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4 results for "onButtonClicked":
XRSystem: isSessionSupported() - Web APIs
if it is, we set up a button to read "enter xr", to call a method onbuttonclicked(), and enable the button.
... if (navigator.xr) { navigator.xr.issessionsupported('immersive-vr') .then((issupported) => { if (issupported) { userbutton.addeventlistener('click', onbuttonclicked); userbutton.innerhtml = 'enter xr'; userbutton.disabled = false; } }); } function onbuttonclicked() { if (!xrsession) { navigator.xr.requestsession('immersive-vr') .then((session) => { xrsession = session; // onsessionstarted() not shown for reasons of brevity and clarity.
XRSystem: requestSession() - Web APIs
finally, the onbuttonclicked() method calls requestsession() using the same session option passed to issessionsupported().
... if (navigator.xr) { navigator.xr.issessionsupported('immersive-vr') .then((issupported) => { if (issupported) { immersivebutton.addeventlistener('click', onbuttonclicked); immersivebutton.innerhtml = 'enter xr'; immersivebutton.disabled = false; } else { console.log("webxr doesn't support immersive-vr mode!"); } }); } else { console.log("webxr is not available!"); } function onbuttonclicked() { if (!xrsession) { navigator.xr.requestsession('immersive-vr') .then((session) => { xrsession = session; // onsessionstarted() not shown for reasons of brevity and clarity.
XRSystem - Web APIs
if (navigator.xr) { immersivebutton.addeventlistener("click", onbuttonclicked); navigator.xr.issessionsupported('immersive-vr') .then((issupported) => { if (issupported) { immersivebutton.disabled = false; } else { immersivebutton.disabled = true; }); } function onbuttonclicked() { if (!xrsession) { navigator.xr.requestsession('immersive-vr') .then(() => { // onsessionstarted() not shown for reasons of brevity and clarity.
... the onbuttonclicked() function checks to see if there's already a session running.
msthumbnailclick - Web APIs
ailclickhandler); example 2 // adds an overlay icon on your app pinned to the taskbar window.external.mssitemodeseticonoverlay(iconuri, tooltip); // removes an overlay icon window.external.mssitemodecleariconoverlay(); // pinned icons on your taskbar can be instructed to trigger specific events on your site from the taskbar // add an event handlerdocument.addeventlistener('msthumbnailclick', onbuttonclicked, false); // add the buttons var btnplay = window.external.mssitemodeaddthumbbarbutton(iconuri, tooltip); // refresh the taskbar window.external.mssitemodeshowthumbbar(); // call a javascript function when the button is pressed function onbuttonclicked(e) { switch (e.buttonid) { case btnplay: play(); break;} } see also microsoft api extensions ...