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Window: pagehide event - Web APIs
the pagehide event is sent to a window when the browser hides the current page in the process of presenting a different page from the session's history.
... for example, when the user clicks the browser's back button, the current page receives a pagehide event before the previous page is shown.
... bubbles no cancelable no interface pagetransitionevent event handler property onpagehide examples in this example, an event handler is established to watch for pagehide events and to perform special handling if the page is being persisted for possible reuse.
...And 2 more matches
noautohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautohide type: boolean if this attribute is set to false or omitted, the tooltip will automatically disappear after a few seconds.
... if this attribute is set to true, this will not happen and the tooltip will only hide when the user moves the mouse to another element.
panel.noautohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautohide type: boolean if false, the default value, the panel will be hidden when the user clicks outside the panel or switches focus to another application.
... if true, the panel will only be closed when the hidepopup method is called.
MSCandidateWindowHide - Web APIs
mscandidatewindowhide fires after the input method editor (ime) candidate window closes and is fully hidden.
... syntax event property object.oncandidatewindowhide = handler; addeventlistener method object.addeventlistener("mscandidatewindowhide", handler, usecapture) nbsp; parameters pevtobj [in] type: ihtmleventobj pointer to an ihtmleventobj interface for the current event.
hidechrome - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidechrome type: boolean set this attribute to true to have the chrome including the titlebar hidden.
hidecolumnpicker - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidecolumnpicker type: boolean when set to false, a drop-down will appear in the upper right corner of the tree, which the user may use to show and hide columns.
hideheader - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hideheader type: boolean set this to true to indicate that the tree column header should be displayed without any column header styling.
hideseconds - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether to show the seconds field.
hidespinbuttons - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidespinbuttons type: boolean if true, the number box does not have arrow buttons next to it to allow the user to adjust the value.
hidePopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home method of: popup, menupopup, tooltip hidepopup() return type: no return value closes the popup immediately.
hideSeconds - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether the seconds field is visible or not.
autohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autohide type: boolean when set to true, the toolbar will be invisible unless the alt key is pressed by the user.
ui/toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
after that, though, you can't show or hide the toolbar programmatically.
... toolbars get a close button at the right-hand side, and users can show or hide the toolbar using the firefox "view/toolbars" menu, alongside built-in toolbars like the bookmarks toolbar.
... toolbar events toolbars get attach and detach events when their content is loaded and unloaded, and show and hide events when the uses shows or hides them.
...And 13 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
242 hiding browser chrome add-ons, extensions, xul, xulbrowserwindow there are times in which an extension may find it useful to hide browser chrome (that is, toolbars, the location bar, and so forth), in order to reduce clutter when presenting a particular user interface.
...prism can be configured to show or hide several of the ui components.
... 885 hidechrome xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
...And 10 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
138 hidechrome xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 139 hidecolumnpicker xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 140 hideheader xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
...And 9 more matches
ui/sidebar - Archive of obsolete content
you specify its content using html, css, and javascript, and the user can show or hide it in the same way they can show or hide the built-in sidebars.
... you can hide the sidebar by calling its hide() method.
... called with no arguments, show() and hide() will operate on the currently active window.
...And 8 more matches
panel - Archive of obsolete content
your add-on can receive notifications when a panel is shown or hidden by listening to its show and hide events.
... if you want to close an existing panel without opening a new one, you can call the hide() or the destroy() method.
...var { togglebutton } = require('sdk/ui/button/toggle'); var sdkpanels = require("sdk/panel"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onchange: handlechange }); var mypanel = sdkpanels.panel({ contenturl:"panel.html"), onhide: handlehide }); function handlechange(state) { if (state.checked) {{ position: button }); } } function handlehide() { button.state('window', {checked: false}); } updating panel content you can update the panel's content by: sending a message to a content script that updates the dom in the same document.
...And 7 more matches
JavaScript Daemons Management - Archive of obsolete content
tommethod": function () { [custom code] }, |*| "anothercustomproperty": [custom value], |*| "etc.": "etc." |*| "create": function () { [custom code] }, // optional |*| "prepare": function () { [custom code] }, // optional |*| "perform": function () { [custom code] }, // required |*| }, 200, 30); |*| \*/ var stext = "do you feel lucky, punk?", ounhide = daemon.buildaround({ // "letters": [], "numletters": 0, "clock": 0, "interval": 0.0, "delta": 33, "letters": [], "pool": ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"], "target": document.createelement("p"), "create": function () { // build letters list = ""; this.letters.length = 0; for (v...
... oletter.val : this.pool[parseint(math.random() * this.pool.length)]; } } }, 33, 30); onload = function () { = "animate-me"; document.body.appendchild(;; }; </script> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: monospace, sans-serif; background: #dddddd; overflow: hidden; } #animate-me { margin: 50px; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>daemon.buildaround()</h1> <p><button onclick="ounhide.skipto(11);...
...">skipto(11)</button> <button onclick="ounhide.makesteps(29);">makesteps(29)</button> <button onclick="ounhide.fixposition(-13);">fixposition(-13)</button> <button onclick=";">play</button> <button onclick="ounhide.turn();">turn</button> <button onclick="ounhide.pause();">pause</button> <button onclick="ounhide.reverseplay();">reverseplay</button> <button onclick="ounhide.reversals = 2;alert('changed');">two reversals</button> <button onclick="ounhide.makeloop();alert('changed');">makeloop</button> <button onclick="ounhide.unmakeloop();alert('changed');">unmakeloop</button> <button onclick="ounhide.close();">close</button> <button onclick="ounhide.reclose();">reclose</button><br /> frame rate: <input type="text" id="vello" value="33" style="width: 40px;" onkeypress="return event.
...And 5 more matches
Listening to events in Firefox extensions - Archive of obsolete content
pagehide dispatched when a page is hidden.
... if you have behaviors that fire when a user navigates away from the page, but you want to take advantage of this new caching feature, and therefore don't want to use the unload handler, use the new pagehide event.
... pagehide event if you want to define behavior that occurs when the user navigates away from the page, but you don't want to use the unload event (which would cause the page to not be cached), you can use the new pagehide event.
...And 4 more matches
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
event_show, event_hide and event_locationchange are fired for the caret object.
...event_show and event_hide may also be fired with the reorder event, for the child who's visibility changed.
... the show and hide events are not fired on every iaccessible when a new subtree of iaccessibles changes visibility -- only the top iaccessible.
...And 4 more matches
Menu - Archive of obsolete content
properties property type description beforehide function a function invoked just before the menu is hidden.
... if the menu is a context menu, it is called as beforehide(menu, context) and otherwise as beforehide(menu).
... menu is the menu object to which beforehide is attached.
...And 3 more matches
ContextMenus - Archive of obsolete content
in many cases, it may be easier to use a single context menu containing every possible item, and show and hide the necessary items when needed.
... to hide an item, set its hidden property to true.
... <script> function showhidedeleteitem() { var deleteitem = document.getelementbyid("delete"); var rows = document.getelementbyid("rows"); deleteitem.hidden = (rows.childnodes.length == 0); } </script> <menupopup id="inssel-menu" onpopupshowing="showhidedeleteitem()"> <menuitem label="insert"/> <menuitem id="delete" label="delete"/> </menupopup> in this example, the showhidedeleteitem function is called when the popupshowing event is fired.
...And 3 more matches
panel - Archive of obsolete content
the panel is closed when the user clicks outside the panel, presses escape or when the panel's hidepopup method is called.
... attributes backdrag, close, consumeoutsideclicks, fade, flip, ignorekeys, label, left, level, noautofocus, noautohide, norestorefocus, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, position, titlebar, top, type properties accessibletype, label, popupboxobject, popup, state methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, sizeto examples the following example shows how a panel may be attached to a label.
... noautohide type: boolean if false, the default value, the panel will be hidden when the user clicks outside the panel or switches focus to another application.
...And 3 more matches
window - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accelerated, chromemargin, disablechrome, disablefastfind, drawintitlebar, fullscreenbutton, height, hidechrome, id, lightweightthemes, lightweightthemesfooter, screenx, screeny, sizemode, title, width, windowtype examples <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <!-- run this example using copy & paste in this live xul editor: --> <!-- extremely recommended to keep this css include!!
...moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
...this is used to hide chrome when showing in-browser ui such as the about:addons page, and causes the toolbars to be hidden, with only the tab strip (and, if currently displayed, the add-on bar) left showing.
...And 3 more matches
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
.select .optlist.hidden { /* this is a simple way to hide the list in an accessible way; we will talk more about accessibility in the end */ max-height: 0; visibility: hidden; } note: we could also have used transform: scale(1, 0) to give the optionlist no height and full width.
...on> </select> <div class="select"> <span class="value">cherry</span> <ul class="optlist hidden"> <li class="option">cherry</li> <li class="option">lemon</li> <li class="option">banana</li> <li class="option">strawberry</li> <li class="option">apple</li> </ul> </div> </form> </body> second, we need two new classes to let us hide the unneeded element: we visually hide the "real" <select> element if our script isn't running, or the custom control if it is running.
... note that, by default, our html code hides our custom control.
...And 3 more matches
Hiding browser chrome - Archive of obsolete content
there are times in which an extension may find it useful to hide browser chrome (that is, toolbars, the location bar, and so forth), in order to reduce clutter when presenting a particular user interface.
...this can be accomplished by augmenting the behavior of the xulbrowserwindow object's hidechromeforlocation() method.
... note: don't simply replace the hidechromeforlocation() method; this will likely hurt the functionality of firefox itself as well as other extensions.
...And 2 more matches
Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, if an image was context clicked, you may wish to hide the menu item you have added if the operation it performed wouldn't apply to images.
... function init() { var contextmenu = document.getelementbyid("contentareacontextmenu"); if (contextmenu) contextmenu.addeventlistener("popupshowing", thumbnailsshowhideitems, false); } function thumbnailsshowhideitems(event) { var show = document.getelementbyid("thumbnail-show"); show.hidden = (document.popupnode.localname != "img"); } the init function should be called within the handler for the load event so that the popupshowing event handler is hooked up before it would be opened by the user.
... in this example, the thumbnailsshowhideitems function will be called when the popup is about to be shown.
...And 2 more matches
Trees - Archive of obsolete content
a tree also allows the user to rearrange, resize and hide individual columns.
...a drop-down menu will appear in the upper-right corner of the tree, which the user may use to show and hide individual columns.
...the button in the upper right corner can be used to hide and show the columns.
...And 2 more matches
HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<h1>my short story</h1>\n<p>i am a statistician and my name is trish.</p>\n<p>my legs are made of cardboard and i am married to a fish.</p>'; var solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updat...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<ul>\n<li>milk</li>\n<li>eggs</li>\n<li>bread</li>\n<li>hummus</li>\n</ul>'; var solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop tab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it w...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<ol>\n<li>drive to the end of the road</li>\n<li>turn right</li>\n<li>go straight across the first two roundabouts</li>\n<li>turn left at the third roundabout</li>\n<li>the school is on your right, 300 meters up the road</li>\n</ol>'; var solutionentry = htmlsol...
...And 2 more matches
[noscript,notxpcom] nsidocumentptr getdocument(); void hide(); void init(in nsiwidgetptr aparentwidget, [const] in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
... void loadcomplete(in unsigned long astatus); void loadstart(in nsisupports adoc); void move(in long ax, in long ay); void open(in nsisupports astate, in nsishentry ashentry); void pagehide(in boolean isunload); boolean permitunload([optional] in boolean acallercloseswindow); boolean requestwindowclose(); void resetclosewindow(); void setbounds([const] in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
... hide() will be called, and no further destruction will happen.
...And 2 more matches
Displaying annotations - Archive of obsolete content
if it finds any it binds functions to that element's mouseenter and mouseleave events to send messages to the main module, asking it to show or hide the annotation.
...f(annotation.url == document.location.tostring()) { createanchor(annotation); } }); $('.annotated').css('border', 'solid 3px yellow'); $('.annotated').bind('mouseenter', function(event) { self.port.emit('show', $(this).attr('annotation')); event.stoppropagation(); event.preventdefault(); }); $('.annotated').bind('mouseleave', function() { self.port.emit('hide'); }); }); function createanchor(annotation) { annotationanchorancestor = $('#' + annotation.ancestorid); annotationanchor = $(annotationanchorancestor).parent().find( ':contains(' + annotation.anchortext + ')').last(); $(annotationanchor).addclass('annotated'); $(annotationanchor).attr('annotation', annotation.annotationtext); } save this in data as matcher.js.
...ntentscriptwhen: 'ready', contentscriptfile: [data.url('jquery-1.4.2.min.js'), data.url('matcher.js')], onattach: function(worker) { if( { worker.postmessage(; } worker.port.on('show', function(data) { annotation.content = data;; }); worker.port.on('hide', function() { annotation.content = null; annotation.hide(); }); worker.on('detach', function () { detachworker(this, matchers); }); matchers.push(worker); } }); when a new page is loaded the function assigned to onattach is called.
... this function: initializes the content script instance with the current set of annotations provides a handler for messages from that content script, handling the three messages - show, hide and detach - that the content script might send adds the worker to an array, so we it can send messages back later.
Floating Panels - Archive of obsolete content
a floating panel can be created using the panel element with at least two additional attributes as in the following example: <panel id="tools-panel" noautohide="true" titlebar="normal"> <label control="name" value="name:"/> <textbox id="name"/> </panel> the noautohide attribute is used to indicate that the panel is not temporary.
...a label for the titlebar may be set using the label attribute, as in the following example: <panel id="info-panel" noautohide="true" titlebar="normal" label="image properties"> closing a floating panel unlike other panels, a floating panel does not close when clicking outside of it.
...<panel id="info-panel" noautohide="true" titlebar="normal" label="image properties" close="true"> the hidepopup method may be used to manually close a popup.
...the hidepopup method would be used if you wish to place your own close button on the panel, or wish to close the panel in response to a user action.
MenuItems - Archive of obsolete content
<script> function changetoolbarstate(event) { if ("checked") == "true") showtoolbar(); else hidetoolbar(); } </script> ...
... <menuitem label="show toolbar" accesskey="t" type="checkbox" oncommand="changetoolbarstate();"/> in this example, we show the toolbar when the menuitem is checked and hide the toolbar otherwise.
... <script> function changetoolbarstate(event) { if ("checked") == "true") hidetoolbar();"checked"); } else { if (!showtoolbar()) return;"checked", "true"); } } </script> ...
...note that the code has been reversed in the condition blocks to hide the toolbar when the menuitem is checked and show the toolbar when the menuitem is not checked because the checked state hasn't been modified.
Panels - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, using the search panel example above, we could add a button which closes the panel when pressed: <script> function dosearch() { document.getelementbyid("search-panel").hidepopup(); } </script> <toolbarbutton label="search" type="panel"> <panel id="search-panel" position="after_start"> <textbox id="search"/> <button label="search" oncommand="dosearch();"/> </panel> </toolbarbutton> in this example, the dosearch() function is called when the "search" button is pressed.
... this function retrieves the popup and calls the hidepopup method. do this, set the noautohide attribute on the panel to true.
... <panel id="search-panel" noautohide="true"> <textbox id="search"/> <button label="search" oncommand="dosearch();"/> <button label="cancel" oncommand="this.parentnode.hidepopup();"/> </panel> because the panel can no longer be closed by clicking elsewhere, the panel should always provide a means to close the panel itself.
Box Objects - Archive of obsolete content
hidden or collapsed element the hidden attribute will hide an element such that it will not be displayed.
...example 2 : source view <script> function showpositionandsize() { var labelbox = document.getelementbyid('thelabel').boxobject; alert("position is (" + labelbox.x + "," + labelbox.y + ") and size is (" + labelbox.width + "," + labelbox.height + ")"); } </script> <button label="hide" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelabel').hidden = true;"/> <button label="show" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelabel').hidden = false;"/> <button label="collapse" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelabel').collapsed = true;"/> <button label="uncollapse" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('thelabel').collapsed = false;"/> <button label="show posit...
...ion/size" oncommand="showpositionandsize();"/> <label id="thelabel" value="i am a label"/> note that if you hide and collapse the label, it will be treated as hidden.
... you will then have to unhide and uncollapse the label for it to appear again.
XULBrowserWindow - Archive of obsolete content
method overview boolean hidechromeforlocation(in string alocation); attributes attribute type description incontentwhitelist string[] an array of url strings for which chrome is automatically hidden.
... methods hidechromeforlocation determines whether or not browser chrome should be hidden for the specified location. can augment the functionality of this method using chaining in order to hide chrome for other locations.
... boolean hidechromeforlocation( in string alocation ); parameters alocation the url to check to see if chrome should be hidden while that location is displayed.
textbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes cols, decimalplaces, disabled, emptytext, hidespinbuttons, increment, label, max, maxlength, min, multiline, newlines, onblur, onchange, onfocus, oninput, placeholder, preference, readonly, rows, searchbutton, size, spellcheck, tabindex, timeout, type, value, wrap, wraparound properties accessibletype, clickselectsall, decimalplaces, decimalsymbol, defaultvalue, disabled, editor, emptytext, increment, inputfield, label, max, maxlength, m...
... hidespinbuttons type: boolean if true, the number box does not have arrow buttons next to it to allow the user to adjust the value.
...there are several attributes that allow the number textbox to be configured, including decimalplaces, min, max, increment, wraparound, hidespinbuttons, and textbox.value.
... password a textbox that hides what is typed, used for entering passwords.
timepicker - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, hideseconds, increment, readonly, tabindex, value properties amindicator, datevalue, disabled, hideseconds, hour, hourleadingzero, increment, is24hourclock, ispm, minute, minuteleadingzero, pmindicator, readonly, second, secondleadingzero, tabindex, value examples <timepicker value="12:05"/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or n...
... hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether to show the seconds field.
...this should be used in combination with setting hideseconds to true.
... hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether the seconds field is visible or not.
tooltip - Archive of obsolete content
attributes crop, default, label, noautohide, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, page, position properties accessibletype, label, popupboxobject, position, state methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, showpopup, sizeto examples <tooltip id="moretip" orient="vertical" style="background-color: #33dd00;"> <label value="click here to see more information"/> <label value="really!" style="color: red;"/> ...
... noautohide type: boolean if this attribute is set to false or omitted, the tooltip will automatically disappear after a few seconds.
... if this attribute is set to true, this will not happen and the tooltip will only hide when the user moves the mouse to another element.
...(), haschildnodes(), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata hidepopup() return type: no return value closes the popup immediately.
Overflowing content - Learn web development
why not hide overflowing content?
... wherever possible, css does not hide content.
...this does exactly what it says: it hides overflow.
...changing the value of overflow to hide content, or to add scrollbars, is likely to be reserved for a few select use cases.
Practical positioning examples - Learn web development
note: we've put a special question mark character into our html to act as our info icon — this represents the button that will be pressed to show/hide the panel.
... set a z-index of 1 on it — this is so that when the info panel is styled and shown, it doesn't cover up the icon; instead the icon will sit on top of it so it can be pressed again to hide the info pane.
... the second rule sets position absolute on the actual checkbox <input> element, and hides it off the top of the screen.
...clicking the label again unchecks the checkbox, which hides the panel again.
void hidesplashscreen(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void initialize(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void quit(in pruint32 aferocity); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void registertoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); void run(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void toplevelwindowismodal(in nsixulw...
... hidesplashscreen() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) remove the splash screen (if visible).
... void hidesplashscreen(); parameters none.
... nativeappsupportorsplashscreen is an object that can be queryinterface'd to either an nsinativeappsupport or nsisplashscreen; this object will be used to implement hidesplashscreen.
void destroyhiddenwindow(); void doprofilestartup(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in boolean caninteract); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void ensure1window(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void enterlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); void exitlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); void getstartupinfo(); void hidesplashscreen(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void initialize(in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void quit(in pruint32 amode); void restartinsafemode(in pruint32 aquitmode); void run(); attributes attribute type description interrupted boolean true if the startup process was interrupted b...
... hidesplashscreen() obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) remove the splash screen (if visible).
... void hidesplashscreen(); parameters none.
... void initialize( in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen ); parameters nativeappsupportorsplashscreen is an object that can be qi'd to either an nsinativeappsupport or nsisplashscreen; this object will be used to implement hidesplashscreen.
DevTools API - Firefox Developer Tools
this api provides methods to hide the tabstripe. it's up the webconsole the hide and show the sidebar, and select the correct tab.
... method description new toolsidebar(xul:tabbox, toolpanel, uid, showtabstripe=true) toolsidebar constructor void addtab(tabid, url, selected=false) add a tab in the sidebar void select(tabid) select a tab void hide() hide the sidebar void show() show the sidebar void toggle() toggle the sidebar void getwindowfortab(tabid) get the iframe containing the tab content tabid getcurrenttabid() return the id of tabid of the current tab tabbox gettab(tabid) return a tab given its id destroy() destroy the toolsidebar object events d...
... hide the sidebar has been closed.
Window - Web APIs
windoweventhandlers.onpagehide called when the user navigates away from the page, before the onunload event.
... see pagehide event.
... pagehide sent when the browser hides the current document while in the process of switching to displaying in its place a different document from the session's history.
... also available through the onpagehide event handler property.
Strict mode - JavaScript
in normal code the last duplicated argument hides previous identically-named arguments.
...still, this hiding makes little sense and is probably undesirable (it might hide a typo, for example), so in strict mode duplicate argument names are a syntax error: function sum(a, a, c) { // !!!
...this means that, in general, in a function containing a call to eval every name not referring to an argument or local variable must be mapped to a particular definition at runtime (because that eval might have introduced a new variable that would hide the outer variable).
...this is a security hazard because it breaks the ability to hide privileged values via function abstraction; it also precludes most optimizations.
OpenClose - Archive of obsolete content
closing a popup with the hidepopup method a popup menu is closed by the user pressing the escape key or by clicking somewhere outside the popup.
... to close a popup with a script, use the popup's hidepopup method.
... popup.hidepopup(); determining if a popup is open for menus, you can check the open property of the menu, button or toolbarbutton.
Adding Methods to XBL-defined Elements - Archive of obsolete content
the method 'showtitle' can be used to show or hide the label.
... xul: <box id="num" class="labeledbutton" title="number of things:" value="52"/> <button label="show" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('num').showtitle(true)"/> <button label="hide" oncommand="document.getelementbyid('num').showtitle(false)"/> xbl: <binding id="labeledbutton"> <content> <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=title"/> <xul:label xbl:inherits="value"/> </content> <implementation> <method name="showtitle"> <parameter name="state"/> <body> if (state) { document.getanonymousnodes(this)[0].setattribute("style", "visibility: visible"); } else { document.getanonymousnodes(this)[0].setattribute("style", "visib...
...for example, we could move the show and hide buttons into the xbl file and do the following: example 1: source <binding id="labeledbutton"> <content> <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=title"/> <xul:label xbl:inherits="value"/> <xul:button label="show" oncommand="document.getbindingparent(this).showtitle(true);"/> <xul:button label="hide" oncommand="document.getbindingparent(this).showtitle(false);"/> </content> <impleme...
toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
attributes autohide, currentset, customindex, customizable, defaultset, grippyhidden, grippytooltiptext, height, iconsize, mode, toolbarname properties accessibletype, currentset, firstpermanentchild, lastpermanentchild, toolbarname, toolboxid methods insertitem style classes chromeclass-toolbar examples <toolbox> <toolbar id="nav-toolbar"> <toolbarbutton id="nav-users" accesskey="u" label...
...="users"/> <toolbarbutton id="nav-groups" accesskey="p" label="groups"/> <toolbarbutton id="nav-events" accesskey="e" label="events" disabled="true"/> </toolbar> </toolbox> attributes autohide type: boolean when set to true, the toolbar will be invisible unless the alt key is pressed by the user.
... toolbarname not in seamonkey 1.x type: string the name of the toolbar, which is listed on the show/hide toolbars menu.
tree - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disablekeynavigation, disabled, editable, enablecolumndrag, flags, hidecolumnpicker, onselect, rows, seltype, statedatasource, tabindex, treelines properties accessibletype, builderview, columns, contentview, currentindex, disablekeynavigation, disabled, editingcolumn, editingrow, enablecolumndrag, firstordinalcolumn, inputfield, seltype, selstyle, tabindex, treeboxobject, view examples a tree with several columns <tree flex="1" rows="2"> <treecols> <...
...m> <treerow> <treecell label=""/> <treecell label="top secret plans"/> </treerow> </treeitem> <treeitem> <treerow> <treecell label=""/> <treecell label="let's do lunch"/> </treerow> </treeitem> </treechildren> </tree> a tree with several columns and nested items <tree id="mytree" flex="1" hidecolumnpicker="false" seltype="single" class="tree" rows="5"> <treecols id="mytree2-treecols"> <treecol id="mytree2-treecol0" primary="true" flex="2" label="column a" persist="width" ordinal="1"/> <splitter class="tree-splitter" ordinal="2"/> <treecol id="mytree2-treecol1" flex="1" label="column b" persist="width" ordinal="3"/> </treecols> <treechil...
... hidecolumnpicker type: boolean when set to false, a drop-down will appear in the upper right corner of the tree, which the user may use to show and hide columns.
treecol - Archive of obsolete content
attributes crop, cycler, dragging, editable, fixed, hidden, hideheader, ignoreincolumnpicker, label, primary, sort, sortactive, sortdirection, src, type, width properties accessibletype style classes treecol-image examples this example shows a checkbox in the first column, requires the style below.
... hideheader type: boolean set this to true to indicate that the tree column header should be displayed without any column header styling. should still specify a label for use in the column picker if ignoreincolumnpicker is not true and hidecolumnpicker is not true on the tree.
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
on the other hand, you shouldn't use visibility:hidden or display:none, because they do hide content from screen readers. an example, you might want to make sure your main content area can handle bigger text (maybe it will start to scroll to allow it all to be seen), and won't just hide it, or break completely.
...the code features two functions that show and hide the zoomed-in image; these are run by the following lines that set them as event handlers: imgthumb.onmouseover = showimg; imgthumb.onmouseout = hideimg; imgthumb.onfocus = showimg; imgthumb.onblur = hideimg; the first two lines run the functions when the mouse pointer hovers over and stops hovering over the thumbnail, respectively.
CSS property compatibility table for form controls - Learn web development
property n t note css box model width yes yes height partial[1] partial[1] on opera, the spinners are zoomed in, which can hide the content of the field.
... border yes yes margin yes yes padding partial[1] partial[1] on opera, the spinners are zoomed in, which can hide the content of the field.
...order-radius no[1] no[1] box-shadow no[1] no[1] meters and progress see the <meter> and <progress> elements: property n t note css box model width yes yes height yes yes border partial yes margin yes yes padding yes partial[1] chrome hides the <progress> and <meter> element when the padding property is applied on a tweaked element.
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = '<dl>\n <dt>bacon</dt>\n <dd>the glue that binds the world together.</dd>\n <dt>eggs</dt>\n <dd>the glue that binds the cake together.</dd>\n <dt>coffee</dt>\n <dd>the drink that gets the world running in the morning.</dd>\n <dd>a light brown color.</dd>\n</dl>...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = '<p>hello and welcome to my motivation page.
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = '<p><abbr title="national aeronautics and space administration">nasa</abbr> sure does some exciting work.</p>'; const solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop tab key ta...
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<em>this is my text.</em>'; var solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop tab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textare...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<p>a link to my <a href="" title="the mozilla homepage" target="_blank">favorite website</a>.</p>'; var solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop t...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<h1>some music</h1><p>i really enjoy <strong>playing the drums</strong>.
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
add the following two lines, which simply hide the results paragraph and spinner container using display: none;.
...the start() function calls draw() to start the spinner spinning and display it in the ui, hides the start button so you can't mess up the game by starting it multiple times concurrently, and runs a settimeout() call that runs a setendgame() function after a random interval between 5 and 10 seconds has passed.
... isover = true; } else if (e.key === "l") { result.textcontent = 'player 2 won!!'; isover = true; } if (isover) { document.removeeventlistener('keydown', keyhandler); settimeout(reset, 5000); } }; } stepping through this: first, cancel the spinner animation with cancelanimationframe() (it is always good to clean up unneeded processes), and hide the spinner container.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
if it is true, we display a personalized greeting, display the "forget" part of the form, and hide the "say hello" part of the form.
...we hope you have fun while you are here.'; // hide the 'remember' part of the form and show the 'forget' part = 'block'; = 'none'; } else { // if not, display generic greeting h1.textcontent = 'welcome to our website '; personalgreeting.textcontent = 'welcome to our website.
... we hope you have fun while you are here.'; // hide the 'forget' part of the form and show the 'remember' part = 'none'; = 'block'; } } last but not least, we need to run the namedisplaycheck() function every time the page is loaded.
Useful string methods - Learn web development
area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');' + '\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';' + '\nlet greetings = [\'happy birthday!\',' + '\n \'merry christmas my love\',' + '\n \'a happy christmas to all the family\',' + '\n ...
...area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');' + '\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';' + '\nlet cities = [\'london\', \'manchester\', \'birmingham\', \'liverpool\'];' + '\n' + '\nfor (let i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {' + '\n let input = cities[i];' + '\n let lo...
...area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');' + '\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';' + '\nlet stations = [\'man675847583748sjt567654;manchester piccadilly\',' + '\n \'gnf576746573fhdg4737dh4;greenfield\',' + '\n \'liv5hg65hd737456236d...
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
mozilla's hashtable implementations mozilla has several hashtable implementations, which have been tested and, tuned, and hide the inner complexities of hashtable implementations: pldhash - low-level c api; stores keys and data in one large memory structure; uses the heap efficiently; client must declare an "entry class" and may not hold onto entry pointers. hides many of the complexities of pldhash (callback functions, the ops structure, etc).
... nsbasehashtable and friends: nsdatahashtable, nsinterfacehashtable, and nsclasshashtable these c++ templates provide a high-level interface for using hashtables that hides most of the complexities of pldhash.
ing atitle, in domstring aurl, in boolean areplace); void beginrestore(in nsicontentviewer viewer, in boolean top); void createaboutblankcontentviewer(in nsiprincipal aprincipal); void createloadinfo(out nsidocshellloadinfo loadinfo); void detacheditorfromwindow(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void finishrestore(); void firepagehidenotification(in boolean isunload); native code only!
...native code only!firepagehidenotification notify the associated content viewer and all child docshells that they are about to be hidden.
...void firepagehidenotification( in boolean isunload ); parameters isunload if true, fire the unload event in addition to the pagehide event.
Basic animations - Web APIs
<body> <canvas id="cw"></canvas> </body> </html> output snake game <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>nokia 1100:snake..member berries</title> </head> <body> <div class="keypress hide"> <div class="up" onclick="emit(38)">&#8593;</div> <div class="right" onclick="emit(39)">&#8594;</div> <div class="left" onclick="emit(37)">&#8592;</div> <div class="down" onclick="emit(40)">&#8595;</div> </div> <div class="banner" id="selector"> <div> time :<span id="time">0</span> </div> <div>lousygames ©</div> ...
...ess { position: fixed; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; opacity: 1; user-select: none } .keypress>div:hover { opacity: 1 } .touch { background: #8bc34a } .off { background: #f44336 } .hide { opacity: 0 } </style> </html> javascript function tmz() { var e = new date(t), i = new date, n = math.abs(i.getminutes() - e.getminutes()), o = math.abs(i.getseconds() - e.getseconds()); return n + " : " + o } function coll(t, e) { return t.x < e.x + e.w && t.x + t.w > e.x && t.y < e.y + e.h && t.h + t.y > e.y ...
...(0,0,0,0.11)", c.fillrect(0, 0, cc.width, cc.height), fa.foreach(t => t.put()), s.draw(), document.getelementbyid("time").innertext = tmz(), settimeout(() => { requestanimationframe(anima) }, fw) } function emit(t) { key.keydown(t) } function touch(t) { t.classlist.toggle("off"), document.getelementsbyclassname("keypress")[0].classlist.toggle("hide") } var t = new date + "", d = void 0, cc = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0], c = cc.getcontext("2d"); key = {}, key.keydown = function (t) { var e = document.createevent("keyboardevent"); object.defineproperty(e, "keycode", { get: function () { return this.keycodeval } }), object.definep...
Border-image generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
teid="border4"/> <img class="image" src="" data-stateid="border5"/> <img class="image" src="" data-stateid="border6"/> </div> </div> <div id="load-actions" class="group section"> <div id="toggle-gallery" data-action="hide"> </div> <div id="load-image" class="button"> upload image </div> <input id="remote-url" type="text" placeholder="load an image from url"/> <div id="load-remote" class="button"> </div> </div> <div id="general-controls" class="group section"> <div class="name"> control box </div> <div class="separator"></div> ...
...ite.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top 4px center; background-color: #888888 !important; border-radius: 2px; float: left; } #toggle-gallery:hover { cursor: pointer; } #toggle-gallery[data-action='show'] { background-image: url(''); background-color: #888888 !important; } #toggle-gallery[data-action='hide'] { background-image: url(''); } .button { width: 100px; height: 25px; margin: 10px; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; line-height: 25px; background-color: #379b4a; border-radius: 2px; float: left; } .button:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #3380c4; } #load-image { float: left; } #load-remote { ...
... getelembyid('image-gallery'); var button = getelembyid('toggle-gallery'); var state = 1; button.addeventlistener('click', function() { state = 1 ^ state; if (state === 0) { gallery.setattribute('data-collapsed', 'true'); button.setattribute('data-action', 'show'); } else { gallery.removeattribute('data-collapsed'); button.setattribute('data-action', 'hide'); } }); }; var init = function init() { var gallery = getelembyid('image-gallery'); var browse = getelembyid('load-image'); var remote = getelembyid('remote-url'); var load_remote = getelembyid('load-remote'); remote.addeventlistener('change', function(){ loadremoteimage(this.value); }); load_remote.addeventlistener('click', function(){ loadremoteimage(...
empty-cells - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax /* keyword values */ empty-cells: show; empty-cells: hide; /* global values */ empty-cells: inherit; empty-cells: initial; empty-cells: unset; the empty-cells property is specified as one of the keyword values listed below.
... hide no borders or backgrounds are drawn.
... formal definition initial valueshowapplies totable-cell elementsinheritedyescomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete formal syntax show | hide example showing and hiding empty table cells html <table class="table_1"> <tr> <td>moe</td> <td>larry</td> </tr> <tr> <td>curly</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <br> <table class="table_2"> <tr> <td>moe</td> <td>larry</td> </tr> <tr> <td>curly</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> css .table_1 { empty-cells: show; } .table_2 { empty-cells: hide; } td, th { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 0.5rem; } result specifications specification status comment css level 2 (revision 1)the definition of 'empty-cells' in that specification.
text-emphasis-position - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
formal definition initial valueover rightapplies toall elementsinheritednocomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete formal syntax [ over | under ] && [ right | left ] examples preferring ruby over emphasis marks some editors prefer to hide emphasis marks when they conflict with ruby.
... in html, this can be done with the following style rule: ruby { text-emphasis: none; } preferring emphasis marks over ruby some other editors prefer to hide ruby when they conflict with emphasis marks.
... in html, this can be done with the following pattern: em { text-emphasis: dot; /* set text-emphasis for <em> elements */ } em rt { display: none; /* hide ruby inside <em> elements */ } specifications specification status comment css text decoration module level 3the definition of 'text-emphasis' in that specification.
visibility - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the visibility css property shows or hides an element without changing the layout of a document.
... the property can also hide rows or columns in a <table>.
... to both hide an element and remove it from the document layout, set the display property to none instead of using visibility.
Event reference
session history events event name fired when pagehide a session history entry is being traversed from.
... pagehide pagetransitionevent html5 a session history entry is being traversed from.
... tabhide addons specific a tab has been hidden.
WAI ARIA Live Regions/API Support - Developer guides
atk/at-spi event iaccessible2 event object about to be hidden or removed children_changed::remove (fired on the parent, with event data pointing to the child index of the accessible object to be removed) event_object_hide* (fired on the actual accessible object about to go away) object shown or inserted children_changed::add (fired on the parent, with event data pointing to the child index of the inserted accessible object) event_object_show* (fired on the actual new accessible object) object replaced with different object (this happens especially if an object's interfaces or role changes) ...
... children_changed::remove followed immediately by children_change::add event_object_hide followed immediately by event_object_show text removed text_changed::delete ia2_event_text_removed (use iaccessibletext::get_oldtext to retrieve the offsets and removed text) text inserted text_changed::insert ia2_event_text_inserted (use iaccessibletext::get_newtext to retrieve the offsets and inserted text) text replaced text_changed::delete followed immediately by text_changed::insert ia2_event_text_removed followed immediately by ia2_event_text_inserted * we do not use msaa's create/destroy at the request of screen reader vendors, who avoid those events because they cause crashes on some important system -- show/hide are the equivalent of those ev...
...this information is available only for event_show, event_hide, ia2_event_text_inserted and ia2_event_text_removed.
<input type="file"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
next, we hide the <input> element — we do this because file inputs tend to be ugly, difficult to style, and inconsistent in their design across browsers.
... you can activate the input element by clicking its <label>, so it is better to visually hide the input and style the label like a button, so the user will know to interact with it if they want to upload files.
... const input = document.queryselector('input'); const preview = document.queryselector('.preview'); = 0; note: opacity is used to hide the file input instead of visibility: hidden or display: none, because assistive technology interprets the latter two styles to mean the file input isn't interactive.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, html5-compliant browsers hide content marked as <foo hidden>...</foo>, even though <foo> is not a valid html element.
...for example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed.
...this attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown.
Add to Home screen - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
first of all, we declare a deferredprompt variable (which we'll explain later on), get a reference to our install button, and set it to display: none initially: let deferredprompt; const addbtn = document.queryselector('.add-button'); = 'none'; we hide the button initially because the pwa will not be available for install until it follows the a2hs criteria.
... deferredprompt = e; // update ui to notify the user they can add to home screen = 'block'; addbtn.addeventlistener('click', (e) => { // hide our user interface that shows our a2hs button = 'none'; // show the prompt deferredprompt.prompt(); // wait for the user to respond to the prompt deferredprompt.userchoice.then((choiceresult) => { if (choiceresult.outcome === 'accepted') { console.log('user accepted the a2hs prompt'); } else { console.log('user dismissed...
... the click handler contains the following steps: hide the button again with display: none — it is no longer needed once the app is installed.
Mobile first - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
the main objective is to put the content first and to hide away the navigation until the user really needs it.
...ckground: #eee; height: 100%; } body { width: 600px; height: inherit; margin: 0 auto; background: url(../img/firefox-os.png) bottom left no-repeat, linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff, #eee); } .main > p { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.3); } nav li a { padding: 0 10px; font-size: 2em; } } the first one cancels out the css display: table behaviour, hides the links to jump to and from the navigation, as they are not needed anymore in the wider layout, and changes the vertical menu to a horizontal menu that makes better use of the horizontal space available.
...this can be very useful for mobile first, as you may well want to hide bits of code from the "mobile version" and only include them for the "desktop version", or vice versa.
hotkeys - Archive of obsolete content
for example, this add-on defines two hotkey combinations, to show and hide a panel: // define keyboard shortcuts for showing and hiding a custom panel.
... var { hotkey } = require("sdk/hotkeys"); var showhotkey = hotkey({ combo: "accel-shift-o", onpress: function() { showmypanel(); } }); var hidehotkey = hotkey({ combo: "accel-alt-shift-o", onpress: function() { hidemypanel(); } }); choosing hotkeys hotkeys should be chosen with care.
Creating annotations - Archive of obsolete content
the following code to the main() function: var annotationeditor = panels.panel({ width: 220, height: 220, contenturl: data.url('editor/annotation-editor.html'), contentscriptfile: data.url('editor/annotation-editor.js'), onmessage: function(annotationtext) { if (annotationtext) { console.log(this.annotationanchor); console.log(annotationtext); } annotationeditor.hide(); }, onshow: function() { this.postmessage('focus'); } }); we create the editor panel but don't show it.
...when the editor panel sends us its message we log the message and hide the panel.
On page load - Archive of obsolete content
to attach to the unload event in above example you can use the "pagehide" event like this: appcontent.addeventlistener("pagehide", myextension.onpageunload, false); for appcontent and similarly for messagepane messagepane.addeventlistener("pagehide", myextension.onpageunload, false); and add your code to onpageunload method.
... basic onpageload for a browser window var myextension = { init: function() { // the event can be domcontentloaded, pageshow, pagehide, load or unload.
Sidebar - Archive of obsolete content
you can use this function to show, hide, or toggle sidebars.
... // toggle the bookmarks sidebar (close it if it's open or // open it if it's currently closed) sidebarui.toggle("viewbookmarkssidebar"); // show the history sidebar, whether it's hidden or already showing"viewhistorysidebar"); // hide the sidebar, if one is showing sidebarui.hide(); avoid opening the sidebar on startup.
Working with BFCache - Archive of obsolete content
q: and to detect this we use pagehide/pageshow, correct?
...the pagehide event tells you whether the page is going into bfcache; the pageshow tells you whether it's coming from bfcache.
Venkman Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
to make a view reappear explicitly, select it from the view->show/hide menu of the debugger.
... you can access any of the basic views from the show/hide submenu of the view menu.
textbox.type - Archive of obsolete content
there are several attributes that allow the number textbox to be configured, including decimalplaces, min, max, increment, wraparound, hidespinbuttons, and textbox.value.
... password a textbox that hides what is typed, used for entering passwords.
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
bleclose disabled disablehistory disablekeynavigation disablesecurity dlgtype dragging editable editortype element empty emptytext deprecated since gecko 2 enablecolumndrag enablehistory equalsize eventnode events expr firstdayofweek firstpage first-tab fixed flags flex focused forcecomplete grippyhidden grippytooltiptext group handlectrltab height helpuri hidden hidechrome hidecolumnpicker hideheader hideseconds hidespinbuttons highlightnonmatches homepage href icon id ignoreblurwhilesearching ignorecase ignoreincolumnpicker ignorekeys image inactivetitlebarcolor increment index inputtooltiptext insertafter insertbefore instantapply inverted iscontainer isempty key keycode keytext label lastpage lastselected last-tab left li...
...nkedpanel max maxheight maxlength maxpos maxrows maxwidth member menu menuactive min minheight minresultsforpopup minwidth mode modifiers mousethrough movetoclick multiline multiple name negate newlines next noautofocus noautohide noinitialfocus nomatch norestorefocus object observes onbeforeaccept onbookmarkgroup onchange onclick onclosetab oncommand oncommandupdate ondialogaccept ondialogcancel ondialogclosure ondialogextra1 ondialogextra2 ondialoghelp onerror onerrorcommand onextra1 onextra2 oninput onload onnewtab onpageadvanced onpagehide onpagerewound onpageshow onpaneload onpopuphidden onpopuphiding onpopupshowing onpopupshown onsearchcomplete onselect ontextcommand ontextentered ontextrevert ontextreverted onunload onw...
Menus - Archive of obsolete content
if you wish to have slight differences between each window, one possibility is to show or hide menu items in a load event listener.
... for example, to have an item initially hidden in a window: function initmenus() { var item = document.getelementbyid("menu-file-open"); item.hidden = true; } the hidden property is set to true to hide the menu with the id 'menu-fileopen'.
Special per-platform menu considerations - Archive of obsolete content
menu_mac_hide_app selecting this item will hide the application.
... menu_mac_hide_others selecting this item will hide all other applications except this one.
textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
there are several attributes that allow the number textbox to be configured, including decimalplaces, min, max, increment, wraparound, hidespinbuttons, and textbox.value.
... password a textbox that hides what is typed, used for entering passwords.
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
there are several attributes that allow the number textbox to be configured, including decimalplaces, min, max, increment, wraparound, hidespinbuttons, and textbox.value.
... password a textbox that hides what is typed, used for entering passwords.
Creating a Wizard - Archive of obsolete content
a third option is to use the onpagehide and onpageshow attributes on the wizardpage element.
... attribute place on tag when it is called pagehide wizardpage called on the page that the user is leaving.
Document Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
also, we'll add an id attribute so that we can refer to it in a script to show and hide it.
... while we're at it, let's also hide the splitter and results tree as we only need to show them after a search is performed.
More Tree Features - Archive of obsolete content
note also that the user cannot hide the primary column using the drop down to the right of the columns. can use the style class tree-splitter to hide the notch, although the column may still be resized.
Splitters - Archive of obsolete content
you can also hide the sidebar by clicking the notch.
...a splitter will allow you to collapse, or hide, the search results.
XUL Questions and Answers - Archive of obsolete content
hidechrome="true" doesn’t work on a mac?
... if you have a similar code base as the following: onbookmarkcontextmenu: function(event, id) { document.getelementbyid("bookmarkpopup").showpopup(document.getelementbyid(id), event.screenx + 6, event.screeny + 6, "popup", "bottomright", "bottomright"); } use the hidepopup() function to solve this issue.
dialog - Archive of obsolete content
moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
...moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
menupopup - Archive of obsolete content
attributes ignorekeys, left, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, position, top properties accessibletype, anchornode, popupboxobject, position, state, triggernode methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, setconsumerollupevent, showpopup, sizeto examples the following example shows how a menupopup may be attached to a menulist.
...), haschildnodes(), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata hidepopup() return type: no return value closes the popup immediately.
prefwindow - Archive of obsolete content
moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
...moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
wizard - Archive of obsolete content
moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
...moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
-ms-accelerator - Archive of obsolete content
when the option to "hide keyboard navigation indicators until i use the alt key" is enabled in the user's display properties, the "n" is not underlined until the user presses the alt key. enables users to hide navigation indicators for menu items and controls until the alt key is pressed.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it hides the technical complexity of systems behind simpler apis.
...unlike low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, or may automate (or even entirely hide) significant areas of computing systems, making the process of developing simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language.
Dealing with files - Learn web development
note: on windows computers, you might have trouble seeing the file names, because windows has an option called hide extensions for known file types turned on by default.
...option, unchecking the hide extensions for known file types check box, then clicking ok.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<img src=""\n alt="the head and torso of a dinosaur skeleton; it has a large head with long sharp teeth"\n width="200"\n height="171"\n title="a t-rex on display in the manchester university museum">'; var s...
...nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); var htmlsolution = '<figure>\n <img src=""\n alt="the head and torso of a dinosaur skeleton; it has a large head with long sharp teeth"\n width="200"\n height="171">\n <figcaption>a t-rex on display in the manchester university...
Looping code - Learn web development
area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); let jssolution = 'const output = document.queryselector(\'.output\');\noutput.innerhtml = \'\';\n\nlet i = 10;\n\nwhile(i >= 0) {\n let para = document.createelement(\'p\');\n if(i === 10) {\n para.textcontent = \'countdown \' + i;\n } else if(i === 0) {\n para.textcontent = \'bla...
...area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const people = [\'chris\', \'anne\', \'colin\', \'terri\', \'phil\', \'lola\', \'sam\', \'kay\', \'bruce\'];\n\nconst admitted = document.queryselector(\'.admitted\');\nconst refused = document.queryselector(\'.refused\');\n\nadmitted.textcontent = \'admit: \';\...
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const select = document.queryselector(\'select\');\nconst list = document.queryselector(\'ul\');\nconst h1 = document.queryselector(\'h1\');\n\nselect.onchange = function() {\n const choice = select.value;\n let days = 31;\n if(choice === \'february\') {\n days ...
...area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const select = document.queryselector(\'select\');\nconst html = document.queryselector(\'.output\');\n\nselect.onchange = function() {\n const choice = select.value;\n\n switch(choice) {\n case \'black\':\n update(\'black\',\'white\');\n break;\n case \'white\'...
Arrays - Learn web development
area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');\nconst totalbox = document.queryselector(\'.output p\');\nlet total = 0;\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';\ntotalbox.textcontent = \'\';\n\nlet products = [\'underpants:6.99\',\n \'socks:5.99\',\n \'t-shirt:14.99\',\n...
...area.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value); } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = jssolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');\nconst searchinput = document.queryselector(\'.output input\');\nconst searchbtn = document.queryselector(\'.output button\');\n\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';\n\nlet myhistory= [];\n\nsearchbtn.onclick = function() ...
Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
html semantic html (where the elements are used for their correct purpose) is accessible right out of the box — such content is readable by sighted viewers (provided you don't do anything silly like make the text way too small or hide it using css), but will also be usable by assistive technologies like screen readers (apps that literally read out a web page to their user), and confer other advantages too.
... on the other hand, you shouldn't use visibility:hidden or display:none, because they do hide content from screenreaders.
Using the Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIUsing
we switch the class values on the element to toggle the show/hide.
... if searchactive is true, meaning that a search has been done, we want to disable the search as we hide the search options — we disable the buttons, make searchactive false, clear the entered search value, and run htmliframeelement.clearmatch(), which gets rid of any stored/highlighted search results from the browser.
pe(aareaid); domelement getcustomizetargetforarea(aareaid, awindow); void reset(); void undoreset(); void removeextratoolbar(); object getplacementofwidget(awidgetid); bool iswidgetremovable(awidgetnodeorwidgetid); bool canwidgetmovetoarea(awidgetid); void getlocalizedproperty(awidget, aprop, aformatargs, adef); void hidepanelfornode(anode); bool isspecialwidget(awidgetid); void addpanelcloselisteners(apanel); void removepanelcloselisteners(apanel); void onwidgetdrag(awidgetid, aarea); void notifystartcustomizing(awindow); void notifyendcustomizing(awindow); void dispatchtoolboxevent(aevent, adetails, awindow); bool isareaoverflowable(aareaid)...
... if adef is not provided, and if aprop exists on awidget, we'll return that, otherwise we'll return the empty string hidepanelfornode() given a node, walk up to the first panel in its ancestor chain, and close it.
Python binding for NSS
there is a bug in nss which hides the existence of extensions in a csr if the extensions are not contained in the first csr attribute.
... add prnetaddr_port() utility to hide host vs.
event_hide 0x8003 0x0002 an object has been destroyed.
... event_asynch_hide 0x0005 an object is hidden -- this is a layout occurrence and is thus asynchronous.
if the search engine is installed in a global location, this will just hide the engine.
... restoredefaultengines() un-hides all engines installed in the directory corresponding to the directory service's ns_app_search_dir key.
Flash Activation: Browser Comparison - Plugins
even if the plugin element will eventually be hidden, pages should create the plugin element so that it's visible on the page, and should resize or hide it only after the user has activated the plugin.
... this can be done by calling a javascript function when the plugin is activated: function plugincreated() { // we don't need to see the plugin, so hide it by resizing var plugin = document.getelementbyid('myplugin'); plugin.height = 0; plugin.width = 0; plugin.callpluginmethod(); } the html, by default, specifies the flash object to be a size that makes it visible, like this: <!-- give the plugin an initial size so it is visible --> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="myapp.swf" id="myplugin" width="300" height="300"> <param name="callback" value="plugincreated()"> </object> the callback parameter defined in the html can be called in flash using its flash.external.externalinterface api.
DOM Inspector FAQ - Firefox Developer Tools
you can hide anonymous nodes in inspector by unchecking the view > show anonymous content menu item.
... the good news is, you can hide these whitespace nodes in inspector by unchecking the view > show whitespace nodes menu item.
Browser Toolbox - Firefox Developer Tools
for example, here's what the frame selection popup lists when there are two browser windows open, one with one content tab, and one with two: debugging popups it's hard to debug popups, because the browser hides them as soon as you click outside them. the toolbox menu and select disable popup auto-hide.
All keyboard shortcuts - Firefox Developer Tools
enter return enter step forward through the attributes of a node tab tab tab step backward through the attributes of a node shift + tab shift + tab shift + tab (when an attribute is selected) start editing the attribute enter return enter hide/show the selected node h h h focus on the search box in the html pane ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f edit as html f2 f2 f2 stop editing html f2 / ctrl +enter f2 / cmd + return f2 / ctrl + enter copy the selected node's outer html ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c scroll the selected node into view s s s ...
... show/hide more information about current property (computed view only, when a property is selected) enter or space return or space enter or space open mdn reference page about current property (computed view only, when a property is selected) f1 f1 f1 open current css file in style editor (computed view only, when more information is shown for a property and a css file r...
Migrating from Firebug - Firefox Developer Tools
only show applied styles the style side panel in firebug has an option to display only the properties of a css rule that are applied to the selected element and hide all overwritten styles.
...the difference is that in the devtools the properties are always listed alphabetically and not grouped (see bug 977128) and there is no option to hide the mozilla specific styles, therefore there is an input field allowing to filter the properties.
Page inspector keyboard shortcuts - Firefox Developer Tools
enter return enter step forward through the attributes of a node tab tab tab step backward through the attributes of a node shift + tab shift + tab shift + tab (when an attribute is selected) start editing the attribute enter return enter hide/show the selected node h h h focus on the search box in the html pane ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f edit as html f2 f2 f2 stop editing html f2 / ctrl +enter f2 / cmd + return f2 / ctrl + enter copy the selected node's outer html ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c scroll the selected node into view s s s ...
... show/hide more information about current property (computed view only, when a property is selected) enter or space return or space enter or space open mdn reference page about current property (computed view only, when a property is selected) f1 f1 f1 open current css file in style editor (computed view only, when more information is shown for a property and a css file r...
Compositing and clipping - Web APIs
in addition, the clip property allows us to hide unwanted parts of shapes.
... clipping paths a clipping path is like a normal canvas shape but it acts as a mask to hide unwanted parts of shapes.
Event.currentTarget - Web APIs
function hide(e){ = 'hidden'; console.log(e.currenttarget); // when this function is used as an event handler: this === e.currenttarget } var ps = document.getelementsbytagname('p'); for(var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++){ // console: print the clicked <p> element ps[i].addeventlistener('click', hide, false); } // console: print <body> document.body.addeventlistener('cl...
...ick', hide, false); // click around and make paragraphs disappear note: the value of event.currenttarget is only available while the event is being handled.
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationcancel - Web APIs
example html <div class="main"> <div id="box" onanimationcancel="handlecancelevent(event);"> <div id="text">box</div> </div> </div> <div class="button" id="togglebox"> hide the box </div> <pre id="log"></pre> css :root { --boxwidth: 50px; } .main { width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial"...
... function handlecancelevent(event) { log("animation canceled", event); }; then we add a method to handle toggle display between "flex" and "none" and establish it as the handler for a click event on the "hide/show" the box button: document.getelementbyid('togglebox').addeventlistener('click', function() { if ( == "none") { = "flex"; document.getelementbyid("togglebox").innerhtml = "hide the box"; } else { = "none"; document.getelementbyid("togglebox").innerhtml = "show the box"; } }); toggling the box to display: none has th...
HTMLElement.hidden - Web APIs
the hidden property applies to all presentation modes and should not be used to hide content that is meant to be directly accessible to the user.
... javascript document.getelementbyid("okbutton") .addeventlistener("click", function() { document.getelementbyid("welcome").hidden = true; document.getelementbyid("awesome").hidden = false; }, false); this code sets up a handler for the welcome panel's "ok" button that hides the welcome panel and makes the follow-up panel—with the curious name "awesome"—visible in its place.
Index - Web APIs
2280 mscandidatewindowhide mscandidatewindowhide fires after the input method editor (ime) candidate window closes and is fully hidden.
... 5050 window: pagehide event api, event, history, navigation, reference, window, pagehide the pagehide event is sent to a window when the browser hides the current page in the process of presenting a different page from the session's history.
Key Values - Web APIs
keycode_tv_audio_description_mix_up (253) "tvcontentsmenu" displays or hides the media contents available for playback (this may be a channel guide showing the currently airing programs, or a list of media files to play).
... keycode_tv_contents_menu (256) "tvdataservice" displays or hides the tv's data service menu.
Window: pageshow event - Web APIs
the handler, eventlogger(), logs the type of event that occurred to the console, and includes the value of the persisted flag on pageshow and pagehide events.
... javascript const events = [ "pagehide", "pageshow", "unload", "load" ]; const eventlogger = event => { switch (event.type) { case "pagehide": case "pageshow": let ispersisted = event.persisted ?
Using the aria-hidden attribute - Accessibility
the aria-hidden attribute can either expose or hide non-interactive content from the accessibility api.
... deciding between aria-hidden="true", role="presentation", and role="none" on the surface, the aria-hidden="true", role="presentation", and role="none" attributes seem similar because they: hide content from assistive technology cannot be used on a focusable element cannot be used on the parent of an interactive element despite these similarities, the intent behind each attribute is different.
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
if moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating information starts automatically, lasts more than five seconds, and is presented in parallel with other content, the user must able to pause, stop, hide or control it, unless it's an essential functionality.
...if you have added content to links for screen readers, and that content is verbose and potentially confusing to sighted readers, consider clipping the added text to visually hide it from those not using assistive technologies.
Operable - Accessibility
2.2.2 pausing, stopping, hiding (a) for moving/blinking content that starts automatically, lasts longer than 5 seconds, and is shown alongside other content, controls should be provided to pause, stop, or hide it.
... for auto-updating information that starts automatically and is shown alongside other content, controls should be provided to pause, stop, or hide it, or to control the frequency of updates.
Box-shadow generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
; } if (type === 'add') active.stack.addlayer(); if (type === 'layer') active.stack.setactivelayer(node); if (type === 'delete') active.stack.deletelayer(node.parentnode); if (type === 'move-up') active.stack.movelayer(1); if (type === 'move-down') active.stack.movelayer(-1); } var setactivestack = function setactivestack(stackobj) { active.stack.hide(); active.stack = stackobj;; } /* * stack object */ var stack = function stack(subject) { var s = document.createelement('div'); var title = document.createelement('div'); var stack = document.createelement('div'); s.classname = 'container'; stack.classname = 'stack'; title.classname = 'title'; title.textcontent = subject.getattribute('...
...s.layer.setattribute('data-active', 'layer'); var shadowid = node.getattribute('data-shid') | 0; this.layerid = this.order.indexof(shadowid); tool.setactiveshadow(this.layerid, true); } stack.prototype.unsetactivelayer = function unsetactivelayer() { if (this.layer) this.layer.removeattribute('data-active'); this.layer = null; this.layerid = 0; } stack.prototype.hide = function hide() { this.unsetactivelayer(); this.subject.removeattribute('data-active'); var style =; style.left = '100%'; style.zindex = '0'; } = function show() { = 'none'; = 'block'; if ( === 'element') {
Mastering Wrapping of Flex Items - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
flex line wrapping is re-done after collapsing, however, so the cross-size of a flex container with multiple lines might or might not change.” - collapsed items this behaviour is useful if you want to target flex items using javascript to show and hide content for example.
... the difference between visibility: hidden and display: none when you set an item to display: none in order to hide it, the item is removed from the formatting structure of the page.
backface-visibility - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
</p> </td> <td> <div class="container"> <div class="cube hidebf"> <div class="face front">1</div> <div class="face back">2</div> <div class="face right">3</div> <div class="face left">4</div> <div class="face top">5</div> <div class="face bottom">6</div> </div> </div> <p> the three back faces (2, 4, 5) are hidden.
... </p> </td> </tr> </table> css /* classes that will show or hide the three back faces of the "cube" */ .showbf div { backface-visibility: visible; } .hidebf div { backface-visibility: hidden; } /* define the container div, the cube div, and a generic face */ .container { width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 75px 0 0 75px; border: none; } .cube { width: 100%; height: 100%; perspective: 550px; perspective-origin: 150% 150%; transform-style: preserve-3d; } .face { display: block; position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; border: none; line-height: 100px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 60px; color: white; text-align: center; } /* define each face based on direction */ .front { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transform:...
<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if <input type="date"> isn't supported, we hide the native picker and show the fallback (<select>) instead.
... // define variables var nativepicker = document.queryselector('.nativedatepicker'); var fallbackpicker = document.queryselector('.fallbackdatepicker'); var fallbacklabel = document.queryselector('.fallbacklabel'); var yearselect = document.queryselector('#year'); var monthselect = document.queryselector('#month'); var dayselect = document.queryselector('#day'); // hide fallback initially = 'none'; = 'none'; // test whether a new date input falls back to a text input or not var test = document.createelement('input'); try { test.type = 'date'; } catch (e) { console.log(e.description); } // if it does, run the code inside the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the native picker and show the fallback nativepicker...
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if <input type="datetime-local"> is not supported, we hide the native picker and show the fallback picker ui (<select>) instead.
...ker'); var fallbackpicker = document.queryselector('.fallbackdatetimepicker'); var fallbacklabel = document.queryselector('.fallbacklabel'); var yearselect = document.queryselector('#year'); var monthselect = document.queryselector('#month'); var dayselect = document.queryselector('#day'); var hourselect = document.queryselector('#hour'); var minuteselect = document.queryselector('#minute'); // hide fallback initially = 'none'; = 'none'; // test whether a new datetime-local input falls back to a text input or not var test = document.createelement('input'); try { test.type = 'datetime-local'; } catch (e) { console.log(e.description); } // if it does, run the code inside the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the n...
<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if <input type="month"> is not supported, we hide the native picker and show the fallback picker ui instead.
... // define variables var nativepicker = document.queryselector('.nativedatepicker'); var fallbackpicker = document.queryselector('.fallbackdatepicker'); var fallbacklabel = document.queryselector('.fallbacklabel'); var yearselect = document.queryselector('#year'); var monthselect = document.queryselector('#month'); // hide fallback initially = 'none'; = 'none'; // test whether a new date input falls back to a text input or not var test = document.createelement('input'); try { test.type = 'month'; } catch (e) { console.log(e.description); } // if it does, run the code inside the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the native picker and show the fallback = 'none';
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if <input type="time"> is not supported, we hide the native picker and show the fallback picker ui (<select>s) instead.
... // define variables var nativepicker = document.queryselector('.nativetimepicker'); var fallbackpicker = document.queryselector('.fallbacktimepicker'); var fallbacklabel = document.queryselector('.fallbacklabel'); var hourselect = document.queryselector('#hour'); var minuteselect = document.queryselector('#minute'); // hide fallback initially = 'none'; = 'none'; // test whether a new date input falls back to a text input or not var test = document.createelement('input'); try { test.type = 'time'; } catch (e) { console.log(e.description); } // if it does, run the code inside the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the native picker and show the fallback = 'none'; fallbackpicker.styl...
<input type="week"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if <input type="week"> is not supported, we hide the native picker and show the fallback picker ui (<select>s) instead.
... // define variables var nativepicker = document.queryselector('.nativeweekpicker'); var fallbackpicker = document.queryselector('.fallbackweekpicker'); var fallbacklabel = document.queryselector('.fallbacklabel'); var yearselect = document.queryselector('#year'); var weekselect = document.queryselector('#fallbackweek'); // hide fallback initially = 'none'; = 'none'; // test whether a new date input falls back to a text input or not var test = document.createelement('input'); try { test.type = 'week'; } catch (e) { console.log(e.description); } // if it does, run the code inside the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the native picker and show the fallback = 'none'; fallbackpicker.
hidden - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed.
... the hidden attribute must not be used to hide content just from one presentation.
Proxy servers and tunneling - HTTP
forward proxies can also be anonymous proxies and allow users to hide their ip address while browsing the web or using other internet services.
...forward proxies can hide the identities of clients whereas reverse proxies can hide the identities of servers.
ui/button/toggle - Archive of obsolete content
uctor: var { togglebutton } = require('sdk/ui/button/toggle'); var panels = require("sdk/panel"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onchange: handlechange }); var panel = panels.panel({ contenturl:"panel.html"), onhide: handlehide }); function handlechange(state) { if (state.checked) {{ position: button }); } } function handlehide() { button.state('window', {checked: false}); } disabling buttons you can disable a button by setting its disabled property to true.
Release notes - Archive of obsolete content
added a browserwindow parameter to and sidebar.hide(), to control the window for which the sidebar will be shown or hidden.
Storing annotations - Archive of obsolete content
rn key in the editor, we create and store the new annotation: var annotationeditor = panels.panel({ width: 220, height: 220, contenturl: data.url('editor/annotation-editor.html'), contentscriptfile: data.url('editor/annotation-editor.js'), onmessage: function(annotationtext) { if (annotationtext) handlenewannotation(annotationtext, this.annotationanchor); annotationeditor.hide(); }, onshow: function() { this.postmessage('focus'); } }); listing stored annotations to prove that this works, let's implement the part of the add-on that displays all the previously entered annotations.
Display a Popup - Archive of obsolete content
text_entry.port.on("text-entered", function (text) { console.log(text); text_entry.hide(); }); the content script "get-text.js" looks like this: // when the user hits return, send the "text-entered" // message to main.js.
Using third-party modules (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
then, under show / hide toolbars, enable the menu bar.
Examples and demos from articles - Archive of obsolete content
[article] expandable elements [html] this example shows how it is possible to show/hide classes of elements in pure css.
Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility - Archive of obsolete content
(note the button caption is changed to hide information) problems you may encounter a problem where the content will not be displayed.
Extension Etiquette - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, a boolean for the reporter extension's option for hiding the privacy statement is "extensions.reporter.hideprivacystatement".
Chapter 1: Introduction to Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
this document was authored by hideyuki emura and was originally published in japanese for the firefox developers conference summer 2007.
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
for an example of menu items with checkboxes, see the view menu in firefox, with items to show or hide the toolbar and sidebar.
License and authors - Archive of obsolete content
original authors: hideyuki emura hiroshi "piro" shimoda taiga gomibuchi taro matsuzawa yutaka kachi contributors: sonny piers julia buchner ...
Updating addons broken by private browsing changes - Archive of obsolete content
nsihttpauthmanager: setauthidentity and getauthidentity now take an optional boolean parameter to indicate whether the identity is classified as private.
An Interview With Douglas Bowman of Wired News - Archive of obsolete content
in those cases, the browser will either render your documents with many bugs, or you'll have to consciously choose to hide certain bits of style information from browsers that can't support css adequately enough.
Style System Overview - Archive of obsolete content
this style struct is always const, and should always be declared as such (evil old-style casts often used with the non-typesafe forms sometimes hide this error), since the struct may be shared with other elements.
JavaScript Client API - Archive of obsolete content
asonably detailed privacy policy detailing how data collected or transmitted by your third party client is managed and protected; (b) that your third party client will only store data in encrypted form on the firefox sync servers operated by mozilla; (c) that you and your third party client will use the firefox sync apis solely for their intended purpose; (d) that your third party client will not hide or mask its identity as it uses the services and/or firefox sync apis, including by failing to follow required identification conventions; and (e) that you and your third party client will not use the firefox sync apis for any application or service that replicates or attempts to replicate the services or firefox sync experience unless such use is non-confusing (by non-confusing, we mean that peo...
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
ions")){this.set("tween",a);}"tween",new fx.tween(this,this.retrieve("tween:options"))); }return this.retrieve("tween");}};element.implement({tween:function(a,c,b){this.get("tween").start(arguments);return this;},fade:function(c){var e=this.get("tween"),d="opacity",a; c=$pick(c,"toggle");switch(c){case"in":e.start(d,1);break;case"out":e.start(d,0);break;case"show":e.set(d,1);break;case"hide":e.set(d,0);break;case"toggle":var b=this.retrieve("fade:flag",this.get("opacity")==1); e.start(d,(b)?0:1);"fade:flag",!b);a=true;break;default:e.start(d,arguments);}if(!a){this.eliminate("fade:flag");}return this;},highlight:function(c,a){if(!a){a=this.retrieve("highlight:original",this.getstyle("background-color")); a=(a=="transparent")?"#fff":a;}var b=this.get("tween");b.start("back...
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
such timing-related issues are also hardware-related -- slower systems can reveal bugs that faster systems hide.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
a factory allows an implementor to hide both the class declaration and creation details of an object, an extremely important step for allowing maximum flexibility in the implementation of a class and reducing compile time dependencies.
HostWindow - Archive of obsolete content
prism can be configured to show or hide several of the ui components.
URIs and URLs - Archive of obsolete content
escaping to be able to parse an url safely it is sometimes necessary to "escape" certain characters, to hide them from the parser.
Using Breakpoints in Venkman - Archive of obsolete content
(note: by default, venkman hides files file that appear to be part of the browser core; this includes extensions.
activetitlebarcolor - Archive of obsolete content
moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
disablechrome - Archive of obsolete content
this is used to hide chrome when showing in-browser ui such as the about:addons page, and causes the toolbars to be hidden, with only the tab strip (and, if currently displayed, the add-on bar) left showing.
inactivetitlebarcolor - Archive of obsolete content
moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents.
sizemode - Archive of obsolete content
to hide the resizer grippy on maximized windows).
timepicker.increment - Archive of obsolete content
this should be used in combination with setting hideseconds to true.
titlebar - Archive of obsolete content
the noautohide attribute must be set to true.
toolbarname - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home toolbarname not in seamonkey 1.x type: string the name of the toolbar, which is listed on the show/hide toolbars menu.
treecol.src - Archive of obsolete content
you should still specify a label for use in the column picker if ignoreincolumnpicker is not true and hidecolumnpicker is not true on the tree.
swapDocShells - Archive of obsolete content
during the swap, pagehide and pageshow events are fired on both browsers.
removeTab - Archive of obsolete content
if browser.tabs.autohide is true, the row of tabs will collapse if only one tab remains.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
notificationbox getnotificationwithvalue getnumberofvisiblerows getpagebyid getpreviousitem getresultat getresultcount getresultvalueat getrowcount getsearchat getselecteditem getsession getsessionbyname getsessionresultat getsessionstatusat getsessionvalueat getstring goback gobackgroup godown goforward goforwardgroup gohome goto gotoindex goup hidepopup increase increasepage insertitem insertitemat invertselection loadgroup loadonetab loadtabs loaduri loaduriwithflags makeeditable movebyoffset moveto movetoalertposition onsearchcomplete ontextentered ontextreverted openpopup openpopupatscreen opensubdialog openwindow preferenceforelement reload reloadalltabs reloadtab reloadwithflags rem...
PopupEvents - Archive of obsolete content
a listener for the popuphiding event can be used to remove or hide items on the popup again, the reverse of the popupshowing event.
deck.selectedPanel - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference do not hide panels; the deck element only understands visible panels.
Property - Archive of obsolete content
ct disabled disablekeynavigation dlgtype docshell documentcharsetinfo editable editingcolumn editingrow editingsession editor editortype emptytext deprecated since gecko 2 enablecolumndrag eventnode firstordinalcolumn firstpermanentchild flex focused focuseditem forcecomplete group handlectrlpageupdown handlectrltab hasuservalue height hidden hideseconds highlightnonmatches homepage hour hourleadingzero id ignoreblurwhilesearching image increment inputfield inverted is24hourclock ispm issearching iswaiting itemcount label labelelement lastpermanentchild lastselected left linkedpanel listboxobject locked markupdocumentviewer max maxheight maxlength maxrows maxwidth menu menuboxo...
listcell-iconic - Archive of obsolete content
if it is desired to center the image, use css to hide the label.
Multiple Rule Example - Archive of obsolete content
this is useful if you wish to hide any content that would be needed to display the description.
XML Templates - Archive of obsolete content
you may wish to hide the inline xml by placing it inside a hidden box.
Input Controls - Archive of obsolete content
textbox.type you can set this attribute to the special value password to create a textbox that hides what it types.
Open and Save Dialogs - Archive of obsolete content
this would be used, for example, to hide all but .html files.
Progress Meters - Archive of obsolete content
a script will show and hide it as necessary.
RDF Datasources - Archive of obsolete content
this is an effective way to hide data that we don't want to display.
Using the Editor from XUL - Archive of obsolete content
nshtmleditor::inserttext() hides quite a bit of complexity in some stack-based classes.
Writing Skinnable XUL and CSS - Archive of obsolete content
it is a flagrant and hideous violation (punishable by a public flogging in front of the netscape fountain) to load a skin file from xul that is not found in your package.
XUL Changes for Firefox 1.5 - Archive of obsolete content
the pageshow and pagehide events are used when switching from a page in the cache, while the load and unload events are used only when the page is loaded or unloaded.
XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
if you find nested groupboxes visually unappealing, use css to hide the border of the inner groupbox so that it can remain in the code to benefit users of assistive technologies.
Accessibility/XUL Accessibility Reference - Archive of obsolete content
tabpanel see tabbox tabpanels see tabbox tabs see tabbox textbox <label control="inputid"> <!--first name:--> </label> <textbox id='inputid'> tree <tree hidecolumnpicker="true" > <treecols> <treecol label="cats" primary="true"/> </treecols> <treechildren> <treeitem container="true" open="true"> <treerow> <treecell label="<!--male-->" /> </treerow> <treechildren> <treeitem> <treerow> <treecell label="<!--aramis-->" /> </treerow> </treeitem> <treeitem> ...
XUL controls - Archive of obsolete content
<textbox type="number" min="1" max="20"/> textbox reference <textbox type="password"> a textbox that hides the characters typed, used for entering passwords.
browser - Archive of obsolete content
during the swap, pagehide and pageshow events are fired on both browsers.
deck - Archive of obsolete content
returns -1 if no items are selected do not hide panels; the deck element only understands visible panels.
listcell - Archive of obsolete content
if it is desired to center the image, use css to hide the label.
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
do menuitem.setattribute("checked", "false") instead of menuitem.removeattribute("checked")) when the user unchecks the menuitem, as a value of false will both correctly hide the checkmark and persist its hidden state.
resizer - Archive of obsolete content
attributes dir, element, type examples resizing a window <window xmlns="" hidechrome="true" windowtype="main" orient="vertical" sizemode="normal" width="400" height="300" persist="screenx screeny width height"> <hbox flex="1"> <vbox width="2" style="background-color: grey;"> <resizer dir="topleft" height="2" style="cursor: nw-resize;"/> <resizer dir="left" flex="1" style="cursor: w-resize;"/> <resizer dir="bottomleft" height="2" style="cursor: sw-resize;"/>...
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
if browser.tabs.autohide is true, the row of tabs will collapse if only one tab remains.
MacFAQ - Archive of obsolete content
this button is used to show/hide the toolbar.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
a way to recover the toolbars from popup windows that hide it a suggestion for a way to recover toolbars from a popup window that disables it.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
firing pageshow/pagehide when users change tabs discussion about using events that could be fired when the user changes a tab.
2006-11-04 - Archive of obsolete content
pageshow/pagehide when users change tabs discussion about using events that could be fired when the user changes a tab.
Theme changes in Firefox 3 - Archive of obsolete content
the rule that's needed to show and hide the go button and other location bar icons is: #urlbar[pageproxystate="invalid"] > #urlbar-icons > :not(#go-button) , #urlbar[pageproxystate="valid"] > #urlbar-icons > #go-button { visibility: collapse; } images to add add the following images: chrome://global/skin/icons/information-16.png used when presenting information notices.
Developing cross-browser and cross-platform pages - Archive of obsolete content
function hideelement(id_attribute_value) { if (document.getelementbyid && document.getelementbyid(id_attribute_value) && document.getelementbyid(id_attribute_value).style ) { document.getelementbyid(id_attribute_value).style.visibility = "hidden"; }; } // example: // <button type="button" onclick="hideelement('d1');">hide div</button> // <div id="d1">some text</div> these repeated calls...
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
<style type="text/css"> /* navigator 4 css rules */ /*/*/ /* advanced css rules ignored by navigator 4 */ </style> devedge uses this technique to hide advanced css from navigator 4.
-ms-overflow-style - Archive of obsolete content
"traditional" scrollbars don't auto-hide and never overlap the element's content.
-ms-touch-select - Archive of obsolete content
if you choose to hide the grippers, you should ensure that users have a mechanism for selecting text via touch.
Properly Using CSS and JavaScript in XHTML Documents - Archive of obsolete content
use of comments inside inline style and script authors who are familiar with html commonly enclose the contents of inline style and script tags in comments in order to hide the contents of the tags from browsers which do not understand them.
Writing JavaScript for XHTML - Archive of obsolete content
this was common practice in html, to hide the scripts from browsers not capable of js.
XForms Upload Element - Archive of obsolete content
visually, the upload control is shown as a file picker dialog that hides disallowed (filtered) file types.
Audio for Web games - Game development
one and then allow playback by hiding the "loading" text and displaying the play button: trackels.foreach((el, i) => { // get children const anchor = el.queryselector('a'); const loadtext = el.queryselector('p'); const playbutton = el.queryselector('button'); // load file loadfile(anchor.href).then((track) => { // set loading to false el.dataset.loading = 'false'; // hide loading text = 'none'; // show button = 'inline-block'; // allow play on click playbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { // check if context is in suspended state (autoplay policy) if (audioctx.state === 'suspended') { audioctx.resume(); } playtrack(track);
Desktop mouse and keyboard controls - Game development
to skip the how to play screen, we can listen for any key being pressed and move on: this.input.keyboard.ondowncallback = function() { if(this.statestatus == 'intro') { this.hideintro(); } }; this hides the intro and starts the actual game, without us having to set up another new key control just for this.
Abstraction - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it hides the technical complexity of systems behind simpler apis.
HTTP/2 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
instead, http/2 modifies how the data is formatted (framed) and transported between the client and server, both of which manage the entire process, and hides application complexity within the new framing layer.
High-level programming language - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
unlike low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, or may automate (or even entirely hide) significant areas of computing systems, making the process of developing simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language.
Primitive - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the local foo hides the external foo.
jQuery - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
$(document).ready(function(){ alert("hello world!"); $("#blackbox").hide(); }); the above code carries out the same function as the following code: window.onload = function() { alert("hello world!"); document.getelementbyid("blackbox").style.display = "none"; }; or: window.addeventlistener("load", () => { alert("hello world!"); document.getelementbyid("blackbox").style.display = "none"; }); learn more general knowledge jquery on wikipedia jquery offi...
Assessment: Accessibility troubleshooting - Learn web development
the show/hide comment control the show/hide comment control button is not current keyboard-accessible.
Accessible multimedia - Learn web development
if you are creating your own user interface to present your audio and associated transcript, you can do it however you like, but it might make sense to include it in a showable/hideable panel; see our audio-transcript-ui example (also see the source code).
WAI-ARIA basics - Learn web development
aria-hidden — hides an element from being read out by a screenreader.
Advanced form styling - Learn web development
so you could hide the actual from input using something like this: input[type="file"] { height: 0; padding: 0; opacity: 0; } and then style the label to act like a button, which when pressed will open the file picker as expected: label[for="file"] { box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #ccc; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee, #ccc); border: 1px solid rgb(169, 169, 169); border-radius: 5px; text-ali...
Your first form - Learn web development
forms allow users to enter data, which is generally sent to a web server for processing and storage (see sending form data later in the module), or used on the client-side to immediately update the interface in some way (for example, add another item to a list, or show or hide a ui feature).
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = ''; let solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop tab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(...
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
nction updatecode() { output.innerhtml = textarea.value; } reset.addeventlistener('click', function() { textarea.value = code; userentry = textarea.value; solutionentry = htmlsolution; solution.value = 'show solution'; updatecode(); }); solution.addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>\n</iframe>\n\n<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d37995.65748333395!2d-2.273568166412784!3d53.473310471916975!2m3!1...
Introduction to events - Learn web development
let's look at an example to make this easier — open up the show-video-box.html example in a new tab (and the source code in another tab.) it is also available live below: this is a pretty simple example that shows and hides a <div> with a <video> element inside it: <button>display video</button> <div class="hidden"> <video> <source src="rabbit320.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="rabbit320.webm" type="video/webm"> <p>your browser doesn't support html5 video.
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
think of it like painting a wall, where each coat of paint overlaps and may even hide what's underneath.
React interactivity: Events and state - Learn web development
this feature hides a problem, however: toggling a checkbox doesn't change the state in our react application.
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
(ts) (message, ms) => { you can fix these by specifying the corresponding types, like so: export let ms = 3000 let visible: boolean let timeout: number const onmessagechange = (message: string, ms: number) => { cleartimeout(timeout) if (!message) { // hide alert if message is empty note: there's no need to specify the ms type with export let ms:number = 3000 because typescript is already inferring it from its default value.
Componentizing our Svelte app - Learn web development
take into account that it won't just show or hide the markup based on the condition — it will dynamically add and remove the elements from the dom, depending on the condition.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
update the <script> section of your alert.svelte component like so: <script> import { ondestroy } from 'svelte' import { alert } from '../stores.js' export let ms = 3000 let visible let timeout const onmessagechange = (message, ms) => { cleartimeout(timeout) if (!message) { // hide alert if message is empty visible = false } else { visible = true // show alert if (ms > 0) timeout = settimeout(() => visible = false, ms) // and hide it after ms milliseconds } } $: onmessagechange($alert, ms) // whenever the alert store or the ms props changes run onmessagechange ondestroy(()=> cleartimeout(time...
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
to set your path variable on mac os x/most linux systems: open your .bash_profile (or .bashrc) file (if you can't see hidden files, you'll need to display them, see show/hide hidden files in mac os x or show hidden folders in ubuntu).
in iaccessible2, there are two separate event types, namely event_object_show and event_object_hide.
Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
(p3) p can turn on and off toolbars under show/hide can customize personal bookmarks toolbar bug 15144 is for the ability to add/remove toolbar icons bug 47418 is for the ability to rearrange toolbars guideline 12.
Debugging Frame Reflow
for instance adding text 0 to the rules in reflow_rules.txt would hide the text entries from the reflow.
Configuring Build Options
ac_add_options --enable-application=comm/mail to build firefox, run the following commands: export mozconfig=/path/to/mozilla/mozconfig-firefox ./mach build to build thunderbird, run the following commands: export mozconfig=/path/to/mozilla/mozconfig-thunderbird ./mach build using mozconfigwrapper mozconfigwrapper is similar to using multiple mozconfig files except that it abstracts and hides them so you don't have to worry about where they live or which ones you've created.
The Firefox codebase: CSS Guidelines
omit units on 0 values do this: margin: 0; not this: margin: 0px; use expanded syntax it is often harder to understand what the shorthand is doing and the shorthand can also hide some unwanted default values.
Displaying Places information using views
just leave out the treecol elements you want to hide.
Performance best practices for Firefox front-end engineers
hide your panels if you’re adding a new xul <xul:popup> or <xul:panel> to a document, set the hidden attribute to true by default.
Embedding Tips
methods to hide or show the tool tips will automatically be called upon it when the user hovers over an item with title text.
How to implement a custom autocomplete search component
this can happen when using an autcomplete panel in a panel (for example if an autcomplete textbox is set in a panel that shows and hides).
addontype flags constant description type_ui_hide_empty the type should be hidden from the ui if no add-ons of that type are currently installed.
API-provided widgets
onviewhiding(aevt) only useful for views; a function that will be invoked when a user hides your view.
consequently, one of the key design choices of os.file is to provide operations that are low-level enough that they do not hide any i/o from the developer (which could cause the developer to perform more i/o than they think) and, since not all platforms have the same features, offer system-specific information that the developer can use to optimize his algorithms for a platform.
Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior
should look into tablequirkcolorrule, re-describe, and figure out when it changed.] obsolete since gecko 37 the empty-cells property defaulted to hide in quirks mode but show (according to css2.1) in standards mode (see bug 33244) (though the correct fix would be to specify it on the html table element in quirk.css).
Gecko Profiler FAQ
overview of the changes in the last (year?) to cleopatra/etc faster, hopefully more reliable has a timeline tab lets you hide threads with a context menu supports symbolication for local builds on windows if you run “mach buildsymbols” first profiling non-nsthreads?
Leak-hunting strategies and tips
because (1) large graphs of leaked objects tend to include some objects pointed to by global variables that confuse gc-based leak detectors, which can make leaks look smaller (as in bug 99180) or hide them completely and (2) large graphs of leaked objects tend to hide smaller ones, it's much better to go after the large graphs of leaks first.
SpiderMonkey Internals
for now, a debugger will use it and its dependents such as jsopcode.h directly, but over time we intend to extend jsdbgapi.h to hide uninteresting details and provide conveniences.
Running Automated JavaScript Tests
for a smoke test or if you are not changing language-level functionality, you may wish to use path_to_js_shell --exclude=test262 other options allow you to show the test command lines being run, command output and return codes, run tests named in a given file, exclude tests named in a given file, hide the progress bar, change the timeout, run skipped tests, print output in tinderbox format, run a test in the debugger, or run tests in valgrind.
TPS Pref Lists
for example: var prefs1 = [ { name: "browser.startup.homepage", value: "" }, { name: "browser.urlbar.maxrichresults", value: 20 }, { name: "browser.tabs.autohide", value: true } ]; pref lists and phase actions the only actions supported for preference asset lists are modify and verify: prefs.modify prefs.verify sync only syncs certain preferences.
Thread Sanitizer
this list is a good tool to temporarily hide some traces, especially for debugging purposes.
hide unsupported developer tool features (not yet implemented) support for the normal features of the developer tools is pretty limited in recording/replaying tabs.
Gecko events
is supported: yes event_asynch_show a hidden object is shown -- this is a layout occurance and is thus asynchronous is supported: yes event_asynch_hide an object is hidden -- this is a layout occurance and is thus asynchronous is supported: yes event_asynch_significant_change an object had a significant layout change which could affect the type of accessible object -- this is a layout occurance and is thus asynchronous is supported: yes event_active_decendent_changed the active descendant of a component has changed.
Gecko Roles
role_popup_menu a temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of those choices.
Implementation Details
under msaa/ia2, watch for event_hide under atk/at-spi, watch for children-changed:remove to help developers in that regard, there is memory leak monitor, a firefox extension.
Places utilities for JavaScript
parameters folderid the folder to open [optional] excludeitems true to hide all items (individual bookmarks).
Using the Places history service
nsibrowserhistory.hidepage: hides a page so that it does not appear in the ui.
XPCOM array guide
when designing public interfaces, enumerators are the preferred mechanism for accessing these structures because they hide the details of the implementation behind the interface.
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
queryinterface() is handy to hide the implementation of an object from the user.
thus, if there's a reorder/show/hide event the at knows which part of the internal structure has been invalidated and can refetch just that part.
hide_from_aboutabout (1 << 2) a flag that indicates whether this about: uri doesn't want to be listed in about:about, especially if it's not useful without a query string.
must be one of: event_reorder (change) event_show (make visible or create) or event_hide (destroy or hide) ...
role_popup_menu 83 a temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of those choices.
adding a visit will automatically increment the visit count for the visited page and will unhide it and/or mark it typed according to the transition type.
pr_false to hide.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: nsitaskbarpreview last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) tab preview support is disabled by default in gecko 1.9.2 creating an nsitaskbartabpreview for a window will automatically hide that window's nsitaskbarwindowpreview; this is done by windows and cannot be prevented.
these previews automatically hide the corresponding nsitaskbarwindowpreview.
this article focuses on the latter kind of wrappers, which hide any properties or methods on the component that are not part of the supported interfaces as declared in xpidl.
Cached compose window FAQ
we could just hide it on send, and then show it on the next compose.
we could just hide it on send, and then show it on the next compose.
Thunderbird Configuration Files
click the view tab and uncheck the hide extensions for known file types option.
Add to iPhoto
{ document.getelementbyid("contentareacontextmenu").addeventlistener("popupshowing", iphoto.onpopup, false); } responding when the context menu is clicked when the user right-clicks an image, our handler gets called: onpopup: function() { var node = iphoto.getcurrentnode(); var item = document.getelementbyid("add-to-iphoto_menuitem"); if (item) { item.hidden = (node == null); // hide it if we're not on an image } } this code finds the image node the user right-clicked in by calling our getcurrentnode() method, then sets the hidden state of the "add image to iphoto" menu item based on whether or not an image node was found.
3D view - Firefox Developer Tools
rotate up/down w / s mouse up/down pan left/right ← / → mouse left/right pan up/down ↑ / ↓ mouse up/down reset zoom level 0 resets the zoom level to the default focus on selected node f makes sure the currently selected node is visible reset view r resets zoom, rotation, and panning to the default hide current node x makes the currently selected node invisible; this can be helpful if you need to get at a node that's obscured use cases for the 3d view there are a variety of ways the 3d view is useful: if you have broken html causing layout problems, looking at the 3d view can help find where you've gone wrong.
Browser Console - Firefox Developer Tools
beginning with firefox 68, the browser console allows you to show or hide messages from the content process (i.e.
Set a breakpoint - Firefox Developer Tools
note: there is also a new option in the context menu for the actual code in the source pane — hide inline preview/show inline preview — which allows you to turn the inline variables on/off.
Debugger.Memory - Firefox Developer Tools
much_malloc” “alloc_trigger” “debug_gc” “compartment_revived” “reset” “out_of_nursery” “evict_nursery” “full_store_buffer” “shared_memory_limit” “periodic_full_gc” “incremental_too_slow” “dom_window_utils” “component_utils” “mem_pressure” “cc_waiting” “cc_forced” “load_end” “page_hide” “nsjscontext_destroy” “set_new_document” “set_doc_shell” “dom_utils” “dom_ipc” “dom_worker” “inter_slice_gc” “refresh_frame” “full_gc_timer” “shutdown_cc” “user_inactive” nonincrementalreason if spidermonkey’s collector determined it could not incrementally collect garbage, and had to do a full gc all a...
Responsive Design Mode - Firefox Developer Tools
for example: developer toolbox with rdm you can show or hide the developer tools toolbox independently of toggling responsive design mode itself: while responsive design mode is enabled, you can continue browsing as you normally would in the resized content area.
Cookies - Firefox Developer Tools
note: some of the columns are not shown by default — to change the column display, right-click on the existing table headings and use the resulting context menu to show/hide the columns.
Storage Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
you can hide and show columns by context-clicking on the table header and selecting the columns you want to see: search there's a search box at the top of the table widget: this filters the table to show only items which match the search term.
Tips - Firefox Developer Tools
(there are more than the default tools!) page inspector in the markup view: press h with a node selected to hide/show it.
Split console - Firefox Developer Tools
you can close the split console by pressing esc again, or by selecting the "hide split console" menu command.
Firefox Developer Tools
opens the menu that includes docking options, the ability to show or hide the split console, and developer tools settings.
Animation.onfinish - Web APIs
hide(endingui); // when the credits are later faded in, // we re-add the pointer events when they're done bringui.onfinish = function() { = 'auto'; }; specifications specification status comment web animationsthe definition of 'animation.onfinish' in that specification. - Web APIs
cursor a constraindomstring which specifies whether or not to include the mouse cursor in the generated track, and if so, whether or not to hide it while not moving.
Traversing an HTML table with JavaScript and DOM Interfaces - Web APIs
if the column is 1 hide the cell if (col === 0) { = "rgb(255,0,0)"; } else { = "none"; } } mytablebody.appendchild(mycurrent_row); } mytable.appendchild(mytablebody); mybody.appendchild(mytable); } </script> </html> original docume... - Web APIs
// make a list const ul = document.createelement('ul'); document.body.appendchild(ul); const li1 = document.createelement('li'); const li2 = document.createelement('li'); ul.appendchild(li1); ul.appendchild(li2); function hide(evt) { // refers to the clicked <li> element // this is different than e.currenttarget, which would refer to the parent <ul> in this context = 'hidden'; } // attach the listener to the list // it will fire when each <li> is clicked ul.addeventlistener('click', hide, false); specifications specification status comment domth...
Using files from web applications - Web APIs
" + amultiples[nmultiple] + " (" + nbytes + " bytes)"; } // end of optional code document.getelementbyid("filenum").innerhtml = nfiles; document.getelementbyid("filesize").innerhtml = soutput; } document.getelementbyid("uploadinput").addeventlistener("change", updatesize, false); </script> </body> </html> using hidden file input elements using the click() method you can hide the admittedly ugly file <input> element and present your own interface for opening the file picker and displaying which file or files the user has selected.
FullscreenOptions.navigationUI - Web APIs
"hide" the browser's navigation interface will be hidden and the entire dimensions of the screen will be allocated to the display of the element.
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationend - Web APIs
pped", event); }; finally, we set up a handler for a click on the button that runs the animation: document.getelementbyid("play").addeventlistener("click", function(event) { document.getelementbyid("box").classname = "slideanimation"; = "none"; }, false); this sets the class of the box we want to animate to the class that contains the animation description, then hides the play button because this example will only run the animation once.
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationstart - Web APIs
pped", event); }; finally, we set up a handler for a click on the button that runs the animation: document.getelementbyid("play").addeventlistener("click", function(event) { document.getelementbyid("box").classname = "slideanimation"; = "none"; }, false); this sets the class of the box we want to animate to the class that contains the animation description, then hides the play button because this example will only run the animation once.
GlobalEventHandlers.onmousedown - Web APIs
ound: white; border-radius: 50%; } img { mix-blend-mode: darken; } javascript function showview(event) { view.removeattribute('hidden'); = event.clientx - 50 + 'px'; = event.clienty - 50 + 'px'; event.preventdefault(); } function moveview(event) { = event.clientx - 50 + 'px'; = event.clienty - 50 + 'px'; } function hideview(event) { view.setattribute('hidden', ''); } const container = document.queryselector('.container'); const view = document.queryselector('.view'); container.onmousedown = showview; container.onmousemove = moveview; document.onmouseup = hideview; result specification specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'onmousedown' in that specifi...
GlobalEventHandlers.onmousemove - Web APIs
ument.createelement('div'); node.classname = 'tooltip'; node.setattribute('hidden', ''); document.body.appendchild(node); this.follow = function(event) { = event.clientx + 20 + 'px'; = event.clienty + 10 + 'px'; }; = function(event) { node.textcontent =; node.removeattribute('hidden'); }; this.hide = function() { node.setattribute('hidden', ''); }; })(); const links = document.queryselectorall('a'); links.foreach(link => { link.onmouseover =; link.onmousemove = tooltip.follow; link.onmouseout = tooltip.hide; }); result draggable elements we also have an example available showing the use of the onmousemove event handler with draggable objects — view the exam...
GlobalEventHandlers.onmouseup - Web APIs
example in this example, a piece of "toast" hides when you click down with the mouse, and reappears when you release.
HTMLBodyElement - Web APIs
windoweventhandlers.onpagehide is an eventhandler representing the code to be called when the pagehide event is raised. - Web APIs
the property is now read only — it is possible to set the value to programmatically show or hide the dialog.
HTMLFormControlsCollection.namedItem() - Web APIs
note that this version of nameditem() hides the one inherited from htmlcollection.
HTMLFormControlsCollection - Web APIs
note that this version of nameditem() hide the one inherited from htmlcollection.
HTMLFrameSetElement - Web APIs
windoweventhandlers.onpagehide is an eventhandler representing the code to be called when the pagehide event is raised.
HTMLOrForeignElement.nonce - Web APIs
examples retrieving a nonce value in the past, not all browsers supported the nonce idl attribute, so a workaround is to try to use getattribute as a fallback: let nonce = script['nonce'] || script.getattribute('nonce'); however, recent browsers version hide nonce values that are accessed this way (an empty string will be returned).
MSCandidateWindowShow - Web APIs
} when the ime candidate window changes position or closes, it fires mscandidatewindowupdate or mscandidatewindowhide events.
Using the MediaStream Recording API - Web APIs
first of all, we style the <label> how we want it, making sure that it has enough z-index to always sit above the other elements and therefore be focusable/clickable: label { font-family: 'notocoloremoji'; font-size: 3rem; position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 3px; z-index: 5; cursor: pointer; } then we hide the actual checkbox, because we don't want it cluttering up our ui: input[type=checkbox] { position: absolute; top: -100px; } next, we style the information screen (wrapped in an <aside> element) how we want it, give it fixed position so that it doesn't appear in the layout flow and affect the main ui, transform it to the position we want it to sit in by default, and give it a transition ...
MediaTrackConstraints - Web APIs
cursor a constraindomstring which specifies whether or not to include the mouse cursor in the generated track, and if so, whether or not to hide it while not moving.
NavigatorPlugins.plugins - Web APIs
this privacy change does not disable any plugins; it just hides some plugin names from enumeration.
Using the Notifications API - Web APIs
inside here we explicitly set the notification.permission value (some old versions of chrome failed to do this automatically), and show or hide the button depending on what the user chose in the permission dialog.
PageTransitionEvent - Web APIs
the pagetransitionevent event object is available inside handler functions for the pageshow and pagehide events, fired when a document is being loaded or unloaded.
Pointer Lock API - Web APIs
it hides the cursor.
RTCIceCandidate.type - Web APIs
if (candidate.type == "host") { showhostcontrols(); } else { hidehostcontrols(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicecandidate.type' in that specification.
VisualViewport - Web APIs
examples hiding an overlaid box on zoom this example, taken from the visual viewport readme, shows how to write a simple bit of code that will hide an overlaid box (which might contain an advert, say) when the user zooms in.
Boilerplate 1 - Web APIs
so we are going to hide them from now on.
Using the Web Speech API - Web APIs
this is mainly to hide the keyboard on firefox os.
Window.showModalDialog() - Web APIs
note: firefox does not implement the dialoghide, edge, status, or unadorned arguments.
Window: unload event - Web APIs
bubbles no cancelable no interface event event handler property onunload it is fired after: beforeunload (cancelable event) pagehide the document is in the following state: all the resources still exist (img, iframe etc.) nothing is visible anymore to the end user ui interactions are ineffective (, alert, confirm, etc.) an error won't stop the unloading workflow please note that the unload event also follows the document tree: parent frame unload will happen before child frame unload (see example below).
WindowEventHandlers - Web APIs
windoweventhandlers.onpagehide is an eventhandler representing the code to be called when the pagehide event is raised.
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
adapting sync xhr use cases to the beacon api there are some cases in which the synchronous usage of xmlhttprequest is not replaceable, like during the unload, beforeunload, and pagehide events.
mssitemodejumplistitemremoved - Web APIs
syntax event property object.oncandidatewindowhide = handler; addeventlistener method object.addeventlistener("mssitemodejumplistitemremoved", handler, usecapture) general info synchronous no bubbles no cancelable no note this event is raised once for every item that has been removed since the last time mssitemodeshowjumplist was called.
Web APIs
eportbody k keyboard keyboardevent keyboardlayoutmap keyframeeffect keyframeeffectoptions l largestcontentfulpaint layoutshift layoutshiftattribution linearaccelerationsensor linkstyle localfilesystem localfilesystemsync localmediastream location lock lockmanager lockedfile m midiaccess midiconnectionevent midiinput midiinputmap midimessageevent midioutputmap mscandidatewindowhide mscandidatewindowshow mscandidatewindowupdate msgestureevent msgraphicstrust msmanipulationevent msrangecollection mssitemodeevent magnetometer mathmlelement mediacapabilities mediacapabilitiesinfo mediaconfiguration mediadecodingconfiguration mediadeviceinfo mediadevices mediaelementaudiosourcenode mediaencodingconfiguration mediaerror mediaimage mediakeymessageevent mediakeysessio...
Using the alert role - Accessibility
note: in most cases this approach is not recommended, because it's not ideal to hide error or alert text that is currently not applicable.
ARIA: tab role - Accessibility
focus].focus(); } }); }); function changetabs(e) { const target =; const parent = target.parentnode; const grandparent = parent.parentnode; // remove all current selected tabs parent .queryselectorall('[aria-selected="true"]') .foreach(t => t.setattribute("aria-selected", false)); // set this tab as selected target.setattribute("aria-selected", true); // hide all tab panels grandparent .queryselectorall('[role="tabpanel"]') .foreach(p => p.setattribute("hidden", true)); // show the selected panel grandparent.parentnode .queryselector(`#${target.getattribute("aria-controls")}`) .removeattribute("hidden"); } best practices it is recommended to use a button element with the role tab for their built-in functional and accessible ...
An overview of accessible web applications and widgets - Accessibility
the techniques described above should be used to declare css to visually hide an element using display:none.
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
end event_system_minimizestart event_system_minimizeend event_object_create [don't implement, watching system generated versions of this event causes assistive technology crashes] event_object_destroy [don't implement, watching system generated versions of this event causes assistive technology crashes] event_object_show [can be important, depending on project] event_object_hide [can be important, depending on project] event_object_reorder [important for mutating docs] event_object_focus [important] event_object_selection [important] event_object_selectionadd [important for multiple selection] event_object_selectionremove [important for multiple selection] event_object_selectionwithin [important for multiple selection] event_object_statechange...
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
the aria-hidden attribute can either expose or hide non-interactive content from the accessibility api.
::backdrop - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the ::backdrop pseudo-element makes it possible to obscure, style, or completely hide everything located below the element when it's the topmost one in the top layer.
:checked - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ll text]</td><td>[cell text]</td></tr> <tr><td>[cell text]</td><td>[cell text]</td><td>[cell text]</td></tr> <tr class="expandable"><td>[more text]</td><td>[more text]</td><td>[more text]</td></tr> <tr class="expandable"><td>[more text]</td><td>[more text]</td><td>[more text]</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <label for="expand-toggle" id="expand-btn">toggle hidden rows</label> css /* hide the toggle checkbox */ #expand-toggle { display: none; } /* hide expandable content by default */ .expandable { visibility: collapse; background: #ddd; } /* style the button */ #expand-btn { display: inline-block; margin-top: 12px; padding: 5px 11px; background-color: #ff7; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 3px; } /* show hidden content when the checkbox is checked */ #expand...
:defined - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
xt="custom element example text"></simple-custom> <p>standard paragraph example text</p> in the css we first include the following rules: // give the two elements distinctive backgrounds p { background: yellow; } simple-custom { background: cyan; } // both the custom and the built-in element are given italic text :defined { font-style: italic; } then provide the following two rules to hide any instances of our custom element that are not defined, and display instances that are defined as block level elements: simple-custom:not(:defined) { display: none; } simple-custom:defined { display: block; } this is useful if you have a complex custom element that takes a while to load into the page — you might want to hide instances of the element until definition is complete, so tha...
Color picker tool - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ntlistener('mousedown', dragstart, false); }; return { makeresizable : makeresizable, makedraggable : makedraggable }; })(); /*========== color class ==========*/ var color = uicolorpicker.color; var hslcolor = uicolorpicker.hslcolor; /** * colorpalette */ var colorpalette = (function colorpalette() { var samples = []; var color_palette; var complementary; var hidenode = function(node) { node.setattribute('data-hidden', 'true'); }; var colorsample = function colorsample(id) { var node = document.createelement('div'); node.classname = 'sample'; this.uid = samples.length; this.node = node; this.color = new color(); node.setattribute('sample-id', this.uid); node.setattribute('draggable', 'true'); node.addeventlistener('dragsta...
Flow Layout and Overflow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
to hide overflowing content use a value of hidden.
Comments - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
however, when using the <style> element, you may use <!-- --> to hide css from older browsers, although this is not recommended.
display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if you want to visually hide the element, a more accessible alternative is to use a combination of properties to remove it visually from the screen but keep it parseable by assistive technology such as screen readers.
mask - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the mask css shorthand property hides an element (partially or fully) by masking or clipping the image at specific points.
overflow-block - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
inition initial valueautoapplies toblock-containers, flex containers, and grid containersinheritednocomputed valueas specified, except with visible/clip computing to auto/hidden respectively if one of overflow-x or overflow-y is neither visible nor clipanimation typediscrete formal syntax visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto examples html <ul> <li><code>overflow-block:hidden</code> — hides the text outside the box <div id="div1"> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
overflow-inline - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
oblock-containers, flex containers, and grid containersinheritednocomputed valueas specified, except with visible/clip computing to auto/hidden respectively if one of overflow-x or overflow-y is neither visible nor clipanimation typediscrete formal syntax visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto examples setting inline overflow behavior html <ul> <li><code>overflow-inline:hidden</code> — hides the text outside the box <div id="div1"> abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz </div> </li> <li><code>overflow-inline:scroll</code> — always adds a scrollbar <div id="div2"> abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz </div> </li> <li><code>overflow-inline:visible</code> — displays the text outside the box if needed <div id="div3"...
overflow-x - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
finition initial valuevisibleapplies toblock-containers, flex containers, and grid containersinheritednocomputed valueas specified, except with visible/clip computing to auto/hidden respectively if one of overflow-x or overflow-y is neither visible nor clipanimation typediscrete formal syntax visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto examples html <ul> <li><code>overflow-x:hidden</code> — hides the text outside the box <div id="div1"> abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz </div> </li> <li><code>overflow-x:scroll</code> — always adds a scrollbar <div id="div2"> abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz </div> </li> <li><code>overflow-x:visible</code> — displays the text outside the box if needed <div id="div3"> ab...
overflow-y - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
leapplies toblock-containers, flex containers, and grid containersinheritednocomputed valueas specified, except with visible/clip computing to auto/hidden respectively if one of overflow-x or overflow-y is neither visible nor clipanimation typediscrete formal syntax visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto examples setting overflow-y behavior html <ul> <li><code>overflow-y:hidden</code> — hides the text outside the box <div id="div1"> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Creating a cross-browser video player - Developer guides
a number of variables pointing to html elements are required: var videocontainer = document.getelementbyid('videocontainer'); var video = document.getelementbyid('video'); var videocontrols = document.getelementbyid('video-controls'); as mentioned earlier, the browser's default controls now need to be disabled, and the custom controls need to be displayed: // hide the default controls video.controls = false; // display the user defined video controls = 'block'; with that done, a variable pointing to each of the buttons is now required: var playpause = document.getelementbyid('playpause'); var stop = document.getelementbyid('stop'); var mute = document.getelementbyid('mute'); var volinc = document.getelementbyid('volinc'); va...
Rich-Text Editing in Mozilla - Developer guides
devedge provides a javascript helper class, xbdesignmode, which is a wrapper for the designmode feature which hides the differences between ie and mozilla.
HTML5 Parser - Developer guides
you can use this to hide text content from older browsers that don’t support svg or mathml in text/html.
<a>: The Anchor element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
usually, css hides a skip link offscreen until focused.
<button>: The Button element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
example <button name="favorite"> <svg aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 10 10"><path d="m7 9l5 8 3 9v6l1 4h3l1-3 1 3h3l7 6z"/></svg> add to favorites </button> if you want to visually hide the button's text, an accessible way to do so is to use a combination of css properties to remove it visually from the screen, but keep it parseable by assistive technology.
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
visual browsers will also hide the broken image icon if the alt is empty and the image failed to display.
<input type="button"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples the below example shows a very simple drawing app created using a <canvas> element and some simple css and javascript (we'll hide the css for brevity).
style - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
typically it shouldn't be used to hide irrelevant information; this should be done using the hidden attribute.
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed.
An overview of HTTP - HTTP
proxy and tunneling servers or clients are often located on intranets and hide their true ip address from other computers.
HTTP response status codes - HTTP
servers may also send this response instead of 403 to hide the existence of a resource from an unauthorized client.
Keyed collections - JavaScript
one use case of weakmap objects is to store private data for an object, or to hide implementation details.
Object.prototype.__proto__ - JavaScript
if some other __proto__ property is found before object.prototype is consulted, that property will hide the one found on object.prototype.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
hide or remove the rest.
<textPath> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100" xmlns=""> <!-- to hide the path, it is usually wrapped in a <defs> element --> <!-- <defs> --> <path id="mypath" fill="none" stroke="red" d="m10,90 q90,90 90,45 q90,10 50,10 q10,10 10,40 q10,70 45,70 q70,70 75,50" /> <!-- </defs> --> <text> <textpath href="#mypath"> quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Gradients in SVG - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
you can insert as many stop colors as you like to create a blend that's as beautiful or hideous as you need, but the offsets should always increase from 0% (or 0 if you want to drop the % sign) to 100% (or 1).
Using shadow DOM - Web Components
note: as this blog post shows, it is actually fairly easy to work around closed shadow doms, and the hassle to completely hide them is often more than it's worth.