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12 results for "startSoftwareUpdate":
startSoftwareUpdate - Web APIs
method of installtrigger object syntax boolean startsoftwareupdate ( string url); parameters the startsoftwareupdate method has the following parameter: url a uniform resource locator specifying the location of the xpi file containing the software.
... description the startsoftwareupdate method triggers a software download and install from the specified url.
InstallTrigger.startSoftwareUpdate - Archive of obsolete content
installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate this is a very simple example of the installtrigger object's principal method, startsoftwareupdate, which takes a string representing the path to the xpi and installs that xpi on the local machine.
introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean enabled(); boolean install(in nsivariant aargs, [optional] in amiinstallcallback acallback); boolean installchrome(in pruint32 atype, in astring aurl, in astring askin); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean startsoftwareupdate(in astring aurl, [optional] in print32 aflags); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean updateenabled(); deprecated since gecko 2.0 constants retained for backwards compatibility.
... startsoftwareupdate starts installing a new add-on.
... boolean startsoftwareupdate( in astring aurl, in print32 aflags optional ); parameters aurl the url of the add-on.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
getwinprofile getwinregistry initinstall loadresources logcomment patch performinstall refreshplugins registerchrome reseterror setpackagefolder installtrigger no properties methods compareversion enabled getversion install installchrome startsoftwareupdate installversion properties methods compareto init tostring file no properties methods copy dircreate dirgetparent dirremove dirrename diskspaceavailable execute exists isdirectory isfile macalias moddate moddatechanged ...
...yexists setrootkey setvalue setvaluenumber setvaluestring valueexists winregvalue constructor other information return codes see complete list examples trigger scripts and install scripts code samples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install ...
install - Web APIs
as with the older startsoftwareupdate method, xpis installed with this method must have their own install.js files in which the full installation is defined.
... in contrast to startsoftwareupdate, install allows you to do multiple installs with the same trigger and provides a unified user experience for the multiple installs.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
721 installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate this is a very simple example of the installtrigger object's principal method, startsoftwareupdate, which takes a string representing the path to the xpi and installs that xpi on the local machine.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
install script template xpinstall api reference examples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate trigger scripts and install scripts windows install file object methods install object methods properties ...
Examples - Archive of obsolete content
the following samples demonstrate some of the principal installation functions in the xpinstall api: file.macalias file.windowsshortcut [install.]adddirectory [install.]addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install example ...
Properties - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceInstall ObjectProperties
startsoftwareupdate("http://webserver/argstest.xpi?argument_string") will result in the value of install.arguments being argument_string #).
Index - Web APIs
2177 startsoftwareupdate triggers the downloading and installation of the software at the specified url.
enabled - Web APIs
example the following code uses the startsoftwareupdate method to unconditionally trigger a download from http://royalairways/royalpkg.xpi as long as software installation is enabled on the browser: if (installtrigger.enabled() ) { installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate (""); } ...
InstallTrigger - Web APIs
startsoftwareupdate triggers the downloading and installation of the software at the specified url.