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13 results for "camelCase":
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
bs","acos","asin","atan","atan2","ceil","cos","exp","floor","log","max","min","pow","sin","sqrt","tan"]);string.implement({test:function(a,b){return((typeof a=="string")?new regexp(a,b):a).test(this); },contains:function(a,b){return(b)?(b+this+b).indexof(b+a+b)>-1:this.indexof(a)>-1;},trim:function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");},clean:function(){return this.replace(/\s+/g," ").trim(); },camelcase:function(){return this.replace(/-\d/g,function(a){return a.charat(1).touppercase();});},hyphenate:function(){return this.replace(/[a-z]/g,function(a){return("-"+a.charat(0).tolowercase()); });},capitalize:function(){return this.replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(a){return a.touppercase();});},escaperegexp:function(){return this.replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g,"\\$1"); },toint:function(a){return parse...
...(){return this.ownerdocument; },getelementbyid:function(o,n){var m=this.ownerdocument.getelementbyid(o);if(!m){return null;}for(var l=m.parentnode;l!=this;l=l.parentnode){if(!l){return null; }}return,n);},getselected:function(){return new elements($a(this.options).filter(function(l){return l.selected;}));},getcomputedstyle:function(m){if(this.currentstyle){return this.currentstyle[m.camelcase()]; }var l=this.getdocument().defaultview.getcomputedstyle(this,null);return(l)?l.getpropertyvalue([m.hyphenate()]):null;},toquerystring:function(){var l=[]; this.getelements("input, select, textarea",true).each(function(m){if(!||m.disabled||m.type=="submit"||m.type=="reset"||m.type=="file"){return;}var n=(m.tagname.tolowercase()=="select")?element.getselected(m).map(function(o){return
..."+a*100+")"; };"opacity",a);},get:function(){return this.retrieve("opacity",1);}};element.implement({setopacity:function(a){return this.set("opacity",a,true); },getopacity:function(){return this.get("opacity");},setstyle:function(b,a){switch(b){case"opacity":return this.set("opacity",parsefloat(a));case"float":b=(browser.engine.trident)?"stylefloat":"cssfloat"; }b=b.camelcase();if($type(a)!="string"){var c=(element.styles.get(b)||"@").split(" ");a=$splat(a).map(function(e,d){if(!c[d]){return"";}return($type(e)=="number")?c[d].replace("@",math.round(e)):e; }).join(" ");}else{if(a==string(number(a))){a=math.round(a);}}[b]=a;return this;},getstyle:function(g){switch(g){case"opacity":return this.get("opacity"); case"float":g=(browser.engine.trident)?"stylefloat"...
...:"cssfloat";}g=g.camelcase();var[g];if(!$chk(a)){a=[];for(var f in element.shortstyles){if(g!=f){continue; }for(var e in element.shortstyles[f]){a.push(this.getstyle(e));}return a.join(" ");}a=this.getcomputedstyle(g);}if(a){a=string(a);var c=a.match(/rgba?\([\d\s,]+\)/); if(c){a=a.replace(c[0],c[0].rgbtohex());}}if(browser.engine.presto||(browser.engine.trident&&!$chk(parseint(a,10)))){if(g.test(/^(height|width)$/)){var b=(g=="width")?["left","right"]:["top","bottom"],d=0; b.each(function(h){d+=this.getstyle("border-"+h+"-width").toint()+this.getstyle("padding-"+h).toint();},this);return this["offset"+g.capitalize()]-d+"px"; }if((browser.engine.presto)&&string(a).test("px")){return a;}if(g.test(/(border(.+)width|margin|padding)/)){return"0px";}}return a;},setstyles:function(b){for(var...
HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset - Web APIs
in javascript, the name of a custom data attribute is the name of the same html attribute, but in camelcase and with no dashes, dots, etc.
... name conversion dash-style to camelcase conversion a custom data attribute name is transformed to a key for the domstringmap entry with the following rules the prefix data- is removed (including the dash); for any dash (u+002d) followed by an ascii lowercase letter a to z, the dash is removed, and the letter is transformed into its uppercase counterpart; other characters (including other dashes) are left unchanged.
... camelcase to dash-style conversion the opposite transformation, which maps a key to an attribute name, uses the following rules: restriction: before the transformation, a dash must not be immediately followed by an ascii lowercase letter a to z; the prefix data- is added; any ascii uppercase letter a to z is transformed into a dash, followed by its lowercase counterpart; other characters are left unchanged.
... accessing values attributes can be set and read by using the camelcase name (the key) like an object property of the dataset, as in element.dataset.keyname attributes can also be set and read using the bracket syntax, as in element.dataset[keyname] the in operator can be used to check whether a given attribute exists.
Using data attributes - Learn web development
LearnHTMLHowtoUse data attributes
to get a data attribute through the dataset object, get the property by the part of the attribute name after data- (note that dashes are converted to camelcase).
Chrome registration
MozillaChrome Registration
if the above example had a packagename of camelcasepackage, you would get an error message similar to "no chrome registered for chrome://camelcasepackage/path/to/files".
The Firefox codebase: CSS Guidelines
MozillaDeveloper guideCSS Guidelines
but camelcase is also used sometimes.
NSS API Guidelines
MozillaProjectsNSSNSS API Guidelines
public functions should have the form layer_body(), where layer is an all caps prefix for what layer the function lives in, and body is concatenated english words, where the beginning letter of each word is capitalized (also known as camelcase).
DOMException - Web APIs
each exception has a name, which is a short "camelcase" style string identifying the error or abnormal condition.
Document.getElementsByTagName() - Web APIs
this is undesirable when trying to match camelcase svg elements in a subtree in an html document.
Detecting CSS animation support - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
WebCSSCSS AnimationsDetecting CSS animation support
notice browsers don't make it easy with the switching between camelcase and hyphen-ation.
HTML5 Parser - Developer guides
the dom methods and css selectors behave case-sensitively, so you need to write your dom calls and css selectors using the canonical case, which is camelcase for various parts of svg such as viewbox.
data-* - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
WebHTMLGlobal attributesdata-*
note that the htmlelement.dataset property is a domstringmap, and the name of the custom data attribute data-test-value will be accessible via htmlelement.dataset.testvalue (or by htmlelement.dataset["testvalue"]) as any dash (u+002d) is replaced by the capitalization of the next letter, converting the name to camelcase.
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
WebHTTPBrowser detection using the user agent
var camelcaseexpression = new regexp("(?<=[a-z])"); var splitupstring = function(str) { return (""+str).split(camelcaseexpression); }; } else { /*this fallback code is much less performant, but works*/ var splitupstring = function(str){ return str.replace(/[a-z]/g,"z$1").split(/z(?=[a-z])/g); }; } console.log(splitupstring("foobare")); // ["foob", "are"] console.log(splitups...
data-* - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
hyphen characters (-, u+002d) are removed and the next letter is capitalized, resulting in the camelcase format.