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2 results for "CalIDateTime":
calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
interface code [scriptable, uuid(3e567ccb-2ecf-4f59-b7ca-bf42b0fbf24a)] interface calicalendarview : nsisupports { attribute calicalendar displaycalender; attribute calicalendarviewcontroller controller; void showdate(in calidatetime adate); void setdaterange(in calidatetime astartdate, in calidatetime aenddate); readonly attribute calidatetime startdate; readonly attribute calidatetime enddate; readonly attribute boolean supportsdisjointdates; readonly attribute boolean hasdisjointdates; void setdatelist(in unsigned long acount, [array,size_is(acount)] in calidatetime adates); void getdatelist(out unsigned lo... acount, [array,size_is(acount),retval] out calidatetime adates); attribute caliitembase selecteditem; attribute calidatetime selectedday; attributes displaycalendar the displaycalendar is an implementation of the calicalendar interface.
... startdate returns a calidatetime corresponding to the first date shown by the view enddate returns a calidatetime corresponding to the last date shown by the view.
...And 4 more matches
calICalendarViewController - Archive of obsolete content
interface code [scriptable, uuid(1f783898-f4c2-4b2d-972e-360e0de38237)] interface calicalendarviewcontroller : nsisupports { void createnewevent (in calicalendar acalendar, in calidatetime astarttime, in calidatetime aendtime); void modifyoccurrence (in caliitemoccurrence aoccurrence, in calidatetime anewstarttime, in calidatetime anewendtime); void deleteoccurrence (in caliitemoccurrence aoccurrence); }; methods createnewevent void createnewevent (in calicalendar acalendar, in calidatetime astarttime, in calidatetime aend...
...the calidatetime parameters are optional, but aendtime cannot be included without astarttime.
... modifyoccurrence void modifyoccurrence (in caliitemoccurrence aoccurrence, in calidatetime anewstarttime, in calidatetime anewendtime); the modifyoccurrence method is used to change the attributes of an already existing caliitem.
... the calidatetime parameters must either both be specified, or neither.