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querystring - Archive of obsolete content
globals functions stringify(fields, separator, assignment) serializes an object containing name:value pairs into a query string: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }); // => 'foo=bar&baz=4' by default '&' and'=' are used as separator and assignment characters, but you can override this using additional optional parameters: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }, ';', ':'); // => 'foo:bar;baz:4' parameters fields : object the data to convert to a query string.
... parse(querystring, separator, assignment) parse a query string into an object containing name:value pairs: querystring.parse('foo=bar&baz=bla') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } optionally separator and assignment arguments may be passed to override default '&' and '=' characters: querystring.parse('foo:bar|baz:bla', '|', ':') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } parameters querystring : string the query string.
nsinavhistoryquery getnewquery(); nsinavhistoryqueryoptions getnewqueryoptions(); nsinavhistoryresult executequery(in nsinavhistoryquery aquery, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); nsinavhistoryresult executequeries([array,size_is(aquerycount)] in nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void querystringtoqueries(in autf8string aquerystring, [array, size_is(aresultcount)] out nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, out unsigned long aresultcount, out nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); autf8string queriestoquerystring([array, size_is(aquerycount)] in nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver o...
... querystringtoqueries() this method converts a query uri-like string to an array of actual query objects for use to executequeries method.
... void querystringtoqueries( in autf8string aquerystring, [array, size_is(aresultcount)] out nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, out unsigned long aresultcount, out nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options ); parameters aquerystring the query uri-like string.
...And 3 more matches
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
},every:function(b,c){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)&&!,this[a],a)){return false; }}return true;},some:function(b,c){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)&&,this[a],a)){return true;}}return false;},getkeys:function(){var a=[]; hash.each(this,function(c,b){a.push(b);});return a;},getvalues:function(){var a=[];hash.each(this,function(b){a.push(b);});return a;},toquerystring:function(a){var b=[]; hash.each(this,function(f,e){if(a){e=a+"["+e+"]";}var d;switch($type(f)){case"object":d=hash.toquerystring(f,e);break;case"array":var c={};f.each(function(h,g){c[g]=h; });d=hash.toquerystring(c,e);break;default:d=e+"="+encodeuricomponent(f);}if(f!=undefined){b.push(d);}});return b.join("&");}});hash.alias({keyof:"indexof",hasvalue:"contains"}); var event=new native({name:"ev...
....parentnode;l!=this;l=l.parentnode){if(!l){return null; }}return,n);},getselected:function(){return new elements($a(this.options).filter(function(l){return l.selected;}));},getcomputedstyle:function(m){if(this.currentstyle){return this.currentstyle[m.camelcase()]; }var l=this.getdocument().defaultview.getcomputedstyle(this,null);return(l)?l.getpropertyvalue([m.hyphenate()]):null;},toquerystring:function(){var l=[]; this.getelements("input, select, textarea",true).each(function(m){if(!||m.disabled||m.type=="submit"||m.type=="reset"||m.type=="file"){return;}var n=(m.tagname.tolowercase()=="select")?element.getselected(m).map(function(o){return o.value; }):((m.type=="radio"||m.type=="checkbox")&&!m.checked)?null:m.value;$splat(n).each(function(o){if(typeof o!="undefined"){l.push(||this.instance;var; swiff.callbacks[this.instance]={};var e=m.params,g=m.vars,f=m.callbacks;var h=$extend({height:m.height,width:m.width},;var k=this;for(var d in f){swiff.callbacks[this.instance][d]=(function(n){return function(){return n.apply(k.object,arguments); };})(f[d]);g[d]="swiff.callbacks."+this.instance+"."+d;}e.flashvars=hash.toquerystring(g);if(browser.engine.trident){h.classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000";;}else{h.type="application/x-shockwave-flash";;}var j='<object id="'+b+'"';for(var i in h){j+=" "+i+'="'+h[i]+'"';}j+=">";for(var c in e){if(e[c]){j+='<param name="'+c+'" value="'+e[c]+'" />'; }}j+="</object>";this.object=((a)?a.empty():new element("div")).set("html",j).firstchild;},replaces:fun...
...return true;case"chain":this.chain(this.caller.bind(this,arguments));return false;}return false;},send:function(k){if(!this.check(k)){return this; }this.running=true;var i=$type(k);if(i=="string"||i=="element"){k={data:k};}var d=this.options;k=$extend({,url:d.url,method:d.method},k);var,b=string(k.url),a=k.method.tolowercase(); switch($type(g)){case"element";break;case"object":case"hash":g=hash.toquerystring(g);}if(this.options.format){var j="format="+this.options.format; g=(g)?j+"&"+g:j;}if(this.options.emulation&&!["get","post"].contains(a)){var h="_method="+a;g=(g)?h+"&"+g:h;a="post";}if(this.options.urlencoded&&a=="post"){var c=(this.options.encoding)?"; charset="+this.options.encoding:""; this.headers.set("content-type","application/x-www-form...
Querying Places
// |query| and |options| are objects created in the previous section query.setparents([placesutils.bookmarks.toolbarguid], 1); let result = placesutils.history.executequery(query, options); serializing queries query and options objects can be serialized into a string starting with "place:" using queriestoquerystring.
...the original objects can be deserialized from the string using querystringtoqueries.
... be careful, querystringtoqueries may not return any query objects if the string was empty.
... example of serializing and deserializing two queries and an options object: let querystring = placesutils.history.queriestoquerystring([query1, query2], 2, options); let queriesref = { }; let querycountref = { }; let optionsref = { }; placesutils.history.querystringtoqueries(querystring, queriesref, querycountref, optionsref); // now use queriesref.value, optionsref.value see places query uris for more information about the terms available for "place:" uris.
Places utilities for JavaScript
bject getannotationsforitem(int aitemid); void setannotationsforuri(nsiuri auri, object aannos); void setannotationsforuri(int aitemid, object aannos); getviewfornode(nsidomnode anode); void markpageastyped(string aurl); void markpageasfollowedbookmark(string aurl); boolean checkurlsecurity(nsinavhistoryresultnode aurinode); string getquerystringforfolder(int afolderid); string getdescriptionfromdocument(nsidomdocument doc); string setpostdataforbookmark(int aboomarkid, string apostdata); string getpostdataforbookmark(int aboomarkid); array string geturlandpostdataforkeyword(string akeyword); string getitemdescription(int aitemid); nsinavhistoryresultnode getmostrecentbookmarkforuri(ns...
... getquerystringforfolder() helper for getting a serialized places query for a particular folder.
... getquerystringforfolder(int afolderid) parameters afolderid the folder id to get a query for.
Using the Places history service
nsinavhistoryservice.queriestoquerystring: returns a serialized version of the queries as a "place:" uri.
... nsinavhistoryservice.querystringtoqueries: converts a serialized query ("place:" uri) back to the actual query objects and options.
Using nsIPasswordManager
the example below should serve as a starting point: // the host name of the password we are looking for var querystring = ''; // ask the password manager for an enumerator: var e = passwordmanager.enumerator; // step through each password in the password manager until we find the one we want: while (e.hasmoreelements()) { try { // get an nsipassword object out of the password manager.
... var pass = e.getnext().queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsipassword); if ( == querystring) { // found it! - Web APIs
modern browsers provide urlsearchparams and url.searchparams to make it easy to parse out the parameters from the querystring.
... syntax string =; = string; examples // let an <a id="myanchor" href=""> element be in the document var anchor = document.getelementbyid("myanchor"); var querystring =; // returns:'?q=123' // further parsing: let params = new urlsearchparams(querystring); let q = parseint(params.get("q")); // is the number 123 specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '' in that specification.
Location: search - Web APIs
modern browsers provide urlsearchparams and url.searchparams to make it easy to parse out the parameters from the querystring.
... syntax string =; = string; examples // let an <a id="myanchor" href=""> element be in the document var anchor = document.getelementbyid("myanchor"); var querystring =; // returns:'?q=123' // further parsing: let params = new urlsearchparams(querystring); let q = parseint(params.get("q")); // is the number 123 specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'search' in that specification.
Location - Web APIs
WebAPILocation is a usvstring containing a '?' followed by the parameters or "querystring" of the url.
... modern browsers provide urlsearchparams and url.searchparams to make it easy to parse out the parameters from the querystring.
Referrer-Policy - HTTP
the origin, path, and querystring of the url are sent as a referrer when the protocol security level stays the same (http→http, https→https) or improves (http→https), but isn't sent to less secure destinations (https→http).
... strict-origin-when-cross-origin send the origin, path, and querystring when performing a same-origin request, only send the origin when the protocol security level stays the same while performing a cross-origin request (https→https), and send no header to any less-secure destinations (https→http).
High-Level APIs - Archive of obsolete content
private-browsing check whether a given object is private, so an add-on can respect private browsing querystring utility functions for working with query strings.
Developing for Firefox Mobile - Archive of obsolete content
se64 supported clipboard not supported context-menu not supported hotkeys supported indexed-db supported l10n supported notifications supported page-mod supported page-worker supported panel not supported passwords supported private-browsing not supported querystring supported request supported selection not supported self supported simple-prefs supported simple-storage supported system supported tabs supported timers supported ui not supported url supported widget not supported windows supported low-level a...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
53 private-browsing add-on sdk check whether a given object is private, so an add-on can respect private browsing 54 querystring add-on sdk utility functions for working with query strings.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
high-level apis addon-page base64 clipboard context-menu hotkeys indexed-db l10n notifications page-mod page-worker panel passwords private-browsing querystring request selection self simple-prefs simple-storage system tabs timers ui url widget windows low-level apis /loader chrome ...
Hidden prefs - Archive of obsolete content
see nsabquerystringtoexpression::createbooleanconditionstring() for other operators.
Displaying Places information using views
getservice(ci.nsinavhistoryservice); var query = histserv.getnewquery(); query.searchterms = "mozilla"; query.onlybookmarked = true; var opts = histserv.getnewqueryoptions(); opts.querytype = opts.query_type_bookmarks; var uri = histserv.queriestoquerystring([query], 1, opts); var tree = document.getelementbyid("mytree"); = uri; these two examples use the built-in tree view, but the point is to demonstrate the use of the place attribute and property.
Address Book examples
formulate a boolean search string (see nsiabcard for built-in property names): var searchquery = "(or(primaryemail,bw,@v)(nickname,bw,@v)(and(ismaillist,=,true)(notes,bw,@v)))"; searchquery = searchquery.replace(/@v/g, encodeuricomponent("mystr") the search queries use lisp syntax with operators enumerated in nsabquerystringtoexpression.cpp.
Window.matchMedia() - Web APIs
syntax mqlist = window.matchmedia(mediaquerystring) parameters mediaquerystring a string specifying the media query to parse into a mediaquerylist.