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14 results for "DOMTimeStamp":
DOMTimeStamp - Web APIs
the domtimestamp type represents an absolute or relative number of milliseconds, depending on the specification in which it appears.
... specifications specification status comment web idlthe definition of 'domtimestamp' in that specification.
Index - Web APIs
together with a domtimestamp indicating a time of measurement, the coordinates object is part of the position interface which is the object type returned by geolocation api functions that obtain and return a geographical position.
... 766 domtimestamp api, dom, interface, reference the domtimestamp type represents an absolute or relative number of milliseconds, depending on the specification in which it appears.
... 2784 notification.timestamp api, notifications, property, reference, timestamp the timestamp read-only property of the notification interface returns a domtimestamp, as specified in the timestamp option of the notification() constructor.
... 3115 position.timestamp api, geolocation api, position, property, secure context, timestamp the position.timestamp read-only property, a domtimestamp object, represents the date and the time of the creation of the position object it belongs to.
GeolocationPosition.timestamp - Web APIs
the geolocationposition.timestamp read-only property returns a domtimestamp object, represents the date and the time of the creation of the geolocationposition object it belongs to.
... syntax var timestamp = geolocationpositioninstance.timestamp value a domtimestamp object instance.
Notification.timestamp - Web APIs
the timestamp read-only property of the notification interface returns a domtimestamp, as specified in the timestamp option of the notification() constructor.
... syntax var timestamp = notification.timestamp; value a domtimestamp.
Choosing the right approach - Learn web development
LearnJavaScriptAsynchronousChoosing the right approach
no support 11 — 42prefixed notes prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: moznotes callback parameter is a domtimestamp.
timestamp domtimestamp used to specify the time (in milliseconds relative to the epoch) at which the event was created.
timestamp domtimestamp the time at which the reading was taken.
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
WebAPIDocument Object Model
dom interfaces attr cdatasection characterdata childnode comment customevent document documentfragment documenttype domerror domexception domimplementation domstring domtimestamp domstringlist domtokenlist element event eventtarget htmlcollection mutationobserver mutationrecord namednodemap node nodefilter nodeiterator nodelist nondocumenttypechildnode parentnode processinginstruction selection range text textdecoder textencoder timeranges treewalker url window worker xmldocument obsolete dom interfaces the document object model has ...
Event.timeStamp - Web APIs
in older implementations, the value is a domtimestamp, accurate to a millisecond.
GeolocationCoordinates.longitude - Web APIs
together with a domtimestamp indicating a time of measurement, the geolocationcoordinates object is part of the geolocationposition interface, which is the object type returned by geolocation api functions that obtain and return a geographical position.
GeolocationPosition - Web APIs
geolocationposition.timestamp read only secure context returns a domtimestamp representing the time at which the location was retrieved.
Using the Geolocation API - Web APIs
WebAPIGeolocation APIUsing the Geolocation API
the geolocationposition instance contains only two things, a coords property that contains the geolocationcoordinates instance, and a timestamp property that contains a domtimestamp instance representing the time at which the position data was retrieved.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() - Web APIs
timestamp: a domtimestamp representing the time when the notification was created.
Web APIs
hreportbody credential credentialscontainer crypto cryptokey cryptokeypair customelementregistry customevent d domconfiguration domerror domexception domhighrestimestamp domimplementation domimplementationlist domlocator dommatrix dommatrixreadonly domobject domparser dompoint dompointinit dompointreadonly domquad domrect domrectreadonly domstring domstringlist domstringmap domtimestamp domtokenlist domuserdata datatransfer datatransferitem datatransferitemlist dedicatedworkerglobalscope delaynode deprecationreportbody devicelightevent devicemotionevent devicemotioneventacceleration devicemotioneventrotationrate deviceorientationevent deviceproximityevent directoryentrysync directoryreadersync displaymediastreamconstraints document documentfragment documentorshadow...