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19 results for "openPopup":
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alwaysopenpopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif true, the autocomplete popup will be displayed even when there are no matches.
openPopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home openpopup( anchor , position , x , y , iscontextmenu, attributesoverride, triggerevent ) return type: no return value opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
openPopupAtScreen - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home openpopupatscreen( x, y, iscontextmenu ) return type: no return value open the popup at a specific screen position specified by x and y.
alwaysOpenPopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the alwaysopenpopup attribute.
OpenClose - Archive of obsolete content
the openpopup method regardless of the type of popup, you may wish to open the popup programatically.
... to do this, use the popup's openpopup method.
... the openpopup method takes six arguments which are used to specify how and where the popup should be positioned.
...And 15 more matches
Positioning - Archive of obsolete content
first, the position can be specified when using the popup's openpopup method.
... when opening a popup via a script using the openpopup method, the second argument may be used to specify the position instead of using the position attribute.
... for example, the following might be used with the above example to open the popup: menupopup.openpopup(label, "end_before", 0, 0, false, false); note that the position has been set to 'end_before', as above.
...And 7 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
764 alwaysopenpopup xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 1275 openpopup xul methods, xul reference opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
... 1276 openpopupatscreen xul methods, xul reference no summary!
...And 2 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
17 alwaysopenpopup xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 544 openpopup xul methods, xul reference opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
... 545 openpopupatscreen xul methods, xul reference no summary!
...And 2 more matches
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accesskey, alwaysopenpopup, autocompletesearch, autocompletesearchparam, autofill, autofillaftermatch, autofill, completedefaultindex, crop, disableautocomplete, disableautocomplete, disabled, disablehistory, enablehistory, focused, forcecomplete, forcecomplete, highlightnonmatches, ignoreblurwhilesearching, ignoreblurwhilesearching, inputtooltiptext, label, maxlength, maxrows, minresultsforpopup, minresultsforpopup, nomat..., onchange, onerrorcommand, oninput, onsearchcomplete, ontextcommand, ontextentered, ontextrevert, ontextreverted, open, readonly, searchsessions, showcommentcolumn, showcommentcolumn, showpopup, size, tabindex, tabscrolling, tabscrolling, timeout, type, useraction, value properties accessible, alwaysopenpopup, autofill, autofillaftermatch, completedefaultindex, crop, disableautocomplete, disabled, editable, focused, forcecomplete, highlightnonmatches, ignoreblurwhilesearching, inputfield, issearching, iswaiting, label, maxlength, maxrows, minresultsforpopup, nomatch, open, popup, popupopen, resultspopup, searchcount, searchparam, searchsessions, selectionend, selectionstart, sessioncount, showcommentcolumn, showpopup, size, tabindex, tabscrolling, textlength, textvalue, timeout, ...
... alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif true, the autocomplete popup will be displayed even when there are no matches.
... alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the alwaysopenpopup attribute.
menupopup - Archive of obsolete content
attributes ignorekeys, left, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, position, top properties accessibletype, anchornode, popupboxobject, position, state, triggernode methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, setconsumerollupevent, showpopup, sizeto examples the following example shows how a menupopup may be attached to a menulist.
... openpopup( anchor , position , x , y , iscontextmenu, attributesoverride, triggerevent ) return type: no return value opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
... openpopupatscreen( x, y, iscontextmenu ) return type: no return value open the popup at a specific screen position specified by x and y.
... showpopup( element, x, y, popuptype, anchor, align ) deprecated since gecko 1.9 return type: no return value deprecated in favor of openpopup and openpopupatscreen opens a popup element.
panel - Archive of obsolete content
a panel may also be opened via a script using the openpopup method.
... attributes backdrag, close, consumeoutsideclicks, fade, flip, ignorekeys, label, left, level, noautofocus, noautohide, norestorefocus, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, position, titlebar, top, type properties accessibletype, label, popupboxobject, popup, state methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, sizeto examples the following example shows how a panel may be attached to a label.
... openpopup( anchor , position , x , y , iscontextmenu, attributesoverride, triggerevent ) return type: no return value opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
... openpopupatscreen( x, y, iscontextmenu ) return type: no return value open the popup at a specific screen position specified by x and y.
tooltip - Archive of obsolete content
attributes crop, default, label, noautohide, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, page, position properties accessibletype, label, popupboxobject, position, state methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, showpopup, sizeto examples <tooltip id="moretip" orient="vertical" style="background-color: #33dd00;"> <label value="click here to see more information"/> <label value="really!" style="color: red;"/> </tooltip> <vbox> <button label="simple" tooltiptext="a simple popup"/> <button label="more" tooltip="moretip"/> </vbox> attributes crop type: one o...
... openpopup( anchor , position , x , y , iscontextmenu, attributesoverride, triggerevent ) return type: no return value opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
... openpopupatscreen( x, y, iscontextmenu ) return type: no return value open the popup at a specific screen position specified by x and y.
... showpopup( element, x, y, popuptype, anchor, align ) deprecated since gecko 1.9 return type: no return value deprecated in favor of openpopup and openpopupatscreen opens a popup element.
Panels - Archive of obsolete content
opening a panel with script the panel, like all popups, has an openpopup method which may be used to open the popup using a script.
... for example, the following would open a panel underneath a button: panel.openpopup(button, "after_start", 0, 0, false, false); likewise, the openpopupatscreen method will open a panel at a specific screen position.
PopupEvents - Archive of obsolete content
this will occur regardless of how the popup is opened, either from user interaction or from a script calling the openpopup or openpopupatscreen methods.
...when calling either the openpopup or openpopupatscreen methods, the popup will not actually be open before that method returns.
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home acceltext accessible accesskey activetitlebarcolor afterselected align allowevents allownegativeassertions alternatingbackground alwaysopenpopup attribute autocheck autocompleteenabled autocompletepopup autocompletesearch autocompletesearchparam autofill autofillaftermatch autoscroll beforeselected buttonaccesskeyaccept buttonaccesskeycancel buttonaccesskeydisclosure buttonaccesskeyextra1 buttonaccesskeyextra2 buttonaccesskeyhelp buttonalign buttondir buttondisabledaccept buttonlabelaccept buttonlabelcancel buttonlabeldisclosure buttonlabelextra1 buttonlabelextra2 buttonlabelhelp buttonorient buttonpack buttons checked checkstate clicktoscroll class closebutton closemenu coalesceduplicatearcs collapse collapsed color ...
showPopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showpopup( element, x, y, popuptype, anchor, align ) deprecated since gecko 1.9 return type: no return value deprecated in favor of openpopup and openpopupatscreen opens a popup element.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
tatusat getsessionvalueat getstring goback gobackgroup godown goforward goforwardgroup gohome goto gotoindex goup hidepopup increase increasepage insertitem insertitemat invertselection loadgroup loadonetab loadtabs loaduri loaduriwithflags makeeditable movebyoffset moveto movetoalertposition onsearchcomplete ontextentered ontextreverted openpopup openpopupatscreen opensubdialog openwindow preferenceforelement reload reloadalltabs reloadtab reloadwithflags removeallitems removeallnotifications removealltabsbut removecurrentnotification removecurrenttab removeitemat removeitemfromselection removenotification removeprogresslistener removesession removetab removetabsprogresslistener removetransientnot...
Popup Guide - Archive of obsolete content
to open a popup using script use the openpopup method or the openpopupatscreen method.
Property - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference accessible accessibletype accesskey align allnotifications allowevents alwaysopenpopup amindicator applocale autocheck autofill autofillaftermatch boxobject browsers builder builderview buttons canadvance cangoback cangoforward canrewind checked checkstate child children classname clickselectsall clientheight clientwidth collapsed color columns command commandmanager completedefaultindex container contentdocument contentprincipal contenttitle contentview contentvieweredit contentviewerfile contentwindow contextmenu control controller controllers crop current currentindex currentitem currentnotification currentpage currentpane currentset currenturi customtoolb...