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ensureElementIsVisible - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ensureelementisvisible( element ) return type: no return value if the specified element is not currently visible to the user, the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
ensureIndexIsVisible - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ensureindexisvisible( index ) return type: no return value if the item at the specified index is not currently visible to the user the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
ensureSelectedElementIsVisible - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ensureselectedelementisvisible() return type: no return value if the currently selected element in the list box is not currently visible to the user, the list box view is scrolled so that it is.
listbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, disablekeynavigation, preference, rows, seltype, suppressonselect, tabindex, value properties accessibletype, currentindex, currentitem, disabled, disablekeynavigation, itemcount, listboxobject, selectedcount, selectedindex, selecteditem, selecteditems, seltype, suppressonselect, tabindex, value methods additemtoselection, appenditem, clearselection, ensureelementisvisible, ensureindexisvisible, getindexoffirstvisiblerow, getindexofitem, getitematindex, getnumberofvisiblerows, getrowcount, getselecteditem, insertitemat, invertselection, movebyoffset, removeitemat, removeitemfromselection, scrolltoindex, selectall, selectitem, selectitemrange, timedselect, toggleitemselection examples <listbox id="thelist"> <listitem label="ruby"/> <listitem label="emerald"...
... ensureelementisvisible( element ) return type: no return value if the specified element is not currently visible to the user, the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
... ensureindexisvisible( index ) return type: no return value if the item at the specified index is not currently visible to the user the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
...this is different than ensureindexisvisible because the view is always scrolled.
richlistbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, disablekeynavigation, preference, seltype, suppressonselect, tabindex, value properties accessibletype, currentindex, currentitem, disabled, disablekeynavigation, itemcount, scrollboxobject, selectedcount, selectedindex, selecteditem, selecteditems, seltype, suppressonselect, tabindex, value methods additemtoselection, appenditem, clearselection, ensureelementisvisible, ensureindexisvisible, getindexoffirstvisiblerow, getindexofitem, getitematindex, getnumberofvisiblerows, getrowcount, getselecteditem, insertitemat, invertselection, movebyoffset, removeitemat, removeitemfromselection, scrolltoindex, selectall, selectitem, selectitemrange, timedselect, toggleitemselection examples <richlistbox> <richlistitem> <description>a xul description!</description...
... ensureelementisvisible( element ) return type: no return value if the specified element is not currently visible to the user, the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
... ensureindexisvisible( index ) return type: no return value if the item at the specified index is not currently visible to the user the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
...this is different than ensureindexisvisible because the view is always scrolled.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports to get the treeboxobject for a tree: let boxobject = tree.boxobject; boxobject.queryinterface("components.interfaces.nsitreeboxobject"); or simply: let boxobject = tree.treeboxobject; method overview long getfirstvisiblerow(); long getlastvisiblerow(); long getpagelength(); void ensurerowisvisible(in long index); void ensurecellisvisible(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); void scrolltorow(in long index); void scrollbylines(in long numlines); void scrollbypages(in long numpages); void scrolltocell(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); void scrolltocolumn(in nsitreecolumn col); void scrolltohorizontalposition(in long horizontalpos...
... long getpagelength(); ensurerowisvisible() ensures that a row at a given index is visible.
... void ensurerowisvisible(in long index); parameters index the index of the row ensurecellisvisible() ensures that a given cell in the tree is visible.
... void ensurecellisvisible(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); parameters index the index of the row to check col the nsitreecolumn to check scrolltorow() scrolls such that the row at index is at the top of the visible view.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
1200 ensureelementisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
... 1201 ensureindexisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
... 1202 ensureselectedelementisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
Index - Archive of obsolete content
469 ensureelementisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
... 470 ensureindexisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
... 471 ensureselectedelementisvisible xul methods, xul reference no summary!
Manipulating Lists - Archive of obsolete content
the ensureindexisvisible() method is similar in that it also scrolls to show a row, but this method does not scroll if the item is already visible.
...there is also an ensureindexisvisible() that takes an item as an argument instead of an index.
... compare the effect of both functions at different scroll positions in this example: example 5 : source view <button label="scrolltoindex" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelist').scrolltoindex(4);"/> <button label="ensureindexisvisible" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelist').ensureindexisvisible(4);"/> <listbox id="thelist" rows="5"> <listitem label="1"/> <listitem label="2"/> <listitem label="3"/> <listitem label="4"/> <listitem label="5"/> <listitem label="6"/> <listitem label="7"/> <listitem label="8"/> <listitem label="9"/> <listitem label="10"/> <listitem label="11"/> <listitem label="12"/> </listbox> next, we'll look at xul box objects.
XPCOM array guide
void processvisibleitems() { // temporary stack-based nscomarray nscomarray<nsifoo> fooitems; getcompletelist(fooitems); // now filter out non visible objects // doing this backwards pruint32 i = fooitems.count(); while (i > 0) { --i; prbool isvisible; fooitems[i]->getisvisible(&isvisible); if (!isvisible) { fooitems.removeobjectat(i); } } // now deal with the processed list processlist(fooitems); // fooitems will release all its members // when it goes out of scope } access to elements nscomarray<t> is a concrete c++ class, and so the [] operator is used to access its members.
...for instance: pr_callback prbool getfirstvisible(nsielement* element, void* closure) { prbool isvisible; element->isvisible(&isvisible); // stop at first object if (isvisible) { ns_static_cast(closureobject*,closure)->element = element; return pr_false; } return pr_true; } ...
... void processvisibleitems() { // temporary stack-based nstarray nstarray<foostruct> fooitems; getcompletelist(fooitems); // now filter out non visible objects // doing this backwards pruint32 i = fooitems.length(); while (i > 0) { --i; prbool isvisible; fooitems[i]->getisvisible(&isvisible); if (!isvisible) { fooitems.removeelementat(i); } } // now deal with the processed list processlist(fooitems); // fooitems will call the destructors of all the foostruct objects // when it goes out of scope } access to elements nstarray<t> is a concrete c++ class, and so the [] operator is used to access its members.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 5.0 (firefox 5.0 / thunderbird 5.0 / seamonkey 2.2) method overview void adddefaultproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue); void addinsertionlistener(in nsicontentfilter infilter); void align(in astring aalign); boolean breakisvisible(in nsidomnode anode); boolean candrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void checkselectionstateforanonymousbuttons(in nsiselection aselection); nsidomelement createanonymouselement(in astring atag, in nsidomnode aparentnode, in astring aanonclass, in boolean aiscreatedhidden); nsidomelement createelementwithdefaults(in astring atagname); void decreasefontsize(...
... void align( in astring aalign ); parameters aalign breakisvisible() checks whether a br node is visible to the user.
... boolean breakisvisible( in nsidomnode anode ); parameters anode return value candrag() decides if a drag should be started (for example, based on the current selection and mousepoint).
Tree Box Objects - Archive of obsolete content
additional scroll methods include the scrollbylines(), scrollbypages() and ensurerowisvisible() functions.
... the ensurerowisvisible() function will scroll to a row just as scrolltorow() does, but does not scroll if the row is already visible.
arrowscrollbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes clicktoscroll, disabled, smoothscroll, tabindex properties disabled, scrollboxobject, scrollincrement, smoothscroll, tabindex methods ensureelementisvisible, scrollbyindex, scrollbypixels examples <arrowscrollbox orient="vertical" flex="1"> <button label="red"/> <button label="blue"/> <button label="green"/> <button label="yellow"/> <button label="orange"/> <button label="silver"/> <button label="lavender"/> <button label="gold"/> <button label="turquoise"/> <button label="peach"/> <button label="maroon"/> <button label="...
... methods ensureelementisvisible( element ) return type: no return value if the specified element is not currently visible to the user, the displayed items are scrolled so that it is.
(awidgetid); void addpanelcloselisteners(apanel); void removepanelcloselisteners(apanel); void onwidgetdrag(awidgetid, aarea); void notifystartcustomizing(awindow); void notifyendcustomizing(awindow); void dispatchtoolboxevent(aevent, adetails, awindow); bool isareaoverflowable(aareaid); void settoolbarvisibility(atoolbarid, aisvisible); string getplaceforitem(aelement); bool isbuiltintoolbar(atoolbarid); methods addlistener() add a listener object that will get fired for various events regarding customization.
... parameters atoolbarid the id of the toolbar whose visibility should be adjusted aisvisible whether the toolbar should be visible getplaceforitem() obtain a string indicating the place of an element.
scrollToIndex - Archive of obsolete content
this is different than ensureindexisvisible because the view is always scrolled.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
toselection addpane addprogresslistener addsession addtab addtabsprogresslistener advance advanceselectedtab appendcustomtoolbar appendgroup appenditem appendnotification blur cancel canceldialog centerwindowonscreen checkadjacentelement clearresults clearselection click close collapsetoolbar contains decrease decreasepage docommand ensureelementisvisible ensureindexisvisible ensureselectedelementisvisible expandtoolbar extra1 extra2 focus getbrowseratindex getbrowserfordocument getbrowserfortab getbrowserindexfordocument getbutton getdefaultsession geteditor getelementsbyattribute getelementsbyattributens getformattedstring gethtmleditor getindexoffirstvisiblerow getindexofitem getitematindex getnextitem ...
scrollbox - Archive of obsolete content
do this instead: var xpcominterface =scrollbox_element.boxobject.queryinterface( components.interfaces.nsiscrollboxobject); xpcominterface.ensureelementisvisible(child_element_to_make_visible); see the nsiscrollboxobject api for other scroll-related methods.
nsiuri afirsturi, in nsichannel achannel); void setcookiestring(in nsiuri auri, in nsiprompt aprompt, in string acookie, in nsichannel achannel); void setcookiestringfromhttp(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri afirsturi, in nsiprompt aprompt, in string acookie, in string aservertime, in nsichannel achannel); attributes attribute type description cookieiconisvisible boolean this attribute really doesn't belong on this interface.