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7 results for "ViewType":
the nsmsgviewtype interface contains constants used for views in thunderbird.
...for example, to request the 'show all threads' view use the constant: components.interfaces.nsmsgviewtype.eshowallthreads constants name value description eshowallthreads 0 eshowthreadswithunread 2 eshowwatchedthreadswithunread 3 eshowquicksearchresults 4 eshowvirtualfolderresults 5 eshowsearch 6 ...
n boolean aexpand); void expandandselectthreadbyindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex, in boolean aaugment); void addcolumnhandler(in astring acolumn, in nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler ahandler); void removecolumnhandler(in astring acolumn); nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler getcolumnhandler(in astring acolumn); attributes attribute type description viewtype nsmsgviewtypevalue readonly: type of view.
... constants are defined in nsmsgviewtype.
MozillaJavaScript code modulesAdd-on ManagerAddonManager
addontype viewtypes constant description view_type_list the type should be displayed in a regular list view in the ui.
MozillaJavaScript code modulesAdd-on ManagerAddonType
built-in values: value category 2000 locale 4000 extension 5000 theme 6000 plugin viewtype integer the type of ui to use to display this type of add-on in the ui.
for example to sort by date you would pass a function the value: 1267 nsmsgviewtype interfaces, xpcom, xpcom api reference, thunderbird the nsmsgviewtype interface contains constants used for views in thunderbird.
mailboxname astring nummessages long numunreadmessages long sortorder nsmsgviewsortordervalue sorttype nsmsgviewsorttypevalue version unsigned long viewflags nsmsgviewflagstypevalue viewtype nsmsgviewtypevalue methods andflags() long andflags( in long flags ); parameters flags missing description return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description changeexpungedbytes() void changeexpungedbytes( in long delta ); parameters delta missing description exceptions thrown ...
XPCOM reference
for example to sort by date you would pass a function the value:nsmsgviewtypethe nsmsgviewtype interface contains constants used for views in thunderbird.