, a single dom node.
...nsidomnode iteratenext(); parameters none.
...nsidomnode snapshotitem( in unsigned long index ); parameters index the index of the dom node to return.
void getrangesforinterval(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results); void getrangesforintervalarray(in nsinode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsinode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in boolean allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
... void getrangesforintervalcomarray(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
... void getrangesforinterval( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
... void getrangesforintervalcomarray( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, in rangearray results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
to create an instance, use: var xsltprocessor = components.classes[";1?type=xslt"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsixsltprocessor); method overview void clearparameters(); nsivariant getparameter(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); void importstylesheet(in nsidomnode style); void removeparameter(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); void reset(); void setparameter(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname, in nsivariant value); nsidomdocument transformtodocument(in nsidomnode source); nsidomdocumentfragment transformtofragment(in nsidomnode source, in nsidomdocument output); methods clearparameters() removes all set paramete...
...void importstylesheet( in nsidomnode style ); parameters style the root-node of a xslt stylesheet.
...nsidomdocument transformtodocument( in nsidomnode source ); parameters source the node to be transformed.
...nsidomdocumentfragment transformtofragment( in nsidomnode source, in nsidomdocument output ); parameters source the node to be transformed.
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
for instance, we have the following "chain" for the nsidomhtmlanchorelement interface: nsisupports -> nsidomnode -> nsidomelement -> nsidomhtmlelement -> nsidomhtmlanchorelement.
...for example if a real class implements nsidomelement, it also has to implement nsidomnode and nsisupports.
...if we look at nsidomhtmlelement, we can see that it inherits from nsidomelement, which inherits from nsidomnode, which inherits from nsisupports.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsiaccessibleretrieval method overview nsiaccessible createouterdocaccessible(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible createrootaccessible(in nsipresshell ashell, in nsidocument adocument); nsiaccessible createhtml4buttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhypertextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbuttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlaccessiblebymarkup(in nsiframe aframe, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createh...
...tmlliaccessible(in nsisupports aframe, in nsisupports abulletframe, in astring abullettext); nsiaccessible createhtmlcheckboxaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcomboboxaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmlgenericaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlgenericaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlhraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlimageaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmllabelaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmllabelaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmlobjectframeaccessible(in nsobjectframe aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlradiobuttona...
...ccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlselectoptionaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiaccessible aaccparent, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmltableaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltablecellaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltableheadaccessible(in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createhtmltextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltextfieldaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcaptionaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible getaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, inout nsiframe framehint, out boolean aishidden); nsiaccessible addnativerootaccessible(in voidptr aatkaccessibl...
inherits from: nsidomnode last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview domstring getattribute(in domstring name); nsidomattr getattributenode(in domstring name); nsidomattr getattributenodens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); domstring getattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagname(in domstring name); nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagnamens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); boolean hasattribute(in domstring name); boolean hasattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); void removeattribute(in domstring name) nsidomattr removeattributenode(in nsidom...
...nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagname( in domstring name ); parameters name tag name return value a nsidomnodelist containg all the descendants of this tag name.
...nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagnamens( in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname ); parameters namespaceuri namespace uri localname tag name return value a nsidomnodelist containg all the descendants of this tag name.
to create an instance, use: var domserializer = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidomserializer); method overview void serializetostream(in nsidomnode root, in nsioutputstream stream, in autf8string charset); astring serializetostring(in nsidomnode root); methods serializetostream() the subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to a byte stream using the character set specified.
... void serializetostream( in nsidomnode root, in nsioutputstream stream, in autf8string charset ); parameters root the root of the subtree to be serialized.
...astring serializetostring( in nsidomnode root ); parameters root the root of the subtree to be serialized.
to create an instance, use: var domxpathevaluator = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidomxpathevaluator); method overview nsidomxpathexpression createexpression(in domstring expression, in nsidomxpathnsresolver resolver) nsidomxpathnsresolver creatensresolver(in nsidomnode noderesolver); nsisupports evaluate(in domstring expression, in nsidomnode contextnode, in nsidomxpathnsresolver resolver, in unsigned short type, in nsisupports result) methods createexpression() creates an nsidomxpathexpression which can then be used for (repeated) evaluations.
...nsidomxpathnsresolver creatensresolver( in nsidomnode noderesolver ); parameters noderesolver the node to be used as a context for name space resolution.
...nsisupports evaluate( in domstring expression, in nsidomnode contextnode, in nsidomxpathnsresolver resolver, in unsigned short type, in nsisupports result ); parameters expression a string representing the xpath to be evaluated.
66 introduced gecko 1.0 inherits from: nsidomelement last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void blur(); void click(); void docommand(); void focus(); nsidomnodelist getelementsbyattribute(in domstring name, in domstring value); nsidomnodelist getelementsbyattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring name, in domstring value); attributes attribute type description align domstring gets/sets the value of the element's align attribute.
...nsidomnodelist getelementsbyattribute( in domstring name, in domstring value ); parameters name the name of the attribute to search for.
...nsidomnodelist getelementsbyattributens( in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring name, in domstring value ); parameters namespaceuri the namespace of the attribute to search for, or "*" to search attributes in all namespaces.
nsidragsession getcurrentsession( ) ; void invokedragsession( in nsidomnode adomnode, in nsisupportsarray atransferables, in nsiscriptableregion aregion, in unsigned long aactiontype ); void invokedragsessionwithimage(in nsidomnode adomnode, in nsisupportsarray atransferablearray, in nsiscriptableregion aregion, in unsigned long aactiontype, in nsidomnode aimage, in long aimagex, in long aimagey, in nsidomdragevent adragevent, in nsidomdatatransfer adatatransfer...
... invokedragsession() starts a modal drag session with an array of transferables void invokedragsession( in nsidomnode adomnode, in nsisupportsarray atransferables, in nsiscriptableregion aregion, in unsigned long aactiontype ); parameters adomnode the source node on which the drag gesture was started.
... void invokedragsessionwithimage( in nsidomnode adomnode, in nsisupportsarray atransferablearray, in nsiscriptableregion aregion, in unsigned long aactiontype, in nsidomnode aimage, in long aimagex, in long aimagey, in nsidomdragevent adragevent, in nsidomdatatransfer adatatransfer ); parameters adomnode the source node on which the drag gesture was started.
mevent aevent); node manipulation methods void setattribute(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring attributestr,in astring attvalue); boolean getattributevalue(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring attributestr, out astring resultvalue); void removeattribute(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring aattribute); void cloneattribute(in astring aattribute, in nsidomnode asourcenode); void cloneattributes(in nsidomnode destnode, in nsidomnode sourcenode); nsidomnode createnode(in astring tag, in nsidomnode parent, in long position); void insertnode(in nsidomnode node, in nsidomnode parent, in long aposition); void splitnode(in nsidomnode existingrightnode, in long offset, out nsidomnode newleftnode); void joinnodes(in ...
...nsidomnode leftnode, in nsidomnode rightnode, in nsidomnode parent); void deletenode(in nsidomnode child); void marknodedirty(in nsidomnode node); direction controller void switchtextdirection(); output methods astring outputtostring(in astring formattype, in unsigned long flags); example: // flags are declared in base/public/nsidocumentencoder.idl // outputselectiononly = 1, outputformatted = 2, // outputraw = 4, outputbodyonly = 8, // outputpreformatted = 16, outputwrap = 32, // outputformatflowed = 64, outputabsolutelinks = 258, // outputencodew3centities = 256, outputcrlinebreak = 512, // outputlflinebreak = 1024, outputnoscriptcontent = 2048, // outputnoframescontent = 4096, ou...
...onlistener listener); void adddocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); void removedocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); debug methods void dumpcontenttree(); void debugdumpcontent() ; void debugunittests(out long outnumtests, out long outnumtestsfailed); [notxpcom] boolean ismodifiablenode(in nsidomnode anode); constants load flags constant value description enone 0 enext 1 eprevious 2 enextword 3 epreviousword 4 etobeginningofline 5 etoendofline 6 attributes attribute type description contentsmimetype string ...
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview long calculateupdateinterval(in nsidomnode apagecontent); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummarygenerator aother); astring generatemicrosummary(in nsidomnode apagecontent); attributes attribute type description loaded boolean has the generator itself (which may be a remote resource) been loaded.
...long calculateupdateinterval( in nsidomnode apagecontent ); parameters apagecontent the content of the page being summarized.
...astring generatemicrosummary( in nsidomnode apagecontent ); parameters apagecontent the content of the page being summarized.
method overview void getrangesforinterval(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results); void getrangesforintervalcomarray(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
... void getrangesforinterval( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
... native code only!getrangesforintervalcomarray void getrangesforintervalcomarray( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, in rangearray results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
method overview astring onbeforelinktraversal(in astring originaltarget, in nsiuri linkuri, in nsidomnode linknode, in prbool isapptab); void setjsdefaultstatus(in astring status); void setjsstatus(in astring status); void setoverlink(in astring link, in nsidomelement element); methods onbeforelinktraversal() called before traversing a link to determine the appropriate target into which to load the link.
...astring onbeforelinktraversal( in astring originaltarget, in nsiuri linkuri, in nsidomnode linknode, in prbool isapptab ); parameters originaltarget the specified target for the link.
...linknode the nsidomnode representing the dom node in which the link is located.
Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
to do this i used the accessibility framework: hwnd gethwnd(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval> refp; refp = do_createinstance( ";1", &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } //line 6.
... hwnd gethwndb(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsicomponentmanager> compmgr; rv = ns_getcomponentmanager(getter_addrefs(compmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval> refp; rv = compmgr->createinstancebycontractid(accretcid, 0, iar_iid_old, getter_addrefs(refp)); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } nscomptr<nsiaccessible> accnode; rv = refp->ge...
...i did have to delve into my old versions and change: ns_define_static_iid_accessor(...) to ns_declare_static_iid_accessor(...) this ugliness aside, my plan b routine now looks like: hwnd gethwndb(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsicomponentmanager> compmgr; rv = ns_getcomponentmanager(getter_addrefs(compmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval_old> refp; //n.b.
Node - Archive of obsolete content
summary this is a scriptable interface corresponding to the nsidomnode xpcom interface.
... constants the nsidomnode interface is the primary datatype for the entire document object model.
The Implementation of the Application Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
examples of these interfaces include nsidomelement, nsidomnode, nsixmlcontent, and nsicontent.
...nsicontent, nsidomnode, nsidomelement, and nsixmlelement must be implemented at a minimum.
nsIContentPolicy - Archive of obsolete content
acontext {optional_inline}} the nsidomnode or nsidomwindow that initiated the request, or something that can queryinterface() to one of those; can be null if inapplicable.
...the nsidomnode or nsidomwindow that initiated the request, or something that can query interface to one of those; can be null if inapplicable.
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
*/ nsidomnode getboundnode(); /** * set the content of the instance node.
... */ void setcontent(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean aforceupdate); } note: setcontent() can be used to set place complexcontent (mixture of text and element nodes) under the control's bound node.
you can also get one from nsiaccessnode.getaccessibledocument() or nsiaccessibleevent.getaccessibledocument() method overview nsiaccessible getaccessibleinparentchain(in nsidomnode adomnode, in boolean acancreate); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessnode getcachedaccessnode(in voidptr auniqueid); native code only!
... nsiaccessible getaccessibleinparentchain( in nsidomnode adomnode, in boolean acancreate ); parameters adomnode the dom node we need an accessible for.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.5 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void handle(in unsigned short operation, in domstring key, in nsivariant data, in nsidomnode src, in nsidomnode dst); constants constant value description node_cloned 1 the node was cloned.
...void handle( in unsigned short operation, in domstring key, in nsivariant data, in nsidomnode src, in nsidomnode dst ); parameters operation one of the node_* operation type constants from the above table.
dom/interfaces/xpath/nsidomxpathexpression.idlscriptable represents a compiled xpath query returned from nsidomxpathevaluator.createexpression or document.createexpression inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsisupports evaluate(in nsidomnode contextnode, in unsigned short type, in nsisupports result) methods evaluate() evaluate the xpath expression.
... nsisupports evaluate( in nsidomnode contextnode, in unsigned short type, in nsisupports result ); parameters contextnode a dom node to evaluate the xpath expression against.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) method overview void scrolltonode(in nsidomnode node); void sizetocontent(); attributes attribute type description allowplugins boolean if true, plugins are allowed within the doc shell.
...void scrolltonode( in nsidomnode node ); parameters node the nsidomnode of the node to make visible.
void charactermove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); boolean checkvisibility(in nsidomnode node, in short startoffset, in short endoffset); void completemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void completescroll(in boolean forward); boolean getcaretenabled(); short getdisplayselection(); nsiselection getselection(in short type); void intralinemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend)...
...boolean checkvisibility( in nsidomnode node, in short startoffset, in short endoffset ); parameters node nsidomnode to test.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsiwebbrowserchrome2 last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview astring onbeforelinktraversal(in astring originaltarget, in nsiuri linkuri, in nsidomnode linknode, in prbool isapptab); methods onbeforelinktraversal() determines the appropriate target for a link.
... astring onbeforelinktraversal( in astring originaltarget, in nsiuri linkuri, in nsidomnode linknode, in prbool isapptab ); parameters originaltarget the original link target.
inherits from: nsiexception last changed in gecko 1.7 attributes attribute type description sourcenode nsidomnode the context node, may be null.
... stylenode nsidomnode the node in the stylesheet that triggered the exception.
obsolete since gecko 1.9 void sort(in nsidomnode anode, in astring asortkey, in astring asorthints); constants constant value description sort_comparecase 0x0001 sort_integer 0x0100 methods native code only!insertcontainernode obsolete since gecko 1.9 (firefox 3)this feature is obsolete.
...void sort( in nsidomnode anode, in astring asortkey, in astring asorthints ); parameters anode a node in the xul widget whose children are to be sorted.
method overview astring getbindingfor(in nsiatom avar); nsisupports getbindingobjectfor(in nsiatom avar); void hasbeenremoved(); void rulematched(in nsisupports aquery, in nsidomnode arulenode); attributes attribute type description id astring id of the result.
...void rulematched( in nsisupports aquery, in nsidomnode arulenode ); parameters aquery the query that matched.
Getting the page URL in NPAPI plugin - Archive of obsolete content
this returns an addrefed nsidomelement interface pointer from which you can call .ownerdocument (on nsidomnode), queryinterface that object to nsidom3document, and call .documenturi.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
1326 node this is a scriptable interface corresponding to the nsidomnode xpcom interface.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
595 node this is a scriptable interface corresponding to the nsidomnode xpcom interface.
triggerNode - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference triggernode type: nsidomnode this read-only property holds the dom node that generated the event triggering the opening of the popup.
menupopup - Archive of obsolete content
triggernode type: nsidomnode this read-only property holds the dom node that generated the event triggering the opening of the popup.
Mozilla accessibility architecture
the reason that the doc accessible is not created directly in the widget code where it's needed is that the widget code has no knowledge what nsidomnode is associated with the current window's document object.
JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla
ns_get_iid(nsidomnode) for node).
Places utilities for JavaScript
ean showfolderproperties(int aid); boolean showaddfolderui(string atitle, int adefaultinsertionpoint, boolean ashowpicker); array object getannotationsforuri(nsiuri auri); array object getannotationsforitem(int aitemid); void setannotationsforuri(nsiuri auri, object aannos); void setannotationsforuri(int aitemid, object aannos); getviewfornode(nsidomnode anode); void markpageastyped(string aurl); void markpageasfollowedbookmark(string aurl); boolean checkurlsecurity(nsinavhistoryresultnode aurinode); string getquerystringforfolder(int afolderid); string getdescriptionfromdocument(nsidomdocument doc); string setpostdataforbookmark(int aboomarkid, string apostdata); string getpostdatafo...
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
nsinterfacehashtable<keyclass, interface> - interface is an xpcom interface such as nsisupports or nsidomnode nsclasshashtable<keyclass, t> - t is any c++ class.
508 nsidomnode dom, interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, needscontent, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference no summary!
the following strings are supported: string/object xpcom component atob blob btoa crypto css fetch file nsidomfile indexeddb nodefilter firefox 60 nsidomnodefilter obsolete since gecko 60 rtcidentityprovider textdecoder textencoder url urlsearchparams xmlhttprequest nsixmlhttprequest obsolete since gecko 60 for string/object in table without a minimum firefox version, it is not exactly known since when it was available, however it is guranteed available from fi...
domnode nsidomnode the nsidomnode associated with the event.
sourcenode nsidomnode the dom node that was originally dragged to start the session, which will be null if the drag originated outside the application.
requestingnode nsidomnode the source dom node this transferable was created from.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) interface code [scriptable, uuid(85fd60c7-1db7-40c0-ae8d-f723fdd1eea8)] interface nsixformsnsmodelelement : nsisupports { nsidomnodelist getinstancedocuments(); }; methods getinstancedocuments nsidomnodelist getinstancedocuments(); getinstancedocuments returns a nsidomnodelist containing all the instance documents for the model, making it possible to enumerate over instances in the model without knowing their names.
XPCOM Interface Reference
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
oncallback nsidomgeopositioncoords nsidomgeopositionerror nsidomgeopositionerrorcallback nsidomgeopositionoptions nsidomglobalpropertyinitializer element nsidomchromewindow nsidomclientrect nsidomelement nsidomhtmlaudioelement nsidomhtmlformelement nsidomhtmlmediaelement nsidomhtmlsourceelement nsidomhtmltimeranges nsidomjswindow nsidomnode nsidomnshtmldocument nsidomstorageitem nsidomstoragemanager nsidomwindow nsidomwindow2 nsidomwindowinternal nsidomwindowutils nsidynamiccontainer nsieditor event nsidomevent nsidomeventgroup nsidomeventlistener nsidomeventtarget nsidommousescrollevent nsidommoztouchevent nsidomorientationevent nsidomprogressevent nsid...