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5 results for "short_name":
short_name - Web app manifests
WebManifestshort name
type string mandatory no the short_name member is a string that represents the name of the web application displayed to the user if there is not enough space to display name (e.g., as a label for an icon on the phone home screen).
... short_name is directionality-capable, which means it can be displayed left-to-right or right-to-left based on the value of the dir and lang manifest members.
... examples simple short_name in left-to-right language: "name": "awesome application", "short_name": "awesome app" short_name in arabic, which will be displayed right-to-left: "dir": "rtl", "lang": "ar", "name": "تطبيق رائع", "short_name": "رائع" specification specification status comment feedback web app manifestthe definition of 'short_name' in that specification.
Add to Home screen - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
WebProgressive web appsAdd to home screen
name/short_name: these fields provide an app name to be displayed when representing the app in different places.
... name provides the full app name, and short_name provides a shortened name to be used when there is insufficient space to display the full name.
...hey, at least it isn't cats.", "display": "fullscreen", "icons": [ { "src": "icon/fox-icon.png", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image/png" } ], "name": "awesome fox pictures", "short_name": "foxes", "start_url": "/pwa-examples/a2hs/index.html" } appropriate icon as shown in the above manifest listing, we are including a 192 x 192 px icon for use in our app.
How to make PWAs installable - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
WebProgressive web appsInstallable PWAs
the content of the file looks like this: { "name": "js13kgames progressive web app", "short_name": "js13kpwa", "description": "progressive web app that lists games submitted to the a-frame category in the js13kgames 2017 competition.", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/icon-32.png", "sizes": "32x32", "type": "image/png" }, // ...
... short_name: short name to be shown on the home screen.
...beyond that, everything is optional, though the description, short_name, and start_url fields are recommended.
dir - Web app manifests
the dir member can be set to one of the following values: auto — text direction is determined by the user agent ltr — left to right rtl — right to left the directionality-capable members are: name short_name description note: if the value is omitted or set to auto, the browser will use the unicode bidirectional algorithm to make a best guess about the text's direction.
... example "dir": "rtl", "lang": "ar", "short_name": "!أنا من التطبيق" specification specification status comment feedback web app manifestthe definition of 'dir' in that specification.
Web app manifests
click each one for more information about it: background_colorcategoriesdescriptiondirdisplayiarc_rating_idiconslangnameorientationprefer_related_applicationsrelated_applicationsscopescreenshotsserviceworkershort_nameshortcutsstart_urltheme_color example manifest { "name": "hackerweb", "short_name": "hackerweb", "start_url": ".", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#fff", "description": "a simply readable hacker news app.", "icons": [{ "src": "images/touch/homescreen48.png", "sizes": "48x48", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen72.png", "sizes...