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30 results for "erase":
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jspage - Archive of obsolete content
of(a,b)!=-1; },extend:function(c){for(var b=0,a=c.length;b<a;b++){this.push(c[b]);}return this;},getlast:function(){return(this.length)?this[this.length-1]:null;},getrandom:function(){return(this.length)?this[$random(0,this.length-1)]:null; },include:function(a){if(!this.contains(a)){this.push(a);}return this;},combine:function(c){for(var b=0,a=c.length;b<a;b++){this.include(c[b]);}return this; },erase:function(b){for(var a=this.length;a--;a){if(this[a]===b){this.splice(a,1);}}return this;},empty:function(){this.length=0;return this;},flatten:function(){var d=[]; for(var b=0,a=this.length;b<a;b++){var c=$type(this[b]);if(!c){continue;}d=d.concat((c=="array"||c=="collection"||c=="arguments")?array.flatten(this[b]):this[b]); }return d;},hextorgb:function(b){if(this.length!=3){return null;}var a=t...
...);hash.implement({has:object.prototype.hasownproperty,keyof:function(b){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)&&this[a]===b){return a;}}return null; },hasvalue:function(a){return(hash.keyof(this,a)!==null);},extend:function(a){hash.each(a||{},function(c,b){hash.set(this,b,c);},this);return this;},combine:function(a){hash.each(a||{},function(c,b){hash.include(this,b,c); },this);return this;},erase:function(a){if(this.hasownproperty(a)){delete this[a];}return this;},get:function(a){return(this.hasownproperty(a))?this[a]:null; },set:function(a,b){if(!this[a]||this.hasownproperty(a)){this[a]=b;}return this;},empty:function(){hash.each(this,function(b,a){delete this[a];},this); return this;},include:function(a,b){if(this[a]==undefined){this[a]=b;}return this;},map:function(b,c){var a=new hash;...
...eturn this;},addevents:function(a){for(var b in a){this.addevent(b,a[b]);}return this;},fireevent:function(c,b,a){c=events.removeon(c); if(!this.$events||!this.$events[c]){return this;}this.$events[c].each(function(d){d.create({bind:this,delay:a,"arguments":b})();},this);return this;},removeevent:function(b,a){b=events.removeon(b); if(!this.$events[b]){return this;}if(!a.internal){this.$events[b].erase(a);}return this;},removeevents:function(c){var d;if($type(c)=="object"){for(d in c){this.removeevent(d,c[d]); }return this;}if(c){c=events.removeon(c);}for(d in this.$events){if(c&&c!=d){continue;}var b=this.$events[d];for(var a=b.length;a--;a){this.removeevent(d,b[a]); }}return this;}});events.removeon=function(a){return a.replace(/^on([a-z])/,function(b,c){return c.tolowercase();});};var option...
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CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearRect() - Web APIs
the canvasrenderingcontext2d.clearrect() method of the canvas 2d api erases the pixels in a rectangular area by setting them to transparent black.
... examples erasing the whole canvas this code snippet erases the entire canvas.
...the clearrect() method then erases part of the canvas.
JavaScript crypto - Archive of obsolete content
this also means the ssl client authentication state will be erased for ssl sites with client authentication, and a client certificate prompt will appear again the next time the user connects to the site.
... note: this function provides a convenient way to erase the ssl session state at the browser level, but in order to really guarantee that the state is erased, it is more secure to do it on the server side whenever possible.
-i import a crl to the cert database -e erase all crls of specified type from the cert database -l list existing crl located in cert database file.
...these directories are automatically erased by default.
Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
the next step is to erase the framebuffer.
...the background color is set to fully opaque black using gl.clearcolor(); the clear depth is set to 1.0 by calling gl.cleardepth(), in order to clear all pixels regardless of how far away the object they're part of is; and finally, the frame's pixel and depth buffers are both erased by calling gl.clear(), passing in a bit mask in which both color_buffer_bit and depth_buffer_bit are set.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>javascript typewriter - mdn example</title> <script> function typewriter (sselector, nrate) { function clean () { clearinterval(nintervid); btyping = false; bstart = true; ocurrent = null; asheets.length = nidx = 0; } function scroll (osheet, npos, beraseandstop) { if (!osheet.hasownproperty('parts') || amap.length < npos) { return true; } var orel, bexit = false; if (amap.length === npos) { amap.push(0); } while (amap[npos] < { orel =[amap[npos]]; scroll(orel, npos + 1, beraseandstop) ?
... amap[npos]++ : bexit = true; if (beraseandstop && (orel.ref.nodetype - 1 | 1) === 3 && orel.ref.nodevalue) { bexit = true; ocurrent = orel.ref; spart = ocurrent.nodevalue; ocurrent.nodevalue = ''; } osheet.ref.appendchild(orel.ref); if (bexit) { return false; } } amap.length--; return true; } function typewrite () { if (spart.length === 0 && scroll(asheets[nidx], 0, true) && nidx++ === asheets.length - 1) { clean(); return; } ocurrent.nodevalue += spart.charat(0); spart = spart.slice(1); } function sheet (onode) { this.ref = onode; if (!onode.haschildnodes()) { return; } =; for (var nchild = 0; nchild <; nchild+...
Math.clz32() - JavaScript
the ctrz function below fills in all the high bits with the lowest filled bit, then negates the bits to erase all higher set bits so that clz can then be used.
...erase all the higher bits after the first zero integer &= (integer << 16) | 0xffff; integer &= (integer << 8 ) | 0x00ff; integer &= (integer << 4 ) | 0x000f; integer &= (integer << 2 ) | 0x0003; integer &= (integer << 1 ) | 0x0001; // 2.
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability - Archive of obsolete content
if your bank records are posted on a public website, everyone can know your bank account number, balance, etc., and that information can't be erased from their minds, papers, computers, and other places.
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
instead, you have to erase and redraw, either by erasing the entire frame and redrawing everything, or by having code that knows exactly what parts need to be erased and only erases and redraws the minimum area of the canvas necessary.
HTTP Cache
the app cache is not specified, this storage will operate over all existing app caches the service also provides methods to clear the whole disk and memory cache content or purge any intermediate memory structures: clear – after it returns, all entries are no longer accessible through the cache apis; the method is fast to execute and non-blocking in any way; the actual erase happens in background purgefrommemory – removes (schedules to remove) any intermediate cache data held in memory for faster access (more about the intermediate cache below) nsiloadcontextinfo distinguishes the scope of the storage demanded to open.
NSS tools : crlutil
-i import a crl to the cert database -e erase all crls of specified type from the cert database -l list existing crl located in cert database file.
NSS Tools crlutil
-i import a crl to the cert database -e erase all crls of specified type from the cert database -l list existing crl located in cert database file.
NSS tools : crlutil
-i import a crl to the cert database -e erase all crls of specified type from the cert database -l list existing crl located in cert database file.
NSS tools : signtool
these directories are automatically erased by default.
for example to control memory usage of the browser, to prevent users from loading documents from history, to erase evidence of prior page loads and so on.
entries can be removed from session history for various reasons; for example to control the browser's memory usage, to prevent users from loading documents from history, to erase evidence of prior page loads, etc.
Drawing shapes with canvas - Web APIs
the clearrect() function then erases a 60x60 pixel square from the center, and then strokerect() is called to create a rectangular outline 50x50 pixels within the cleared square. - Web APIs
for years firefox and internet explorer additionally erased all javascript variables, etc., in addition to removing all nodes.
Element.innerHTML - Web APIs
for example, you can erase the entire contents of a document by clearing the contents of the document's body attribute: document.body.innerhtml = ""; this example fetches the document's current html markup and replaces the "<" characters with the html entity "&lt;", thereby essentially converting the html into raw text.
FileReaderSync.readAsArrayBuffer() - Web APIs
because it has been erased.
FileReaderSync.readAsBinaryString() - Web APIs
because it has been erased.
FileReaderSync.readAsDataURL() - Web APIs
because it has been erased.
FileReaderSync.readAsText() - Web APIs
because it has been erased.
Index - Web APIs
550 canvasrenderingcontext2d.clearrect() api, canvas, canvasrenderingcontext2d, method, reference the canvasrenderingcontext2d.clearrect() method of the canvas 2d api erases the pixels in a rectangular area by setting them to transparent black.
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_delete (0x2e) kvk_forwarddelete (0x75) [1] gdk_key_delete (0xffff) gdk_key_kp_delete (0xff9f) qt::key_delete (0x01000007) keycode_forward_del (112) "eraseeof" erase to end of field.
MouseEvent.mozInputSource - Web APIs
moz_source_eraser 3 the event was generated by an eraser on a tablet.
Pointer events - Web APIs
uttons nor touch/pen contact changed since last event -1 — mouse move with no buttons pressed, pen moved while hovering with no buttons pressed — 0 left mouse, touch contact, pen contact 0 1 middle mouse 1 4 right mouse, pen barrel button 2 2 x1 (back) mouse 3 8 x2 (forward) mouse 4 16 pen eraser button 5 32 notice: the button property indicates a change in the state of the button.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
webxr doesn't generally care which type of device you're using, and the rendering process is almost exactly the same as for vr, except you don't erase the background or skybox before rendering each frame.
Window.openDialog() - Web APIs
returning values from the dialog since window.close() erases all properties associated with the dialog window (i.e.
@font-face - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
m-ident>+ examples specifying a downloadable font this example simply specifies a downloadable font to use, applying it to the entire body of the document: view the live example <html> <head> <title>web font sample</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen, print"> @font-face { font-family: "bitstream vera serif bold"; src: url(""); } body { font-family: "bitstream vera serif bold", serif } </style> </head> <body> this is bitstream vera serif bold.