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Int16Array - JavaScript
the int16array typed array represents an array of twos-complement 16-bit signed integers in the platform byte order.
... constructor int16array() creates a new int16array object.
... static properties int16array.bytes_per_element returns a number value of the element size.
...And 36 more matches
Uint16Array - JavaScript
the uint16array typed array represents an array of 16-bit unsigned integers in the platform byte order.
... constructor uint16array() creates a new uint16array object.
... static properties uint16array.bytes_per_element returns a number value of the element size.
...And 36 more matches
NSS 3.16.3 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.3 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.3 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_3_rtm.
...And 7 more matches
NSS 3.16.4 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.4 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.4 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_4_rtm.
...And 7 more matches
NSS release notes
introduction network security services (nss) is a patch release for nss 3.16, based on the nss 3.16.2 release.
... the bug fixes in nss are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_2_1_rtm.
...And 6 more matches
NSS release notes
introduction network security services (nss) is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_2_2_rtm.
...And 6 more matches
NSS 3.16.5 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.5 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.5 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_5_rtm.
...And 6 more matches
NSS 3.16.6 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.6 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.6 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_6_rtm.
...And 6 more matches
NSS release notes
introduction network security services (nss) is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_2_3_rtm.
...And 5 more matches
NSS 3.16.1 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.1 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.1 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_1_rtm.
...And 4 more matches
NSS 3.16.2 release notes
introduction network security services (nss) 3.16.2 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
... the bug fixes in nss 3.16.2 are described in the "bugs fixed" section below.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_2_rtm.
...And 4 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 17 convert any javascript value to an unsigned 16bit integer.
... syntax bool js::touint16(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue v, uint16_t *out); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the conversion.
... out uint16_t * out parameter.
...And 4 more matches
NSS 3.16 release notes
introduction the nss team has released network security services (nss) 3.16, which is a minor release.
... distribution information the hg tag is nss_3_16_rtm.
... nss 3.16 requires nspr 4.10.3 or newer.
...And 3 more matches
Uint16Array() constructor - JavaScript
the uint16array() typed array constructor creates an array of 16-bit unsigned integers in the platform byte order.
... syntax new uint16array(); // new in es2017 new uint16array(length); new uint16array(typedarray); new uint16array(object); new uint16array(buffer [, byteoffset [, length]]); parameters length when called with a length argument, an internal array buffer is created in memory, of size length multiplied by bytes_per_element bytes, containing zeros.
... description the uint16array() typed array constructor creates an array of 16-bit unsigned integers in the platform byte order.
...And 3 more matches
Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 - Archive of obsolete content
problem statement win-16 (aka, windows 3.1, et al), is unique in that the architecture depends on the operating environment (i.e., windows) knows the address of the stack, and that there is only one such address.
...with the speed of today's processors (even those running win-16), the copying of 10 - 50 kilobytes of data between two locations in memory is barely measurable 1.
...0 : 1; } this is a completely correct (albeit trivial) program that will run predictably on all nspr platforms other than win-16.
...And 2 more matches
DataView.prototype.getInt16() - JavaScript
the getint16() method gets a signed 16-bit integer (short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.getint16(byteoffset [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
... littleendian optional indicates whether the 16-bit int is stored in little- or big-endian format.
...And 2 more matches
DataView.prototype.getUint16() - JavaScript
the getuint16() method gets an unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.getuint16(byteoffset [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
... littleendian optional indicates whether the 16-bit int is stored in little- or big-endian format.
...And 2 more matches
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringtoutf16 function converts the value of a nsacstring instance to utf-16 and stores the result in a nsastring instance.
... #include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringtoutf16( const nsacstring& asrc, nscstringencoding asrcencoding, nsastring& adest ); parameters asrc [in] a nsacstring instance containing the source string to be converted.
... return values the ns_cstringtoutf16 function returns ns_ok if successful.
... example code nsembedcstring str("hello"); nsembedstring ustr; ns_cstringtoutf16(str, ns_cstring_encoding_ascii, ustr); const prunichar *unicharbuf = ustr.get(); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_utf16tocstring function converts the value of a nsastring instance from utf-16 to the specified multi-byte encoding and stores the result in a nsacstring instance.
... #include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_utf16tocstring( const nsastring& asrc, nscstringencoding adestencoding, nsacstring& adest ); parameters asrc [in] a nsastring instance containing the source utf-16 string to be converted.
... return values the ns_utf16tocstring function returns ns_ok if successful.
... example code // convert utf-16 (or ucs-2) string to utf-8 void copyutf16toutf8(const nsastring& in, nsacstring& out) { ns_utf16tocstring(in, ns_cstring_encoding_utf8, out); } history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
DataView.prototype.setInt16() - JavaScript
the setint16() method stores a signed 16-bit integer (short) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.setint16(byteoffset, value [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to store the data.
... littleendian optional indicates whether the 16-bit int is stored in little- or big-endian format.
... examples using the setint16 method var buffer = new arraybuffer(8); var dataview = new dataview(buffer); dataview.setint16(1, 3); dataview.getint16(1); // 3 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'dataview.prototype.setint16' in that specification.
DataView.prototype.setUint16() - JavaScript
the setuint16() method stores an unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.setuint16(byteoffset, value [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to store the data.
... littleendian optional indicates whether the 16-bit int is stored in little- or big-endian format.
... examples using the setuint16 method var buffer = new arraybuffer(8); var dataview = new dataview(buffer); dataview.setuint16(1, 3); dataview.getuint16(1); // 3 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'dataview.prototype.setuint16' in that specification.
Int16Array() constructor - JavaScript
the int16array() typed array constructor creates an array of twos-complement 16-bit signed integers in the platform byte order.
... syntax new int16array(); // new in es2017 new int16array(length); new int16array(typedarray); new int16array(object); new int16array(buffer [, byteoffset [, length]]); parameters length when called with a length argument, an internal array buffer is created in memory, of size length multiplied by bytes_per_element bytes, containing zeros.
... examples different ways to create an int16array // from a length var int16 = new int16array(2); int16[0] = 42; console.log(int16[0]); // 42 console.log(int16.length); // 2 console.log(int16.bytes_per_element); // 2 // from an array var arr = new int16array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new int16array([21, 31]); var y = new int16array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buff... = new arraybuffer(8); var z = new int16array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var int16 = new int16array(iterable); // int16array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
ECMAScript 2016 to ES.Next support in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
so far, es2016, es2017, and es2018 have been released.
... below is a list of features in es2016+ and what version of firefox they were implemented in.
... ecmascript 2016 array.prototype.includes() (firefox 43) typedarray.prototype.includes() (firefox 43) exponentiation operator (firefox 52) ecmascript 2017 object.values() (firefox 47) object.entries() (firefox 47) string.prototype.padstart() (firefox 48) string.prototype.padend() (firefox 48) object.getownpropertydescriptors() (firefox 50) async functions async function (firefox 52) async function expression (firefox 52) asyncfunction (firefox 52) await (firefox 52) trailing commas in function parameter lists (firefox 52) ecmascript 2018 spread in object literals and rest parameters (firefox 55) for await...of (firefox 57) global_objects/sharedarraybuffer (firefox 57, with flags) global_objects/promise/finally (firefox 58) global_objects/regexp/d...
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for 16-bit signed integers.
... inherits from: nsisupportsprimitive last changed in gecko 1.2 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description data print16 provides access to the native type represented by the object.
...see bug 166426 for details.
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for 16-bit unsigned integers.
... inherits from: nsisupportsprimitive last changed in gecko 1.2 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description data pruint16 provides access to the native type represented by the object.
...see bug 166426 for details.
416 Range Not Satisfiable - HTTP
the hypertext transfer protocol (http) 416 range not satisfiable error response code indicates that a server cannot serve the requested ranges.
... the 416 response message contains a content-range indicating an unsatisfied range (that is a '*') followed by a '/' and the current length of the resource.
... status 416 range not satisfiable specifications specification title rfc 7233, section 4.4: 416 request not satisfiable hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): range requests ...
guaranteed to be a signed 16-bit integer on all platforms.
... syntax #include <prtypes.h> typedefdefinition print16; ...
guaranteed to be an unsigned 16-bit integer on all platforms.
... syntax #include <prtypes.h> typedefdefinition pruint16; ...
NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - sourc...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowerca...
... methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 parameters prunichar* astring void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscaut...
NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequal...
... methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner parameters prunichar* astring void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscaut...
NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_e...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(c...
methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(con...
Index - Web APIs
16 abstractrange api, abstract, abstract interface, abstractrange, dom, dom api, interface, range, reference the abstractrange abstract interface is the base class upon which all dom range types are defined.
... 116 audiobuffersourcenode.loop api, audio, audiobuffersourcenode, loop, media, property, reference, web audio api, sound the loop property's default value is false.
...this can be somewhat controlled by setting the audionode.channelinterpretation property to speakers or discrete: 160 audionode.connect() api, audio, audionode, media, method, reference, web audio api, connect if the destination is a node, connect() returns a reference to the destination audionode object, allowing you to chain multiple connect() calls.
...And 220 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
16 communicating using "postmessage" add-on sdk no summary!
... 116 test/runner sets up unit tests.
... 160 listening for load and unload no summary!
...And 156 more matches
Mozilla internal string guide
introduction the string classes are a library of c++ classes which are used to manage buffers of wide (16-bit) and narrow (8-bit) character strings.
... the 8-bit and 16-bit string classes have completely separate base classes, but share the same apis.
... as a result, you cannot assign a 8-bit string to a 16-bit string without some kind of conversion helper class or routine.
...And 79 more matches
16 index found 353 pages: 17 introduction to network security services introduction, mozilla, nss network security services (nss) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of communications applications that support ssl, s/mime, and other internet security standards.
... 45 nss 3.16 release notes the nss team has released network security services (nss) 3.16, which is a minor release.
... 46 nss 3.16.1 release notes network security services (nss) 3.16.1 is a patch release for nss 3.16.
...And 52 more matches
StringView - Archive of obsolete content
ascript arraybuffer interface to create a highly extensible library that anyone can extend by adding methods to the object stringview.prototype to create a collection of methods for such string-like objects (since now: stringviews) which work strictly on arrays of numbers rather than on creating new immutable javascript strings to work with unicode encodings other than javascript's default utf-16 domstrings introduction as web applications become more and more powerful, adding features such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using websockets, and so forth, it has become clear that there are times when it would be helpful for javascript code to be able to quickly and easily manipulate raw binary data.
...noffset : 0, ntranscrtype = 15; if (sencoding) { this.encoding = sencoding.tostring(); } encswitch: switch (this.encoding) { case "utf-8": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf8charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf8charlength; ftaview = uint8array; break encswitch; case "utf-16": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf16charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf16charlength; ftaview = uint16array; break encswitch; case "utf-32": ftaview = uint32array; ntranscrtype &= 14; break encswitch; default: /* case "ascii", or case "binarystring" or unknown cases */ ftaview = uint8array; ntranscrtype &= 14; } t...
... vinput.bytelength >>> 2 : this.encoding === "utf-16" ?
...And 43 more matches
16 components object dom, gecko, xpcom:language bindings, xpconnect the components object is the object through which xpconnect functionality is reflected into javascript.
... 116 making cross-thread calls using runnables guide, threads, xpcom in the mozilla platform, most activities such as layout, dom operations, content javascript, and chrome javascript run on the main thread.
... 160 extensionmanager (toolkit) extensions the extensionmanager follows the nsiextensionmanager api.
...And 41 more matches
NSS 3.52 release notes
notable changes in nss 3.52 bug 1603628 - update nss to support pkcs #11 v3.0.
... bug 1623374 - support new pkcs #11 v3.0 message interface for aes-gcm and chachapoly.
... bug 1612493 - integrate avx2 chacha20, poly1305, and chacha20poly1305 from hacl*.
...And 33 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
16 alternatingbackground xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 116 eventnode xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 160 inputtooltiptext xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
...And 31 more matches
16 jsapi user guide jsapi, spidermonkey this document explains how to embed spidermonkey, the mozilla javascript engine, in your c++ program.
... 78 js::touint16 jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::toint16 converts a javascript value to an unsigned 16bit integer.
... it implements the toint16 operator described in ecma 262-3 §9.7.
...And 24 more matches
NSS 3.54 release notes
notable changes in nss 3.54 support for tls 1.3 external pre-shared keys (bug 1603042).
... certificate authority changes the following ca certificates were added: bug 1645186 - certsign root ca g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 657cfe2fa73faa38462571f332a2363a46fce7020951710702cdfbb6eeda3305 bug 1645174 - e-szigno root ca 2017 sha-256 fingerprint: beb00b30839b9bc32c32e4447905950641f26421b15ed089198b518ae2ea1b99 bug 1641716 - microsoft ecc root certificate authority 2017 sha-256 fingerprint: 358df39d764af9e1b766e9c972df352ee15cfac227af6ad1d70e8e4a6edcba02 bug 1641716 - microsoft rsa root certificate authority 2017 sha-256 fingerprint: c741f70f4b2a8d88bf2e71c14122ef53ef10eba0cfa5e64cfa20f418853073e0 the following ca ...
...certificates were removed: bug 1645199 - addtrust class 1 ca root sha-256 fingerprint: 8c7209279ac04e275e16d07fd3b775e80154b5968046e31f52dd25766324e9a7 bug 1645199 - addtrust external ca root sha-256 fingerprint: 687fa451382278fff0c8b11f8d43d576671c6eb2bceab413fb83d965d06d2ff2 bug 1641718 - luxtrust global root 2 sha-256 fingerprint: 54455f7129c20b1447c418f997168f24c58fc5023bf5da5be2eb6e1dd8902ed5 bug 1639987 - staat der nederlanden root ca - g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 668c83947da63b724bece1743c31a0e6aed0db8ec5b31be377bb784f91b6716f bug 1618402 - symantec class 2 public primary certification authority - g4 sha-256 fingerprint: fe863d0822fe7a2353fa484d5924e875656d3dc9fb58771f6f616f...
...And 22 more matches
NSS 3.55 release notes
see bug 1649633 for more details.
...see bug 1647752 for details.
...if this affects you, please help us narrow down the cause in bug 1653975.
...And 18 more matches
nsresult getasarray(out pruint16 type, out nsiid iid, out pruint32 count, out voidptr ptr); violates the xpcom interface guidelines astring getasastring(); native code only!
... nsresult getasid(out nsid retval); violates the xpcom interface guidelines print16 getasint16(); native code only!
... pruint16 getasuint16(); native code only!
...And 16 more matches
Image file type and format guide - Web media technologies
specification browser compatibility chrome 59, edge 12, firefox 3, opera 46, safari 8 maximum dimensions 2,147,483,647×2,147,483,647 pixels supported color modes color mode bits per component (d) description greyscale 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 each pixel consists of a single d-bit value indicating the brightness of the greyscale pixel.
... true color 8 and 16 each pixel is represented by three d-bit values indicating the level of the red, green, and blue color components.
... greyscale with alpha 8 and 16 each pixel is represented by two d-bit values: the intensity of the greyscale pixel and an alpha sample, indicating how opaque the pixel is.
...And 16 more matches
IDBObjectStore - Web APIs
iossamsung internetidbobjectstorechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... with the vendor prefix: webkitaddchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...vendor prefix: webkitautoincrementchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...And 13 more matches
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
16 alignment container alignment container, css, glossary, alignment the alignment container is the rectangle that the alignment subject is aligned within.
... 116 doctype browser, codingscripting, doctype, glossary, html, intro in html, the doctype is the required "<!doctype html>" preamble found at the top of all documents.
...basically, if the license of the original software allows, you can copy the code to develop your own version of it, with your own additions, 160 fragmentainer css, css fragmentation specification, glossary, fragmentainer a fragmentainer is defined in the css fragmentation specification as follows: 161 function codingscripting, glossary, iife, immediately invoked function expressions (iife), intro, javascript a function is a code snippet that can be called by other code or by itself, or a variable that r...
...And 12 more matches
Localization and Plurals
plural rule #0 (1 form) families: asian (chinese, japanese, korean), persian, turkic/altaic (turkish), thai, lao everything: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, … plural rule #1 (2 forms) families: germanic (danish, dutch, english, faroese, frisian, german, norwegian, swedish), finno-ugric (estonian, finnish, hungarian), language isolate (basque), latin/greek (greek), semitic (hebrew), romanic (italian, portuguese, span...
...ish, catalan), vietnamese is 1: 1 everything else: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, … plural rule #2 (2 forms) families: romanic (french, brazilian portuguese), lingala is 0 or 1: 0, 1 everything else: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, … plural rule #3 (3 forms) families: baltic (latvian, latgalian) ends in 0: 0 ends in 1, excluding 11: 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 201, 221, 231, 241, 251, 261, 271, 281, 291, … eve...
...rything else: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, … plural rule #4 (4 forms) families: celtic (scottish gaelic) is 1 or 11: 1, 11 is 2 or 12: 2, 12 is 3-10 or 13-19: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 everything else: 0, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, … plural rule #5 (3 forms) families: romanic (romanian) is 1: 1 is 0 or ends in 01-19, excluding 1: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 20...
...And 12 more matches
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
16 dropzone deprecated, global attributes, html, reference the dropzone global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating what types of content can be dropped on an element, using the html drag and drop api.
... 41 html attribute: maxlength attribute, attributes, constraint validation the maxlength attribute defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
... 43 html attribute: minlength attribute, input, reference, minlength, textarea the minlength attribute defines the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
...And 12 more matches
IDBDatabase - Web APIs
on iossamsung internetidbdatabasechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...e vendor prefix: webkitabort eventchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... 1.5closechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...And 11 more matches
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_scroll (0x91) gdk_key_scroll_lock (0xff14) qt::key_scrolllock (0x01000026) keycode_scroll_lock (116) "shift" the shift key.
... vk_return (0x0d) kvk_return (0x24) kvk_ansi_keypadenter (0x4c) kvk_powerbook_keypadenter (0x34) gdk_key_return (0xff0d) gdk_key_kp_enter (0xff8d) gdk_key_iso_enter (0xfe34) gdk_key_3270_enter (0xfd1e) qt::key_return (0x01000004) qt::key_enter (0x01000005) keycode_enter (66) keycode_numpad_enter (160) keycode_dpad_center (23) "tab" the horizontal tab key, tab.
... vk_prior (0x21) kvk_pageup (0x74) gdk_key_page_up (0xff55) gdk_key_kp_page_up (0xff9a) qt::key_pageup (0x01000016) keycode_page_up (92) [1] internet explorer, edge (16 and earlier), and firefox (36 and earlier) use "left", "right", "up", and "down" instead of "arrowleft", "arrowright", "arrowup", and "arrowdown".
...And 11 more matches
16 content security policy (csp) csp, content security policy, reference, security content security policy (csp) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including cross site scripting (xss) and data injection attacks.
... 116 digest http, http header the digest response http header provides a digest of the requested resource.
... 160 if-unmodified-since http, http header, reference, request header the if-unmodified-since request http header makes the request conditional: the server will send back the requested resource, or accept it in the case of a post or another non-safe method, only if it has not been last modified after the given date.
...And 11 more matches
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
16 svg event attributes advanced, attribute, draft, landing, needsupdate, svg event attributes always have their name starting with "on" followed by the name of the event for which they are intended.
... 116 kernelmatrix filters, svg, svg attribute the kernelmatrix attribute defines the list of numbers that make up the kernel matrix for the <feconvolvematrix> element.
... 160 patterntransform svg, svg attribute the patterntransform attribute defines a list of transform definitions that are applied to a pattern tile.
...And 11 more matches
ui/button/toggle - Archive of obsolete content
usage creating buttons to create a button you must give it an id, an icon, and a label: var { togglebutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./firefox-16.png", "32": "./firefox-32.png" }, onchange: function(state) { console.log(state.label + " checked state: " + state.checked); } }); by default, the button appears in the firefox toolbar: however, users can move it to the firefox menu panel: badged buttons new in firefox 36. default the badge's color is red, but you can set your own color using the badgecolor property, specified as a css <color> value: var { togglebutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button1", label: "my button1", icon: "./icon-16.png", onchange: changed, badge: 0, badgecolor: "#00aaaa" }); function changed(state) { button.badge = state.badge + 1; if (state.checked) { button.badgecolor = "#aa00aa"; } else { button.badgecolor = "#00aaaa"; } } specifying multiple icons you can specify just one icon, or multiple icons in different sizes. can also add, or change, the listener afterwards: var { togglebutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./firefox-16.png", "32": "./firefox-32.png" }, onclick: firstclick, onchange: firstchange }); function firstclick(state) { console.log("you clicked '" + state.label + "'"); button.removelistener("click", firstclick); button.on("click", subsequentclicks); } function subsequentclicks(state) { console.log("you clicked '" + state.label + "' again"); } function first...
...And 10 more matches
Index - Learn web development
16 how do i start to design my website?
... 116 creating fancy letterheaded paper assessment, background, beginner, boxes, css, codingscripting, border, box, letter, letterhead, letterheaded, paper if you want to make the right impression, writing a letter on nice letterheaded paper can be a really good start.
... 160 styling text beginner, css, codingscripting, fonts, landing, links, module, text, font, letter, line, lists, shadow, web fonts with the basics of the css language covered, the next css topic for you to concentrate on is styling text — one of the most common things you'll do with css.
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NSS 3.56 release notes
the known issue where makefile builds failed to locate seccomon.h was fixed in bug 1653975.
... bugs fixed in nss 3.56 bug 1650702 - support sha-1 hw acceleration on armv8 bug 1656981 - use mpi comba and mulq optimizations on x86-64 macos.
... bug 1654142 - add cpu feature detection for intel sha extension.
...And 10 more matches
Type conversion
log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' mystruct.v = false; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystruct.v = 1; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' mystruct.v = 0; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystruct.v = 10; // throws error mystruct.v = "a"; // throws error integer types target type source converted value ctypes.char16_t js string (only if its length == 1) src.charcodeat(0) any integer types js number (only if fits to the size) src js boolean if src == true: 1 if src == false: 0 var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.char16_t } ])(); mystruct.v = 0x41; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "a" mystruct.v = true; console.log(mystru...
...ct.v.tostring()); // "\x01" mystruct.v = "x"; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "x" mystruct.v = "xx"; // throws error var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.int16_t } ])(); mystruct.v = 0x41; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 65 mystruct.v = true; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 1 mystruct.v = "x"; // throws error integer/float types are implicitly convertible if any data of source type could be representable in the target type.
... target type source type ctypes.int16_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.short ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.short ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.int32_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.
...And 10 more matches
WebAssembly - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jswebassemblychrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0compileerrorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...o support nosafari ios no support nosamsung internet android full support 10.0nodejs no support noinstancechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...And 10 more matches
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jswebassemblychrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0compileerrorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...pport nosafari ios full support 13.4samsung internet android full support 10.0nodejs no support noinstancechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...And 10 more matches
ui/button/action - Archive of obsolete content
usage creating buttons to create a button you must give it an id, an icon, and a label: var { actionbutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action"); var button = actionbutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./firefox-16.png", "32": "./firefox-32.png" }, onclick: function(state) { console.log("button '" + state.label + "' was clicked"); } }); by default, the button appears in the firefox toolbar: however, users can move it to the firefox menu panel using the toolbar customization feature: badged buttons new in firefox 36. default the badge's color is red, but you can set your own color using the badgecolor property, specified as a css <color> value: var { togglebutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button1", label: "my button1", icon: "./icon-16.png", onchange: changed, badge: 0, badgecolor: "#00aaaa" }); function changed(state) { button.badge = state.badge + 1; if (state.checked) { button.badgecolor = "#aa00aa"; } else { button.badgecolor = "#00aaaa"; } } specifying multiple icons you can specify just one icon, or multiple icons in different sizes. can also add, or change, the listener afterwards: var { actionbutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action"); var button = actionbutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./firefox-16.png", "32": "./firefox-32.png" }, onclick: firstclick }); function firstclick(state) { console.log("you clicked '" + state.label + "'"); button.removelistener("click", firstclick); button.on("click", subsequentclicks); } function subsequentclicks(state) { console.log("you clicked '" + state.label + "' again"); } the listener is passed a state object tha...
...And 9 more matches
NSS tools : ssltab
example 1 $ ssltap.exe -sx -p 444 > sx.txt output connected to -->; [ alloclen = 66 bytes [ssl2] clienthellov2 { version = {0x03, 0x00} cipher-specs-length = 39 (0x27) sid-length = 0 (0x00) challenge-length = 16 (0x10) cipher-suites = { (0x010080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x020080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x030080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc128/md5 (0x040080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 (0x060040) ssl2/rsa/des64cbc/md5 (0x0700c0) ssl2/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/md5 (0x000004) ssl3/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x00ffe0) ssl3/rsa-fips/3des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00000a) ssl3/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00ffe1) ssl3/rsa-fips/des64cbc/sha (0x000009) ssl3/rsa...
.../des64cbc/sha (0x000003) ssl3/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x000006) ssl3/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 } session-id = { } challenge = { 0xec5d 0x8edb 0x37c9 0xb5c9 0x7b70 0x8fe9 0xd1d3 0x2592 } } ] <-- [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 03 e5 |.....
...type = 14 (server_hello_done) length = 0 (0x000000) } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 00 44 |....d type = 22 (handshake) version = { 3,0 } length = 68 (0x44) handshake { 0: 10 00 00 40 |...@ type = 16 (client_key_exchange) length = 64 (0x000040) clientkeyexchange { message = {...} } } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 14 03 00 00 01 |.....
...And 9 more matches
NSS tools : ssltap
example 1 $ ssltap.exe -sx -p 444 > sx.txt output connected to -->; [ alloclen = 66 bytes [ssl2] clienthellov2 { version = {0x03, 0x00} cipher-specs-length = 39 (0x27) sid-length = 0 (0x00) challenge-length = 16 (0x10) cipher-suites = { (0x010080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x020080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x030080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc128/md5 (0x040080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 (0x060040) ssl2/rsa/des64cbc/md5 (0x0700c0) ssl2/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/md5 (0x000004) ssl3/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x00ffe0) ssl3/rsa-fips/3des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00000a) ssl3/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00ffe1) ssl3/rsa-fips/des64cbc/sha (0x000009) ssl3/rsa...
.../des64cbc/sha (0x000003) ssl3/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x000006) ssl3/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 } session-id = { } challenge = { 0xec5d 0x8edb 0x37c9 0xb5c9 0x7b70 0x8fe9 0xd1d3 0x2592 } } ] <-- [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 03 e5 |.....
...type = 14 (server_hello_done) length = 0 (0x000000) } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 00 44 |....d type = 22 (handshake) version = { 3,0 } length = 68 (0x44) handshake { 0: 10 00 00 40 |...@ type = 16 (client_key_exchange) length = 64 (0x000040) clientkeyexchange { message = {...} } } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 14 03 00 00 01 |.....
...And 9 more matches
ror_client_key_exchange_failure -12219 "unspecified failure while processing ssl client key exchange handshake." ssl_error_encryption_failure -12218 "bulk data encryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite." ssl_error_decryption_failure -12217 "bulk data decryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite." ssl_error_socket_write_failure -12216 "attempt to write encrypted data to underlying socket failed." after the data to be sent was encrypted, the attempt to send it out the socket failed.
... sec_error_duplicate_cert_name -8169 downloaded certificate's name duplicates one already in your database.
... sec_error_adding_cert -8168 error adding certificate to database.
...And 9 more matches
NSS Tools ssltap
command ssltap.exe -sx -p 444 > sx.txt output output connected to> [alloclen = 66 bytes [ssl2] clienthellov2 { version = {0x03, 0x00} cipher-specs-length = 39 (0x27) sid-length = 0 (0x00) challenge-length = 16 (0x10) cipher-suites = { (0x010080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x020080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x030080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc128/md5 (0x040080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 (0x060040) ssl2/rsa/des64cbc/md5 (0x0700c0) ssl2/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/md5 (0x000004) ssl3/rsa/rc4-128/md5 ...
... (0x00000a) ssl3/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00ffe1) ssl3/rsa-fips/des64cbc/sha (0x000009) ssl3/rsa/des64cbc/sha (0x000003) ssl3/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x000006) ssl3/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 } session-id = { } challenge = { 0xec5d 0x8edb 0x37c9 0xb5c9 0x7b70 0x8fe9 0xd1d30x2592 }}]<-- [sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 03 e5 |.....
... type = 14 (server_hello_done) length = 0 (0x000000) }}]--> [sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 00 44 |....d type = 22 (handshake) version = { 3,0 } length = 68 (0x44) handshake { 0: 10 00 00 40 |...@ type = 16 (client_key_exchange) length = 64 (0x000040) clientkeyexchange { message = {...} } }}]--> [sslrecord { 0: 14 03 00 00 01 |...
...And 9 more matches
NSS tools : ssltap
example 1 $ ssltap.exe -sx -p 444 > sx.txt output connected to -->; [ alloclen = 66 bytes [ssl2] clienthellov2 { version = {0x03, 0x00} cipher-specs-length = 39 (0x27) sid-length = 0 (0x00) challenge-length = 16 (0x10) cipher-suites = { (0x010080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-128/md5 (0x020080) ssl2/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x030080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc128/md5 (0x040080) ssl2/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 (0x060040) ssl2/rsa/des64cbc/md5 (0x0700c0) ssl2/rsa/3des192ede-cbc/md5 (0x000004) ssl3/rsa/rc4-128...
...des192ede-cbc/sha (0x00ffe1) ssl3/rsa-fips/des64cbc/sha (0x000009) ssl3/rsa/des64cbc/sha (0x000003) ssl3/rsa/rc4-40/md5 (0x000006) ssl3/rsa/rc2cbc40/md5 } session-id = { } challenge = { 0xec5d 0x8edb 0x37c9 0xb5c9 0x7b70 0x8fe9 0xd1d3 0x2592 } } ] <-- [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 03 e5 |.....
... type = 14 (server_hello_done) length = 0 (0x000000) } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 16 03 00 00 44 |....d type = 22 (handshake) version = { 3,0 } length = 68 (0x44) handshake { 0: 10 00 00 40 |...@ type = 16 (client_key_exchange) length = 64 (0x000040) clientkeyexchange { message = {...} } } } ] --> [ sslrecord { 0: 14 03 00 00 01 ...
...And 9 more matches
Bytecode Descriptions
jsop::zero, jsop::one, jsop::int8, jsop::uint16, and jsop::uint24 are all compact encodings for jsop::int32.
... uint16 operands: (uint16_t val) stack: ⇒ val push the uint16_t immediate operand as an int32value.
... calls call, calliter, funapply, funcall, callignoresrv operands: (uint16_t argc) stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] ⇒ rval invoke callee with this and args, and push the return value.
...And 9 more matches
IDBTransaction - Web APIs
iossamsung internetidbtransactionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... prefix: webkitabortchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... yesabort eventchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...And 9 more matches
IDBIndex - Web APIs
ari on iossamsung internetidbindexchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...ith the vendor prefix: webkitcountchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... 1.5getchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...And 8 more matches
Performance best practices for Firefox front-end engineers
to achieve a 60 fps frame rate, all of the above has to happen in 16 milliseconds or less, every frame.
...normally, the changes to the dom just result in the standard style calculation occurring immediately after the javascript has finished running during the 16ms window, inside the "style" step.
... however, it's possible for script to do things that force multiple style calculations (or style flushes) to occur synchronously during the javascript part of the 16 ms window.
...And 7 more matches
MathML Torture Test
<option value="texgyretermes">tex gyre termes</option> <option value="xits">xits</option> </select> <br/> </p> <table> <tr> <td></td> <th scope="col">as rendered by tex</th> <th scope="col">as rendered by your browser</th></tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td><img src="" width="38" height="22" alt="texbook, 16.2-16.3" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <mrow> <msup> <mi>x</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> <msup> <mi>y</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td><img src="" width="30" height="17" alt="...
...texbook, 16.2-16.3" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <!-- <mrow> <msub><mi></mi><mn>2</mn></msub> <msub><mi>f</mi><mn>3</mn></msub> </mrow> --> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mi>f</mi> <mn>3</mn><none/> <mprescripts/> <mn>2</mn><none/> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td><img src="" width="58" height="47" alt="texbook, 17-17.1" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <mrow> <mfrac> <mrow> <mi>x</mi> <mo>+</mo> <msup> <mi>y</mi> ...
...rac> <mfrac> <mn>1</mn> <mrow> <mn>1</mn> <mo>-</mo> <msup> <mi>x</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td><img src="" width="116" height="63" alt="texbook, 17.7-17.8" /></td> <td> <math display="block"> <mrow> <munder> <mo>&sum;</mo> <mrow> <mfrac linethickness="0px"> <mrow> <mn>0</mn> <mo>&leq;</mo> <mi>i</mi> <mo>&leq;</mo> <mi>m</mi> <...
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Web audio codec guide - Web media technologies
for example, mp3 supports one lfe channel, while aac supports up to 16.
... supported bit rates arbitrary, up to 512 kbps variable bit rate (vbr) support yes supported sample formats 32-bit integer supported sample rates 8 khz - 96 khz recommended minimum bit rate for stereo sound 96 kbps at 48 khz sample rate compression lossy maximum audio channels 48 (plus 16 low frequency enhancement channels) audio frequency bandwidth 0 hz - 96 khz (standard audio channels) 0 hz - 120 hz (lfe channels) latency 20 ms to 405 ms browser compatibility feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari aac support yes[2] ...
... supported bit rates based on the sample format and sample rate, as well as the compression level variable bit rate (vbr) support no supported sample formats 16-bit, 20-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit integer supported sample rates 1 hz to 384,000 hz recommended minimum bit rate for stereo sound n/a compression lossless; up to 45-60% maximum audio channels 8 (up to 7.1 surround) audio frequency bandwidth ?
...And 7 more matches
Table Layout Regression Tests - Archive of obsolete content
a typical beginning of a dump (*.rgd file) looks like: <frame va="15022440" type="viewport(-1)" state="270340" parent="0"> <view va="47171904"> </view> <stylecontext va="15022232"> <font serif 240 240 0 /> <color data="-16777216"/> <background data="0 2 3 -1 0 0 "/> <spacing data="left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null 1[0x1]enum 0" /> <list data="100 100 " /> <position data="left: a...
...0,26437,4872,600 node 1: tableouter(table)(144) 0x10004 0,26437,4824,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null 1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: auto top: auto right: auto bottom: auto auto 0[0x0]tw null auto 0[0...
...x0]tw null 0 auto |0 0 0 normal normal 0[0x0]tw normal |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 null node 2: tableouter(table)(144) 0x10004 0,26437,4872,600, |null attr|-16777216|left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw left: 0[0x0]tw top: 0[0x0]tw right: 0[0x0]tw bottom: 0[0x0]tw left: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null 1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: auto top: auto right: auto bottom: auto auto 0[0x0]tw null auto 0[0x0]tw null 0 auto |0 0 0 normal normal 0[0x0]tw normal |0 8 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 null frame bbox mismatch: 0,0,4824,600 vs.
...And 6 more matches
bug 401610: shared db fails on iopr tests bug 388120: build error due to sec_begin_protos / sec_end_protos are undefined bug 415264: make security use of new nspr rotate macros bug 317052: lib/base/whatnspr.c is obsolete bug 317323: set nspr31_lib_prefix to empty explicitly for win95 and wince builds bug 320336: secitem_allocitem returns a non-null pointer if the allocation of its 'data' buffer fails bug ...
...bug 407866: contributed improvement to security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/mp_comba.c bug 410587: ssl_getchannelinfo returns secsuccess on invalid arguments bug 416508: fix a _msc_ver typo in sha512.c, and use sec_begin_protos/sec_end_protos in secport.h bug 419242: 'all' is not the default makefile target in lib/softoken and lib/softoken/legacydb bug 419523: export cert_newtempcertificate.
...bug 403685: application crashes after having called cert_pkixverifycert bug 408434: crash with pkix based verify bug 411614: explicit policy does not seem to work.
...And 6 more matches
nsiaccessible getattributerange( in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset ); parameters offset rangestartoffset rangeendoffset return value getcharacteratoffset() it would be better to return an unsigned long here, to allow unicode chars > 16 bits.
... getselectionbounds() void getselectionbounds( in long selectionnum, out long startoffset, out long endoffset ); parameters selectionnum startoffset endoffset gettext() string methods may need to return multibyte-encoded strings, since some locales can not be encoded using 16-bit chars.
... so this method might return utf-16 strings, or it could return "string" values which are utf-8.
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IDBKeyRange - Web APIs
on iossamsung internetidbkeyrangechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... yesboundchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... 6.0lowerchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...And 6 more matches
KeyboardEvent: code values - Web APIs
9" "digit9" 0x000c "minus" "minus" 0x000d "equal" "equal" 0x000e "backspace" "backspace" 0x000f "tab" "tab" 0x0010 "keyq" "keyq" 0x0011 "keyw" "keyw" 0x0012 "keye" "keye" 0x0013 "keyr" "keyr" 0x0014 "keyt" "keyt" 0x0015 "keyy" "keyy" 0x0016 "keyu" "keyu" 0x0017 "keyi" "keyi" 0x0018 "keyo" "keyo" 0x0019 "keyp" "keyp" 0x001a "bracketleft" "bracketleft" 0x001b "bracketright" "bracketright" 0x001c "enter" "enter" 0x001d "controlleft" "controlleft" 0x001e "keya" "keya" 0x001f "keys" "keys" ...
...3" 0x005c "unidentified" "f14" 0x005d "unidentified" "f15" 0x005e "unidentified" "" 0x005f "unidentified" "" 0x0060 "unidentified" "" 0x0061 "unidentified" "" 0x0062 "unidentified" "" 0x0063 "unidentified" "f16" 0x0064 "f13" "f17" 0x0065 "f14" "f18" 0x0066 "f15" "f19" 0x0067 "f16" "f20" 0x0068 "f17" "f21" 0x0069 "f18" "f22" 0x006a "f19" "f23" 0x006b "f20" "f24" 0x006c "f21" "" 0x006d "f22" "" 0x006e "f23" "" 0x006f "unidenti...
...x007e "numpadcomma" "" 0x007f "unidentified" "" 0xe000 ~ 0xe007 "unidentified" "" 0xe008 "unidentified" "undo" 0xe009 "unidentified" "" 0xe00a "" "paste" 0xe00b ~ 0xe00f "" "" 0xe010 "mediatrackprevious" "mediatrackprevious" 0xe011 ~ 0xe016 "" "" 0xe017 "unidentified" "cut" 0xe018 "unidentified" "copy" 0xe019 "mediatracknext" "mediatracknext" 0xe01a, 0xe01b "unidentified" "" 0xe01c "numpadenter" "numpadenter" 0xe01d "controlright" "controlright" 0xe01e "unidentified" "launchmail" ...
...And 6 more matches
SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey() - Web APIs
*/ const saltbytes = [89,113,135,234,168,204,21,36,55,93,1,132,242,242,192,156]; /* the wrapped key itself.
... */ const wrappedkeybytes = [171,223,14,36,201,233,233,120,164,68,217,192,226,80, 224,39,199,235,239,60,212,169,100,23,61,54,244,197,160,80,109,230,207, 225,57,197,175,71,80,209]; /* convert an array of byte values to an arraybuffer.
...*/ const saltbytes = [180,253,62,216,47,35,90,55,218,233,103,10,172,143,161,177]; /* iv that is to be used in decrypting the key to unwrap.
...And 6 more matches
Color picker tool - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
width: 8px; height: 8px; content: ""; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 50%; } .ui-color-picker .hue, .ui-color-picker .alpha { width: 198px; height: 28px; margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #fff; float: left; } .ui-color-picker .hue { background: url("") center; background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, ...
...00%; line-height: 100%; } /* input slider */ .ui-input-slider > input { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 50px; text-align: center; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-input-slider-info { width: 90px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-left, .ui-input-slider-right { width: 16px; cursor: pointer; background: url("") center left no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-right { background: url("") center right no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-name { width: 90px; padding: 0 10px 0 0; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-btn-set { width: 25px; backg...
... position: relative; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2px 0px #ddd; } #picker-samples #add-icon:hover { cursor: pointer; border-color: #ddd; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 5px 0px #ccc; } #picker-samples #add-icon:before, #picker-samples #add-icon:after { content: ""; position: absolute; background-color: #eee; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 #eee; } #picker-samples #add-icon:before { width: 70%; height: 16%; top: 42%; left: 15%; } #picker-samples #add-icon:after { width: 16%; height: 70%; top: 15%; left: 42%; } #picker-samples #add-icon:hover:before, #picker-samples #add-icon:hover:after { background-color: #ddd; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 #ddd; } /** * controls */ #controls { width: 110px; padding: 10px; float: right; } #controls #picker-switch { text-align: center; float: left; } ...
...And 6 more matches
filter - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax /* url to svg filter */ filter: url("filters.svg#filter-id"); /* <filter-function> values */ filter: blur(5px); filter: brightness(0.4); filter: contrast(200%); filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px blue); filter: grayscale(50%); filter: hue-rotate(90deg); filter: invert(75%); filter: opacity(25%); filter: saturate(30%); filter: sepia(60%); /* multiple filters */ filter: contrast(175%) brightness(3%); /* use no filter */ filter: none; /* global values */ filter: inherit; filter: initial; filter: unset; with a function, use the following: filter: <filter-function> [<filter-f...
...thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><img alt="test_form.jpg" id="img1" class="internal default" src="/files/3710/test_form_2.jpg" style="width: 100%;" /></td> <td><img alt="test_form.jpg" id="img2" class="internal default" src="/files/3710/test_form_2.jpg" style="width: 100%;" /></td> <td> <div class="svg-container"> <svg id="img3" overflow="visible" viewbox="0 0 212 161" color-interpolation-filters="srgb"> <filter id="svgblur" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%"> <fegaussianblur in="sourcegraphic" stddeviation="3.5"/> </filter> <image xlink:href="/files/3710/test_form_2.jpeg" filter="url(#svgblur)" width="212px" height="161px"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td><img alt="test_form_s.j...
... filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 10px black) <svg style="position: absolute; top: -999999px" xmlns=""> <filter id="drop-shadow"> <fegaussianblur in="sourcealpha" stddeviation="[radius]"/> <feoffset dx="[offset-x]" dy="[offset-y]" result="offsetblur"/> <feflood flood-color="[color]"/> <fecomposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/> <femerge> <femergenode/> <femergen...
...And 6 more matches
JavaScript typed arrays - JavaScript
type value range size in bytes description web idl type equivalent c type int8array -128 to 127 1 8-bit two's complement signed integer byte int8_t uint8array 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer octet uint8_t uint8clampedarray 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint...
...32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.123456) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted double double bigint64array -263 to 263-1 8 64-bit two's complement signed integer bigint int64_t (signed long long) biguint64array 0 to 264-1 8 64-bit unsigned integer bigint uint64_t (unsigned long long) dataview the dataview is a low-level interface that provides a getter/setter api to read and write arbitrary data to the buffer.
... examples using views with buffers first of all, we will need to create a buffer, here with a fixed length of 16-bytes: let buffer = new arraybuffer(16); at this point, we have a chunk of memory whose bytes are all pre-initialized to 0.
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Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
supported bit rates unrestricted, but typically below 64 kbps supported frame rates any compression lossy dct-based algorithm supported frame sizes up to 1408 x 1152 pixels[2] supported color modes ycbcr; each picture format (sub-qcif, qcif, cif, 4cif, or 16cif) defines the frame size in pixels as well as how many rows each of luminance and chrominance samples are used for each frame hdr support no variable frame rate (vfr) support no browser compatibility feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari h.263 suppor...
... 4:0:0, 4:2:0, and 4:2:2 main 4:2:2 12 8 to 12 4:0:0, 4:2:0, and 4:2:2 main 4:4:4 8 4:0:0, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, and 4:4:4 main 4:4:4 10 8 to 10 4:0:0, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, and 4:4:4 main 4:4:4 12 8 to 12 4:0:0, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, and 4:4:4 main 4:4:4 16 intra 8 to 16 4:0:0, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, and 4:4:4 hdr support yes variable frame rate (vfr) support yes browser compatibility feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari hevc / h.265 support no 18[1] no[2] ...
... feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari mp4v-es support no[2] no yes[1] no no no container support 3gp, mp4 rtp / webrtc compatible no supporting/maintaining organization mpeg specification rfc 6416 licensing proprietary; obtain a license through mpeg la and/or at&t as needed [1] firefox supports mp4v-es in 3gp containers only.
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How can we design for all types of users? - Learn web development
for instance, if in your css you declare this: body { font-size:16px; } … you are telling the browser that whatever happens, the font size must be 16 pixels.
... modern browsers get around this rule by pretending that you're asking for "16 pixels when the user sets a zoom factor of 100%".
... yet, for many years internet explorer adamantly displayed 16 pixels as 16 pixels.
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NSS 3.51.1 release notes
notable changes in nss 3.51.1 bug 1617968 - update delegated credentials implementation to draft-07.
... bugs fixed in nss 3.51.1 bug 1619102 - add workaround option to include both dtls and tls versions in dtls supported_versions.
... bug 1619056 - update readme: tls 1.3 is not experimental anymore.
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font-size - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, if a parent element is set to 16px and its child element is set to larger, the child element displays larger than the parent element in the page.
...if you haven't set the font size anywhere on the page, then it is the browser default, which is often 16px.
... so, by default 1em = 16px, and 2em = 32px.
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String.fromCharCode() - JavaScript
the static string.fromcharcode() method returns a string created from the specified sequence of utf-16 code units.
... syntax string.fromcharcode(num1[, ...[, numn]]) parameters num1, ..., numn a sequence of numbers that are utf-16 code units.
... return value a string of length n consisting of the n specified utf-16 code units.
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Digital audio concepts - Web media technologies
most audio files use 16-bit signed integers for each sample, but others use 32-bit floating-point values or 24-bit or 32-bit integers.
... stereo audio is probably the most commonly used channel arrangement in web audio, and 16-bit samples are used for the majority of day-to-day audio in use today.
... for 16-bit stereo audio, each sample taken from the analog signal is recorded as two 16-bit integers, one for the left channel and one for the right.
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The "codecs" parameter in common media types - Web media technologies
some example av1 codec strings: av01.2.15m. av1 professional profile, level 5.3, main tier, 10 bits per color component, 4:2:2 chroma subsampling using itu-r bt.2100 color primaries, transfer characteristics, and ycbcr color matrix.
...e-excited linear prediction) main, scalable, speech, hq, ld 9 hvxc (harmonic vector excitation coding) main, scalable, speech, ld 10 – 11 reserved 12 ttsi (text to speech interface) main, scalable, speech, synthetic, ld 13 main synthetic main, synthetic 14 wavetable synthesis 15 general midi 16 algorithmic synthesis and audio effects 17 er aac lc (error resilient aac low-complexity) hq, mobile internetworking 18 reserved 19 er aac ltp (error resilient aac long term prediction) hq 20 er aac scalable (error resilient aac scalable) mobile internetworking 21 er twinvq (error resilient twinvq) mobile internetw...
... 02 4:2:2 chroma subsampling (4 out of each 4 horizontal pixels' luminance are used) 03 4:4:4 chroma subsampling (every pixel's luminance and chrominance are both retained) 04 reserved cp a two-digit integer specifying which of the color primaries from section 8.1 of the iso/iec 23001-8:2016 standard.
...And 5 more matches
Writing to Files - Archive of obsolete content
this example opens a file using the utf-16 encoding.
... var stream = io.newinputstream(file, "text", "utf-16"); this third argument is not needed to write using utf-8.
... write16 will write two bytes to the stream.
...And 4 more matches
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
a light brown color.</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); const output = document.queryselector('.output'); const code = textarea.value; const userentry = textarea. long as you do not stop.</p> <p>i also love the concept of positive thinking, and the need to eliminate negative self talk (as mentioned in affirmations for positive thinking.)</p> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); const output = document.queryselector('.output'); const code = textarea.value; const userentry = textarea.
...ove focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 50px; width: 95%"> <p>nasa sure does some exciting work.</p> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); const output = document.queryselector('.output'); const code = textarea.value; const userentry = textarea.
...And 4 more matches
Experimental features in Firefox
for more details on the status of this feature, see bug 1639607.
...see bug 1617600 for more details.
...see bug 1607954 for more details.
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Linux compatibility matrix
distribution kernel glibc glib gtk+2 gtk+3 pixman stdc++ gcc clang python3 released eol fedora 16 3.1 2.14 2.30 2.24 3.2 0.22 4.6 4.6 2.9 n/a nov 2011 feb 2013 fedora 17 3.3 2.15 2.32 2.24 3.4 0.24 4.7 4.7 3.0 n/a may 2012 jul 2013 fedora 18 3.6 2.16 2.34 2.24 3.6 0.26 4.7 4.7 3.1 n/a jan 2013 jan 2014 fedora 19 3.9 2.17 2.36 2.24 3.8 0.30 4.8.1 4.8 3.3 n/a jul 2013 jan 2015 fedora 20 3.11 2.18 2.38 2.24 ...
... 3.10 0.30 4.8.2 4.8 3.3 n/a dec 2013 jun 2015 fedora 21 3.17 2.20 2.42 2.24 3.14 0.32 4.9 4.9 3.4 n/a dec 2014 dec 2015 fedora 22 4.0 2.21 2.44 2.24 3.16 0.32 5.1 4.9, 5.1 3.5 n/a may 2015 jul 2016 fedora 23 4.2 2.22 2.46 2.24 3.18 0.33 5.1 5.1 3.7 n/a nov 2015 dec 2016 fedora 24 4.5 2.23 2.48 2.24 3.20 0.34 6.1 6.1 3.8 n/a jun 2016 aug 2017 fedora 25 4.8 2.24 2.50 2.24 3.22.2 0.34 6.2 6.2 3.8 n/a nov 2016 dec 2017 fedora 26 4.11 2.25 2.52 2.24 3.22.16 0.34 7.1 7.1 4.0 n/a jul 2017 jun 2018 fedor...
...a 27 4.13 2.26 2.54 2.24 3.22.24 0.34 7.2 7.2 4.0 n/a nov 2017 dec 2018 fedora 28 4.16 2.27 2.56 2.24 3.22.30 0.34 8.0.1 8.0.1 6.0 n/a may 2018 may 2019 fedora 29 4.18 2.28 2.58 2.24 3.24.1 0.34 8.2.1 8.2.1 7.0 3.7 oct 2018 nov 2019 fedora 30 5.0 2.29 2.60 2.24 3.24.8 0.34 9.0.1 9.0.1 8.0 3.7 apr 2019 ?
...And 4 more matches
Hacking Tips
(0x7fffef1231c0 @ 0) #1 (nil) typein:2 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 24) #2 (nil) typein:3 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 47) #3 (nil) typein:2 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 24) #4 (nil) typein:3 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 47) […] #25157 0x7fffefbbc250 typein:2 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 24) #25158 0x7fffefbbc1c8 typein:3 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 47) #25159 0x7fffefbbc140 typein:2 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 24) #25160 0x7fffefbbc0b8 typein:3 (0x7fffef1231c0 @ 47) #25161 0x7fffefbbc030 typein:5 (0x7fffef123280 @ 9) note, you can do the exact same exercise above using lldb (necessary on osx after apple removed gdb) by running lldb -f js then following the remaining steps.
...0x00007ffff7fb165a in ??
... (gdb) x /5i $pc - 1 0x7ffff7fb1659: int3 => 0x7ffff7fb165a: mov 0x28(%rsp),%rax 0x7ffff7fb165f: mov %eax,%ecx 0x7ffff7fb1661: mov 0x30(%rsp),%rdx 0x7ffff7fb1666: mov %edx,%ebx (gdb) # replace the int3 by a nop (gdb) set *(unsigned char *) ($pc - 1) = 0x90 (gdb) x /1i $pc - 1 0x7ffff7fb1659: nop (gdb) # set a breakpoint at the previous location (gdb) b *0x7ffff7fb1659 breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7fb1659 printing ion generated assembly code (from gdb) if you want to look at the assembly code g...
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JSAPI reference
tprivate added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_setcompartmentprivate added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_getglobalforcompartmentornull added in spidermonkey 17 js_iteratecompartments added in spidermonkey 17 js_setdestroycompartmentcallback added in spidermonkey 17 js_setcompartmentnamecallback added in spidermonkey 17 js_newcompartmentandglobalobject added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 obsolete since jsapi 16 js_entercrosscompartmentcall added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 obsolete since jsapi 18 js_leavecrosscompartmentcall added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 obsolete since jsapi 18 locale callbacks: struct jslocalecallbacks js_getlocalecallbacks js_setlocalecallbacks locale callback types: jslocaletouppercase jslocaletolowercase jslocalecompare jslocaletounicode scripts just running some javascr...
... js::toboolean added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint16 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::tonumber added in spidermonkey 17 js::tostring added in spidermonkey 31 js::ordinarytoprimitive added in spidermonkey 38 js_valuetoconstructor js_valuetofunction js_valuetoobject js_valuetosource js_convertva...
...lue js_valuetoboolean obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetoecmaint32 obsolete since jsapi 26 js_valuetoecmauint32 obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetoint32 obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetonumber obsolete since jsapi 27 js_valuetostring obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetouint16 obsolete since jsapi 28 fast, unchecked type-casting macros.
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obsolete since gecko 2.0 void getdefaultsecuritymanager(out nsixpcsecuritymanager amanager, out pruint16 flags); nsixpcfunctionthistranslator getfunctionthistranslator(in nsiidref aiid); jsobjectptr getjsobjectofwrapper(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ajsobj); [noscript, notxpcom] nsisupports getnativeofwrapper(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ajsobj); void getsecuritymanagerforjscontext(in jscontextptr ajscontext, out nsixpcsecuritymanager ...
...amanager, out pruint16 flags); nsixpconnectwrappednative getwrappednativeofjsobject(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ajsobj); nsixpconnectwrappednative getwrappednativeofnativeobject(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsisupports acomobj, in nsiidref aiid); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder getwrappednativeprototype(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsiclassinfo aclassinfo); jsval getwrapperforobject(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aobject, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsiprincipal aprincipal, in unsigned long afilenameflags); native code only!
... void setdefaultsecuritymanager(in nsixpcsecuritymanager amanager, in pruint16 flags); nsixpcfunctionthistranslator setfunctionthistranslator(in nsiidref aiid, in nsixpcfunctionthistranslator atranslator); void setreportalljsexceptions(in boolean reportalljsexceptions); void setsafejscontextforcurrentthread(in jscontextptr cx); void setsecuritymanagerforjscontext(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nsixpcsecuritymanager amanager, in pruint16 ...
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WebIDL bindings
ullable foo* already_addrefed<foo> foo* refptr<foo> long int32_t int32_t int32_t long long int64_t int64_t int64_t object js::handle<jsobject*> js::mutablehandle<jsobject*> jsobject* octet uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t sequence const sequence<t>& nstarray<t>& (outparam) short int16_t int16_t int16_t unrestricted double double double double unrestricted float float float float unsigned long uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t unsigned long long uint64_t uint64_t uint64_t unsigned short uint16_t uint16_t uint16_t usvstring const nsastring& mozilla::dom::domstring& (outparam) ...
...arg); }; will correspond to these c++ function declarations: int16_t myattr(); void setmyattr(int16_t value); int64_t mymethod(const nullable<uint32_t>& arg); floating point types floating point webidl types are mapped to the c++ type of the same name.
... it is a good fit for when the specification allows a usvstring, but you want to process the string as utf-8 rather than utf-16.
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Working with data
if the type is an array of 8-bit characters and value is a utf-16 string, the new cdata object is the result of converting the utf-16 string to utf-8, with a null terminator.
... if you need a utf-16 string, you can do this: var myutf16string = ctypes.jschar.array()("original string."); note: at this time, there's no way to specify a particular encoding; you may only retrieve the string in utf-8 or utf-16 as shown above.
... however, when c functions return, they still return a char.ptr or jschar.ptr (that is, a pointer to an 8-bit or 16-bit array of characters).
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WebGL constants - Web APIs
mag_filter 0x2800 texture_min_filter 0x2801 texture_wrap_s 0x2802 texture_wrap_t 0x2803 texture_2d 0x0de1 texture 0x1702 texture_cube_map 0x8513 texture_binding_cube_map 0x8514 texture_cube_map_positive_x 0x8515 texture_cube_map_negative_x 0x8516 texture_cube_map_positive_y 0x8517 texture_cube_map_negative_y 0x8518 texture_cube_map_positive_z 0x8519 texture_cube_map_negative_z 0x851a max_cube_map_texture_size 0x851c texture0 - 31 0x84c0 - 0x84df a texture unit.
...loat 0x8df2 low_int 0x8df3 medium_int 0x8df4 high_int 0x8df5 framebuffers and renderbuffers constant name value description framebuffer 0x8d40 renderbuffer 0x8d41 rgba4 0x8056 rgb5_a1 0x8057 rgb565 0x8d62 depth_component16 0x81a5 stencil_index8 0x8d48 depth_stencil 0x84f9 renderbuffer_width 0x8d42 renderbuffer_height 0x8d43 renderbuffer_internal_format 0x8d44 renderbuffer_red_size 0x8d50 renderbuffer_green_size 0x8d51 renderbuffer_blue_size 0x8d52 renderbuffer_alph...
... texture_base_level 0x813c texture_max_level 0x813d texture_compare_mode 0x884c texture_compare_func 0x884d srgb 0x8c40 srgb8 0x8c41 srgb8_alpha8 0x8c43 compare_ref_to_texture 0x884e rgba32f 0x8814 rgb32f 0x8815 rgba16f 0x881a rgb16f 0x881b texture_2d_array 0x8c1a texture_binding_2d_array 0x8c1d r11f_g11f_b10f 0x8c3a rgb9_e5 0x8c3d rgba32ui 0x8d70 rgb32ui 0x8d71 rgba16ui 0x8d76 rgb16ui 0x8d77 rgba8ui 0x8d7c rgb8ui 0x8d7d ...
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Closures - JavaScript
here's the javascript: function makesizer(size) { return function() { = size + 'px'; }; } var size12 = makesizer(12); var size14 = makesizer(14); var size16 = makesizer(16); size12, size14, and size16 are now functions that resize the body text to 12, 14, and 16 pixels, respectively.
... document.getelementbyid('size-12').onclick = size12; document.getelementbyid('size-14').onclick = size14; document.getelementbyid('size-16').onclick = size16; <a href="#" id="size-12">12</a> <a href="#" id="size-14">14</a> <a href="#" id="size-16">16</a> run the code using jsfiddle.
...ail"></p> <p>name: <input type="text" id="name" name="name"></p> <p>age: <input type="text" id="age" name="age"></p> function showhelp(help) { document.getelementbyid('help').innerhtml = help; } function setuphelp() { var helptext = [ {'id': 'email', 'help': 'your e-mail address'}, {'id': 'name', 'help': 'your full name'}, {'id': 'age', 'help': 'your age (you must be over 16)'} ]; for (var i = 0; i < helptext.length; i++) { var item = helptext[i]; document.getelementbyid( = function() { showhelp(; } } } setuphelp(); try running the code in jsfiddle.
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DataView - JavaScript
var littleendian = (function() { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); new dataview(buffer).setint16(0, 256, true /* littleendian */); // int16array uses the platform's endianness.
... return new int16array(buffer)[0] === 256; })(); console.log(littleendian); // true or false 64-bit integer values because javascript does not currently include standard support for 64-bit integer values, dataview does not offer native 64-bit operations.
... dataview.prototype.getint16() gets a signed 16-bit integer (short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
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parseInt() - JavaScript
(for example, a radix of 10 converts from a decimal number, 8 converts from octal, 16 from hexadecimal, and so on.) for radices above 10, letters of the english alphabet indicate numerals greater than 9.
... for example, for hexadecimal numbers (base 16), a through f are used.
... if radix is undefined, 0, or unspecified, javascript assumes the following: if the input string begins with "0x" or "0x" (a zero, followed by lowercase or uppercase x), radix is assumed to be 16 and the rest of the string is parsed as a hexidecimal number.
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Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
but both these functions are handled by textbox as shown in listing 16, which produces output as shown in figure 13.
... <vbox align="start"> <textbox/> <textbox multiline="true" rows="5" cols="15"/> </vbox> listing 16: textbox examples figure 13: output from listing 16 autocomplete adding type="autocomplete" to a textbox element enables an automatic completion function for it.
...the output of this sample is shown in figure 16.
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Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
ilestream.init(file, 1, 0, false); var binarystream = components.classes[';1'] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsibinaryinputstream); binarystream.setinputstream(filestream); var array = binarystream.readbytearray(filestream.available()); binarystream.close(); filestream.close(); alert( function(aitem) {return aitem.tostring(16); } ).join(' ').touppercase( )); when we initialized nsifileinputstream, we set the second and third parameters to initialize it in read-only mode.
...the text that you've read in is actually being represented internally as unicode (utf-16).
...harset, filestream.available(), converterstream.default_replacement_character); var out = {}; converterstream.readstring(filestream.available(), out); var filecontents = out.value; converterstream.close(); filestream.close(); alert(filecontents); outputting text files fixme: not sure this example is relevant in an english context, maybe something from the snippets listing 16 shows how to take text internally represented as unicode and output it to a file encoded using euc-jp (a japanese text encoding).
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MMgc - Archive of obsolete content
sample stack trace: xmlclass.cpp:391 toplevel.cpp:164 toplevel.cpp:507 interpreter.cpp:1098 interpreter.cpp:20 methodenv.cpp:47 allocation traces, deletion traces etc.
...the memory profiler use srtti and stack traces to get information by location and type: class avmplus::growablebuffer - 24.9% - 3015 kb 514 items, avg 6007b 98.9% - 2983 kb - 512 items - poolobject.cpp:29 abcparser.cpp:948 … 0.8% - 24 kb - 1 items - poolobject.cpp:29 abcparser.cpp:948 … class avmplus::string - 13.2% - 1602 kb 15675 items, avg 104b 65.6% - 1051 kb - 14397 items - stringobject.cpp:46 avmcore.cpp:2300 … 20.4% - 326 kb - 10439 items - avmcore.cpp:2300 abcparser.cpp:1077 … 6.5% - 103 kb - 3311 items - avmcore.cpp:2300 abcparser.cpp:1077 … other profiling tools the gcstats flag on the gc object controls verbose output.
... they are logged like this: [mem] sweep(21) reclaimed 910 whole pages (3640 kb) in 22.66 millis (2.4975 s) [mem] mark(1) 0 objects (180866 kb 205162 mb/s) in 0.88 millis (2.5195 s) [mem] drc reaped 114040 objects (3563 kb) freeing 903 pages (7800 kb) in 17.41 millis (2.0015 s) how mmgc works mark/sweep the mmgc garbage collector uses a mark/sweep algorithm.
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MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
if it is not possible to give access to anonymous, //you have to enable this function first, please see // // // //put everything in a try/catch try { var userinfo = new object(); // this will hold ldap results userinfo.envuser = getenv("username"); // username userinfo.envhome = getenv("home"); // user home directory var ldaphost = ""; var ldapbase = "dc=company,dc=local"; if( userinfo.envuser ) { var ldapfilter = "samaccountname=" + userinfo.envuser; } else {...
... thunderbird 2.x beta 2 recently (2007/03/21) i've tested with thunderbird 2 beta 2 (2007/01/16) to check if autoconfig + ldap is still supported .
... firefox 22 omni.jar archive file became omni.ja since [root@localhost firefox]# unzip -l /usr/lib/firefox/browser/omni.ja | grep defaults/pr warning [/usr/lib/firefox/browser/omni.ja]: 3598815 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) error [/usr/lib/firefox/browser/omni.ja]: reported length of central directory is -3598815 bytes too long (atari stzip zipfile?
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CSS values and units - Learn web development
in the following example we have set the color of our heading using a keyword, and the background using the rgb() function: h1 { color: black; background-color: rgb(197,93,161); } a value in css is a way to define a collection of allowable sub-values.
... to start with, we set 16px as the font size on the <html> element.
... the standard color system available in modern computers is 24 bit, which allows the display of about 16.7 million distinct colors via a combination of different red, green and blue channels with 256 different values per channel (256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216.) let's have a look at some of the ways in which we can specify colors in css.
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Legacy layout methods - Learn web development
<div class="col">5</div> <div class="col">6</div> <div class="col">7</div> <div class="col">8</div> <div class="col">9</div> <div class="col">10</div> <div class="col">11</div> <div class="col">12</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col span1">13</div> <div class="col span6">14</div> <div class="col span3">15</div> <div class="col span2">16</div> </div> </div> the aim is to turn this into a demonstration grid of two rows on a twelve column grid — the top row demonstrating the size of the individual columns, the second row some different sized areas on the grid.
... update the bottom block of css rules with the following: /* two column widths (12.5%) plus one gutter width (2.08333333%) */ .col.span2 { width: 14.58333333%; } /* three column widths (18.75%) plus two gutter widths (4.1666666) */ .col.span3 { width: 22.91666666%; } /* and so on...
... */ .col.span4 { width: 31.24999999%; } .col.span5 { width: 39.58333332%; } .col.span6 { width: 47.91666665%; } .col.span7 { width: 56.24999998%; } .col.span8 { width: 64.58333331%; } .col.span9 { width: 72.91666664%; } .col.span10 { width: 81.24999997%; } .col.span11 { width: 89.5833333%; } .col.span12 { width: 97.91666663%; } now save your code, load it in a browser, and try changing the viewport width — you should see the column widths adjust nicely to suit.
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Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
t itself, which is in the body): get http/1.1 host: connection: keep-alive pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/52.0.2743.116 safari/537.36 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 referer: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br accept-charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.6 cookie: sessionid=6ynxs23n521lu21b1t136rhbv7ezngie; csrftoken=zipujsazv6pcgcbjscj1zu6pqzbfmuat; dwf_section_edit=false; dwf_sg_task_c...
...ompletion=false; _gat=1; _ga=ga1.2.1688886003.1471911953; ffo=true the first and second lines contain most of the information we talked about above: the type of request (get).
... http/1.1 200 ok server: apache x-backend-server: vary: accept,cookie, accept-encoding content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: wed, 07 sep 2016 00:11:31 gmt keep-alive: timeout=5, max=999 connection: keep-alive x-frame-options: deny allow: get x-cache-info: caching content-length: 41823 <!doctype html> <html lang="en-us" dir="ltr" class="redesign no-js" data-ffo-opensanslight=false data-ffo-opensans=false > <head prefix="og:"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <script...
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TimerFirings logging
-991946880[7f46c365ba00]: [6775] fn timer (slack 100 ms): layeractivitytracker -991946880[7f46c365ba00]: [6775] fn timer (one_shot 250 ms): presshell::spaintsuppressioncallback -991946880[7f46c365ba00]: [6775] fn timer (one_shot 160 ms): nsbrowserstatusfilter::timeouthandler -991946880[7f46c365ba00]: [6775] iface timer (one_shot 200 ms): 7f46964d7f80 -1340643584[7f46c365ec00]: [6775] obs timer (slack 1000 ms): 7f46a95a0200 each line has the following information.
... -991946880[7f46c365ba00]: [6775] fn timer (one_shot 0 ms): [content] chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.xml:1816:0 711637568[7f3219c48000]: [6835] fn timer (one_shot 100 ms): [content] 711637568[7f3219c48000]: [6835] fn timer (one_shot 100 ms): [content] these js timers are annotated with [content] and show the javascript source location where they were created.
... 2088737280[7f606bf68140]: [30710] fn timer (one_shot 16 ms): [from dladdr] #0: ???[/home/njn/moz/mi1/o64/dist/bin/ +0x2144f94] 2088737280[7f606bf68140]: [30710] fn timer (one_shot 16 ms): [from dladdr] #0: mozilla::refreshdrivertimer::timertick(nsitimer*, void*) (/home/njn/moz/mi1/o64/layout/b third, on other platforms dladdr is not implemented or doesn't work well, and the output will look like the followin.
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NSS 3.53 release notes
(bug 290526) seed is now moved into a new freebl directory freebl/deprecated (bug 1636389). that time, users will need to set the compile-time flag (bug 1622033) to disable that deprecation in order to use the algorithm.
...(bug 1618404, bug 1621159) if a builtin certificate has a cka_nss_server_distrust_after timestamp before the sct or notbefore date of a certificate that builtin issued, then clients can elect not to trust it.
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TLS Cipher Suite Discovery
each cipher suite is represented by a 16-bit number.
...*/ ssl_import const pruint16 ssl_implementedciphers[]; /* number of entries in the above table.
... */ ssl_import const pruint16 ssl_numimplementedciphers; of course, the raw integer numbers of the cipher suites are not likely to be known to most users, so libssl provides a function by which the application can obtain a wealth of information about any supported cipher suite, by its number.
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convert a 16-bit string to an 8-bit string.
... src const jschar * the pointer to 16-bit values of jsstring.
... srclen size_t the length of the source string, in 16-bit values.
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jschar is the type of javascript "characters", the 16-bit elements that make up strings.
... jschar, a typedef for the standard c++ type char16_t, will be removed in jsapi 38.
... functions that use jschar will use char16_t directly.
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SpiderMonkey 38
js::clonefunctionobject (bug 1088228) interned_string_to_jsid (bug 1045900) js::construct (bug 1017109) js::createerror (bug 984048) js::falsehandlevalue (bug 959787) js::handlesymbol (bug 645416) js::identifystandardconstructor (bug 976148) js::iscallable (bug 1065811) js::isconstructor (bug 1065811) js::mutablehandlesymbol (bug 645416) js::ordinarytoprimitive (bug 1103152) js::propertyspecnameequalsid (bug 1082672) js::propertyspecnameissymbol (bug 1082672) js::propertyspecnametopermanentid (bug 1082672) js::protokeytoid (bug 987669) js::rootedsymbol (bug 645416) js::truehand...
...levalue (bug 959787) jsconstintegerspec (bug 1066020) jsid_is_symbol (bug 645416) jsid_to_symbol (bug 645416) jsprop_define_late (bug 825199) jsprop_ignore_enumerate (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_permanent (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_readonly (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_value (bug 1037770) jsprop_propop_accessors (bug 1088002) jsprop_redefine_nonconfigurable (bug 1101123) js_addfinalizecallback (bug 996785) js_defineconstintegers (bug 1066020) js_getflatstringcharat (bug 1034627) js_getfunctionscript (bug 1069694) js_getlatin1flatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getlatin1internedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength (bug 1032726) js_getstringcharat (bug 1034627) js_gettwobyteexternalstringchars (bug 1034627) js_gettwobyteflatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_ge...
...ingchars (bug 1037869) js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength (bug 1032726) js_newplainobject (bug 1125356) js_removefinalizecallback (bug 996785) js_self_hosted_sym_fn (bug 1082672) js_sym_fn (bug 1082672) js_sym_fnspec (bug 1082672) js_stringhaslatin1chars (bug 1032726) js_stringisflat (bug 1037869) js_stringtoid (bug 959787) propertydefinitionbehavior (bug 825199) symbol_to_jsid (bug 645416) obsolete apis ...
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WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.byte: signed 8-bit integer, with values in [-128, 127] gl.short: signed 16-bit integer, with values in [-32768, 32767] gl.unsigned_byte: unsigned 8-bit integer, with values in [0, 255] gl.unsigned_short: unsigned 16-bit integer, with values in [0, 65535] gl.float: 32-bit ieee floating point number when using a webgl 2 context, the following values are available additionally: gl.half_float: 16-bit ieee floating point number normalized a glboo...
...on high-end graphics cards, the maximum is 16, on lower-end graphics cards, the value will be lower.
... texture coordinate: we need to store the u and v coordinates; for this 16-bit unsigned integers offer enough precision, the total size is 4 bytes.
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WebGL best practices - Web APIs
in practice, effectively all systems support at least the following: max_cube_map_texture_size: 4096 max_renderbuffer_size: 4096 max_texture_size: 4096 max_viewport_dims: [4096,4096] max_vertex_texture_image_units: 4 max_texture_image_units: 8 max_combined_texture_image_units: 8 max_vertex_attribs: 16 max_varying_vectors: 8 max_vertex_uniform_vectors: 128 max_fragment_uniform_vectors: 64 aliased_point_size_range: [1,100] your desktop may support 16k textures, or maybe 16 texture units in the vertex shader, but most other systems don't, and content that works for you will not work for them!
... a good pattern for "always give me the highest precision": #ifdef gl_fragment_precision_high precision highp float; #else precision mediump float; #endif essl100 minimum requirements (webgl 1) float think range min above zero precision highp float24* (-2^62, 2^62) 2^-62 2^-16 relative mediump ieee float16 (-2^14, 2^14) 2^-14 2^-10 relative lowp 10-bit signed fixed (-2, 2) 2^-8 2^-8 absolute int think range highp int17 (-2^16, 2^16) mediump int11 (-2^10, 2^10) lowp int9 (-2^8, 2^8) *float24: sign bit, 7-bit for exponent, 16-bit for mantissa essl300 m...
...inimum requirements (webgl 2) float think range min above zero precision highp ieee float32 (-2^126, 2^127) 2^-126 2^-24 relative mediump ieee float16 (-2^14, 2^14) 2^-14 2^-10 relative lowp 10-bit signed fixed (-2, 2) 2^-8 2^-8 absolute (u)int think int range unsigned int range highp (u)int32 [-2^31, 2^31] [0, 2^32] mediump (u)int16 [-2^15, 2^15] [0, 2^16] lowp (u)int9 [-2^8, 2^8] [0, 2^9] prefer builtins like dot, mix, and normalize instead of buiding your own at best, custom implementations of builtins might run as fast as the builtins they replace, but don't expect them to.
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WritableStream - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
... desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetwritablestream experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox no support noie no support noopera full support 47safari ?
... samsung internet android full support 7.0writablestream() constructor experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox no support noie no support noopera full support 47safari ?
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Border-image generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
lass="value"> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> css content /* grid of twelve * ========================================================================== */ .span_12 { width: 100%; } .span_11 { width: 91.46%; } .span_10 { width: 83%; } .span_9 { width: 74.54%; } .span_8 { width: 66.08%; } .span_7 { width: 57.62%; } .span_6 { width: 49.16%; } .span_5 { width: 40.7%; } .span_4 { width: 32.24%; } .span_3 { width: 23.78%; } .span_2 { width: 15.32%; } .span_1 { width: 6.86%; } /* sections * ========================================================================== */ .section { clear: both; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } /* grouping * ========================================================================== */ .g...
...00%; line-height: 100%; } /* input slider */ .ui-input-slider > input { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 50px; text-align: center; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-input-slider-info { width: 90px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-left, .ui-input-slider-right { width: 16px; cursor: pointer; background: url("") center left no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-right { background: url("") center right no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-name { width: 90px; padding: 0 10px 0 0; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-btn-set { width: 25px; backg...
... box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-dropdown-list > div:hover { background: #3490d2; color:#fff; border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; } /*************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************/ /* * ui button */ /* checkbox */ .ui-checkbox { text-align: center; font-size: 16px; font-family: "segoe ui", arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; color: #fff; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .ui-checkbox > input { display: none; } .ui-checkbox > label { font-size: 12px; padding: 0.333em 1.666em 0.5em; height: 1em; line-height: 1em; background-color: #888; background-image: url("http...
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Linear-gradient Generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
.ui-color-picker .picker:before { width: 8px; height: 8px; content: ""; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 50%; } .ui-color-picker .hue, .ui-color-picker .alpha { width: 198px; height: 28px; margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #fff; float: left; } .ui-color-picker .hue { background: url("images/hue_mask.png"); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, ...
...; } /* input slider */ .ui-input-slider > input { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 50px; text-align: center; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-input-slider-info { width: 90px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; line-height: inherit; } .ui-input-slider-left, .ui-input-slider-right { width: 16px; cursor: pointer; background: url("arrows.png") center left no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-right { background: url("arrows.png") center right no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-name { width: 90px; padding: 0 10px 0 0; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-btn-set { width: 25px; background-color: #2c9fc9; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; li...
...tive; } .gradient-axis .gradient-line:hover { cursor: pointer; } .gradient-axis .gradient-line:after, .gradient-axis .gradient-line:before { content: ""; width: 1px; height: 100px; background-color: #ccc; position: absolute; top: -48px; } .gradient-axis .gradient-line:after { left: -1px; } .gradient-axis .gradient-line:before { right: -1px; } .gradient-axis .gradient-point { width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 0 0 -8px; top: -7px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #999; position: absolute; z-index: 1; } .gradient-axis .gradient-point:after { content: ""; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #999; position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 4px; } .gradient-axis .gradient-point:hover:after...
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<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<datalist id="colorsxx"> <option>#ff0000</option> <option>#ee0000</option> <option>#dd0000</option> <option>#cc0000</option> <option>#bb0000</option> </datalist> <datalist id="numbersxx"> <option>0</option> <option>2</option> <option>4</option> <option>8</option> <option>16</option> <option>32</option> <option>64</option> </datalist> <datalist id="fruitsxx"> <option>cherry</option> <option>banana</option> <option>mango</option> <option>orange</option> <option>blueberry</option> </datalist> <datalist id="urlsxx"> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option>http...
... maxlength valid for text, search, url, tel, email, and password, it defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the field.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
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WebAssembly.Table - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jstablechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0table() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... support 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0getchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
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Paths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
<svg width="190" height="160" xmlns=""> <path d="m 10 10 c 20 20, 40 20, 50 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> <path d="m 70 10 c 70 20, 110 20, 110 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> <path d="m 130 10 c 120 20, 180 20, 170 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> <path d="m 10 60 c 20 80, 40 80, 50 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> <path d="m 70 60 c 70 80, 110 80, 110 60...
... <svg width="190" height="160" xmlns=""> <path d="m 10 80 c 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 s 150 150, 180 80" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> </svg> the other type of bézier curve, the quadratic curve called with q, is actually a simpler curve than the cubic one.
... q x1 y1, x y (or) q dx1 dy1, dx dy <svg width="190" height="160" xmlns=""> <path d="m 10 80 q 95 10 180 80" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/> </svg> as with the cubic bézier curve, there is a shortcut for stringing together multiple quadratic béziers, called with t.
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panel - Archive of obsolete content
attaching panels to buttons you can attach a panel to a toggle button by passing the button itself as the position option to the panel's show() method or to its constructor: var { togglebutton } = require('sdk/ui/button/toggle'); var sdkpanels = require("sdk/panel"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var button = togglebutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onchange: handlechange }); var mypanel = sdkpanels.panel({ contenturl:"panel.html"), onhide: handlehide }); function handlechange(state) { if (state.checked) {{ position: button }); } } function handlehide() { button.state('window', {checked: false}); } updatin...
... the add-on consists of six files: main.js: the main add-on code, that creates the button and panel get-text.js: the content script that interacts with the panel content text-entry.html: the panel content itself, specified as html icon-16.png, icon-32.png, and icon-64.png: icons for the button in three different sizes "main.js" is saved in your add-on's lib directory, and the other files go in your add-on's data directory: my-addon/ data/ get-text.js icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png text-entry.html lib/ main.js the "main.js" looks like this: var data = require("sdk/s...
...var textentrypanel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ contenturl: data.url("text-entry.html"), contentscriptfile: data.url("get-text.js") }); // create a button require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "show-panel", label: "show panel", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); // show the panel when the user clicks the button.
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widget - Archive of obsolete content
if the content is an image, it is automatically scaled to be 16x16 pixels.
... data = require("sdk/self").data var clockpanel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ width:215, height:160, contenturl: data.url("clock.html") }); require("sdk/widget").widget({ id: "open-clock-btn", label: "clock", contenturl: data.url("history.png"), panel: clockpanel }); note that this is, at the moment, the only way you can attach a panel to a widget.
...if you assign the panel to the widget after construction, the panel can still be shown but will not be anchored to the widget: data = require("sdk/self").data var clockpanel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ width:215, height:160, contenturl: data.url("clock.html") }); widget = require("sdk/widget").widget({ id: "open-clock-btn", label: "clock", contenturl: data.url("history.png") }); widget.panel = clockpanel; // will not be anchored; also, if you try to call inside your widget's click event listener, the panel will not be anchored: data = require("sdk/self").data var clockpanel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ width:215, height:160, contenturl: data.url("clock.html"...
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Creating Reusable Modules - Archive of obsolete content
we can adapt it like this: var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } function md5file(path) { var f = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsilocalfile); f.initwithpath(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc[";1"] .createinstance(...
... tohexstring(hash.charcodeat(i))).join(""); return s; } putting it together the complete add-on adds a button to firefox: when the user clicks the button, we ask them to select a file, compute the hash, and log the hash to the console: var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } function md5file(path) { var f = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsilocalfile); f.initwithpath(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc[";1"] .createinstance(...
... } return path; } require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "show-panel", label: "show panel", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png" }, onclick: function() { console.log(md5file(promptforfile())); } }); this works , but index.js is now getting longer and its logic is harder to understand.
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Adding Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons - Archive of obsolete content
here are the key similarities and differences between the 3 themes: all systems use small icons that are 16x16 pixels.
...this doesn't really matter as long as the contents are 16x16 and they are centered in the frame.
...*/ toolbarbutton.xulschoolhello-toolbarbutton, window:not([active="true"]) toolbarbutton.xulschoolhello-toolbarbutton, toolbar[iconsize="small"] toolbarbutton.xulschoolhello-toolbarbutton { list-style-image: url("chrome://xulschoolhello-os/skin/toolbar.png"); } #xulschoolhello-hello-world-button { -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 16px, 16px, 0px); } mac os x: /* the second and third selectors at the bottom are necessary to prevent conflicts with installed themes.
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Reading from Files - Archive of obsolete content
this example opens a file using the utf-16 encoding.
... var stream = io.newinputstream(file, "text", "utf-16"); this third argument is not needed if the file is stored in utf-8.
...read16 will read two bytes from the stream and interpret them as an integer.
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reftest opportunities files - Archive of obsolete content
ser/tests/html/strike002.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/span003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/span002.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/span001.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/residual.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/quote003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/quote002.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/quote001.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/q001.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre016.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre015.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre012.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre007.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre006.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre005.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre004.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre002.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/pre001.html parser/htmlparser/tests/h... parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del007.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del006.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del005.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del004.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del002.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/del001.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/comments.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col016.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col015.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col014.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col013.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col012.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col011.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col010.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col009.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col008.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/col007.html parser/htmlparser/tests/h...
...sts/html/bug24003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug23831.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug23780.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug23680.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug23529.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug22157.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug22142.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug22025.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21779.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21692.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21689.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21424.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21318.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug21186.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug20199.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug20178.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug20030.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug19194.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/bug19172.html parse...
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HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
my legs are made of cardboard and i am married to a fish.</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func...
...abel">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%">milk eggs bread hummus</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func...
...; width: 95%">drive to the end of the road turn right go straight across the first two roundabouts turn left at the third roundabout the school is on your right, 300 meters up the road</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func...
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2| 1 1| 79 |condvar | 24 48| 3086 2| 279 |messagepump | 8 8| 30 1| 285 |mutex | 20 60| 89987 3| 302 |pcompositorchild | 412 412| 1 1| 308 |pimagebridgechild | 416 416| 1 1| the first line tells you the pid of the leaking process, along with the type of process.
...e instance size bytes allocated bytes allocated but not freed blank mozilla yahoo netscape total blank mozilla yahoo netscape total total 1754408 432556 179828 404184 2770976 nsstr 20 6261600 3781900 1120920 1791340 12955760 222760 48760 13280 76160 360960 nshashkey 8 610568 1842400 2457872 1134592 6045432 32000 536 568 1216 34320 nstexttransformer 548 8220 469088 1414936 1532756 3425000 0 0 0 0 0 nsstylecontextdata 736 259808 32...
...5312 489440 338560 1413120 141312 220800 -11040 94944 446016 nslinelayout 1100 2200 225500 402600 562100 1192400 0 0 0 0 0 nslocalfile 424 558832 19928 1696 1272 581728 72080 1272 424 -424 73352 the first set of columns, bytes allocated, shows the amount of memory allocated for the first log file (blank.txt), the difference between the first log file and the second (mozilla.txt), the difference between the second log file and the third (yahoo.txt), the difference between the third log file and the fourth (netscape.txt), and the total amount of memory allocated in the fourth log file.
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Optimizing Applications For NSPR
win-16 the win-16 port is unique in the nspr world in that it uses the watcom development environment.
... win16 uses co-operative non-preemptive dispatching for its own processes.
... the general rules of 16 bit large model memory restrictions apply to applications using nspr on windows 3.1.
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NSS 3.21.3 release notes
security fixes in nss 3.21.3 bug 1306103 / cve-2016-5285 - fixed a possible dos on nss servers due to a missing null check.
... bug 1221620 - fixed a possible left-shift of a negative integer value when parsing der.
... bug 1206283 - fixed an out-of-bound read when parsing invalid utf-16.
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uclinebuf const char16_t * unicode line buffer.
... uctokenptr const char16_t * pointer to the error token in *uclinebuf.
... ucmessage const char16_t * the default unicode error message.
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me, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlevalue value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handleobject value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); boo...
...l js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlestring value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, ...
...finepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handle<jspropertydescriptor> desc, js::objectopresult &result); bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); // ---- added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 ---- bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handlevalue value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::hand...
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syntax jsbool js_valuetoecmaint32(jscontext *cx, jsval v, int32 *ip); jsbool js_valuetoecmauint32(jscontext *cx, jsval v, uint32 *ip); jsbool js_valuetouint16(jscontext *cx, jsval v, uint16 *ip); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the conversion.
... ip int32 * or uint32 * or int16 * out parameter.
... description js_valuetoecmaint32, js_valuetoecmauint32, and js_valuetouint16 convert a javascript value to various integer types as specified in the ecmascript specification.
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« xpcom api reference summary the nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.
... ns_cstring_encoding_ascii conversion between ascii and utf-16 assumes that all bytes in the source string are 7-bit ascii and can be inflated to utf-16 by inserting null bytes.
...ns_cstring_encoding_utf8 conversion between utf-8 and utf-16 is non-lossy.
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inherits from: nsiinputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview pruint8 read8(); pruint16 read16(); pruint32 read32(); pruint64 read64(); unsigned long readarraybuffer(in pruint32 alength, in jsval aarraybuffer); prbool readboolean(); void readbytearray(in pruint32 alength, [array, size_is(alength), retval] out pruint8 abytes); void readbytes(in pruint32 alength, [size_is(alength), retval] out string astring); acstring rea...
... read16() reads from the stream.
... pruint16 read16(); parameters none.
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the preferred form operates on utf-16 encoded characters strings.
...therefore, the utf-16 forms are scriptable, but the "native methods" are not.
...the preferred form operates on utf-16 (unicode) encoded character strings.
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type_pruint16 6 corresponding to nsisupportspruint16.
... type_print16 11 corresponding to nsisupportsprint16.
... type_void 16 corresponding to nsisupportsvoid.
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int16_t signed 16-bit integer.
... uint16_t unsigned 16-bit integer.
... javascript characters 16-bit c unicode characters are handled by js-ctypes using the jschar type.
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Using the CSS Typed Object Model - Web APIs
cssunit.appendchild( document.createtextnode( allcomputedstyles.get( ofinterest[i] ).unit )); row.appendchild( cssunit ); //add the row to the table stylestable.appendchild( row ); } for those of you using a non-supporting browser, the above output should looks something like this: property value unit padding-top 0 px margin-bottom 16 px font-size 16 px font-stretch 100 percent animation-duration 0 s animation-iteration-count 1 number width auto undefined height auto undefined you'll note the <length> unit returned is px, the <percentage> unit returned is percent, the <time> unit is s for 'seconds', and the unitless <number> uni...
...we'll take a look at that their types are by employing short javascript snippets outputting to console.log(): :root { --maincolor: hsl(198, 43%, 42%); --black: hsl(0, 0%, 16%); --white: hsl(0,0%,97%); --unit: 1.2rem; } button { --maincolor: hsl(198, 100%, 66%); display: inline-block; padding: var(--unit) calc(var(--unit)*2); width: calc(30% + 20px); background: no-repeat 5% center url( var(--maincolor); border: 4px solid var(--maincolor); border-radius: 2px; font-size: calc(var(--unit)*2); color:...
...sole.log( transform[0].y ); // cssunitvalue {value: 0.95, unit: "number"} console.log( transform[0].z ); // cssunitvalue {value: 1, unit: "number"} console.log( transform.is2d ); // true // cssimagevalue let bgimage = allcomputedstyles.get('background-image'); console.log( bgimage ); // cssimagevalue console.log( bgimage.tostring() ); // url("") // cssunparsedvalue let unit = allcomputedstyles.get('--unit'); console.log( unit ) // let parsedunit = cssnumericvalue.parse( unit ); console.log( parsedunit ); console.log( parsedunit.unit ); console.log( parsedunit.value ); for this example to work, the example must be closed out here.
...And 2 more matches
DOMMatrixReadOnly - Web APIs
dommatrixreadonly.tofloat32array() returns a new float32array containing all 16 elements (m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44) which comprise the matrix.
...(in other words, down the first column from top to bottom, then the second column, and so forth.) dommatrixreadonly.tofloat64array() returns a new float64array containing all 16 elements (m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44) which comprise the matrix.
... for a 3d matrix, the returned string contains all 16 elements and takes the form matrix3d(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44).
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EXT_color_buffer_half_float - Web APIs
the ext_color_buffer_half_float extension is part of the webgl api and adds the ability to render to 16-bit floating-point color buffers.
... constants ext.rgba16f_ext rgba 16-bit floating-point color-renderable format.
... ext.rgb16f_ext rgb 16-bit floating-point color-renderable format.
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Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
for example: let constraints = { width: 1920, height: 1080, aspectratio: 1.777777778 }; mytrack.applyconstraints(constraints); in this case, the constraints indicate that any values are fine for nearly all properties, but that a standard high definition (hd) video size is desired, with the standard 16:9 aspect ratio.
...on(reason) { /* failed to apply constraints; reason is why */ }); } here, after ensuring that the constrainable properties for which matches must be found are supported (width, height, framerate, and facingmode), we set up constraints which request a width no smaller than 640 and no larger than 1920 (but preferably 1920), a height no smaller than 400 (but ideally 1080), an aspect ratio of 16:9 (1.777777778), and a frame rate no greater than 30 frames per second.
... applying constraints the first and most common way to use constraints is to specify them when you call getusermedia(): navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({ video: { width: { min: 640, ideal: 1920 }, height: { min: 400, ideal: 1080 }, aspectratio: { ideal: 1.7777777778 } }, audio: { samplesize: 16, channelcount: 2 } }).then(stream => { videoelement.srcobject = stream; }).catch(handleerror); in this example, constraints are applied at getusermedia() time, asking for an ideal set of options with fallbacks for the video.
...And 2 more matches
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D() - Web APIs
rgba8 rgba 8 8 8 8 ● ● rgba8_snorm rgba s8 s8 s8 s8 ● rgb10_a2 rgba 10 10 10 2 ● ● rgb10_a2ui rgba ui10 ui10 ui10 ui2 ● srgb8 rgb 8 8 8 ● srgb8_alpha8 rgba 8 8 8 8 ● ● r16f red f16 ● rg16f rg f16 f16 ● rgb16f rgb f16 f16 f16 ● rgba16f rgba f16 f16 f16 f16 ● r32f red f32 rg32f rg f32 f32 rgb32f rgb f32 f32 f32 ...
... rgba32f rgba f32 f32 f32 f32 r11f_g11f_b10f rgb f11 f11 f10 ● rgb9_e5 rgb 9 9 9 5 ● r8i red i8 ● r8ui red ui8 ● r16i red i16 ● r16ui red ui16 ● r32i red i32 ● r32ui red ui32 ● rg8i rg i8 i8 ● rg8ui rg ui8 ui8 ● rg16i rg i16 i16 ● rg16ui rg ui16 ui16 ● rg32i rg i32 i32 ...
... ● rg32ui rg ui32 ui32 ● rgb8i rgb i8 i8 i8 rgb8ui rgb ui8 ui8 ui8 rgb16i rgb i16 i16 i16 rgb16ui rgb ui16 ui16 ui16 rgb32i rgb i32 i32 i32 rgb32ui rgb ui32 ui32 ui32 rgba8i rgba i8 i8 i8 i8 ● rgba8ui rgba ui8 ui8 ui8 ui8 ● rgba16i rgba i16 i16 i16 i16 ● rgba16ui rgba ui16 ui16 ui16 ui16 ● rgba32i rgba i32 i32 i32 i32 ● rgba32ui rg...
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Writing a WebSocket server in C# - Web APIs
this server conforms to rfc 6455 so it will only handle connections from chrome version 16, firefox 11, ie 10 and over.
... if we send "mdn", we get these bytes: 129 131 61 84 35 6 112 16 109 let's take a look at what these bytes mean.
...if it is 126, the following 2 bytes (16-bit unsigned integer) are the length.
...And 2 more matches
Writing a WebSocket server in Java - Web APIs
this server conforms to rfc 6455, so it only handles connections from chrome version 16, firefox 11, ie 10 and higher.
... if we send "abcdef", we get these bytes: 129 134 167 225 225 210 198 131 130 182 194 135 - 129: fin (is this the whole message?) rsv1 rsv2 rsv3 opcode 1 0 0 0 0x1=0001 fin: you can send your message in frames, but now keep things simple.
...if it is 126, the following 2 bytes (16-bit unsigned integer), if 127, the following 8 bytes (64-bit unsigned integer, the most significant bit must be 0) are the length.
...And 2 more matches
Example and tutorial: Simple synth keyboard - Web APIs
<option value="sawtooth">sawtooth</option> <option value="triangle">triangle</option> <option value="custom">custom</option> </select> </div> </div> css .container { overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: hidden; width: 660px; height: 110px; white-space: nowrap; margin: 10px; } .keyboard { width: auto; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .key { cursor: pointer; font: 16px "open sans", "lucida grande", "arial", sans-serif; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; width: 20px; height: 80px; text-align: center; box-shadow: 2px 2px darkgray; display: inline-block; position: relative; margin-right: 3px; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } .key div { position: absolute; botto...
... notefreq[2]["c"] = 65.406391325149658; notefreq[2]["c#"] = 69.295657744218024; notefreq[2]["d"] = 73.416191979351890; notefreq[2]["d#"] = 77.781745930520227; notefreq[2]["e"] = 82.406889228217482; notefreq[2]["f"] = 87.307057858250971; notefreq[2]["f#"] = 92.498605677908599; notefreq[2]["g"] = 97.998858995437323; notefreq[2]["g#"] = 103.826174394986284; notefreq[2]["a"] = 110.000000000000000; notefreq[2]["a#"] = 116.540940379522479; notefreq[2]["b"] = 123.470825314031027; notefr...
...eq[3]["c"] = 130.812782650299317; notefreq[3]["c#"] = 138.591315488436048; notefreq[3]["d"] = 146.832383958703780; notefreq[3]["d#"] = 155.563491861040455; notefreq[3]["e"] = 164.813778456434964; notefreq[3]["f"] = 174.614115716501942; notefreq[3]["f#"] = 184.997211355817199; notefreq[3]["g"] = 195.997717990874647; notefreq[3]["g#"] = 207.652348789972569; notefreq[3]["a"] = 220.000000000000000; notefreq[3]["a#"] = 233.081880759044958; notefreq[3]["b"] = 246.941650628062055; notefreq[4]["c"] = 261.625565300598634; notefreq[4]["c#"] = 277.182630976872096; notefreq[4]["d"] = 293.664767917407560; notefreq[4]["d#"] = 311.126983722080910; notefreq[4]["e"] = 329.627556912869929; notefreq[4]["f"] = 349.228231433003884; notefreq[4]["f#"] = 369.994422711634398; n...
...And 2 more matches
animation-direction - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
3prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-edge full support 12 full support 12 full support 12prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-firefox full support 16 full support 16 full support 49prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit- full support 44prefixed disabled prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-disabled from version 44: this feature is behind the layout.css.prefixes.webkit pref...
...≤37prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-chrome android full support 43 full support 43 full support 18prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-firefox android full support 16 full support 16 full support 49prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit- full support 44prefixed disabled prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-disabled from version 44: this feature is behind the layout.css.prefixes.webkit pref...
... full support 4.0 full support 1.0prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-alternate-reversechrome full support 19edge full support 12firefox full support 16ie full support 10opera full support 12.1safari full support 6webview android full support ≤37chrome android full support 25firefox android full support ...
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<input type="email"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the email input.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text value of the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
... minlength the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the email input.
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<input type="password"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, password field inputs support the following attributes: attribute description maxlength the maximum length the value may be, in utf-16 characters minlength the minimum length in characters that will be considered valid pattern a regular expression the value must match in order to be valid placeholder an example value to display in the field when the field is empty readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the field's contents should not be editable siz...
...e the number of characters wide the input field should be maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the password field.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
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<input type="tel"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, telephone number inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum length, in utf-16 characters, to accept as a valid input minlength the minimum length that is considered valid for the field's contents pattern a regular expression the entered value must match to pass constraint validation placeholder an example value to display inside the field when it has no value readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the ...
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the telephone number field.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
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Evolution of HTTP - HTTP
ozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br referer: 200 ok connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: wed, 20 jul 2016 10:55:30 gmt etag: "547fa7e369ef56031dd3bff2ace9fc0832eb251a" keep-alive: timeout=5, max=1000 last-modified: tue, 19 jul 2016 00:59:33 gmt server: apache transfer-encoding: chunked vary: cookie, accept-encoding (content) get /static/img/header-background.png http/1.1 host: user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 ac...
...cept: */* accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br referer: 200 ok age: 9578461 cache-control: public, max-age=315360000 connection: keep-alive content-length: 3077 content-type: image/png date: thu, 31 mar 2016 13:34:46 gmt last-modified: wed, 21 oct 2015 18:27:50 gmt server: apache (image content of 3077 bytes) http/1.1 was first published as rfc 2068 in january 1997.
... more than 15 years of extensions thanks to its extensibility – creating new headers or methods is easy – and even if the http/1.1 protocol was refined over two revisions, rfc 2616 published in june 1999 and the series of rfc 7230-rfc 7235 published in june 2014 in prevision of the release of http/2, this protocol has been extremely stable over more than 15 years.
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Text formatting - JavaScript
it is a set of "elements" of 16-bit unsigned integer values (utf-16 code units).
...for example: const firststring = '2 + 2'; // creates a string literal value const secondstring = new string('2 + 2'); // creates a string object eval(firststring); // returns the number 4 eval(secondstring); // returns the string "2 + 2" a string object has one property, length, that indicates the number of utf-16 code units in the string.
... for example, the following code assigns hellolength the value 13, because "hello, world!" has 13 characters, each represented by one utf-16 code unit.
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WebAssembly.Module - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsmodulechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0module() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0customsectionschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
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<metadata> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
used by hub symbol --> <symbol id="hubplug"> <desc>a 10baset/100basetx socket</desc> <path d="m0,10 h5 v-9 h12 v9 h5 v16 h-22 z"/> </symbol> <!-- hub symbol --> <symbol id="hub"> <desc>a typical 10baset/100basetx network hub</desc> <text x="0" y="15">hub</text> <g transform="translate(0 20)"> <rect width="253" height="84"/> <rect width="229" height="44" x="12" y="10"/> <circle fill="red" cx="227" cy="71" r="7" /> <!-- five groups each using the defined ...
...itle>socket 1</title> <use xlink:href="#hubplug"/> </g> <g id="socket2" transform="translate(70 20)"> <title>socket 2</title> <use xlink:href="#hubplug"/> </g> <g id="socket3" transform="translate(115 20)"> <title>socket 3</title> <use xlink:href="#hubplug"/> </g> <g id="socket4" transform="translate(160 20)"> <title>socket 4</title> <use xlink:href="#hubplug"/> </g> <g id="socket5" transform="translate(205 20)"> <title>socket 5</title> <use xlink:href="#hubplug"/> </g> </g> </symbol> <!-- computer symbol --> <symbol id="computer"> <desc>a common desktop pc</desc> <g id="monitorstand" transform="transl...
...121)"> <title>monitor stand</title> <desc>one of those cool swivelling monitor stands that sit under the monitor</desc> <path d="m0,0 s 10 10 40 12"/> <path d="m80,0 s 70 10 40 12"/> <path d="m0,20 l 10 10 s 40 12 70 10 l 80 20z"/> </g> <g id="monitor"> <title>monitor</title> <desc>a very fancy monitor</desc> <rect width="160" height="120"/> <rect fill="lightgrey" width="138" height="95" x="11" y="12"/> </g> <g id="processor" transform="translate(0 142)"> <title>the computer</title> <desc>a desktop computer - broad flat box style</desc> <rect width="160" height="60"/> <g id="discdrive" transform="translate(70 8)"> <title>disc drive</title> <desc>...
...And 2 more matches
XUL Migration Guide - Archive of obsolete content
unction removeforwardbutton() { var window = require("sdk/window/utils").getmostrecentbrowserwindow(); var forward = window.document.getelementbyid('forward-button'); var parent = window.document.getelementbyid('urlbar-container'); parent.removechild(forward); } require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "remove-forward-button", label: "remove forward button", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: removeforwardbutton }); there are more useful examples of this technique in the jetpack wiki's collection of third party modules.
...var tab = require("sdk/tabs/utils").getactivetab(window); if ('background-color')) {'background-color','','important'); } else {'background-color','rgb(255,255,100)','important'); } } require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "highlight-active-tab", label: "highlight active tab", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: highlightactivetab }); security implications the sdk implements a security model in which an add-on only gets to access the apis it explicitly imports via require().
... getservice(ci.nsipromptservice); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "xpcom-example", label: "hello from xpcom", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { promptsvc.alert(null, "my add-on", "hello from xpcom"); } }); it's good practice to encapsulate code which uses xpcom by packaging it in its own module.
... getservice(ci.nsipromptservice); exports.alert = function(title, text) { promptsvc.alert(null, title, text); }; if we save this as "alert.js" in our add-on's lib directory, we can rewrite main.js to use it as follows: require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "xpcom-example", label: "hello from xpcom", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { require("./alert").alert("my add-on", "hello from xpcom"); } }); one of the benefits of this is that we can control which parts of the add-on are granted chrome privileges, making it easier to review and secure the code.
Modifying the Page Hosted by a Tab - Archive of obsolete content
here's a simple example: var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "style-tab", label: "style tab", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { require("sdk/tabs").activetab.attach({ contentscript: ' = "5px solid red";' }); } }); to run this example, save an icon file named "icon-16.png" in add-on's "data" directory.
... for example, if we save the script above under the add-on's data directory in a file called my-script.js: var self = require("sdk/self"); var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "style-tab", label: "style tab", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { require("sdk/tabs").activetab.attach({ contentscriptfile:"my-script.js") }); } }); you can load more than one script, and the scripts can interact directly with each other.
... // index.js var self = require("sdk/self"); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "load-several", label: "load several scripts", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function () { tabs.activetab.attach({ contentscriptfile: ['first.js'),'second.js')] }); } }); communicating with the content scripts your add-on script and content scripts can't directly access each other's variables or call each other's functions, but they can send each other messages.
...f.port.on("drawborder", function(color) { = "5px solid " + color; }); in the add-on script, we'll send the content script a "drawborder" message using the object returned from attach(): var self = require("sdk/self"); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "style-tab", label: "style tab", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { var worker = tabs.activetab.attach({ contentscriptfile:"my-script.js") }); worker.port.emit("drawborder", "red"); } }); the drawborder message isn't a built-in message, it's one that this add-on defines in the port.emit() call.
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
ng secondstring = someotherstring; - nsstring combostring = firststring + secondstring; + nsstring combostring = firststring;+ combostring += secondstring; // or: combostring.append(secondstring); - nsresult rv = somefunc(promiseflatstring(combostring)); + nsresult rv = somefunc(combostring); removing the nsreadableutils.h from the headers list also means that we would not have access to appendutf16toutf8 kind of functions.
... all these functions are now available via the new string api - appendutf16toutf8(srcstring, deststring); + deststring.append(ns_convertutf16toutf8(srcstring)); the signatures of the find methods differ between the two apis.
...the (lossy)copy(ascii|utf8|16)to(ascii|utf8|16) do not accept character pointer parameters.
...#define appendutf16toutf8(a16, a8) (a8).append(ns_convertutf16toutf8(a16)) and similarly for the other conversions.
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
adding event handlers add the four event handlers you defined in overlay.js to overlay.xul (listing 16).
... listing 16: revisions to overlay.xul <menupopup onpopupshowing="gsessionstore.createmenu(event);" oncommand="gsessionstore.restore(event);"> <menuitem label="save session" oncommand=";" /> <menuseparator /> <!-- dynamically generated menu items go here --> <menuseparator /> <menuitem label="clear sessions" oncommand="gsessionstore.clear(event);" /> </menupopup> implementing methods now we’re going to actually implement the methods we defined in the gsessionstore object, one at a time.
... fixme: figure 15: finished preference panel directory structure figure 16 shows the directory structure we’ll be using in phase 3.
...this should always be located inside defaults\preferences prefs.xul the preference panel fixme: figure 16: source file structure deciding the format for your preferences next you need to determine the names, types, and values for your preferences (table 6).
MenuItems - Archive of obsolete content
although the exact size will vary depending on the theme being used, the size of menu item images should generally be around 16 by 16 pixels. this example we use an image that is 16px wide and 32px high.
... the top 16px square is the icon in normal state the bottom part in hovered state.
...hence, -moz-image-region is not applied to the menu itself, but one level lower: <menuitem id="add-bookmark" class="menuitem-iconic" label="add bookmark" image="addbookmark.png"/> #add-bookmark { list-style-image: url('addbookmark.png'); } #add-bookmark .menu-iconic-icon { -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 16px, 16px, 0px) !important; } #add-bookmark:hover .menu-iconic-icon { -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 16px, 32px, 0px) !important; } this behavior is fundamentally different to other html elements, such as <li> or <div> where list-style-image and -moz-image-region can be applied at the same element level.
Introduction to SSL - Archive of obsolete content
triple des with 168-bit encryption and sha-1 message authentication triple des is the strongest cipher supported by ssl, but it is not as fast as rc4.
... rc4 with 128-bit encryption and md5 message authentication because the rc4 and rc2 ciphers have 128-bit encryption, they are the second strongest next to triple des (data encryption standard), with 168-bit encryption.
... rc2 with 128-bit encryption and md5 message authentication because the rc4 and rc2 ciphers have 128-bit encryption, they are the second strongest next to triple des (data encryption standard), with 168-bit encryption.
...des 56-bit encryption permits approximately 7.2 * 1016 possible keys.
Common Firefox theme issues and solutions - Archive of obsolete content
the following css rules also need to be copied to the proper location in the browser.css file and modified as necessary: /* page proxy icon */ #page-proxy-favicon { width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 1px 3px; list-style-image: url(chrome://browser/skin/identity-icons-generic.png); -moz-image-region: rect(0, 16px, 16px, 0); } .verifieddomain > #identity-box-inner > #page-proxy-stack > #page-proxy-favicon { list-style-image: url(chrome://browser/skin/identity-icons-https.png); } .verifiedidentity > #identity-box-inner > #page-proxy-stack > ...
...#page-proxy-favicon { list-style-image: url(chrome://browser/skin/identity-icons-https-ev.png); } #identity-box:hover > #identity-box-inner > #page-proxy-stack > #page-proxy-favicon { -moz-image-region: rect(0, 32px, 16px, 16px); } #identity-box:hover:active > #identity-box-inner > #page-proxy-stack > #page-proxy-favicon, #identity-box[open=true] > #identity-box-inner > #page-proxy-stack > #page-proxy-favicon { -moz-image-region: rect(0, 48px, 16px, 32px); } #page-proxy-favicon[pageproxystate="invalid"] { opacity: 0.5; } for more information about identity boxes please see the identity box section of the amo editors theme review guidelines no visual clue for disabled url bars there needs to be a visual clue when url bar is disabled.
...this issue is fixed by adding the following css instructions to the file browser/preferences/aboutpermissions.css: .site-favicon { height: 16px; width: 16px; -moz-margin-end: 4px; list-style-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/places/defaultfavicon.png"); } web developer tools web developer toolbar {to be added} web console web console buttons do not change appearance on the web console (tools > web developer > web console), the toolbar buttons on the left-hand side do not change their appearance between their toggled on and ... also need to insert the following style rules into the proper place in the browser/browser.css file in your theme theme: /* highlighter toolbar - html tree */ #inspector-treepanel-toolbutton { list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/devtools/treepanel-button.png"); -moz-margin-end: 0; -moz-image-region: rect(0px 18px 16px 0px); } /* highlighter toolbar */ #inspector-inspect-toolbutton { list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/devtools/inspect-button.png"); -moz-image-region: rect(0px 16px 16px 0px); } style inspector is completely unstyled the style inspector that is part of firefox 10 and later needs to be styled.
Implementation Status - Archive of obsolete content
3.2.2 linking attributes supported 3.2.3 single-node binding attributes supported 3.2.4 node-set binding attributes supported 3.2.5 model item property attributes partial in some cases a loop error can occur on valid bindings 302168; 3.3.1 model supported 3.3.2 instance partial instance element with two child element does not trigger exception 337302; 3.3.3 submission partial no support for @indent and complex schema validation 278761; 278762; 3.3.4 bind partial using ...
... 4.4.11 xforms-disabled supported 4.4.12 domactivate supported 4.4.13 domfocusin supported 4.4.14 domfocusout supported 4.4.15 xforms-select xforms-deselect supported 4.4.16 xforms-in-range supported 4.4.17 xforms-out-of-range supported 4.4.18 xforms-scroll-first xforms-scroll-last supported 4.4.19 xforms-submit-done supported 4.5 error indications partial we don't support the...
... 8.1.2 input supported 8.1.3 secret supported 8.1.4 textarea supported 8.1.5 output supported 8.1.6 upload supported 8.1.7 range partial 316355; 343523; 8.1.8 trigger supported 8.1.9 submit supported 8.1.10 select partial @selection does not work, select inside repeat may not work correctly, select that mixes itemsets with items may show them in the wrong order 282840; 371595; 372127; 8.1.11 ...
...y 332231; 10.12 refresh partial is dispatching events instead of calling directly 332231; 10.13 reset supported 10.14 load partial no xforms-link-error generated if @src invalid 333782; 10.15 send supported 10.16 message partial output inside message doesn't work correctly 366886; 10.17 conditional execution of xforms actions supported 10.18 iteration of xforms actions supported 11.
Using the Right Markup to Invoke Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
this feature is discussed in mozilla bug 167601.
...for instance, this is an example of the type of markup that will invoke the jre 1.4.1 in ie, using the unique identifier for the jre 1.4.1: <!-- ie only code --> <object classid="clsid:8ad9c840-044e-11d1-b3e9-00805f499d93" width="460" height="160" codebase=",4,1"> <param...> <param...> </object> the above invocation won't work for mozilla-based browsers such as netscape 7 because of the same reason mentioned above: classid used in conjunction with a unique identifier references an architecture (activex) that mozilla code (and thus netscape 7) ... is an example: <object type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.1_01" width="460" height="160"> <param name="code" value="animator.class" /> <param name="imagesource" value="images/beans" /> <param name="backgroundcolor" value="0xc0c0c0" /> <param name="endimage" value="10" /> <param name="soundsource" value="audio"> <param name="soundtrack" value="" /> <param name="sounds" value="|||||||||" /> <param name="pause" value="200" /> <p>you need the java plugin.
... 4.01 applet definition (deprecated) java plugin homepage sun documentation on object, embed, and applet and different plugin versions sun demonstration of web pages using applet element sun demonstration of web pages using object/embed elements bugs and future directions in netscape and mozilla windows media in netscape netscape 7.1 and the windows media activex control bug 180378 bug 167601 bug 180411 ...
Fundamental text and font styling - Learn web development
this all starts with the root element of the entire document — <html> — the font-size of which is set to 16px as standard across browsers.
... any paragraph (or another element that doesn't have a different size set by the browser) inside the root element will have a final size of 16 px.
... <!-- document base font-size is 16px --> <article> <!-- if my font-size is 1.5em --> <p>my paragraph</p> <!-- how do i compute to 20px font-size?
... a simple sizing example when sizing your text, it is usually a good idea to set the base font-size of the document to 10 px, so that then the maths is a lot easier to work out — required (r)em values are then the pixel font size divided by 10, not 16.
Styling lists - Learn web development
eese with a higher-than-usual melting point, usually made from goat/sheep milk.</dd> <dt>green salad</dt> <dd>that green healthy stuff that many of us just use to garnish kebabs.</dd> </dl> if you go to the live example now and investigate the list elements using browser developer tools, you'll notice a couple of styling defaults: the <ul> and <ol> elements have a top and bottom margin of 16px (1em) and a padding-left of 40px (2.5em.) the list items (<li> elements) have no set defaults for spacing.
... the <dl> element has a top and bottom margin of 16px (1em), but no padding set.
... the <dd> elements have margin-left of 40px (2.5em.) the <p> elements we've included for reference have a top and bottom margin of 16px (1em), the same as the different list types.
...we are using a size of 1.6rem (16px), which fits very nicely with the 20px padding we've allowed for the bullet to sit inside — 16px plus 4px of space between the bullet and the list item text works well.
HTML table basics - Learn web development
name mass (1024kg) diameter (km) density (kg/m3) gravity (m/s2) length of day (hours) distance from sun (106km) mean temperature (°c) number of moons notes terrestial planets mercury 0.330 4,879 5427 3.7 4222.6 57.9 167 0 closest to the sun venus 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 2802.0 108.2 464 0 earth 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 24.0 149.6 15 1 our world mars 0.642 6,792 3933 3.7 24.7 227.9 -65 2 the red planet jovian planets gas giants jupiter 1898 142,984 1326 23.1 9.9 778.6 -1...
...10 67 the largest planet saturn 568 120,536 687 9.0 10.7 1433.5 -140 62 ice giants uranus 86.8 51,118 1271 8.7 17.2 2872.5 -195 27 neptune 102 49,528 1638 11.0 16.1 4495.1 -200 14 dwarf planets pluto 0.0146 2,370 2095 0.7 153.3 5906.4 -225 5 declassified as a planet in 2006, but this remains controversial.
...first the source code: <table> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>knocky</td> <td>flor</td> <td>ella</td> <td>juan</td> </tr> <tr> <td>breed</td> <td>jack russell</td> <td>poodle</td> <td>streetdog</td> <td>cocker spaniel</td> </tr> <tr> <td>age</td> <td>16</td> <td>9</td> <td>10</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>owner</td> <td>mother-in-law</td> <td>me</td> <td>me</td> <td>sister-in-law</td> </tr> <tr> <td>eating habits</td> <td>eats everyone's leftovers</td> <td>nibbles at food</td> <td>hearty eater</td> <td>will eat till he explodes</td> </tr> </table> now the actual rendered table: ...
... knocky flor ella juan breed jack russell poodle streetdog cocker spaniel age 16 9 10 5 owner mother-in-law me me sister-in-law eating habits eats everyone's leftovers nibbles at food hearty eater will eat till he explodes the problem here is that, while you can kind of make out what's going on, it is not as easy to cross reference data as it could be.
Error codes returned by Mozilla APIs
ns_error_dom_validation_err (0x805300 16) ns_error_dom_type_mismatch_err (0x805300 17) ns_error_dom_svg_wrong_type_err (0x805f0000) ns_error_dom_svg_invalid_value_err (0x805f0001) ns_error_dom_svg_matrix_not_invertable (0x805f0002) a matrix could not be computed.
... ns_error_port_access_not_allowed (0x804b0013) ns_error_net_reset (0x804b0014) ns_error_ftp_login (0x804b0015) ns_error_ftp_cwd (0x804b0016) ns_error_ftp_pasv (0x804b0017) ns_error_ftp_pwd (0x804b0018) ns_error_not_resumable (0x804b0019) ns_error_invalid_content_encoding (0x804b001b) the content encoding of the source document was incorrect, for example returning a plain html document advertised as content-encoding: gzip ns_error_ftp_list (0x804b001c) ns_error_unknown_host (0x804b001e) ns_error_redirect_loop...
...xpc_cant_watch_wn_static (0x8057000f) ns_error_xpc_cant_export_wn_static (0x80570010) ns_error_xpc_scriptable_call_failed (0x80570011) ns_error_xpc_scriptable_ctor_failed (0x80570012) ns_error_xpc_cant_call_wo_scriptable (0x80570013) ns_error_xpc_cant_ctor_wo_scriptable (0x80570014) ns_error_xpc_ci_returned_failure (0x80570015) ns_error_xpc_gs_returned_failure (0x80570016) ns_error_xpc_bad_cid (0x80570017) ns_error_xpc_bad_iid (0x80570018) ns_error_xpc_cant_create_wn (0x80570019) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_exception (0x8057001a) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_native_object (0x8057001b) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_js_object (0x8057001c) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_null (0x8057001d) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_string (0x8057001e) ns_error_xpc_js_threw_number (0x...
...tion (0x8060000e) ns_error_xpath_paren_expected (0x8060000f) ns_error_xpath_invalid_axis (0x80600010) ns_error_xpath_no_node_type_test (0x80600011) ns_error_xpath_bracket_expected (0x80600012) ns_error_xpath_invalid_var_name (0x80600013) ns_error_xpath_unexpected_end (0x80600014) ns_error_xpath_operator_expected (0x80600015) ns_error_xpath_unclosed_literal (0x80600016) ns_error_xpath_bad_colon (0x80600017) ns_error_xpath_bad_bang (0x80600018) ns_error_xpath_illegal_char (0x80600019) ns_error_xpath_binary_expected (0x8060001a) ns_error_xpath_invalid_expression_evaluated (0x8060001c) ns_error_xpath_unbalanced_curly_brace (0x8060001d) xslt errors errors that can occur when using xslt.
rust code first shipped in august 2016 with the release of firefox 48.
... 141 index firefox, index, mozilla found 168 pages: 142 linux compatibility matrix the following table lists the available library versions for the firefox builds dependencies, and/or to build firefox.
... 168 performance best practices for firefox front-end engineers best practices, developing firefox, developing mozilla, firefox, front-end, mozilla, performance this guide will help firefox developers working on front-end code produce code which is as performant as possible—not just on its own, but in terms of its impact on other parts of firefox.
... 169 privacy privacy, security this document lists privacy-related documentation.
HTML parser threading
once a unicode decoder has been set up, dodataavailable passes the byte data to the decoder whose output is accumulated into a linked list of nshtml5owningutf16buffer objects.
... nshtml5owningutf16buffer objects are then passed to the tokenizer in sequence by the parseavailabledata() method.
...the speculation object has a queue of tree ops (into which the tree builder will now flush ops to instead of the tree op stage), an owning reference to the nshtml5owningutf16buffer that contains the starting point of the speculation, an index into the nshtml5owningutf16buffer defining the exact starting point within the buffer, the line number of the tokenizer at that point and a snapshot of the tree op state.
...if there is data in document.write() input after a an external script (or any data at all if a previous document.write() call has contained an external script and blocked the parser), the data is left in a linked list of nshtml5owningutf16buffer objects.
g('a widget moved to an area, arguments:', arguments); if (awidgetid != 'noida') { return } console.log('my widget moved'); var useicon; if (aarea == customizableui.area_panel) { useicon = 'chrome://branding/content/icon32.png'; } else { useicon = 'chrome://branding/content/icon16.png'; } var myinstances = customizableui.getwidget('noida').instances; for (var i=0; i<myinstances.length; i++) { myinstances[i].node.setattribute('image', useicon); } }, onwidgetdestroyed: function(awidgetid) { console.log('a widget destroyed so removing listener, arguments:', arguments); if...
...when the button is in the panel area, it needs a 32x32 icon, and when in other places it needs a 16x16 icon. our widget to give it an icon cu.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); var sss = cc[';1'].getservice(ci.nsistylesheetservice); var css = ''; css += '@-moz-document url("chrome://browser/content/browser.xul") {'; css += ' #id_of_my_widget_within_customizableui_and_dom {'; css += ' list-style-image: url("chrome://branding/content/icon16.png")'; //a 16px x 16px icon for when in toolbar css += ' }'; css += ' #id_of_my_widget_within_customizableui_and_dom[cui-areatype="menu-panel"],'; css += ' toolbarpaletteitem[place="palette"] > #id_of_my_widget_within_customizableui_and_dom {'; css += ' list-style-image: url("chrome://branding/content/icon32.png");'; //a 32px x 32px icon for when in toolbar css += ' }'; cs...
... defaultarea: customizableui.area_navbar, onbuild: function(adocument) { var toolbaritem = adocument.createelementns('', 'toolbaritem'); var image = adocument.createelementns('', 'image'); image.setattribute('src', 'chrome://branding/content/icon16.png'); var props = { id: 'navigator-throbber', //id in dom // should match id of that in cui.jsm (line #2) title: 'activity indicator', align: 'center', pack: 'center', mousethrough: 'always', removable: 'true', sdkstylewidget: 'true', overflows: false }; for (var p in props) {...
Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior
see also bug 41656 and its duplicates.
... in quirks mode, tables with no rows/rowgroups have zero height even when a height is specified (bug 241161).
...this is fixed in gecko 16 (firefox 16) for standards mode but remains in quirks mode for compatibility with quirks mode behavior of other browsers.
... (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) since this version bug 338554 is fixed and (-moz-)box-sizing applies to table cells in standards mode, but quirks mode keeps the old behavior.
unreported { 150 blocks in heap block record 283 of 5,495 21,600 bytes (20,400 requested / 1,200 slop) individual block sizes: 144 x 150 0.00% of the heap (16.85% cumulative) 0.02% of unreported (94.68% cumulative) allocated at { #01: replace_malloc (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/memory/replace/dmd/../../../../memory/replace/dmd/dmd.cpp:1286) #02: malloc (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/memory/build/../../../memory/build/replace_malloc.c:153) #03: moz_xmalloc (/home/njn/moz/mi5/memory/mozalloc/mozalloc.cpp:84) #04: nscyclecollectingautorefcnt...
...::incr(void*, nscyclecollectionparticipant*) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xul/../../dist/include/nsisupportsimpl.h:250) #05: nsxulelement::create(nsxulprototypeelement*, nsidocument*, bool, bool,mozilla::dom::element**) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xul/nsxulelement.cpp:287) #06: nsxblcontentsink::createelement(char16_t const**, unsigned int, mozilla::dom::nodeinfo*, unsigned int, nsicontent**, bool*, mozilla::dom::fromparser) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xbl/nsxblcontentsink.cpp:874) #07: nscomptr<nsicontent>::startassignment() (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xml/../../dist/include/nscomptr.h:753) #08: nsxmlcontentsink::handlestartelement(char16_t const*, char16_t const**, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xml/nsxmlcontentsink.cpp:1007) } } it tells you that th...
...for example: unreported { 420,010 blocks in heap block record 2 of 5,495 29,203,408 bytes (27,777,288 requested / 1,426,120 slop) individual block sizes: 2,048 x 3; 1,024 x 103; 512 x 147; 496 x 7; 480 x 31; 464 x 6; 448 x 50; 432 x 41; 416 x 28; 400 x 53; 384 x 43; 368 x 216; 352 x 141; 336 x 58; 320 x 104; 304 x 5,130; 288 x 150; 272 x 591; 256 x 6,017; 240 x 1,372; 224 x 93; 208 x 488; 192 x 1,919; 176 x 18,903; 160 x 1,754; 144 x 5,041; 128 x 36,709; 112 x 5,571; 96 x 6,280; 80 x 40,738; 64 x 37,925; 48 x 78,392; 32 x 136,199; 16 x 31,001; 8 x 4,706 3.78% of the heap (10.24% cumulative) 21.24% of unreported (57.53% cumulativ...
...dividual block sizes: 512 x 124; 256 x 242; 192 x 813; 128 x 54,664; 64 x 48,648 1.35% of the heap (48.65% cumulative) 1.64% of once-reported (59.18% cumulative) allocated at { #01: (no stack trace recorded due to --stacks=partial) } reported at { #01: mozilla::dmd::dmdfuncs::report(void const*) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/memory/replace/dmd/../../../../memory/replace/dmd/dmd.cpp:1646) #02: windowsmallocsizeof(void const*) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/base/nswindowmemoryreporter.cpp:189) #03: nsattrandchildarray::sizeofexcludingthis(unsigned long (*)(void const*)) const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/base/nsattrandchildarray.cpp:880) #04: mozilla::dom::fragmentorelement::sizeofexcludingthis(unsigned long (*)(void const*)) const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/base/fragmentorelement.cpp...
NSS 3.12.4 release notes
obsolete code for win16 has been removed.
... bug 321755: implement crldistributionpoint extension in libpkix bug 391434: avoid multiple encoding/decoding of pkix_pl_oid to and from ascii string bug 405297: problems building nss/lib/ckfw/capi/ with mingw gcc bug 420991: libpkix returns wrong nss error code bug 427135: add super-h (sh3,4) architecture support bug 431958: improve des and sha512 for x86_64 platform bug 433791: win16 support should be deleted from nss bug 449332: secu_parsecommandline does not validate its inputs bug 453735: when using cert9 (sqlite3) db, set or change master password fails bug 463544: warning: passing enum* for an int* argument in pkix_validate.c bug 469588: coverity errors reported for softoken bug 470055: pkix_httpcertstore_findsocketconnection reuses closed socket bug 470070: multiple obj...
...rting a large certificate (>64k) bug 486405: allocator mismatches in pk12util.c bug 486537: disable execstack in freebl x86_64 builds on linux bug 486698: facilitate the building of major components independently and in a chain manner by downstream distributions bug 486999: calling ssl_setsockpeerid a second time leaks the previous value bug 487007: make lib/jar conform to nss coding style bug 487162: ckfw/capi build failure on windows bug 487239: nssutil.rc doesn't compile on wince bug 487254: sftkmod.c uses posix file io functions on wince bug 487255: sdb.c uses posix file io functions on wince bug 487487: cert_nametoascii reports !invalid ava!
...bug 497217: the first random value ever generated by the rng should be discarded bug 498163: assert if profile path contains cyrillic chars.
NSS 3.32 release notes
nss 3.32 requires netscape portable runtime (nspr) 4.16, or newer.
... cn = addtrust class 1 ca root sha-256 fingerprint: 8c:72:09:27:9a:c0:4e:27:5e:16:d0:7f:d3:b7:75:e8:01:54:b5:96:80:46:e3:1f:52:dd:25:76:63:24:e9:a7 cn = swisscom root ca 2 sha-256 fingerprint: f0:9b:12:2c:71:14:f4:a0:9b:d4:ea:4f:4a:99:d5:58:b4:6e:4c:25:cd:81:14:0d:29:c0:56:13:91:4c:38:41 the following ca certificates were removed: cn = addtrust public ca root sha-256 fingerprint: 07:91:ca:07:49:b2:07:82:aa:d3:c7:d7:bd:0c:df:...
...c9:48:58:35:84:3e:b2:d7:99:60:09:ce:43:ab:6c:69:27 cn = addtrust qualified ca root sha-256 fingerprint: 80:95:21:08:05:db:4b:bc:35:5e:44:28:d8:fd:6e:c2:cd:e3:ab:5f:b9:7a:99:42:98:8e:b8:f4:dc:d0:60:16 cn = china internet network information center ev certificates root sha-256 fingerprint: 1c:01:c6:f4:db:b2:fe:fc:22:55:8b:2b:ca:32:56:3f:49:84:4a:cf:c3:2b:7b:e4:b0:ff:59:9f:9e:8c:7a:f7 cn = cnnic root sha-256 fingerprint: e2:83:93:77:3d:a8:45:a6:79:f2:08:0c:c7:fb:44:a3:b7:a1:c3:79:2c:b7:eb:77:29:fd:cb:6a:8d:99:ae:a7 cn = comsign secured ca sha-256 fingerprint: 50:79:41:c7:44:60:a0:b4:70:86:22:0d:4e:99:32:57:2a:b5:d1:b5:bb:cb:89:80:ab:1c:b1:76:51:a8:44:d2 cn = geotrust global ca 2 sha-256...
... 1 sha-256 fingerprint: 21:db:20:12:36:60:bb:2e:d4:18:20:5d:a1:1e:e7:a8:5a:65:e2:bc:6e:55:b5:af:7e:78:99:c8:a2:66:d9:2e cn = swisscom root ev ca 2 sha-256 fingerprint: d9:5f:ea:3c:a4:ee:dc:e7:4c:d7:6e:75:fc:6d:1f:f6:2c:44:1f:0f:a8:bc:77:f0:34:b1:9e:5d:b2:58:01:5d cn = trusted certificate services sha-256 fingerprint: 3f:06:e5:56:81:d4:96:f5:be:16:9e:b5:38:9f:9f:2b:8f:f6:1e:17:08:df:68:81:72:48:49:cd:5d:27:cb:69 cn = utn-userfirst-hardware sha-256 fingerprint: 6e:a5:47:41:d0:04:66:7e:ed:1b:48:16:63:4a:a3:a7:9e:6e:4b:96:95:0f:82:79:da:fc:8d:9b:d8:81:21:37 cn = utn-userfirst-object sha-256 fingerprint: 6f:ff:78:e4:00:a7:0c:11:01:1c:d8:59:77:c4:59:fb:5a:f9:6a:3d:f0:54:08:20:d0:f4:b8:60:78:75:e5:8f ...
NSS 3.46 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.46 bug 1572164 - don't unnecessarily free session in nsc_wrapkey bug 1574220 - improve controls after errors in tstcln, selfserv and vfyserv cmds bug 1550636 - upgrade sqlite in nss to a 2019 version bug 1572593 - reset advertised extensions in ssl_constructextensions bug 1415118 - nss build with ./ --enable-libpkix fails bug 1539788 - add length checks for cryptographic primitives (cve-2019-17006...
...) bug 1542077 - mp_set_ulong and mp_set_int should return errors on bad values bug 1572791 - read out-of-bounds in der_decodetimechoice_util from sslexp_delegatecredential bug 1560593 - script does not set error exit code for tests that "failed with core" bug 1566601 - add wycheproof test vectors for aes-kw bug 1571316 - curve25519_32.c:280: undefined reference to `pr_assert' when building nss 3.45 on armhf-linux bug 1516593 - client to generate new random during renegotiation bug 1563258 - fails due to non-existent "resp" directories bug 1561598 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in pqg.c bug 1560806 - increase softoken password max size to 500 characters bug 1568776 - output paths relative to repository in nss coverity bug 1453408 - modutil -changepw fails...
... in fips mode if password is an empty string bug 1564727 - use a pss spki when possible for delegated credentials bug 1493916 - fix ppc64 inline assembler for clang bug 1561588 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in p7env.c bug 1561548 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in pkix_pl_ldapdefaultclient.c bug 1512605 - incorrect alert description after unencrypted finished msg bug 1564715 - read /proc/cpuinfo when at_hwcap2 returns 0 bug 1532194 - remove or fix -ddebug_$user from make builds bug 1565577 - visual studio's cl.exe -?
... hangs on windows x64 when building nss since changeset 9162c654d06915f0f15948fbf67d4103a229226f bug 1564875 - improve rebuilding with bug 1565243 - support tc_owner without email address in nss taskgraph bug 1563778 - increase maxruntime on mac taskcluster tools, ssl tests bug 1561591 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in tstclnt.c bug 1561587 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in lgattr.c bug 1561558 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in httpserv.c bug 1561556 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in tls13esni.c bug 1561332 - ec.c:28 warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned long' bug 1564714 - print certutil commands during setup bug 1565013 - hacl image builder times out while fetching gpg key bug 1563786 - update hacl-star d...
NSS 3.50 release notes
see bug 1609569 for details.
... bugs fixed in nss 3.50 bug 1599514 - update dtls 1.3 implementation to draft-30 bug 1603438 - fix native tools build failure due to lack of zlib include dir if external bug 1599603 - nist sp800-108 kbkdf - pkcs#11 implementation bug 1606992 - cache the most recent pbkdf1 password hash, to speed up repeated sdr operations, important with the increased kdf iteration counts.
... nss 3.49.1 sped up pbkdf2 operations, though pbkdf1 operations are also relevant for older nss databases (also included in nss 3.49.2) bug 1608895 - gyp builds on taskcluster broken by setuptools v45.0.0 (for lacking python3) bug 1574643 - upgrade hacl* verified implementations of chacha20, poly1305, and 64-bit curve25519 bug 1608327 - two problems with neon-specific code in freebl bug 1575843 - detect aarch64 cpu features on freebsd bug 1607099 - remove the buildbot configuration bug 1585429 - add more hkdf test vectors bug 1573911 - add more rsa test vectors bug 1605314 - compare all 8 bytes of an mp_digit when clamping in windows assembly/mp_comba bug 1604596 - update wycheproof vectors and add support for cbc, p256-ecdh, and cmac tests bug 1608493 - use aes-ni for non-gcm aes ...
... bug 1547639 - update zlib in nss to 1.2.11 bug 1609181 - detect arm (32-bit) cpu features on freebsd bug 1602386 - fix build on freebsd/powerpc* bug 1608151 - introduce nss_disable_altivec bug 1612623 - depend on nspr 4.25 bug 1609673 - fix a crash when nss is compiled without libnssdbm support, but the nssdbm shared object is available anyway.
NSS 3.51 release notes
see bug 1608892 for details.
... bugs fixed in nss 3.51 bug 1608892 - update dtls 1.3 implementation to draft-34.
... bug 1611209 - correct swapped pkcs11 values of ckm_aes_cmac and ckm_aes_cmac_general bug 1612259 - complete integration of wycheproof ecdh test cases bug 1614183 - check if ppc __has_include(<sys/auxv.h>) bug 1614786 - fix a compilation error for ‘getfipsenv’ "defined but not used" bug 1615208 - send dtls version numbers in dtls 1.3 supported_versions extension to avoid an incompatibility.
... bug 1538980 - secu_readderfromfile calls strstr on a string that isn't guaranteed to be null-terminated bug 1561337 - correct a warning for comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned long' in security/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_25519.c:88 bug 1609751 - add test for mp_int clamping bug 1582169 - don't attempt to read the fips_enabled flag on the machine unless nss was built with fips enabled bug 1431940 - fix a null pointer dereference in blake2b_update bug 1617387 - fix compiler warning in secsign.c bug 1618400 - fix a openbsd/arm64 compilation error: unused variable 'getauxval' bug 1610687 - fix a crash on unaligned cmaccontext.aes.keyschedule when using aes-ni intrinsics this bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in nss 3.51:
Python binding for NSS
`pip wheel -w dist .` the following constants were added: ssl.tls_aes_128_gcm_sha256 ssl.tls_aes_256_gcm_sha384 ssl.tls_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 release 1.0.0 release date 2016-09-01 scm tag pynss_release_1_0_0 source download change log official 1.0.0 release, only minor tweaks from the 1.0.0beta1 release.
... the following constants were added: ssl.tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 ssl.tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 ssl.tls_dhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 ssl.tls_ecdhe_psk_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 ssl.tls_dhe_psk_with_chacha20_poly1305_sha256 release 1.0.0beta1 release date 2016-02-16 scm tag pynss_release_1_0_0beta1 source download change log the primary enhancement in this version is support for python3.
... release 0.16.0 release date 2014-10-29 scm tag pynss_release_0_16_0 source download change log the primary enhancements in this version is adding support for the setting trust attributes on a certificate, the ssl version range api, information on the ssl cipher s...
...set_max_server_cache_locks() nss.ssl.shutdown_server_session_id_cache() the following constants were added the following files were added test/run_tests test/ (replaces test/ test/ (replaces test/ deprecated functionality ...
NSS environment variables
as of nss 3.16, ecc features are enabled by default.
... 3.16 nss_enable_ecc (deprecated) boolean (1 to enable) enable building of code that uses elliptic curve cryptography.
... unused as of nss 3.16; see nss_disable_ecc.
... before 3.16; since 3.11.
NSS tools : certutil
the minimum is 512 bits and the maximum is 16384 bits.
... elliptic curve name is one of the ones from suite b: nistp256, nistp384, nistp521 if nss has been compiled with support curves outside of suite b: sect163k1, nistk163, sect163r1, sect163r2, nistb163, sect193r1, sect193r2, sect233k1, nistk233, sect233r1, nistb233, sect239k1, sect283k1, nistk283, sect283r1, nistb283, sect409k1, nistk409, sect409r1, nistb409, sect571k1, nistk571, sect571r1, nistb571, secp160k1, secp160r1, secp160r2, secp192k1, secp192r1, nistp192, secp224k1, secp224r1, nistp224, secp256k1, secp256r...
...1, secp384r1, secp521r1, prime192v1, prime192v2, prime192v3, prime239v1, prime239v2, prime239v3, c2pnb163v1, c2pnb163v2, c2pnb163v3, c2pnb176v1, c2tnb191v1, c2tnb191v2, c2tnb191v3, c2pnb208w1, c2tnb239v1, c2tnb239v2, c2tnb239v3, c2pnb272w1, c2pnb304w1, c2tnb359w1, c2pnb368w1, c2tnb431r1, secp112r1, secp112r2, secp128r1, secp128r2, sect113r1, sect113r2 sect131r1, sect131r2 -r display a certificate's binary der encoding when listing information about that certificate with the -l option.
... $ certutil -k -d sql:/home/my/sharednssdb certutil: checking token "nss certificate db" in slot "nss user private key and certificate services " < 0> rsa 455a6673bde9375c2887ec8bf8016b3f9f35861d thawte freemail member's thawte consulting (pty) ltd.
backwards compatibility (wildcards) bug 334678: prng_fips1861.c redefines the macro bsize on hp-ux bug 335016: mpp_pprime (miller-rabin probabilistic primality test) may choose 0 or 1 as the random integer bug 347037: make shlibsign depend on the softoken only bug 371522: auto-update of crls stops after first update bug 380784: pk11mode in non fips mode failed.
... upgraded db bug 468532: trusted ca trust flags not being honored in cert_verifycert bug 469583: coverity: uninitialized variable used in sec_pkcs5createalgorithmid bug 469944: when built with microsoft compilers bug 470351: crlutil build fails on windows because it calls undeclared isatty bug 471539: stop honoring digital signatures in certificates and crls based on weak hashes bug 471665: nss reports incorrect sizes for (aes) symmetric keys bug 471715: add cert to nssckbi to override rogue md5-collision ca cert bug 472291: crash in libpkix object leak tests due to null pointer dereferencing in pkix_build.c:3218.
...rusted only for ssl bug 479601: wrong type (utf8 string) for email addresses in subject by cert_asciitoname bug 480142: use sizeof on the correct type of ckc_x509 in lib/ckfw bug 480257: ocsp fails when response > 1k byte bug 480280: the cka_ec_point pkcs#11 attribute is encoded in the wrong way: missing encapsulating octet string bug 480442: remove (empty) watcomfx.h from nss bug 481216: fix specific spelling errors in nss bug 482702: ocsp test with revoked ca cert validated as good.
... bug 483113: add environment variable to disable/enable hash algorithms in cert/crl signatures bug 483168: nss callback api for looking up a default ocsp responder url bug 483963: assertion failure in ocsp tests.
return the length, in 16-bit code units, of a javascript string.
... description js_getstringlength reports the length, in 16-bit code units, of the string str.
...this is the same as the length of the array returned by js_getstringchars, in char16_ts (not bytes).
... because some unicode characters are represented using two 16-bit code units, the result is not necessarily the same as the number of unicode characters in the string.
SpiderMonkey 45
you can download full source code from sha256: 570530b1e551bf4a459d7cae875f33f99d5ef0c29ccc7742a1b6f588e5eadbee md5: 2ca34f998d8b5ea79d8616dd26b5fbab spidermonkey 45 is the javascript engine that shipped in firefox 45.
... — apr 14, 2016 platform support spidermonkey 45 is supported on all platforms able to run firefox 45.
... js_setcurrentembeddertimefunction (bug 1159507) js_getcurrentembeddertime (bug 1159507) js_mayresolvestandardclass (bug 1155946) js_getiteratorprototype (bug 1225392) js_globallexicalscope (bug 1202902) js_hasextensiblelexicalscope (bug 1202902) js_extensiblelexicalscope (bug 1202902) js_initreflectparse (bug 987514) js::toprimitive (bug 1206168) js::getfirstargumentastypehint (bug 1054756) js::objecttocompletepropertydescriptor (bug 1144366) js_setimmutableprototype (bug 1211607) js_getownucpropertydescriptor (bug 1211607) js_hasownpropertybyid (bug 1211607) js_hasownproperty (bug 1211607) js_deleteucproperty (bug 1211607) js::newfunctionfromspec (bug 1054756) js::compilefornonsyntacticscope (bug 1165486) js_checkforinterrupt...
...delete (bug 1159469) js::mapforeach (bug 1159469) js::newsetobject (bug 1159469) js::setsize (bug 1159469) js::sethas (bug 1159469) js::setdelete (bug 1159469) js::setadd (bug 1159469) js::setclear (bug 1159469) js::setkeys (bug 1159469) js::setvalues (bug 1159469) js::setentries (bug 1159469) js::setforeach (bug 1159469) js::exceptionstackornull (bug 814497) js::copyasyncstack (bug 1160307) js::getsavedframesource (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframeline (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframecolumn (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframefunctiondisplayname (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframeasynccause (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframeasyncparent (bug 1216819) js::getsavedframeparent (bug 1216819) js::buildstackstring (bug 1133191) js::flushperformancemonitoring (bug 1181175) js::resetperforman...
event_alert 0x0002 0x0016 0x0013 an alert has been generated.
... event_menu_end 0x0019 0x0016 a menu from the menu bar has been closed.
...urestart 0x0008 event_captureend 0x0009 event_movesizestart 0x000a event_movesizeend 0x000b event_contexthelpstart 0x000c event_contexthelpend 0x000d event_dragdropstart 0x000e event_dragdropend 0x000f event_dialogstart 0x0010 event_dialogend 0x0011 event_scrollingstart 0x0012 event_scrollingend 0x0013 event_minimizestart 0x0016 event_minimizeend 0x0017 event_atk_property_change 0x0100 event_atk_selection_change 0x0101 event_atk_text_change 0x0102 event_atk_text_selection_change 0x0103 event_atk_text_caret_move 0x0104 event_atk_visible_data_change 0x0105 event_atk_table_model_change 0x0110 event_atk_table_row_insert 0x0111 event_atk_table_row_delete 0x0112 ...
... event_atk_table_row_reorder 0x0113 event_atk_table_column_insert 0x0114 event_atk_table_column_delete 0x0115 event_atk_table_column_reorder 0x0116 event_atk_link_selected 0x0117 event_atk_window_activate 0x0118 event_atk_window_create 0x0119 event_atk_window_deactivate 0x0120 event_atk_window_destroy 0x0121 event_atk_window_maximize 0x0122 event_atk_window_minimize 0x0123 event_atk_window_resize 0x0124 event_atk_window_restore 0x0125 event_dom_create 0x0001 an object has been created.
inherits from: nsioutputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void setoutputstream(in nsioutputstream aoutputstream); void write8(in pruint8 abyte); void write16(in pruint16 a16); void write32(in pruint32 a32); void write64(in pruint64 a64); void writeboolean(in prbool aboolean); void writebytearray([array, size_is(alength)] in pruint8 abytes, in pruint32 alength); void writebytes(alength)] in string astring, in pruint32 alength); void writedouble(in double adouble); void writefloat(in float afloat); void writestringz(in string astring); ...
... write16() writes a 16-bit integer to the stream.
... void write16( in pruint16 a16 ); parameters a16 the 16-bit integer to write to the stream.
... writewstringz() writes a 16-bit pascal style string to the stream.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 16.0 (firefox 16.0 / thunderbird 16.0 / seamonkey 2.13) note: as of gecko 16.0, the nsiprivatedomevent interface was merged into this interface.
... everything marked as gecko 16.0 was previously available in that interface.
... see bug 761613.
... nseventptr getinternalnsevent(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean getpreventdefault(); deprecated since gecko 16.0 void initevent(in domstring eventtypearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg); boolean isdispatchstopped(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void preventbubble(); obsolete since gecko 24 void preventcapture(); obsolete since gecko 24 void preventdefault(); void serialize(in ipcmessageptr amsg, in boolean aserializeinterfacetype); violates the xpcom interface guidelines ...
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.1 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 16 (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) you can get the idle time directly, but in most cases you will want to register an observer for a predefined interval.
... the observer will get an 'idle' notification when the user is idle for that interval (or longer), and receive a 'back' (gecko 3 to 15) or 'active' (gecko 16+) notification when the user starts using their computer again.
...when the user goes idle, the observer topic is 'idle' and when they get back, the observer topic is 'back' in gecko 15 and earlier or 'active' in gecko 16 and later.
... the data parameter for the notification contains the current user idle time in gecko 15 and earlier or 0 in gecko 16 and later.
persist_flags_no_conversion 16 do not run the incoming data through a content converter for example to decompress it.
... persist_flags_autodetect_apply_conversion 16384 let the webbrowserpersist decide whether the incoming data is encoded and whether it needs to go through a content converter, for example to decompress it.
... encode_flags_preformatted 16 wrap even if when not doing formatted output (for example for text fields).
... encode_flags_encode_latin1_entities 16384 encode latin1 entities.
Using js-ctypes
the 16-bit system directory.
... string */ function makestr(str) { return string.fromcharcode(str.length) + str; } components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); var carbon ="/system/library/frameworks/carbon.framework/carbon"); stdalert = carbon.declare("standardalert", /* function name */ ctypes.default_abi, /* abi type */ ctypes.int16_t, /* return type */ ctypes.int16_t, /* alert type */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* primary text */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* secondary text */ ctypes.uint32_t, /* alert param */ ctypes.int16_t); /* item hit */ var hit = 0; var msgerr = makestr("... uses the default abi, returns a 16-bit integer (which is a carbon oserr value), and accepts an integer (the alert type), two strings, a pointer to a parameter block, which we aren't using, and another integer, which is used to return the hit item.
...double; var cftyperef = ctypes.voidptr_t; var sint32 = ctypes.long; var void = ctypes.void_t; var __cfstring = new ctypes.structtype("__cfstring"); var cfstringref = __cfstring.ptr; var __cfurl = new ctypes.structtype("__cfurl"); var cfurlref = __cfurl.ptr; var __cfallocator = new ctypes.structtype("__cfallocator"); var cfallocatorref = __cfallocator.ptr; var unichar = ctypes.jschar; // uint16 with automatic conversion // define constants var kcfusernotificationstopalertlevel = 0; var kcfusernotificationnotealertlevel = 1; var kcfusernotificationcautionalertlevel = 2; var kcfusernotificationplainalertlevel = 3; // declare functions /*
Plugin Roadmap for Firefox - Plugins
schedule june 2016 starting with firefox 47 in june 2016, all plugins other than adobe flash are click-to-activate.
... september 2017 starting with firefox 56 in september 2017, firefox for android will remove all support for plugins (bug 1381916).
... see also mozilla firefox october 2015 - npapi plugins in firefox july 2016 - reducing adobe flash usage in firefox july 2017 - firefox roadmap for flash end-of-life adobe flash november 2015 - flash, html5 and open web standards july 2017 - flash & the future of interactive content google chrome flash roadmap sep 2013 - saying goodbye to our old friend npapi may 2014 - update on npapi deprecation november 2014 - the final countdown for npapi august 2016 ...
...- flash and chrome december 2016 - roll-out plan for html5 by default july 2017 - saying goodbye to flash in chrome microsoft edge and internet explorer april 2016 - putting users in control of flash december 2016 - extending user control of flash with click-to-run july 2017 - flash on windows timeline august 2019 - update on removing flash from microsoft edge and internet explorer apple safari june 2016 - next steps for legacy plug-ins july 2017 - adobe announces flash distribution and updates to end ...
IDBFactory - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetidbfactorychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... with the vendor prefix: webkitcmpchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... 10.0deletedatabasechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
... 1.5openchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
Recording a media element - Web APIs
<div class="left"> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <h2>preview</h2> <video id="preview" width="160" height="120" autoplay muted></video> </div> we present our main interface in two columns.
... <div class="right"> <div id="stopbutton" class="button"> stop </div> <h2>recording</h2> <video id="recording" width="160" height="120" controls></video> <a id="downloadbutton" class="button"> download </a> </div> on the right we see a stop button and the <video> element which will be used to play back the recorded video.
... <div class="bottom"> <pre id="log"></pre> </div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } video { margin-top: 2px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; display: block; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; text-decoration: none; } h2 { margin-bottom: 4px; } .left { margin-right: 10px; float: left; width: 160px; padding: 0px; } .right { margin-left: 10px; float: left; width: 160px; padding: 0px; } .bottom { clear: ...
... lines 14-16 creates a new promise, named recorded, which is resolved when the specified number of milliseconds have elapsed.
RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel() - Web APIs
while this value is a 16-bit unsigned number, each user agent may clamp it to whatever maximum it deems appropriate.
...while this value is a16-bit unsigned number, each user agent may clamp it to whatever maximum it deems appropriate.
... id optional an 16-bit numeric id for the channel; permitted values are 0-65534.
...while this is a valid unsigned 16-bit value, it's not a permitted value for id.
SubtleCrypto.wrapKey() - Web APIs
*/ async function wrapcryptokey(keytowrap) { // get the key encryption key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "raw", keytowrap, wrappingkey, "aes-kw" ); } /* generate an encrypt/decrypt secret key, then wrap it.
...*/ async function wrapcryptokey(keytowrap) { // get the key encryption key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(12)); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "pkcs8", keytowrap, wrappingkey, { name: "aes-gcm", iv: iv } ); } /* generate a sign/verify key pair, then wrap the private key.
...*/ async function wrapcryptokey(keytowrap) { // get the key encryption key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "spki", keytowrap, wrappingkey, { name: "aes-cbc", iv: iv } ); } /* generate an encrypt/decrypt key pair, then wrap it.
...*/ async function wrapcryptokey(keytowrap) { // get the key encryption key const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const wrappingkey = await getkey(keymaterial, salt); iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(12)); return window.crypto.subtle.wrapkey( "jwk", keytowrap, wrappingkey, { name: "aes-gcm", iv: iv } ); } /* generate a sign/verify key pair, then wrap the private key */ window.crypto.subtle.generatekey( { name: "ecdsa", namedcurve: "p-384...
WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc - Web APIs
constants blocks bits per pixel arraybuffer bytelength bytes if height and width are 512 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_4x4_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_4x4_khr 4x4 8.00 floor((width + 3) / 4) * floor((height + 3) / 4) * 16 262144 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_5x4_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_5x4_khr 5x4 6.40 floor((width + 4) / 5) * floor((height + 3) / 4) * 16 210944 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_5x5_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_5x5_khr 5x5 5.12 floor((width + 4) / 5) * floor((height + 4) / 5) * 16 169744 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_6x5_khr ext...
....compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_6x5_khr 6x5 4.27 floor((width + 5) / 6) * floor((height + 4) / 5) * 16 141728 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_6x6_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_6x6_khr 6x6 3.56 floor((width + 5) / 6) * floor((height + 5) / 6) * 16 118336 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_8x5_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_8x5_khr 8x5 3.20 floor((width + 7) / 8) * floor((height + 4) / 5) * 16 105472 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_8x6_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_8x6_khr 8x6 2.67 floor((width + 7) / 8) * floor((height + 5) / 6) * 16 88064 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_8x8_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_8x8_khr 8x8 2.00 floor((width + 7) / 8) * floor((height + 7) / 8) * 16 65536 ...
... ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x5_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x5_khr 10x5 2.56 floor((width + 9) / 10) * floor((height + 4) / 5) * 16 85696 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x6_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x6_khr 10x6 2.13 floor((width + 9) / 10) * floor((height + 5) / 6) * 16 71552 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x8_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x8_khr 10x8 1.60 floor((width + 9) / 10) * floor((height + 7) / 8) * 16 53248 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x10_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x10_khr 10x10 1.28 floor((width + 9) / 10) * floor((height + 9) / 10) * 16 43264 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_12x10_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_12x10_khr 12x10 1.07 ...
... floor((width + 11) / 12) * floor((height + 9) / 10) * 16 35776 ext.compressed_rgba_astc_12x12_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_12x12_khr 12x12 0.89 floor((width + 11) / 12) * floor((height + 11) / 12) * 16 29584 examples var ext = gl.getextension('webgl_compressed_texture_astc'); var texture = gl.createtexture(); gl.bindtexture(gl.texture_2d, texture); gl.compressedteximage2d(gl.texture_2d, 0, ext.compressed_rgba_astc_12x12_khr, 512, 512, 0, texturedata); specifications specification status comment webgl_compressed_texture_astcthe definition of 'webgl_compressed_texture_astc' in that specification.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.btoa() - Web APIs
in javascript strings are represented using the utf-16 character encoding: in this encoding, strings are represented as a sequence of 16-bit (2 byte) units. if you pass a string into btoa() containing characters that occupy more than one byte, you will get an error, because this is not considered binary data: const ok = "a"; console.log(ok.codepointat(0).tostring(16)); // 61: occupies < 1 byte const notok = "✓" console.log(notok.codepointat(0).tostring(16)); // 2713: occupies > 1 byte console.log(btoa(ok)); // yq== console.log(btoa(notok)); // error if you need to encode unicode text as ascii using btoa(), one option is to convert the string such that each 16-bit unit occupies only one byte.
... for example: // convert a unicode string to a string in which // each 16-bit unit occupies only one byte function tobinary(string) { const codeunits = new uint16array(string.length); for (let i = 0; i < codeunits.length; i++) { codeunits[i] = string.charcodeat(i); } return string.fromcharcode( uint8array(codeunits.buffer)); } // a string that contains characters occupying > 1 byte const mystring = "☸☹☺☻☼☾☿"; const converted = tobinary(mystring); const encoded = btoa(converted); console.log(encoded); // ocy5jjomoyy8jj4mpyy= if you do this, of course you'll have to reverse the conversion on the decoded string: function frombinary(binary) { const bytes = new uint8array(binary.length); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i...
...] = binary.charcodeat(i); } return string.fromcharcode( uint16array(bytes.buffer)); } const decoded = atob(encoded); const original = frombinary(decoded); console.log(original); // ☸☹☺☻☼☾☿ polyfill you can use a polifill from for browsers that don't support it.
Border-radius generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
class="info"> select border units </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> css content /* grid of ten * ========================================================================== */ .span_12 { width: 100%; } .span_11 { width: 91.46%; } .span_10 { width: 83%; } .span_9 { width: 74.54%; } .span_8 { width: 66.08%; } .span_7 { width: 57.62%; } .span_6 { width: 49.16%; } .span_5 { width: 40.7%; } .span_4 { width: 32.24%; } .span_3 { width: 23.78%; } .span_2 { width: 15.32%; } .span_1 { width: 6.86%; } /* sections * ========================================================================== */ .section { clear: both; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } /* grouping * ========================================================================== */ ...
...00%; line-height: 100%; } /* input slider */ .ui-input-slider > input { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 50px; text-align: center; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-input-slider-info { width: 90px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-left, .ui-input-slider-right { width: 16px; cursor: pointer; background: url("") center left no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-right { background: url("") center right no-repeat; } .ui-input-slider-name { width: 90px; padding: 0 10px 0 0; text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; } .ui-input-slider-btn-set { width: 25px; backg...
...round-color: #2c9fc9; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; line-height: 14px; text-align: center; } .ui-input-slider-btn-set:hover { background-color: #379b4a; cursor: pointer; } /* * ui component */ /* checkbox */ .ui-checkbox { text-align: center; font-size: 16px; font-family: "segoe ui", arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; color: #fff; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .ui-checkbox > input { display: none; } .ui-checkbox > label { font-size: 12px; padding: 0.333em 1.666em 0.5em; height: 1em; line-height: 1em; background-color: #888; background-image: url(""); background-position: center center; background-repeat: ...
...3; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 3px; } #subject { width: 400px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; border: 3px solid #c60; background: #fff; position: relative; } .radius { width: 50%; height: 50%; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 1; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .handle { width: 16px; height: 16px; position: absolute; z-index: 2; } .handle-top-left { top: -12px; left: -12px; cursor: se-resize; background: url("") top left no-repeat; } .handle-top-right { top: -12px; right: -12px; cursor: sw-resize; background: url("") top right no-repeat; } .handle...
Box-shadow generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> css content /* grid of twelve * ========================================================================== */ .span_12 { width: 100%; } .span_11 { width: 91.46%; } .span_10 { width: 83%; } .span_9 { width: 74.54%; } .span_8 { width: 66.08%; } .span_7 { width: 57.62%; } .span_6 { width: 49.16%; } .span_5 { width: 40.7%; } .span_4 { width: 32.24%; } .span_3 { width: 23.78%; } .span_2 { width: 15.32%; } .span_1 { width: 6.86%; } /* sections * ========================================================================== */ .section { clear: both; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } /* grouping * ========================================================================== */ .g...
...lor: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .ui-slider-btn-set:hover { background-color: #379b4a; cursor: pointer; } .ui-slider-input > input { margin: 0 10px; padding: 0; width: 50px; text-align: center; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } /* * ui button */ /* checkbox */ .ui-checkbox { text-align: center; font-size: 16px; font-family: "segoe ui", arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; color: #fff; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .ui-checkbox > input { display: none; } .ui-checkbox > label { font-size: 12px; padding: 0.333em 1.666em 0.5em; height: 1em; line-height: 1em; background-color: #888; background-image: url("http...
...255, 255, 0) 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #000 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%), -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%); background-color: #f00; float: left; } #colorpicker .hue { width: 200px; height: 30px; margin: 5px; background: url(""); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #f00 0%, #ff0 16.66%, #0f0 33.33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 66.66%, #f0f 83.33%, #f00 100%); float: left; } #colorpicker .alpha { width: 200px; height: 30px; margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; float: left; background: url(""); -moz...
...value = (cmax * 100) | 0; } color.prototype.sethexa = function sethexa(value) { var valid = /(^#{0,1}[0-9a-f]{6}$)|(^#{0,1}[0-9a-f]{3}$)/i.test(value) if (valid !== true) return; if (value[0] === '#') value = value.slice(1, value.length); if (value.length === 3) value = value.replace(/([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])/i,"$1$1$2$2$3$3"); this.r = parseint(value.substr(0, 2), 16); this.g = parseint(value.substr(2, 2), 16); this.b = parseint(value.substr(4, 2), 16); this.alpha = 1; } color.prototype.gethexa = function gethexa() { var r = this.r.tostring(16); var g = this.g.tostring(16); var b = this.b.tostring(16); if (this.r < 16) r = '0' + r; if (this.g < 16) g = '0' + g; if (this.b < 16) b = '0' + b; var value = '#' + r + g + b; return value.t...
Mastering Wrapping of Flex Items - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in the next example i have ten items all with a flex-basis of 160px and the ability to grow and shrink.
... once the first row gets to a point where there is not enough space to place another 160 pixel item, a new flex line is created for the items and so on until all of the items are placed.
... as the items can grow, they will expand larger than 160 px in order to fill each row completely.
...the following live sample uses css grid layout to create a layout that has as many columns of at least 160 pixels as will fit, distributing the extra space between all columns.
Using CSS gradients - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
<div class="multi-repeating-linear"></div> div { width: 600px; height: 400px; } .multi-repeating-linear { background: repeating-linear-gradient(190deg, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) 40px, rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.5) 80px, rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5) 120px, rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5) 160px, rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5) 200px, rgba(75, 0, 130, 0.5) 240px, rgba(238, 130, 238, 0.5) 280px, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) 300px), repeating-linear-gradient(-190deg, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) 30px, rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.5) 60px, rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5) 90px, rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5) 120px, rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5) 150px, rgba(75, 0, 130, 0.5) 180px, rgba(238, 130, 238, 0.5) 2...
...<div class="plaid-gradient"></div> div { width: 200px; height: 200px; } .plaid-gradient { background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, transparent 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 56px, transparent 56px, transparent 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 69px, transparent 69px, transparent 116px, rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.25) 116px, rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.25) 166px), repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, transparent, transparent 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 56px, transparent 56px, transparent 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 69px, transparent 69px, transparent 116px, rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.25)...
... 116px, rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.25) 166px), repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent, transparent 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 10px), repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, transparent 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 10px); background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 0 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 50px 56px, transparent 56px 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 63px 69px, transparent 69px 116px, rgba(255, 206, 0, 0.25) 116px 166px), repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, transparent 0 50px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 50px 56px, transparent 56px 63px, rgba(255, 127, 0, 0.25) 63px 69px, transparent 69px 116px, rgb...
...a(255, 206, 0, 0.25) 116px 166px), repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 0 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 5px 10px), repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 0 5px, rgba(143, 77, 63, 0.25) 5px 10px); } repeating radial gradients this example uses repeating-radial-gradient() to create a gradient that radiates repeatedly from a central point.
<color> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
there are a few caveats to consider when using color keywords: html only recognizes the 16 basic color keywords found in css1, using a specific algorithm to convert unrecognized values (often to completely different colors).
... note: the list of accepted keywords has undergone many changes during the evolution of css: css level 1 only included 16 basic colors, called the vga colors as they were taken from the set of displayable colors on vga graphics cards.
... palegoldenrod #eee8aa palegreen #98fb98 paleturquoise #afeeee palevioletred #db7093 papayawhip #ffefd5 peachpuff #ffdab9 peru #cd853f pink #ffc0cb plum #dda0dd powderblue #b0e0e6 rosybrown #bc8f8f royalblue #4169e1 saddlebrown #8b4513 salmon #fa8072 sandybrown #f4a460 seagreen #2e8b57 seashell #fff5ee sienna #a0522d skyblue #87ceeb slateblue #6a5acd slategray #708090 slategrey #708090 snow #fffafa springgreen #00ff7...
...includes 16 basic color keywords.
<hgroup> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
th the same or similar punctuation before any other secondary headings an <hgroup> might be shown in a rendered outline in with the primary heading followed by parentheses around the secondary heading(s) consider the following html document: <!doctype html> <title>html standard</title> <body> <hgroup id="document-title"> <h1>html</h1> <h2>living standard — last updated 12 august 2016</h2> </hgroup> <p>some intro to the document.</p> <h2>table of contents</h2> <ol id=toc>...</ol> <h2>first section</h2> <p>some intro to the first section.</p> </body> a rendered outline for that document might look like the following: that is, the rendered outline might show the primary title, html, followed by a colon and space, followed by the secondary title, living standard �...
...�� last updated 12 august 2016.
... or, the rendered outline for that document might instead look like the following: that is, the rendered outline might show the primary title, html, followed by the secondary title shown in parentheses: (living standard — last updated 12 august 2016).
... examples <hgroup id="document-title"> <h1>html</h1> <h2>living standard — last updated 12 august 2016</h2> </hgroup> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<hgroup>' in that specification.
<input type="search"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the search field.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
... minlength the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the search field.
... the search field will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is fewer than minlength utf-16 code units long.
<input type="text"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the text input.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text value of the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
... minlength the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the text input.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is fewer than minlength utf-16 code units long.
<input type="url"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the url input.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text value of the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
... minlength the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the url input.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is fewer than minlength utf-16 code units long.
<nextid>: The NeXT ID element (Obsolete) - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
a> <a name="z1" href="#z5">second section heading</a> <a name="z8" href="#z14">newly inserted third section heading</a> <a name="z9" href="#z15">newly inserted fourth section heading</a> <a name="z2" href="#z6">original third (now fifth) section heading</a> <a name="z3" href="#z7">original fourth (now sixth) section heading</a> <a name="z10" href="#z16">seventh section heading</a> <a name="z11" href="#z17">eighth section heading</a> <a name="z12" href="#z18">ninth section heading</a> <a name="z13" href="#z19">tenth section heading</a> <h2><a name="z4">first section heading</a></h1><p> ...
...</p> <h2><a name="z16">seventh section heading</a></h1><p> ...
... </head> <body> <a name="z0" href="#z4">first section heading</a> <a name="z1" href="#z5">second section heading</a> <a name="z8" href="#z14">newly inserted third section heading</a> <a name="z9" href="#z15">newly inserted fourth section heading</a> <a name="z2" href="#z6">original third (now fifth) section heading</a> <a name="z10" href="#z16">seventh (now sixth) section heading</a> <a name="z11" href="#z17">eighth (now seventh) section heading</a> <a name="z12" href="#z18">ninth (now eighth) section heading</a> <a name="z20" href="#z25">new ninth section heading</a> <a name="z21" href="#z26">new tenth section heading</a> <a name="z22" href="#z27">new eleventh section heading</a> <a name...
...</p> <h2><a name="z16">seventh (now sixth) section heading</a></h1><p> ...
Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
example dnsresolve(""); // returns the string "" convert_addr() syntax convert_addr(ipaddr) parameters ipaddr any dotted address such as an ip address or mask.
... example convert_addr(""); // returns the decimal number 1745889538 myipaddress() syntax myipaddress() parameters (none) returns the server ip address of the machine firefox is running on, as a string in the dot-separated integer format.
... 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31 month is one of the ordered month strings below.
...for example, 2016 (not 16).
Math.clz32() - JavaScript
consider the following 32-bit word: var a = 32776; // 00000000000000001000000000001000 (16 leading zeros) math.clz32(a); // 16 var b = ~32776; // 11111111111111110111111111110111 (32776 inversed, 0 leading zeros) math.clz32(b); // 0 (this is equal to how many leading one's there are in a) using this logic, a clon function can be created as follows: var clz = math.clz32; function clon(integer){ return clz(~integer); } further, this technique could be extended to create jum...
...fill in all the higher bits after the first one integer |= integer << 16; integer |= integer << 8; integer |= integer << 4; integer |= integer << 2; integer |= integer << 1; // 2.
...erase all the higher bits after the first zero integer &= (integer << 16) | 0xffff; integer &= (integer << 8 ) | 0x00ff; integer &= (integer << 4 ) | 0x000f; integer &= (integer << 2 ) | 0x0003; integer &= (integer << 1 ) | 0x0001; // 2.
...fill in all the higher bits after the first one // asmjs for some reason does not allow ^=,&=, or |= integer = integer | (integer << 16); integer = integer | (integer << 8); integer = integer | (integer << 4); integer = integer | (integer << 2); integer = integer | (integer << 1); // 2.
String.prototype.charCodeAt() - JavaScript
the charcodeat() method returns an integer between 0 and 65535 representing the utf-16 code unit at the given index.
... the utf-16 code unit matches the unicode code point for code points which can be represented in a single utf-16 code unit.
... if the unicode code point cannot be represented in a single utf-16 code unit (because its value is greater than 0xffff) then the code unit returned will be the first part of a surrogate pair for the code point.
... return value a number representing the utf-16 code unit value of the character at the given index.
String - JavaScript
range of 0–377) iso-8859-1 character / unicode code point between u+0000 and u+00ff \' single quote \" double quote \\ backslash \n new line \r carriage return \v vertical tab \t tab \b backspace \f form feed \uxxxx (where xxxx is 4 hex digits; range of 0x0000–0xffff) utf-16 code unit / unicode code point between u+0000 and u+ffff \u{x} ...
... instance methods string.prototype.charat(index) returns the character (exactly one utf-16 code unit) at the specified index.
... string.prototype.charcodeat(index) returns a number that is the utf-16 code unit value at the given index.
... string.prototype.codepointat(pos) returns a nonnegative integer number that is the code point value of the utf-16 encoded code point starting at the specified pos.
WebAssembly.Memory - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsmemorychrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0memory() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...pport 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0bufferchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0growchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
Lexical grammar - JavaScript
0xfffffffffffffffff // 295147905179352830000 0x123456789abcdef // 81985529216486900 0xa // 10 bigint literal the bigint type is a numeric primitive in javascript that can represent integers with arbitrary precision.
... 123456789123456789n // 123456789123456789 0o777777777777n // 68719476735 0x123456789abcdefn // 81985529216486895‬ 0b11101001010101010101n // 955733 note that legacy octal numbers with just a leading zero won't work for bigint: // 0755n // syntaxerror: invalid bigint syntax for octal bigint numbers, always use zero followed by the letter "o" (uppercase or lowercase): 0o755n for more information about bigint, see also javascript data structures.
...when generating these string values unicode code points are utf-16 encoded. represents a code unit in the utf-16 encoding.
OpenSearch description format
<opensearchdescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz=""> <shortname>[snk]</shortname> <description>[search engine full name and summary]</description> <inputencoding>[utf-8]</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon">[]</image> <url type="text/html" template="[searchurl]"> <param name="[key name]" value="{searchterms}"/> <!-- other params if you need them… --> <param name="[other key name]" value="[parameter value]"/> </url> <url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="[suggestionurl]"/> <moz:searchform>[https://exam... must be 16 or fewer characters of plain text, with no html or other markup.
...when possible, include a 16×16 image of type image/x-icon (such as /favicon.ico) and a 64×64 image of type image/jpeg or image/png.
...(you can generate a data: uri from an icon file at the data: uri kitchen.) <image height="16" width="16" type="image/x-icon"></image> <!-- or --> <image height="16" width="16"> … daaa=</image> firefox caches the icon as a base64 data: uri (search plug-ins are stored in the profile's searchplugins/ folder).
SVG and CSS - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
lass="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(144)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(162)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> </g> <g class="quadrant"> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(180)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"...
.../> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(198)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(216)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(234)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(252)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class=...
...lass="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(144)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(162)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> </g> <g class="quadrant"> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(180)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"...
.../> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(198)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(216)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(234)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class="segment-edge" d="m0,-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10"/> </g> <g class="segment" transform="rotate(252)"> <path class="segment-fill" d="m0,0 v-200 a40,40 0 0,0 -62,10 z"/> <path class=...
Using templates and slots - Web Components
plate"> <style> details {font-family: "open sans light",helvetica,arial} .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120%} h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; } h4 span { background: #217ac0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px } h4 span { border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px } h4 span { color: white } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <span> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </span> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4><span>attributes</span></h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </de...
... adding a final bit of style as a finishing touch, we'll add a tiny bit more css for the <dl>, <dt>, and <dd> elements in our doc: dl { margin-left: 6px; } dt { font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 110% } dt { font-family: consolas, "liberation mono", courier } dd { margin-left: 16px } body { margin-top: 47px } result finally let’s put all the snippets together and see what the rendered result looks like.
... full example <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>slot example</title> <style> dl { margin-left: 6px; } dt { font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 110% } dt { font-family: consolas, "liberation mono", courier } dd { margin-left: 16px } </style> </head> <body> <template id="element-details-template"> <style> details {font-family: "open sans light",helvetica,arial} .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120%} h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; } h4 span { background: #217ac0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px } h4 span { border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px } h4 sp... { color: white } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <span> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </span> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4><span>attributes</span></h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </details> <hr> </template> <element-details> <span slot="element-name">slot</span> <span slot="description">a placeholder inside a web component that users can fill with their own markup, with the ...
Display a Popup - Archive of obsolete content
the add-on consists of seven files: package.json: created when you run jpm init index.js: the main add-on code, that creates the button and panel get-text.js: the content script that interacts with the panel content text-entry.html: the panel content itself, specified as html icon-16.png, icon-32.png, and icon-64.png: icons for the button in three different sizes the "index.js" looks like this: var data = require("sdk/self").data; // construct a panel, loading its content from the "text-entry.html" // file in the "data" directory, and loading the "get-text.js" script // into it.
... var text_entry = require("sdk/panel").panel({ contenturl: data.url("text-entry.html"), contentscriptfile: data.url("get-text.js") }); // create a button require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "show-panel", label: "show panel", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); // show the panel when the user clicks the button.
...ry.html" file defines the <textarea> element: <html> <head> <style type="text/css" media="all"> textarea { margin: 10px; } body { background-color: gray; } </style> </head> <body> <textarea rows="13" cols="33" id="edit-box"></textarea> </body> </html> finally, save these three icon files to the "data" directory: icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png try it out: "index.js" is saved in the top level, and the other five files go in your add-on's data directory: my-addon/ data/ get-text.js icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png text-entry.html index.js run the add-on, click the button, and you should see the panel.
Getting Started (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
open it and add the following code: var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = buttons.actionbutton({ id: "mozilla-link", label: "visit mozilla", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); function handleclick(state) {""); } note that "entry point" defaults to "index.js" in jpm, meaning that your main file is "index.js", and it is found directly in your add-on's root.
... next, create a directory called "data" in your add-on's root, mkdir data and save these three icon files to the "data" directory: icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png back at the command prompt, type: jpm run this is the jpm command to run a new instance of firefox with your add-on installed.
...for example, we could change the page that gets loaded: var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = buttons.actionbutton({ id: "mozilla-link", label: "visit mozilla", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); function handleclick(state) {""); } at the command prompt, execute jpm run again.
Getting started (cfx) - Archive of obsolete content
open it and add the following code: var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = buttons.actionbutton({ id: "mozilla-link", label: "visit mozilla", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); function handleclick(state) {""); } save the file.
... next, save these three icon files to the "data" directory: icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png back at the command prompt, type: cfx run this is the sdk command to run a new instance of firefox with your add-on installed.
...for example, we could change the page that gets loaded: var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = buttons.actionbutton({ id: "mozilla-link", label: "visit mozilla", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, onclick: handleclick }); function handleclick(state) {""); } at the command prompt, execute cfx run again.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
{this.splice(a,1);}}return this;},empty:function(){this.length=0;return this;},flatten:function(){var d=[]; for(var b=0,a=this.length;b<a;b++){var c=$type(this[b]);if(!c){continue;}d=d.concat((c=="array"||c=="collection"||c=="arguments")?array.flatten(this[b]):this[b]); }return d;},hextorgb:function(b){if(this.length!=3){return null;}var{if(c.length==1){c+=c;}return c.toint(16);});return(b)?a:"rgb("+a+")"; },rgbtohex:function(d){if(this.length<3){return null;}if(this.length==4&&this[3]==0&&!d){return"transparent";}var b=[];for(var a=0;a<3;a++){var c=(this[a]-0).tostring(16); b.push((c.length==1)?"0"+c:c);}return(d)?b:"#"+b.join("");}});function.implement({extend:function(a){for(var b in a){this[b]=a[b];}return this;},create:function(b){var a=this; b=b||{};return functi...
...h(function(l){element.destroy(l); });return this;},dispose:function(){return(this.parentnode)?this.parentnode.removechild(this):this;},haschild:function(l){,true);if(!l){return false; }if(browser.engine.webkit&&browser.engine.version<420){return $a(this.getelementsbytagname(l.tagname)).contains(l);}return(this.contains)?(this!=l&&this.contains(l)):!!(this.comparedocumentposition(l)&16); },match:function(l){return(!l||(l==this)||(element.get(this,"tag")==l));}});native.implement([element,window,document],{addlistener:function(o,n){if(o=="unload"){var l=n,m=this; n=function(){m.removelistener("unload",n);l();};}else{h[this.uid]=this;}if(this.addeventlistener){this.addeventlistener(o,n,false);}else{this.attachevent("on"+o,n); }return this;},removelistener:function(m,l){if(
...","complete"].contains(document.readystate))?b():arguments.callee.delay(50); })();}else{document.addevent("domcontentloaded",b);}}})();var json=new hash(this.json&&{stringify:json.stringify,parse:json.parse}).extend({$specialchars:{"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"},$replacechars:function(a){return json.$specialchars[a]||"\\u00"+math.floor(a.charcodeat()/16).tostring(16)+(a.charcodeat()%16).tostring(16); },encode:function(b){switch($type(b)){case"string":return'"'+b.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\"]/g,json.$replacechars)+'"';case"array":return"["+string("]"; case"object":case"hash":var a=[];hash.each(b,function(e,d){var c=json.encode(e);if(c){a.push(json.encode(d)+":"+c);}});return"{"+a+"}";case"number":case"boolean":return string(...
Reading textual data - Archive of obsolete content
it can be used like nsilineinputstream, except that it supports non-ascii characters, and has no problems with charsets with embedded nulls (like utf-16 and utf-32).
...ponents.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableinputstream); scriptablestream.init(istream); var chunk =; var text = converter.converttounicode(chunk); however, you must be aware that this method will not work for character encodings that have embedded null bytes, such as utf-16 or utf-32.
...this code will not work for character encodings that contain embedded nulls such as utf-16 and utf-32 // first, get and initialize the converter var converter = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); converter.charset = /* the character encoding you want, using utf-8 here */ "utf-8"; // this assumes that 'file' is a variable that contains the file you want to read, as an nsifile var fis = components.classes[";1"] ...
Theme changes in Firefox 2 - Archive of obsolete content
browser/feeds/feedicon16.png new file; the 16x16 pixel version of the rss feed icon.
... browser/safebrowsing/close16x16.png new file; this is the icon displayed in the safe browsing warning window as a close box for the window.
... browser/safebrowsing/warning16x16.png new file; this is the 16x16 pixel version of the warning icon displayed in the url bar when the safe browsing warning window is displayed.
Theme changes in Firefox 3 - Archive of obsolete content
the rule that's needed to show and hide the go button and other location bar icons is: #urlbar[pageproxystate="invalid"] > #urlbar-icons > :not(#go-button) , #urlbar[pageproxystate="valid"] > #urlbar-icons > #go-button { visibility: collapse; } images to add add the following images: chrome://global/skin/icons/information-16.png used when presenting information notices.
... chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-16.png used when displaying warnings.
... image changes chrome://global/skin/icons/loading_16.gif was replaced with chrome://global/skin/icons/loading_16.png .
ECMAScript 2015 support in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
it will also appear as the international industry standard iso/iec 16262:2016. constructor (firefox 37) new math functions math.imul() (firefox 20) math.clz32() (firefox 31) math.fround() (firefox 26) math.log10(), math.log2(), math.log1p(), math.expm1(), math.cosh(), math.sinh(), math.tanh(), math.acosh(), math.asinh(), math.atanh(), math.hypot(), math.trunc(), math.sign(), math.cbrt() (firefox 25) additions to the number object number.isnan() (firefox 16) number.isfinite() (firefox 16) number.isinteger() (firefox 16) number.parseint() (firefox 25) number.parsefloat() (firefox 25) number.epsilon (firefox 25) number.max_safe_integer, number.min_safe_integer (firefox 31) number.issafeinteger() (firefox 32) additions to the object object object.prototype.__proto__ has been standardized (firefox 22) object.setprototypeof() (f...
... arraybuffer get arraybuffer[@@species] (firefox 48) dataview int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array get %typedarray%[@@species] (firefox 48) expressions and operators (firefox 41) spread operator for arrays (firefox 16) use symbol.iterator property (firefox 36) spread operator for function calls (firefox 27) use symbol.iterator property (firefox 36) const (js 1.5, firefox 1.0) (es201...
Archived JavaScript Reference - Archive of obsolete content
see also the newer version of date.prototype.tolocaledatestring().ecmascript 2016 to support in mozillaexpression closuresexpression closures are a shorthand function syntax for writing simple functions.for each...inthe for statement iterates a specified variable over all values of object's properties. not use it!handler.enumerate()the handler.enumerate() method used to be a trap for statements, but has been removed from the ecmascript standard in es2016 and is deprecated in browsers.legacy generator functionthe legacy generator function statement declares legacy generator functions with the specified parameters.legacy generator function expressionthe function keyword can be used to define a legacy generator function inside an expression. can use the more general proxy object instead.reflect.enumerate()the static reflect.enumerate() method used to return an iterator with the enumerable own and inherited properties of the target object, but has been removed in ecmascript 2016 and is deprecated in browsers.string.prototype.quote()the non-standard quote() method returns a copy of the string, replacing various special characters in the string with their escape sequences and wrapping the result in double-quotes (").
Anatomy of a video game - Game development
all of the above steps must take place every 16-and-a-half milliseconds to keep up with a 60 hz display.
...this game removed control from the user in order to keep its calculation time at roughly 16ms (or roughly 60fps).
... simulation systems can basically assume that each full update is ~16ms apart.
Styling links - Learn web development
now let's add some more information to get this styled properly: body { width: 300px; margin: 0 auto; font-size: 1.2rem; font-family: sans-serif; } p { line-height: 1.4; } a { outline: none; text-decoration: none; padding: 2px 1px 0; } a:link { color: #265301; } a:visited { color: #437a16; } a:focus { border-bottom: 1px solid; background: #bae498; } a:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid; background: #cdfeaa; } a:active { background: #265301; color: #cdfeaa; } we'll also provide some sample html to apply the css to: <p>there are several browsers available, such as <a href="#">mozilla firefox</a>, <a href="#">google chrome</a>, and <a href="#">microsoft edge</a>.</p> ...
...) { htmlinput.value = htmlcode; cssinput.value = csscode; drawoutput(); }); solution.addeventlistener("click", function() { htmlinput.value = htmlcode; cssinput.value = 'p {\n font-size: 1.2rem;\n font-family: sans-serif;\n line-height: 1.4;\n}\n\na {\n outline: none;\n text-decoration: none;\n padding: 2px 1px 0;\n}\n\na:link {\n color: #265301;\n}\n\na:visited {\n color: #437a16;\n}\n\na:focus {\n border-bottom: 1px solid;\n background: #bae498;\n}\n\na:hover {\n border-bottom: 1px solid;\n background: #cdfeaa;\n}\n\na:active {\n background: #265301;\n color: #cdfeaa;\n}'; drawoutput(); }); htmlinput.addeventlistener("input", drawoutput); cssinput.addeventlistener("input", drawoutput); window.addeventlistener("load", drawoutput); including icons on links a...
...ont-family: sans-serif; } p { line-height: 1.4; } a { outline: none; text-decoration: none; padding: 2px 1px 0; } a:link { color: blue; } a:visited { color: purple; } a:focus, a:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid; } a:active { color: red; } a[href*="http"] { background: url('') no-repeat 100% 0; background-size: 16px 16px; padding-right: 19px; } so what's going on here?
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
</textarea> <div class="controls"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset" /> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution" /> </div> html { font-family: 'open sans light',helvetica,arial,sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; fun...
...away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px;width: 95%"> &lt;p&gt;a link to my favorite website.&lt;/p&gt; </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func... the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px;width: 95%"> &lt;p&gt;this is my page&lt;/p&gt; </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h1 { color: blue; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } img { max-width: 100%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var usere...
Useful string methods - Learn web development
below, replacing what's currently there if (greetings[i]) { let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = input; list.appendchild(listitem); } } </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
...cities[i]; // write your code just below here let result = input; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = result; list.appendchild(listitem); } </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
...ations[i]; // write your code just below here let result = input; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = result; list.appendchild(listitem); } </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value...
MathML Accessibility in Mozilla
in bug 1175269 and bug 1001641, we relied on the webkit's nsaccessibility mathml tree to expose the main constructions.
... accessfu: mathml support in android and firefox os is currently being implemented in our accessfu module and a patch is available on bug 1163374.
... torture test 16: ∫ 1 x dt t __________ the integral from 1 to x of times fraction d t over t end fraction __________ integral, subscript 1, superscript x, fraction stary, d t over t, end of fraction integral.
NSPR Poll Method
the prototype of the poll method is print16 poll_method(prfiledesc *fd, print16 in_flags, print16 *out_flags); the purpose of the poll method is to allow a layer to modify that flags that will ultimately be used in the call to the underlying network transport's select (or equivalent) function, and to indicate that a layer is already able to make progress in the manner suggested by the polling flags.
...declare two print16 variables to receive the return value and the out_flags output argument of the poll method.
... print16 new_flags, out_flags; if you are going to call pr_recv, pass pr_poll_read as the in_flags argument.
NSS Code Coverage
numbers in tested files example: 72.69% (165/227/731) 72.69% - ratio of tested blocks and total blocks in file (generated by tcov).
... 165 - tested blocks in file (generated by tcov).
... 165 - tested blocks in all files in directory (sum of numbers generated by tcov).
NSS 3.28.1 release notes
notable changes in nss 3.28.1 the following ca certificates were removed cn = buypass class 2 ca 1 sha-256 fingerprint: 0f:4e:9c:dd:26:4b:02:55:50:d1:70:80:63:40:21:4f:e9:44:34:c9:b0:2f:69:7e:c7:10:fc:5f:ea:fb:5e:38 cn = root ca generalitat valenciana sha-256 fingerprint: 8c:4e:df:d0:43:48:f3:22:96:9e:7e:29:a4:cd:4d:ca:00:46:55:06:1c:16:e1:b0:76:42:2e:f3:42:ad:63:0e ou = rsa security 2048 v3 sha-256 fingerprint: af:8b:67:62:a1:e5:28:22:81:61:a9:5d:5c:55:9e:e2:66:27:8f:75:d7:9e:83:01:89:a5:03:50:6a:bd:6b:4c the following ca certificates were added ou = ac raiz fnmt-rcm sha-256 fingerprint: eb:c5:57:0c:29:01:8c:4d:67:b1:aa:12:7b:af:12:f7:03:b4:61:1e:bc:17:b7:da:b5:57:38:94:17:9b...
...:93:fa cn = amazon root ca 1 sha-256 fingerprint: 8e:cd:e6:88:4f:3d:87:b1:12:5b:a3:1a:c3:fc:b1:3d:70:16:de:7f:57:cc:90:4f:e1:cb:97:c6:ae:98:19:6e cn = amazon root ca 2 sha-256 fingerprint: 1b:a5:b2:aa:8c:65:40:1a:82:96:01:18:f8:0b:ec:4f:62:30:4d:83:ce:c4:71:3a:19:c3:9c:01:1e:a4:6d:b4 cn = amazon root ca 3 sha-256 fingerprint: 18:ce:6c:fe:7b:f1:4e:60:b2:e3:47:b8:df:e8:68:cb:31:d0:2e:bb:3a:da:27:15:69:f5:03:43:b4:6d:b3:a4 cn = amazon root ca 4 sha-256 fingerprint: e3:5d:28:41:9e:d0:20:25:cf:a6:90:38:cd:62:39:62:45:8d:a5:c6:95:fb:de:a3:c2:2b:0b:fb:25:89:70:92 cn = luxtrust global root 2 sha-256 fingerprint: 54:45:5f:71:29:c2:0b:14:47:c4:18:f9:97:16:8f:24:c5:8f:c5:02:3b:f5:da:5b:e2:eb:6e...
... bugs fixed in nss 3.28.1 bug 1296697 - december 2016 batch of root ca changes bug 1322496 - internal error assert when the other side closes connection before reading eoed compatibility nss 3.28.1 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libraries.
NSS 3.41 release notes
ciphersuites by default: tls_ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 tls_dhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 tls_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 new functions none notable changes in nss 3.41 the following ca certificates were added: cn = certigna root ca sha-256 fingerprint: d48d3d23eedb50a459e55197601c27774b9d7b18c94d5a059511a10250b93168 cn = gts root r1 sha-256 fingerprint: 2a575471e31340bc21581cbd2cf13e158463203ece94bcf9d3cc196bf09a5472 cn = gts root r2 sha-256 fingerprint: c45d7bb08e6d67e62e4235110b564e5f78fd92ef058c840aea4e6455d7585c60 cn = gts root r3 sha-256 fingerprint: 15d5b8774619ea7d54ce1ca6d0b0c403e037a917f131e8a04e1e6b7a71babce5 cn = gts root r4 sha-256 fingerpr... 71cca5391f9e794b04802530b363e121da8a3043bb26662fea4dca7fc951a4bd cn = uca global g2 root sha-256 fingerprint: 9bea11c976fe014764c1be56a6f914b5a560317abd9988393382e5161aa0493c cn = uca extended validation root sha-256 fingerprint: d43af9b35473755c9684fc06d7d8cb70ee5c28e773fb294eb41ee71722924d24 the following ca certificates were removed: cn = ac raíz certicámara s.a.
...df2cd548054d2275b39c7fca3ec0978078b0f0ea76e561a6c7433e cn = certplus root ca g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 6cc05041e6445e74696c4cfbc9f80f543b7eabbb44b4ce6f787c6a9971c42f17 cn = opentrust root ca g1 sha-256 fingerprint: 56c77128d98c18d91b4cfdffbc25ee9103d4758ea2abad826a90f3457d460eb4 cn = opentrust root ca g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 27995829fe6a7515c1bfe848f9c4761db16c225929257bf40d0894f29ea8baf2 cn = opentrust root ca g3 sha-256 fingerprint: b7c36231706e81078c367cb896198f1e3208dd926949dd8f5709a410f75b6292 bugs fixed in nss 3.41 bug 1412829, reject empty supported_signature_algorithms in certificate request in tls 1.2 bug 1485864 - cache side-channel variant of the bleichenbacher attack (cve-2018-12404) bug 1481271 - re...
Enc Dec MAC Output Public Key as CSR
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nss headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define default_key_bits 1024 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin wrapped enckey-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end wrapped enckey-----" #define mackey_header "...
...ppedenckeyitem, ckm_aes_cbc, cka_encrypt, 0); if (enckey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't unwrap the encryption key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* ckm_md5_hmac or ckm_extract_key_from_key */ mackey = pk11_pubunwrapsymkey(privkey, &wrappedmackeyitem, ckm_md5_hmac, cka_sign, 160/8); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't unwrap the mac key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* open the input file.
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* wrap encrypt key */ rv = wrapkey(enckey, pubkey, &wrappedenckey); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto cleanup; } /* wrap mac...
nss tech note5
when all done with encrypt/decrypt ops, clean up</big> <big>pk11_freesymkey(symkey); secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); pk11_freeslot(slot);</big> note: aes encryption, a fixed blocksize of 16 bytes is used.
... the rijndael algorithm permits 3 blocksizes (16, 24, 32 bytes), but the aes standard requires the blocksize to be 16 bytes.
... the keysize can vary and these keysizes are permitted: 16, 24, 32 bytes.
Rhino shell
the string versionnumber must be one of 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 or 170.
...if an argument is supplied, it is expected to be one of 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 or 170 to indicate javascript version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7 respectively.
... js> runcommand('date') thu jan 23 16:49:36 cet 2003 0 // using input option to provide process input js> runcommand("sort", {input: "c\na\nb"}) a b c 0 js> // demo of output and err options js> var opt={input: "c\na\nb", output: 'sort output:\n'} js> runcommand("sort", opt) 0 js> print(opt.output) sort output: a b c js> var opt={input: "c\na\nb", output: 'sort output:\n', err: ''} js> runcommand("sort", "--bad-arg", opt) 2 js> print...
SpiderMonkey Internals
atoms play three roles: as literals referred to by unaligned 16-bit immediate bytecode operands, as unique string descriptors for efficient property name hashing, and as members of the root gc set for exact gc.
...c and back mappings can be tested using the js program with the following script: load("perfect.js"); print(perfect); dis(perfect); print(); for (var ln = 0; ln <= 40; ln++) { var pc = line2pc(perfect, ln); var ln2 = pc2line(perfect, pc); print("\tline " + ln + " => pc " + pc + " => line " + ln2); } the result of the for loop over lines 0 to 40 inclusive is: line 0 => pc 0 => line 16 line 1 => pc 0 => line 16 line 2 => pc 0 => line 16 line 3 => pc 0 => line 16 line 4 => pc 0 => line 16 line 5 => pc 0 => line 16 line 6 => pc 0 => line 16 line 7 => pc 0 => line 16 line 8 => pc 0 => line 16 line 9 => pc 0 => line 16 line 10 => pc 0 => line 16 line 11 => pc 0 => line 16 line 12 => pc 0 => line 16 line 13 => pc 0 => line 16 line 14 => pc 0 => line 16 line 15 => pc 0 => line 16 lin...
...e 16 => pc 0 => line 16 line 17 => pc 19 => line 20 line 18 => pc 19 => line 20 line 19 => pc 19 => line 20 line 20 => pc 19 => line 20 line 21 => pc 36 => line 21 line 22 => pc 53 => line 22 line 23 => pc 74 => line 23 line 24 => pc 92 => line 22 line 25 => pc 106 => line 28 line 26 => pc 106 => line 28 line 27 => pc 106 => line 28 line 28 => pc 106 => line 28 line 29 => pc 127 => line 29 line 30 => pc 154 => line 21 line 31 => pc 154 => line 21 line 32 => pc 161 => line 32 line 33 => pc 172 => line 33 line 34 => pc 172 => line 33 line 35 => pc 172 => line 33 line 36 => pc 172 => line 33 line 37 => pc 172 => line 33 line 38 => pc 172 => line 33 line 39 => pc 172 => line 33 line 40 => pc 172 => line 33 jsconfig.h various configuration macros defined as 0 or 1 depending on how js_version i...
JSAPI User Guide
this function returns the pointer to an object's private data: pdata = js_getprivate(cx, obj); special topics unicode to pass unicode data between javascript and native code, represent the data in utf-16 in memory.
... javascript strings, property names, and programs are all made up of jschars, which are 16-bit unsigned integers.
...these functions convert their char * arguments to 16-bit strings by zero-extending each 8-bit char to 16 bits—unless js_c_strings_are_utf8 is defined or js_setcstringsareutf8 has been called, in which case each char * string is interpreted as utf-8 unicode text.
const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, file *file, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlescript script); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::com...
..., js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, file *file, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlescript script...
... chars const char16_t * string containing the script to compile.
const char16_t *sourcemapurl() const returns the url of the source map.
... bool setsourcemapurl(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s) duplicate null-terminated string s for sourcemapurl.
... compileoptions &setline(unsigned l) compileoptions &setfileandline(const char *f, unsigned l) compileoptions &setsourcemapurl(const char16_t *s) compileoptions &setelement(jsobject *e) compileoptions &setelementattributename(jsstring *p) compileoptions &setintroductionscript(jsscript *s) compileoptions &setmutederrors(bool mute) compileoptions &setversion(jsversion v) compileoptions &setutf8(bool u) compileoptions &setcolumn(unsigned c) compileoptions &setcompil...
syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jsc...
...ontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); // added in spidermonkey 17 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandle...
... chars const char16_t * string containing the script to compile and execute.
syntax typedef struct jserrorformatstring { const char *format; uint16_t argcount; int16_t exntype; } jserrorformatstring; name type description format const char * the error format string in ascii.
... argcount uint16_t the number of arguments to expand in the formatted error message.
... exntype int16_t one of the jsexntype constants.
syntax struct jsfunctionspec { const char *name; jsnativewrapper call; uint16_t nargs; uint16_t flags; const char *selfhostedname; }; typedef struct jsnativewrapper { jsnative op; const jsjitinfo *info; } jsnativewrapper; name type description name const char * the function's name.
... nargs uint16_t the value used for function.length.
... flags uint16_t the bitwise or of any number of function flags.
iterator mxr search for jsproto_iterator jsproto_stopiteration stopiteration mxr search for jsproto_stopiteration jsproto_arraybuffer arraybuffer mxr search for jsproto_arraybuffer jsproto_int8array int8array mxr search for jsproto_int8array jsproto_uint8array uint8array mxr search for jsproto_uint8array jsproto_int16array int16array mxr search for jsproto_int16array jsproto_uint16array uint16array mxr search for jsproto_uint16array jsproto_int32array int32array mxr search for jsproto_int32array jsproto_uint32array uint32array mxr search for jsproto_uint32array jsproto_float32array float32array mxr search for jsproto_float32array ...
...imd (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_simd jsproto_weakset weakset added in spidermonkey 38 mxr search for jsproto_weakset jsproto_sharedint8array sharedint8array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedint8array jsproto_shareduint8array shareduint8array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_shareduint8array jsproto_sharedint16array sharedint16array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedint16array jsproto_shareduint16array shareduint16array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_shareduint16array jsproto_sharedint32array sharedint32array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedint32array jsproto_shareduint32array shareduint32array (nightly only) mxr sea...
... see also bug 789635 bug 645416 - added jsproto_symbol bug 769872 - added jsproto_intl bug 792439 - added jsproto_weakset bug 896116 - added jsproto_typedarray bug 904701 - added jsproto_generatorfunction bug 914220 - added jsproto_typedobject bug 933001 - added jsproto_sharedarraybuffer bug 946042 - added jsproto_simd bug 1054882 - added jsproto_shared*arrays ...
syntax boo js_alreadyhasownproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *foundp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 boo js_alreadyhasownelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, bool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid (in js_alreadyhasownproperty, alreadyhasownucproperty, and js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid) the name of the property to search for.
...see also mxr id search for js_alreadyhasownproperty mxr id search for js_alreadyhasownucproperty mxr id search for js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid mxr id search for js_alreadyhasownelement bug 400793 bug 461163 ...
id id); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js_deleteproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::objectopresult &result); bool js_deletepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::objectopresult &result); bool js_deleteucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::objectopresult &result); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name or id const char * or jsid or const char16_t * name of the property to delete.
... see also mxr id search for js_deleteproperty mxr id search for js_deletepropertybyid js_deleteproperty2 js_deletepropertybyid2 bug 461163 bug 1113369 -- added result parameter and js_deleteucproperty ...
syntax bool js_deleteproperty2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *succeeded); bool js_deleteucproperty2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *succeeded); bool js_deletepropertybyid2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *succeeded); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t or js::handleid name of the property to delete.
... see also mxr id search for js_deleteproperty2 mxr id search for js_deleteucproperty2 mxr id search for js_deletepropertybyid2 bug 461163 bug 1113369 -- renamed to js_deleteproperty ...
syntax bool js_getproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_getucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_getpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t * or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
... see also mxr id search for js_getproperty mxr id search for js_getucproperty mxr id search for js_getpropertybyid example in the jsapi phrasebook js_defineproperty js_definepropertywithtinyid js_deleteproperty js_deleteproperty2 js_lookupproperty js_propertystub js_setproperty bug 461163 ...
syntax bool js_hasproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *foundp); bool js_hasucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *vp); bool js_haspropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *foundp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
... see also mxr id search for js_hasproperty mxr id search for js_hasucproperty mxr id search for js_haspropertybyid bug 461163 ...
syntax jsstring * js_newstringcopyn(jscontext *cx, const char *s, size_t n); jsstring * js_newucstringcopyn(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s, size_t n); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... s const char* or const char16_t * pointer to the array of characters containing the text for the js string to create.
...the two functions differ only in the type of the character array s; both functions create ordinary javascript strings, and all javascript strings are made up of 16-bit characters.
bool js_reporterrorflagsandnumberuc(jscontext *cx, unsigned flags, jserrorcallback errorcallback, void *userref, const unsigned errornumber, ...); void js_reporterrornumberucarray(jscontext *cx, jserrorcallback errorcallback, void *userref, const unsigned errornumber, const char16_t **args); // added in spidermonkey 19 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to report the error.
.../ const char16_t ** additional arguments for the error message.
... these arguments must be of type char * for js_reporterrornumber or js_reporterrorflagsandnumber, or char16_t * for js_reporterrornumberuc or js_reporterrorflagsandnumberuc.
syntax bool js_setproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::handlevalue v); bool js_setucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlevalue v); bool js_setpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handlevalue v); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid name of the property to set.
... see also mxr id search for js_setproperty mxr id search for js_setucproperty mxr id search for js_setpropertybyid bug 461163 ...
int16; typedef ...
... uint16; typedef ...
...see also bug 714728 - removes jsword/jsuword bug 730511 - removes intn/uintn bug 732306 - removes jsint bug 733260 - removes jsuint bug 708735 - deprecates {u,}int{8,16,32,64} ...
Secure Development Guidelines
bits maximum value that can be represented data type 8 28-1 255 char 16 216-1 65535 short 32 232-1 4294967295 int 64 264-1 18446744073709551615 long long integer overflows/underflows example of an integer overflow int main() { unsigned int foo = 0xffffffff; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); foo++; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); } integer overflows/underflows example of an integer...
... } integer overflows/underflows: prevention difficult to fix: you need to check every arithmetic operation with user input arithmetic libraries like safeint can help signedness issues bits data type range 8 signed char -128 - +127 unsigned char 0 - +255 16 signed short -32768 - +32767 unsigned short 0 - +65535 32 signed int -2147483648 - +2147483647 unsigned int 0 - +4294967295 64 signed long long -9223372036854775808 - +9223372036854775807 unsigned long long 0 - +18446744073709551615 int vuln_funct(int size) { char buf[1024]; if (size > sizeof(b...
...uf) - 1) return -1; } signedness issues: don’t mix signed and unsigned integers use unsigned integers for sizes, offsets, and indexes casting and truncation example: void vuln_funct() { u_int32_t size1 = 0xffffffff; u_int16_t size2 = size1; void *ptr = malloc(size2); if (!ptr) exit(exit_failure); memcpy(ptr, user_data, size1); } casting issues: sign extension example: int main() { int32_t new_size = 0; int8_t size = 0xff; new_size = size; printf("0x%08x\r\n", new_size); } casting issues: sign extension prevention be careful with signed integers use unsigned integers for sizes, offsets, and indexes denial of service: divide by zero example: int main() { int a, b; if (argc != 3) return 1; a...
tf8string amimetype); void getpageannotationinfo(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, out print32 aflags, out unsigned short aexpiration, out autf8string amimetype, out unsigned short atype); void getitemannotationinfo(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, out long aflags, out unsigned short aexpiration, out autf8string amimetype, out unsigned short atype); pruint16 getpageannotationtype(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); pruint16 getitemannotationtype(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void getpageswithannotation(in autf8string name, [optional] out unsigned long resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsiuri results); void getitemswithannotation(in autf8string name, [optional] out unsigned long resultc...
... pruint16 getpageannotationtype( in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname ); parameters auri the uri on which the annotation is set.
... pruint16 getpageannotationtype( in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname ); parameters auri the item on which the annotation is set.
bool bool* boolean char char char* string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted double double double* number float float float* number long int32_t int32_t* number long long int64_t int64_t* number octet uint8_t uint8_t* number short int16_t int16_t* number string const char* char** string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but autf8string or acstring unsigned long uint32_t uint32_t* number unsigned long long uint64_t uint64_t* number unsigned short uint16_t uint16_t* n...
...umber wchar char16_t char16_t* string full unicode set permitted wstring const char16_t* char16_t** string full unicode set permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but astring.
... while js date assumes time in milliseconds nsresult (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number nsrefcnt (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number size_t (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number voidptr void* void* not allowed charptr char* char** not allowed unicharptr char16_t* char16_t** not allowed nsidref const nsid& nsid* ?
methods available on string objects these methods must be called on objects that are arrays or pointers to 8-bit or 16-bit character or integer types, terminated by a null character.
... here is a method to read "malformed", it attempts to do readstring on it, if it errors then it tries to read it in another way, so this is an alternative to readstringreplacemalformed, it is an attempt at readingmalformed function readaschar8thenaschar16(stringptr, known_len, jschar) { // when reading as jschar it assumes max length of 500 // stringptr is either char or jschar, if you know its jschar for sure, pass 2nd arg as true // if known_len is passed, then assumption is not made, at the known_len position in array we will see a null char // i tried getting known_len from stringptr but its not possible, it has be known, i tr...
... // reached null terminator, break console.log('reached null terminator, at pos: ', i); break; } charcode.push(thisunsignedcharcode); fromcharcode.push(string.fromcharcode(thisunsignedcharcode)); }'charcode:', charcode);'fromcharcode:', fromcharcode); var char16_val = fromcharcode.join('');'char16_val:', char16_val); return char16_val; } if (!jschar) { try { var char8_val = stringptr.readstring();'stringptr.readstring():', char8_val); return char8_val; } catch (ex if ex.message.indexof('malformed utf-8 character sequence at offset ') == 0) { ...
Drawing and Event Handling - Plugins
nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved) { ...
... int16 npp_handleevent(npp instance, npevent *event); the instance parameter represents the current plug-in.
... this code shows the specific data passed through this method for each platform: #ifdef xp_mac typedef eventrecord npevent; #elif defined(xp_win) typedef struct _npevent { int16 event; int16 wparam; int32 lparam; } npevent; #elif defined(xp_unix) typedef xevent npevent; #else typedef void npevent; #endif /* xp_mac */ int16 npp_handleevent(npp instance, npevent* event); on mac os, when npp_handleevent is called, the current port is set up correctly so that its origin matches the upper-left corner of the plug-in.
Network request details - Firefox Developer Tools
lect copy all, the entire header is copied in json format, giving you something like this (after running the results through a json validator): { "response headers (1.113 kb)": { "headers": [ { "name": "accept-ranges", "value": "bytes" }, { "name": "age", "value": "0" }, { "name": "backend-timing", "value": "d=74716 t=1560258099074460" }, { "name": "cache-control", "value": "private, must-revalidate, max-age=0" }, { "name": "content-disposition", "value": "inline; filename=api-result.js" }, { "name": "content-encoding", "value": "gzip" }, { "name": "content-length", "value": "673" }, { ...
...see for more info.\"" }, { "name": "server", "value": "mw1316.eqiad.wmnet" }, { "name": "server-timing", "value": "cache;desc=\"pass\"" }, { "name": "strict-transport-security", "value": "max-age=106384710; includesubdomains; preload" }, { "name": "vary", "value": "accept-encoding,treat-as-untrusted,x-forwarded-proto,cookie,authorization,x-seven" }, { "na...
... { "name": "x-firefox-spdy", "value": "h2" }, { "name": "x-frame-options", "value": "sameorigin" }, { "name": "x-powered-by", "value": "hhvm/3.18.6-dev" }, { "name": "x-search-id", "value": "esvan0r5bnnwscyk2wq09i1im" }, { "name": "x-varnish", "value": "766019457, 417549316" } ] }, "request headers (665 b)": { "headers": [ { "name": "accept", "value": "*/*" }, { "name": "accept-encoding", "value": "gzip, deflate, br" }, { "name": "accept-language", "value": "en-us,en;q=0.5" }, { "name": "connection", "value": "keep-alive" }, { ...
BluetoothDevice - Web APIs
bluetoothdevice.vendorid read only the 16-bit vendor id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... bluetoothdevice.productid read only the 16-bit product id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... bluetoothdevice.productversion read only the 16-bit product version field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetbytelengthqueuingstrategy experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
... samsung internet android full support 7.0bytelengthqueuingstrategy() constructor experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
... samsung internet android full support 7.0size experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeRect() - Web APIs
it has a width of 160 and a height of 100.
... const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.strokestyle = 'green'; ctx.strokerect(20, 10, 160, 100); result applying various context settings this example draws a rectangle with a drop shadow and thick, beveled outlines.
... html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.shadowcolor = '#d53'; ctx.shadowblur = 20; ctx.linejoin = 'bevel'; ctx.linewidth = 15; ctx.strokestyle = '#38f'; ctx.strokerect(30, 30, 160, 90); result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'canvasrenderingcontext2d.strokerect' in that specification.
Applying styles and colors - Web APIs
// these all set the fillstyle to 'orange' ctx.fillstyle = 'orange'; ctx.fillstyle = '#ffa500'; ctx.fillstyle = 'rgb(255, 165, 0)'; ctx.fillstyle = 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1)'; a fillstyle example in this example, we once again use two for loops to draw a grid of rectangles, each in a different color.
... function draw() { var ctx = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d'); // clear canvas ctx.clearrect(0, 0, 150, 150); // draw guides ctx.strokestyle = '#09f'; ctx.linewidth = 2; ctx.strokerect(-5, 50, 160, 50); // set line styles ctx.strokestyle = '#000'; ctx.linewidth = 10; // check input if (document.getelementbyid('miterlimit').value.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/)) { ctx.miterlimit = parsefloat(document.getelementbyid('miterlimit').value); } else { alert('value must be a positive number'); } // draw lines ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(0, 100); for (i = 0; i < 24 ; i++) { ...
... <canvas id="canvas" width="110" height="110"></canvas> var ctx = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d'); var offset = 0; function draw() { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.setlinedash([4, 2]); ctx.linedashoffset = -offset; ctx.strokerect(10, 10, 100, 100); } function march() { offset++; if (offset > 16) { offset = 0; } draw(); settimeout(march, 20); } march(); screenshotlive sample gradients just like any normal drawing program, we can fill and stroke shapes using linear and radial gradients.
CountQueuingStrategy - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetcountqueuingstrategy experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
... samsung internet android full support 7.0countqueuingstrategy() constructor experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
... samsung internet android full support 7.0size experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox full support 57disabled full support 57disabled disabled from version 57: this feature is behind the dom.streams.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the javascript.options.streams preference (needs to be set to true).
DOMMatrix - Web APIs
if the array has six values, the result is a 2d matrix; if the array has 16 values, the result is a 3d matrix.
...if the array has six values, the result is a 2d matrix; if the array has 16 values, the result is a 3d matrix.
... [m11m21m31m41m12m22m32m42m13m23m33m43m14m24m34m44]\left [ \begin{matrix} m_{11} & m_{21} & m_{31} & m_{41} \\ m_{12} & m_{22} & m_{32} & m_{42} \\ m_{13} & m_{23} & m_{33} & m_{43} \\ m_{14} & m_{24} & m_{34} & m_{44} \end{matrix} \right ] the positions of the 16 elements (m11 through m44) which comprise the 4×4 abstract matrix.
Binary strings - Web APIs
javascript strings are utf-16 encoded strings.
...a subset of these strings is represented by utf-16 strings containing only ascii characters (i.e., characters whose code point does not exceed 127).
... the reason that brought to use utf-16 code units as placeholders for uint8 numbers is that as web applications become more and more powerful (adding features such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using websockets, and so forth) it has become clear that there are times when it would be helpful for javascript code to be able to quickly and easily manipulate raw binary data.
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
<div class="container"> <div class="left-margin"> <img src="/files/16861/margin-flourish.svg" alt=""> </div> <div class="contents"> <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
... body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } p { margin-block-start: 0; margin-block-end: 1em; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } .container { width: 100vh; height: 95vh; font: 16px arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } .left-margin { background-color: rgb(241, 240, 237, 255); width: 9em; height: 100%; float: left; margin-right: 5px; padding-right: 1em; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .left-margin img { width: 6em; } .contents { background-color: rgb(241, 240, 235, 255); height: 100%; margin-left: 2em; padding-top: 1em;...
... .container { max-width: 500px; } .pageinfo-badge { width: 9em; padding-right: 1em; float: left; clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 100% 50%, 90% 70%, 80% 80%, 70% 90%, 50% 100%, 0 100%, 0 0); shape-outside: polygon(100% 0, 100% 50%, 90% 70%, 80% 80%, 70% 90%, 50% 100%, 0 100%, 0 0); } .contents { margin-top: 1em; font: 16px arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif; } result other images images simply showing objects or scenes should have alt text describing what's seen in the image.
MediaDevices.ondevicechange - Web APIs
html content <p>click the start button below to begin the demonstration.</p> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <video id="video" width="160" height="120" autoplay></video><br> <div class="left"> <h2>audio devices:</h2> <ul class="devicelist" id="audiolist"></ul> </div> <div class="right"> <h2>video devices:</h2> <ul class="devicelist" id="videolist"></ul> </div> <div id="log"></div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } video { margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { c...
...ursor: pointer; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; } h2 { margin-bottom: 4px; } .left { float:left; width: 48%; margin-right: 2% } .right { float:right; width: 48%; margin-left: 2% } .devicelist { border: 1px solid black; list-style-type: none; margin-top: 2px; padding: 6px; } javascript content other code below is other code which, while needed to make this example work, isn'tt related directly to ondevicechange, so we won't go into any detail.
... let videoelement = document.getelementbyid("video"); let logelement = document.getelementbyid("log"); function log(msg) { logelement.innerhtml += msg + "<br>"; } document.getelementbyid("startbutton").addeventlistener("click", function() { navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({ video: { width: 160, height: 120, framerate: 30 }, audio: { samplerate: 44100, samplesize: 16, volume: 0.25 } }).then(stream => { videoelement.srcobject = stream; updatedevicelist(); }) .catch(err => log( + ": " + err.message)); }, false); we set up global variables that contain references to the <ul> elements that are used to list the audio and video devices: let audiolist = document.getelementbyid("audiolist"); let videolist ... - Web APIs
html content <p>click the start button below to begin the demonstration.</p> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <audio id="audio" autoplay controls></audio><br> <div id="log"></div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } audio { margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid black; width: 160px; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; } javascript content let audioelement = document.getelementbyid("audio"); let logelement = document.getelementbyid("log"); function log(msg) { logelement.innerhtml += msg + "<br>"; } ...
...of constraints based on the mediatrackconstraints dictionary: html content <p>click the start button below to begin the demonstration.</p> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <audio id="audio" autoplay controls></audio><br> <div id="log"></div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } audio { margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid black; width: 160px; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; } javascript content let audioelement = document.getelementbyid("audio"); let logelement = document.getelementbyid("log"); function log(msg) { logelement.innerhtml += msg + "<br>"; } ...
... echocancellation: true } }).then(stream => audioelement.srcobject = stream) .catch(err => log( + ": " + err.message)); }, false); here we see an event handler for a click event which calls getusermedia(), specifying a set of audio constraints requesting that echo cancellation be enabled and that, if possible, the sample rate be 8 bits per sample instead of the more common 16 bits (possibly as a bandwidth saving measure). - Web APIs
html content <p>click the start button below to begin the demonstration.</p> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <video id="video" width="160" height="120" autoplay></video><br> <div id="log"></div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } video { margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; } javasc...
... result using a mediatrackconstraints object now let's look at a similar example that uses a set of constraints based on the mediatrackconstraints dictionary: html content <p>click the start button below to begin the demonstration.</p> <div id="startbutton" class="button"> start </div> <video id="video" width="160" height="120" autoplay></video><br> <div id="log"></div> css content body { font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } video { margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 160px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; } javasc...
...ript content let videoelement = document.getelementbyid("video"); let logelement = document.getelementbyid("log"); function log(msg) { logelement.innerhtml += msg + "<br>"; } document.getelementbyid("startbutton").addeventlistener("click", function() { navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({ video: { width: 160, height: 120, framerate: 15 } }).then(stream => videoelement.srcobject = stream) .catch(err => log( + ": " + err.message)); }, false); here we see an event handler for a click event which calls getusermedia(), specifying a set of video constraints that indicate a preference for a video track whose dimensions are as close as possible to 160x120 pixels, and whose frame rate is as close to 15 frames per second as possible.
OES_texture_half_float - Web APIs
the oes_texture_half_float extension is part of the webgl api and adds texture formats with 16- (aka half float) and 32-bit floating-point components.
... constants ext.half_float_oes half floating-point type (16-bit).
... half floating-point color buffers this extension implicitly enables the ext_color_buffer_half_float extension (if supported), which allows rendering to 16-bit floating point formats.
PushEvent - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetpushevent experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
...ault.opera android full support 37safari ios no support nosamsung internet android full support 4.0pushevent() constructor experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
...push enabled by default.opera android full support 37safari ios no support nosamsung internet android full support 4.0data experimentalchrome full support 57edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
RTCIceCandidate.candidate - Web APIs
for an a-line (attribute line) that looks like this: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the corresponding candidate string's value will be "candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host".
...the complete list of attributes for this example candidate is: foundation = 4234997325 component = "rtp" (the number 1 is encoded to this string; 2 becomes "rtcp") protocol = "udp" priority = 2043278322 ip = "" port = 44323 type = "host" example in this example, we see a function which receives as input an sdp string containing an ice candidate received from the remote peer during the signaling process.
... this example could be simplified somewhat; you may more often see the code look something like this, taking advantage of more advanced ecmascript 2016 features: let handlenewicecandidate = candidatesdp => mypeerconnection.addicecandidate(new rtcicecandidate(candidatesdp)); specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicecandidate.candidate' in that specification.
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
removed from the specification's may 13, 2016 working draft.
... this value was in the rtcsignalingstate enum (and therefore found by reading the value of the signalingstate) property until the may 13, 2016 draft of the specification.
... note: this value moved into the rtcpeerconnectionstate enum in the may 13, 2016 draft of the specification, as it reflects the state of the rtcpeerconnection, not the signaling connection.
WebGLRenderingContext.renderbufferStorage() - Web APIs
gl.depth_component16: 16 depth bits.
... gl.depth_stencil when using a webgl 2 context, the following values are available additionally: gl.r8 gl.r8ui gl.r8i gl.r16ui gl.r16i gl.r32ui gl.r32i gl.rg8 gl.rg8ui gl.rg8i gl.rg16ui gl.rg16i gl.rg32ui gl.rg32i gl.rgb8 gl.rgba8 gl.srgb8_alpha8 (also available as an extension for webgl 1, see below) gl.rgb10_a2 gl.rgba8ui gl.rgba8i gl.rgb10_a2ui gl.rgba16ui gl.rgba16i gl.rgba32i gl.rgba32ui gl.depth_component24 gl.depth_component32f gl.depth24_stencil8 gl.depth32f_stencil8 when using the webgl_color_buffer_float extension: ext.rgba32f_ext: rgba 32-bit floating-point type.
... when using a webgl 2 context and the ext_color_buffer_float extension: gl.r16f gl.rg16f gl.rgba16f gl.r32f gl.rg32f gl.rgba32f gl.r11f_g11f_b10f width a glsizei specifying the width of the renderbuffer in pixels.
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) - Web APIs
16 00:01:21.058 --> 00:01:23.868 - [ bats screeching ] - they won't get in your hair.
... example 12 - karaoke style text 1 00:16.500 --> 00:18.500 when the moon <00:17.500>hits your eye 1 00:00:18.500 --> 00:00:20.500 like a <00:19.000>big-a <00:19.500>pizza <00:20.000>pie 1 00:00:20.500 --> 00:00:21.500 that's <00:00:21.000>amore the following tags are the html tags allowed in a cue and require opening and closing tags (e.g., <b>text</b>).
... example 16 - bold tag <b>text</b> underline tag (<u></u>) underline the contained text.
Basic concepts behind Web Audio API - Web APIs
say you've got a 16 x 16 image, but you want it to fill a 32x32 area.
...the left and right channels are stored like this: llllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (for a buffer of 16 frames) this is very common in audio processing: it makes it easy to process each channel independently.
... the alternative is to use an interleaved buffer format: lrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlr (for a buffer of 16 frames) this format is very common for storing and playing back audio without much processing, for example a decoded mp3 stream.
Web Authentication API - Web APIs
note that it is absolutely critical that the challenge be a buffer of random information (at least 16 bytes) and it must be generated on the server in order to ensure the security of the registration process.
...note that it is absolutely critical that the challenge be a buffer of random information (at least 16 bytes) and it must be generated on the server in order to ensure the security of the authentication process.
...- service): rp: { name: "acme" }, // user: user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john p.
Resizing background images with background-size - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
here we scale a 32x32 pixel favicon to 300x300 pixels: .square2 { background-image: url(favicon.png); background-size: 300px; width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 2px solid; text-shadow: white 0px 0px 2px; font-size: 16px; } as you can see, the css is actually essentially identical, save the name of the image file.
... html <div class="bgsizecontain"> <p>try resizing this element!</p> </div> css .bgsizecontain { background-image: url(; background-size: contain; width: 160px; height: 160px; border: 2px solid; color: pink; resize: both; overflow: scroll; } result cover the cover value specifies that the background image should be sized so that it is as small as possible while ensuring that both dimensions are greater than or equal to the corresponding size of the container.
... html <div class="bgsizecover"> <p>try resizing this element!</p> </div> css .bgsizecover { background-image: url(; background-size: cover; width: 160px; height: 160px; border: 2px solid; color: pink; resize: both; overflow: scroll; } result see also background-size background scaling of svg backgrounds ...
Layout and the containing block - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
<body> <section> <p>this is a paragraph!</p> </section> </body> body { background: beige; } section { display: block; width: 400px; height: 160px; background: lightgray; } p { width: 50%; /* == 400px * .5 = 200px */ height: 25%; /* == 160px * .25 = 40px */ margin: 5%; /* == 400px * .05 = 20px */ padding: 5%; /* == 400px * .05 = 20px */ background: cyan; } example 2 in this example, the paragraph's containing block is the <body> element, because <section> is not a block container (because of display: inline) and d...
... <body> <section> <p>this is a paragraph!</p> </section> </body> body { background: beige; } section { position: absolute; left: 30px; top: 30px; width: 400px; height: 160px; padding: 30px 20px; background: lightgray; } p { position: absolute; width: 50%; /* == (400px + 20px + 20px) * .5 = 220px */ height: 25%; /* == (160px + 30px + 30px) * .25 = 55px */ margin: 5%; /* == (400px + 20px + 20px) * .05 = 22px */ padding: 5%; /* == (400px + 20px + 20px) * .05 = 22px */ background: cyan; } example 4 in this example, the paragraph's position ...
... <body> <section> <p>this is a paragraph!</p> </section> </body> body { background: beige; } section { transform: rotate(0deg); width: 400px; height: 160px; background: lightgray; } p { position: absolute; left: 80px; top: 30px; width: 50%; /* == 200px */ height: 25%; /* == 40px */ margin: 5%; /* == 20px */ padding: 5%; /* == 20px */ background: cyan; } ...
animation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
class="pause" title="pause"></button> </div> <div class="cell flx"> <div class="overlay">animation: 3s slidein;</div> <div class="animation a3"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> html,body { height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } pre { margin-bottom: 0; } svg { width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; } button { width: 27px; height: 27px; background-size: 16px; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; } { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,
...11%2c13%20l9%2c13%20z%22%20%2f%3e%3cpath%20id%3d%22restart%22%20d%3d%22m13%2c9%20a5%2c5%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c8%2c4%20l8%2c2%20l12%2c5%20l8%2c8%20l8%2c6%20a3%2c3%2c1%2c1%2c0%2c11%2c9%20a1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c13%2c9%20z%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2fsvg%3e#play'); } button.pause { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,
...5%20l8%2c8%20l8%2c6%20a3%2c3%2c1%2c1%2c0%2c11%2c9%20a1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c13%2c9%20z%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2fsvg%3e#pause'); } button.restart { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'); } ...
image() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the spacial dimension definition in the media specification indicates that percentages will be supported as well: xywh=160,120,320,240 /* results in a 320x240 image at x=160 and y=120 */ xywh=pixel:160,120,320,240 /* results in a 320x240 image at x=160 and y=120 */ xywh=percent:25,25,50,50 /* results in a 50%x50% image at x=25% and y=25% */ the image fragments can be used in url() notation as well.
... examples directionally-sensitive images <ul> <li dir="ltr">bullet is a right facing arrow on the left</li> <li dir="rtl">bullet is the same arrow, flipped to point left.</li> </ul> ul { list-style-image: image(ltr ''); } in the left-to-right list items — those with dir="ltr" set on the element itself or inheriting the directionality from an ancestor or default value for the page — the image will be used as-is.
...what cursor do you see?</div> .box:hover { cursor: image(",64,16,16"); } when the user hovers over the box, the cursor will change to display the 16x16 px section of the sprite image, starting at x=32 and y=64.
url() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* simple usage */ url(; url(…); url(myfont.woff); url(#idofsvgpath); /* associated properties */ background-image: url(""); list-style-image: url('../images/bullet.jpg'); content: url("pdficon.jpg"); cursor: url(mycursor.cur); border-image-source: url(/media/diamonds.png); src: url('fantasticfont.woff'); offset-path: url(#path); mask-image: url("masks.svg#mask1"); /* properties with fallbacks */ cursor: url(pointer.cur), pointer; /* associated short-hand properties */ background: url('https://mdn.mozi...') bottom right repeat-x blue; border-image: url("/media/diamonds.png") 30 fill / 30px / 30px space; /* as a parameter in another css function */ background-image: cross-fade(20% url(first.png), url(second.png)); mask-image: image(url(mask.png), skyblue, linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0), transparent); /* as part of a non-shorthand multiple value */ content: url(star.svg) url(star.svg) url(star.svg) url(star.svg) url(star.svg); /* at-rules */ @document url("") { ...
... formal syntax url( <string> <url-modifier>* ) examples content property html <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> </ul> css li::after { content: ' - ' url(; } result data-uri html <div class="background"></div> css .background { height: 100vh; } .background { background: yellow; background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' width='90' height='45'%3e%3cpath d='m10 10h60' stroke='%2300f' stroke-width='5'/%3e%3cpath d='m10 20h60' stroke='%230f0' stroke-width='5'/%3e%3cpath d='m10 30h60' str...
DASH Adaptive Streaming for HTML 5 Video - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -keyint_min 150 -g 150 -tile-columns 4 -frame-parallel 1 -f webm -dash 1 \ -an -vf scale=160:90 -b:v 250k -dash 1 video_160x90_250k.webm ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -keyint_min 150 -g 150 -tile-columns 4 -frame-parallel 1 -f webm -dash 1 \ -an -vf scale=320:180 -b:v 500k -dash 1 video_320x180_500k.webm ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -keyint_min 150 -g 150 -tile-columns 4 -frame-parallel 1 -f webm -dash 1 \ -an -vf scale=640:360 -b:v 750k -dash 1 video_640x360_750k.webm f...
... ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -keyint_min 150 \ -g 150 -tile-columns 4 -frame-parallel 1 -f webm -dash 1 \ -an -vf scale=160:90 -b:v 250k -dash 1 video_160x90_250k.webm \ -an -vf scale=320:180 -b:v 500k -dash 1 video_320x180_500k.webm \ -an -vf scale=640:360 -b:v 750k -dash 1 video_640x360_750k.webm \ -an -vf scale=640:360 -b:v 1000k -dash 1 video_640x360_1000k.webm \ -an -vf scale=1280:720 -b:v 1500k -dash 1 video_1280x720_1500k.webm 2.
... create the manifest file: ffmpeg \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i video_160x90_250k.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i video_320x180_500k.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i video_640x360_750k.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i video_1280x720_1500k.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i my_audio.webm \ -c copy \ -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 -map 3 -map 4 \ -f webm_dash_manifest \ -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1,2,3 id=1,streams=4" \ my_video_manifest.mpd the -map arguments correspond to the input files in the sequence they are given; you should have one for each file.
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in the following example we are setting a minimum datetime of 2017-06-01t08:30 and a maximum datetime of 2017-06-30t16:30: <form> <label for="party">enter a date and time for your party booking:</label> <input id="party" type="datetime-local" name="partydate" min="2017-06-01t08:30" max="2017-06-30t16:30"> </form> the result here is that: only days in june 2017 can be selected — only the "days" part of the date value will be editable, and dates outside june can't be scrolled to in the datepick...
... let's look at an example; here we've set minimum and maximum date/time values, and also made the field required: <form> <div> <label for="party">choose your preferred party date and time (required, june 1st 8.30am to june 30th 4.30pm):</label> <input id="party" type="datetime-local" name="partydate" min="2017-06-01t08:30" max="2017-06-30t16:30" required> <span class="validity"></span> </div> <div> <input type="submit" value="book party!"> </div> </form> if you try to submit the form with an incomplete date (or with a date outside the set bounds), the browser displays an error.
...for example, try viewing the following demo in a non-supporting browser: <form> <div> <label for="party">choose your preferred party date and time (required, june 1st 8.30am to june 30th 4.30pm):</label> <input id="party" type="datetime-local" name="partydate" min="2017-06-01t08:30" max="2017-06-30t16:30" pattern="[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}t[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}" required> <span class="validity"></span> </div> <div> <input type="submit" value="book party!"> </div> <input type="hidden" id="timezone" name="timezone" value="-08:00"> </form> if you try submitting it, you'll see that the browser now displays an error message (and highlights the input as invalid) if your en...
MIME types (IANA media types) - HTTP
ssage: post / http/1.1 host: localhost:8000 user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate connection: keep-alive upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------8721656041911415653955004498 content-length: 465 -----------------------------8721656041911415653955004498 content-disposition: form-data; name="mytextfield" test -----------------------------8721656041911415653955004498 content-disposition: form-data; name="mycheckbox" on -----------------------------8721656041911415653955004498 content-disposition: form-data; name="myfile"; filename="test.txt" con...
...-----------------------------8721656041911415653955004498-- multipart/byteranges the multipart/byteranges mime type is used to send partial responses to the browser.
... http/1.1 206 partial content accept-ranges: bytes content-type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=3d6b6a416f9b5 content-length: 385 --3d6b6a416f9b5 content-type: text/html content-range: bytes 100-200/1270 eta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="vieport" content --3d6b6a416f9b5 content-type: text/html content-range: bytes 300-400/1270 -color: #f0f0f2; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "open sans", "helvetica --3d6b6a416f9b5-- imp...
Index - HTTP
16 allow entity header, http, http header, reference, header the allow header lists the set of methods support by a resource.
...if the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 range not satisfiable error.
... 116 x-content-type-options http, http header, reference, response header the x-content-type-options response http header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the mime types advertised in the content-type headers should not be changed and be followed.
HTTP range requests - HTTP
curl -i -h "range: bytes=0-50, 100-150" the server responses with the 206 partial content status and a content-type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=3d6b6a416f9b5 header, indicating that a multipart byterange follows.
... http/1.1 206 partial content content-type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=3d6b6a416f9b5 content-length: 282 --3d6b6a416f9b5 content-type: text/html content-range: bytes 0-50/1270 <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>example do --3d6b6a416f9b5 content-type: text/html content-range: bytes 100-150/1270 eta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; c --3d6b6a416f9b5-- conditional range requests when resuming to request more parts of a resource, you need to guarantee that the stored resource has not been modified since the last fragment has been received.
... in case of a range request that is out of bounds (none of the range values overlap the extent of the resource, i.e first-byte-pos of all ranges is greater than the resource length), the server responds with a 416 requested range not satisfiable status.
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
unless you're certain of your string format, you can get surprising results on those older browsers: parseint('010'); // 8 parseint('0x10'); // 16 here, we see the parseint() function treat the first string as octal due to the leading 0, and the second string as hexadecimal due to the leading "0x".
... you can also use the unary + operator to convert values to numbers: + '42'; // 42 + '010'; // 10 + '0x10'; // 16 a special value called nan (short for "not a number") is returned if the string is non-numeric: parseint('hello', 10); // nan nan is toxic: if you provide it as an operand to any mathematical operation, the result will also be nan: nan + 5; // nan you can test for nan using the built-in isnan() function: isnan(nan); // true javascript also has the special values infinity and -infinity:...
...more accurately, they are sequences of utf-16 code units; each code unit is represented by a 16-bit number.
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
it is a set of "elements" of 16-bit unsigned integer values. type value range size in bytes description web idl type equivalent c type int8array -128 to 127 1 8-bit two's complement signed integer byte int8_t uint8array 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer octet uint8_t uint8clampedarray 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint...
...32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted double double bigint64array -263 to 263-1 8 64-bit two's complement signed integer bigint int64_t (signed long long) biguint64array 0 to 264-1 8 64-bit unsigned integer bigint uint64_t (unsigned long long) keyed collections: maps, sets, weakmaps, weaksets these data structures, introduced in ecmascript edition 6, take object references as keys.
JavaScript modules - JavaScript
dent on the import and export statements; these are supported in browsers as follows: import desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsimportchrome full support 61edge full support 16 full support 16 full support 15disabled disabled from version 15: this feature is behind the experimental javascript features preference.firefox full support 60 full support 60 no support 54 �...
... export desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsexportchrome full support 61edge full support 16 full support 16 full support 15disabled disabled from version 15: this feature is behind the experimental javascript features preference.firefox full support 60 full support 60 no support 54 �...
...see node's ecmascript modules documentation for more details.disabled from version 8.5.0: this feature is behind the --experimental-modules runtime flag.default keyword with exportchrome full support 61edge full support 16 full support 16 full support 15disabled disabled from version 15: this feature is behind the experimental javascript features preference.firefox full support 60 full support 60 no support 54 �...
Character classes - JavaScript
equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff].
...equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff].
... \uhhhh matches a utf-16 code-unit with the value hhhh (four hexadecimal digits).
Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript
equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff].
...equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff].
... \uhhhh matches a utf-16 code-unit with the value hhhh (four hexadecimal digits).
JavaScript language resources - JavaScript
this is the second revision of the ecmascript standard; also iso standard 16262.
... ecma-262 5.1 edition pdf, html june 2011 this version is fully aligned with the 3rd edition of the international standard iso/iec 16262:2011.
... ecma-402 1st edition pdf, html december 2012 ecmascript internationalization api specification ecma-262 6th edition pdf, html june 2015 ecmascript 2015 language specification ecma-402 2nd edition pdf june 2015 ecmascript 2015 internationalization api specification ecma-262 7th edition html june 2016 ecmascript 2016 language specification ecma-402 3rd edition html june 2016 ecmascript 2016 internationalization api specification ecma-262 8th edition html june 2017 ecmascript 2017 language specification ecma-402 4th edition html june 2017 ecmascript 2017 internationalization api specification is a dynamic name that refers t...
RangeError: radix must be an integer - JavaScript
for example, the decimal (base 10) number 169 is represented in hexadecimal (base 16) as a9.
... the most common radixes: 2 for binary numbers, 8 for octal numbers, 10 for decimal numbers, 16 for hexadecimal numbers.
... examples invalid cases (42).tostring(0); (42).tostring(1); (42).tostring(37); (42).tostring(150); // you cannot use a string like this for formatting: (12071989).tostring('mm-dd-yyyy'); valid cases (42).tostring(2); // "101010" (binary) (13).tostring(8); // "15" (octal) (0x42).tostring(10); // "66" (decimal) (100000).tostring(16) // "186a0" (hexadecimal) ...
Array.prototype.sort() - JavaScript
the default sort order is ascending, built upon converting the elements into strings, then comparing their sequences of utf-16 code units values.
... description if comparefunction is not supplied, all non-undefined array elements are sorted by converting them to strings and comparing strings in utf-16 code units order.
... note : in utf-16, unicode characters above \uffff are encoded as two surrogate code units, of the range \ud800-\udfff.
Date.prototype.setMonth() - JavaScript
for example, if the current value is 31st august 2016, calling setmonth with a value of 1 will return 2nd march 2016.
... this is because in 2016 february had 29 days.
... examples using setmonth() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setmonth(6); //watch out for end of month transitions var endofmonth = new date(2016, 7, 31); endofmonth.setmonth(1); console.log(endofmonth); //wed mar 02 2016 00:00:00 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setmonth' in that specification.
RegExp.prototype[@@match]() - JavaScript
let re = /[0-9]+/g; let str = '2016-01-02'; let result = re[symbol.match](str); console.log(result); // ["2016", "01", "02"] using @@match in subclasses subclasses of regexp can override the [@@match]() method to modify the default behavior.
... class myregexp extends regexp { [symbol.match](str) { let result = regexp.prototype[symbol.match].call(this, str); if (!result) return null; return { group(n) { return result[n]; } }; } } let re = new myregexp('([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)'); let str = '2016-01-02'; let result = str.match(re); // string.prototype.match calls re[@@match].
... console.log(; // 2016 console.log(; // 01 console.log(; // 02 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'regexp.prototype[@@match]' in that specification.
RegExp.prototype[@@split]() - JavaScript
let re = /-/g; let str = '2016-01-02'; let result = re[symbol.split](str); console.log(result); // ["2016", "01", "02"] using @@split in subclasses subclasses of regexp can override the [@@split]() method to modify the default behavior.
... class myregexp extends regexp { [symbol.split](str, limit) { let result = regexp.prototype[symbol.split].call(this, str, limit); return => "(" + x + ")"); } } let re = new myregexp('-'); let str = '2016-01-02'; let result = str.split(re); // string.prototype.split calls re[@@split].
... console.log(result); // ["(2016)", "(01)", "(02)"] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'regexp.prototype[@@split]' in that specification.
String.prototype.charAt() - JavaScript
the string object's charat() method returns a new string consisting of the single utf-16 code unit located at the specified offset into the string.
... return value a string representing the character (exactly one utf-16 code unit) at the specified index.
...ate'; } var prev = str.charcodeat(i - 1); // (could change last hex to 0xdb7f to treat high private // surrogates as single characters) if (0xd800 > prev || prev > 0xdbff) { throw 'low surrogate without preceding high surrogate'; } // we can pass over low surrogates now as the second component // in a pair which we have already processed return false; } in an ecmascript 2016 environment which allows destructured assignment, the following is a more succinct and somewhat more flexible alternative in that it does increment for an incrementing variable automatically (if the character warrants it in being a surrogate pair).
String length - JavaScript
the length property of a string object contains the length of the string, in utf-16 code units.
...utf-16, the string format used by javascript, uses a single 16-bit code unit to represent the most common characters, but needs to use two code units for less commonly-used characters, so it's possible for the value returned by length to not match the actual number of characters in the string.
... ecmascript 2016 (ed.
TypedArray - JavaScript
cts type value range size in bytes description web idl type equivalent c type int8array -128 to 127 1 8-bit two's complement signed integer byte int8_t uint8array 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer octet uint8_t uint8clampedarray 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint...
...32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted double double bigint64array -263 to 263-1 8 64-bit two's complement signed integer bigint int64_t (signed long long) biguint64array 0 to 264-1 8 64-bit unsigned integer bigint uint64_t (unsigned long long) constructor this object cannot be instantiated directly.
... // setting and getting using standard array syntax var int16 = new int16array(2); int16[0] = 42; console.log(int16[0]); // 42 // indexed properties on prototypes are not consulted (fx 25) int8array.prototype[20] = 'foo'; (new int8array(32))[20]; // 0 // even when out of bound int8array.prototype[20] = 'foo'; (new int8array(8))[20]; // undefined // or with negative integers int8array.prototype[-1] = 'foo'; (new int8array(8))[-1]; // undefined // named pro...
WebAssembly.Instance - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsinstancechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0instance() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
...port 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0exportschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript
to be more stringent in adhering to rfc 3986 (which reserves !, ', (, ), and *), even though these characters have no formalized uri delimiting uses, the following can be safely used: function fixedencodeuricomponent(str) { return encodeuricomponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { return '%' + c.charcodeat(0).tostring(16); }); } examples encoding for content-disposition and link headers the following example provides the special encoding required within utf-8 content-disposition and link server response header parameters (e.g., utf-8 filenames): var filename = 'my file(2).txt'; var header = "content-disposition: attachment; filename*=utf-8''" + encoderfc5987valuechars(filename); console.log(h...
... // note that although rfc3986 reserves "!", rfc5987 does not, // so we do not need to escape it replace(/['()*]/g, c => "%" + c.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).
... %29 %2a (note that valid encoding of "*" is %2a // which necessitates calling touppercase() to properly encode) // the following are not required for percent-encoding per rfc5987, // so we can allow for a little better readability over the wire: |`^ replace(/%(7c|60|5e)/g, (str, hex) => string.fromcharcode(parseint(hex, 16))); } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'encodeuricomponent' in that specification.
Recommended Web Performance Timings: How long is too long? - Web Performance
there are no clear set rules as to what constitutes a slow pace when loading pages, but there are specific guidelines for indicating content will load (1 second), idling (50ms), animating (16.7s) and responding to user input (50 to 200ms).
... animation goal for scrolling and other animations to look smooth and feel responsive, the content repaints should occur at 60 frames per second (60fps), which is once every 16.7ms.
... the 16.7 milliseconds includes scripting, reflow, and repaint.
preserveAspectRatio - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
example <svg viewbox="-1 -1 162 92" xmlns=""> <defs> <path id="smiley" d="m50,10 a40,40,1,1,1,50,90 a40,40,1,1,1,50,10 m30,40 q36,35,42,40 m58,40 q64,35,70,40 m30,60 q50,75,70,60 q50,75,30,60" /> </defs> <!-- (width>height) meet --> <svg preserveaspectratio="xmidymid meet" x="0" y="0" viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="20" height="10"><use href="#smiley" /></svg> <svg preserveaspectrati... href="#smiley" /></svg> <svg preserveaspectratio="xmidymid slice" x="135" y="0" viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="10" height="25"><use href="#smiley" /></svg> <svg preserveaspectratio="xmaxymid slice" x="150" y="0" viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="10" height="25"><use href="#smiley" /></svg> <!-- none --> <svg preserveaspectratio="none" x="0" y="30" viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="160" height="60"><use href="#smiley" /></svg> </svg> topexample html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="-1 -1 162 92" xmlns=""> <defs> <path id="smiley" d="m50,10 a40,40,1,1,1,50,90 a40,40,1,1,1,50,10 m30,40 q36,35,42,40 m58,40 q64,35,70,40 m30,60 q50,75,70,60 q50,75,30,60" /> </defs> <!-- (width>height) meet --> <rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="1...
...idth="10" height="25" preserveaspectratio="xmidymid slice" x="135" y="0"> <use href="#smiley" /> </svg> <rect x="150" y="0" width="10" height="25"> <title>xmaxymid slice</title> </rect> <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="10" height="25" preserveaspectratio="xmaxymid slice" x="150" y="0"> <use href="#smiley" /> </svg> <!-- none --> <rect x="0" y="30" width="160" height="60"> <title>none</title> </rect> <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100" width="160" height="60" preserveaspectratio="none" x="0" y="30"> <use href="#smiley" /> </svg> </svg> path { fill: yellow; stroke: black; stroke-width: 8px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; pointer-events: none; } rect:hover, rect:active { outline: 1px solid red; } syntax ...
Reddit Example - Archive of obsolete content
this is the complete add-on script: var data = require("sdk/self").data; var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "reddit-panel", label: "reddit panel", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() {; } }); var reddit_panel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ width: 240, height: 320, contenturl: "", contentscriptfile: [data.url("jquery-2.1.0.min.js"), data.url("panel.js")] }); reddit_panel.port.on("click", function(url) { require("sdk/tabs").open(url); }); th...
... to run this example you'll also have to have an icon file named "icon-16.png" saved in your add-on's "data" directory.
port - Archive of obsolete content
the button sends the content script a message called "get-first-para" when it is clicked: // main.js pageworker = require("sdk/page-worker").page({ contentscriptfile: require("sdk/self").data.url("listener.js"), contenturl: "" }); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "get-first-para", label: "get-first-para", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { console.log("sending 'get-first-para'"); pageworker.port.emit("get-first-para"); } }); the content script listens for "get-first-para".
... due to bug 816272 the page-mod's removelistener() function does not prevent the listener from receiving messages that are already queued.
Communicating using "port" - Archive of obsolete content
the button sends the content script a message called "get-first-para" when it is clicked: pageworker = require("sdk/page-worker").page({ contentscriptfile: require("sdk/self").data.url("listener.js"), contenturl: "" }); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "get-first-para", label: "get-first-para", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { console.log("sending 'get-first-para'"); pageworker.port.emit("get-first-para"); } }); the content script "listener.js" listens for "get-first-para".
... due to bug 816272 the page-mod's removelistener() function does not prevent the listener from receiving messages that are already queued.
Working with Events - Archive of obsolete content
that object, and its argument will be the name of the event: var ui = require("sdk/ui"); var panels = require("sdk/panel"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var panel = panels.panel({ contenturl:"panel.html") }); panel.on("*", function(e) { console.log("event " + e + " was emitted"); }); var button = ui.actionbutton({ id: "my-button", label: "my button", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: handleclick }); function handleclick(state) {{ position: button }); } this wildcard feature does not yet work for the tabs or windows modules.
...the listener loads require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "visit-mozilla", label: "visit mozilla", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { require("sdk/tabs").open(""); } }); this is exactly equivalent to constructing the button and then calling the button's on() method: var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "visit-mozilla", label: "visit mozilla", icon: "./icon-16.png" }); button.on("click", function() { require("sdk/tabs").open(...
Add a Context Menu Item - Archive of obsolete content
this is a url pointing to a 16x16 icon that's displayed at the left side of the context menu item.
... self = require("sdk/self"); var contextmenu = require("sdk/context-menu"); var menuitem = contextmenu.item({ label: "log selection", context: contextmenu.selectioncontext(), contentscript: 'self.on("click", function () {' + ' var text = window.getselection().tostring();' + ' self.postmessage(text);' + '});', image:"icon-16.png"), onmessage: function (selectiontext) { console.log(selectiontext); } }); adding an access key new in firefox 35.
List Open Tabs - Archive of obsolete content
the following add-on adds an action button that logs the urls of open tabs when the user clicks it: require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "list-tabs", label: "list tabs", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: listtabs }); function listtabs() { var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); for (let tab of tabs) console.log(tab.url); } note: to get this working, you will need to save an icon for the button to your add-on's "data" directory as "icon-16.png".
...the script adds a red border to the tab's document: require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "list-tabs", label: "list tabs", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: listtabs }); function listtabs() { var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); for (let tab of tabs) runscript(tab); } function runscript(tab) { tab.attach({ contentscript: " = '5px solid red';" }); } learning more to learn more about working with tabs in the sdk, see the tabs api reference.
Unit Testing - Archive of obsolete content
to show the module in use, edit the "index.js" file as follows: var base64 = require("./base64"); var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "base64", label: "base64", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { encoded = base64.btoa("hello"); console.log(encoded); decoded = base64.atob(encoded); console.log(decoded); } }); to run this example you'll also have to have an icon file named "icon-16.png" saved in your add-ons "data" directory.
... at this point your add-on ought to look like this: /base64 /data icon-16.png package.json index.js base64.js /test test-base64.js now execute jpm --verbose test from the add-on's root directory.
Forms related code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
cursor: default; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; } table.zdp-calendar th { border: 1px solid #666666; font-weight: bold; background-color: #ff6666; } table.zdp-calendar td { border: 1px solid #666666; text-align: center; } table.zdp-calendar caption { background-color: #333333; padding: 2px; } span.zdp-current-month { display: inline-block; width: auto; height: 16px; padding: 0 2px; line-height: 16px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #999999; border-radius: 5px; } span.zdp-increase-month, span.zdp-increase-year, span.zdp-decrease-month, span.zdp-decrease-year { display: block; padding: 0 2px; height: 16px; font-weight: bold; background-color: #999999; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; } span.zdp-decrease-month, span.zdp-decrea...
... </tr> <tr> <td id="zdp-day-1-10" class="zdp-active-cell">10</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-11" class="zdp-active-cell">11</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-12" class="zdp-active-cell">12</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-13" class="zdp-active-cell">13</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-14" class="zdp-active-cell">14</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-15" class="zdp-active-cell">15</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-16" class="zdp-active-cell">16</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="zdp-day-1-17" class="zdp-active-cell">17</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-18" class="zdp-active-cell">18</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-19" class="zdp-active-cell">19</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-20" class="zdp-active-cell">20</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-21" class="zdp-active-cell">21</td> <td id="zdp-day-1-22" class="zdp-active-c...
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
urce://gre/modules/addonmanager.jsm"); addonmanager.getaddonbyid("", function(addon) { // this is an asynchronous callback function that might not be called immediately alert("my extension's version is " + addon.version); }); restarting firefox/thunderbird/seamonkey_2.0 for firefox 3 see onwizardfinish around here: for firefox 2 see around here: bug 338039 tracks improving this situation by providing a simple method to restart the application.
...= certfile.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); var begin = certfile.indexof(begincert); var end = certfile.indexof(endcert); var cert = certfile.substring(begin + begincert.length, end); certdb.addcertfrombase64(cert, certtrust, ""); }, classdescription: "certificate service", contractid: ";2", classid:"{e9d2d37c-bf25-4e37-82a1-16b8fa089939}"), queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsiobserver]), _xpcom_categories: [{ category: "app-startup", service: true }] } function nsgetmodule(compmgr, filespec) { return xpcomutils.generatemodule([certsservice]); } you need to delete your existing profile, otherwise the xpcom service is not used.
XPath - Archive of obsolete content
uate) obj.evaluate(xpathexpression,contextnode,namespaceresolver,resulttype,result); //obj and contextnode should be the same object, if context is a ajax xml object (example: returnedxml) this should be used as : returnedxml.evaluate(xpathexpression,returnedxml,namespaceresolver,returntype,result); //contextnode should be used in the one in which it was created //add by mooring 2008-11-15 16:00 china var xhr = new ajax('post','demo.xml',parsexml,'xml'); //ajax is a class written by javascript which return responsexml object to parsexml function function parsexml(obj)//obj is the returnxml object now { if(!obj.documentelement) { alert("your browser does't support this script!"); return; } var fields = [];//store the results if(window.activexobject) { var tobj =...
...= tobj.iteratenext(); } } alert(fields); } //here is the demo xml file for xpath <?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <field> <item>art_id</item> <item>psection</item> <item>qkind</item> <item>qtitle</item> <item>question</item> <item>pic</item> <item>answer1</item> <item>answer2</item> <item>answer3</item> <item>answer4</item> </field> </root> //add by mooring 2008-11-15 16:16 china ...
Adding menus and submenus - Archive of obsolete content
it's best to show an item with a throbber image (see chrome://global/skin/icons/loading_16.png) so the user knows there's something going on, and asynchronously fill its contents. icons are typically 16px by 16px.
List of Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
omplex event processing platform seems to use xulrunner stylizer css editor css editor css editor with built-in firebug-like diagnostics and gecko 1.8 preview sun java enterprise system server products uses nss sundial browser with advanced domain name technology based on firefox surfeasy private and secure web browsing sweet16 apple ii computer emulator uses spidermonkey as a scriptable debugger for software running in the emulator mozilla sunbird/mozilla lightning calendar tabpress authoring tool talend open studo data integration software seems to use xulrunner talking clipboard text to speech software read epub books, web pages, chm, pdf, ms word, r... ...
cert_override.txt - Archive of obsolete content oid.2.16.840. 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa:99:88:77:66:55:44:33:22:11:00 u aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa== fields fields are separated by a tab character.
... domainname:port : port 443 for https (ssl) hash algorithm oid sha1-256: oid.2.16.840. (most used) sha-384: oid.2.16.840. sha-512: oid.2.16.840. certificate fingerprint using previous hash algorithm one or more characters for override type: m : allow mismatches in the hostname u : allow untrusted certs (whether it's self signed cert or a missing or invalid issuer cert) t : allow errors in the validity time, for example, for expired or not yet valid certs certificate's serial number and the issuer name as a base64 encoded string ...
Autodial for Windows NT - Archive of obsolete content
starting in mozilla 1.1, autodial is triggered whenever an address can't be reached (mozilla now mimics the remote access autodial service.) see bug 160846, bug 167624, and bug 160846.
...bug 166134 describes how the aol client installs itself as a dialer, but it doesn't behave like other dialers.
Creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator - Archive of obsolete content
to identify which parts are unique and which are common, let's look at the urls of several other auction item pages: based on these examples, it looks like the unique part is the item number at the end of the urls, and everything else is common to all urls.
... here are several other urls of this style: based on these examples, it looks like the urls all start with "", they all contain the string "qqitemz"...
Layout FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
ock(body)(1)@035ff490 {120,120,8820,600} [state=00000010] sc=035ff264(i=2,b=0)< line 035ffc18: count=1 state=inline,clean,prevmarginclean,not impacted,not wrapped,before:nobr,after:linebr[0x5100] {0,0,330,300} < inline(span)(0)@035ffa04 next=035ffc48 next-continuation=035ffc48 {0,7,330,285} [content=0359ed50] [sc=035ff990]< text(0)@035ffa8c[0,4,t] next=035ffb1c {0,0,330,285} [state=41600020] sc=035ffa3c pst=:-moz-non-element< "\nabc" > frame(br)(1)@035ffb1c {330,225,0,0} [state=00000020] [content=035aebf0] > > the linebox is used to contain everything on a single line: example how do you fix inconsistent float behavior in firefox involving a two column layout using display:table and floating div elements?
... this function converts an nsastring to an nsacstring by assuming that all the 16-bit units are ascii and just dropping the high byte on them all.
Microsummary topics - Archive of obsolete content
for example, the following code snippet installs the microsummary generator from the creating a microsummary tutorial: var generatortext = ' \ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> \ <generator xmlns="" \ name="firefox download count" \ uri="urn:{835daeb3-6760-47fa-8f4f-8e4fdea1fb16}"> \ <template> \ <transform xmlns="" version="1.0"> \ <output method="text"/> \ <template match="/"> \ <value-of select="id(\'download-count\')"/> \ <text> fx downloads</text> \ </template> \ </transform> \ </template> \ <pages> <include>http://(www\.)?spreadfirefox\.com/(index\.php)?</i...
...the value of the attribute must be a valid uri, but you can specify an arbitrary identifier using a urn, for example: urn:{835daeb3-6760-47fa-8f4f-8e4fdea1fb16} to guarantee uniqueness, use urns containing uuids generated by the nsuuidgenerator component.
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
browser sniffing is usually done through the useragent, such as: mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us; rv:1.5) gecko/20031016 while using the useragent to sniff the browser provides detailed information on the browser in use, code that handles useragents often can make mistakes when new browser versions arrive, thus requiring code changes.
...for example, you can reference the non-breaking space character with &#160; or with its equivalent character reference &nbsp;.
LIR - Archive of obsolete content
d extend live range of an int 10 liveq void 64 bit extend live range of a quad 11 lived void extend live range of a double 12 file void source filename for debug symbols 13 line void source line number for debug symbols 14 comment void a comment shown, on its own line, in lir dumps 15 not in use load 16 not in use 17 ldc2i integer load char and sign-extend to an int 18 lds2i integer load short and sign-extend to an int 19 lduc2ui integer load unsigned char and zero-extend to an unsigned int 20 ldus2ui integer load unsigned short and zero-extend to an unsigned int 21 ldi integer load int 22 ldq quad 64 b...
...d to int (removes the high 32 bits) 111 i2d double convert int to double 112 ui2d double convert unsigned int to double 113 d2i integer convert double to int (no exceptions raised) 114 dasq quad 64 bit interpret the bits of a double as a quad 115 qasd double 64 bit interpret the bits of a quad as a double overflow arithmetic 116 addxovi integer add int and exit on overflow 117 subxovi integer subtract int and exit on overflow 118 mulxovi integer multiply int and exit on overflow 119 addjovi integer add int and branch on overflow 120 subjovi integer subtract int and branch on overflow 121 muljovi integer multiply int and branch on overflow ...
Porting NSPR to Unix Platforms - Archive of obsolete content
last modified 16 july 1998 <<< under construction >>> unix platforms are probably the easiest platforms to port netscape portable runtime (nspr) to.
...r2</tt> <tt>./join -d</tt> <tt>perf</tt> <tt>./switch -d</tt> <tt>intrupt -d</tt> for i/o: <tt>cltsrv -d</tt>, <tt>cltsrv -gd</tt> <tt>socket</tt> <tt>testfile -d</tt> <tt>tmocon -d</tt> '<tt>tmoacc -d</tt>' in conjunction with '<tt>writev -d</tt>' miscellaneous: <tt>dlltest -d</tt> <tt>forktest</tt> original document information author: last updated date: 16 july 1998 ...
New Skin Notes - Archive of obsolete content
--nickolay 07:16, 29 aug 2005 (pdt) imho the visited color looks horrible.
...just so that (perhaps) this might revive the topic, a side bar shouldn't exceed 16% to allow proper viewing at 800 pixels width ideally in my opinion, i find strange that i'm the only person not too fond of large side bars (or side bars at all, for that matter :) considering that in most articles we scroll down to read the text, and that the side bar scrolls as well, the links aren't there anymore, but the width remains wasted anyway.
Tamarin-central rev 703:2cee46be9ce0 - Archive of obsolete content
osdefault-jitinterpretedaggressive jit mac (os/x 10.4 intel, 2ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 0.0%tc-703 vs flash10: 1.1% slowertc-703 vs tc-700: 17.4% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 165.3% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 0.1% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 0.8% slower windows (xp pro, 2.13ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 0.6% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 0.8% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 16.4% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 148.7% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 0.1% slowertc-703 vs flash10: 5.2% faster linux (ubuntu linux, 2.13 ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 6.0% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 1.7% fa...
... osdefault-jitinterpretedaggressive jit mac (os/x 10.4 intel, 2ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 2.0% smallertc-703 vs tc-663: 7.8% smallertc-703 vs tc-700: 7.1% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 14.6% largertc-703 vs tc-700: 16.4% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 2.1% larger windows (xp pro, 2.13ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 3.2% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 7.6% largertc-703 vs tc-700: 3.9% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 12.4% largertc-703 vs tc-700: 3.3% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 21.4% larger linux (ubuntu linux, 2.13 ghz dual core)n/an/an/a vm code size the following is a comparison of the...
Writing textual data - Archive of obsolete content
some character encodings (utf-8, utf-16, utf-32) can represent "all" characters (the full repertoire of unicode) while others can only represent a subset of the full repertoire.
... alternative ways usable from javascript do not support character encodings that use embedded nulls (such as utf-16 and utf-32).
Building accessible custom components in XUL - Archive of obsolete content
<description value="2"/> <description value="3"/> <description value="4"/> <description value="5"/> <description value="6"/> <description value="7"/> </column> <column flex="1"> <description value="date"/> <label value="03/14/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/15/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/15/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> </column> <column flex="1"> <description value="expense"/> <label value="conference fee" flex="1"/> <label value="lodging" flex="1"/> <label value="dinner" flex="1"/> <label value="lodging" flex="1"/> <label value="br...
...tion x2:role="wairole:rowheader" value="7"/> </column> <column flex="1"> <description x2:role="wairole:columnheader" value="date"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/14/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/15/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/15/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="03/16/05" flex="1"/> </column> <column flex="1"> <description x2:role="wairole:columnheader" value="expense"/> <label x2:role="wairole:gridcell" value="conference fee" flex="1"/> ...
Creating a Skin - Archive of obsolete content
#opensearch { list-style-image: url("chrome://editor/skin/icons/btn1.gif"); -moz-image-region: rect(48px 16px 64px 0); -moz-box-orient: vertical; } #savesearch { list-style-image: url("chrome://editor/skin/icons/btn1.gif"); -moz-image-region: rect(80px 16px 96px 0); -moz-box-orient: vertical; } mozilla provides a custom style property -moz-image-region which can be used to make an element use part of an image.
...if you look at this image (btn1.gif), you will notice that it contains a grid of smaller images, each one 16 by 16 pixels.
Templates - Archive of obsolete content
le-window" title="bookmarks list" xmlns:html="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns=""> <vbox datasources="rdf:bookmarks" ref="nc:bookmarksroot" flex="1"> <template> <rule rdf:type=""> <spacer uri="rdf:*" height="16"/> </rule> <rule> <button uri="rdf:*" label="rdf:"/> </rule> </template> </vbox> </window> by using two rules, we have allowed the contents of the template to be selectively generated.
...that means that separators will follow rule one and generate a spacer element, which will display a 16 pixel gap.
Window icons - Archive of obsolete content
starting with firefox 1.5, thunderbird 1.5, and xulrunner 1.8, you can specify an icon for a xul window by putting files named mywindow.ico (for windows) and mywindow.xpm or mywindow16.xpm (linux), where mywindow is the id of the <window> you want to attach the icon to, in the chrome/icons/default subfolder of your bundle. can specify up to 4 different sizes of png icons using the suffixes .png, 16.png, 32.png and 48.png.
resizer - Archive of obsolete content
yle="cursor: e-resize;"/> <resizer dir="bottomright" height="2" style="cursor: se-resize;"/> </vbox> </hbox> </window> resizing an element <stack style="border: 1px solid black;"> <button id="button" label="resizable" left="18" top="18" right="18" bottom="18"/> <resizer dir="topleft" style="background: black; -moz-appearance: none;" element="button" left="0" top="0" width="16" height="16"/> <resizer dir="topright" style="background: black; -moz-appearance: none;" element="button" right="0" top="0" width="16" height="16"/> <resizer dir="bottomleft" style="background: black; -moz-appearance: none;" element="button" left="0" bottom="0" width="16" height="16"/> <resizer dir="bottomright" style="background: black; -moz-appearance: none;" ...
... element="button" right="0" bottom="0" width="16" height="16"/> </stack> attributes dir type: one of the values below the direction that the window is resized. FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
0x00016b50 in xre_createappdata () a: when you <tt>--disable-libxul</tt>, the xpcom glue doesn't have information about how to load all the dependent libraries like <tt>libgfx.dylib</tt>.
... visual studio express 2005 q: when i try to run xulrunner-stub.exe i get the error "this application failed to start because msvcr80.dll was not found." a: see bug 350616 ...
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
porting nspr to unix platforms last modified 16 july 1998 priority content update: i've removed documents from this list that have been migrated into the wiki.
...resources are identified by uri "uniform resource identifier" (taken from rfc 2396): urischeme list of mozilla supported uri schemes using addresses of stack variables with nspr threads on win16 this is a cautionary note that may be old information for some of you.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
important dates: technical submissions: monday 19th feb 2007 technical paper notification: friday 16th march 2007 communication submissions: monday 26th march 2007 communication paper notification: friday 06th april 2007 all camera ready due: monday 16th april 2007 conference dates: monday 07th and tuesday 08th may 2007 notable keynotes representatives from w3c, ibm, university of manchester, uk and oxford brookes university, uk.
...see bug 349716.
SSL and TLS - Archive of obsolete content
des 56-bit encryption permits approximately 7.2 * 1016 possible keys.
... bits of security rsa key length ecc key length table 1: comparison of rsa and ecc cipher strength 80 1024 160-223 112 2048 224-255 128 3072 256-383 192 7860 384-511 256 15360 512+ the information in this table is from the national institute of standards and technology (nist).
Making sure your theme works with RTL locales - Archive of obsolete content
example toolbar[iconsize="large"][mode="icons"] #back-button { -moz-image-region: rect(0px 396px 34px 360px); } toolbar[iconsize="large"][mode="icons"] #back-button:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { -moz-image-region: rect(0px 516px 34px 480px); } this specifies the default, left-to-right version of the button, then offers an override if the user's interface is being rendered in right-to-left mode.
... toolbar[iconsize="large"][mode="icons"] #back-button { -moz-image-region: rect(0px 398px 34px 360px); } toolbar[iconsize="large"][mode="icons"] #back-button[chromedir="rtl"] { -moz-image-region: rect(0px 516px 34px 478px); } this way, if chromedir is "rtl", the second rule will override the first, and the theme will work in rtl.
Error.number - Archive of obsolete content
the upper 16-bit word is the facility code, and the lower word is the error code.
... var x = y; } catch(e) { document.write ("error code: "); document.write (e.number & 0xffff) document.write ("<br />"); document.write ("facility code: ") document.write(e.number>>16 & 0x1fff) document.write ("<br />"); document.write ("error message: ") document.write (e.message) } example the output of this code is as follows.
LiveConnect - Archive of obsolete content
older versions of gecko included special support for the java<->javascript bridge (such as the java and packages global objects), but as of mozilla 16 (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) liveconnect functionality is provided solely by the oracle's java plugin.
... removal of java and packages global objects in mozilla 16 see bug 748343 for the rationale and workarounds.
Packages - Archive of obsolete content
obsolete since gecko 16.0 (firefox 16.0 / thunderbird 16.0 / seamonkey 2.13)this feature is obsolete.
... the support for this object was removed in gecko 16, see liveconnect for details.
Styling the Amazing Netscape Fish Cam Page - Archive of obsolete content
therefore, i just added a half-em margins on card paragraphs, and then changed the left margin to be 160px, which makes sure the text in the paragraphs won't wrap under the floated images.
...div.card {float: left; width: 45%; margin: 1em 2% 0 2%;} div.card img {float: left; position: relative; z-index: 10; margin: 4px 0 0 0; border: 1px solid #339;} div.card h3 {margin: 0 0 0 4px; padding: 0.2em 0 1px 150px; border: 1px solid #339; border-left: 5px double #339; background: #eec url(body-bg-tan.jpg) bottom left no-repeat fixed; color: #339;} div.card p {margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 160px;} and voila!
Reference - Archive of obsolete content
--nickolay 18:40, 16 july 2006 (pdt) js 1.2 and gecko 1.8 per the fix for bug 255895, "javascript1.2" values for the script's language attribute no longer work, e.g.
...maybe something like main article: javascript 1.2--sevenspade 15:16, 6 july 2006 (pdt) as a side note, the ability to to specify different versions has come up again - now between versions 1.6 and 1.7.
Create the Canvas and draw on it - Game development
try adding this to the bottom of your javascript, saving and refreshing: ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(240, 160, 20, 0, math.pi*2, false); ctx.fillstyle = "green"; ctx.fill(); ctx.closepath(); as you can see we're using the beginpath() and closepath() methods again.
...try adding this code to your javascript too: ctx.beginpath(); ctx.rect(160, 10, 100, 40); ctx.strokestyle = "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closepath(); the code above prints a blue-stroked empty rectangle.
Randomizing gameplay - Game development
« previous this is the 16th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
... you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson16.html.
Visual typescript game engine - Game development
*/ private aspectratio: number = 1.333; /** * domain is simple url address, * recommendent to use for local propose lan ip * like : if you wanna run ant test app with server.
... this.networkdeeplogs = false; this.rtcserverport = 12034; this.rtc3serverport = 12034; this.connectorport = 1234; this.domain = ""; this.masterserverkey = "multi-platformer-sever1.maximum"; this.protocol = "http"; this.issecure = false; this.appuseaccountssystem = true; this.appusevideochat = true; this.databasename = "masterdatabase"; this.databaseroot = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; - the running server is easy : npm run rtc with this cmd: npm run rtc we run server.js and connector.ts...
What is a Domain Name? - Learn web development
a, 97, and hello-strange-person-16-how-are-you are all examples of valid labels.
... alternatively, if you use a system with a built-in shell, type a whois command into it, as shown here for $ whois domain domain id: d1409563-lror creation date: 1998-01-24t05:00:00z updated date: 2013-12-08t01:16:57z registry expiry date: 2015-01-23t05:00:00z sponsoring registrar:markmonitor inc.
Advanced form styling - Learn web development
ckground: red; } input[type="checkbox"] { width: 100px; height: 100px; } different browsers handle this in many different, often ugly ways: browser rendering firefox 71 (macos) firefox 57 (windows 10) chrome 77 (macos), safari 13, opera chrome 63 (windows 10) internet explorer 11 (windows 10) edge 16 (windows 10) using appearence: none on radios/checkboxes as we showed before, you can remove the default appearance of a checkbox or radio button altogether with appearance:none; let's take this example html: <form> <fieldset> <legend>fruit preferences</legend> <p> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="fruit-1" value="cherry"> i like cherry </lab... you could hide the actual from input using something like this: input[type="file"] { height: 0; padding: 0; opacity: 0; } and then style the label to act like a button, which when pressed will open the file picker as expected: label[for="file"] { box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #ccc; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee, #ccc); border: 1px solid rgb(169, 169, 169); border-radius: 5px; text-align: center; line-height: 1.5; } label[for="file"]:hover { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff, #ddd); } label[for="file"]:active { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #ccc; } you can see the result of the above css styling in the below live example (see also styled-file-picker.html live, and the source code).
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
it is the first icon of this type: a 16-pixel square icon used in multiple places.
...for example, you'll find this in the source code of the mdn web docs homepage: <!-- third-generation ipad with high-resolution retina display: --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href=""> <!-- iphone with high-resolution retina display: --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href=""> <!-- first- and second-generation ipad: --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href=""> <!-- non-retina i...
Images in HTML - Learn web development
p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%"> <img> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func...
.../h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%"> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } var textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); var reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); var solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); var output = document.queryselector('.output'); var code = textarea.value; var userentry = textarea.value; func...
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
/h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="width: 95%;min-height: 100px;"> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); const output = document.queryselector('.output'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.valu...
...ionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const htmlsolution = '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>\n</iframe>\n\n<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d37995.65748333395!2d-2.273568166412784!3d53.473310471916975!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x487bae6c05743d3d%3a0xf82fddd1e49fc0a1!2sthe+lowry!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1518171785211" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen>\n</iframe>'; let solutionentry = htmlsolution; textarea.addeventlistener('input', updatecode); window.addeventlistener('load', updatecode); // stop tab key t...
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
items sold august 2016 clothes accessories trousers skirts dresses bracelets rings belgium antwerp 56 22 43 72 23 gent 46 18 50 61 15 brussels 51 27 38 69 28 the netherlands amsterdam 89 34 69 85 38 utrecht 80 12 43 36 19 but what if you can...
...if you look back at the "items sold august 2016" table at the start of this section of the article, you'll see that the "clothes" cell sits above the "trousers", "skirts", and "dresses" cells.
Introduction to events - Learn web development
you might, for example, have a set of 16 tiles that disappear when selected. the following example (see useful-eventtarget.html for the full source code; also see it running live here), we create 16 <div> elements using javascript.
Looping code - Learn web development
utput = document.queryselector('.output'); output.innerhtml = ''; // let i = 10; // const para = document.createelement('p'); // para.textcontent = ; // output.appendchild(para); </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.valu...
...sed = document.queryselector('.refused'); admitted.textcontent = 'admit: '; refused.textcontent = 'refuse: ' // let i = 0; // refused.textcontent += ; // admitted.textcontent += ; </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
et" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> .output * { box-sizing: border-box; } .output ul { padding-left: 0; } .output li { display: block; float: left; width: 25%; border: 2px solid white; padding: 5px; height: 40px; background-color: #4a2db6; color: white; } html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
...nction() { const choice = select.value; // add switch statement } function update(bgcolor, textcolor) { = bgcolor; = textcolor; }</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
Arrays - Learn web development
tes the text area code textarea.onkeyup = function(){ // we only want to save the state when the user code is being shown, // not the solution, so that solution is not saved over the user code if(solution.value === 'show solution') { userentry = textarea.value; } else { solutionentry = textarea.value; } updatecode(); }; html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background-color: #f5f9fa; } active learning: top 5 searches a good use for array methods like push() and pop() is when you are maintaining a record of currently active items in a web app.
...y.length >= 5) { // number 2 } // empty the search input and focus it, ready for the next term to be entered searchinput.value = ''; searchinput.focus(); } } </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.value; function updatecode() { eval(textarea.value)...
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
hexadecimal — base 16, uses 0–9 and then a–f in each column. was first introduced in ecmascript 2016.
Getting started with Vue - Learn web development
it is recommended that you specify a version number when including vue on your site so that any framework updates do not break your live site without you knowing.) <script src="/static/external/29/29296ccacaa9ed35ed168fc51e36f54fd6f8db9c7786bbf38cc59a27229ba5c2.svg"></script> however, this approach has some limitations.
...98% after emitting copyplugin done compiled successfully in 18121ms app running at: - local: <http://localhost:8080/> - network: <> note that the development build is not optimized.
Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
(p2) na 4.16 configure synthesized speech features.
... we use 16 bit strings, not sure about utf-16 6.8 dom css access.
Creating MozSearch plugins
the following xml is the bundled firefox 2 search plugin for searching using yahoo!: <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>yahoo</shortname> <description>yahoo search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16"></image> <url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="get" template=";command={searchterms}" /> <url type="text/html" method="get" template=""> <pa...
... <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>mdc</shortname> <description>mozilla developer center search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16">%2f9haaaabgdbtueaak%2finwwk6qaaabl0rvh0u29mdhdhcmuaqwrvymugsw1hz2vszwfkexhjztwaaahwsurbvhjayvz%2f%2fz8djqaggjiqoe%2ffv2fv7oz8rays%2fn%2bvkfg%2fiynjfyd%2f1%2brvq7ffu3dpfpsbaaheahibcj85c8bn2nj4vwsdw%2f8zqlwkio8ccroqu0dxqlwrdshuwzbaaigjmtnnpgya9j8uqhfelwpxf2mideirksn9fwsjorkaeeam0dd4dzmaypi%2fg%2bqky4hh5waxgf8pdq0fgwj22d2...
Updating NSPR or NSS in mozilla-central
for example, in the following, "3.16.1" would be replaced with the new nss version.
... moz_arg_with_bool(system-nss, [ --with-system-nss use system installed nss], _use_system_nss=1 ) if test -n "$_use_system_nss"; then am_path_nss(3.16.1, [moz_native_nss=1], [ac_msg_error([you don't have nss installed or your version is too old])]) fi commit the update: $ hg commit -a in order to eliminate any problems related to how nss and nspr are built differently in firefox than they are standalone, you should push your commit to try first.
Extending a Protocol
e end of the file, add: partial interface navigator { [throws] promise<domstring> echo(domstring astring); }; now we need to implement the echo() method in c++, so open up ./dom/base/navigator.h and let's add the method definition, so under public:: already_addrefed<promise> echo(const nsastring& astring, errorresult& arv); we use nsastring& as the domstring comes in from js as utf-16.
... // we convert the string to utf8 echochild->sendecho(ns_convertutf16toutf8(astring)) ->then( getmainthreadserialeventtarget(), __func__, // resolve lambda [echopromise](const nscstring& returnedstring) { puts("[navigator.cpp] yay, we got a message back!"); // send the string back out a utf16 echopromise->mayberesolve(ns_convertutf8toutf16(returnedstring)); }, // reject lamb...
there is talk of reinstating this with proper functionality in bugzilla :: bug 1167143.
...on older unix filesystems it is not possible to get a creation date as it was never stored, on new unix filesystems creation date is stored but the method to obtain this date differs per filesystem, bugzilla :: bug 1167143 explores implementing solutions for all these different filesystems) lastaccessdate the date at which the file was last accessed, as a javascript date object.
ural log">ln</mi> <mo>&applyfunction;</mo> <mi>x</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mi title="natural log">ln</mi> <mo>&applyfunction;</mo> <mi>a</mi> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math> </p> css content math.cue *[title] { color: blue; } mixing with other markups html content <math display="block"> <mrow> <mi>a</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mo>[</mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd> <mtd> <mtext> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="mozilla-16" /> </mtext> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mtext><input value="type" size="4"/></mtext> </mtd> <mtd><mn>4</mn></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo>]</mo> </mrow> </math> <math display="block"> <msqrt> <mpadded width="30px" height="15px" depth="15px" voffset="-15px"> <mtext> <svg width="30px" height="30px"> <defs> <rad..."block"> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mo>−</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </math> </foreignobject> <text>rotation matrix</text> </switch> </g></g></g> <g> <animatemotion path="m 32,69 c 64,121 100,27 152,42 203,56 239,257 275,161 295,109 144,221 88,214 -2,202 11,35 32,69 z" begin="0s" dur="20s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <animatetransform attributename="transform" attributetype="xml" type="scale" values="1;2;.5;1" keytimes="0;.25;.75;1" dur="20s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <circle fill="url(#grad3)" r="30"/> <g transform="translate(-30,-30)"> <switch> <...
ost-processed by tools in mozilla/tools/trace-malloc as follows:, which produces a type histogram that can be diffed with to produce output that looks like this: ---- base ---- ---- incr ---- ----- difference ---- type count bytes count bytes count bytes %total total 48942 4754774 76136 6566453 27194 1811679 100.00 nstokenallocator 17 110007 60 388260 43 278253 15.36 nsimagegtk 476 2197708 341 2366564 -135 168856 9.32 nsmemcacherecord 843 45767 2328 124767 1485 79000 4.36 nstextnode 209 11704 1614 90384 1405 78680 4.34 htmlattributesimpl 482 14288 2824 88400 2342 741...
...12 4.09 nsscanner 58 76824 94 146300 36 69476 3.83 nsscripterror 253 25070 842 91548 589 66478 3.67 nshtmldocument.mreferrer 177 21550 691 85460 514 63910 3.53 nshtmlvalue 139 7846 1215 68734 1076 60888 3.36 htmlcontentsink 6 4816 12 57782 6 52966 2.92, which lists all the void* allocations (the ones that couldn't be categorized by type), sorted by size.
.40 mb (03.33%) ++ top(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul, id=3) │ └───3.59 mb (01.87%) ++ (4 tiny) ├───45.74 mb (23.84%) ++ js-non-window ├───33.73 mb (17.58%) ── heap-unclassified ├───22.51 mb (11.73%) ++ heap-overhead ├────6.62 mb (03.45%) ++ images ├────5.82 mb (03.03%) ++ workers/workers(chrome) ├────5.36 mb (02.80%) ++ (16 tiny) ├────4.07 mb (02.12%) ++ storage ├────2.74 mb (01.43%) ++ startup-cache └────2.16 mb (01.12%) ++ xpconnect some expertise is required to understand the full details here, but there are various things worth pointing out.
... 0.00 mb ── canvas-2d-pixels 5.38 mb ── gfx-surface-xlib 0.00 mb ── gfx-textures 0.00 mb ── gfx-tiles-waste 0 ── ghost-windows 109.22 mb ── heap-allocated 164 ── heap-chunks 1.00 mb ── heap-chunksize 114.51 mb ── heap-committed 164.00 mb ── heap-mapped 4.84% ── heap-overhead-ratio 1 ── host-object-urls 0.00 mb ── imagelib-surface-cache 5.27 mb ── js-main-runtime-temporary-peak 0 ── page-faults-hard 203,349 ── page-faults-soft 274.99 mb ── resident 251.47 mb �...
total w = _pkg_ (cores + _gpu_ + other) + _ram_ w #01 5.17 w = 1.78 ( 0.12 + 0.10 + 1.56) + 3.39 w #02 9.43 w = 5.44 ( 1.44 + 1.20 + 2.80) + 3.98 w #03 14.26 w = 10.21 ( 5.47 + 0.19 + 4.55) + 4.04 w #04 10.02 w = 6.15 ( 2.62 + 0.43 + 3.10) + 3.86 w #05 14.63 w = 10.43 ( 4.41 + 0.81 + 5.22) + 4.19 w #06 11.16 w = 6.90 ( 1.91 + 1.68 + 3.31) + 4.26 w #07 5.40 w = 1.97 ( 0.20 + 0.10 + 1.67) + 3.44 w #08 5.17 w = 1.76 ( 0.07 + 0.08 + 1.60) + 3.41 w #09 5.17 w = 1.76 ( 0.09 + 0.08 + 1.58) + 3.42 w #10 8.13 w = 4.40 ( 1.55 + 0.11 + 2.74) + 3.73 w things to note include the following. the user interrupted it, or because the requested number of samples has been taken — the following summary data is shown: 10 samples taken over a period of 10.000 seconds distribution of 'total' values: mean = 8.85 w std dev = 3.50 w 0th percentile = 5.17 w (min) 5th percentile = 5.17 w 25th percentile = 5.17 w 50th percentile = 8.13 w 75th percentile = 11.16 w 95th percentile = 14.63 w 100th percentile = 14.63 w (max) the distribution data is omitted if there was zero or one samples taken.
NSPR Types
examples of the use of these types: in dowhim.h: pr_extern( void ) dowhatimean( void ); static void pr_callback rootfunction(void *arg); in dowhim.c: pr_implement( void ) dowhatimean( void ) { return; }; prthread *thread = pr_createthread(..., rootfunction, ...); algebraic types nspr provides the following type definitions with unambiguous bit widths for algebraic operations: 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types 64-bit integer types floating-point number type for convenience, nspr also provides type definitions with platform-dependent bit widths: native os integer types 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types signed integers print8 print16 print32 unsigned integers pruint8 pruint16 pruint32 64-bit integer types different platforms treat 64-bit numeric fields ...
...they are guaranteed to be at least 16 bits, though various architectures may define them to be wider (for example, 32 or even 64 bits).
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> typedef struct prhostent { char *h_name; char **h_aliases; #if defined(_win32) print16 h_addrtype; print16 h_length; #else print32 h_addrtype; print32 h_length; #endif char **h_addr_list; } prhostent; fields the structure has the following fields: h_name pointer to the official name of host.
... note winsock.h defines h_addrtype and h_length as a 16-bit field, whereas other platforms treat it as a 32-bit field.
an unsigned 16-bit type, like char in java or the "characters" of a javascript string defined in /mozilla/xpcom/base/nscore.h.
... syntax #if defined(ns_win32) typedef wchar_t prunichar; #else typedef pruint16 prunichar; #endif ...
performs 16-bit conversion from host byte order to network byte order.
... syntax #include <prnetdb.h> pruint16 pr_htons(pruint16 conversion); parameter the function has the following parameter: conversion the 16-bit unsigned integer, in host byte order, to be converted.
performs 16-bit conversion from network byte order to host byte order.
... syntax #include <prnetdb.h> pruint16 pr_ntohs(pruint16 conversion); parameter the function has the following parameter: conversion the 16-bit unsigned integer, in network byte order, to be converted.
Encrypt Decrypt MAC Keys As Session Objects
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nss headers */ #include #include /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin aeskey ckaid-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end aeskey ckaid-----" #define mackey_header "-----begin mackey ckaid-----" #define ma...
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* get the encrypt key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(enckey, &encckaid); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto c...
Encrypt and decrypt MAC using token
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nss headers */ #include #include /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin aeskey ckaid-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end aeskey ckaid-----" #define mackey_header "-----begin mackey ckaid-----" #define ma...
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* get the encrypt key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(enckey, &encckaid); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto c...
bug 398680: assertion botch in ssl3_registerserverhelloextensionsender doing second handshake with ssl_forcehandshake bug 403240: threads hanging in nss_initlock bug 403888: memory leak in trustdomain.c bug 416067: certutil -l -h token doesn't report token authentication failure bug 417637: tstclnt crashes if -p option is not specified bug 421634: don't send an sni client hello extension bearing an ipv6 address bug 422918: add verisign class 3 public primary ca - g5 to nss bug 424152: add thawte primary root ca to nss bug 424169: add geotrust primary certification authority root to nss bug 4...
...25469: add multiple new roots: geotrust bug 426568: add comodo certification authority certificate to nss bug 431381: add network solutions certificate authority root to nss bug 431621: add diginotar root ca root to nss bug 431772: add network solutions and diginotar root certs to nss bug 442912: fix nssckbi version number on 3.11 branch bug 443045: fix pk11_generatekeypair for ecc keys on the 3.11 branch bug 444850: nss misbehaves badly in the presence of a disabled pkcs#11 slot bug 462948: lint warnings for source files that include keythi.h documentation for a list of the primary nss documentation pages on, see nss documentation.
tile form of cert_nametoascii bug 390296: nss ignores subject cn even when san contains no dnsname bug 401928: support generalized pkcs#5 v2 pbes bug 403543: pkix: need a way to enable/disable aia cert fetching bug 408847: pkix_ocspchecker_check does not support specified responder (and given signercert) bug 414003: crash [[@ cert_decodecertpackage] sometimes with this testcase bug 415167: memory leak in certutil bug 417399: arena allocation results are not checked in pkix_pl_infoaccess_parselocation bug 420644: improve ssl tracing of key derivation bug 426886: use const char* in pk11_importcertforkey bug 428103: cert_encodesubjectkeyid is not defined in any public header file bug 429716: debug builds of libpkix unconditionally dump socket traffic to stdout bug 430368...
... bug 430916: add sustaining asserts bug 431805: leak in nssarena_destroy() bug 431929: memory leaks on error paths in devutil.c bug 432303: replace pkix_pl_memcpy with memcpy bug 433177: fix the gcc compiler warnings in lib/util and lib/freebl bug 433437: vfychain ignores the -a option bug 433594: crash destroying ocsp cert id [[@ cert_destroyocspcertid ] bug 434099: nss relies on unchecked pkc...
NSS 3.14.2 release notes
bug 816853 - when using libpkix for certificate validation, applications may now supply additional application-defined trust anchors to be used in addition to those from loaded security tokens, rather than as an alternative to.
... ( bug 772144 - basic support for running nss test suites on android devices.this is currently limited to running tests from a linux host machine using an ssh connection.
NSS 3.14.3 release notes
this release is a patch release to address cve-2013-1620.
... notable changes in nss 3.14.3 cve-2013-1620 recent research by nadhem alfardan and kenny patterson has highlighted a weakness in the handling of cbc padding as used in ssl, tls, and dtls that allows an attacker to exploit timing differences in mac processing.
NSS 3.14.5 release notes
bug 934016 - (cve-2013-5605) handle invalid handshake packets new in nss 3.14.5 new functionality no new major functionality is introduced in this release.
... bugs fixed in nss 3.14.5 compatibility nss 3.14.5 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libraries.
NSS 3.17.2 release notes
this fixes a regression introduced in nss 3.16.2 that prevented nss from importing some rsa private keys (such as in pkcs #12 files) generated by other crypto libraries.
... bug 1057161: check that an imported elliptic curve public key is valid.
NSS 3.23 release notes
the following ca certificates were removed cn = staat der nederlanden root ca sha-256 fingerprint: d4:1d:82:9e:8c:16:59:82:2a:f9:3f:ce:62:bf:fc:de:26:4f:c8:4e:8b:95:0c:5f:f2:75:d0:52:35:46:95:a3 cn = netlock minositett kozjegyzoi (class qa) tanusitvanykiado sha-256 fingerprint: e6:06:dd:ee:e2:ee:7f:5c:de:f5:d9:05:8f:f8:b7:d0:a9:f0:42:87:7f:6a:17:1e:d8:ff:69:60:e4:cc:5e:a5 cn = netlock kozjegyzoi (class a) tanusitvanykiado sha-256 fingerprint: 7f:12:cd:5f:7e:5e:29:0e:c...
...:da:e8:77:5c:d3:6c:b0:f6:3c:d1:d4:60:39:61:f4:9e:62:65:ba:01:3a:2f:03:07:b6:d0:b8:04 the following ca certificate had the email trust bit turned on cn = actalis authentication root ca sha-256 fingerprint: 55:92:60:84:ec:96:3a:64:b9:6e:2a:be:01:ce:0b:a8:6a:64:fb:fe:bc:c7:aa:b5:af:c1:55:b3:7f:d7:60:66 security fixes in nss 3.23 bug 1245528 / cve-2016-1950 - fixed a heap-based buffer overflow related to the parsing of certain asn.1 structures.
NSS 3.27 release notes
added support for rsa-pss signatures in tls 1.2 and tls 1.3 new functions in ssl.h ssl_namedgroupconfig notable changes in nss 3.27 update 2016-10-02: the maximum tls version supported has been increased to tls 1.3 (draft).
...ingerprint: 08:29:7a:40:47:db:a2:36:80:c7:31:db:6e:31:76:53:ca:78:48:e1:be:bd:3a:0b:01:79:a7:07:f9:2c:f1:78 cn = equifax secure ebusiness ca-1 sha-256 fingerprint: cf:56:ff:46:a4:a1:86:10:9d:d9:65:84:b5:ee:b5:8a:51:0c:42:75:b0:e5:f9:4f:40:bb:ae:86:5e:19:f6:73 cn = equifax secure global ebusiness ca-1 sha-256 fingerprint: 5f:0b:62:ea:b5:e3:53:ea:65:21:65:16:58:fb:b6:53:59:f4:43:28:0a:4a:fb:d1:04:d7:7d:10:f9:f0:4c:07 bugs fixed in nss 3.27 this bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in nss 3.27: compatibility nss 3.27 shared libraries are backwards compatible with all older nss 3.x shared l...
NSS 3.43 release notes
introduction the nss team has released network security services (nss) 3.43 on 16 march 2019, which is a minor release.
... the following ca certificates were added: cn = emsign root ca - g1 sha-256 fingerprint: 40f6af0346a99aa1cd1d555a4e9cce62c7f9634603ee406615833dc8c8d00367 cn = emsign ecc root ca - g3 sha-256 fingerprint: 86a1ecba089c4a8d3bbe2734c612ba341d813e043cf9e8a862cd5c57a36bbe6b cn = emsign root ca - c1 sha-256 fingerprint: 125609aa301da0a249b97a8239cb6a34216f44dcac9f3954b14292f2e8c8608f cn = emsign ecc root ca - c3 sha-256 fingerprint: bc4d809b15189d78db3e1d8cf4f9726a795da1643ca5f1358e1ddb0edc0d7eb3 cn = hongkong post root ca 3 sha-256 fingerprint: 5a2fc03f0c83b090bbfa40604b0988446c7636183df9846e17101a447fb8efd6 the following ca certificates were removed: none bugs fixed in nss 3.43 bug 1528669 and ...
NSS 3.49.2 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.49.2 bug 1606992 - cache the most recent pbkdf1 password hash, to speed up repeated sdr operations, important with the increased kdf iteration counts.
... bug 1608327 - fix compilation problems with neon-specific code in freebl bug 1608895 - fix a taskcluster issue with python 2 / python 3 this bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in nss 3.49: compatibility nss 3.49.2 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libraries.
NSS 3.49 release notes
bug 1606025 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in sslsnce.c bug 1606119 - fix ppc hw crypto build failure bug 1605545 - memory leak in pk11install_platform_generate bug 1602288 - fix build failure due to missing posix signal.h bug 1588714 - implement checkarmsupport for win64/aarch64 bug 1585189 - nss database uses 3des instead of aes to encrypt db entries bug 1603257 - fix ubsan issue in soft...
...oken ckm_nss_chacha20_ctr initialization bug 1590001 - additional hrr tests (cve-2019-17023) bug 1600144 - treat clienthello with message_seq of 1 as a second clienthello bug 1603027 - test that esni is regenerated after helloretryrequest bug 1593167 - intermittent mis-reporting potential security risk sec_error_unknown_issuer bug 1535787 - fix automation/release/ on macos bug 1594933 - disable building dbm by default bug 1562548 - improve gcm perfomance on aarch32 this bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in nss 3.49: compatibility nss 3.49 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libra...
NSS Config Options
ecc curves prime192v1 prime192v2 prime192v3 prime239v1 prime239v2 prime239v3 prime256v1 secp112r1 secp112r2 secp128r1 secp128r2 secp160k1 secp160r1 secp160r2 secp192k1 secp192r1 secp224k1 secp256k1 secp256r1 secp384r1 secp521r1 c2pnb163v1 c2pnb163v2 c2pnb163v3 c2pnb176v1 c2tnb191v1 c2tnb191v2 c2tnb191v3 c2onb191v4 c2onb191v5 c2pnb208w1 c2tnb239v1 c2tnb239v2 c2tnb239v3 c2onb239v4 c2onb239v5 c2pnb272w1 c2pnb304w1 c2tnb359v1 c2pnb368w1 c2tnb431r1 sect113r1 sect131r1 sect131r1 sect131r2 sect163k1 s...
...ect163r1 sect163r2 sect193r1 sect193r2 sect233k1 sect233r1 sect239k1 sect283k1 sect283r1 sect409k1 sect409r1 sect571k1 sect571r1 hashes md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 macs hmac-sha1 hmac-sha224 hmac-sha256 hmac-sha384 hmac-sha512 hmac-md5 ciphers aes128-cbc aes192-cbc aes256-cbc aes128-gcm aes192-gcm aes256-gcm camellia128-cbc camellia192-cbc camellia256-cbc seed-cbc des-ede3-cbc des-40-cbc des-cbc null-cipher rc2 rc4 idea ssl key exchanges rsa rsa-export dhe-rsa dhe-dss dh-rsa dh-dss ecdhe-ecdsa ecdhe-rsa ecdh-ecdsa ecdh-rsa restrictions for asymmetric keys (integers) rsa-min dh-min dsa-min constraints on ssl protocols versions (integers) tls-version-min tls-version-max constraints on dtls protocols versions (i...
Release notes for recent versions of NSS
(nss 3.56 release notes) the current esr releases of nss are 3.44.4 (nss 3.44.4 release notes), intended for firefox esr 68, which was released on 19 may 2020, and 3.53.1 (nss 3.53.1 release notes), intended for firefox esr 78, which was released on 16 june 2020.
...elease notes nss 3.21.1 release notes nss 3.21 release notes nss 3.20.1 release notes nss 3.20 release notes nss 3.19.3 release notes nss 3.19.2 release notes nss 3.19.1 release notes nss 3.19 release notes nss 3.18.1 release notes nss 3.18 release notes nss 3.17.4 release notes nss 3.17.3 release notes nss 3.17.2 release notes nss 3.17.1 release notes nss 3.17 release notes nss 3.16.6 release notes nss 3.16.5 release notes nss 3.16.4 release notes nss 3.16.3 release notes nss release notes nss release notes nss release notes nss 3.16.2 release notes nss 3.16.1 release notes nss 3.16 release notes nss 3.15.5 release notes nss 3.15.4 release notes nss release notes nss 3.15.3 release notes nss 3.15.2 release notes nss 3.15.1 r...
Encrypt Decrypt_MAC_Using Token
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nss headers */ #include #include /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin aeskey ckaid-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end aeskey ckaid-----" #define mackey_header "-----begin mackey ckaid-----" #define ma...
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* get the encrypt key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(enckey, &encckaid); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto c...
NSS Sample Code Sample1
ekeys() { int rv = 0; seckeypublickey *pubkey = 0; pk11slotinfo *slot = 0; // choose a slot to use slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); if (!slot) { rv = 1; goto done; } // get our own public key to use for wrapping rv = getpublickey(&pubkey); if (rv) goto done; // do the encryption (aes) key if (!mwrappedenckey) { pk11symkey *key = 0; // the key size is 128 bits (16 bytes) key = pk11_keygen(slot, ckm_aes_key_gen, 0, 128/8, 0); if (!key) { rv = 1; goto aes_done; } rv = wrapkey(key, pubkey, &mwrappedenckey); aes_done: if (key) pk11_freesymkey(key); if (rv) goto done; } // do the mac key if (!mwrappedmackey) { pk11symkey *key = 0; // the key size is 160 bits (20 bytes) key = pk11_keygen(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key...
..._gen, 0, 160/8, 0); if (!key) { rv = 1; goto mac_done; } rv = wrapkey(key, pubkey, &mwrappedmackey); mac_done: if (key) pk11_freesymkey(key); } done: if (slot) pk11_freeslot(slot); return rv; } int server::exportpublickey(secitem **pubkeydata) { int rv = 0; seckeypublickey *pubkey = 0; rv = getpublickey(&pubkey); if (rv) goto done; *pubkeydata = seckey_encodedersubjectpublickeyinfo(pubkey); if (!*pubkeydata) { rv = 1; goto done; } done: if (pubkey) seckey_destroypublickey(pubkey); return rv; } int server::exportkeys(secitem *pubkeydata, secitem **wrappedenckey, secitem **wrappedmackey) { int rv; certsubjectpublickeyinfo *keyinfo = 0; seckeypublickey *pubkey = 0; secitem *data = 0; // make sure the keys are available ...
NSS Sample Code Sample_3_Basic Encryption and MACing
sample code 3 /* nspr headers */ #include <prthread.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prerror.h> #include <prinit.h> #include <prlog.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plstr.h> /* nss headers */ #include <keyhi.h> #include <pk11priv.h> /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin aeskey ckaid-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end aeskey ckaid-----" #define mackey_header "-----begin mackey ckaid-----" #define ma...
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* get the encrypt key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(enckey, &encckaid); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto c...
EncDecMAC using token object - sample 3
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* nss headers */ #include #include /* our samples utilities */ #include "util.h" #define buffersize 80 #define digestsize 16 #define ptext_mac_buffer_size 96 #define ciphersize 96 #define blocksize 32 #define cipher_header "-----begin cipher-----" #define cipher_trailer "-----end cipher-----" #define enckey_header "-----begin aeskey ckaid-----" #define enckey_trailer "-----end aeskey ckaid-----" #define mackey_header "-----begin mackey ckaid-----" #define mackey_trailer "-----end mackey ckaid-----" #define iv_header "-...
...*/ mackey = generatesymkey(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 160/8, &mackeyid, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "generatesymkey for macing returned null.\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* get the encrypt key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(enckey, &encckaid); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while wrapping encrypt key\n"); goto cleanup; } /* get the mac key cka_id */ rv = gathercka_id(mackey, &macckaid); if (rv != se...
model: model of the device, "nss 3", padded with spaces to 16 characters and not null-terminated.
... serialnumber: the device's serial number as a string, "0000000000000000", 16 characters and not null-terminated.
ssl_implementedciphers[] is an external array of unsigned 16-bit integers whose values are either ssl2 cipher kinds or ssl3 cipher suites.
...the number of values in the table is contained in an external 16-bit integer named ssl_numimplementedciphers.
syntax bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *name, unsigned nargs, const char *const *argnames, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlefunction fun); bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *name, unsigned nargs, const char *const *argnames, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlefunction fun); bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvecto...
... chars const char16_t * string containing the body of the function to compile.
syntax bool js::cancompileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, size_t length); bool js::compileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::offthreadcompilecallback callback, void *callbackdata); jsscript * js::finishoffthreadscript(jscontext *maybecx, jsruntime *rt, void *token); typedef void (*js::offthreadcompilecallback)(void *token, void *callbackdata); name type description cx / maybe jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... chars const char16_t * string containing the script to compile.
constructor enum ownership { noownership, giveownership }; js::sourcebufferholder(const char16_t *data, size_t datalength, ownership ownership); name type description data const char16_t * source buffer containing the script to compile.
... example size_t length = 512; char16_t* chars = static_cast<char16_t*>(js_malloc(sizeof(char16_t) * length)); js::sourcebufferholder srcbuf(chars, length, js::sourcebufferholder::giveownership); js::compile(cx, obj, options, srcbuf); see also mxr id search for js::sourcebufferholder js::compile js::compilefunction js::evaluate bug 987556 ...
syntax struct jsstringfinalizer { void (*finalize)(const jsstringfinalizer *fin, char16_t *chars); }; name type description fin jsstringfinalizer the finalizer itself.
... chars char16_t * buffer of the external string to be finalized.
syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js_compilescript(jscontext *cx, const char *ascii, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js_compileucscript(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js_compilescript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *ascii, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js_compileucscript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_...
...obsolete since jsapi 39 ascii or chars const char * or const char16_t * string containing the script to compile.
format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character c type description b bool boolean c uint16_t ecma uint16_t, unicode character i int32_t ecma int32_t j int32_t ecma int32_t (used to be different, behaves like i now) obsolete since jsapi 28 u uint32_t ecma uint32_t d double ieee double i double integral ieee double s char * (c string) bug 607292 s jsstring * unicode string, acces...
...sed by a jsstring pointer w char16_t * unicode character vector, 0-terminated (w for wide) o jsobject * object reference f jsfunction * the argument is converted to a function as though by a call to js_valuetofunction.
syntax jsfunction * js_definefunction(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, const char *name, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); jsfunction * js_defineucfunction(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); jsfunction * js_definefunctionbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, js::handle<jsid> id, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); // added in spidermonkey 17 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to define the fun...
... name const char * or const char16_t * name to assign to the function.
otherwise the high byte is simply dropped from each char16_t.
...use js_getstringchars to access the 16-bit characters of a javascript string without conversions or copying.
syntax bool js_executeregexp(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleobject reobj, char16_t *chars, size_t length, size_t *indexp, bool test, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js_executeregexpnostatics(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject reobj, char16_t *chars, size_t length, size_t *indexp, bool test, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... chars const char16_t * a pointer to the string contains a input string.
nargs uint16_t the number of arguments the function expects.
... flags uint16 the bitwise or of any number of function flags.
pertydescriptor(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); bool js_getownpropertydescriptorbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); bool js_getownucpropertydescriptor(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, js::mutablehandle desc); // added in spidermonkey 45 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... id const char * or js::handleid or const char16_t the name of the property to look up.
syntax bool js_getstringcharat(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str, size_t index, char16_t *res); char16_t js_getflatstringcharat(jsflatstring *str, size_t index); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... res char16_t * (js_getstringcharat only) out parameter.
retrieve a pointer to the 16-bit values that make up a given string.
... the content of a js string is not guaranteed to be valid utf-16.
syntax jsstring * js_internstring(jscontext *cx, const char *s); jsstring * js_internstringn(jscontext *cx, const char *s, size_t length); jsstring * js_internucstring(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s); jsstring * js_internucstringn(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s, size_t length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... s const char * or const char16_t * pointer to a character array containing the data for the string.
syntax bool js_isidentifier(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring str, bool *isidentifier); bool js_isidentifier(const char16_t *chars, size_t length); // added in spidermonkey 38 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... chars const char16_t * the pointer of the string to test.
syntax bool js_lookupproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookupucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookuppropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 bool js_lookupelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // ---- obsolete since spidermonkey 31 --...
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
syntax jsstring * js_newexternalstring(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, const jsstringfinalizer *fin); jsstring * js_newexternalstringwithclosure(jscontext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length, int type, void *closure); // obsolete since jsapi 13 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... chars const char16_t * or const jschar * pointer to the first element of an array of char16_ts.
syntax jsobject * js_newregexpobject(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *bytes, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newucregexpobject(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newregexpobjectnostatics(jscontext *cx, char *bytes, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newucregexpobjectnostatics(jscontext *cx, char16_t *chars, size_t length, unsigned flags); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new object.
... bytes or chars const char * or const char16_t * a pointer to the string that contains a regular expression.
syntax jsstring * js_newucstring(jscontext *cx, char16_t *chars, size_t length); jsstring * js_newstring(jscontext *cx, char *buf, size_t length); // obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... buf char * or char16_t * pointer to a character array, allocated with js_malloc, containing the characters for the js string to create.
syntax jsstring * js_newstringcopyz(jscontext *cx, const char *s); jsstring * js_newucstringcopyz(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... s const char * or const char16_t * pointer to the character array containing the text for the js string to create; or null.
SpiderMonkey 17
you can download full source code here: (md5 checksum: 20b6f8f1140ef6e47daa3b16965c9202).
... obsolete typedef replacement type provided by uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64 uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t mozilla/stdint.h uintn, intn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jsdouble double n/a jsuintn, jsintn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jspackedbool n/a n/a jsrefcount n/a ...
Animated PNG graphics
for purposes of chunk descriptions, an unsigned int shall be a 32-bit unsigned integer in network byte order limited to the range 0 to (2^32)-1; an unsigned short shall be a 16-bit unsigned integer in network byte order with the range 0 to (2^16)-1; and a byte shall be an 8-bit unsigned integer with the range 0 to (2^8)-1.
... 16 y_offset unsigned int y position at which to render the following frame.
Setting up the Gecko SDK
ispecialthing.idl #include "nsisupports.idl" [scriptable, uuid(263ed1ba-5cc1-11db-9673-00e08161165f)] interface ispecialthing : nsisupports { attribute astring name; long add(in long a, in long b); }; next is to build the .h file to compile against and the .xpt for gecko to understand your new interface.
... cspecialthing.h #ifndef __specialthing_impl_h__ #define __specialthing_impl_h__ #include "ispecialthing.h" #include "nsstringapi.h" #define specialthing_contractid ";1" #define specialthing_classname "specialthing" #define specialthing_cid { 0x245626, 0x5cc1, 0x11db, { 0x96, 0x73, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x81, 0x61, 0x16, 0x5f } } class cspecialthing : public ispecialthing { public: ns_decl_isupports ns_decl_ispecialthing cspecialthing(); private: ~cspecialthing(); protected: /* additional members */ nsstring mname; }; #endif cspecialthing.cpp #include "cspecialthing.h" ns_impl_isupports1(cspecialthing, ispecialthing) cspecialthing::cspecialthing() { /* member initializers an...
How to build a binary XPCOM component using Visual Studio
let’s specify a simple interface: #include "nsisupports.idl" [scriptable, uuid(263ed1ba-5cc1-11db-9673-00e08161165f)] interface ispecialthing : nsisupports { attribute astring name; long add(in long a, in long b); }; remember to generate your own guid.
...they could look like this: h file: #ifndef __specialthing_impl_h__ #define __specialthing_impl_h__ #include "comp.h" #include "nsstringapi.h" #define specialthing_contractid ";1" #define specialthing_classname "specialthing" #define specialthing_cid { 0x245626, 0x5cc1, 0x11db, { 0x96, 0x73, 0x0, 0xe0, 0x81, 0x61, 0x16, 0x5f } } class cspecialthing : public ispecialthing { public: ns_decl_isupports ns_decl_ispecialthing cspecialthing(); private: ~cspecialthing(); protected: /* additional members */ nsstring mname; }; #endif cpp file: #include "comp-impl.h" ns_impl_isupports1(cspecialthing, ispecialthing) cspecialthing::cspecialthing() { /* member initializers and constructor code */ mname.assig...
nsACString (External)
nal)"> <area alt="" coords="1147,198,1259,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nscautostring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="5,294,208,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentcstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="232,294,475,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf16toutf8_external"> <area alt="" coords="499,294,779,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external"> <area alt="" coords="803,294,925,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsliteralcstring_(external)"></m...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsAString (External)
)"> <area alt="" coords="1095,198,1196,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nsautostring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="5,294,197,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="221,294,467,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertasciitoutf16_external"> <area alt="" coords="491,294,733,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf8toutf16_external"> <area alt="" coords="757,294,869,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsliteralstring_(external)"> </map> method overvie...
...@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
XPCOM glue classes
ns convertasciitoutf16 externalclass declarationns convertutf16toutf8 externalclass declarationns convertutf8toutf16 externalclass declarationns lossyconvertutf16toascii externalclass declarationns_convertasciitoutf16class declarationns_convertutf16toutf8class declarationns_convertutf8toutf16class declarationns_lossyconvertutf16toasciiclass declarationns_overridens_override is a macro which allows c++ code in mozilla to specify that a method is intended to override a base class method.
...plate class implementing an object that takes a strong reference to a reference-counted resource that must be released, typically on destruction of the object.</t>nscstringclass declarationnscstring externalclass declarationnscstringcontainer (external)class declaration nscstringencodingthe nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.nsdependentcstringclass declarationnsdependentcstring externalclass declarationnsdependentcsubstringclass declarationnsdependentcsubstring externalclass declarationnsdependentstringclass declarationnsdependentstring externalclass declarationnsdependentsubstringclass declarationnsdependentsubstring externalclass declarationnsembedcstringthe nsembedcstring concrete c...
nsiframe getrootlayoutframe(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines pruint16 gettype(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void init(in print32 awidth, in print32 aheight, in imgicontainerobserver aobserver); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void lockimage(); void removeframe(in gfxiimageframe item); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void requestdecode(); void requestdiscard(); void requestrefresh([const] in timestamp atime)...
...pruint16 gettype(); parameters none.
see bug 528166 for details.
... return value an utf-16 encoded string that has characters that have special meaning escaped from avalue.
role_pane 16 represents a pane within a frame or document window.
... role_combobox_option 115 a item of list that is shown by combobox; role_image_map 116 an image map -- has child links representing the areas.
inherits from: nsirequest last changed in gecko 19.0 (firefox 19.0 / thunderbird 19.0 / seamonkey 2.16) once a channel is created (via nsiioservice.newchannel()), parameters for that request may be set by using the channel attributes, or by calling queryinterface() to retrieve a subclass of nsichannel for protocol-specific parameters.
... constant value description load_document_uri 16 set (for example by the docshell) to indicate whether or not the channel corresponds to a document uri.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 19 (firefox 19 / thunderbird 19 / seamonkey 2.16) implemented by:;1 as a service: var consoleservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiconsoleservice); method overview void getmessagearray([array, size_is(count)] out nsiconsolemessage messages, out uint32_t count);obsolete since gecko 19 void getmessagearray([optional] out uin...
... obsolete since gecko 19 (firefox 19 / thunderbird 19 / seamonkey 2.16)this feature is obsolete.
sicryptohash); // we want to use the sha256 algorithm ch.init(ch.sha256); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
...rray of bytes var data = converter.converttobytearray(str, result); var ch = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicryptohash); ch.init(ch.sha256); ch.update(data, data.length); var hash = ch.finish(false); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview prnetaddr getnextaddr(in pruint16 aport); native code only!
...prnetaddr getnextaddr( in pruint16 aport ); parameters aport a port number to initialize the prnetaddr with.
this function will also ignore the error page favicon uri (chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-16.png).
...this function tries to optimize the favicon size; if it's bigger than a defined limit, gecko attempts to convert it to a 16x16 pixel png image.
if it doesn't * match the field-value production in rfc 2616 * @note * no syntax checking is done of the given type, beyond ensuring that it is * a valid header field value.
... behavior when not given a string matching * the media-type production in rfc 2616 section 3.7 is undefined.
args an array of count arguments, using utf-16, to be passed to the executable on its command line.
... void runwasync( [array, size_is(count)] in wstring args, in unsigned long count, in nsiobserver observer, optional in boolean holdweak optional ); parameters args an array of arguments to pass into the process, using utf-16.
o version description 1.7 - 1.9 1.9.1 - 1.9.2 2.0 selection_none 0 selection_normal 1 selection_spellcheck 2 selection_ime_rawinput 4 selection_ime_selectedrawtext 8 selection_ime_convertedtext 16 selection_ime_selectedconvertedtext 32 selection_accessibility 64 for accessibility api usage.
...this method is used internally for handling backspace key only when we're after utf-16 surrogates.
chrome_menubar 16 value for the chromeflags attribute.
... chrome_window_min 16384 represent special cases.
load_flags_is_refresh 16 this flag specifies that the load should have the semantics of an html meta-refresh tag (that is, that the cache should be bypassed).
... load_flags_first_load 16384 this flag specifies that this is the first load in this object.
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsmsgsearchcore.idl typedef long nsmsgsearchopvalue; [scriptable, uuid(9160b196-6fcb-4eba-aaaf-6c806c4ee420)] interface nsmsgsearchop { const nsmsgsearchopvalue contains = 0; /* for text attributes */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue doesntcontain = 1; const nsmsgsearchopvalue is = 2; /* is and isn't also apply to some non-text attrs */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue isnt = 3; const nsmsgsearchopvalue isempty = 4; const nsmsgsearchopvalue isbefore = 5; /* for date attributes */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue isafter = 6; const nsmsgsearchopvalue ishigherthan = 7; /* for priority.
...earchopvalue soundslike = 11; /* for ldap phoenetic matching */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue ldapdwim = 12; /* do what i mean for simple search */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue isgreaterthan = 13; const nsmsgsearchopvalue islessthan = 14; const nsmsgsearchopvalue namecompletion = 15; /* name completion the name implies =) */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue isinab = 16; const nsmsgsearchopvalue isntinab = 17; const nsmsgsearchopvalue isntempty = 18; /* primarily for tags */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue matches = 19; /* generic term for use by custom terms */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue doesntmatch = 20; /* generic term for use by custom terms */ const nsmsgsearchopvalue knummsgsearchoperators = 21; /* must be last operator */ }; ...
XPCOM primitive
;1 [scriptable, uuid(ddc3b490-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprbool : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute prbool data; string tostring(); }; pruint8 nsisupportspruint8;1 [scriptable, uuid(dec2e4e0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint8 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint8 data; string tostring(); }; pruint16 nsisupportspruint16;1 [scriptable, uuid(dfacb090-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint16 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint16 data; string tostring(); }; pruint32 nsisupportspruint32;1 [scriptable, uuid(e01dc470-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint32 : nsisupportsprimitive { ...
.../supports-prtime;1 [scriptable, uuid(e2563630-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprtime : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute prtime data; string tostring(); }; char nsisupportschar;1 [scriptable, uuid(e2b05e40-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportschar : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute char data; string tostring(); }; print16 nsisupportsprint16;1 [scriptable, uuid(e30d94b0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint16 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute print16 data; string tostring(); }; print32 nsisupportsprint32;1 [scriptable, uuid(e36c5250-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint32 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribu...
XPCOM string functions
this is a low-level api.ns_cstringtoutf16the ns_cstringtoutf16 function converts the value of a nsacstring instance to utf-16 and stores the result in a nsastring instance.
...this is a low-level api.ns_utf16tocstringthe ns_utf16tocstring function converts the value of a nsastring instance from utf-16 to the specified multi-byte encoding and stores the result in a nsacstring instance.
nsmsgsearchopvalue defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsmsgsearchcore.idl 146 typedef long nsmsgsearchopvalue; 147 148 [scriptable, uuid(9160b196-6fcb-4eba-aaaf-6c806c4ee420)] 149 interface nsmsgsearchop { 150 const nsmsgsearchopvalue contains = 0; /* for text attributes */ 151 const nsmsgsearchopvalue doesntcontain = 1; 152 const nsmsgsearchopvalue is = 2; /* is and isn't also apply to some non-text attrs */ 153 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isnt = 3; 154 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isempty = 4; 155 156 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isbefore = 5; /* for date attributes */ 157 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isafter = 6; 158 159 const nsmsgsearchopvalue ishigherthan = 7; /* for priority.
... is also applies */ 160 const nsmsgsearchopvalue islowerthan = 8; 161 162 const nsmsgsearchopvalue beginswith = 9; 163 const nsmsgsearchopvalue endswith = 10; 164 165 const nsmsgsearchopvalue soundslike = 11; /* for ldap phoenetic matching */ 166 const nsmsgsearchopvalue ldapdwim = 12; /* do what i mean for simple search */ 167 168 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isgreaterthan = 13; 169 const nsmsgsearchopvalue islessthan = 14; 170 171 const nsmsgsearchopvalue namecompletion = 15; /* name completion the name implies =) */ 172 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isinab = 16; 173 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isntinab = 17; 174 const nsmsgsearchopvalue isntempty = 18; /* primarily for tags */ 175 const nsmsgsearchopvalue matches = 19; /* generic ter...
Using the clipboard
if (source instanceof ci.nsidomwindow) // note: in gecko versions >16, you can import the privatebrowsingutils.jsm module // and use privatebrowsingutils.privacycontextfromwindow(sourcewindow) instead source = source.queryinterface(ci.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(ci.nsiwebnavigation); res.init(source); } return res; } here, the string "text to copy" will be copied but you can replace this... that we have the object to copy, a transferring object needs to be created: var str = "text to copy"; var trans = transferable(sourcewindow); trans.adddataflavor("text/unicode"); // we multiply the length of the string by 2, since it's stored in 2-byte utf-16 // format internally.
Constants - Plugins
npvers_win16_has_liveconnect 9 liveconnect (win16).
... npvers_has_popups_enabled_state 16 the npn_pushpopupsenabledstate() and npn_poppopupsenabledstate() functions are supported.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
16 dom property viewer dom, tools, web development the dom property viewer lets you inspect the properties of the dom as an expandable tree structure, starting from the window object of the current page or the selected iframe.
... 116 debugger keyboard shortcuts debugger, keyboard, shortcuts 1.
Frame rate - Firefox Developer Tools
a frame rate of 60fps is the target for smooth performance, giving you a time budget of 16.7ms for all the updates needed in response to some event.
... a frame rate of 60fps is reckoned to be the target for smooth performance, giving you a time budget of 16.7ms for all the updates that need to be made synchronously in response to some event.
Animating CSS properties - Firefox Developer Tools
for a rate of 60 frames per second, that gives the browser 16.7 milliseconds to execute the complete flow.
...with only 16.7ms in our total budget, it's not surprising we are missing a consistently high frame rate.
productID - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.productid read-only property returns the 16-bit product id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... syntax var productid = instanceofbluetoothdevice.productid returns the 16-bit product id field.
productVersion - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.productversion read-only property returns the 16-bit product version field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... syntax var productversion = instanceofbluetoothdevice.productversion returns the 16-bit product version field.
vendorID - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.vendorid read-only property returns the 16-bit vendor id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... syntax var vendorid = instanceofbluetoothdevice.vendorid returns the the 16-bit vendor id field.
CSSRule - Web APIs
"h1,h2 { font-size: 16pt }" or "@import 'url'".
... cssnamespacerule cssrule.counter_style_rule 11 csscounterstylerule cssrule.supports_rule 12 csssupportsrule cssrule.document_rule 13 cssdocumentrule cssrule.font_feature_values_rule 14 cssfontfeaturevaluesrule cssrule.viewport_rule 15 cssviewportrule cssrule.region_style_rule 16 cssregionstylerule cssrule.unknown_rule 0 cssunknownrule cssrule.charset_rule 2 csscharsetrule (removed in most browsers.) an up-to-date informal list of constants can be found on the csswg wiki.
Using the CSS Painting API - Web APIs
<ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> <li>item 6</li> <li>item 7</li> <li>item 8</li> <li>item 9</li> <li>item 10</li> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> <li>item 13</li> <li>item 14</li> <li>item 15</li> <li>item 16</li> <li>item 17</li> <li>item</li> </ul> css.paintworklet.addmodule(''); li { background-image: paint(boxbg); --boxcolor: hsla(55, 90%, 60%, 1.0); } li:nth-of-type(3n) { --boxcolor: hsla(155, 90%, 60%, 1.0); --widthsubtractor: 20; } li:nth-of-type(3n+1) { --boxcolor: hsla(255, 90%, 60%, 1.0); --...
...%, 60%, 0.5); background-image: paint(hollowhighlights, stroke, 1px); } <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> <li>item 6</li> <li>item 7</li> <li>item 8</li> <li>item 9</li> <li>item 10</li> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> <li>item 13</li> <li>item 14</li> <li>item 15</li> <li>item 16</li> <li>item 17</li> <li>item</li> </ul> in our <script> we register the worklet: css.paintworklet.addmodule(''); see also css painting api css typed object model api ...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.bezierCurveTo() - Web APIs
the first control point is placed at (120, 160), and the second at (180, 10).
... const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(30, 30); ctx.beziercurveto(120,160, 180,10, 220,140); ctx.stroke(); result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'canvasrenderingcontext2d.beziercurveto' in that specification.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineDashOffset - Web APIs
html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.setlinedash([4, 16]); // dashed line with no offset ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(0, 50); ctx.lineto(300, 50); ctx.stroke(); // dashed line with offset of 4 ctx.beginpath(); ctx.strokestyle = 'red'; ctx.linedashoffset = 4; ctx.moveto(0, 100); ctx.lineto(300, 100); ctx.stroke(); result the line with a dash offset is drawn in red.
... html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); let offset = 0; function draw() { ctx.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.setlinedash([4, 2]); ctx.linedashoffset = -offset; ctx.strokerect(10, 10, 100, 100); } function march() { offset++; if (offset > 16) { offset = 0; } draw(); settimeout(march, 20); } march(); specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'canvasrenderingcontext2d.linedashoffset' in that specification.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke() - Web APIs
const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); // first sub-path ctx.linewidth = 26; ctx.strokestyle = 'orange'; ctx.moveto(20, 20); ctx.lineto(160, 20); ctx.stroke(); // second sub-path ctx.linewidth = 14; ctx.strokestyle = 'green'; ctx.moveto(20, 80); ctx.lineto(220, 80); ctx.stroke(); // third sub-path ctx.linewidth = 4; ctx.strokestyle = 'pink'; ctx.moveto(20, 140); ctx.lineto(280, 140); ctx.stroke(); result stroking and filling if you want to both stroke and fill a path, the order in which you perform these actions will determi...
... html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.linewidth = 16; ctx.strokestyle = 'red'; // stroke on top of fill ctx.beginpath(); ctx.rect(25, 25, 100, 100); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // fill on top of stroke ctx.beginpath(); ctx.rect(175, 25, 100, 100); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'canvasrenderingcontext2d.stroke' in that specification.
Drawing shapes with canvas - Web APIs
<body onload="draw();"> <canvas id="canvas" width="150" height="150"></canvas> </body> </html> function draw() { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); if (canvas.getcontext) { var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); roundedrect(ctx, 12, 12, 150, 150, 15); roundedrect(ctx, 19, 19, 150, 150, 9); roundedrect(ctx, 53, 53, 49, 33, 10); roundedrect(ctx, 53, 119, 49, 16, 6); roundedrect(ctx, 135, 53, 49, 33, 10); roundedrect(ctx, 135, 119, 25, 49, 10); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(37, 37, 13, math.pi / 7, -math.pi / 7, false); ctx.lineto(31, 37); ctx.fill(); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ctx.fillrect(51 + i * 16, 35, 4, 4); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ctx.fillrect(115, 51 + i * 16, 4, 4); } for (i = 0; i < ...
...8; i++) { ctx.fillrect(51 + i * 16, 99, 4, 4); } ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(83, 116); ctx.lineto(83, 102); ctx.beziercurveto(83, 94, 89, 88, 97, 88); ctx.beziercurveto(105, 88, 111, 94, 111, 102); ctx.lineto(111, 116); ctx.lineto(106.333, 111.333); ctx.lineto(101.666, 116); ctx.lineto(97, 111.333); ctx.lineto(92.333, 116); ctx.lineto(87.666, 111.333); ctx.lineto(83, 116); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillstyle = 'white'; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(91, 96); ctx.beziercurveto(88, 96, 87, 99, 87, 101); ctx.beziercurveto(87, 103, 88, 106, 91, 106); ctx.beziercurveto(94, 106, 95, 103, 95, 101); ctx.beziercurveto(95, 99, 94, 96, 91, 96); ctx.moveto(103, 96); ctx.beziercurveto(100, 96, 99, 99, 99, 101); ctx...
CompositionEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
...roke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="201" y1="25" x2="231" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/compositionevent" target="_top"><rect x="231" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="311" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">compositionevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructor compositionevent() creates a new compositionevent object instance.
Document.cookie - Web APIs
vious cookie function resetonce() { document.cookie = "dosomethingonlyonce=; expires=thu, 01 jan 1970 00:00:00 gmt"; } <button onclick="resetonce()">reset only once cookie</button> example #5: check a cookie existence //es5 if (document.cookie.split(';').some(function(item) { return item.trim().indexof('reader=') == 0 })) { console.log('the cookie "reader" exists (es5)') } //es2016 if (document.cookie.split(';').some((item) => item.trim().startswith('reader='))) { console.log('the cookie "reader" exists (es6)') } example #6: check that a cookie has a specific value //es5 if (document.cookie.split(';').some(function(item) { return item.indexof('reader=1') >= 0 })) { console.log('the cookie "reader" has "1" for value') } //es2016 if (document.cookie.split('...
... the reason for the syntax of the document.cookie accessor property is due to the client-server nature of cookies, which differs from other client-client storage methods (like, for instance, localstorage): the server tells the client to store a cookie http/1.0 200 ok content-type: text/html set-cookie: cookie_name1=cookie_value1 set-cookie: cookie_name2=cookie_value2; expires=sun, 16 jul 3567 06:23:41 gmt [content of the page here] the client sends back to the server its cookies previously stored get /sample_page.html http/1.1 host: cookie: cookie_name1=cookie_value1; cookie_name2=cookie_value2 accept: */* specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 2 html specificationthe definition of 'docum...
Document.xmlEncoding - Web APIs
if the xml declaration states: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> ...the result should be "utf-16".
... however, firefox 3.0 includes information on endianness (e.g., utf-16be for big endian encoding), and while this extra information is removed as of firefox 3.1b3, firefox 3.1b3 is still consulting the file's encoding, rather than the xml declaration as the spec defines it ("an attribute specifying, as part of the xml declaration, the encoding of this document.").
Examples of web and XML development using the DOM - Web APIs
id="t-daddy" onclick="alert('hi');"> <tr id="tbl1"> <td id="c1">one</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="c2">two</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> example 6: getcomputedstyle this example demonstrates how the window.getcomputedstyle method can be used to get the styles of an element that are not set using the style attribute or with javascript (e.g.,"rgb(173, 216, 230)").
...w_style = document.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(refdiv, null).getpropertyvalue("width"); txtwidth.value = w_style; var txtbackgroundcolor = document.getelementbyid("t3"); var b_style = document.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(refdiv, null).getpropertyvalue("background-color"); txtbackgroundcolor.value = b_style; } </script> <style> #d1 { margin-left: 10px; background-color: rgb(173, 216, 230); height: 20px; max-width: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="d1">&nbsp;</div> <form action=""> <p> <button type="button" onclick="cstyles();">getcomputedstyle</button> height<input id="t1" type="text" value="1" /> max-width<input id="t2" type="text" value="2" /> bg-color<input id="t3" type="text" value="3" /> </p> </form> </body> </html> example 7: displ...
EXT_color_buffer_float - Web APIs
extended methods the following sized formats become color-renderable: gl.r16f, gl.rg16f, gl.rgba16f, gl.r32f, gl.rg32f, gl.rgba32f, gl.r11f_g11f_b10f.
... var ext = gl.getextension('ext_color_buffer_float'); gl.renderbufferstorage(gl.renderbuffer, gl.rgba16f, 256, 256); specifications specification status comment ext_color_buffer_floatthe definition of 'ext_color_buffer_float' in that specification.
Element.scrollLeftMax - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetscrollleftmax non-standardchrome no support noedge no support nofirefox full support 16ie no support noopera no support nosafari no support nowebview android no support nochrome android no support nofirefox android full support ...
... 16opera android no support nosafari ios no support nosamsung internet android no support nolegend full support full support no support no supportnon-standard.
ExtendableEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/extendableevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="191" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">extendableevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fi...
... var cache_version = 1; var current_caches = { prefetch: 'prefetch-cache-v' + cache_version }; self.addeventlistener('install', function(event) { var urlstoprefetch = [ './static/pre_fetched.txt', './static/pre_fetched.html', '' ]; console.log('handling install event.
HTMLAudioElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmediaelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmediaelement</text></a><polyline points="331,89 321,84 321,94 331,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="321" y1="89" x2="291" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="...
.../docs/web/api/htmlaudioelement" target="_top"><rect x="131" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="211" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlaudioelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructor audio() creates and returns a new htmlaudioelement object, optionally starting the process of loading an audio file into it if the file url is given.
HTMLImageElement.sizes - Web APIs
award-winning stuff, i'm sure.</p> <img src="/files/16870/new-york-skyline-wide.jpg" srcset="/files/16870/new-york-skyline-wide.jpg 3724w, /files/16869/new-york-skyline-4by3.jpg 1961w, /files/16871/new-york-skyline-tall.jpg 1060w" sizes="((min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 60em)) 50em, ((min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 50em)) 30em, (max-width: 30em) 20em"> <p>then there's even ...
...i sure can't.</p> <button id="break40">last width: 40em</button> <button id="break50">last width: 50em</button> </article> css article { margin: 1em; max-width: 60em; min-width: 20em; height: 100vh; border: 4em solid #880e4f; border-radius: 7em; padding: 1.5em; font: 16px "open sans", verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } article img { display: block; max-width: 100%; border: 1px solid #888; box-shadow: 0 0.5em 0.3em #888; margin-bottom: 1.25em; } javascript the javascript code handles the two buttons that let you toggle the third width option between 40em and 50em; this is done by handling the click event, using the javascript string object method replace() to replace the relevant portion of...
HTMLInputElement.stepDown() - Web APIs
given <input id="mytime" type="time" max="17:00" step="900" value="17:00">, invoking mytime.step(3) will change the value to 16:15, decrementing the time by 3 * 900, or 45 minutes.
... mytime.step(), with no parameter, would have resulted in 16:45, as n defaults to 1.
HTMLMediaElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmediaelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmediaelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface also inherits properties from its ancestors html...
...the size given must be a number between 512 and 16384.
HTMLVideoElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmediaelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmediaelement</text></a><polyline points="331,89 321,84 321,94 331,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="321" y1="89" x2="291" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="...
.../docs/web/api/htmlvideoelement" target="_top"><rect x="131" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="211" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlvideoelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its ancestor interfaces, htmlmediaelement, and htmlelement.
IDBCursorWithValue - Web APIs
samsung internetidbcursorwithvaluechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
...ith the vendor prefix: webkitvaluechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.createObjectStore() - Web APIs
has been deleted or removed.) in firefox previous to version 41, an invalidstateerror was raised in this case as well, which was misleading; this has now been fixed (see bug 1176165.) constrainterror an object store with the given name (based on case-sensitive comparison) already exists in the connected database.
...ssamsung internetcreateobjectstorechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.deleteObjectStore() - Web APIs
has been deleted or removed.) in firefox previous to version 41, an invalidstateerror was raised in this case as well, which was misleading; this has now been fixed (see bug 1176165.) notfounderror you are trying to delete an object store that does not exist.
...ssamsung internetdeleteobjectstorechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.createIndex() - Web APIs
has been deleted or removed.) in firefox previous to version 41, an invalidstateerror was raised in this case as well, which was misleading; this has now been fixed (see bug 1176165.) example in the following example you can see the idbopendbrequest.onupgradeneeded handler being used to update the database structure if a database with a higher version number is loaded.
... on iossamsung internetcreateindexchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex() - Web APIs
has been deleted or removed.) in firefox previous to version 41, an invalidstateerror was raised in this case as well, which was misleading; this has now been fixed (see bug 1176165.) notfounderror occurs if there is no index with the given name (case-sensitive) in the database.
... on iossamsung internetdeleteindexchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
InstallEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/extendableevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="150" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="191" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">extendableevent</text></a><polyline points="266,25 276,20 276...
... var cache_version = 1; var current_caches = { prefetch: 'prefetch-cache-v' + cache_version }; self.addeventlistener('install', function(event) { var urlstoprefetch = [ './static/pre_fetched.txt', './static/pre_fetched.html', '' ]; console.log('handling install event.
MediaTrackSettings.sampleSize - Web APIs
the most commonly used sample size for many years now is 16 bits per sample, which was used for cd audio among others.
...for example, 16-bit stereo audio requires (16/8)*2 or 4 bytes per sample.
MediaTrackSettings - Web APIs
cd-quality audio, for example, is 16-bit, so this value would be 16 in that case.
...common values include 1.3333333333 (for the classic television 4:3 "standard" aspect ratio, also used on tablets such as apple's ipad), 1.7777777778 (for the 16:9 high-definition widescreen aspect ratio), and 1.6 (for the 16:10 aspect ratio common among widescreen computers and tablets).
Transcoding assets for Media Source Extensions - Web APIs
run the following commands (shown with sample output): $ python -b 5 -v bunny_fragmented.mp4 encoding 5 bitrates, min bitrate = 500.0 max bitrate = 2000.0 media source: video: resolution=640x360 encoding bitrate: 500, resolution: 256x144 encoding bitrate: 875, resolution: 384x216 encoding bitrate: 1250, resolution: 480x270 encoding bitrate: 1625, resolution: 560x316 encoding bitrate: 2000, resolution: 640x360 $ python video_0* parsing media file 1: video_00500.mp4 parsing media file 2: video_00875.mp4 parsing media file 3: video_01250.mp4 parsing media file 4: video_01625.mp4 parsing media file 5: video_02000.mp4 splitting media file (audio) video_00500.mp4 s...
...plitting media file (video) video_00500.mp4 splitting media file (video) video_00875.mp4 splitting media file (video) video_01250.mp4 splitting media file (video) video_01625.mp4 splitting media file (video) video_02000.mp4 $ tree -l 2 output output ├── audio │ └── und ├── stream.mpd └── video ├── 1 ├── 2 ├── 3 ├── 4 └── 5 8 directories, 1 file note: does not display ffmpeg error messages.
Using Navigation Timing - Web APIs
html <div class="output"> </div> css .output { border: 1px solid #bbb; font: 16px "open sans", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; } in tandem with appropriate html and css, the result is: the values listed are for the <iframe> in which the sample is presented above.
... html <div class="output"> </div> css .output { border: 1px solid #bbb; font: 16px "open sans", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; } with this code in place, the result looks like this: the values listed are for the <iframe> in which the sample is presented. - Web APIs
the country read-only property of the paymentaddress interface is a string identifying the address's country using the iso 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
... syntax var paymentcountry =; value a domstring which contains the iso3166-1 alpha-2 code identifying the country in which the address is located, or an empty string if no country is available, which frequently can be assumed to mean "same country as the site owner." usage notes if the payment handler validates the address and determines that the value of country is invalid, a call to paymentrequestupdateevent.updatewith() will be made with a details object containing a shippingaddresserrors field.
PaymentAddress.regionCode - Web APIs
the code is derived from the iso 3166-2 standard, which defines codes for identifying the subdivisions (e.g., states, provinces, autonomous regions, etc.) of all countries in the world.
...this should correspond to region, but should be the iso 3166--2 standard's region code.
PaymentAddress - Web APIs read only a domstring specifying the country in which the address is located, using the iso-3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
... paymentaddress.regioncode read only a domstring specifying the region of the address, represented as a "code element" of an iso3166-2 country subdivision name (e.g.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.challenge - Web APIs
note: a challenge will be at least 16 bytes long.
... syntax challenge = publickeycredentialcreationoptions.challenge value a buffersource which is at least 16 bytes long.
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.challenge - Web APIs
note: a challenge will be at least 16 bytes long.
... syntax challenge = publickeycredentialrequestoptions.challenge value a buffersource which is at least 16 bytes long.
RTCConfiguration - Web APIs
icecandidatepoolsize optional an unsigned 16-bit integer value which specifies the size of the prefetched ice candidate pool.
...removed from the specification's may 13, 2016 working draft.
RTCIceCandidate.port - Web APIs
syntax var port = rtcicecandidate.port; value a 16-bit number indicating the port number on the device at the address indicated by ip at which the candidate's peer can be reached.
... usage notes consider this sdp attribute line (a-line) which describes an ice candidate: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the port number is found in the sixth field, which is "44323".
RTCIceCandidate.relatedPort - Web APIs
syntax var relport = rtcicecandidate.relatedport; value an unsigned 16-bit value containing the candidate's related port number, if any.
... here's an sdp attribute line (a-line) describing an ice candidate discovered by the stun server: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 6502 typ srflx raddr rport 32768 generation 0 the remote port, relatedport, is the number immediately following the "rport" label on the a-line, or 32768.
RTCIceCandidateInit.candidate - Web APIs
for an a-line (attribute line) that looks like this: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the corresponding candidate string's value will be "candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host".
...the complete list of attributes for this example candidate is: foundation = 4234997325 component = "rtp" (the number 1 is encoded to this string; 2 becomes "rtcp") protocol = "udp" priority = 2043278322 ip = "" port = 44323 type = "host" example when a new ice candidate is received by your signaling code from the remote peer, you need to construct the rtcicecandidate object that encapsulates it.
SVGPathSeg - Web APIs
ic_rel = 7 pathseg_curveto_quadratic_abs = 8 pathseg_curveto_quadratic_rel = 9 pathseg_arc_abs = 10 pathseg_arc_rel = 11 pathseg_lineto_horizontal_abs = 12 pathseg_lineto_horizontal_rel = 13 pathseg_lineto_vertical_abs = 14 pathseg_lineto_vertical_rel = 15 pathseg_curveto_cubic_smooth_abs = 16 pathseg_curveto_cubic_smooth_rel = 17 pathseg_curveto_quadratic_smooth_abs = 18 pathseg_curveto_quadratic_smooth_rel = 19 normative document svg 1.1 (2nd edition) constants name value description ...
... pathseg_curveto_cubic_smooth_abs 16 corresponds to an "absolute smooth cubic curveto" (s) path data command.
ScriptProcessorNode - Web APIs
the buffer size must be a power of 2 between 256 and 16384, that is 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 or 16384.
...its value can be a power of 2 value in the range 256–16384.
SubtleCrypto.digest() - Web APIs
sha-1 this algorithm is specified in fips 180-4, section 6.1, and produces an output 160 bits long.
...on digestmessage(message) { const msguint8 = new textencoder().encode(message); // encode as (utf-8) uint8array const hashbuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('sha-256', msguint8); // hash the message const hasharray = array.from(new uint8array(hashbuffer)); // convert buffer to byte array const hashhex = => b.tostring(16).padstart(2, '0')).join(''); // convert bytes to hex string return hashhex; } const digesthex = await digestmessage(text); console.log(digesthex); specifications specification status comment web cryptography apithe definition of 'subtlecrypto.digest()' in that specification.
SubtleCrypto.encrypt() - Web APIs
function getmessageencoding() { const messagebox = document.queryselector(".aes-ctr #message"); let message = messagebox.value; let enc = new textencoder(); return enc.encode(message); } function encryptmessage(key) { let encoded = getmessageencoding(); // counter will be needed for decryption counter = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "aes-ctr", counter, length: 64 }, key, encoded ); } let iv = new uint8array(16); let key = new uint8array(16); let data = new uint8array(12345); //crypto functions are wrapped in promises so we have to use await and make sure the function that //contains this code is an async function //encrypt function wants ...
... function getmessageencoding() { const messagebox = document.queryselector(".aes-cbc #message"); let message = messagebox.value; let enc = new textencoder(); return enc.encode(message); } function encryptmessage(key) { let encoded = getmessageencoding(); // iv will be needed for decryption iv = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "aes-cbc", iv }, key, encoded ); } aes-gcm this code fetches the contents of a text box, encodes it for encryption, and encrypts it using aes in gcm mode.
TextDecoder() - Web APIs
'iso-8859-8i' "csisolatin6", "iso-8859-10", "iso-ir-157", "iso8859-10", "iso885910", "l6", "latin6" 'iso-8859-10' "iso-8859-13", "iso8859-13", "iso885913" 'iso-8859-13' "iso-8859-14", "iso8859-14", "iso885914" 'iso-8859-14' "csisolatin9", "iso-8859-15", "iso8859-15", "iso885915", "l9", "latin9" 'iso-8859-15' "iso-8859-16" 'iso-8859-16' "cskoi8r", "koi", "koi8", "koi8-r", "koi8_r" 'koi8-r' "koi8-u" 'koi8-u' "csmacintosh", "mac", "macintosh", "x-mac-roman" 'macintosh' "dos-874", "iso-8859-11", "iso8859-11", "iso885911", "tis-620", "windows-874" 'windows-874' "cp1250", "windows-1250", "x-cp1250" 'windows-1250' "cp1251", "...
... 'iso-2022-jp' "csshiftjis", "ms_kanji", "shift-jis", "shift_jis", "sjis", "windows-31j", "x-sjis" 'shift-jis' "cseuckr", "csksc56011987", "euc-kr", "iso-ir-149", "korean", "ks_c_5601-1987", "ks_c_5601-1989", "ksc5601", "ksc_5601", "windows-949" 'euc-kr' "csiso2022kr", "iso-2022-kr" 'iso-2022-kr' "utf-16be" 'utf-16be' "utf-16", "utf-16le" 'utf-16le' "x-user-defined" 'x-user-defined' "iso-2022-cn", "iso-2022-cn-ext" 'replacement' optionsoptional is a textdecoderoptions dictionary with the property: fatal a boolean flag indicating if the textdecoder.decode() method must throw a domexception with the "encodingerror" value when an...
TextDecoder.prototype.encoding - Web APIs
the legacy single-byte encodings: 'ibm866', 'iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-3', 'iso-8859-4', 'iso-8859-5', 'iso-8859-6', 'iso-8859-7', 'iso-8859-8'', 'iso-8859-8i', 'iso-8859-10', 'iso-8859-13', 'iso-8859-14', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-16', 'koi8-r', 'koi8-u', 'macintosh', 'windows-874', 'windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'windows-1252', 'windows-1253', 'windows-1254', 'windows-1255', 'windows-1256', 'windows-1257', 'windows-1258', or 'x-mac-cyrillic'.
... the legacy miscelleanous encodings: 'utf-16be', 'utf-16le', and 'x-user-defined'.
TextDecoder - Web APIs
examples representing text with typed arrays this example shows how to decode a chinese/japanese character , as represented by five different typed arrays: uint8array, int8array, uint16array, int16array, and int32array.
... let utf8decoder = new textdecoder(); // default 'utf-8' or 'utf8' let u8arr = new uint8array([240, 160, 174, 183]); let i8arr = new int8array([-16, -96, -82, -73]); let u16arr = new uint16array([41200, 47022]); let i16arr = new int16array([-24336, -18514]); let i32arr = new int32array([-1213292304]); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(u8arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i8arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(u16arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i16arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i32arr)); handling non-utf8 text in this example, we decode the russian text "Привет, мир!", which means "hello, world." in our textdecoder() constructor, we specify the windows-1251 character encoding, which is appropriate for cyrillic script.
WebGL2RenderingContext.texSubImage3D() - Web APIs
gl.r8 gl.r16f gl.r32f gl.r8ui gl.rg8 gl.rg16f gl.rg32f gl.rgui gl.rgb8 gl.srgb8 gl.rgb565 gl.r11f_g11f_b10f gl.rgb9_e5 gl.rgb16f gl.rgb32f gl.rgb8ui gl.rgba8 gl.srgb_aplha8 gl.rgb5_a1 gl.rgba4444 gl.rgba16f gl.rgba32f gl.rgba8ui type a glenum specifying the data type of the texel data.
... a uint16array must be used if type is either gl.unsigned_short_5_6_5, gl.unsigned_short_4_4_4_4, gl.unsigned_short_5_5_5_1, or ext.half_float_oes.
Matrix math for the web - Web APIs
these matrices consist of a set of 16 values arranged in a 4x4 grid.
...bear in mind that even though the matrix is made up of 4 rows and 4 columns, it collapses into a single line of 16 values.
WebGL types - Web APIs
glshort short 16-bit twos complement signed integer.
... glushort unsigned short 16-bit twos complement unsigned integer.
Using WebRTC data channels - Web APIs
messages smaller than 16kib can be sent without concern, as all major user agents handle them the same way.
... concerns with large messages currently, it's not practical to use rtcdatachannel for messages larger than 64kib (16kib if you want to support cross-browser exchange of data).
Writing WebSocket servers - Web APIs
rver or vice-versa) follows this same format: frame format: ​​ 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |f|r|r|r| opcode|m| payload len | extended payload length | |i|s|s|s| (4) |a| (7) | (16/64) | |n|v|v|v| |s| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |k| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+ | ...
... read the next 16 bits and interpret those as an unsigned integer.
XRRigidTransform.matrix - Web APIs
syntax let matrix = xrrigidtransform.matrix; value a float32array containing 16 entries which represents the 4x4 transform matrix which is described by the position and orientation properties.
... usage notes matrix format all 4x4 transform matrices used in webgl are stored in 16-element float32arrays.
ARIA: cell role - Accessibility
der" aria-sort="none" aria-rowindex="1">aria role</span> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none" aria-rowindex="1">semantic element</span> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="11">header</span> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="11">h1</span> </div> <div role="row"> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="16">header</span> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="16">h6</span> </div> <div role="row"> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="18">rowgroup</span> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="18">thead</span> </div> <div role="row"> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="24">term</span> <span role="cell" aria-rowindex="24">dt</span> </div> </div> </div> the above is a ...
...aria-sort="none" aria-rowindex="1">aria role</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-sort="none" aria-rowindex="1">semantic element</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody role="rowgroup"> <tr role="row"> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="11">header</td> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="11">h1</td> </tr> <tr role="row"> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="16">header</td> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="16">h6</td> </tr> <tr role="row"> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="18">rowgroup</td> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="18">thead</td> </tr> <tr role="row"> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="24">term</td> <td role="cell" aria-rowindex="24">dt</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> above is the semantic way o...
ARIA: row role - Accessibility
div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</span> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</span> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h1</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h6</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="18"> <span role="cell">rowgroup</span> <span role="cell">thead</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="24"> <span role="cell">term</span> <span role="cell">dt</span> </div> </div> </div> the above is a non-semantic aria table with f...
...le="rowgroup"> <tr role="row"> <th role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody role="rowgroup"> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <td role="cell">header</td> <td role="cell">h1</td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <td role="cell">header</td> <td role="cell">h6</td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="18"> <td role="cell">rowgroup</td> <td role="cell">thead</td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="24"> <td role="cell">term</td> <td role="cell">dt</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> above is the semantic way of writing a table.
ARIA: rowgroup role - Accessibility
div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</span> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</span> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h1</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h6</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="18"> <span role="cell">rowgroup</span> <span role="cell">thead</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="24"> <span role="cell">term</span> <span role="cell">dt</span> </div> </div> </div> the above is a non-semantic aria table with a...
...le="rowgroup"> <tr role="row"> <th role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody role="rowgroup"> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <td role="cell">header</td> <td role="cell">h1</td> </tr> <tr role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <td role="cell">header</td> <td role="cell">h6</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> above is the semantic way of writing a table.
ARIA: table role - Accessibility
s roles</div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</span> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</span> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h1</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h6</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="18"> <span role="cell">rowgroup</span> <span role="cell">thead</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="24"> <span role="cell">term</span> <span role="cell">dt</span> </div> </div> </div> description an element with role="table" is a ...
...div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">aria role</span> <span role="columnheader" aria-sort="none">semantic element</span> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="11"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h1</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="16"> <span role="cell">header</span> <span role="cell">h6</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="18"> <span role="cell">rowgroup</span> <span role="cell">thead</span> </div> <div role="row" aria-rowindex="24"> <span role="cell">term</span> <span role="cell">dt</span> </div> </div> </div> the above is part of a table.
-moz-device-pixel-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
media: media/visual accepts min/max prefixes: yes examples basic compatibility example -moz-device-pixel-ratio may be used for compatibility with firefox older than 16, and alongside -webkit-device-pixel-ratio for compatibility with webkit-based browsers that do not support dppx.
... example: @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), /* webkit-based browsers */ (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), /* older firefox browsers (prior to firefox 16) */ (min-resolution: 2dppx), /* the standard way */ (min-resolution: 192dpi) /* dppx fallback */ note: see this csswg article for compatibility good practices regarding resolution and dppx.
aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
v { background: #9af; /* blue */ } } /* maximum aspect ratio */ @media (max-aspect-ratio: 3/2) { div { background: #9ff; /* cyan */ } } /* exact aspect ratio, put it at the bottom to avoid override*/ @media (aspect-ratio: 1/1) { div { background: #f9a; /* red */ } } _example used iframe and dataurl to enable this iframe could resize html <label id="wf" for="w">width:165</label> <input id="w" name="w" type="range" min="100" max="250" step="5" value="165"> <label id="hf" for="w">height:165</label> <input id="h" name="h" type="range" min="100" max="250" step="5" value="165"> <iframe id="outer" src="data:text/html,<style> @media (min-aspect-ratio: 8/5) { div { background: %239af; } } @media (max-aspect-ratio: 3/2) { div { background: %239ff; } } @media (aspect-rat... 1/1) { div { background: %23f9a; } }</style><div id='inner'> watch this element as you resize your viewport's width and height.</div>"> </iframe> css iframe{ display:block; } javascript"165px" w.onchange=w.oninput=function(){"px" wf.textcontent="width:"+w.value } h.onchange=h.oninput=function(){"px" hf.textcontent="height:"+h.value } result specifications specification status comment media queries level 4the definition of 'aspect-ratio' in that specification.
Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <p>this paragraph is initial black.</p> css :root { --text-color: 16px; } p { color: blue; } p { color: var(--text-color); } as expected, the browser substitutes the value of --text-color in place of var(--text-color), but 16px is not a valid property value for color.
...if you had written color: 16px without any variable substitutes, then it was a syntax error.
animation-delay - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
rnetanimation-delaychrome full support 43 full support 43 full support 3prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-edge full support 12firefox full support 16notes full support 16notes notes before firefox 57, firefox does not repaint elements outside the viewport that are animated into the viewport with a delay.
...≤37prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-chrome android full support 43 full support 43 full support 18prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-firefox android full support 16 full support 16 full support 49prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit- full support 44prefixed disabled prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-disabled from version 44: this feature is behind the layout.css.prefixes.webkit pref...
box-sizing - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <div class="content-box">content box</div> <br> <div class="border-box">border box</div> css div { width: 160px; height: 80px; padding: 20px; border: 8px solid red; background: yellow; } .content-box { box-sizing: content-box; /* total width: 160px + (2 * 20px) + (2 * 8px) = 216px total height: 80px + (2 * 20px) + (2 * 8px) = 136px content box width: 160px content box height: 80px */ } .border-box { box-sizing: border-box; /* total width: 160px total height: 80px ...
... content box width: 160px - (2 * 20px) - (2 * 8px) = 104px content box height: 80px - (2 * 20px) - (2 * 8px) = 24px */ } result specifications specification status comment css basic user interface module level 3the definition of 'box-sizing' in that specification.
font - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
line-height must immediately follow font-size, preceded by "/", like this: "16px/3" font-family must be the last value specified."radio" id="font-weight-bold" name="font_weight" value="700" onchange="setcss()"> <label for="font-weight-bold">bold</label> </div> <div class="setpropcont"> font-size<br/> <input type="radio" id="font-size-12px" name="font_size" value="12px" onchange="setcss()"> <label for="font-size-12px">12px</label><br/> <input type="radio" id="font-size-16px" name="font_size" value="16px" checked="" onchange="setcss()"> <label for="font-size-16px">16px</label><br/> <input type="radio" id="font-size-24px" name="font_size" value="24px" onchange="setcss()"> <label for="font-size-24px">24px</label> </div> <div class="setpropcont"> line-height<br/> <input type="radio" id="line-height-none" name="line_...
image-set() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
see bug 160934.webview android full support 4.4prefixed full support 4.4prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-chrome android full support 25prefixed full support 25prefixed prefixed implemented with the v...
...see bug internet android full support 1.5prefixed full support 1.5prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -webkit-legend full support full support partial support ...
min-width - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
uto as the initial value for min-width.edge full support 12notes full support 12notes notes edge uses auto as the initial value for min-width.firefox full support 34 full support 34 no support 16 — 22notes notes firefox 18 and later (until the value was removed), used auto as the initial value for no support noopera full support 12.1notes full support 12.1notes notes opera uses auto as the initial value for min-width.safari ...
...alue for android full support 25notes full support 25notes notes chrome uses auto as the initial value for min-width.firefox android full support 34 full support 34 no support 16 — 22notes notes firefox 18 and later (until the value was removed), used auto as the initial value for min-width.opera android full support 14notes full support 14notes notes opera uses auto as the initial value for min-width.safari ios no support nosamsung int...
object-position - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetobject-positionchrome full support 31edge full support 16firefox full support 36ie no support noopera full support 19 full support 19 full support 11.6prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -o-safari f...
... full support 12prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -o-safari ios full support 10samsung internet android full support 2.0support for three-value syntax of positionchrome no support 31 — 68edge no support 16 — 79firefox no support 36 — 70ie no support noopera no support 19 — 55 no support 19 — 55 full support 11.6prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: -o-safari full support ...
offset-path - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
"> <title>house and scissors</title> <rect x="595" y="423" width="610" height="377" fill="blue" /> <polygon points="506,423 900,190 1294,423" fill="yellow" /> <polygon points="993,245 993,190 1086,190 1086,300" fill="red" /> <path id="house" d="m900,190 l993,245 v201 a11,11 0 0,1 1004,190 h1075 a11,11 0 0,1 1086,201 v300 l1294,423 h1216 a11,11 0 0,0 1205,434 v789 a11,11 0 0,1 1194,800 h606 a11,11 0 0,1 595,789 v434 a11,11 0 0,0 584,423 h506 l900,190" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="13" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path id="firstscissorhalf" class="scissorhalf" d="m30,0 h-10 a10,10 0 0,0 -20,10 a20,20 0 1,1 -40,-10 h20 a10,10 0 0,1 30,0 m-40,20 a10,1...
...20 a10,10 1 0,0 -40,0 a10,10 1 0,0 -40,-20 m0,0" transform="translate(0,0)" fill="forestgreen" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" fill-rule="evenodd" /> </svg> css .scissorhalf { offset-path: path('m900,190 l993,245 v201 a11,11 0 0,1 1004,190 h1075 a11,11 0 0,1 1086,201 v300 l1294,423 h1216 a11,11 0 0,0 1205,434 v789 a11,11 0 0,1 1194,800 h606 a11,11 0 0,1 595,789 v434 a11,11 0 0,0 584,423 h506 l900,190'); animation: followpath 4s linear infinite; } @keyframes followpath { to { motion-offset: 100%; offset-distance: 100%; } } result specifications <body> specification status comment motion path module level 1the definition ...
position - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ndroid full support 14safari ios full support 1samsung internet android full support 1.0table elements as sticky positioning containerschrome full support 56edge full support 16firefox full support 59ie no support noopera full support 43safari full support 8webview android full support 56chrome android full support ...
...rt 59opera android full support 43safari ios full support 8samsung internet android full support 6.0stickychrome full support 56edge full support 16firefox full support 32 full support 32 no support 26 — 48disabled disabled from version 26 until version 48 (exclusive): this feature is behind the layout.css.sticky.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
<ratio> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples use in a media query @media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 16/9) { ...
... 16/9 modern "widescreen" tv format.
matrix3d() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax the matrix3d() function is specified with 16 values.
... note: until firefox 16, gecko accepted a <length> value for a4, b4 and c4.
vertical-align - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, it could be used to vertically position an <img> in a line of text: <p> top:<img style="vertical-align:top" src=""/> middle:<img style="vertical-align:middle" src=""/> bottom:<img style="vertical-align:bottom" src=""/> super:<img style="vertical-align:super" src=""/> sub:<img style="vertical-align:sub" src="https://udn.realityrippl..."/> </p> <p> text-top:<img style="vertical-align:text-top" src=""/> text-bottom:<img style="vertical-align:text-bottom" src=""/> 0.2em:<img style="vertical-align:0.2em" src=""/> -1em:<img style="vertical-align:-1em" src=""/> 20%:<img style="vertical-align:20%" src=""/> -100%:<img style="vertical-align:-100%" src=""/> </p> #* { box-sizing: border-box; } img { margin-right: 0.5em; } p { height: 3em; padding: 0 .5em; font-...
Video player styling basics - Developer guides
a maximum width and height (based on the dimensions of the video used) and centered within the page: figure { max-width:64rem; width:100%; max-height:30.875rem; height:100%; margin:1.25rem auto; padding:1.051%; background-color:#666; } the video controls container itself also needs some styling so that it is set up the correct way: .controls { width:100%; height:8.0971659919028340080971659919028%; /* of figure's height */ position:relative; } the height of the .controls class is set to be (a very precise!) percentage of the enclosing <figure> element (this was worked out with experimentation based on the required button height).
...the definitions for the elements within the .controls element now also need to changed: @media screen and (max-width:42.5em) { .controls { height:auto; } .controls > * { display:block; width:16.6667%; margin-left:0; height:2.5rem; margin-top:2.5rem; } .controls .progress { position:absolute; top:0; width:100%; float:none; margin-top:0; } .controls .progress progress { width:98%; margin:0 auto; } .controls button { background-position:center center; } } the .progress container is now moved to the t...
Applying color to HTML elements using CSS - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
here are some sample colors in hsl notation: table { border: 1px solid black; font: 16px "open sans", helvetica, arial, sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding:4px 6px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 75%); } <table> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">color in hsl notation</th> <th scope="col">example</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><code>hsl(90deg, 100%, 50%)</code><...
... #box { width: 500px; height: 200px; border: 2px solid rgb(245, 220, 225); padding: 4px 6px; font: 16px "lucida grande", "helvetica", "arial", "sans-serif" } javascript the script here handles the task of updating the starting color of the border to match the color picker's value.
HTML attribute: maxlength - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the maxlength attribute defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
...the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text value of the field is greater than maxlength utf-16 code units long.
HTML attribute: minlength - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the minlength attribute defines the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
... the input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text value of the field is less than minlength utf-16 code units long, with validitystate.tooshort returning true.
<details>: The Details disclosure element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
css details { font: 16px "open sans", calibri, sans-serif; width: 620px; } details > summary { padding: 2px 6px; width: 15em; background-color: #ddd; border: none; box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px black; cursor: pointer; } details > p { border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px; background-color: #ddd; padding: 2px 6px; margin: 0; box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px black; } this css creates a look similar to a tabbed interf...
... css details { font: 16px "open sans", calibri, sans-serif; width: 620px; } details > summary { padding: 2px 6px; width: 15em; background-color: #ddd; border: none; box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px black; cursor: pointer; list-style: none; } details > summary::-webkit-details-marker { display: none; } details > p { border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px; background-color: #ddd; padding: 2px 6px; margin: 0; b...
<tbody>: The Table Body element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
table { border: 2px solid #555; border-collapse: collapse; font: 16px "lucida grande", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; } first, the table's overall style attributes are set, configuring the thickness, style, and color of the table's exterior borders and using border-collapse to ensure that the border lines are shared among adjacent cells rather than each having its own borders with space in between.
... css table { border: 2px solid #555; border-collapse: collapse; font: 16px "lucida grande", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; } th, td { border: 1px solid #bbb; padding: 2px 8px 0; text-align: left; } thead > tr > th { background-color: #cce; font-size: 18px; border-bottom: 2px solid #999; } most of the css is unchanged.
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
maxlength the maximum number of characters (utf-16 code units) that the user can enter.
... minlength the minimum number of characters (utf-16 code units) required that the user should enter.
<tr>: The Table Row element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
table { border: 1px solid black; font: 16px "open sans", helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } thead > tr { background-color: rgb(228, 240, 245); } th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding:4px 6px; } while we add a font property to the <table> element here to set a more visually-appealing typeface (or an an abominable sans-serif typeface, depending on your personal opinion), the interesting part is the second style here, where we st...
... the table and base styles table { border: 1px solid black; font: 16px "open sans", helvetica, arial, sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } here we've added the border-spacing and border-collapse properties to eliminate spacing between cells and collapse borders that touch one another to be a single border instead of winding up with double borders.
Configuring servers for Ogg media - HTTP
see bug 1160695 for more details.
... serialno 1976223438 4 packets in 3 pages, 1.3 packets/page, 27.508% ogg overhead presentation-time: 0.000 basetime: 0.000 theora: serialno 0170995062 1790 packets in 1068 pages, 1.7 packets/page, 1.049% ogg overhead video-framerate: 29.983 fps video-width: 640 video-height: 360 vorbis: serialno 0708996688 4531 packets in 167 pages, 27.1 packets/page, 1.408% ogg overhead audio-samplerate: 44100 hz audio-channels: 2 note that you can't simply serve up the reported content-duration line reported by oggz-info, because it's reported in hh:mm:ss format.
Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP
.36 (khtml, like gecko) version/4.0 focus/4.1 chrome/62.0.3029.83 mobile safari/537.36 6.0+ (geckoview) mozilla/5.0 (android 7.0; mobile; rv:62.0) gecko/62.0 firefox/62.0 focus for ios version 7 of focus for ios uses a user agent string with the following format: mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 12_1 like mac os x) applewebkit/605.1.15 (khtml, like gecko) fxios/7.0.4 mobile/16b91 safari/605.1.15 note: this user agent was retrieved from an iphone xr simulator and may be different on device.
... see also firefox os user agent string (blog post w/bug 777710 reference) final user agent string for firefox 4 (blog post) recommendations on sniffing the ua string for cross-browser support window.navigator.useragent add android version to fennec ua string (bug 1169772) comments to ...
HTTP response status codes - HTTP
the below status codes are defined by section 10 of rfc 2616.
... 416 range not satisfiable the range specified by the range header field in the request can't be fulfilled; it's possible that the range is outside the size of the target uri's data.
Grammar and types - JavaScript
numeric literals number and bigint types can be written in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8) and binary (base 2).
... some examples of numeric literals are: 0, 117, -345, 123456789123456789n (decimal, base 10) 015, 0001, -0o77, 0o777777777777n (octal, base 8) 0x1123, 0x00111, -0xf1a7, 0x123456789abcdefn (hexadecimal, "hex" or base 16) 0b11, 0b0011, -0b11, 0b11101001010101010101n (binary, base 2) for more information, see numeric literals in the lexical grammar reference.
Indexed collections - JavaScript
type value range size in bytes description web idl type equivalent c type int8array -128 to 127 1 8-bit two's complement signed integer byte int8_t uint8array 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer octet uint8_t uint8clampedarray 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint...
...32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted double double bigint64array -263 to 263-1 8 64-bit two's complement signed integer bigint int64_t (signed long long) biguint64array 0 to 264-1 8 64-bit unsigned integer bigint uint64_t (unsigned long long) for more information, see javascript typed arrays and the reference documentation for the different typedarray objects.
Numbers and dates - JavaScript
0xfffffffffffffffff // 295147905179352830000 0x123456789abcdef // 81985529216486900 0xa // 10 exponentiation 1e3 // 1000 2e6 // 2000000 0.1e2 // 10 number object the built-in number object has properties for numerical constants, such as maximum value, not-a-number, and infinity.
...table number (±5e-324) number.nan special "not a number" value number.negative_infinity special negative infinite value; returned on overflow number.positive_infinity special positive infinite value; returned on overflow number.epsilon difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that can be represented as a number (2.220446049250313e-16) number.min_safe_integer minimum safe integer in javascript (−253 + 1, or −9007199254740991) number.max_safe_integer maximum safe integer in javascript (+253 − 1, or +9007199254740991) methods of number method description number.parsefloat() parses a string argument and returns a floating point number.
Array.prototype.reduce() - JavaScript
=> { return accumulator + currentvalue }, 10) callback iteration accumulator currentvalue currentindex array return value first call 10 0 0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 10 second call 10 1 1 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 11 third call 11 2 2 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 13 fourth call 13 3 3 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 16 fifth call 16 4 4 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] 20 the value returned by reduce() in this case would be 20.
... for composition const double = x => x + x const triple = x => 3 * x const quadruple = x => 4 * x // function composition enabling pipe functionality const pipe = (...functions) => input => functions.reduce( (acc, fn) => fn(acc), input ) // composed functions for multiplication of specific values const multiply6 = pipe(double, triple) const multiply9 = pipe(triple, triple) const multiply16 = pipe(quadruple, quadruple) const multiply24 = pipe(double, triple, quadruple) // usage multiply6(6) // 36 multiply9(9) // 81 multiply16(16) // 256 multiply24(10) // 240 write map using reduce if (!array.prototype.mapusingreduce) { array.prototype.mapusingreduce = function(callback, thisarg) { return this.reduce(function(mappedarray, currentvalue, index, array) { mappedarray...
Array.prototype.flatMap() - JavaScript
// let's say we want to remove all the negative numbers // and split the odd numbers into an even number and a 1 let a = [5, 4, -3, 20, 17, -33, -4, 18] // |\ \ x | | \ x x | // [4,1, 4, 20, 16, 1, 18] a.flatmap( (n) => (n < 0) ?
...[n] : [n-1, 1] ) // expected output: [4, 1, 4, 20, 16, 1, 18] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array.prototype.flatmap' in that specification.
BigInt.prototype.toString() - JavaScript
for example, for hexadecimal numbers (base 16) a through f are used.
... examples using tostring 17n.tostring(); // '17' 66n.tostring(2); // '1000010' 254n.tostring(16); // 'fe' -10n.tostring(2); // -1010' -0xffn.tostring(2); // '-11111111' negative-zero bigint there is no negative-zero bigint as there are no negative zeros in integers.
DataView() constructor - JavaScript
for example, if the buffer is 16 bytes long, the byteoffset is 8, and the bytelength is 10, this error is thrown because the resulting view tries to extend 2 bytes past the total length of the buffer.
... examples using dataview var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var view = new dataview(buffer, 0); view.setint16(1, 42); view.getint16(1); // 42 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'dataview constructor' in that specification.
Date.UTC() - JavaScript
syntax since ecmascript 2017: date.utc(year[, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]]]]) ecmascript 2016 and earlier: (month used to be required) date.utc(year, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]]]) parameters year a full year.
...(up through ecmascript 2016, month was a required parameter.
JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
'quux'; // a: [ 0: 'foo', 1: 'bar', baz: 'quux' ] json.stringify(a); // '["foo","bar"]' json.stringify({ x: [10, undefined, function(){}, symbol('')] }); // '{"x":[10,null,null,null]}' // standard data structures json.stringify([new set([1]), new map([[1, 2]]), new weakset([{a: 1}]), new weakmap([[{a: 1}, 2]])]); // '[{},{},{},{}]' // typedarray json.stringify([new int8array([1]), new int16array([1]), new int32array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1}]' json.stringify([new uint8array([1]), new uint8clampedarray([1]), new uint16array([1]), new uint32array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1}]' json.stringify([new float32array([1]), new float64array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1}]' // tojson() json.stringify({ x: 5, y: 6, tojson(){ return this.x + this.y; } }); // '11' // sym...
...before this change json.stringify would output lone surrogates if the input contained any lone surrogates; such strings could not be encoded in valid utf-8 or utf-16: json.stringify("\ud800"); // '"�"' but with this change json.stringify represents lone surrogates using json escape sequences that can be encoded in valid utf-8 or utf-16: json.stringify("\ud800"); // '"\\ud800"' this change should be backwards-compatible as long as you pass the result of json.stringify to apis such as json.parse that will accept any valid json text, because they will trea...
Math.log1p() - JavaScript
1 + 1e-15 = 1.000000000000001, but 1 + 1e-16 = 1.000000000000000 and therefore exactly 1.0 in that arithmetic, because digits past 15 are rounded off.
... if, instead, you calculate math.log1p(1.1111111111e-15) you will get a much more accurate answer 1.1111111110999995e-15 with 15 correct digits of precision (actually 16 in this case).
Number.prototype.toString() - JavaScript
for example, for hexadecimal numbers (base 16), a through f are used.
... examples using tostring let count = 10 console.log(count.tostring()) // displays '10' console.log((17).tostring()) // displays '17' console.log((17.2).tostring()) // displays '17.2' let x = 6 console.log(x.tostring(2)) // displays '110' console.log((254).tostring(16)) // displays 'fe' console.log((-10).tostring(2)) // displays '-1010' console.log((-0xff).tostring(2)) // displays '-11111111' specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'number.prototype.tostring' in that specification.
RegExp.prototype[@@matchAll]() - JavaScript
let re = /[0-9]+/g; let str = '2016-01-02'; let result = re[symbol.matchall](str); console.log(array.from(result, x => x[0])); // ["2016", "01", "02"] using @@matchall in subclasses subclasses of regexp can override the [@@matchall]() method to modify the default behavior.
... for example, to return an array instead of an iterator: class myregexp extends regexp { [symbol.matchall](str) { const result = regexp.prototype[symbol.matchall].call(this, str); if (!result) { return null; } else { return array.from(result); } } } const re = new myregexp('([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)', 'g'); const str = '2016-01-02|2019-03-07'; const result = str.matchall(re); console.log(result[0]); // [ "2016-01-02", "2016", "01", "02" ] console.log(result[1]); // [ "2019-03-07", "2019", "03", "07" ] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'regexp.prototype[@@matchall]' in that specification.
String.prototype.codePointAt() - JavaScript
if no utf-16 surrogate pair begins at pos, the code unit at pos is returned.
... 'writable': true }); } else { string.prototype.codepointat = codepointat; } }()); } examples using codepointat() 'abc'.codepointat(1) // 66 '\ud800\udc00'.codepointat(0) // 65536 'xyz'.codepointat(42) // undefined looping with codepointat() for (let codepoint of '\ud83d\udc0e\ud83d\udc71\u2764') { console.log(codepoint.codepointat(0).tostring(16)) } // '1f40e', '1f471', '2764' specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.prototype.codepointat' in that specification.
String.prototype.matchAll() - JavaScript
regexp.exec (and regexes with the /g flag) in a loop to obtain all the matches: const regexp = regexp('foo[a-z]*','g'); const str = 'table football, foosball'; let match; while ((match = regexp.exec(str)) !== null) { console.log(`found ${match[0]} start=${match.index} end=${regexp.lastindex}.`); // expected output: "found football start=6 end=14." // expected output: "found foosball start=16 end=24." } with matchall available, you can avoid the while loop and exec with g.
...ient for...of, array spread, or array.from() constructs: const regexp = regexp('foo[a-z]*','g'); const str = 'table football, foosball'; const matches = str.matchall(regexp); for (const match of matches) { console.log(`found ${match[0]} start=${match.index} end=${match.index + match[0].length}.`); } // expected output: "found football start=6 end=14." // expected output: "found foosball start=16 end=24." // matches iterator is exhausted after the for..of iteration // call matchall again to create a new iterator array.from(str.matchall(regexp), m => m[0]); // array [ "football", "foosball" ] matchall will throw an exception if the g flag is missing.
String.prototype.slice() - JavaScript
let str = 'the morning is upon us.' str.slice(-3) // returns 'us.' str.slice(-3, -1) // returns 'us' str.slice(0, -1) // returns 'the morning is upon us' this example counts backwards from the end of the string by 11 to find the start index and forwards from the start of the string by 16 to find the end index.
... console.log(str.slice(-11, 16)) // => "is u" here it counts forwards from the start by 11 to find the start index and backwards from the end by 7 to find the end index.
String.prototype.split() - JavaScript
if separator is an empty string (""), str is converted to an array of each of its utf-16 "characters".
... warning: when the empty string ("") is used as a separator, the string is not split by user-perceived characters (grapheme clusters) or unicode characters (codepoints), but by utf-16 codeunits.
TypedArray.from() - JavaScript
syntax typedarray.from(source[, mapfn[, thisarg]]) where typedarray is one of: int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array parameters source an array-like or iterable object to convert to a typed array., thisobj); var typed_array = new this(copy_data.length); for(var i = 0; i < typed_array.length; i++) { typed_array[i] = copy_data[i]; } return typed_array; } })(); } examples from an iterable object (set) const s = new set([1, 2, 3]); uint8array.from(s); // uint8array [ 1, 2, 3 ] from a string int16array.from('123'); // int16array [ 1, 2, 3 ] use with arrow function and map using an arrow function as the map function to manipulate the elements float32array.from([1, 2, 3], x => x + x); // float32array [ 2, 4, 6 ] generate a sequence of numbers uint8array.from({length: 5}, (v, k) => k); // uint8array [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] specifications specification ecmascript (ecm...
TypedArray.of() - JavaScript
syntax typedarray.of(element0[, element1[, ...[, elementn]]]) where typedarray is one of: int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array parameters elementn elements of which to create the typed array.
... examples using of uint8array.of(1); // uint8array [ 1 ] int8array.of('1', '2', '3'); // int8array [ 1, 2, 3 ] float32array.of(1, 2, 3); // float32array [ 1, 2, 3 ] int16array.of(undefined); // int16array [ 0 ] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of '%typedarray%.of' in that specification.
WebAssembly.CompileError - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jscompileerrorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0compileerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.LinkError - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jslinkerrorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0linkerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.RuntimeError - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsruntimeerrorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
... 43safari ios full support 11samsung internet android full support 7.0nodejs full support 8.0.0runtimeerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript
let str = string.raw`hi\n${2+3}!`; // "hi\n5!" str.length; // 6 array.from(str).join(','); // "h,i,\,n,5,!" tagged templates and escape sequences es2016 behavior as of ecmascript 2016, tagged templates conform to the rules of the following escape sequences: unicode escapes started by "\u", for example \u00a9 unicode code point escapes indicated by "\u{}", for example \u{2f804} hexadecimal escapes started by "\x", for example \xa9 octal literal escapes started by "\0o" and followed by one or more digits, for example \0o251 this means that...
... a tagged template like the following is problematic, because, per ecmascript grammar, a parser looks for valid unicode escape sequences, but finds malformed syntax: latex`\unicode` // throws in older ecmascript versions (es2016 and earlier) // syntaxerror: malformed unicode character escape sequence es2018 revision of illegal escape sequences tagged templates should allow the embedding of languages (for example dsls, or latex), where other escapes sequences are common.
Media container formats (file types) - Web media technologies
codec name (short) full codec name browser compatibility1 3gp third generation partnership firefox for android adts audio data transport stream firefox2 flac free lossless audio codec chrome 56, edge 16, firefox 51, safari 11 mpeg / mpeg-2 moving picture experts group (1 and 2) — mpeg-4 (mp4) moving picture experts group 4 chrome 3, edge 12, firefox, internet explorer 9, opera 24, safari 3.1 ogg ogg chrome 3, firefox 3.5, edge 173 (desktop only), internet explorer 9, opera 10.50 quicktime (mov) apple quicktime movie only older version...
...however, quicktime for windows is no longer supported by apple as of early 2016, and should not be used, as there are known security concerns.
Codecs used by WebRTC - Web media technologies
opus the opus format, defined by rfc 6716 is the primary format for audio in webrtc.
... media type recommended bit rate range narrow-band speech (nb) 8 to 12 kbps wide-band speech (wb) 16 to 20 kbps full-band speech (fb) 28 to 40 kbps full-band monaural music (fb mono) 48 to 64 kbps full-band stereo music (fb stereo) 64 to 128 kbps the bit rate may be adjusted at any time.
Animation performance and frame rate - Web Performance
for a rate of 60 frames per second, the browser has 16.7 milliseconds to execute scripts, recalculate styles and layout if needed, and repaint the area being updated.
...with only 16.7ms in our total budget, it's not surprising we are missing a consistently high frame rate.
Populating the page: how browsers work - Web Performance
if you navigate to, the html page is located on the server with ip address of
... to ensure smooth scrolling and animation, everything occupying the main thread, including calculating styles, along with reflow and paint, must take the browser less than 16.67ms to accomplish.
Basic shapes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
5" r="20" stroke="red" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5"/> <ellipse cx="75" cy="75" rx="20" ry="5" stroke="red" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5"/> <line x1="10" x2="50" y1="110" y2="150" stroke="orange" stroke-width="5"/> <polyline points="60 110 65 120 70 115 75 130 80 125 85 140 90 135 95 150 100 145" stroke="orange" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5"/> <polygon points="50 160 55 180 70 180 60 190 65 205 50 195 35 205 40 190 30 180 45 180" stroke="green" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5"/> <path d="m20,230 q40,205 50,230 t90,230" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="5"/> </svg> note: the stroke, stroke-width, and fill attributes are explained later in the tutorial.
... <polygon points="50, 160 55, 180 70, 180 60, 190 65, 205 50, 195 35, 205 40, 190 30, 180 45, 180"/> points a list of points, each number separated by a space, comma, eol, or a line feed character.
Fills and Strokes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <svg width="160" height="140" xmlns="" version="1.1"> <line x1="40" x2="120" y1="20" y2="20" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="butt"/> <line x1="40" x2="120" y1="60" y2="60" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="square"/> <line x1="40" x2="120" y1="100" y2="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg> the stroke-width property d...
... <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <svg width="160" height="280" xmlns="" version="1.1"> <polyline points="40 60 80 20 120 60" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="butt" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="miter"/> <polyline points="40 140 80 100 120 140" stroke="black" stroke-width="20" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <polyline points="40 220 80 180 120 220" stroke=...
Cross-domain Content Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
// main.js var data = require("sdk/self").data; var forecast_panel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ height: 50, contenturl: data.url("panel.html"), contentscriptfile: data.url("panel-script.js") }); forecast_panel.on("show", function(){ forecast_panel.port.emit("show"); }); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "get-forecast", label: "get the forecast", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() {; } }); the "panel.html" just includes a <div> block for the forecast: <!doctype html> <!-- panel.html --> <html> <head></head> <body> <div id="forecast_summary"></div> </body> </html> the "panel-script.js" uses xmlhttprequest to fetch the latest forecast: // panel-script.js var url = "
Content Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
e button, the add-on attaches a content script to the active tab, sends the content script a message called "my-addon-message", and listens for a response called "my-script-response": //main.js var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var buttons = require("sdk/ui/button/action"); var self = require("sdk/self"); buttons.actionbutton({ id: "attach-script", label: "attach the script", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: attachscript }); function attachscript() { var worker = tabs.activetab.attach({ contentscriptfile:"content-script.js") }); worker.port.on("my-script-response", function(response) { console.log(response); }); worker.port.emit("my-addon-message", "message from the add-on"); } // content-script.js self.port.on("my-addon-message", handlemessage); ...
page-mod - Archive of obsolete content
the following add-on creates a button which, when clicked, highlights all the div elements in the document loaded into the active tab: require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "highlight-divs", label: "highlight divs", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() { require("sdk/tabs").activetab.attach({ contentscript: 'var divs = document.getelementsbytagname("div");' + 'for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) {' + 'divs[i].setattribute("style", "border: solid red 1px;");' + '}' }); } }); to run this example you'll also have to have an icon file named "icon-16.png" saved in your ...
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
tylesheet is called "style.css" and is located in the add-on's "data" directory: var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var { attach, detach } = require('sdk/content/mod'); var { style } = require('sdk/stylesheet/style'); var { togglebutton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle"); var style = style({ uri: './style.css' }); var button = togglebutton({ id: "stylist", label: "stylist", icon: "./icon-16.png", onchange: function(state) { if (state.checked) { attach(style, tabs.activetab); } else { detach(style, tabs.activetab); } } }); private windows if your add-on has not opted into private browsing, then you won't see any tabs that are hosted by private browser windows.
/loader - Archive of obsolete content
it can be loaded as a regular script tag in documents that have system principals (note: this does not appear to work as of 02.2016 due to "use strict" being added to the file): <script type='application/javascript' src='resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js'></script> this will expose a single loader object containing all of the api functions described in this document.
core/heritage - Archive of obsolete content
}) sometimes (single) inheritance is not enough and defining reusable, composable pieces of functionality does a better job: var hex = class({ hex: function hex() { return '#' + this.color; } }); var rgb = class({ red: function red() { return parseint(this.color.substr(0, 2), 16); }, green: function green() { return parseint(this.color.substr(2, 2), 16); }, blue: function blue() { return parseint(this.color.substr(4, 2), 16); } }); var cmyk = class({ black: function black() { var color = math.max(math.max(,,; return (1 - color / 255).tofixed(4); }, magenta: function magenta() { var k =
util/uuid - Archive of obsolete content
parameters stringid : string string representation of a uuid, such as: "8cbc9bf4-4a16-11e2-aef7-c1a56188709b" optional.
Adding a Button to the Toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
create a directory called "data", mkdir data and save these three icon files to the "data" directory: icon-16.png icon-32.png icon-64.png then open the file called "index.js" in the root of your addon directory and add the following code to it: var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action'); var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var button = buttons.actionbutton({ id: "mozilla-link", label: "visit mozilla", icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32": "./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" }, ...
Localization - Archive of obsolete content
-id attribute to the html tag where you want the localized string to appear, and assign the identifier to it: <html> <body> <h1 data-l10n-id="hello_id"></h1> </body> </html> then you can use this html file to build your interface, for example inside a panel: var button = require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "localized-hello", label: "localized hello", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() {; } }); var hello = require("sdk/panel").panel({ height: 75, width: 150, contenturl: require("sdk/self").data.url("my-panel.html") }); given locale files for "en-us" and "fr" which provide translations of hello_id, the panel will now display "hello!" or "bonjour !", according to the current locale: the translation is inserted into the nod...
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
reportedly xmlhttprequest doesn't work reliably when used in jsm under versions of firefox less than 16, however as previously mentioned, this guide should be taken as requiring firefox 17+.
Install Manifests - Archive of obsolete content
firefox 2 and previous supported a value of 16 to represent plug-ins.
Offering a context menu for form controls - Archive of obsolete content
there is ongoing discussion about this topic; please see bug 433168 for the latest information.
Chapter 6: Firefox extensions and XUL applications - Archive of obsolete content
Updating addons broken by private browsing changes - Archive of obsolete content
if your code refers to any of the following interfaces: ff 15: nsidomstoragemanager ff 16: nsitransferable ff 18: imgicache moziasyncfavicons nsifaviconservice nsiwebbrowserpersist ff 19: nsicontentprefservice nsidownloadmanager nsidownload nsihttpauthmanager nsistricttransportsecurityservice ff 20: nsiprivatebrowsingservice nsirecentbadcertservice furthermore, if your code uses any of these common chrome apis: ff 19: saveurl saveinternal openlinkin ff 20: openbrowserwindow gprivatebrowsingui finally, if...
Search Extension Tutorial (Draft) - Archive of obsolete content
search.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>example engine</shortname> <description>example search engine</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16" type="image/png">data:image/png;base64, ...
beforecopy - Archive of obsolete content
the beforecopy event was part of copy logic override, a feature of the clipboard api added in january 2014 and removed in april 2016.
beforecut - Archive of obsolete content
the beforecut event was part of copy logic override, a feature of the clipboard api added in january 2014 and removed in april 2016.
beforepaste - Archive of obsolete content
the beforepaste event was part of copy logic override, a feature of the clipboard api added in january 2014 and removed in april 2016.
sort - Archive of obsolete content
the sort event was part of the table sorting algorithm in the table sorting model, a feature of the html 5 working draft added in december 2012 and removed in january 2016.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
transforming xml with xslt:mozilla xslt transforming xml with xslt:the netscape xslt treehydra treehydra build instructions treehydra manual tuning pageload urischeme uris and urls uriloader using addresses of stack variables with nspr threads on win16 using cross commit using gdb on wimpy computers venkman using breakpoints in venkman venkman internals venkman introduction video presentations when to use ifdefs writing textual data xml in mozilla xpinstall ...
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
an>"); } </script> <!-- ***** this represents the container ***** --> <div style="margin-left:0px;border:1px solid #dddddd;" > <div style="padding:10px;" id="container"> </div> </div> </body> </html> original document information author(s): marcio galli, netscape communications; roger soares,; ian oeschger, netscape communications last updated date: published 16 may 2003 copyright information: copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
JXON - Archive of obsolete content
"use strict"; /*\ |*| |*| jxon framework - copyleft 2011 by mozilla developer network |*| |*| revision #3 - october 31th, 2016 |*| |*| |*| |*| |*| |*| this framework is released under the gnu public license, version 3 or later.
List of Former Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
tool switched off of gecko for help browser in version 8.5 blam feed reader switched to webkit in version 1.8.6 boxee media center software switched to webkit in version 1.0 epiphany browser switched from gecko to webkit flock social browsing flock switched from being firefox-based to chromium-based when it released a new beta on june 16, 2010 jolicloud web operating system as of march 2010, rw/w reports jolicloud is on chrome/chrome os joost tv over internet switched from xulrunner-based client to a web application liferea news aggregator switched to webkit in version 1.6 manyone browser browser originally mozilla-based but now i believe the have a web-based tool (need ...
Defining Cross-Browser Tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
meyer, netscape communications last updated date: published 16 aug 2002 copyright information: copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
No Proxy For configuration - Archive of obsolete content
filter comparison notable bugs bug 172083 - [meta] proxy: "no proxy for" items bug 80917 - proxy: "no proxy" w/ form based ui bug 91587 - proxy: "no proxy for" default domain filtering fails w/ non-fqdn (e.g., http://web/) bug 201685 - no proxy for: support ipv6 address literals bug 136789 - proxy: no proxy ip entries do not block dns resolved ips bug 314712 - no proxy for: "" should block only "" bug 72444 - proxy: "bypass proxy server for local addresses" (ie pref) bug 260883 - "no proxy for" does not use fqdn wildcards "*" like ie bugzilla sources bug 17158 comment 21: the co...
Source code directories overview - Archive of obsolete content
original document information author(s): daniel howard other contributors: heikki toivonen (11-nov-1999), hervé renault (for the french translation) (16-nov-1999) last updated date: michael kaply 2-june-2005 copyright information: portions of this content are © 1998-2007 by individual contributors; content available under a creative commons license | details.
In-Depth - Archive of obsolete content
example: -moz-image-region: rect(168px 69px 189px 46px); -moz-opacity makes boxes semi-transparent.
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
bird's eye view <map id="loaddiagrammap" name="loaddiagrammap"><area alt="(13) docontent()" coords="534,239,715,300" href="#nsiexternalhelperappservice::docontent"> <area alt="(10) getcategoryentry()" coords="575,418,821,418,821,455,629,455,629,484,575,484" href="#categorymanager" shape="poly"> <area alt="(12)" coords="539,133,583,163" href="#stream-converter"> <area alt="(11)" coords="485,133,537,163" href="#contenthandler"> <area alt="(9)" coords="445,132,484,165" href="#nsdocumentopeninfo::dispatchcontent"> <area alt="(8)" coords="405,133,439,162" href="#onstartrequest-innards"> <area alt="(7) onstartrequest()" coords="639,129,703,129,703,165,833,165,833,204,639,204" href="#onstartrequest" shape="poly"> <area alt="(6) asyn...
Java in Firefox Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
note: the global java object has been removed in gecko 16.0, so this page is out of date.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
for those who like gory details, their structure is this: struct nsid { pruint32 m0; pruint16 m1, m2; pruint8 m3[8]; }; frequently you see them represented as strings, like this: {221ffe10-ae3c-11d1-b66c-00805f8a2676} to initialize an id struct you declare them like this: id = {0x221ffe10, 0xae3c, 0x11d1, {0xb6, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0x26, 0x76}}; why the b66c couplet gets broken up and grouped with the last set of bytes is probably a footnote somewhere.
String Quick Reference - Archive of obsolete content
why: avoid copying and conversion from literal char-based strings to utf16 strings.
Tamarin build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
example call to build on an x86_64 machine with the 10.5 sdk: $ ../ --mac-sdk=105 --target=x86_64-darwin if asc is not set, you will need to add asc.jar to the utils directory in tamarin-redux (bug 631641).
URIs and URLs - Archive of obsolete content
due to a loophole in prior specifications (rfc1630), some parsers allow the scheme name to be present in a relative uri if it is the same as the base uri scheme.
Return Codes - Archive of obsolete content
is_directory -216 the specified file cannot be deleted because it is a directory.
setRootKey - Archive of obsolete content
on 16-bit windows platforms, hkey_classes_root is the only valid value and this method does nothing.
Installer Script - Archive of obsolete content
return(false); 16.
Mozilla E4X - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
XTech 2005 Presentations - Archive of obsolete content
web 1.6: a rope of sand - opening keynote, mike shaver mozilla e4x - brendan eich "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
A XUL Bestiary - Archive of obsolete content
these three cross-platform glue technologies fit in the middle of an architecture that looks something like this: author: ian oeschger other documents: mozilla jargon file and introduction to xul original document information author(s): ian oeschger last updated date: april 16, 2000 copyright information: copyright (c) ian oeschger ...
accessibleType - Archive of obsolete content
tem 100e xulmenupopup 100f xulmenuseparator 1010 xulpane 1011 xulprogressmeter 1012 xulscale 1013 xulstatusbar 1014 xulradiobutton 1015 xulradiogroup 1016 xultab 1017 xultabbox 1018 xultabs 1019 xultext 101a xultextbox 101b xulthumb 101c xultree 101d xultreecolumns 101e xultreecolumnitem ...
Building Menus With Templates - Archive of obsolete content
<button label="houses in my neighbourhood" type="menu"> <menupopup> <menu uri="" label="marion street"> <menupopup> <menuitem uri="" label="16"/> <menuitem uri="" label="18"/> </menupopup> </menu> <menu uri="" label="garden avenue"> <menupopup> <menuitem uri="" label="25"/> <menuitem uri="" label="37"/> </menupopup> </menu> ...
Creating toolbar buttons (Customize Toolbar Window) - Archive of obsolete content
the dimensions of the icons in various applications for both modes are summarized in the following table (feel free to add information about other applications): application (theme name) big icon size small icon size firefox 1.0 (winstripe) 24x24 16x16 thunderbird 1.0 (qute) 24x24 16x16 the stylesheet to set the image for your toolbar button, use the following css rules: /* skin/toolbar-button.css */ #myextension-button { list-style-image: url("chrome://myextension/skin/btn_large.png"); } toolbar[iconsize="small"] #myextension-button { list-style-image: url("chrome://myextension/skin/btn_small.png"); } appl...
SeaMonkey - making custom toolbar (SM ver. 1.x) - Archive of obsolete content
125px 39px 84px);} .custombutton {-moz-image-region: rect(39px 49px 72px 0px);} .custombutton:hover {-moz-image-region: rect(39px 98px 72px 49px);} .custombutton:active {-moz-image-region: rect(39px 147px 72px 98px);} /* common style for all custom buttons - classic */ .custombutton {-moz-image-region: rect( 0px 145px 20px 126px);} .custombutton:hover {-moz-image-region: rect( 0px 164px 20px 145px);} .custombutton:active {-moz-image-region: rect( 0px 183px 20px 164px);} remove one of the common style sections, leaving the section for the theme that you use in seamonkey.
Custom toolbar button - Archive of obsolete content
paste it into the new file: #custom-button-1, #wrapper-custom-button-1 {list-style-image: url("chrome://custombutton/content/button-1.png");} /* common style for all custom buttons */ .custombutton {-moz-image-region: rect( 0px 24px 24px 0px);} .custombutton:hover {-moz-image-region: rect(24px 24px 48px 0px);} [iconsize="small"] .custombutton {-moz-image-region: rect( 0px 40px 16px 24px);} [iconsize="small"] .custombutton:hover {-moz-image-region: rect(24px 40px 40px 24px);} there is nothing to customize.
Keyboard Shortcuts - Archive of obsolete content
_numpad1 vk_numpad2 vk_numpad3 vk_numpad4 vk_numpad5 vk_numpad6 vk_numpad7 vk_numpad8 vk_numpad9 vk_multiply vk_add vk_separator vk_subtract vk_decimal vk_divide vk_f1 vk_f2 vk_f3 vk_f4 vk_f5 vk_f6 vk_f7 vk_f8 vk_f9 vk_f10 vk_f11 vk_f12 vk_f13 vk_f14 vk_f15 vk_f16 vk_f17 vk_f18 vk_f19 vk_f20 vk_f21 vk_f22 vk_f23 vk_f24 vk_num_lock vk_scroll_lock vk_comma vk_period vk_slash vk_back_quote vk_open_bracket vk_back_slash vk_close_bracket vk_quote vk_help for example, to create a shortcut that is activated when the user presses alt and f5, do the followin...
listbox - Archive of obsolete content
<listheader label="price" width="150"/> </listhead> <listcols> <listcol/> <listcol flex="1"/> </listcols> </listbox> var thelist = document.getelementbyid('thelist'); gems = [ {gem: "ruby", price: "$3,500 - $4,600"}, {gem: "emerald", price: "$700 - 4,250"}, {gem: "blue sapphire", price: "$3,400 - $4,500"}, {gem: "diamond", price: "$5,600 - $16,000"} ]; for (var i = 0; i < gems.length; i++) { var row = document.createelement('listitem'); var cell = document.createelement('listcell'); cell.setattribute('label', gems[i].gem); row.appendchild(cell); cell = document.createelement('listcell'); cell.setattribute('label', gems[i].price ); row.appendchild(cell); thelist.appendchild(row); } attributes ...
titlebar - Archive of obsolete content
p://" width="300" height="200" style="background: transparent; -moz-appearance: none;"> <titlebar flex="1" oncommand="close()" style="background: rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.9); -moz-border-radius: 10px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); margin: 8px 12px 16px;"/> </window> it can be opened from the error console like this: open("file:///users/markus/sites/hudwindow.xul", "", "chrome=1, titlebar=0") attributes inherited from xul element align, allowevents, allownegativeassertions, class, coalesceduplicatearcs, collapsed, container, containment, context, contextmenu, datasources, dir, empty, equalsize, flags, flex, height, hidden, id, insertaf...
Debugging a XULRunner Application - Archive of obsolete content
see bug 1244163.
nsIContentPolicy - Archive of obsolete content
type_websocket 16 indicates a websocket load.
Gecko Compatibility Handbook - Archive of obsolete content
original document information last updated date: august 16th, 2002 copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
please send stats to me in the following format: cpu/mhz, architecture, ram, disk type, os version, compiler version, build type, tree date -- build time example: 21164/533, alpha, 512m edo, ultra2 scsi, linux kernel 2.2.11, gcc 2.95, non-debug, 19 august 1999 cvs -- 25 minutes how do i run the binary on unix?
2006-11-22 - Archive of obsolete content
if anyone has experience with these issues, and is comfortable helping out in the mozilla/accessible module, would you please take a look at he stated that he almost had it working a couple of years ago.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings calendar project weekly status meeting - 2006/11/01 17:00 utc (meeting notes) calendar project weekly qa chat - 2006/11/02 16:30 utc (meeting notes) ...
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings calendar project weekly status meeting - 2006/11/08 17:00 utc (meeting notes) calendar project weekly qa chat - 2006/11/09 16:30 utc (meeting notes) ...
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings calendar project weekly status meeting - 2006/11/15 17:00 utc (meeting notes) calendar project weekly qa chat - 2006/11/02 16:30 utc (meeting notes) ...
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
"component returned failure code: 0x80570016 (ns_error_xpc_gs_returned_failure) [nsijscid.getservice]" nsresult: "0x80570016 (ns_error_xpc_gs_returned_failure)" location: "js frame :: chrome://modzilla/content/js/pkg_zillacom.js :: <top_level> :: line 1202" data: no] he is running xulrunner v1.8.0.4.
Extentsions FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
is it possible to fix the size exactly at 16x16 pixels avoiding any resize?
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
agenda project status meeting project meeting was held on oct 16 2006.
JS-Engine FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
newly created threads in js from mozilla_1_8_branch causes to hang in windows patch from bug 351602 should fix the problem.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions october 16, 2006, 5:10pm - david marteau notes that using "persist" on templatized content prevents from restoring values for the persistent attributes.
NPEvent - Archive of obsolete content
syntax microsoft windows typedef struct _npevent { uint16 event; uint32 wparam; uint32 lparam; } npevent; mac os typedef eventrecord npevent; type eventrecord = record { what: integer; message: longint; when: longint; where: point; modifiers: integer; end; xwindows typedef xevent npevent; fields npevent on microsoft windows the data structure has the following fields: event one of the following event types: wm_paint wm_lbuttondown wm_lbuttonup wm_lbuttondblclk wm_rbuttondown wm_rbuttonup wm_rbuttondblclk wm_mbuttondown wm_mbuttonup wm_mbuttondblclk wm_mousemov...
NPP_HandleEvent - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> int16 npp_handleevent(npp instance, void* event); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPP_New - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved); parameters the function has the following parameters: plugintype pointer to the mime type for new plug-in instance.
NPP_NewStream - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npp_newstream(npp instance, npmimetype type, npstream* stream, npbool seekable, uint16* stype); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to current plug-in instance.
NPPrint - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npprint { uint16 mode; /* np_full or np_embed */ union { npfullprint fullprint; /* if mode is np_full */ npembedprint embedprint; /* if mode is np_embed */ } print; } npprint; fields the data structure has the following fields: mode determines whether plug-in prints in full-page or embedded mode.
NPRect - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _nprect { uint16 top; uint16 left; uint16 bottom; uint16 right; } nprect; fields the data structure has the following fields: top, left, bottom, right the top, left, bottom, and right sides of the rectangle.
What is RSS - Archive of obsolete content
e>this is fun</title> <guid></guid> <pubdate>tue, 23 aug 2005 21:02:05 -0800</pubdate> <enclosure url="" length="1911146" type="application/ogg"/> </item> <item> <title>watch this</title> <guid></guid> <pubdate>tue, 16 aug 2005 16:11:57 -0400</pubdate> <enclosure url="" length="1387442" type="application/ogg"/> </item> <item> <title>it is me again</title> <guid></guid> <pubdate>tue, 9 aug 2005 13:12:12 -0400</pubdate> <enclosure url="" length...
Module - Archive of obsolete content
name common prefix status release date author atomic rss atom july 27, 2005 tim bray blogchannel september 17, 2002 dave winer content content creativecommons cc december 16, 2002 dave winer dublin core dc slash slash well-formed web wfw joe gregorio and chris sells ...
Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography - Archive of obsolete content
finance, o=ace industry, c=us subject public key info: algorithm: pkcs #1 rsa encryption public key: modulus: 00:ca:fa:79:98:8f:19:f8:d7:de:e4:49:80:48:e6:2a:2a:86: ed:27:40:4d:86:b3:05:c0:01:bb:50:15:c9:de:dc:85:19:22: 43:7d:45:6d:71:4e:17:3d:f0:36:4b:5b:7f:a8:51:a3:a1:00: 98:ce:7f:47:50:2c:93:36:7c:01:6e:cb:89:06:41:72:b5:e9: 73:49:38:76:ef:b6:8f:ac:49:bb:63:0f:9b:ff:16:2a:e3:0e: 9d:3b:af:ce:9a:3e:48:65:de:96:61:d5:0a:11:2a:a2:80:b0: 7d:d8:99:cb:0c:99:34:c9:ab:25:06:a8:31:ad:8c:4b:aa:54: 91:f4:15 public exponent: 65537 (0x10001) extensions: identifier: certificate type critical: no certified usage: ssl client identifier: authority key identifier critical: no key identifier: f2:f2:06:59:90:18:47:51:f5:89:33:5a:31:7...
Table Reflow Internals - Archive of obsolete content
cell 03017da8 d=930,360 me=540 cell 0301a8cc r=0 a=uc,uc c=uc,uc cnt=436 block 0301a92c r=0 a=uc,uc c=uc,uc cnt=437 block 0301a92c d=1335,300 me=465 cell 0301a8cc d=1395,360 me=525 row 03017c08 d=uc,360 rowg 03017a7c d=uc,360 rowg 03017a7c r=2 a=4470,uc c=4470,uc cnt=442 row 03017c08 r=2 a=4470,uc c=4470,uc cnt=443 cell 03017da8 r=2 a=1755,uc c=1695,uc cnt=444 block 03017e08 r=2 a=1695,uc c=1695,uc cnt=445 block 03017e08 d=1695,300 cell 03017da8 d=1755,360 cell 0301a8cc r=2 a=2625,uc c=2565,uc cnt=446 block 0301a92c r=2 a=2565,uc c=2565,uc cnt=447 block 0301a92c d=2565,300 cell 0301a8cc d=2625,360 row 03017c08 d=4470,360 rowg 03017a7c d=4470,360 tbl 030178c4 d=4500,450 tblo 030176...
Theme changes in Firefox 3.5 - Archive of obsolete content
you might have to set the width and height of .checkbox-check and .radio-check to 16px to avoid that problem.
Theme changes in Firefox 4 - Archive of obsolete content
iconsize value actual add-on toolbar button icon dimensions (assuming correct stylesheet and images) small 16x16 pixels large 24x24 pixels note: for stock buttons, the theme is free to use icons of any size.
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
is_nav2, is_nav3, is_nav4, is_nav4up, is_nav6, is_nav6up, is_gecko, is_ie3, is_ie4, is_ie4up, is_ie5, is_ie5up, is_ie5_5, is_ie5_5up, is_ie6, is_ie6up, is_hotjava3, is_hotjava3up, is_opera2, is_opera3, is_opera4, is_opera5, is_opera5up javascript version number is_js (float indicating full javascript version number: 1, 1.1, 1.2 ...) os platform and version is_win, is_win16, is_win32, is_win31, is_win95, is_winnt, is_win98, is_winme, is_win2k, is_os2, is_mac, is_mac68k, is_macppc, is_unix, is_sun, is_sun4, is_sun5, is_suni86, is_irix, is_irix5, is_irix6, is_hpux, is_hpux9, is_hpux10, is_aix, is_aix1, is_aix2, is_aix3, is_aix4, is_linux, is_sco, is_unixware, is_mpras, is_reliant, is_dec, is_sinix, is_freebsd, is_bsd, is_vms detecting browsers using this level ...
Browser Feature Detection - Archive of obsolete content
'domcss1', ''); generatereport(, 'domcss2', ''); window.onerror = oldonerror; see also browser detection and cross browser support comparison of layout engines web specifications supported in opera 9 what's new in internet explorer 7 (script) original document information author(s): (unknown) last updated date: updated march 16, 2003 copyright information: copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
azimuth - Archive of obsolete content
center-right behind: same as 160deg.
E4X for templating - Archive of obsolete content
it will be disabled by default for content in firefox 16, disabled by default for chrome in firefox 17, and removed in firefox 18.
Accessing XML children - Archive of obsolete content
it will be disabled by default for content in firefox 16, disabled by default for chrome in firefox 17, and removed in firefox 18.
E4X Tutorial - Archive of obsolete content
it will be disabled by default for content in firefox 16, disabled by default for chrome in firefox 17, and removed in firefox 18.
Array comprehensions - Archive of obsolete content
array comprehension was previously proposed to be standardized in ecmascript 2016, it provide a useful shortcut for constructing a new array based on the contents of another.
@cc_on - Archive of obsolete content
/*@cc_on @*/ /*@ document.write("javascript version: " + @_jscript_version + "."); document.write("<br />"); @if (@_win32) document.write("running on the 32-bit version of windows."); @elif (@_win16) document.write("running on the 16-bit version of windows."); @else document.write("running on a different operating system."); @end @*/ requirements supported in all versions of internet explorer, but not in windows 8.x store apps.
@if - Archive of obsolete content
/*@cc_on @*/ /*@ document.write("javascript version: " + @_jscript_version + "."); document.write("<br />"); @if (@_win32) document.write("running on a 32-bit version of windows."); @elif (@_win16) document.write("running on a 16-bit version of windows."); @else document.write("running on a different operating system."); @end @*/ requirements supported in all versions of internet explorer, but not in windows 8.x store apps.
New in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
ecmascript next support implementation status for upcoming ecma-262 features as per the yearly (es2016/es2017/es2018/...) release schedule in mozilla-based engines and products.
Reflect.enumerate() - Archive of obsolete content
the static reflect.enumerate() method used to return an iterator with the enumerable own and inherited properties of the target object, but has been removed in ecmascript 2016 and is deprecated in browsers.
handler.enumerate() - Archive of obsolete content
the handler.enumerate() method used to be a trap for statements, but has been removed from the ecmascript standard in es2016 and is deprecated in browsers.
LiveConnect Overview - Archive of obsolete content
(although this functionality (along with some others) had been broken in gecko 1.9 (see bug 391642) as the mozilla-specific liveconnect code had not been maintained inside mozilla, with java 6 update 11 and 12 building support for reliance on mozilla's implementation of the generic (and cross-browser) npapi plugin code, this has again been fixed.) for example, suppose you are using the java forname method to assign the name of a java class to a variable called theclass.
java - Archive of obsolete content
the support for this object was removed in gecko 16, see liveconnect for details.
RFE to the Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
output that shows the dom if output contains cdata section or text node and its data is any mozilla known language like xhtml/xul/svg then output should parse and display it (see bug 316817).
XForms - Archive of obsolete content
obsolete since gecko 19 (firefox 19 / thunderbird 19 / seamonkey 2.16)this feature is obsolete.
Issues Arising From Arbitrary-Element hover - Archive of obsolete content
in browsers based on the engine found in mozilla 1.3b and later, this quirk is extended to cover selectors that combine a bare class selector with the :hover pseudo-class (see bug 169078 for details).
Obsolete: XPCOM-based scripting for NPAPI plugins - Archive of obsolete content
npp_getvalue implementation and possible scenario of scriptable object life cycle #include "nsitestplugin.h" nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], npsaveddata* saved) { if(instance == null) return nperr_invalid_instance_error; // just prime instance->pdata with null for the purpose of this example // it will be assigned to the scriptable interface later to keep its // association with the specific plugin instance instance->pdata = null; return rv; }...
Index - Game development
16 building up a basic demo with a-frame 3d, a-frame, vr, virtual reality, web, webgl the webxr and webgl apis already enable us to start creating virtual reality (vr) experiences inside web browsers, but the community is still waiting for tools and libraries to appear, to make this easier.
Building up a basic demo with Three.js - Game development
we could set a fixed ratio — for example 16 ⁄ 9, which is the aspect ratio of a widescreen tv.
Audio for Web games - Game development
here's an example of an audio sprite player — first let's set up the user interface in html: <audio id="myaudio" src=""></audio> <button data-start="18" data-stop="19">0</button> <button data-start="16" data-stop="17">1</button> <button data-start="14" data-stop="15">2</button> <button data-start="12" data-stop="13">3</button> <button data-start="10" data-stop="11">4</button> <button data-start="8" data-stop="9">5</button> <button data-start="6" data-stop="7">6</button> <button data-start="4" data-stop=...
Finishing up - Game development
let's first add a variable to store the number of lives in the same place where we declared our other variables: var lives = 3; drawing the life counter looks almost the same as drawing the score counter — add the following function to your code, below the drawscore() function: function drawlives() { ctx.font = "16px arial"; ctx.fillstyle = "#0095dd"; ctx.filltext("lives: "+lives, canvas.width-65, 20); } instead of ending the game immediately, we will decrease the number of lives until they are no longer available.
Track the score and win - Game development
add the following after the collisiondetection() function: function drawscore() { ctx.font = "16px arial"; ctx.fillstyle = "#0095dd"; ctx.filltext("score: "+score, 8, 20); } drawing text on a canvas is similar to drawing a shape.
Animations and tweens - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 14th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Bounce off the walls - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 6th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Build the brick field - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 9th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Buttons - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 15th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Collision detection - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 10th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Extra lives - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 13th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Game over - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 8th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Initialize the framework - Game development
« previousnext » this is the first of 16 tutorials to learn how to use gamedev phaser.
Load the assets and print them on screen - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 3rd step out of 16 in the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Move the ball - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 4th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Physics - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 5th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Player paddle and controls - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 7th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Scaling - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 2nd step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
The score - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 11th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Win the game - Game development
« previousnext » this is the 12th step out of 16 of the gamedev phaser tutorial.
Base64 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
note that btoa() expects to be passed binary data, and will throw an exception if the given string contains any characters whose utf-16 representation occupies more than one byte.
Block cipher mode of operation - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the size of each block is fixed and determined by the algorithm: for example aes uses 16-byte blocks.
Selector (CSS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
consider this css: p { color: green; } div.warning { width: 100%; border: 2px solid yellow; color: white; background-color: darkred; padding: 0.8em 0.8em 0.6em; } #customized { font: 16px lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } the selectors here are "p" (which applies the color green to the text inside any <p> element), "div.warning" (which makes any <div> element with the class "warning" look like a warning box), and "#customized", which sets the base font of the element with the id "customized" to 16-pixel tall lucida grande or one of a few fallback fonts.
Favicon - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
usually, a favicon is 16 x 16 pixels in size and stored in the gif, png, or ico file format.
HTTP header - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a basic request with one header: get /example.http http/1.1 host: redirects have mandatory headers (location): 302 found location: /newpage.html a typical set of headers: 304 not modified access-control-allow-origin: * age: 2318192 cache-control: public, max-age=315360000 connection: keep-alive date: mon, 18 jul 2016 16:06:00 gmt server: apache vary: accept-encoding via: 1.1 (cloudfront) x-amz-cf-id: tol0fem6ui4fgldrkjx0vao5hpkkgzulyn2twd2gawltr7vlnjtvzw== x-backend-server: x-cache: hit from cloudfront x-cache-info: cached ...
RAIL - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
animation when animating, render each frame in under 16ms, aiming for consistency and avoiding jank.
Request header - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
host: user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br referer: connection: keep-alive upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 if-modified-since: mon, 18 jul 2016 02:36:04 gmt if-none-match: "c561c68d0ba92bbeb8b0fff2a9199f722e3a621a" cache-control: max-age=0 strictly speaking, the content-length header in this example is not a request header like the others, but an entity header: post /myform.html http/1.1 host: user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 content-length: 128 learn ...
Response header - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
note that strictly speaking, the content-encoding and content-type headers are entity header: 200 ok access-control-allow-origin: * connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: mon, 18 jul 2016 16:06:00 gmt etag: "c561c68d0ba92bbeb8b0f612a9199f722e3a621a" keep-alive: timeout=5, max=997 last-modified: mon, 18 jul 2016 02:36:04 gmt server: apache set-cookie: mykey=myvalue; expires=mon, 17-jul-2017 16:06:00 gmt; max-age=31449600; path=/; secure transfer-encoding: chunked vary: cookie, accept-encoding x-backend-server: x-cache-info: not cacheable; meta dat...
Round Trip Time (RTT) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
$ ping ping ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=25.050 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=23.781 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=24.287 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=34.904 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=26.119 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 23.781/26...
Symmetric-key cryptography - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the size of each block is fixed and determined by the algorithm: for example aes uses 16-byte blocks.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
from version 74 onwards, firefox will return a secure connection failed error when connecting to servers using the older tls versions (bug 1606734).
Unicode - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
other encodings exist, like utf-16 or the obsolete ucs-2, but utf-8 is recommended.
User agent - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
learn more general knowledge user agent on wikipedia technical reference navigator.useragent browser detection using the user agent rfc 2616: 14.43: the user-agent header ...
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
centers for disease control and prevention disability and functioning (noninstitutionalized adults 18 years and over) reports the usa "percent of adults with any physical functioning difficulty: 16.1%".
Fundamental CSS comprehension - Learn web development
note: bear in mind that the second ruleset sets font-size: 10px; on the <html> element — this means that for any descendants of <html>, an em will be equal to 10px rather than 16px as it is by default.
Test your skills: values and units - Learn web development
all <p> elements should be 16 pixels.
Grids - Learn web development
a css grid, grid framework grid "frameworks" tend to be based around 12 or 16 column grids and with css grid, you don’t need any third party tool to give you such a framework — it's already there in the spec.
Using CSS generated content - Learn web development
this rule adds a space and an icon after every link that has the class glossary: html <a href="" class="glossary"></a> css a.glossary::after { content: " " url(""); } ...
How does the Internet work? - Learn web development
it's an address made of a series of four numbers separated by dots, for example:
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
.select { /* the computations are made assuming 1em == 16px which is the default value in most browsers.
CSS basics - Learn web development
h1 { font-size: 60px; text-align: center; } p, li { font-size: 16px; line-height: 2; letter-spacing: 1px; } adjust the px values as you like.
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
</text> </svg> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution" disabled> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } body { margin: 10px; background: #f5f9fa; } const textarea = document.getelementbyid('code'); const reset = document.getelementbyid('reset'); const solution = document.getelementbyid('solution'); const output = document.queryselector('.output'); let code = textarea.value; let userentry = textarea.valu...
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
if you have a monitor with a 60hz refresh rate and you want to achieve 60 fps you have about 16.7 milliseconds (1000 / 60) to execute your animation code to render each frame.
Working with JSON - Learn web development
this allows you to construct a data hierarchy, like so: { "squadname": "super hero squad", "hometown": "metro city", "formed": 2016, "secretbase": "super tower", "active": true, "members": [ { "name": "molecule man", "age": 29, "secretidentity": "dan jukes", "powers": [ "radiation resistance", "turning tiny", "radiation blast" ] }, { "name": "madame uppercut", "age": 39, "secretidentity": "jane wilson", "powers": [ "million...
Perceived performance - Learn web development
they feel that a page is janky when content repaints slower than 16.67ms (or 60 frames per second) or repaints at uneven intervals.
The "why" of web performance - Learn web development
here's some real-world examples of performance improvements: tokopedia reduced render time from 14s to 2s for 3g connections and saw a 19% increase in visitors, 35% increase in total sessions, 7% increase in new users, 17% increase in active users and 16% increase in sessions per user.
Introduction to client-side frameworks - Learn web development
angular was officially released on the 14th of september 2016.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
whenever the alert store or the ms props changes run onmessagechange ondestroy(()=> cleartimeout(timeout)) // make sure we clean-up the timeout </script> and update the alert.svelte markup section like so: {#if visible} <div on:click={() => visible = false}> <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 20 20"><path d="m12.432 0c1.34 0 2.01.912 2.01 1.957 0 1.305-1.164 2.512-2.679 2.512-1.269 0-2.009-.75-1.974-1.99c9.789 1.436 10.67 0 12.432 0zm8.309 20c-1.058 0-1.833-.652-1.093-3.524l1.214-5.092c.211-.814.246-1.141 0-1.141-.317 0-1.689.562-2.502 1.117l-.528-.88c2.572-2.186 5.531-3.467 6.801-3.467 1.057 0 1.233 1.273.705 3.23l-1.391 5.352c-.246.945-.141 1.271.106 1.271.317 0 1.357-.392 2.379-1.207l.6.814c12.098 19.02 9.365 20 8.309 20z"/></svg> <p>{ $alert }...
Styling Vue components with CSS - Learn web development
scoped modifier, create a <style> element inside todoitem.vue, at the bottom of the file, and give it a scoped attribute: <style scoped> </style> next, copy the following css into the newly created <style> element: .custom-checkbox > .checkbox-label { font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; font-weight: 400; font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25; color: #0b0c0c; display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; } .custom-checkbox > .checkbox { font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; font-weight: 400; font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 40px; height: 2.5rem; ...
Understanding client-side JavaScript frameworks - Learn web development
react tutorials note: react tutorials last tested in may 2020, with react/reactdom 16.13.1 and create-react-app 3.4.1.
Accessibility information for UI designers and developers
text spacing users should be able to make the following changes to their text spacing: set line height (leading) to at least 1.5 times the font size set spacing following paragraphs to at least 2 times the font size set letter spacing (tracking) to at least 0.12 times the font size set word spacing to at least 0.16 times the font size this does not mean that your page needs to offer controls to make such changes, merely that if someone does these things in a custom stylesheet, they should not break the interface.
async stacks async stacks no longer impact performance since firefox 78, as bug 1601179 limits async stack capturing to when devtools is opened.
Chrome registration
component {09543782-22b1-4a0b-ba07-9134365776ee} maincomponent.js process=main component {98309951-ac89-4642-afea-7b2b6216bcef} contentcomponent.js process=content xpcnativewrappers chrome packages can decide whether to use the xpcnativewrapper security mechanism to automatically protect their code against malicious content that they might access.
Creating a Language Pack
$ cd ../../dist/ $ ls -l total 100216 drwxr-xr-x 5 your_id your_status 170 27 lis 13:33 branding -rw-r--r--@ 1 your_id your_status 25248119 26 lis 14:34 firefox-3.6b5pre.en-us.mac.dmg -rw-r--r--@ 1 your_id your_status 26056973 27 lis 13:40 firefox-3.6b5pre.x-testing.mac.dmg drwxr-xr-x 3 your_id your_status 102 27 lis 13:38 install drwxr-xr-x 3 your_id your_status 102 27 lis 13:40 l10n-stage drwxr-xr-x 3 y...
Creating a spell check dictionary add-on
if you set em:minversion to a lower value, gecko 10-17 will not be able to update your dictionary add-on once the restartless dictionary is installed (bug 782118), and gecko 10-16 may warn the user that your dictionary is not compatible, when users try to update to a newer version of firefox/thunderbird (bug 782115).
Debugging Table Reflow
balancecolumnwidths ex ***start table dump*** mcolwidths=1230 2160 465 465 col frame cache -> 0=00b93138 1=00b931f0 2=024dd728 3=024dd780 **start col dump** colindex=0 isanonymous=0 constraint=0 widths=360 540 1230 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1230 **end col dump** **start col dump** colindex=1 isanonymous=0 constraint=0 widths=360 540 -1 -1 -1 -1 2160 -1 -1 2160 **end col dump** **start col dump** colindex=2 isanonymous=0 constraint=3 widths=360 540 -1 -1 -1...
Simple Thunderbird build
18/10/2010 16:11 7,334 mapiaux.h 02/06/2009 17:02 7,938 mapicode.h 02/06/2009 17:02 22,960 mapidbg.h 02/06/2009 17:02 84,644 mapidefs.h 02/06/2009 17:02 27,840 mapiform.h 02/06/2009 17:02 11,880 mapiguid.h 02/06/2009 17:02 2,648 mapihook.h 02/06/2009 17:02 5,359 mapinls.h 02/06/2009 17:02 2,743 mapio...
The Firefox codebase: CSS Guidelines
an example of such bug is bug 1516767.
Eclipse CDT
fixing eclipse bug 381601 would considerably reduce the impact of the "unresolved inclusion" issue.
"16x16" or "16x16 32x32".
modifiers a number representing a key pressed at the same time the mouse button was clicked: 1 : alt 2 : ctrl 4 : shift 8 : meta 16 : alt gr 32 : caps lock 64 : fn 128 : num lock 256 : scroll 512 : symbol lock 1024 : win note: you can specify multiple key modifiers separated by a pipe symbol, for example 1 | 1014.
modifiers a number representing a key pressed at the same time the mouse button was clicked: 1 : alt 2 : ctrl 4 : shift 8 : meta 16 : alt gr 32 : caps lock 64 : fn 128 : num lock 256 : scroll 512 : symbol lock 1024 : win note: you can specify multiple key modifiers separated by a pipe symbol, for example 1 | 1014.
Gecko versions and application versions
24 gecko 26 firefox 26, seamonkey 2.23 gecko 25 firefox 25, seamonkey 2.22 gecko 24 firefox 24, thunderbird 24, seamonkey 2.21 gecko 23 firefox 23, seamonkey 2.20 gecko 22 firefox 22, seamonkey 2.19 gecko 21 firefox 21, seamonkey 2.18 gecko 20 firefox 20, seamonkey 2.17 gecko 19 firefox 19, seamonkey 2.16 gecko 18 firefox 18, firefox os 1.0, seamonkey 2.15 gecko 17 firefox 17, thunderbird 17, seamonkey 2.14 gecko 16 firefox 16, thunderbird 16, seamonkey 2.13 gecko 15 firefox 15, thunderbird 15, seamonkey 2.12 gecko 14 firefox 14, thunderbird 14, seamonkey 2.11 gecko 13 firefox 13, thunderbird 13, seamonkey 2.10 gecko ...
HTTP Cache
unimplemented or underimplemented functionality: asyncevictstorage (bug 977766), asyncvisitstorage (bug 916052) nsicacheentryopencallback // the result of nsicachestorage.asyncopenuri is always and only sent to callbacks on this interface.
How to get a stacktrace for a bug report
you can prefix a "bp-" to the beginning of an id to make bugzilla turn it into a link: bp-a70759c6-1295-4160-aa30-bc4772090918 how to get the crash id if firefox crashes on startup if firefox crashes on startup you can still access your submitted crash reports.
How to Report a Hung Firefox
appinfo.getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulruntime).processtype != components.interfaces.nsixulruntime.process_type_default) {components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm");var zero = new ctypes.intptr_t(8);var badptr = ctypes.cast(zero, ctypes.pointertype(ctypes.int32_t));var crash = badptr.contents;}', true); } other techniques on os x if you use a nightly build (>= firefox 16), you can use activity monitor's "sample process" feature to generate a sample.
Implementing Download Resuming
the necko implementations of http 1.1 (rfc 2616) as well as ftp support this feature.
OS.File for the main thread
let promise = os.file.copy("oldname.txt", "newname.txt"); this example requires firefox 16 or a more recent version.
Bootstrapping a new locale
first, you should specify your locale's language identifier in ab-cd format, where "ab" is the iso 639 language code, and cd is the iso 3166 country code.
Encodings for localization files
and the win_installer_charset and charset= values for each: encoding name win_installer_charset ( charset= (windows/ ansi_charset cp1252 0 baltic_charset cp1257 186 chinesebig5_charset cp950 136 easteurope_charset cp1250 238 gb2312_charset cp936 134 greek_charset cp1253 161 hangul_charset cp949 129 russian_charset cp1251 204 shiftjis_charset cp932 128 turkish_charset cp1254 162 vietnamese_charset cp1258 163 middle east language editions of windows: arabic_charset cp1256 178 hebrew_charset cp1255 177 thai language editions of windows: t...
16 translation phase localization, localization:tools congratulations on completing the initial setup!
Localization content best practices
html does not prefer one over the other, and our codebase uses them interchangeably as of march 2016.
Uplifting a localization from Central to Aurora
see heads, 'hg merge' to merge) ok, let's make sure we're not talking relbranches: hg heads --template '{node} {branches}\n' this is printing something like 5131e147fa50c28ec858c7d9fd1ba201ea2a433b 4da525ed77699794c56081791bd46cc85983f6f8 9bc7e6c58fc091c8cd0e8d9e1dbc7e6f592772a7 gecko20b12_2011022218_relbranch 230e99fada602842d9630e673077ef9f1ab34247 gecko20b12pre_20110216_relbranch 41a4357884d7bcc50e69c71014124d3af2482afe comm20b11_20110203_relbranch 2ec6ad14e7168ebeb999b1e8ae10632ae4c9df23 gecko20b11_2011020209_relbranch d68e647ac3c0fee709c13abb0f03fac24a1a5d29 gecko20b11pre_20110126_relbranch 7ff37dc6837669363a51ad3fd2874ac845d312d5 gecko20b10_2011012115_relbranch 6c31fe9bc065a86aea2223ba48698f18ae7563ad gecko20b9_2011011018_relbranch here you can see ...
# #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "project-id-version: package version\n" "report-msgid-bugs-to: \n" "pot-creation-date: 2009-09-28 16:18+0200\n" "po-revision-date: year-mo-da ho:mi+zone\n" "last-translator: full name <email@address>\n" "language-team: language <>\n" "mime-version: 1.0\n" "content-type: text/plain; charset=charset\n" "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n" "plural-forms: nplurals=integer; plural=expression;\n" #.
Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine
if you have a developer account, these are problems 16841023 and 17021145.
Investigating leaks using DMD heap scan mode will return a series of entries that look like this (with the [...] indicating where i have removed things): 0x7f089306b000 size = 4096 bytes at byte offset 2168 nsattrandchildarray::growby[...] nsattrandchildarray::insertchildat[...] [...] 0x7f089306b000 is the address of the block that contains $leakaddr.
Refcount tracing and balancing
you may use an object's serial number with the following variable to further restrict the reference count tracing: xpcom_mem_log_objects set this variable to a comma-separated list of object serial number or ranges of serial number, e.g., 1,37-42,73,165 (serial numbers start from 1, not 0).
total w = _pkg_ (cores + _gpu_ + other) + _ram_ w #01 17.14 w = 14.98 ( 5.50 + 1.19 + 8.29) + 2.16 w 1 sample taken over a period of 30.000 seconds name id cpu ms/s user% deadlines (<2 ms, 2-5 ms) wakeups (intr, pkg idle) gpu ms/s 500 439.64 585.35 218.62 19.17 google chrome helper 67319 284.75 83.03 296.67 0.00 454.05 172.74 ...
-user: sudo turbostat if you get an error saying "turbostat: no /dev/cpu/0/msr", you need to run the following command: sudo modprobe msr the output is as follows: core cpu avg_mhz %busy bzy_mhz tsc_mhz smi cpu%c1 cpu%c3 cpu%c6 cpu%c7 coretmp pkgtmp pkg%pc2 pkg%pc3 pkg%pc6 pkg%pc7 pkgwatt corwatt gfxwatt - - 799 21.63 3694 3398 0 12.02 3.16 1.71 61.48 49 49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.68 15.13 1.13 0 0 821 22.44 3657 3398 0 9.92 2.43 2.25 62.96 39 49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.68 15.13 1.13 0 4 708 19.14 3698 3398 0 13.22 1 1 743 20.26 3666 3398 0 21.40 4.01 1.42 52...
type:boolean default value: true exists by default: yes application support:thunderbird 17.0 status: active; last updated 2012-09-17 introduction: pushed to daily on 2012-08-08 bugs: bug 771816 values true (default) the tabs are drawn in the title bar of the mail program.
Patches and pushes
<searchplugin xmlns=""> <shortname>yahoo</shortname> <description>yahoo search</description> <inputencoding>utf-8</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16"></image> ***this tag is optional***<url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="get" template=";command={searchterms}" />*** <url type="text/html" method="get" template="http://se...
Introduction to NSPR
some operating systems cannot be made preemptable (for example, mac os and win 16).
logging is not compiled in for the win16 platform.
the table has at least 16 buckets.
syntax #include <prtime.h> typedef struct prexplodedtime { print32 tm_usec; print32 tm_sec; print32 tm_min; print32 tm_hour; print32 tm_mday; print32 tm_month; print16 tm_year; print8 tm_wday; print16 tm_yday; prtimeparameters tm_params; } prexplodedtime; description the prexplodedtime structure represents clock/calendar time.
it is guaranteed to be at least 16 bits, though various architectures may define it to be wider (for example, 32 or even 64 bits).
syntax #include <prio.h> union prnetaddr { struct { pruint16 family; char data[14]; } raw; struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 ip; char pad[8]; } inet; #if defined(_pr_inet6) struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 flowinfo; pripv6addr ip; } ipv6; #endif /* defined(_pr_inet6) */ }; typedef union prnetaddr prnetaddr; fields the structure has the following fields: family address family: pr_af_inet|pr_af_inet6 for, pr_af_inet for, pr_af_inet6 for
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> typedef struct prprotoent { char *p_name; char **p_aliases; #if defined(_win32) print16 p_num; #else print32 p_num; #endif } prprotoent; fields the structure has the following fields: p_name pointer to official protocol name.
it is guaranteed to be at least 16 bits, though various architectures may define it to be wider (for example, 32 or even 64 bits).
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_connectcontinue( prfiledesc *fd, print16 out_flags); parameters the function has the following parameters: fd a pointer to a prfiledesc object representing a socket.
PR EnumerateAddrInfo
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> void *pr_enumerateaddrinfo( void *enumptr, const praddrinfo *addrinfo, pruint16 port, prnetaddr *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: enumptr the index pointer of the enumeration.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> printn pr_enumeratehostent( printn enumindex, const prhostent *hostent, pruint16 port, prnetaddr *address); parameters the function has the following parameters: enumindex the index of the enumeration.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> pruint16 pr_familyinet(void); returns the value of the address family for internet protocol.
PR GetAddrInfoByName
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> praddrinfo *pr getaddrinfobyname( const char *hostname, pruint16 af, printn flags); parameters the function has the following parameters: hostname the character string defining the host name of interest.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_initializenetaddr( prnetaddrvalue val, pruint16 port, prnetaddr *addr); parameters the function has the following parameters: val the value to be assigned to the ip address portion of the network address.
if addr is an ipv4 address, size needs to be at least 16.
the prpolldesc structure is defined as follows: struct prpolldesc { prfiledesc* fd; print16 in_flags; print16 out_flags; }; typedef struct prpolldesc prpolldesc; the structure has the following fields: fd a pointer to a prfiledesc object representing a socket or a pollable event.
syntax #include <prio.h> print32 pr_writev( prfiledesc *fd, priovec *iov, print32 size, printervaltime timeout); #define pr_max_iovector_size 16 parameters the function has the following parameters: fd a pointer to a prfiledesc object for a socket.
Process Management and Interprocess Communication
note that the functions described in this chapter are not available for macos or win16 operating systems.
NSPR API Reference
introduction to nspr nspr naming conventions nspr threads thread scheduling setting thread priorities preempting threads interrupting threads nspr thread synchronization locks and monitors condition variables nspr sample code nspr types calling convention types algebraic types 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types signed integers unsigned integers 64-bit integer types floating-point integer type native os integer types miscellaneous types size type pointer difference types boolean types status type for return values threads threading types and constants threading functions creating, joining, and identifying threads controlling thread priorities con...
NSS Certificate Download Specification
object identifiers the base of all netscape object ids is: netscape object identifier ::= { 2 16 840 1 113730 } the hexadecimal byte value of this oid when der encoded is: 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42 the following oids are mentioned in this document: netscape-data-type object identifier :: = { netscape 2 } netscape-cert-sequence object identifier :: = { netscape-data-type 5 } ...
NSS 3.12.5 release_notes
bug 510435: remove unused make variable dso_ldflags bug 510436: add macros for build numbers (4th component of version number) to nssutil.h bug 511227: firefox 3.0.13 fails to compile on freebsd/powerpc bug 511312: nss fails to load softoken, looking for sqlite3.dll bug 511781: add new tls 1.2 cipher suites implemented in windows 7 to ssltap bug 516101: if pk11_importcert fails, it leaves the certificate undiscoverable by cert_pkixverifycert bug 518443: pk11_importandreturnprivatekey leaks an arena bug 518446: pk11_derencodepublickey leaks a certsubjectpublickeyinfo bug 518457: seckey_encodedersubjectpublickeyinfo and pk11_derencodepublickey are duplicate bug 522510: add deprecated comments to key.h and pk11func.h bug 522580: nss uses p...
NSS 3.12.6 release notes
accessor functions for ssl_implementedciphers bug 515279: cert_pkixverifycert considers a certificate revoked if cert_processocspresponse fails for any reason bug 515870: gcc compiler warnings in nss 3.12.4 bug 518255: the input buffer for sgn_update should be declared const bug 519550: allow the specification of an alternate library for sqlite bug 524167: crash in [[@ find_objects_by_template - nsstoken_findcertificatebyissuerandserialnumber] bug 526910: maxresponselength (initialized to pkix_default_max_response_length) is too small for downloading some crls.
NSS 3.12.9 release notes
bug 609068: implement j-pake in freebl bug 607058: crash [@ nss_cms_decoder_work_data] bug 613394: november/december 2010 batch of nss root ca changes bug 610843: need way to recover softoken in child after fork() bug 617492: add pk11_keygenwithtemplate function to pk11wrap (for firefox sync) bug 610162: sha-512 and sha-384 hashes are incorrect for inputs of 512mb or larger when running under windows and other 32-bit platforms (fx 3.6.12 and 4.0b6) bug 518551: vfychain crashes in pkits tests.
NSS 3.14.1 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.14.1 the following bugzilla query returns all of the bugs fixed in nss 3.14.1:;resolution=fixed;query_format=advanced;bug_status=resolved;bug_status=verified;target_milestone=3.14.1;product=nss compatability nss 3.14.1 shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libraries.
NSS 3.14 release notes
maximum key sizes for rsa and diffie-hellman keys have been increased to 16k bits.
NSS 3.15.3 release notes
bug 925100 - (cve-2013-1741) ensure a size is <= half of the maximum pruint32 value bug 934016 - (cve-2013-5605) handle invalid handshake packets bug 910438 - (cve-2013-5606) return the correct result in cert_verifycert on failure, if a verifylog isn't used new in nss 3.15.3 new functionality no new major functionality is introduced in this release.
NSS 3.17 release notes
new macros in ssl.h ssl_reuse_server_ecdhe_key notable changes in nss 3.17 the manual pages for the certutil and pp tools have been updated to document the new parameters that had been added in nss 3.16.2.
NSS release notes
security fixes in nss bug 1245528 / cve-2016-1950 - fixed a heap-based buffer overflow related to the parsing of certain asn.1 structures.
NSS release notes
security fixes in nss the following security fixes from nss 3.21 have been backported to nss bug 1185033 / cve-2016-1979 - use-after-free during processing of der encoded keys in nss bug 1209546 / cve-2016-1978 - use-after-free in nss during ssl connections in low memory bug 1190248 / cve-2016-1938 - errors in mp_div and mp_exptmod cryptographic functions in nss compatibility nss shared libraries are backward compatible with all older nss 3.x shared libraries.
NSS 3.21.1 release notes
security fixes in nss 3.21.1 bug 1245528 / cve-2016-1950 - fixed a heap-based buffer overflow related to the parsing of certain asn.1 structures.
NSS 3.21.2 release notes
security fixes in nss 3.21.2 bug 1293334 / cve-2016-9074 - fixed a timing side channel in the tls cbc code.
NSS 3.21 release notes
2016-01-07, this page has been updated to include additional information about the release.
NSS 3.22.2 release notes
security fixes in nss 3.22.2 bug 1245528 / cve-2016-1950 - fixed a heap-based buffer overflow related to the parsing of certain asn.1 structures.
NSS 3.28.5 release notes
the following ca certificates were added: cn = d-trust root ca 3 2013 sha-256 fingerprint: a1:a8:6d:04:12:1e:b8:7f:02:7c:66:f5:33:03:c2:8e:57:39:f9:43:fc:84:b3:8a:d6:af:00:90:35:dd:94:57 trust flags: email cn = tubitak kamu sm ssl kok sertifikasi - surum 1 sha-256 fingerprint: 46:ed:c3:68:90:46:d5:3a:45:3f:b3:10:4a:b8:0d:ca:ec:65:8b:26:60:ea:16:29:dd:7e:86:79:90:64:87:16 trust flags: websites technically constrained to:,,,,,,,, the version number of the updated root ca list has been set to 2.14.
NSS 3.28 release notes
the certificate validation code contains checks to no longer trust certificates that are issued by old wosign and startcom cas, after october 21, 2016.
NSS 3.30.2 release notes
the following ca certificates were added: cn = d-trust root ca 3 2013 sha-256 fingerprint: a1:a8:6d:04:12:1e:b8:7f:02:7c:66:f5:33:03:c2:8e:57:39:f9:43:fc:84:b3:8a:d6:af:00:90:35:dd:94:57 trust flags: email cn = tubitak kamu sm ssl kok sertifikasi - surum 1 sha-256 fingerprint: 46:ed:c3:68:90:46:d5:3a:45:3f:b3:10:4a:b8:0d:ca:ec:65:8b:26:60:ea:16:29:dd:7e:86:79:90:64:87:16 trust flags: websites technically constrained to:,,,,,,,, the version number of the updated root ca list has been set to 2.14 (the version numbers 2.12 and 2.13 for the root ca list have been skipped.) bugs fixed in nss 3.30.2 bug 1350859 - march 2017 batch of root ca changes ...
NSS 3.34 release notes
4:47:aa:59:0f:31:0c:77:f4:8f:df:83:11:22:54 cn = certification authority of wosign sha-256 fingerprint: 4b:22:d5:a6:ae:c9:9f:3c:db:79:aa:5e:c0:68:38:47:9c:d5:ec:ba:71:64:f7:f2:2d:c1:d6:5f:63:d8:57:08 cn = certification authority of wosign g2 sha-256 fingerprint: d4:87:a5:6f:83:b0:74:82:e8:5e:96:33:94:c1:ec:c2:c9:e5:1d:09:03:ee:94:6b:02:c3:01:58:1e:d9:9e:16 cn = ca wosign ecc root sha-256 fingerprint: 8b:45:da:1c:06:f7:91:eb:0c:ab:f2:6b:e5:88:f5:fb:23:16:5c:2e:61:4b:f8:85:56:2d:0d:ce:50:b2:9b:02 libfreebl no longer requires sse2 instructions.
NSS 3.35 release notes
the following ca certificates were removed: ou = security communication ev rootca1 sha-256 fingerprint: a2:2d:ba:68:1e:97:37:6e:2d:39:7d:72:8a:ae:3a:9b:62:96:b9:fd:ba:60:bc:2e:11:f6:47:f2:c6:75:fb:37 cn = ca disig root r1 sha-256 fingerprint: f9:6f:23:f4:c3:e7:9c:07:7a:46:98:8d:5a:f5:90:06:76:a0:f0:39:cb:64:5d:d1:75:49:b2:16:c8:24:40:ce cn = dst aces ca x6 sha-256 fingerprint: 76:7c:95:5a:76:41:2c:89:af:68:8e:90:a1:c7:0f:55:6c:fd:6b:60:25:db:ea:10:41:6d:7e:b6:83:1f:8c:40 subject cn = verisign class 3 secure server ca - g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 0a:41:51:d5:e5:8b:84:b8:ac:e5:3a:5c:12:12:2a:c9:59:cd:69:91:fb:b3:8e:99:b5:76:c0:ab:da:c3:58:14 this intermediate cert had been ...
NSS 3.39 release notes
3ec0978078b0f0ea76e561a6c7433e cn = certplus root ca g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 6cc05041e6445e74696c4cfbc9f80f543b7eabbb44b4ce6f787c6a9971c42f17 cn = opentrust root ca g1 sha-256 fingerprint: 56c77128d98c18d91b4cfdffbc25ee9103d4758ea2abad826a90f3457d460eb4 cn = opentrust root ca g2 sha-256 fingerprint: 27995829fe6a7515c1bfe848f9c4761db16c225929257bf40d0894f29ea8baf2 cn = opentrust root ca g3 sha-256 fingerprint: b7c36231706e81078c367cb896198f1e3208dd926949dd8f5709a410f75b6292 bugs fixed in nss 3.39 bug 1483128 - nss responded to an sslv2-compatible clienthello with a serverhello that had an all-zero random (cve-2018-12384) this bugzilla query returns all the bugs fixed in nss 3.39: http...
NSS 3.44 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.44 1501542 - implement checkarmsupport for android 1531244 - use __builtin_bswap64 in crypto_primitives.h 1533216 - cert_decodecertpackage() crash with netscape certificate sequences 1533616 - sdb_getattributevaluenolock should make at most one sql query, rather than one for each attribute 1531236 - provide accessor for certcertificate.dercert 1536734 - lib/freebl/crypto_primitives.c assumes a big endian machine 1532384 - in nss test certificates, use (not 1538479 - post-handsha...
NSS 3.45 release notes
bug 1550579 - replace arm32 curve25519 implementation with one from fiat-crypto bug 1551129 - support static linking on windows bug 1552262 - expose a function pk11_findrawcertswithsubject for finding certificates with a given subject on a given slot bug 1546229 - add ipsec ike support to softoken bug 1554616 - add support for the elbrus lcc compiler (<=1.23) bug 1543874 - expose an external clock for ssl this adds new experimental functions: ssl_settimefunc, ssl_createantireplaycontext, ssl_setantireplaycontext, and ssl_releaseantireplaycontext.
NSS 3.48.1 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.48.1 bug 1606992 - cache the most recent pbkdf2 password hash, to speed up repeated sdr operations, important with the increased kdf iteration counts.
NSS 3.48 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.48 bug 1600775 - require nspr 4.24 for nss 3.48 bug 1593401 - fix race condition in self-encrypt functions bug 1599545 - fix assertion and add test for early key update bug 1597799 - fix a crash in nssckfwobject_getattributesize bug 1591178 - add entrust root certification authority - g4 certificate to nss bug 1590001 - prevent negotiation of versions lower than 1.3 after helloretryrequest bug 159645...
NSS 3.49.1 release notes
bugs fixed in nss 3.49.1 bug 1606992 - cache the most recent pbkdf2 password hash, to speed up repeated sdr operations, important with the increased kdf iteration counts.
NSS 3.53.1 release notes
introduction the nss team has released network security services (nss) 3.53.1 on 16 june 2020.
NSS API Guidelines
we would like to keep names to 8.3, even if we no longer support win16.
NSS Developer Tutorial
universal character names are not permitted, as are wide character types (char16_t and char32_t).
NSS Sample Code Sample_1_Hashing
gned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != len - 1) { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < input ] [ > outpu...
NSS Sample Code Utilities_1
gned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != len - 1) { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * getdigit */ int getdigit(char c) { if (c == 0) { return -1; } if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') { return c - '0'; } if (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a') { return c - 'a' + 0xa; } if (c <= 'f...
NSS Sample Code sample6
* since we're using aes in this example, we're specifying * one of the valid keysizes (16, 24, 32) */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, ciphermech, 0, 32 /*keysize*/, &keyiditem, pr_true, 0); if (key == null) { fprintf(stderr, "pk11_tokenkeygen failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism ...
Hashing - sample 1
gned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != len - 1) { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < input ] [ > outp...
Utilities for nss samples
gned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != len - 1) { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * getdigit */ int getdigit(char c) { if (c == 0) { return -1; } if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') { return c - '0'; } if (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a') { return c - 'a' + 0xa; } if (c <= 'f...
1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != len - 1) { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < in...
nss tech note1
see bug 175163 for more information about the reason for this recommendation.
nss tech note2
= 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: ptemplate = 0xbffff410 1024[805ef10]: ulcount = 3 1024[805ef10]: cka_label = [20] 1024[805ef10]: cka_token = ck_true [1] 1024[805ef10]: cka_class = cko_certificate [4] 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_findobjects 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: phobject = 0x806d810 1024[805ef10]: ulmaxobjectcount = 16 1024[805ef10]: pulobjectcount = 0xbffff38c 1024[805ef10]: *pulobjectcount = 0x1 1024[805ef10]: phobject[0] = 0xf6457d04 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_findobjectsfinal 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_getattributevalue 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: hobject = 0xf6457d04 1024[805ef10]: ptemplate = 0xbffff2d...
nss tech note3
the oid for this extension is { 2 16 840 1 113730 1 1 } encoded in hex as 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x01 in addition to netscape's own cert type extension, nss recognizes various x.509 extensions.
NSS tools : modutil
nspr supports these platforms: o aix (rs6000) o bsdi (x86) o freebsd (x86) o hpux (hppa1.1) o irix (mips) o linux (ppc, alpha, x86) o macos (powerpc) o ncr (x86) o nec (mips) o os2 (x86) o osf (alpha) o reliantunix (mips) o sco (x86) o solaris (sparc) o sony (mips) o sunos (sparc) o unixware (x86) o win16 (x86) o win95 (x86) o winnt (x86) for example: irix:6.2:mips sunos:5.5.1:sparc linux:2.0.32:x86 win95::x86 the module information is defined independently for each platform in the modulename, modulefile, and files attributes.
NSS tools : pk12util
return codes o 0 - no error o 1 - user cancelled o 2 - usage error o 6 - nls init error o 8 - certificate db open error o 9 - key db open error o 10 - file initialization error o 11 - unicode conversion error o 12 - temporary file creation error o 13 - pkcs11 get slot error o 14 - pkcs12 decoder start error o 15 - error read from import file o 16 - pkcs12 decode error o 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error o 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error o 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error o 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error o 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error o 22 - cert and key dbs patch error o 23 - get default cert db error o 24 - find cert by nickname error o 25 - create export context error o ...
NSS Tools certutil
8e:43:7f:51:61:b9:0f:f3:a6:25:1e:0b:93:74:8f: c6:13:a3:cd:51:40:84:0e:79:ea:b7:6b:d1:cc:6b: 78:d0:5d:da:be:2b:57:c2:6f exponent: 65537 (0x10001) signature algorithm: pkcs #1 md5 with rsa encryption signature: 44:15:e5:ae:c4:30:2c:cd:60:89:f1:1d:22:ed:5e:5b:10:c8: 7e:5f:56:8c:b4:00:12:ed:5f:a4:6a:12:c3:0d:01:03:09:f2: 2f:e7:fd:95:25:47:80:ea:c1:25:5a:33:98:16:52:78:24:80: c9:53:11:40:99:f5:bd:b8:e9:35:0e:5d:3e:38:6a:5c:10:d1: c6:f9:54:af:28:56:62:f4:2f:b3:9b:50:e1:c3:a2:ba:27:ee: 07:9f:89:2e:78:5c:6d:46:b6:5e:99:de:e6:9d:eb:d9:ff:b2: 5f:c6:f6:c6:52:4a:d4:67:be:8d:fc:dd:52:51:8e:a2:d7:15: 71:3e certificate trust flags: ssl flags: valid ca trusted ca email flags: valid ca trusted ca object signing flags: ...
NSS Tools modutil
the following system names and platforms are currently defined by nspr: aix (rs6000) bsdi (x86) freebsd (x86) hpux (hppa1.1) irix (mips) linux (ppc, alpha, x86) macos (powerpc) ncr (x86) nec (mips) os2 (x86) osf (alpha) reliantunix (mips) sco (x86) solaris (sparc) sony (mips) sunos (sparc) unixware (x86) win16 (x86) win95 (x86) winnt (x86) here are some examples of valid platform strings: irix:6.2:mipssunos:5.5.1:sparclinux:2.0.32:x86win95::x86.
NSS Tools pk12util
error codes pk12util can return the following values: 0 - no error 1 - user cancelled 2 - usage error 6 - nls init error 8 - certificate db open error 9 - key db open error 10 - file initialization error 11 - unicode conversion error 12 - temporary file creation error 13 - pkcs11 get slot error 14 - pkcs12 decoder start error 15 - error read from import file 16 - pkcs12 decode error 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error 22 - cert and key dbs patch error 23 - get default cert db error 24 - find cert by nickname error 25 - create export context error 26 - pkcs12 add password itegr...
$ certutil -k -d sql:/home/my/sharednssdb certutil: checking token "nss certificate db" in slot "nss user private key and certificate services " < 0> rsa 455a6673bde9375c2887ec8bf8016b3f9f35861d thawte freemail member's thawte consulting (pty) ltd.
NSS tools : modutil
s these platforms: o aix (rs6000) o bsdi (x86) o freebsd (x86) o hpux (hppa1.1) o irix (mips) o linux (ppc, alpha, x86) o macos (powerpc) o ncr (x86) o nec (mips) o os2 (x86) o osf (alpha) o reliantunix (mips) o sco (x86) o solaris (sparc) o sony (mips) o sunos (sparc) o unixware (x86) o win16 (x86) o win95 (x86) o winnt (x86) for example: irix:6.2:mips sunos:5.5.1:sparc linux:2.0.32:x86 win95::x86 the module information is defined independently for each platform in the modulename, modulefile, and files attributes.
NSS tools : pk12util
no error o 1 - user cancelled o 2 - usage error o 6 - nls init error o 8 - certificate db open error o 9 - key db open error o 10 - file initialization error o 11 - unicode conversion error o 12 - temporary file creation error o 13 - pkcs11 get slot error o 14 - pkcs12 decoder start error o 15 - error read from import file o 16 - pkcs12 decode error o 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error o 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error o 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error o 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error o 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error o 22 - cert and key dbs patch error o 23 - get default cert db error o 24 - find cert by nickname error...
The Necko HTTP module
references rfc 2616 for the http/1.1 specification.
Download Rhino
binaries release release date change log download link rhino 1.7r4 2012-06-18 new in rhino 1.7r4 rhino 1.7r5 2015-01-29 release notes rhino 1.7.6 2015-04-15 release notes rhino 1.7.7 2015-06-17 release notes rhino 2016-02-01 release notes rhino 2017-08-24 release notes rhino 1.7.8 2018-01-22 release notes rhino 1.7.9 2018-03-15 release notes rhino 1.7.10 2018-04-09 release notes rhino 1.7.11 2019-05-30 release notes rhino1.7.11.
Rhino JavaScript compiler
the string versionnumber must be one of 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, or 170.
Rhino license
norrisboyd 06:16, 14 april 2008 (pdt) ...
Scripting Java
this works just as in java, with the use of the new operator: js> new thu jan 24 16:18:17 est 2002 if we store the new object in a javascript variable, we can then call methods on it: js> f = new"test.txt") test.txt js> f.exists() true js> f.getname() test.txt static methods and fields can be accessed from the class object itself: js> java.lang.math.pi 3.141592653589793 js> java.lang.math.cos(0) 1 in javascript, unlike java, the method by itself is an objec...
SpiderMonkey Build Documentation
nux system, that runs in the arm simulator, you can use the following: ar=ar cc="gcc -m32 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2" cxx="g++ -m32 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2" \ $src/configure --target=i686-pc-linux --enable-simulator=arm to build a 32-bit version on a 64-bit mac system (the target version is specific to your os/x sdk), you can use the following: $src/configure --target=i386-apple-darwin16.7.0 # choose the appropriate sdk version for your version of os/x to build a 64-bit version on a 32-bit mac system (e.g.
Property cache
the shape of an object does not cover: anything about the object's prototype other than its identity; anything about the object's parent; obj->freeslot, which can be different for same-shaped objects if they have a jsclass.reserveslots hook (bug 535416); anything about the values of the object's own properties, beyond what the method guarantee and the branded object guarantee say about functions.
Introduction to the JavaScript shell
for example, if you enter the javascript function below: function test() { var i = 3; print(i+2); } then run the command dis(test);, you get this output: main: 00000: uint16 3 00003: setvar 0 00006: pop 00007: name "print" 00010: pushobj 00011: getvar 0 00014: uint16 2 00017: add 00018: call 1 00021: pop 00022: stop source notes: 0: 0 [ 0] newline 1: 3 [ 3] decl offset 0 2: 7 [ 4] newline 3: 18 [ 11] xdelta 4: 18 [ 0] pcbase offset 11 dissrc([function]) disassembles the javascript bytecode for the entire progra...
JIT Optimization Strategies
the jit coach feature was removed in bug 1614622.
see also mxr id search for js::call js_callfunction js_callfunctionname js_callfunctionvalue bug 601168 ...
examples char16_t uchars[] = { 0xd83e, 0xdd8a, 0 }; js::rootedstring str(cx, js_newucstringcopyn(cx, uchars, 2)); if (!str) return false; js::rooted<jsflatstring*> flatstr(cx, js_flattenstring(cx, str)); if (!flatstr) return false; size_t length = js::getdeflatedutf8stringlength(flatstr); char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(js_malloc(cx, length + 1)); if (!buffer) return false; js::deflatestringtoutf8buffer(f...
see also mxr id search for js::handle mxr id search for js::handlefunction mxr id search for js::handleid mxr id search for js::handleobject mxr id search for js::handlescript mxr id search for js::handlestring mxr id search for js::handlesymbol mxr id search for js::handlevalue js::rooted js::mutablehandle gc rooting guide bug 714647 bug 761391 - added js::handlescript bug 645416 - added js::handlesymbol ...
id search for js::mutablehandlefunction mxr id search for js::mutablehandleid mxr id search for js::mutablehandleobject mxr id search for js::mutablehandlescript mxr id search for js::mutablehandlestring mxr id search for js::mutablehandlesymbol mxr id search for js::mutablehandlevalue js::rooted js::handle gc rooting guide bug 770759 bug 761391 - added js::mutablehandlescript bug 645416 - added js::mutablehandlesymbol ...
syntax js::value js::numbervalue(float f) js::value js::numbervalue(double dbl) js::value js::numbervalue(int8_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint8_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(int16_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint16_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(int32_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint32_t i) name type description f or dbl or i any c integer or floating-point value to convert.
see also mxr id search for js::rooted mxr id search for js::rootedobject mxr id search for js::rootedfunction mxr id search for js::rootedscript mxr id search for js::rootedstring mxr id search for js::rootedsymbol mxr id search for js::rootedid mxr id search for js::rootedvalue js::handle js::mutablehandle gc rooting guide bug 756823 bug 761391 - added js::rootedscript bug 645416 - added js::rootedsymbol ...
see also mxr id search for js::symbolvalue js::value bug 645416) ...
jsclass_new_resolve_gets_start obsolete since jsapi 16 the resolve hook expects to receive the starting object in the prototype chain passed in via the *objp in/out parameter.
obsolete since jsapi 16the jsclass_new_resolve_gets_start flag further affects this hook.
see also mxr id search for jsid_is_symbol mxr id search for jsid_to_symbol mxr id search for symbol_to_jsid bug 645416 ...
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
see bug 408416 for details.
conceptually, a javascript string is just an array of char16_t characters and a length.
rsion_1_2obsolete since jsapi 24 120 javascript 1.2 "1.2" jsversion_1_3obsolete since jsapi 24 130 javascript 1.3 "1.3" jsversion_1_4obsolete since jsapi 24 140 javascript 1.4 "1.4" jsversion_ecma_3 148 ecma 262 edition 3 "ecmav3" jsversion_1_5obsolete since jsapi 24 150 javascript 1.5 "1.5" jsversion_1_6 160 javascript 1.6 "1.6" jsversion_1_7 170 javascript 1.7 "1.7" jsversion_1_8 180 javascript 1.8 "1.8" jsversion_ecma_5 185 ecma 262 edition 5 "ecmav5" jsversion_default 0 latest javascript version, but omitting web-incompatible extensions "default" jsversion_unknown -1 unknown javascript version null ...
obsolete since jsapi 16this feature is obsolete.
syntax uint16_t js_getfunctionarity(jsfunction *fun); name type description fun jsfunction * a javascript function.
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1flatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteflatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1internedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteinternedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); const char16_t * js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
use js_getstringchars to access the 16-bit characters of a javascript string without conversions or copying.
syntax const char16_t * js_gettwobyteexternalstringchars(jsstring *str); name type description str jsstring * a string to get characters.
see also mxr id search for js_hasownproperty mxr id search for js_hasownpropertybyid bug 1163423 ...
see also mxr id search for js_iteratecompartments mxr id search for jsiteratecompartmentcallback bug 702300 bug 731618 bug 887030 ...
obsolete since jsapi 16this feature is obsolete.
see also bug 1081660 ...
see also bug 1081660 ...
flags uint16 the bitwise or of any number of property attributes.
format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character argument type b jsbool c uint16 (16-bit, unsigned integer) i int32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant signed integer) u uint32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant, unsigned integer) j int32 (32-bit, signed integer) d jsdouble i jsdouble (converted to an integer value) s char * (c string) s jsstring * (unicode string) w jschar * (unicode null-terminated str...
see also mxr id search for js_setelement bug 963167 - added v ...
see also mxr id search for js_setnativestackquota js_settrustedprincipals bug 516832 bug 732665 bug 723021 ...
string characters are stored as either latin1char (8-bit) or char16_t (16-bit).
see also mxr id search for js_tracerinit bug 807168 ...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.8
obsolete typedef replacement type provided by uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64 uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t mozilla/stdint.h uintn, intn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jsdouble double n/a jsuintn, jsintn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jspackedbool n/a n/a jsrefcount n/a ...
SpiderMonkey 24
— dec 16, 2013 the download url still available, but spidermonkey not release alone!
SpiderMonkey 31
sconstructing) js_valuetoboolean (replaced by js::toboolean) js_valuetonumber (can be replaced with js::tonumber) js_valuetoint64 (replaced by js::toint64) js_valuetouint64 (replaced by js::touint64) js_valuetoecmauint32 (replaced by js::touint32) js_valuetoecmaint32 (replaced by js::toint32) js_valuetoint32 (can be replaced with js::toint32, which has a different behavior!) js_valuetouint16 (replaced by js::touint16) js_valuetostring (replaced by js::tostring) js_definepropertywithtinyid js_defineucpropertywithtinyid js_getobjectid api changes spidermonkey must now be initialized before it can be used.
Shell global objects
ces 11: (incrementalmarkingvalidator) verify incremental marking 12: (elementsbarrier) always use the individual element post-write barrier, regardless of elements size 13: (checkhashtablesonminorgc) check internal hashtables on minor gc 14: (compact) perform a shrinking collection every n allocations 15: (checkheapaftergc) walk the heap to check its integrity after every gc 16: (checknursery) check nursery integrity on minor gc schedulegc([num | obj]) if num is given, schedule a gc after num allocations.
A Web PKI x509 certificate primer
extensions while rfc 5280 defines 16 extensions for webpki in this document we will be describing the six extensions we considered critical for understanding.
The Places database
if the mime type of the image is image/png, the data blob must be reencoded from base16 (the format in which it is stored) to base64 in order to display correctly.
Querying Places
ing = 9 const unsigned short sort_by_keyword_descending = 10 const unsigned short sort_by_dateadded_ascending = 11 const unsigned short sort_by_dateadded_descending = 12 const unsigned short sort_by_lastmodified_ascending = 13 const unsigned short sort_by_lastmodified_descending = 14 const unsigned short sort_by_annotation_ascending = 15 const unsigned short sort_by_annotation_descending = 16 const unsigned short results_as_uri = 0 const unsigned short results_as_visit = 1 const unsigned short results_as_full_visit = 2 (not yet implemented -- see bug 320831) attribute unsigned short sortingmode attribute autf8string sortingannotation attribute unsigned short resulttype attribute boolean excludeitems attribute boolean excludequeries attribute boolean excludereadonlyfolders at...
XPCOM hashtable guide
hashtables should not be used for sets that need to be sorted; very small datasets (less than 12-16 items); data that does not need random access.
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
hashtables should not be used for sets that need to be sorted; very small datasets (less than 12-16 items); data that does not need random access.
XPCOM Stream Guide
however, javascript strings contain 16-bit characters.
see bug 769253 see also bug 481603 the documentation in xpccomponents.idl the tests in js/xpconnect/tests/unit/ ...
class id 16d222a6-1dd2-11b2-b693-f38b02c021b2 contractid;1 supported interfaces nsicategorymanager remarks this component is a singleton and should therefore be accessed via the xpcom service manager.
#include "nsxpcom.h" #include "nsilocalfile.h" nsresult ns_newlocalfile( const nsastring& apath, prbool afollowlinks, nsilocalfile** aresult ); parameters apath [in] a utf-16 string object that specifies an absolute filesystem path.
PromiseFlatCString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
PromiseFlatString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
hape="rect" title="nsdependentcstring"> <area alt="" coords="635,197,787,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nspromiseflatcstring"> <area alt="" coords="173,293,285,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nscautostring"> <area alt="" coords="5,389,227,437" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii"> <area alt="" coords="251,389,435,437" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf16toutf8"> <area alt="" coords="309,293,445,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingcstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading en...
that is, it may be used to store utf-16 characters, ucs-2 characters, or any random double-byte data.
" shape="rect" title="nsdependentstring"> <area alt="" coords="583,197,727,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nspromiseflatstring"> <area alt="" coords="152,293,253,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsautostring"> <area alt="" coords="5,389,192,437" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertasciitoutf16"> <area alt="" coords="216,389,400,437" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf8toutf16"> <area alt="" coords="277,293,405,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading endreading b...
nsAutoString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsCAutoString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsCStringContainer (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsCString external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsDependentCString external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsDependentCSubstring external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsDependentString external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsDependentSubstring external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsLiteralCString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsLiteralString (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsStringContainer (External)
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
nsString external
@param aradix must be 10 or 16 parameters nsresult* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix ...
isupports acx, in nsloadflags aloadflags, in nsisupports cachekey, in imgirequest arequest, in nsichannelpolicy channelpolicy); imgirequest loadimagewithchannel(in nsichannel achannel, in imgidecoderobserver aobserver, in nsisupports cx, out nsistreamlistener alistener); boolean supportimagewithmimetype(in string mimetype); constants constant value description load_cors_anonymous 1 << 16 load_cors_use_credentials 1 << 17 methods loadimage() start the load and decode of an image.
value state 1 :active 2 :focus 4 :hover 8 :-moz-drag-over 16 :target 1<<29 :-moz-focusring methods getbindingurls() returns an array of nsiuri objects representing the current xml binding for the specified element.
empty 16 the database is empty.
for example, the uri "" is not third party with respect to "", but "" and "" are.
ox 0x0000100b xullistcell 0x00001026 xullisthead 0x00001024 xullistheader 0x00001025 xullistitem 0x0000100c xulmenubar 0x0000100d xulmenuitem 0x0000100e xulmenupopup 0x0000100f xulmenuseparator 0x00001010 xulpane 0x00001011 xulprogressmeter 0x00001012 xulscale 0x00001013 xulstatusbar 0x00001014 xulradiobutton 0x00001015 xulradiogroup 0x00001016 xultab 0x00001017 the single tab in a dialog or tabbrowser/editor interface.
item_foreign 16 this item was listed in the application manifest, but named a different cache group as its manifest.
previous_failed 16 we have already tried to log in for this channel (with auth values from a previous promptauth call), but it failed, so we now ask the user to provide a new, correct login.
more info: bug 348724, bug 348724, and gnome bug: 116626 mac only islangrtl is supported on this platform.
this method was introduced in firefox 16.
default is 16.
alert(currdir); see also nsdirectoryservice nsidirectoryservice additionally, see section 16.5.2 of the rapid application development with mozilla book for instructions on how to get the current working directory and the process binary directory, among other things.
(see bug 416683) download_type_download 0 the download type used by adddownload.
node node); direction controller void switchtextdirection(); output methods astring outputtostring(in astring formattype, in unsigned long flags); example: // flags are declared in base/public/nsidocumentencoder.idl // outputselectiononly = 1, outputformatted = 2, // outputraw = 4, outputbodyonly = 8, // outputpreformatted = 16, outputwrap = 32, // outputformatflowed = 64, outputabsolutelinks = 258, // outputencodew3centities = 256, outputcrlinebreak = 512, // outputlflinebreak = 1024, outputnoscriptcontent = 2048, // outputnoframescontent = 4096, outputnoformattinginpre = 8192, // outputencodebasicentities=16384, outputencodelatin1entities=32768, // outputencodehtmlentities=65536, outputper...
}; } while( components.lastresult == 0 ); } catch(e) {} search for e-mail from "warren harris" dated 04/21/1999 time 16:11:03 for some notes on the subject.
this is the address (uri) of the resource from which this channel's uri was obtained (see rfc2616 section 14.36).
httpupgrade() allows for the use of http to bootstrap another protocol via the rfc 2616 upgrade request header in conjunction with a 101 level response.
constant value description write_utf16 0x1 windows and the nsis installer code sometimes expect ini files to be in utf-16 encoding.
only the five unicode encodings "utf-8", "utf-16le", "utf-16be", "utf-32le" and "utf-32be" are supported.
a locale code is of the form language[-country[-region]], where "language" is an iso 639 language code (two letter codes preferred over three letter codes when available), "country" is an iso 3166 two letter country code, and "region" is a string of up to 5 letters.
link_type_wimax 4 a connection via wimax (ieee802.16).
last changed in gecko 16 (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void add(in nsiuri uri, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void addfromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void remove(in autf8string host, in string type); void removefromprincipal(in nsiprinci...
constant value description button_pos_0_default 0 button_pos_1_default 16777216 button_pos_2_default 33554432 button_delay_enable button_delay_enable causes the buttons to be initially disabled.
see bug 162114 for details.
goodies obtained from window.navigator are: appcodename:"mozilla" appname:"netscape" appversion:"5.0 (windows)" battery:batterymanager buildid:"20140529161749" cookieenabled:true donottrack:"yes" geolocation:geolocation language:"en-us" mimetypes:mimetypearray mozalarms:null mozapps:xpcwrappednative_nohelper mozcameras:cameramanager mozconnection:mozconnection mozcontacts:contactmanager mozid:null mozkeyboard:xpcwrappednative_nohelper mozpay:null mozpermissionsettings:null mozphonenumberservice:phonenumberservice mozpower:mozpowermanager moztcpsock...
exceptions thrown missing exception missing description getnumberofmessagesfortext() returns the number of multi-part sms needed for a given text (160 characters for one sms).
according to rfc2616, this response must be validated before it can be taken from a cache.
this legacy api represents binary data using the lower haft of each 16-bit code unit in a javascript string.
return value the number of multi-part sms needed for a given text (160 characters for one sms).
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug bug 166426 for details.
see bug bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
this content is now available at nsisupportsprint16.attributes.
this content is now available at nsisupportsprint16.tostring().
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
this content is now available at nsisupportspruint16.attributes.
this content is now available at nsisupportspruint16.tostring().
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
see bug 166426 for details.
a rgb value, where (r << 24 | g << 16 | b) obsolete since gecko 1.8 unreadmailcount unsigned long the number of unread mail messages for the current user.
want_convert 1 << 10 want_finalize 1 << 11 want_checkaccess 1 << 12 want_call 1 << 13 want_construct 1 << 14 want_hasinstance 1 << 15 want_trace 1 << 16 use_jsstub_for_addproperty 1 << 17 use_jsstub_for_delproperty 1 << 18 use_jsstub_for_setproperty 1 << 19 dont_enum_static_props 1 << 20 dont_enum_query_interface 1 << 21 dont_ask_instance_for_scriptable 1 << 22 classinfo_interfaces_only 1 << 23 allow_prop_mods_during_resolve 1 << 24 allow_prop_mods_to_prototype 1 << 25 dont_share_prototype 1 << 26 dont_...
attributes attribute type description appbuildid acstring the application's build id/date, for example "2004051604".
supported arguments are: nsisupportspruint8, nsisupportspruint16, nsisupportsprint16, nsisupportsprint32: i4, nsisupportsprbool: boolean, nsisupportschar, nsisupportscstring: string, nsisupportsfloat, nsisupportsdouble: double, nsisupportsprtime: datetime.iso8601, nsiinputstream: base64, nsisupportsarray: array, nsidictionary: struct note that both nsisupportsarray and nsidictionary can only hold any of the supported input types.
const long markread=4; const long killthread=5; const long watchthread=6; const long markflagged=7; const long label=8; const long reply=9; const long forward=10; const long stopexecution=11; const long deletefrompop3server=12; const long leaveonpop3server=13; const long junkscore=14; const long fetchbodyfrompop3server=15; const long copytofolder=16; const long addtag=17; const long killsubthread=18; const long markunread=19; }; ...
/* result list only */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue messagekey = 11; /* message result elems */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue ageindays = 12; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue folderinfo = 13; /* for "view thread context" from result */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue size = 14; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue anytext = 15; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue keywords = 16; // keywords are the internal representation of tags.
hscopevalue localaband = 11; const nsmsgsearchscopevalue ldapand = 12; // imap and news, searched using local headers const nsmsgsearchscopevalue onlinemanual = 13; /// local news + junk const nsmsgsearchscopevalue localnewsjunk = 14; /// local news + body const nsmsgsearchscopevalue localnewsbody = 15; /// local news + junk + body const nsmsgsearchscopevalue localnewsjunkbody = 16; }; ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
isoundnsispeculativeconnectnsistackframensistandardurlnsistreamconverternsistreamlistenernsistringbundlensistringbundleoverridensistringbundleservicensistringenumeratornsistructuredclonecontainernsistylesheetservicensisupportsnsisupports proxiesnsisupportsarraynsisupportscstringnsisupportscharnsisupportsdoublensisupportsfloatnsisupportsidnsisupportsinterfacepointernsisupportsprboolnsisupportsprint16nsisupportsprint32nsisupportsprint64nsisupportsprtimensisupportspruint8nsisupportspruint16nsisupportspruint32nsisupportspruint64nsisupportsprimitivensisupportsprioritynsisupportsstringnsisupportsvoidnsisupportsweakreferencensisyncjpakensisyncmessagesendernsitxttohtmlconvnsitaggingservicensitaskbarpreviewnsitaskbarpreviewbuttonnsitaskbarpreviewcontrollernsitaskbarprogressnsitaskbartabpreviewnsitask...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
umparticipant util nsieffectivetldservice worker nsiabstractworker data nsiarray nsicategorymanager nsicollection nsidictionary nsimutablearray nsisimpleenumerator nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprimitive nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportspriority nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid nsisupportsweakreference nsivariant do not use nsienumerator nsiinprocesscontentframemessagemanager nsiscriptableio nsixpcscriptable ...
see bug 239716 for details.
see bug 239716 for details.
nextunreadthread 10 nextunreadfolder 11 nextfolder 12 readmore 13 back 15 go back to the previous visited message forward 16 go forward to the previous visited message firstflagged 17 nextflagged 18 previousflagged 19 firstnew 20 editundo 21 editredo 22 togglesubthreadkilled 23 ...
downloadselectedforoffline 16 download the selected messages for offline.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) constants name value description bynone 0x11 not sorted bydate 0x12 bysubject 0x13 byauthor 0x14 byid 0x15 bythread 0x16 bypriority 0x17 bystatus 0x18 bysize 0x19 byflagged 0x1a byunread 0x1b byrecipient 0x1c bylocation 0x1d bytags 0x1e byjunkstatus 0x1f byattachments 0x20 byaccount 0x21 bycustom 0x22 byreceived 0x23 ...
XPCOM reference
prior to gecko 19 (firefox 19 / thunderbird 19 / seamonkey 2.16), this was an integer that simply returned an error code.
Setting HTTP request headers
classes[";1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsicategorymanager); catmgr.addcategoryentry("app-startup", this.myname, this.myprogid, true, true); }, getclassobject: function (compmgr, cid, iid) { log("----------------------------> getclassobject"); return this.myfactory; }, mycid:"{9cf5f3df-2505-42dd-9094-c1631bd1be1c}"), myprogid: "@dougt/myhttplistener;1", myname: "simple http listener", myfactory: { queryinterface: function (aiid) { if (!aiid.equals(components.interfaces.nsisupports) && !aiid.equals(components.interfaces.nsifactory)) throw components.results.ns_error_no_interface; return this; }, creat...
XPCOM category image-sniffing-services
in firefox 3, a new xpcom category was added in bug 391667 to allow "third-party" xpcom components to identify images based on their content.
XPCOM tasks
see bug 16763 p3 improve the performance of the registry.
Xptcall Porting Guide
ns_imethod getinterfaceinfo(nsiinterfaceinfo** info) = 0; // call this method and return result ns_imethod callmethod(pruint16 methodindex, const nsxptmethodinfo* info, nsxptcminivariant* params) = 0; }; code that wishes to make use of this stubs functionality (such as xpconnect) implement a class which inherits from nsxptcstubbase and implements the getinterfaceinfo and callmethod to let the platform specific code know how to get interface information and how to dispa...
notes: 16 cached compose window faq seth spitzer ( what is the "cached" compose window?
Using JS in Mozilla code
arraybuffer.transfer() proposed for es2016 no, nightly-only for now sharedarraybuffer, sharedint8array..., atomics proposed for es2016 no, nightly-only for now typedobject proposed for es2016 no, nightly-only for now simd proposed for es2016 no, nightly-only for now ...
Zombie compartments
%) -- shapes │ │ │ │ │ ├──1.47 mb (00.29%) ++ gc-heap │ │ │ │ │ └──0.96 mb (00.19%) ++ malloc-heap │ │ │ │ ├──1.03 mb (00.21%) -- scripts │ │ │ │ │ ├──0.72 mb (00.14%) ── gc-heap [2] │ │ │ │ │ └──0.31 mb (00.06%) ── malloc-heap/data [2] │ │ │ │ ├──0.80 mb (00.16%) -- type-inference │ │ │ │ │ ├──0.66 mb (00.13%) ── type-scripts [2] │ │ │ │ │ ├──0.13 mb (00.03%) ── allocation-site-tables [2] │ │ │ │ │ └──0.02 mb (00.00%) ── object-type-tables [2] │ │ │ │ └──0.01 mb (00.00%) -- sundries │ │ │ │ ├──0.01 mb (00.00%) ── malloc-heap [2...
Add to iPhoto
this is done using the js-ctypes library object's declare() method, just like importing a function: this.kcftypearraycallbacks = this.lib.declare("kcftypearraycallbacks", this.cfarraycallbacks); note: for the record, this is the part that requires a nightly build of firefox 3.7a5pre dated april 16, 2010 or later; this capability was introduced in that build.
Using COM from js-ctypes
) { console.error('hresult', hr, 'returned from function ', funcname /*, 'getstrofresult:', getstrofresult(hr)*/); throw new error('hresult ' + hr + ' returned from function ' + funcname); } } let clsidfromarr = iidfromarr = function(jsarr_pieces) { let guid = guid(); // clsid and iid are same they are guid guid.data1 = parseint(jsarr_pieces[0], 16); guid.data2 = parseint(jsarr_pieces[1], 16); guid.data3 = parseint(jsarr_pieces[2], 16); let j = 2; for (let i=0; i<8; i++) { j++; guid.data4[i] = parseint(jsarr_pieces[j], 16); }; return guid; } // constants let coinit_multithreaded = 0; let coinit_apartmentthreaded = 2; let clsctx_all = 0x17; let clsid_spvoice = clsidfromarr(['0x96749377', '0x3391', '...
Using Objective-C from js-ctypes
{ flags: ctypes.int32_t }, { reserved: ctypes.int32_t }, { invoke: ctypes.voidptr_t }, { descriptor: block_descriptor_1.ptr } ]); var block_const = { block_has_copy_dispose: 1 << 25, block_has_ctor: 1 << 26, block_is_global: 1 << 28, block_has_stret: 1 << 29, block_has_signature: 1 << 30 }; // based on work from here: var bl = block_literal_1(); // set the class of the instance bl.isa = _nsconcreteglobalblock; // global flags bl.flags = block_const.block_has_stret; bl.reserved = 0; bl.invoke = afunctypeptr; // create descriptor var desc = block_descriptor_1(); desc.reserved = 0; desc.size = block_literal_1.size; // set descriptor i...
Standard OS Libraries
components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); var lib ="user32.dll"); /* note: if you go to getcursorpos page on msdn, it says first argument is of structure point, so lets create that structure, * the link here shows that that x and y are type long which is ctypes.long */ // var point = new ctypes.structtype("tagpoint", [ { "x": ctypes.long }, { "y": ctypes.long } ]); /* declare the signature of the function we are going to call */ var getcursorpos = lib.declare('getcursorpos', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, point.ptr ); /* use it like this */ var point = point(); var ret = getcursorpos(point.address()); components.utils.repo...
Initialization and Destruction - Plugins
nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved); the plugintype parameter represents the mime type of this instance of the plug-in.
Scripting plugins - Plugins
the new npnvariable enumerations are defined in npapi.h as: npnvwindownpobject = 15, npnvpluginelementnpobject = 16 how to call plugin native methods the following html code will do the job: <embed type="application/plugin-mimetype"> <script> var embed = document.embeds[0]; embed.nativemethod(); alert(embed.nativeproperty); embed.nativeproperty.anothernativemethod(); </script> the api extensions the api extensions are based on four new structs: npstring npvariant npn_releasevariantvalu...
Streams - Plugins
the browser can create a stream for several different types of data: for the file specified in the data attribute of the object element or the src attribute of the embed element for a data file for a full-page instance the npp_newstream method has the following syntax: nperror npp_newstream(npp instance, npmimetype type, npstream *stream, npbool seekable, uint16* stype); the instance parameter refers to the plug-in instance receiving the stream; the type parameter represents the stream's mime type.
starting with firefox 56 in september 2017, firefox for android will remove all support for plugins (bug 1381916).
UI Tour - Firefox Developer Tools
the setting is reset when the developer tools are closed (except in firefox 77, see bug 1640318).
Debugger.Environment - Firefox Developer Tools
source metadata generated from file: js/src/doc/debugger/ watermark: sha256:3d6f67939e351803d5d7fe201ed38c4aaf766caf032f255e168df1f1c6fe73cb changeset: 7ae377917236 ...
Debugger.Object - Firefox Developer Tools
source metadata generated from file: js/src/doc/debugger/ watermark: sha256:7ae16a834e0883a95b4e0d227193293f6b6e4e4dd812c2570372a39c4c04897b changeset: 5572465c08a9+ ...
Debugger.Script - Firefox Developer Tools
source metadata generated from file: js/src/doc/debugger/ watermark: sha256:8816a4e8617be32c4ce7f3ae54970fe9c8a7d248175d215a8990ccff23e6efa9 changeset: 5572465c08a9+ ...
Dominators view - Firefox Developer Tools
each monster has a relatively small shallow size of 160 bytes.
Migrating from Firebug - Firefox Developer Tools
xhr, dom, cookie and error breakpoints are not supported yet (see bug 821610, bug 1004678, bug 895893 and bug 1165010).
Waterfall - Firefox Developer Tools
for a rate of 60 frames per second, that gives the browser 16.7 milliseconds to execute the complete flow.
Validators - Firefox Developer Tools
accessibility services lynx viewer checks a web page using lynx visualization and allows validation of accessibility features original document information last updated date: august 16th, 2002 copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
Rich output - Firefox Developer Tools
for example, by expanding the array in the above list, i get the following: console.log(todolist) (4) […] ​ 0: object { status: "done", description: "morning pages", datecreated: 1552404478137 } ​ 1: object { status: "in progress", description: "refactor styles", datecreated: 1552404493169 } ​ 2: object { status: "to do", description: "create feedback form", datecreated: 1552404512630 } ​ 3: object { status: "to do", description: "normalize table", datecreated: 1552404533790 } ​ length: 4 ​ <prototype>: array [] debugger eval code:1:9 undefined highlighting and inspecting dom nodes if you hover the mouse over any dom element in the console output, it's highlighted on the...
Web Console remoting - Firefox Developer Tools
the geteventtimings packet: { "to": "conn0.netevent15", "type": "geteventtimings" } { "from": "conn0.netevent15", "timings": { "blocked": 0, "dns": 0, "connect": 0, "send": 0, "wait": 16, "receive": 0 }, "totaltime": 16 } the fileactivity packet when a file load is observed the following fileactivity packet is sent to the client: { "from": "conn0.console9", "type": "fileactivity", "uri": "file:///home/mihai/public_html/mozilla/test2.css" } history protocol changes by firefox version: firefox 18: initial version.
AddressErrors.regionCode - Web APIs
usage notes the region code is derived from the iso 3166-2 country subdivision name standard.
AesCbcParams - Web APIs
must be 16 bytes, unpredictable, and preferably cryptographically random.
AesCtrParams - Web APIs
this must be 16 bytes long (the aes block size).
AnalyserNode.fftSize - Web APIs
must be a power of 2 between 252^5 and 2152^15, so one of: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, and 32768.
AnalyserNode.frequencyBinCount - Web APIs
therefore, it will be one of 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, and 16384.
AnimationEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/animationevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="140" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="186" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">animationevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill...
ArrayBufferView - Web APIs
arraybufferview is a helper type representing any of the following javascript typedarray types: int8array, uint8array, uint8clampedarray, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, float32array, float64array or dataview.
AudioContext.createJavaScriptNode() - Web APIs
syntax var jsnode = audioctx.createjavascriptnode(buffersize, numinputchannels, numoutputchannels); parameters buffersize the buffer size must be in units of sample frames, i.e., one of: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, or 16384.
AudioNode - Web APIs
the constructors were added to the spec from august to october 2016.
AudioParam.maxValue - Web APIs
the default value of maxvalue is the maximum positive single-precision floating-point value (+340,282,346,638,528,859,811,704,183,484,516,925,440).
AudioParam.minValue - Web APIs
the default value of minvalue is the minimum negative single-precision floating-point value (-340,282,346,638,528,859,811,704,183,484,516,925,440).
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.authenticatorData - Web APIs
this is a sequence of bytes with the following format: aaguid (16 bytes) - authenticator attestation globally unique identifier, a unique number that identifies the model of the authenticator (not the specific instance of the authenticator) so that a relying party can understand the characteristics of the authenticator by looking up its metadata statement.
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.attestationObject - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var attestationobj = newcredentialinfo.response.attestationobject; // this will be a cbor encoded arraybuffer // do something with the response // (send...
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.getTransports() - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var transports = newcredentialinfo.response.gettransports(); console.table(transports); // may be something like ["internal", "nfc", "usb"] }).catch(function (...
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var response = newcredentialinfo.response; // do something with the response // (sending it back to the relying party server maybe?) }).catch(function (err...
AuthenticatorResponse - Web APIs
e = credentialinfoassertion.response; // send assertion response back to the server // to proceed with the control of the credential }).catch(function (err) { console.error(err); }); getting an authenticatorattestationresponse var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var attestationresponse = newcredentialinfo.response; }).catch(function (err) { console.error(err); }); specifications specification status ...
Background Tasks API - Web APIs
css content body { font-family: "open sans", "lucida grande", "arial", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } .logbox { margin-top: 16px; width: 400px; height:500px; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid black; box-shadow: 4px 4px 2px black; } .logheader { margin: 0; padding: 0 6px 4px; height: 22px; background-color: lightblue; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0; } #log { font: 12px "courier", monospace; padding: 6px; overflow: auto; overfl...
BaseAudioContext.createBuffer() - Web APIs
note: audio resampling is very similar to image resizing: say you've got a 16 x 16 image, but you want it to fill a 32x32 area: you resize (resample) it.
BaseAudioContext.createScriptProcessor() - Web APIs
if specified, the buffersize must be one of the following values: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384.
BaseAudioContext - Web APIs
ext x="56" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">eventtarget</text></a><polyline points="111,25 121,20 121,30 111,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="121" y1="25" x2="151" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/baseaudiocontext" target="_top"><rect x="151" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="231" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">baseaudiocontext</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties baseaudiocontext.audioworklet read only secure context re...
BeforeInstallPromptEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/beforeinstallpromptevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="240" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="236" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">beforeinstallpromptevent</text></a></svg></div> ...
BeforeUnloadEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/beforeunloadevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="170" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="201" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">beforeunloadevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text ...
Bluetooth.requestDevice() - Web APIs
both 16-bit service ids 0x1802 and 0x1803.
BroadcastChannel - Web APIs
ext x="56" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">eventtarget</text></a><polyline points="111,25 121,20 121,30 111,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="121" y1="25" x2="151" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/broadcastchannel" target="_top"><rect x="151" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="231" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">broadcastchannel</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructor broadcastchannel() creates an object linking to the named c...
CSSCounterStyleRule - Web APIs
/web/api/cssrule" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">cssrule</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/csscounterstylerule" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="190" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="211" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">csscounterstylerule</text></a></svg></div> a:hover t...
CSSImageValue - Web APIs
examples we create an element <button>magic wand</button> we add some css, including a background image requesting a binary file: button { display: inline-block; min-height: 100px; min-width: 100px; background: no-repeat 5% center url( aqua; } we get the element's style map.
CSSOMString - Web APIs
while browser implementations that use utf-8 internally to represent strings in memory can use usvstring when the specification says cssomstring, implementations that already represent strings as 16-bit sequences might choose to use domstring instead.
CSSStyleSheet - Web APIs
for example, one rule might be a cssstylerule object containing a style such as: h1, h2 { font-size: 16pt; } another rule might be an at-rule such as @import or @media, and so forth.
CSS Painting API - Web APIs
x.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } } }); we then include the paintworklet: <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> <li>item 6</li> <li>item 7</li> <li>item 8</li> <li>item 9</li> <li>item 10</li> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> <li>item 13</li> <li>item 14</li> <li>item 15</li> <li>item 16</li> <li>item 17</li> <li>item 18</li> <li>item 19</li> <li>item 20</li> </ul> css.paintworklet.addmodule(''); then we can use the <image> with the css paint() function: li { --boxcolor: hsla(55, 90%, 60%, 1.0); background-image: paint(hollowhighlights, stroke, 2px); } li:nth-of-type(3n) { --bo...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient() - Web APIs
ient // the inner circle is at x=110, y=90, with radius=30 // the outer circle is at x=100, y=100, with radius=70 var gradient = ctx.createradialgradient(110,90,30, 100,100,70); // add three color stops gradient.addcolorstop(0, 'pink'); gradient.addcolorstop(.9, 'white'); gradient.addcolorstop(1, 'green'); // set the fill style and draw a rectangle ctx.fillstyle = gradient; ctx.fillrect(20, 20, 160, 160); result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'canvasrenderingcontext2d.createradialgradient' in that specification.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.imageSmoothingEnabled - Web APIs
html <canvas id="canvas" width="460" height="210"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.font = '16px sans-serif'; ctx.textalign = 'center'; const img = new image(); img.src = ''; img.onload = function() { const w = img.width, h = img.height; ctx.filltext('source', w * .5, 20); ctx.drawimage(img, 0, 24, w, h); ctx.filltext('smoothing = true', w * 2.5, 20); ctx.imagesmoothingenabled = true; ctx.drawimage(i...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowColor - Web APIs
html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript the resulting alpha value of the fill shadow is .8 * .2, or .16.
Manipulating video using canvas - Web APIs
age: url(media/foo.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; } div { float: left; border :1px solid #444444; padding:10px; margin: 10px; background:#3b3b3b; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <video id="video" src="media/video.mp4" controls="true" crossorigin="anonymous"/> </div> <div> <canvas id="c1" width="160" height="96"></canvas> <canvas id="c2" width="160" height="96"></canvas> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="processor.js"></script> </body> </html> the key bits to take away from this are: this document establishes two canvas elements, with the ids c1 and c2.
Basic animations - Web APIs
hr - 12 : hr; ctx.fillstyle = 'black'; // write hours; ctx.rotate(hr * (math.pi / 6) + (math.pi / 360) * min + (math.pi / 21600) *sec); ctx.linewidth = 14; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(-20, 0); ctx.lineto(80, 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // write minutes; ctx.rotate((math.pi / 30) * min + (math.pi / 1800) * sec); ctx.linewidth = 10; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(-28, 0); ctx.lineto(112, 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // write seconds; ctx.rotate(sec * math.p...
Compositing example - Web APIs
getcontext("2d");; ctx.globalcompositeoperation = "lighter"; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(255,0,0,1)"; ctx.arc(100, 200, 100, math.pi*2, 0, false); ctx.fill() ctx.beginpath(); ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(0,0,255,1)"; ctx.arc(220, 200, 100, math.pi*2, 0, false); ctx.fill() ctx.beginpath(); ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(0,255,0,1)"; ctx.arc(160, 100, 100, math.pi*2, 0, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.fillstyle = "#f00"; ctx.fillrect(0,0,30,30) ctx.fill(); }; var colorsphere = function(element) { var ctx = canvas1.getcontext("2d"); var width = 360; var halfwidth = width / 2; var rotate = (1 / 360) * math.pi * 2; // per degree var offset = 0; // scrollbar offset va...
Drawing text - Web APIs
function draw() { var ctx = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d'); var text = ctx.measuretext('foo'); // textmetrics object text.width; // 16; } gecko-specific notes in gecko (the rendering engine of firefox, firefox os and other mozilla based applications), some prefixed apis were implemented in earlier versions to draw text on a canvas.
CloseEvent - Web APIs
1016–1999 reserved for future use by the websocket standard.
Crypto.getRandomValues() - Web APIs
syntax typedarray = cryptoobj.getrandomvalues(typedarray); parameters typedarray an integer-based typedarray, that is an int8array, a uint8array, an int16array, a uint16array, an int32array, or a uint32array.
DOMHighResTimeStamp - Web APIs
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 event.timestamp // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument() - Web APIs
line 16 pulls the contentdocument of the frame; this is the document into which we'll be injecting the new content.
DOMLocator - Web APIs
domlocator.utf16offset read only returns a positive integer or -1.
DOMRect - Web APIs
0 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/domrectreadonly" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="150" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="76" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">domrectreadonly</text></a><polyline points="151,25 161,20 161,30 151,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="161" y1="25" x2="191" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/domrect" target="_top"><rect x="191" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="228.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-bas...
DOMString - Web APIs
domstring is a utf-16 string.
DOMTokenList.forEach() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetforeachchrome full support 45edge full support 16firefox full support 50ie no support noopera full support 32safari full support 10webview android full support 45chrome android full support ...
Document.createNodeIterator() - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
Document.createTreeWalker() - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
Document.lastModified - Web APIs
alert(document.lastmodified); // returns: tuesday, december 16, 2017 11:09:42 transforming lastmodified into a date object this example transforms lastmodified into a date object.
Document.mozSetImageElement() - Web APIs
var c = 0x00; function clicked() { var canvas = document.createelement("canvas"); canvas.setattribute("width", 100); canvas.setattribute("height", 100); var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.fillstyle = "#" + c.tostring(16) + "0000"; ctx.fillrect(25, 25, 75, 75); c += 0x11; if (c > 0xff) { c = 0x00; } document.mozsetimageelement("canvasbg", canvas); } the code here is called each time the user clicks the <div> element.
Document: scroll event - Web APIs
see bootstrap issue #16202.
DocumentFragment - Web APIs
/><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/documentfragment" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="346" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">documentfragment</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructor documentfragment() creates and returns a new documentfragme...
EffectTiming.fill - Web APIs
</div> css content .main { width: 300px; height:300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } #text { width: 160px; padding: 10px; position: relative; text-align: center; align-self: center; color: white; font: bold 2em "lucida grande", "open sans", sans-serif; } while there's other css invol...
Element: scroll event - Web APIs
see bootstrap issue #16202.
ErrorEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/errorevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="100" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="166" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">errorevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095d...
Event.timeStamp - Web APIs
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 event.timestamp; // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
File.lastModified - Web APIs
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 somefile.lastmodified; // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
File.lastModifiedDate - Web APIs
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 somefile.lastmodifieddate.gettime(); // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
File - Web APIs
"/docs/web/api/blob" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">blob</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/file" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">file</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-...
FocusEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
FontFaceSet.check() - Web APIs
"italic bold 16px roboto" text: limit the font faces to those whose unicode range contains at least one of the characters in text.
FontFaceSet.load() - Web APIs
"italic bold 16px roboto" text: limit the font faces to those whose unicode range contains at least one of the characters in text.
Using the Frame Timing API - Web APIs
this means the browser should process a frame in about 16.7ms.
Frame Timing API - Web APIs
this means the browser should process a frame in about 16.7 ms.
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationcancel - Web APIs
iv class="main"> <div id="box" onanimationcancel="handlecancelevent(event);"> <div id="text">box</div> </div> </div> <div class="button" id="togglebox"> hide the box </div> <pre id="log"></pre> css :root { --boxwidth: 50px; } .main { width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } #text { width: 46px; padding: 10px; position: relative; text-align: center; align-self: center; color: white; font: bold 1.4em "lucida grande", "open sans", sans-serif; } leaving out some bits of the ...
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationend - Web APIs
example html content <div class="main"> <div id="box"> <div id="text">box</div> </div> </div> <div class="button" id="play"> play animation </div> <pre id="log"></pre> css content :root { --boxwidth:50px; } .main { width: 300px; height:300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } #text { width: 46px; padding: 10px; position: relative; text-align: center; align-self: center; color: white; font: bold 1.4em "lucida grande", "open sans", sans-serif; } leaving out some bits of th...
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationiteration - Web APIs
html <div class="main"> <div id="box"> <div id="text">box</div> </div> </div> <div class="button" id="play"> begin demonstration </div> css :root { --boxwidth:50px; } .main { width: 300px; height:300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } #text { width: 46px; padding: 10px; position: relative; text-align: center; align-self: center; color: white; font: bold 1.4em "lucida grande", "open sans", sans-serif; } leaving out some bits of the ...
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationstart - Web APIs
example html content <div class="main"> <div id="box"> <div id="text">box</div> </div> </div> <div class="button" id="play"> play animation </div> <pre id="log"></pre> css content :root { --boxwidth:50px; } .main { width: 300px; height:300px; border: 1px solid black; } .button { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 0; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } #text { width: 46px; padding: 10px; position: relative; text-align: center; align-self: center; color: white; font: bold 1.4em "lucida grande", "open sans", sans-serif; } leaving out some bits of th...
GlobalEventHandlers.onmouseup - Web APIs
html <div class="container"> <div class="toaster"></div> <div class="toast">hello world!</div> </div> css .container { position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 20px; transform: translate(-50%); } .toaster { width: 160px; height: 110px; background: #bbb; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; } .toast { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; z-index: -1; width: 100px; height: 50px; padding: 10px; background: #ed9; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; transform: translate(-50%, -90px); transition: transform .3s; } .depressed { transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } javascript function depress()...
GlobalEventHandlers.onpointerdown - Web APIs
#target { width: 400px; height: 30px; text-align: center; font: 16px "open sans", "helvetica", sans-serif; color: white; background-color: blue; border: 2px solid darkblue; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } result the resulting output is shown below.
HTMLAreaElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlareaelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlareaelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement, and implements those from htmlhyperlinkelementutils.
HTMLBaseElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlbaseelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlbaseelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLBodyElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlbodyelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlbodyelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement and from windoweventhandlers.
HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() - Web APIs
depth: boolean that indicates that the drawing buffer has a depth buffer of at least 16 bits.
HTMLDListElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmldlistelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmldlistelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLDataElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmldataelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmldataelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLElement.hidden - Web APIs
.panel { font: 16px "open sans", helvetica, arial, sans-serif; border: 1px solid #22d; padding: 12px; width: 500px; text-align: center; } .button { font: 22px "open sans", helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding: 5px 36px; } h1 { margin-top: 0; font-size: 175%; } result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'htmlelement.hidden...
HTMLEmbedElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlembedelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlembedelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLFormElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlformelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlformelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface also inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLHeadElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlheadelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlheadelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLHtmlElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlhtmlelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlhtmlelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLImageElement.crossOrigin - Web APIs
const imageurl = ""; const container = document.queryselector(".container"); function loadimage(url) { const image = new image(200, 200); image.addeventlistener("load", () => container.prepend(image) ); image.addeventlistener("error", () => { const errmsg = document.createelement("output"); errmsg.value = `error loading image at ${url}`; container.append(errmsg); ...
HTMLImageElement.currentSrc - Web APIs
html <img src="/files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png" alt="clock" srcset="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png 200w, /files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png 400w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 50%, 90%"> javascript var clockimage = document.queryselector("img"); let p = document.createelement("p"); if (!clockimage.currentsrc.endswith("200px.png")) { p.innertext = "using the 200px image."; } else { p.innertext = "...
HTMLImageElement.naturalHeight - Web APIs
html <div class="box"> <img src="/files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png" class="image"> </div> <div class="output"> </div> the html features a 400x398 pixel image which is placed inside a <div>.
HTMLImageElement.naturalWidth - Web APIs
html <div class="box"> <img src="/files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png" class="image"> </div> <div class="output"> </div> the html features a 400x398 pixel image which is placed inside a <div>.
HTMLImageElement.src - Web APIs
examples specifying a single image html <img src="" width="160" alt="slices of grapefruit, looking yummy."> result using src with an image set when using a set of images with the srcset property, the src serves as either a fallback for older browsers, or as the 1x size of the image.
HTMLImageElement.srcset - Web APIs
<div class="box"> <img src="/files/16797/clock-demo-200px.png" alt="clock" srcset="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png 1x, /files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png 2x"> </div> css the css simply specifies that the image and its surrounding box should be 200 pixels square and should have a simple border around it.
HTMLImageElement.width - Web APIs
<p>image width: <span class="size">?</span>px (resize to update)</p> <img src="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png" alt="clock" srcset="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png 200w, /files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png 400w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 200px, 400px"> javascript the javascript code looks at the width to determine the width of the image at the moment.
HTMLImageElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlimageelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlimageelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructor image() the image() constructor creates and returns a new h...
HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlinputelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlinputelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties properties related to the parent form form read o...
HTMLLabelElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmllabelelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmllabelelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLLinkElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmllinkelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmllinkelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement, and linkstyle.
HTMLMediaElement.autoplay - Web APIs
<video id="video" controls> <source src=""> </video> *** disable autoplay (recommended) *** false is the default value document.queryselector('#video').autoplay = false; specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'htmlmediaelement.autoplay' in that specification.
HTMLMediaElement.onencrypted - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmediaelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmediaelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} syntax htmlmediaelement.onencrypted = function(encrypted) { ...
HTMLMediaElement.onwaitingforkey - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmediaelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmediaelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} syntax htmlmediaelement.onwaitingforkey = function(waitingforkey) { ...
HTMLMenuElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmenuelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmenuelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} propertiesthis interface has no properties, but inherits properties from: htmlelementmethodsthis interface has no methods, but inherits methods from: htmlele...
HTMLMetaElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmetaelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmetaelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLMeterElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlmeterelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlmeterelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties also inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLOListElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlolistelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlolistelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLParamElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlparamelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlparamelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLQuoteElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlquoteelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlquoteelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLSpanElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlspanelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlspanelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface has no properties, but inherits properties from: htmlelement.
HTMLStyleElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlstyleelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlstyleelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement, and implement...
HTMLTableElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmltableelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmltableelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLTimeElement - Web APIs
5 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmltimeelement" target="_top"><rect x="341" y="65" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="416" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmltimeelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLTitleElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmltitleelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmltitleelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLTrackElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmltrackelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmltrackelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLUListElement - Web APIs
iddle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlelement</text></a><polyline points="491,25 501,20 501,30 491,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="501" y1="25" x2="509" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="25" x2="509" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="509" y1="90" x2="492" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/htmlulistelement" target="_top"><rect x="331" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="411" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">htmlulistelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, htmlelement.
HTMLVideoElement.msZoom - Web APIs
for instance, if the layout space for the video tag is a 4:3 aspect ratio, but the stream coming in is in 16:9 aspect ratio, the mszoom option can be used to render the 16:9 video in 4:3 aspect ratio.
HashChangeEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/hashchangeevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="150" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="191" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">hashchangeevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fi...
Ajax navigation example - Web APIs
owed", 406: "not acceptable", 407: "proxy authentication required", 408: "request timeout", 409: "conflict", 410: "gone", 411: "length required", 412: "precondition failed", 413: "request entity too large", 414: "request-uri too long", 415: "unsupported media type", 416: "requested range not satisfiable", 417: "expectation failed", 422: "unprocessable entity", 423: "locked", 424: "failed dependency", 425: "unassigned", 426: "upgrade required", 427: "unassigned", 428: "precondition required", 429: "too many requests", 430: "unassigned", ...
IDBCursor.advance() - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetadvancechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.continue() - Web APIs
ari on iossamsung internetcontinuechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.delete() - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetdeletechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.direction - Web APIs
ri on iossamsung internetdirectionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.key - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetkeychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.primaryKey - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetprimarykeychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.source - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetsourcechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursor.update() - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetupdatechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBCursorWithValue.value - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetvaluechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.close() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetclosechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ... - Web APIs
dsafari on iossamsung internetnamechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.objectStoreNames - Web APIs
ossamsung internetobjectstorenameschrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.onabort - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetonabortchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.onerror - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetonerrorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.onversionchange - Web APIs
iossamsung internetonversionchangechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.transaction() - Web APIs
on iossamsung internettransactionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBDatabase.version - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetversionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBEnvironment - Web APIs
environment deprecatednon-standardchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBFactory.cmp() - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetcmpchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBFactory.deleteDatabase() - Web APIs
iossamsung internetdeletedatabasechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ... - Web APIs
dsafari on iossamsung internetopenchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.count() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetcountchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.get() - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetgetchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.getKey() - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetgetkeychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.keyPath - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetkeypathchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.multiEntry - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetmultientrychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ... - Web APIs
dsafari on iossamsung internetnamechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.objectStore - Web APIs
on iossamsung internetobjectstorechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.openCursor() - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetopencursorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.openKeyCursor() - Web APIs
n iossamsung internetopenkeycursorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBIndex.unique - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetuniquechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.bound() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetboundchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.lower - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetlowerchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.lowerBound() - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetlowerboundchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.lowerOpen - Web APIs
ri on iossamsung internetloweropenchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.only() - Web APIs
dsafari on iossamsung internetonlychrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.upper - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetupperchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.upperBound() - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetupperboundchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBKeyRange.upperOpen - Web APIs
ri on iossamsung internetupperopenchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 24prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.add() - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetaddchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement - Web APIs
n iossamsung internetautoincrementchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.clear() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetclearchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.count() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetcountchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.delete() - Web APIs
afari on iossamsung internetdeletechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.get() - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetgetchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.index() - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung internetindexchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.indexNames - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetindexnameschrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.keyPath - Web APIs
fari on iossamsung internetkeypathchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ... - Web APIs
dsafari on iossamsung internetnamechrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.openCursor() - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetopencursorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.put() - Web APIs
idsafari on iossamsung internetputchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBObjectStore.transaction - Web APIs
on iossamsung internettransactionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBOpenDBRequest.onblocked - Web APIs
ri on iossamsung internetonblockedchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded - Web APIs
iossamsung internetonupgradeneededchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBOpenDBRequest - Web APIs
ext x="201" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">idbrequest</text></a><polyline points="251,25 261,20 261,30 251,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="261" y1="25" x2="291" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/idbopendbrequest" target="_top"><rect x="291" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="371" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">idbopendbrequest</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties also inherits methods from its parents idbrequest and eventtarg...
IDBRequest.error - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung interneterrorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.onerror - Web APIs
sung internetonerrorchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.onsuccess - Web APIs
ng internetonsuccesschrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.readyState - Web APIs
g internetreadystatechrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.result - Web APIs
msung internetresultchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.source - Web APIs
msung internetsourcechrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBRequest.transaction - Web APIs
internettransactionchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.abort() - Web APIs
amsung internetabortchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.db - Web APIs
oidsafari on iossamsung internetdbchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.error - Web APIs
safari on iossamsung interneterrorchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.mode - Web APIs
samsung internetmodechrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.objectStore() - Web APIs
internetobjectstorechrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.onabort - Web APIs
sung internetonabortchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.oncomplete - Web APIs
g internetoncompletechrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBTransaction.onerror - Web APIs
sung internetonerrorchrome full support 24 full support 24 full support 23prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBVersionChangeEvent.newVersion - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetnewversionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBVersionChangeEvent.oldVersion - Web APIs
i on iossamsung internetoldversionchrome full support 24 full support 24 no support 23 — 57prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: webkitedge full support 12firefox full support 16 full support 16 no support 10 — 16prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie partial support 10opera full support 15safari full support 7webview android full support ...
IDBVersionChangeEvent.version - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetversion deprecatednon-standardchrome full support 12edge full support ≤18firefox full support 16 full support 16 full support 10prefixed prefixed implemented with the vendor prefix: mozie no support noopera no support nosafari no support nowebview android ...
Using IndexedDB - Web APIs
eee; border-radius: 0.2em; } .action-failure { padding: 0.5em; color: #ff1408; background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 0.2em; } .note { font-size: smaller; } .destructive { background-color: orange; } .destructive:hover { background-color: #ff8000; } .destructive:active { background-color: red; } javascript content (function () { var compat_envs = [ ['firefox', ">= 16.0"], ['google chrome', ">= 24.0 (you may need to get google chrome canary), no blob storage support"] ]; var compat = $('#compat'); compat.empty(); compat.append('<ul id="compat-list"></ul>'); compat_envs.foreach(function(val, idx, array) { $('#compat-list').append('<li>' + val[0] + ': ' + val[1] + '</li>'); }); const db_name = 'mdn-demo-indexeddb-epublications'; con...
InputEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
Timing element visibility with the Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
the following style is applied to that: main { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 2; margin: 0; margin-left: 16px; font-size: 16px; } the primary feature here is that the grid position is set to place the body content in column 2, row 2.
Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
the result, given the default value of numsteps (20), is the following list of thresholds: # ratio # ratio 1 0.05 11 0.55 2 0.1 12 0.6 3 0.15 13 0.65 4 0.2 14 0.7 5 0.25 15 0.75 6 0.3 16 0.8 7 0.35 17 0.85 8 0.4 18 0.9 9 0.45 19 0.95 10 0.5 20 1.0 we could, of course, hard-code the array of thresholds into our code, and often that's what you'll end up doing.
KeyboardEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
LargestContentfulPaint - Web APIs
// try { let lcp; const po = new performanceobserver((entrylist) => { const entries = entrylist.getentries(); const lastentry = entries[entries.length - 1]; // update `lcp` to the latest value, using `rendertime` if it's available, // otherwise using `loadtime`.
LayoutShift - Web APIs
// try { let cumulativelayoutshiftscore = 0; const observer = new performanceobserver((list) => { for (const entry of list.getentries()) { // only count layout shifts without recent user input.
MediaKeyMessageEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/mediakeymessageevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="200" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="216" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">mediakeymessageevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover...
MediaKeyStatusMap.entries() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetentries experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16firefox ?
MediaKeyStatusMap.keys() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetkeys experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16firefox ?
MediaKeyStatusMap.values() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetvalues experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16firefox ?
MediaStreamTrackEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/mediastreamtrackevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="210" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="221" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">mediastreamtrackevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hov...
MediaTrackConstraints.aspectRatio - Web APIs
for example, the standard high-definition video aspect ratio of 16:9 can be computed as 1920/1080, or 1.7777777778.
MediaTrackSettings.aspectRatio - Web APIs
for example, the standard 16:9 high-definition aspect ratio can be computed as 1920/1080, or 1.7777777778.
Using the Media Capabilities API - Web APIs
/webm; codecs=vp8</option> <option>video/webm; codecs=vp9</option> <option>video/mp4; codecs=avc1</option> <option>video/mp4; codecs=avc1.420034</option> <option>video/ogg; codecs=theora</option> <option>invalid</option> </select> </li> <li> <label for="size">select a size</label> <select id="size"> <option>7680x4320</option> <option>3840x2160</option> <option>2560x1440</option> <option>1920x1080</option> <option>1280x720</option> <option selected>800x600</option> <option>640x480</option> <option>320x240</option> <option value=" x ">none</option> </select> </li> <li> <label for="framerate">select a framerate</label> <select id="framerate"> <option>60</option> <optio...
MessageEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/messageevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="120" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="176" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">messageevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0...
MouseEvent.buttons - Web APIs
0 : no button or un-initialized 1 : primary button (usually the left button) 2 : secondary button (usually the right button) 4 : auxiliary button (usually the mouse wheel button or middle button) 8 : 4th button (typically the "browser back" button) 16 : 5th button (typically the "browser forward" button) example this example logs the buttons property when you trigger a mousedown event.
MouseEvent.pageX - Web APIs
.box { width: 400px; height: 250px; border: 2px solid darkblue; background-color: blue; color: white; font: 16px "zilla", "open sans", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; } result try this out here: specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom) view modulethe definition of 'pagex' in that specification.
MouseEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
NDEFRecord.encoding - Web APIs
syntax ndefrecord.encoding value a usvstring which can be one of the following: "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-16le" or "utf-16be".
Node.compareDocumentPosition() - Web APIs
the return value is a bitmask of the following values: name value document_position_disconnected 1 document_position_preceding 2 document_position_following 4 document_position_contains 8 document_position_contained_by 16 document_position_implementation_specific 32 syntax comparemask = node.comparedocumentposition(othernode) parameters othernode the other node with which to compare the first node’s document position.
NodeIterator.whatToShow - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
NodeIterator - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
NodeList.prototype.forEach() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetforeachchrome full support 51edge full support 16firefox full support 50ie no support noopera full support 38safari full support 10webview android full support 51chrome android full support ...
NotifyAudioAvailableEvent - Web APIs
all audio frames are normalized to contain 1024 samples by default, but could be any length between 512 and 16384 samples if the user has set a different length using the mozframebufferlength attribute.
OffscreenCanvas.getContext() - Web APIs
depth: boolean that indicates that the drawing buffer has a depth buffer of at least 16 bits.
PageTransitionEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/pagetransitionevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="190" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="211" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">pagetransitionevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover t...
PaymentRequest.canMakePayment() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetcanmakepayment()chrome full support 61edge full support 16firefox full support 55notes disabled full support 55notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 55: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true). - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetidchrome full support 61edge full support 16firefox full support 55notes disabled full support 55notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 55: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
PaymentResponse.requestId - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetrequestidchrome full support 61edge full support 16firefox full support 56notes disabled full support 56notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 56: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
Pbkdf2Params - Web APIs
this should be a random or pseudo-random value of at least 16 bytes. - Web APIs
// reduced time precision (1ms) in firefox 60; // 8781416 // 8781815 // 8782206 // ...
Performance.timeOrigin - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internettimeorigin experimentalchrome full support 62edge full support 16firefox full support 53ie ?
PerformanceEventTiming - Web APIs
// try { function onfirstinputentry(entry) { // only report fid if the page wasn't hidden prior to // the entry being dispatched.
PerformanceFrameTiming - Web APIs
this means the browser should process a frame in about 16.7ms.
PerformanceLongTaskTiming - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
PerformanceMark - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
PerformanceMeasure - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
PerformanceNavigationTiming - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
PerformancePaintTiming - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
PerformanceResourceTiming - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
Using Pointer Events - Web APIs
function colorfortouch(touch) { var r = touch.pointerid % 16; var g = math.floor(touch.pointerid / 3) % 16; var b = math.floor(touch.pointerid / 7) % 16; r = r.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit g = g.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit b = b.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit var color = "#" + r + g + b; log("color for touch with identifier " + touch.pointerid + " = " + color); return color; } the result from this function is a stri...
Pointer events - Web APIs
neither buttons nor touch/pen contact changed since last event -1 — mouse move with no buttons pressed, pen moved while hovering with no buttons pressed — 0 left mouse, touch contact, pen contact 0 1 middle mouse 1 4 right mouse, pen barrel button 2 2 x1 (back) mouse 3 8 x2 (forward) mouse 4 16 pen eraser button 5 32 notice: the button property indicates a change in the state of the button.
ProgressEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/progressevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="181" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">progressevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: ...
PromiseRejectionEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/promiserejectionevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="210" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="221" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">promiserejectionevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hov...
PublicKeyCredential.getClientExtensionResults() - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { // here are the extensions (as "inputs") extensions: { "loc": true, // this extension has been defined to include location information in attestation "uvi": true // user verification index: how the user was verified }, challenge: new uint8array(16) /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16) /* from the server */, name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var mybuffer =...
PublicKeyCredential.response - Web APIs
examples var options = { challenge: new uint8array(16) /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16) /* from the server */, name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey: options }) .then(function (pubkeycredential) { var r...
PublicKeyCredential - Web APIs
var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { var response = newcredentialinfo.response; var clientextensionsresults = newcredentialinfo.getclientextensionresults(); }).catch(function (err) { console.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.rp - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { challenge: /* from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "", icon: "" }, user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john doe" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { // send attestation response and client extensions // to the server to proceed with the registration // of the credential }).catch(function (err) { co...
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions - Web APIs
ns = { // format of new credentials is publickey publickey: { // relying party rp: { name: "example corp", id: "", icon: "" }, // cryptographic challenge from the server challenge: new uint8array(26), // user user: { id: new uint8array(16), name: "", displayname: "john p.
PushEvent.PushEvent() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetpushevent() constructor experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference. - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetdata experimentalchrome full support 57edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
PushManager.hasPermission() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internethaspermission experimentalchrome full support 42edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
PushManager.supportedContentEncodings - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetsupportedcontentencodings experimentalchrome full support 60edge full support 16disabled full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.
PushSubscription.expirationTime - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetexpirationtimechrome full support 60edge full support 16firefox no support noie no support noopera full support 47safari no support nowebview android no support nochrome android full support ...
PushSubscription.getKey() - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetgetkey()chrome full support 42edge full support 16firefox full support 44notes full support 44notes notes extended support releases (esr) before firefox 78 esr do not support service workers and the push no support noopera full support 29safari n...
PushSubscription.options - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetoptionschrome full support 42edge full support 16firefox full support 44notes full support 44notes notes extended support releases (esr) before firefox 78 esr do not support service workers and the push no support noopera full support 29safari n...
RTCDTMFSender - Web APIs
onospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">eventtarget</text></a><polyline points="111,25 121,20 121,30 111,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="121" y1="25" x2="151" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/rtcdtmfsender" target="_top"><rect x="151" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="216" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">rtcdtmfsender</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties rtcdtmfsender.tonebuffer read only a domstring which contains the list of dtmf tones currently in the queue to be transmitted (tones which hav...
RTCDataChannel.binaryType - Web APIs
var dc = peerconnection.createdatachannel("binary"); dc.binarytype = "arraybuffer"; dc.onmessage = function(event) { let bytearray = new uint8array(; let hexstring = ""; bytearray.foreach(function(byte) { hexstring += byte.tostring(16) + " "; }); }; specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcdatachannel.binarytype' in that specification.
RTCDtlsTransport - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/rtcdtlstransport" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">rtcdtlstransport</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} propertiesicetransport read only the read-only rtcdtlstransport property i...
RTCIceCandidate.address - Web APIs
usage notes consider this sdp attribute line (a-line) which describes an ice candidate: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the fifth field, "" is the ip address in this candidate's a-line string.
RTCIceCandidate.component - Web APIs
usage notes consider this sdp attribute line (a-line): a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host this is an ice candidate a-line, whose foundation is 4234997325. - Web APIs
usage notes consider this sdp attribute line (a-line) which describes an ice candidate: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the field "4234997325" is the foundation.
RTCIceCandidate.priority - Web APIs
usage notes consider this sdp attribute line (a-line) which describes an ice candidate: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the priority is the number after the protocol, so it's the fourth field in the candidate string.
RTCIceCandidate.protocol - Web APIs
usage notes here's an example candidate a-line from an ice transaction: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 44323 typ host the third field, "udp", is the protocol type, indicating that the candidate would use the udp transport protocol.
RTCIceCandidate.relatedAddress - Web APIs
here's an sdp attribute line (a-line) describing an ice candidate discovered by the stun server: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 6502 typ srflx raddr rport 32768 generation 0 the remote address, relatedaddress, is the dotted quad (for ipv4) or colon-delineated 64-bit address (for ipv6) immediately following the text "raddr", or "".
RTCPeerConnection() - Web APIs
icecandidatepoolsize optional an unsigned 16-bit integer value which specifies the size of the prefetched ice candidate pool.
RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate() - Web APIs
signalingchannel.send(json.stringify({ice: event.candidate})); // "ice" is arbitrary // } else { // // all ice candidates have been sent // } // } signalingchannel.onmessage = receivedstring => { const message = json.parse(receivedstring); if ( { // a typical value of ice here might look something like this: // // {candidate: "candidate:0 1 udp 2122154243 53421 typ host", sdpmid: "0", ...} // // pass the whole thing to addicecandidate: pc.addicecandidate( => { console.log("failure during addicecandidate(): " +; }); } else { // handle other things you might be signaling, like sdp } } the last candidate to be signaled this way by the remote peer will be a special candidate denoting en...
RTCPeerConnection.connectionState - Web APIs
this value was in the rtcsignalingstate enum (and therefore found by reading the value of the signalingstate) property until the may 13, 2016 draft of the specification.
RTCPeerConnection.getStreamById() - Web APIs
// from: rtcpeerconnection.prototype.getstreambyid = function(id) { try { var localstreams = this.getlocalstreams(); var remotestreams = this.getremotestreams(); var i; for (i = 0; i < localstreams.length; i++) { if (localstreams[i].id == id) return localstreams[i]; } for (i = 0; i < remotestreams.length; i++) { if (remotestreams[i].id == id) r...
RTCPeerConnection.signalingState - Web APIs
note: this value moved into the rtcpeerconnectionstate enum in the may 13, 2016 draft of the specification, as it reflects the state of the rtcpeerconnection, not the signaling connection.
Using the Resource Timing API - Web APIs
) { console.log("warning: resource timing buffer is full!"); set_resource_timing_buffer_size(200); } function init() { // load some image to trigger "resource" fetch events var image1 = new image(); image1.src = ""; var image2 = new image(); image2.src = "" // set a callback if the resource buffer becomes filled performance.onresourcetimingbufferfull = buffer_full; } coping with cors when cors is in effect, many of the timing properties' values are returned as zero unless the server's access policy permits these values to be shared.
SVGAnimateElement - Web APIs
ill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svganimationelement</text></a><polyline points="291,89 281,84 281,94 291,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="281" y1="89" x2="251" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svganimateelement" target="_top"><rect x="81" y="65" width="170" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="166" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svganimateelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface has no properties but inherits properties from its parent, svganimationelement.
SVGCircleElement - Web APIs
x="171" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svggeometryelement</text></a><polyline points="81,89 71,84 71,94 81,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="71" y1="89" x2="41" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgcircleelement" target="_top"><rect x="-119" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="-39" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgcircleelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface also inherits properties from its parent, svggeo...
SVGCursorElement - Web APIs
middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a><polyline points="481,25 491,20 491,30 481,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="491" y1="25" x2="499" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="25" x2="499" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="90" x2="482" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgcursorelement" target="_top"><rect x="321" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="401" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgcursorelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface also inherits properties from its parent, svgele...
SVGFETileElement - Web APIs
middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a><polyline points="481,25 491,20 491,30 481,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="491" y1="25" x2="499" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="25" x2="499" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="90" x2="482" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgfetileelement" target="_top"><rect x="321" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="401" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgfetileelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface also inherits properties from its parent interfa...
SVGFilterElement - Web APIs
middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a><polyline points="481,25 491,20 491,30 481,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="491" y1="25" x2="499" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="25" x2="499" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="90" x2="482" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgfilterelement" target="_top"><rect x="321" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="401" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgfilterelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties svgfilterelement.filterunits read only an svganimatedenumer...
getBBox() - Web APIs
example html <svg viewbox="0 0 200 200" xmlns=""> <g id="group_text_1"> <text x="5" y="16" transform="scale(2, 2)">hello world!</text> <text x="8" y="32" transform="translate(0 20) scale(1.25 1)">hello world again!</text> </g> <!-- shows bbox in green --> <rect id="rect_1" stroke="#00ff00" stroke-width="3" fill="none"> </rect> <!-- shows boundingclientrect in red --> <rect id="rect_2" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="3" fill="none"></rect> </svg> javascript...
SVGScriptElement - Web APIs
middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a><polyline points="481,25 491,20 491,30 481,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="491" y1="25" x2="499" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="25" x2="499" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="90" x2="482" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgscriptelement" target="_top"><rect x="321" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="401" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgscriptelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties svgscriptelement.type read only a domstring corresponding t...
SVGSwitchElement - Web APIs
91" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svggraphicselement</text></a><polyline points="301,89 291,84 291,94 301,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="291" y1="89" x2="261" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgswitchelement" target="_top"><rect x="101" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="181" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgswitchelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface doesn't implement any specific properties, but i...
SVGSymbolElement - Web APIs
middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgelement</text></a><polyline points="481,25 491,20 491,30 481,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="491" y1="25" x2="499" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="25" x2="499" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><line x1="499" y1="90" x2="482" y2="90" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgsymbolelement" target="_top"><rect x="321" y="65" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="401" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgsymbolelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface doesn't implement any specific properties, but i...
SVGTextPathElement - Web APIs
"2px" /><text x="156" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgtextcontentelement</text></a><polyline points="51,89 41,84 41,94 51,89" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="41" y1="89" x2="11" y2="89" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/svgtextpathelement" target="_top"><rect x="-169" y="65" width="180" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="-79" y="94" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">svgtextpathelement</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constants method types name value des...
SVGTransformList - Web APIs
} ]]> </script> <polygon fill="orange" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" points="100,225 100,115 130,115 70,15 70,15 10,115 40,115 40,225" onclick="transformme(evt)"/> <rect x="200" y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="yellow" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" onclick="transformme(evt)"/> <text x="40" y="250" font-family="verdana" font-size="16" fill="green" > click on a shape to transform it </text> </svg> live preview: specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of 'svgtransformlist' in that specification.
ScriptProcessorNode.bufferSize - Web APIs
its value can be a power of 2 value in the range 256–16384.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.navigationPreload - Web APIs
exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnavigationpreload experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 17 full support 17 full support 16disabled disabled from version 16: this feature is behind the enable service workers preference.firefox full support 44notes full support 44notes notes extended support releases (esr) before firefox 78 esr do not support service workers and the push no support ...
SourceBufferList - Web APIs
ext x="56" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">eventtarget</text></a><polyline points="111,25 121,20 121,30 111,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="121" y1="25" x2="151" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/sourcebufferlist" target="_top"><rect x="151" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="231" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">sourcebufferlist</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties sourcebufferlist.length read only returns the number of sou...
StorageEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/storageevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="120" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="176" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">storageevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0...
Using writable streams - Web APIs
the constructor call in our example looks like this: const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
StylePropertyMap - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/stylepropertymap" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">stylepropertymap</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits properties from its parent, stylepropertymapreadonly.
SubtleCrypto.deriveBits() - Web APIs
*/ async function getderivedbits() { const keymaterial = await getkeymaterial(); salt = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); const derivedbits = await window.crypto.subtle.derivebits( { "name": "pbkdf2", salt: salt, "iterations": 100000, "hash": "sha-256" }, keymaterial, 256 ); const buffer = new uint8array(derivedbits, 0, 5); const derivedbitsvalue = document.queryselector(".pbkdf2 .derived-bits-value"); derivedbitsvalue.classlist.add("fade-in"); derivedbitsvalue...
SubtleCrypto.importKey() - Web APIs
const rawkey = window.crypto.getrandomvalues(new uint8array(16)); /* import an aes secret key from an arraybuffer containing the raw bytes.
SyncEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/extendableevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="150" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="191" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">extendableevent</text></a><polyline points="266,25 276,20 276...
TaskAttributionTiming - Web APIs
<div id="interfacediagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveaspectratio="xminymin meet"><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/performanceentry" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="160" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="81" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">performanceentry</text></a><polyline points="161,25 171,20 171,30 161,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="171" y1="25" x2="201" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/...
Text.splitText() - Web APIs
exceptions thrown a domexception with a value of index_size_err is thrown if the specified offset is negative or is greater than the number of 16-bit units in the node's text; a domexception with a value of no_modification_allowed_err is thrown if the node is read-only.
TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto() - Web APIs
return value a textencoderencodeintoresult dictionary, which contains two members: read the number of utf-16 units of code from the source that has been converted over to utf-8.
TextEncoder - Web APIs
if (typeof textencoder === "undefined") { textencoder=function textencoder(){}; textencoder.prototype.encode = function encode(str) { "use strict"; var len = str.length, respos = -1; // the uint8array's length must be at least 3x the length of the string because an invalid utf-16 // takes up the equivelent space of 3 utf-8 characters to encode it properly.
TextMetrics.width - Web APIs
you can get a textmetrics object using the following code: const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); let text = ctx.measuretext('foo'); // textmetrics object text.width; // 16; specifications specification html living standardthe definition of 'textmetrics.width' in that specification.
TimeEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/timeevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="90" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="161" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">timeevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; ...
TouchEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
Touch events - Web APIs
function colorfortouch(touch) { var r = touch.identifier % 16; var g = math.floor(touch.identifier / 3) % 16; var b = math.floor(touch.identifier / 7) % 16; r = r.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit g = g.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit b = b.tostring(16); // make it a hex digit var color = "#" + r + g + b; console.log("color for touch with identifier " + touch.identifier + " = " + color); return color; } the result from this functio...
TreeWalker.whatToShow - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
TreeWalker - Web APIs
nodefilter.show_entity_reference 16 shows entityreference nodes.
UIEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; po...
USBDevice.clearHalt() - Web APIs
while (true) { let result = await data.transferin(1, 6); if ( && === 6) { console.log('channel 1: ' +; console.log('channel 2: ' +; console.log('channel 5: ' +; } if (result.status === 'stall') { console.warn('endpoint stalled.
WEBGL_depth_texture - Web APIs
the pixels parameter now accepts an arraybufferview of type uint16array and uint32array.
WebGL2RenderingContext.copyTexSubImage3D() - Web APIs
examples gl.copytexsubimage3d(gl.texture_3d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16); specifications specification status comment webgl 2.0the definition of 'copytexsubimage3d' in that specification.
WebGL2RenderingContext.readBuffer() - Web APIs
gl.color_attachment{0-15}: reads from one of the 16 color attachment buffers.
WebGL2RenderingContext.renderbufferStorageMultisample() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.r8 gl.r8ui gl.r8i gl.r16ui gl.r16i gl.r32ui gl.r32i gl.rg8 gl.rg8ui gl.rg8i gl.rg16ui gl.rg16i gl.rg32ui gl.rg32i gl.rgb8 gl.rgba8 gl.srgb8_alpha8 gl.rgba4 gl.rgb565 gl.rgb5_a1 gl.rgb10_a2 gl.rgba8ui gl.rgba8i gl.rgb10_a2ui gl.rgba16ui gl.rgba16i gl.rgba32i gl.rgba32ui gl.depth_component16 gl.depth_component24 gl.depth_component32f gl.depth_stencil gl.depth24_sten...
WebGL2RenderingContext.texImage3D() - Web APIs
gl.r8 gl.r16f gl.r32f gl.r8ui gl.rg8 gl.rg16f gl.rg32f gl.rgui gl.rgb8 gl.srgb8 gl.rgb565 gl.r11f_g11f_b10f gl.rgb9_e5 gl.rgb16f gl.rgb32f gl.rgb8ui gl.rgba8 gl.srgb_aplha8 gl.rgb5_a1 gl.rgba4444 gl.rgba16f gl.rgba32f gl.rgba8ui width a glsizei specifying the width of the texture.
WebGL2RenderingContext.texStorage2D() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.r8 gl.r16f gl.r32f gl.r8ui gl.rg8 gl.rg16f gl.rg32f gl.rg8ui gl.rgb8 gl.srgb8 gl.rgb565 gl.r11f_g11f_b10f gl.rgb9_e5 gl.rgb16f gl.rgb32f gl.rgb8ui gl.rgba8 gl.srgb8_aplha8 gl.rgb5_a1 gl.rgba4 gl.rgba16f gl.rgba32f gl.rgba8ui unlike opengl 3.0, webgl 2 doesn't support the following etc2 and eac compressed texture formats (see section 5.37 in the webgl 2 spec).
WebGL2RenderingContext.texStorage3D() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.r8 gl.r16f gl.r32f gl.r8ui gl.rg8 gl.rg16f gl.rg32f gl.rgui gl.rgb8 gl.srgb8 gl.rgb565 gl.r11f_g11f_b10f gl.rgb9_e5 gl.rgb16f gl.rgb32f gl.rgb8ui gl.rgba8 gl.srgb_aplha8 gl.rgb5_a1 gl.rgba4444 gl.rgba16f gl.rgba32f gl.rgba8ui gl.compressed_r11_eac gl.compressed_signed_r11_eac gl.compressed_rg11_eac gl.compressed_signed_rg11_eac gl.compressed_rgb8_etc2 g...
WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribIPointer() - Web APIs
bone indices, interpreted as integer gl.vertexattribipointer(2, 4, gl.unsigned_byte, 20, 16); gl.enablevertexattribarray(2); //connect to attributes from the vertex shader gl.bindattriblocation(shaderprogram, 0, "position"); gl.bindattriblocation(shaderprogram, 1, "boneweights"); gl.bindattriblocation(shaderprogram, 2, "boneindices"); <script id="shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">#version 300 es uniform mat4 mvmatrix; uniform mat4 bones[120]; in vec3 position; in vec4 boneweights...
WebGLContextEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/webglcontextevent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="170" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="201" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">webglcontextevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text ...
WebGLRenderingContext.copyTexSubImage2D() - Web APIs
examples gl.copytexsubimage2d(gl.texture_2d, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 16, 16); specifications specification status comment webgl 1.0the definition of 'copytexsubimage2d' in that specification.
WebGLRenderingContext.getRenderbufferParameter() - Web APIs
gl.depth_component16: 16 depth bits.
WebGLRenderingContext.getUniform() - Web APIs
ith 3 elements) ivec3 int32array (with 3 elements) bvec3 array of glboolean (with 3 elements) vec4 float32array (with 4 elements) ivec4 int32array (with 4 elements) bvec4 array of glboolean (with 4 elements) mat2 float32array (with 4 elements) mat3 float32array (with 9 elements) mat4 float32array (with 16 elements) sampler2d glint samplercube glint additionally available in webgl 2 uint gluint uvec2 uint32array (with 2 elements) uvec3 uint32array (with 3 elements) uvec4 uint32array (with 4 elements) mat2x3 float32array (with 6 elements) mat2x4 float32array (with 8 elements) mat3x2 f...
WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels() - Web APIs
uint16array for gl.unsigned_short_5_6_5, gl.unsigned_short_4_4_4_4, or gl.unsigned_short_5_5_5_1.
WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D() - Web APIs
a uint16array must be used if type is either gl.unsigned_short_5_6_5, gl.unsigned_short_4_4_4_4, gl.unsigned_short_5_5_5_1, or ext.half_float_oes.
WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix[234]fv() - Web APIs
they are expected to have 4, 9 or 16 floats.
WebGLRenderingContext.viewport() - Web APIs
int32array[16384, 16384] to get the current viewport, query the viewport constant.
Creating 3D objects using WebGL - Web APIs
const indices = [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, // front 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, // back 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11, // top 12, 13, 14, 12, 14, 15, // bottom 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19, // right 20, 21, 22, 20, 22, 23, // left ]; // now send the element array to gl gl.bufferdata(gl.element_array_buffer, new uint16array(indices), gl.static_draw); return { position: positionbuffer, color: colorbuffer, indices: indexbuffer, }; } the indices array defines each face like a pair of triangles, specifying each triang...
Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
thus a matrix that looks like this: [a1a5a9a13a2a6a10a14a3a7a11a15a4a8a12a16]\left [ \begin{matrix} a_{1} & a_{5} & a_{9} & a_{13} \\ a_{2} & a_{6} & a_{10} & a_{14} \\ a_{3} & a_{7} & a_{11} & a_{15} \\ a_{4} & a_{8} & a_{12} & a_{16} \end{matrix} \right ] is represented in array form like this: let matrixarray = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16]; in this array, the leftmost column contains the entries a1, a2, a...
Geometry and reference spaces in WebXR - Web APIs
doing the math, we find that this means that each frame will ideally be rendered 16.6667 milliseconds apart.
Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
for example, a 60 hz display has 1/60th of a second to render a single frame, or 0.0166667 seconds.
Using IIR filters - Web APIs
.appendchild(canvasel); // set 2d context and set dimesions const canvasctx = canvasel.getcontext('2d'); const width = canvascontainer.offsetwidth; const height = canvascontainer.offsetheight; canvasel.width = width; canvasel.height = height; // set background fill canvasctx.fillstyle = 'white'; canvasctx.fillrect(0, 0, width, height); // set up some spacing based on size const spacing = width/16; const fontsize = math.floor(spacing/1.5); // draw our axis canvasctx.linewidth = 2; canvasctx.strokestyle = 'grey'; canvasctx.beginpath(); canvasctx.moveto(spacing, spacing); canvasctx.lineto(spacing, height-spacing); canvasctx.lineto(width-spacing, height-spacing); canvasctx.stroke(); // axis is gain by frequency -> make labels canvasctx.font = fontsize+'px sans-serif'; canvasctx.fillstyle =...
WheelEvent - Web APIs
docs/web/api/event" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="38.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">event</text></a><polyline points="76,25 86,20 86,30 76,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="86" y1="25" x2="116" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/uievent" target="_top"><rect x="116" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="153.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">uievent</text></a><polyline points="191,25 201,20 201,30 191,25" st...
Window.localStorage - Web APIs
the keys and the values are always in the utf-16 domstring format, which uses two bytes per character.
Window.navigator - Web APIs
(susrag.indexof("trident") > -1) { sbrowser = "microsoft internet explorer"; // "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64; trident/7.0; .net4.0c; .net4.0e; zoom 3.6.0; wbx 1.0.0; rv:11.0) like gecko" } else if (susrag.indexof("edge") > -1) { sbrowser = "microsoft edge"; // "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; win64; x64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/58.0.3029.110 safari/537.36 edge/16.16299" } else if (susrag.indexof("chrome") > -1) { sbrowser = "google chrome or chromium"; // "mozilla/5.0 (x11; linux x86_64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) ubuntu chromium/66.0.3359.181 chrome/66.0.3359.181 safari/537.36" } else if (susrag.indexof("safari") > -1) { sbrowser = "apple safari"; // "mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 11_4 like mac os x) applewebkit/605.1.15 (khtml, ...
Window.pageYOffset - Web APIs
css iframe { width: 620px; height: 450px; border: 1px solid black; } #info { margin-top: 20px; font: 16px "open sans", "helvetica", "arial"; } result the result follows.
Window.sessionStorage - Web APIs
the keys and the values are always in the utf-16 domstring format, which uses two bytes per character.
WritableStream.WritableStream() - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
WritableStream.getWriter() - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.WritableStreamDefaultWriter() - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.close() - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.ready - Web APIs
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetready experimentalchrome full support 59edge full support 16firefox no support noie no support noopera full support 46safari ?
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.write() - Web APIs
.catch((err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message receiv...
WritableStreamDefaultWriter - Web APIs
err) => { console.log("stream error:", err); }); } const decoder = new textdecoder("utf-8"); const queuingstrategy = new countqueuingstrategy({ highwatermark: 1 }); let result = ""; const writablestream = new writablestream({ // implement the sink write(chunk) { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { var buffer = new arraybuffer(2); var view = new uint16array(buffer); view[0] = chunk; var decoded = decoder.decode(view, { stream: true }); var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "chunk decoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[me...
How to check the security state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL - Web APIs
sha1 fingerprint = f1:8c:38:96:0a:30:63:16:47:fa:6e:cd:7d:58:cc:ab:82:fb:a9:d0 valid from 9/1/2010 0:00:00 am valid until 9/1/2012 23:59:59 pm ...
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
line 16 actually initiates the request.
Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
"?" + odata.segments.join("&") : ""), true); oajaxreq.send(null); } else { /* method is post */"post", odata.receiver, true); if (odata.technique === 3) { /* enctype is multipart/form-data */ var sboundary = "---------------------------" +; oajaxreq.setrequestheader("content-type", "multipart\/form-data; boundary=" + sboundary); oajaxreq.sendasbinary("--" + sboundary + "\r\n" + odata.segments.join("--" + sboundary + "\r\n") + "--" + sboundary + "--\r\n"); } else { /* enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or text/plain */ oajaxreq.setrequestheader("content-type", odata.conten...
XMLHttpRequest() - Web APIs
non-standard firefox syntax firefox 16 added a non-standard parameter to the constructor that can enable anonymous mode (see bug 692677).
XMLHttpRequest: abort event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XMLHttpRequest: error event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XMLHttpRequest: load event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XMLHttpRequest: loadend event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XMLHttpRequest: loadstart event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XMLHttpRequest: progress event - Web APIs
ener('progress', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('error', handleevent); xhr.addeventlistener('abort', handleevent); } function runxhr(url) { log.textcontent = ''; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); addlisteners(xhr);"get", url); xhr.send(); return xhr; } xhrbuttonsuccess.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonerror.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr(''); }); xhrbuttonabort.addeventlistener('click', () => { runxhr('').abort(); }); result specifications specification status comment xmlhttprequest living standard ...
XRRigidTransform - Web APIs
xrrigidtransform.matrix read only returns the transform matrix in the form of a 16-member float32array.
ARIA: contentinfo role - Accessibility
<article> <h2>everyday pad thai</h2> <!-- article content --> <footer aria-label="everyday pad thai metadata"> <p>posted on <time datetime="2018-09-23 12:17">may 16</time> by <a href="#">lisa</a>.</p> </footer> </article> ...
ARIA: grid role - Accessibility
</td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 12 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 13 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 14 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 15 </td> </tr> <tr role="row"> <th scope="row" role="rowheader">week 38</th> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 16 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 17 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 18 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 19 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 20 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 21 </td> <td role="gridcell" tabindex="-1"> 22 </td> ...
ARIA: switch role - Accessibility
er; font: 12px "open sans", "arial", serif; } button.switch span { padding: 0 4px; pointer-events: none; } [role="switch"][aria-checked="false"] :first-child, [role="switch"][aria-checked="true"] :last-child { background: #262; color: #eef; } [role="switch"][aria-checked="false"] :last-child, [role="switch"][aria-checked="true"] :first-child { color: #bbd; } label.switch { font: 16px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; line-height: 20px; user-select: none; vertical-align: middle; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; } the most interesting part is probably the use of attribute selectors and the :first-child and :last-child pseudo-classes to do all the heavy lifting of changing the appearance of the switc...
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
this means it should be easily understood by a native english speaker aged 16 to 17.
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
the alert role is most useful for information that requires the user's immediate attention, for example: 16 using the alertdialog role aria, accessibility, codingscripting, html, needscontent, role(2), web development, agent, alertdialog, alerts, modal, user, useragent the alertdialog role is used to notify the user of urgent information that demands the user's immediate attention.
Perceivable - Accessibility
g non-text contrast 1.4.12 text spacing (aa) added in 2.1 no loss of content or functionality occurs when the following styles are applied: line height (line spacing) to at least 1.5 times the font size spacing following paragraphs to at least 2 times the font size letter spacing (tracking) to at least 0.12 times the font size word spacing to at least 0.16 times the font size understanding text spacing 1.4.13 content on hover or focus (aa) added in 2.1 while additional content may appear and disappear in coordination with hover and keyboard focus, this success criterion specifies three conditions that must be met: dismissable (can be closed/removed) hoverable (the additional content does not disappear wh...
-moz-image-rect - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the container looks like this: #container { width:267px; height:272px; top:100px; left:100px; position:absolute; font-size:16px; text-shadow:white 0px 0px 6px; text-align:center; } then the four boxes defining the segments of the image are defined.
-moz-orient - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ritednocomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete formal syntax inline | block | horizontal | vertical examples html <p> the following progress meter is horizontal (the default): </p> <progress max="100" value="75"></progress> <p> the following progress meter is vertical: </p> <progress class="vert" max="100" value="75"></progress> css .vert { -moz-orient: vertical; width: 16px; height: 150px; } result specifications not part of any standard.
:-moz-only-whitespace - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples html <div> </div> css :root { overflow: hidden; max-width: 100vw; max-height: 100vh; } div { background-color: #ccc; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; min-height: 16px; min-height: 1rem; } div { border: 4px solid red; } :-moz-only-whitespace { border-color: lime; } result specifications briefly defined as :blank in selectors level 4, but then the functionality was merged into :empty and :blank redefined to mean empty <input>.
:default - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
what this selector matches is defined in html standard §4.16.3 pseudo-classes — it may match the <button>, <input type="checkbox">, <input type="radio">, and <option> elements: a default option element is the first one with the selected attribute, or the first enabled option in dom order.
device-aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples article { padding: 1rem; } @media screen and (min-device-aspect-ratio: 16/9) { article { padding: 1rem 5vw; } } specifications specification status comment media queries level 4the definition of 'device-aspect-ratio' in that specification.
CSS Animations tips and tricks - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
.runbutton { cursor: pointer; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-top: 12px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 4px; color: white; background-color: darkgreen; font: 14px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } @keyframes colorchange { 0% { background: yellow } 100% { background: blue } } .box { width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid black; } .changing { animation: colorchange 2s; } there are two c...
Using CSS animations - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the output, when all is said and done, looks something like this: started: elapsed time is 0 new loop started at time 3.01200008392334 new loop started at time 6.00600004196167 ended: elapsed time is 9.234000205993652 note that the times are very close to, but not exactly, those expected given the timing established when the animation was configured.
Realizing common layouts using CSS Grid Layout - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a flexible 12-column layout if you have been working with one of the many frameworks or grid systems you may be accustomed to laying out your site on a 12- or 16-column flexible grid.
CSS values and units - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
absolute length units unit name equivalent to cm centimeters 1cm = 96px/2.54 mm millimeters 1mm = 1/10th of 1cm q quarter-millimeters 1q = 1/40th of 1cm in inches 1in = 2.54cm = 96px pc picas 1pc = 1/16th of 1in pt points 1pt = 1/72th of 1in px pixels 1px = 1/96th of 1in when including a length value, if the length is 0, the unit identifier is not required.
Scaling of SVG backgrounds - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if the image has an intrinsic ratio (that is, its width:height ratio is constant, such as 16:9, 4:3, 2.39:1, 1:1, and so forth), the rendered size preserves that ratio.
align-content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
{ background-color: #8cffa0; min-height: 30px; } #item2 { background-color: #a0c8ff; min-height: 50px; } #item3 { background-color: #ffa08c; min-height: 40px; } #item4 { background-color: #ffff8c; min-height: 60px; } #item5 { background-color: #ff8cff; min-height: 70px; } #item6 { background-color: #8cffff; min-height: 50px; font-size: 30px; } select { font-size: 16px; } .row { margin-top: 10px; } html <div id="container" class="flex"> <div id="item1">1</div> <div id="item2">2</div> <div id="item3">3</div> <div id="item4">4</div> <div id="item5">5</div> <div id="item6">6</div> </div> <div class="row"> <label for="display">display: </label> <select id="display"> <option value="flex">flex</option> <option value="grid">grid</optio...
align-items - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
{ background-color: #8cffa0; min-height: 30px; } #item2 { background-color: #a0c8ff; min-height: 50px; } #item3 { background-color: #ffa08c; min-height: 40px; } #item4 { background-color: #ffff8c; min-height: 60px; } #item5 { background-color: #ff8cff; min-height: 70px; } #item6 { background-color: #8cffff; min-height: 50px; font-size: 30px; } select { font-size: 16px; } .row { margin-top: 10px; } html <div id="container" class="flex"> <div id="item1">1</div> <div id="item2">2</div> <div id="item3">3</div> <div id="item4">4</div> <div id="item5">5</div> <div id="item6">6</div> </div> <div class="row"> <label for="display">display: </label> <select id="display"> <option value="flex">flex</option> <option value="grid">grid</option...
<angle> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples setting a clockwise right angle 90deg = 100grad = 0.25turn ≈ 1.5708rad setting a flat angle 180deg = 200grad = 0.5turn ≈ 3.1416rad setting a counterclockwise right angle -90deg = -100grad = -0.25turn ≈ -1.5708rad setting a null angle 0 = 0deg = 0grad = 0turn = 0rad specifications specification status comment css values and units module level 4the definition of '<angle>' in that specification.
backdrop-filter - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
d-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); border-radius: 5px; font-family: sans-serif; text-align: center; line-height: 1; -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); backdrop-filter: blur(10px); max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%; padding: 20px 40px; } html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; } body { background-image: url(, linear-gradient(rgb(219, 166, 166), rgb(0, 0, 172)); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } .container { align-items: center; display: flex; justify-content: center; height: 100%; width: 100%; } html <div class="container"> <div class="box"> <p>backdrop-filter: blur(10px)</p> </div> </div> result specifications specification st...
background-repeat - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/li> <li>space <div class="five"></div> </li> <li>round <div class="six"></div> </li> <li>repeat-x, repeat-y (multiple images) <div class="seven"></div> </li> </ol> css /* shared for all divs in example */ ol, li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } li { margin-bottom: 12px; } div { background-image: url(; width: 160px; height: 70px; } /* background repeats */ .one { background-repeat: no-repeat; } .two { background-repeat: repeat; } .three { background-repeat: repeat-x; } .four { background-repeat: repeat-y; } .five { background-repeat: space; } .six { background-repeat: round; } /* multiple images */ .seven { background-image: url(
border-image-width - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p> css p { border: 20px solid; border-image: url("/static/external/21/214842819586a8dd293c17b38d0fd0e26430146a86dd04294a53ecaeeea7d0e2.png") 30 round; border-image-width: 16px; padding: 40px; } result specifications specification status comment css backgrounds and borders module level 3the definition of 'border-image-width' in that specification.
box-decoration-break - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ementsinheritednocomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete formal syntax slice | clone examples inline box fragments an inline element that contains line breaks styled with: .example { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, yellow, green); box-shadow: 8px 8px 10px 0px deeppink, -5px -5px 5px 0px blue, 5px 5px 15px 0px yellow; padding: 0em 1em; border-radius: 16px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 10px; font: 24px sans-serif; line-height: 2; } ...
box-shadow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax /* keyword values */ box-shadow: none; /* offset-x | offset-y | color */ box-shadow: 60px -16px teal; /* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | color */ box-shadow: 10px 5px 5px black; /* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | spread-radius | color */ box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* inset | offset-x | offset-y | color */ box-shadow: inset 5em 1em gold; /* any number of shadows, separated by commas */ box-shadow: 3px 3px red, -1em 0 0.4em olive; /* global keywords */ box-...
clip-path - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
25% at 25% 25%); } .shape7 { clip-path: border-box circle(25% at 25% 25%); } .shape8 { clip-path: padding-box circle(25% at 25% 25%); } .shape9 { clip-path: content-box circle(25% at 25% 25%); } .defs { width: 0; height: 0; margin: 0; } pre { margin-bottom: 0; } svg { margin: 1em; font-family: sans-serif; width: 192px; height: 192px; } svg rect { stroke: pink; stroke-width: 16px; } svg text { fill: pink; text-anchor: middle; } svg text.em { font-style: italic; } complete example html <img id="clipped" src="" alt="mdn logo"> <svg height="0" width="0"> <defs> <clippath id="cross"> <rect y="110" x="137" width="90" height="90"/> <rect x="0" y="110" width="90" height="90"/> <rec...
clip - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
>, <left>) examples clipping an image css .dotted-border { border: dotted; position: relative; width: 536px; height: 350px; } #top-left, #middle, #bottom-right { position: absolute; top: 0; } #top-left { left: 360px; clip: rect(0 175px 113px 0); } #middle { left: 280px; clip: rect(119px 255px 229px 80px); } #bottom-right { left: 200px; clip: rect(235px 335px 345px 160px); } html <p class="dotted-border"> <img src="" title="original graphic"> <img id="top-left" src="" title="graphic clipped to upper left"> <img id="middle" src="" title="graphic clipped towards middle"> <img id="bottom-rig...
Computed value - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, if an element has specified values font-size: 16px and padding-top: 2em, then the computed value of padding-top is 32px (double the font size).
conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
by creating quadrants with an upper left and lower right white quadrant and lower left and upper right black quadrants, then repeating the gradient 16 times (four times across and four times down) you can make a checkerboard.
content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
</a></li> <li><a id="mdn" href=""> mozilla developer network</a></li> </ul> css a { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px dotted navy; } a::after { content: " (" attr(id) ")"; } #moz::before { content: url(""); } #mdn::before { content: url(""); } li { margin: 1em; } result element replacement this example replaces an element's content with an image.
drop-shadow() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples setting a drop shadow using pixel offsets and blur radius /* black shadow with 10px blur */ drop-shadow(16px 16px 10px black) setting a drop shadow using rem offsets and blur radius /* reddish shadow with 1rem blur */ drop-shadow(.5rem .5rem 1rem #e23) specifications specification status filter effects module level 1the definition of 'drop-shadow()' in that specification.
flex-basis - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
then, that change was reverted in bug 1093316, so auto once again means "look at my width or height property"; and a new content keyword is being introduced to trigger automatic sizing.
font-stretch - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
rmal">an elephantine lizard</p> <p class="expanded">an elephantine lizard</p> </div> css /* this example uses the league mono variable font, developed by tyler finck ( and used here under the terms of the sil open font license, version 1.1: */ @font-face { src: url(''); font-family:'leaguemonovariable'; font-style: normal; font-stretch: 1% 500%; /* required by chrome */ } .container { border: 10px solid #f5f9fa; padding: 0 1rem; font: 1.5rem 'leaguemonovariable', sans-serif; } .condensed { font-stretch: 50%; } .normal { font-stretch: 100%; } .expanded { font-stretch: 200%; } result specifications ...
font-style - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
not be wonderful to meet a megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up holborn hill.</p> </div> css /* amstelvaralpha-vf is created by david berlow ( and is used here under the terms of its license: */ @font-face { src: url(''); font-family:'amstelvaralpha'; font-style: normal; } label { font: 1rem monospace; } .container { max-height: 150px; overflow: scroll; } .sample { font: 2rem 'amstelvaralpha', sans-serif; } html, body { max-height: 100vh; max-width: 100vw; overflow: hidden; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } header { margin-bottom: 1.5rem;...
font-weight - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
t would not be wonderful to meet a megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up holborn hill.</p> </div> css /* mutator sans is created by letterror ( and is used here under the terms of its license: */ @font-face { src: url(''); font-family:'mutatorsans'; font-style: normal; } label { font: 1rem monospace; white-space: nowrap; } .container { max-height: 150px; overflow-y: auto; } .sample { text-transform: uppercase; font: 1.5rem 'mutatorsans', sans-serif; } html, body { max-height: 100vh; max-width: 100vw; overflow: hidden; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: col...
gap (grid-gap) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax /* one <length> value */ gap: 20px; gap: 1em; gap: 3vmin; gap: 0.5cm; /* one <percentage> value */ gap: 16%; gap: 100%; /* two <length> values */ gap: 20px 10px; gap: 1em 0.5em; gap: 3vmin 2vmax; gap: 0.5cm 2mm; /* one or two <percentage> values */ gap: 16% 100%; gap: 21px 82%; /* calc() values */ gap: calc(10% + 20px); gap: calc(20px + 10%) calc(10% - 5px); /* global values */ gap: inherit; gap: initial; gap: unset; this property is specified as a value for <'row-gap'> followed optionally by a ...
<gradient> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
<div class="linear-repeat">repeating linear gradient</div> <br> <div class="radial-repeat">repeating radial gradient</div> div { width: 240px; height: 80px; } .linear-repeat { background: repeating-linear-gradient(to top left, lightpink, lightpink 5px, white 5px, white 10px); } .radial-repeat { background: repeating-radial-gradient(powderblue, powderblue 8px, white 8px, white 16px); } conic gradient example a simple conic gradient example.
<image> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
criterion 1.1.1 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 examples valid images url(test.jpg) /* a <url>, as long as test.jpg is an actual image */ linear-gradient(blue, red) /* a <gradient> */ element(#realid) /* a part of the webpage, referenced with the element() function, if "realid" is an existing id on the page */ image(ltr 'arrow.png#xywh=0,0,16,16', red) /* a section 16x16 section of <url>, starting from the top, left of the original image as long as arrow.png is a supported image, otherwise a solid red swatch.
<length> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
when used within the root element font-size, it represents its initial value (a common browser default is 16px, but user-defined preferences may modify this).
line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
</div> <!-- the first <h1> line-height is calculated from its own font-size (30px × 1.1) = 33px --> <!-- the second <h1> line-height results from the red div's font-size (15px × 1.1) = 16.5px, probably not what you want --> css .green { line-height: 1.1; border: solid limegreen; } .red { line-height: 1.1em; border: solid red; } h1 { font-size: 30px; } .box { width: 18em; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; font-size: 15px; } result specifications specification status comment css level 2 (revision 1)the definition of...
mask - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/ mask: url(masks.svg#star) stroke-box; /* element within svg graphic used as mask extending to the box enclosed by the stroke */ mask: url(masks.svg#star) exclude; /* element within svg graphic used as mask and combined with background using non-overlapping parts */ /* global values */ mask: inherit; mask: initial; mask: unset; /* multiple masks */ mask: url(masks.svg#star) left / 16px repeat-y, /* element within svg graphic is used as a mask on the left-hand side with a width of 16px */ url(masks.svg#circle) right / 16px repeat-y; /* element within svg graphic is used as a mask on the right-hand side with a width of 16px */ values <mask-reference> sets the mask image source.
max-block-size - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
.standard-box { padding: 4px; background-color: #abcdef; color: #000; font: 16px "open sans", "helvetica", "arial", sans-serif; max-block-size: 160px; min-block-size: 100px; } .horizontal { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; } .vertical { writing-mode: vertical-rl; } result specifications specification status comment css logical properties and values level 1the definition of 'max-block-size' in that specification.
object-fit - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetobject-fitchrome full support 31edge full support 16notes full support 16notes notes edge supports object-fit on img elements only.
paint() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ems is filled or just has a stroke outline, and the width of that outline: <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li>item 3</li> <li>item 4</li> <li>item 5</li> <li>item 6</li> <li>item 7</li> <li>item 8</li> <li>item 9</li> <li>item 10</li> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> <li>item 13</li> <li>item 14</li> <li>item 15</li> <li>item 16</li> <li>item 17</li> <li>item 18</li> <li>item 19</li> <li>item 20</li> </ul> css.paintworklet.addmodule(''); li { --boxcolor: hsla(55, 90%, 60%, 1.0); background-image: paint(hollowhighlights, stroke, 2px); } li:nth-of-type(3n) { --boxcolor: hsla(155, 90%, 60%, 1.0); background-image: paint...
place-items - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
{ background-color: #8cffa0; min-height: 30px; } #item2 { background-color: #a0c8ff; min-height: 50px; } #item3 { background-color: #ffa08c; min-height: 40px; } #item4 { background-color: #ffff8c; min-height: 60px; } #item5 { background-color: #ff8cff; min-height: 70px; } #item6 { background-color: #8cffff; min-height: 50px; font-size: 30px; } select { font-size: 16px; } .row { margin-top: 10px; } html <div id="container" class="flex"> <div id="item1">1</div> <div id="item2">2</div> <div id="item3">3</div> <div id="item4">4</div> <div id="item5">5</div> <div id="item6">6</div> </div> <div class="row"> <label for="display">display: </label> <select id="display"> <option value="flex">flex</option> <option value="grid">grid</option...
repeating-conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
repeating-conic-gradient(from 0deg, red 0deg 30deg, yellow 30deg 60deg, blue 60deg 90deg); repeating-radial-gradient(red 0 8%, yellow 8% 16%, blue 16% 24%); conic-gradient(red 120deg, yellow 120deg 240deg, blue 240deg); radial-gradient(red 33%, yellow 33% 66%, blue 66%); for a repeating gradient to repeat we define the first and last color stops.
text-combine-upright - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <p lang="ja" class="exampletext">平成20年4月16日に</p> css .exampletext { writing-mode: vertical-lr; text-combine-upright: digits 2; font: 36px serif; } results screenshotlive sample all the all value requires markup around every piece of horizontal text, but it is currently supported by more browsers than the digits value.
text-emphasis-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* initial value */ text-emphasis-color: currentcolor; /* <color> */ text-emphasis-color: #555; text-emphasis-color: blue; text-emphasis-color: rgba(90, 200, 160, 0.8); text-emphasis-color: transparent; /* global values */ text-emphasis-color: inherit; text-emphasis-color: initial; text-emphasis-color: unset; syntax values <color> defines the color of the emphasis marks.
matrix() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: until firefox 16, gecko accepted a <length> value for tx and ty.
transform - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
)<skewx()> = skewx( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )<skewy()> = skewy( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )<matrix3d()> = matrix3d( <number>#{16} )<translate3d()> = translate3d( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage> , <length> )<translatez()> = translatez( <length> )<scale3d()> = scale3d( <number> , <number> , <number> )<scalez()> = scalez( <number> )<rotate3d()> = rotate3d( <number> , <number> , <number> , [ <angle> | <zero> ] )<rotatex()> = rotatex( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )<rotatey()> = rotatey( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )<rotatez()> = rot...
white-space - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p> </div> .box { width: 300px; padding: 16px; border-radius: 10px; } #css-code { background-color: rgb(220, 220, 220); font-size: 16px; font-family: monospace; } #css-code select { font-family: inherit; } #results { background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); overflow-x: scroll; height: 400px; white-space: normal; font-size: 14px; } var select = document.queryselector("#css-code select"); var results = document.querysel...
Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video - Developer guides
no image is used for the captions button, so it is simply styled as: .controls button[data-state="subtitles"] { height:85%; text-indent:0; font-size:16px; font-size:1rem; font-weight:bold; color:#666; background:#000; border-radius:2px; } there are also other css changes that are specific to some extra javascript implementation, but these will be mentioned at the appropriate place below.
Audio and video manipulation - Developer guides
var processor = { timercallback: function() { if ( || { return; } this.computeframe(); var self = this; settimeout(function () { self.timercallback(); }, 16); // roughly 60 frames per second }, doload: function() { = document.getelementbyid("my-video"); this.c1 = document.getelementbyid("my-canvas"); this.ctx1 = this.c1.getcontext("2d"); var self = this;"play", function() { self.width =; self.height =; self.timercallback(); }, fa...
Rich-Text Editing in Mozilla - Developer guides
Making content editable - Developer guides
Index - Developer guides
16 audio and video manipulation audio, canvas, examples, guide, html5, media, video, web audio api, webgl, developer recommendation the ability to read the pixel values from each frame of a video can be very useful.
Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples of valid week strings week string week and year (date range) 2001-w37 week 37, 2001 (september 10-16, 2001) 1953-w01 week 1, 1953 (december 29, 1952-january 4, 1953) 1948-w53 week 53, 1948 (december 27, 1948-january 2, 1949) 1949-w01 week 1, 1949 (january 3-9, 1949) 0531-w16 week 16, 531 (april 13-19, 531) 0042-w04 week 4, 42 (january 21-27, 42) note that both the year and week numbers are padded with leading zeroes, with the yea...
<article>: The Article Contents element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples <article class="film_review"> <header> <h2>jurassic park</h2> </header> <section class="main_review"> <p>dinos were great!</p> </section> <section class="user_reviews"> <article class="user_review"> <p>way too scary for me.</p> <footer> <p> posted on <time datetime="2015-05-16 19:00">may 16</time> by lisa.
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
16 00:00:52 --> 00:01:02 [laughing] sorry!
<canvas>: The Graphics Canvas element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
stack overflow): browser maximum height maximum width maximum area chrome 32,767 pixels 32,767 pixels 268,435,456 pixels (i.e., 16,384 x 16,384) firefox 32,767 pixels 32,767 pixels 472,907,776 pixels (i.e., 22,528 x 20,992) safari 32,767 pixels 32,767 pixels 268,435,456 pixels (i.e., 16,384 x 16,384) ie 8,192 pixels 8,192 pixels ?
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<img src="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png" alt="clock" srcset="/files/16864/clock-demo-200px.png 200w, /files/16797/clock-demo-400px.png 400w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 200px, 50vw"> to see the resizing in action, view the example on a separate page, so you can actually resize the content area.
<input type="radio"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the css involved is a bit more significant: html { font-family: sans-serif; } div:first-of-type { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; margin-bottom: 5px; } label { margin-right: 15px; line-height: 32px; } input { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; border-radius: 50%; width: 16px; height: 16px; border: 2px solid #999; transition: 0.2s all linear; margin-right: 5px; position: relative; top: 4px; } input:checked { border: 6px solid black; } button, legend { color: white; background-color: black; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 0; border: 0; font-size: 14px; } button:hover, button:focus { color: #999; } button:active { background-color...
<input type="range"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
(see firefox bug 981916, chrome bug 341071).
<isindex> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in 2016, after it was removed from edge and chrome, it was proposed to remove isindex from the standard; this removal was completed the next day, after which safari and firefox also removed support.
<slot> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
details {font-family: "open sans light", helvetica, arial, sans-serif } .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120% } h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; background: #217ac0; color: white; padding: 2px 6px; border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px; } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4>attributes</h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </details> <hr> </template> note: you can se...
<video>: The Video Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
16 00:03:22 --> 00:03:24 it's… it's a… 16 00:03:25 --> 00:03:32 [loud thumping] [dishes clattering] captions should not obstruct the main subject of the video.
data-* - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, a space-ship "sprite" in a game could be a simple <img> element with a class attribute and several data-* attributes: <img class="spaceship cruiserx3" src="shipx3.png" data-ship-id="324" data-weapons="laseri laserii" data-shields="72%" data-x="414354" data-y="85160" data-z="31940" onclick="spaceships[this.dataset.shipid].blasted()"> for a more in-depth tutorial about using html data attributes, see using data attributes.
itemprop - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
html <div itemscope itemtype=""> <h1 itemprop="name">avatar</h1> <span>director: <span itemprop="director">james cameron</span> (born august 16, 1954)</span> <span itemprop="genre">science fiction</span> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" itemprop="trailer">trailer</a> </div> structured data item itemprop name itemprop value itemprop name avatar itemprop director james cameron itemprop genre science fiction itemprop trailer ../...
itemscope - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <h1 itemprop="name">avatar</h1> <span>director: <span itemprop="director">james cameron</span> (born august 16, 1954)</span> <span itemprop="genre">science fiction</span> <a href="" itemprop="trailer">trailer</a> </div> structured data the following table shows the structured data from the preceding example.
HTTP authentication - HTTP
bearer see rfc 6750, bearer tokens to access oauth 2.0-protected resources digest see rfc 7616, only md5 hashing is supported in firefox, see bug 472823 for sha encryption support hoba see rfc 7486, section 3, http origin-bound authentication, digital-signature-based mutual see rfc 8120 aws4-hmac-sha256 see aws docs basic authentication scheme the "basic" http authentication scheme is defined in rfc 7617, which transmits credentials as user id/password pairs, encoded using base64.
Identifying resources on the Web - HTTP
examples tel:+1-816-555-1212 urn:isbn:9780141036144 specifications specification title rfc 7230, section 2.7: uniform resource identifiers hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): message syntax and routing ...
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
mozilla/5.0 (windows phone 10.0; android 6.0.1; xbox; xbox one) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/58.0.3029.110 mobile safari/537.36 edge/16.16299 in summary, we recommend looking for the string “mobi” anywhere in the user agent to detect a mobile device.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) - HTTP
in particular, let's look at lines 16-19: access-control-allow-origin: http://foo.example access-control-allow-methods: post, get, options access-control-allow-headers: x-pingother, content-type access-control-max-age: 86400 the server responds with access-control-allow-methods and says that post and get are viable methods to query the resource in question.
Content-Encoding - HTTP
specifications specification title rfc 7932: brotli compressed data format brotli compressed data format rfc 7231, section content-encoding hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): semantics and content rfc 2616, section 14.11: content-encoding content-encoding ...
CSP: require-sri-for - HTTP
<script src="" integrity="sha256-5i/mq300m779n2ovdrl16lbohwxnudzl/r2avuxyxwa=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> however, scripts without integrity won't load anymore: <script src=""></script> ...
Content-Type - HTTP
="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="text" name="description" value="some text"> <input type="file" name="myfile"> <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> the request looks something like this (less interesting headers are omitted here): post /foo http/1.1 content-length: 68137 content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------974767299852498929531610575 -----------------------------974767299852498929531610575 content-disposition: form-data; name="description" some text -----------------------------974767299852498929531610575 content-disposition: form-data; name="myfile"; filename="foo.txt" content-type: text/plain (content of the uploaded file foo.txt) -----------------------------974767299852498929531610575-- specifications ...
Date - HTTP
"1990" or "2016".
Feature-Policy: fullscreen - HTTP
there was a bug whereby the fullscreen directive didn't work unless the allowfullscreen attribute was also present, but this has been fixed as of firefox 80 (bug 1608358).
Feature-Policy: payment - HTTP
specifications specification status comment payment request api candidate recommendation see section 16.
If-Match - HTTP
if it doesn't match, then a 416 (range not satisfiable) response is returned.
If-Modified-Since - HTTP
"1990" or "2016".
If-Range - HTTP
"1990" or "2016".
If-Unmodified-Since - HTTP
"1990" or "2016".
Keep-Alive - HTTP
examples a response containing a keep-alive header: http/1.1 200 ok connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: thu, 11 aug 2016 15:23:13 gmt keep-alive: timeout=5, max=1000 last-modified: mon, 25 jul 2016 04:32:39 gmt server: apache (body) specifications specification title http keep-alive header keep-alive header (ietf internet draft) rfc 7230, appendix a.1.2: keep-alive hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): message syntax and routing ...
Last-Modified - HTTP
"1990" or "2016".
Range - HTTP
if the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 range not satisfiable error.
User-Agent - HTTP
fari/604.1 internet explorer ua string examples mozilla/5.0 (compatible; msie 9.0; windows phone os 7.5; trident/5.0; iemobile/9.0) crawler and bot ua strings examples googlebot/2.1 (+ specifications specification title rfc 7231, section 5.5.3: user-agent hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): semantics and content rfc 2616, section 14.43: user-agent hypertext transfer protocol -- http/1.1 ...
1.1 examples identifying allowed request methods to find out which request methods a server supports, one can use the curl command-line program to issue an options request: curl -x options -i the response then contains an allow header that holds the allowed methods: http/1.1 204 no content allow: options, get, head, post cache-control: max-age=604800 date: thu, 13 oct 2016 11:45:00 gmt server: eos (lax004/2813) preflighted requests in cors in cors, a preflight request is sent with the options method so that the server can respond if it is acceptable to send the request.
request has body yes successful response has body no safe no idempotent yes cacheable no allowed in html forms no syntax put /new.html http/1.1 example request put /new.html http/1.1 host: content-type: text/html content-length: 16 <p>new file</p> responses if the target resource does not have a current representation and the put request successfully creates one, then the origin server must inform the user agent by sending a 201 (created) response.
Protocol upgrade mechanism - HTTP
for example: sec-websocket-extensions: superspeed, colormode; depth=16 sec-websocket-key provides information to the server which is needed in order to confirm that the client is entitled to request an upgrade to websocket.
HTTP resources and specifications - HTTP
proposed standard rfc 2324 hyper text coffee pot control protocol (htcpcp/1.0) april 1st joke spec rfc 7168 the hyper text coffee pot control protocol for tea efflux appliances (htcpcp-tea) april 1st joke spec html living standard html defines extensions of http for server-sent events living standard tracking preference expression dnt header editor's draft / candidate recommendation reporting api report-to header draft draft spec expec...
418 I'm a teapot - HTTP
status 418 i'm a teapot specifications specification title rfc 2324, section 2.3.2: 418 i'm a teapot hyper text coffee pot control protocol (htcpcp/1.0): semantics and content rfc 7168, section 2.3.3: 418 i'm a teapot the hyper text coffee pot control protocol for tea efflux appliances (htcpcp-tea): response codes ...
Equality comparisons and sameness - JavaScript
there are four equality algorithms in es2015: abstract equality comparison (==) strict equality comparison (===): used by array.prototype.indexof, array.prototype.lastindexof, and case-matching samevaluezero: used by %typedarray% and arraybuffer constructors, as well as map and set operations, and also string.prototype.includes and array.prototype.includes since es2016 samevalue: used in all other places javascript provides three different value-comparison operations: === - strict equality comparison ("strict equality", "identity", "triple equals") == - abstract equality comparison ("loose equality", "double equals") provides samevalue (new in es2015).
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
so, when the bitwise operators are applied to these values, the results are as follows: bitwise operator examples expression result binary description 15 & 9 9 1111 & 1001 = 1001 15 | 9 15 1111 | 1001 = 1111 15 ^ 9 6 1111 ^ 1001 = 0110 ~15 -16 ~ 0000 0000 ... 0000 1111 = 1111 1111 ... 1111 0000 ~9 -10 ~ 0000 0000 ... 0000 1001 = 1111 1111 ... 1111 0110 note that all 32 bits are inverted using the bitwise not operator, and that values with the most significant (left-most) bit set to 1 represent negative numbers (two's-complement representation).
Functions - JavaScript
for example, the function square could have been defined as: const square = function(number) { return number * number } var x = square(4) // x gets the value 16 however, a name can be provided with a function expression.
Introduction - JavaScript
the ecma-262 standard is also approved by the iso (international organization for standardization) as iso-16262.
JavaScript technologies overview - JavaScript
a prototype-based inheritance mechanism built-in objects and functions (json, math, array.prototype methods, object introspection methods, etc.) strict mode browser support as of october 2016, the current versions of the major web browsers implement ecmascript 5.1 and ecmascript 2015, but older versions (still in use) implement ecmascript 5 only.
TypeError: setting getter-only property "x" - JavaScript
"use strict"; function archiver() { var temperature = null; object.defineproperty(this, 'temperature', { get: function() { console.log('get!'); return temperature; } }); } var arc = new archiver(); arc.temperature; // 'get!' arc.temperature = 30; // typeerror: setting getter-only property "temperature" to fix this error, you will either need to remove line 16, where there is an attempt to set the temperature property, or you will need to implement a setter for it, for example like this: "use strict"; function archiver() { var temperature = null; var archive = []; object.defineproperty(this, 'temperature', { get: function() { console.log('get!'); return temperature; }, set: function(value) { temperature = value; ...
RangeError: invalid array length - JavaScript
examples invalid cases new array(math.pow(2, 40)) new array(-1) new arraybuffer(math.pow(2, 32)) new arraybuffer(-1) let a = []; a.length = a.length - 1; // set -1 to the length property let b = new array(math.pow(2, 32) - 1); b.length = b.length + 1; // set 2^32 to the length property valid cases [ math.pow(2, 40) ] // [ 1099511627776 ] [ -1 ] // [ -1 ] new arraybuffer(math.pow(2, 32) - 1) new arraybuffer(0) let a = []; a.length = math.max(0, a.length - 1); let b = new array(math.pow(2, 32) - 1); b.length = math.min(0xffffffff, b.length + 1); // 0xffffffff is the hexadecimal notation for 2^32 - 1 // which can also be written as (-1 >>> 0) ...
TypeError: "x" is not a function - JavaScript
using the latter will throw an error: const sixteen = 2(3 + 5); alert('2 x (3 + 5) is ' + string(sixteen)); //uncaught typeerror: 2 is not a function you can correct the code by adding a * operator: const sixteen = 2 * (3 + 5); alert('2 x (3 + 5) is ' + string(sixteen)); //2 x (3 + 5) is 16 import the exported module correctly ensure you are importing the module correctly.
Arrow function expressions - JavaScript
15 : a; simple(16); // 15 simple(10); // 10 let max = (a, b) => a > b ?
Method definitions - JavaScript
const obja = { method() {} } new obja.method // typeerror: obj.method is not a constructor const objb = { * g() {} } new objb.g // typeerror: obj.g is not a constructor (changed in es2016) examples simple test case const obj = { a: 'foo', b() { return this.a } }; console.log(obj.b()) // "foo" computed property names the shorthand syntax also supports computed property names.
Array.prototype.copyWithin() - JavaScript
var count = math.min(final - from, len - to); // steps 16-17.
Array.prototype.forEach() - JavaScript
a[1] = 5 // a[3] = 9 using thisarg the following (contrived) example updates an object's properties from each entry in the array: function counter() { this.sum = 0 this.count = 0 } counter.prototype.add = function(array) { array.foreach((entry) => { this.sum += entry ++this.count }, this) // ^---- note } const obj = new counter() obj.add([2, 5, 9]) obj.count // 3 obj.sum // 16 since the thisarg parameter (this) is provided to foreach(), it is passed to callback each time it's invoked.
Array.from() - JavaScript : items[k]; }; }; var getarray = function getarray( t, a, len, getitem, isiterator, mapfn ) { // 16.
Array - JavaScript
, , , , , , , p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p r,n,b,q,k,b,n,r r,n,b,q,k,b,n,r p,p,p,p,p,p,p,p , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,p, , , , , , , , , , p,p,p,p, ,p,p,p r,n,b,q,k,b,n,r using an array to tabulate a set of values values = [] for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++){ values.push([ 2 ** x, 2 * x ** 2 ]) } console.table(values) results in // the first column is the index 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 4 8 3 8 18 4 16 32 5 32 50 6 64 72 7 128 98 8 256 128 9 512 162 specifications specification initial publication ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array' in that specification.
Atomics.add() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.and() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.compareExchange() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array. - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.load() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.or() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array. - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.sub() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.xor() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
BigInt.asUintN() - JavaScript
const max = 2n ** 64n - 1n; bigint.asuintn(64, max); // ↪ 18446744073709551615n bigint.asuintn(64, max + 1n); // ↪ 0n // zero because of overflow specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'bigint.asuintn()' in that specification.
DataView.prototype.setBigUint64() - JavaScript
the highest possible value that fits in an unsigned 64-bit integer is 2n ** 64n - 1n (18446744073709551615n).
Date.prototype.getTime() - JavaScript
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 new date().gettime(); // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset() - JavaScript
examples using gettimezoneoffset() // get current timezone offset for host device let x = new date(); let currenttimezoneoffsetinhours = x.gettimezoneoffset() / 60; // 1 // get timezone offset for international labour day (may 1) in 2016 // be careful, the date() constructor uses 0-indexed months, so may is // represented with 4 (and not 5) let labourday = new date(2016, 4, 1) let labourdayoffset = labourday.gettimezoneoffset() / 60; specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.gettimezoneoffset' in that specification. - JavaScript
// reduced time precision (2ms) in firefox 60 // 1519211809934 // 1519211810362 // 1519211811670 // ...
Error.prototype.stack - JavaScript
(e.stack); } } function b() { trace(); } function a() { b(3, 4, '\n\n', undefined, {}); } a('first call, firstarg'); </script> assuming the above markup is saved as c:\example.html on a windows file system it produces an alert message box with the following text: starting with firefox 30 and later containing the column number: trace@file:///c:/example.html:9:17 b@file:///c:/example.html:16:13 a@file:///c:/example.html:19:13 @file:///c:/example.html:21:9 firefox 14 to firefox 29: trace@file:///c:/example.html:9 b@file:///c:/example.html:16 a@file:///c:/example.html:19 @file:///c:/example.html:21 firefox 13 and earlier would instead produce the following text: error("myerror")@:0 trace()@file:///c:/example.html:9 b(3,4,"\n\n",(void 0),[object object])@file:///c:/example.html:16 a...
Float32Array() constructor - JavaScript
ew float32array(2); float32[0] = 42; console.log(float32[0]); // 42 console.log(float32.length); // 2 console.log(float32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new float32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new float32array([21, 31]); var y = new float32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new float32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var float32 = new float32array(iterable); // float32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
Float32Array - JavaScript
ew float32array(2); float32[0] = 42; console.log(float32[0]); // 42 console.log(float32.length); // 2 console.log(float32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new float32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new float32array([21, 31]); var y = new float32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new float32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var float32 = new float32array(iterable); // float32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification. - JavaScript
function greet() { const reply = [this.animal, 'typically sleep between', this.sleepduration].join(' '); console.log(reply); } const obj = { animal: 'cats', sleepduration: '12 and 16 hours' };; // cats typically sleep between 12 and 16 hours using call to invoke a function and without specifying the first argument in the example below, we invoke the display function without passing the first argument.
Int32Array() constructor - JavaScript
th var int32 = new int32array(2); int32[0] = 42; console.log(int32[0]); // 42 console.log(int32.length); // 2 console.log(int32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new int32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new int32array([21, 31]); var y = new int32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new int32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var int32 = new int32array(iterable); // int32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
Int32Array - JavaScript
th var int32 = new int32array(2); int32[0] = 42; console.log(int32[0]); // 42 console.log(int32.length); // 2 console.log(int32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new int32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new int32array([21, 31]); var y = new int32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new int32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var int32 = new int32array(iterable); // int32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
Intl.DisplayNames.prototype.of() - JavaScript
syntax displaynames.of(code); parameters code the code to provide depends on the type: if the type is "region", code should be either an iso-3166 two letters region code, or a three digits un m49 geographic regions.
Intl.Locale.prototype.calendar - JavaScript
5493 b.c.e) ethiopic ethiopic calendar, amete mihret (epoch approx, 8 c.e.) gregory gregorian calendar hebrew traditional hebrew calendar indian indian calendar islamic islamic calendar islamic-umalqura islamic calendar, umm al-qura islamic-tbla islamic calendar, tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - astronomical epoch) islamic-civil islamic calendar, tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - civil epoch) islamic-rgsa islamic calendar, saudi arabia sighting iso8601 iso calendar (gregorian calendar using the iso 8601 calendar week rules) japanese japanese imperial calendar persian persian calendar ...
Intl.NumberFormat() constructor - JavaScript
"long" (e.g., 16 litres) "short" (e.g., 16 l) "narrow" (e.g., 16l) usegrouping whether to use grouping separators, such as thousands separators or thousand/lakh/crore separators.
Intl.NumberFormat - JavaScript
erformat('ja-jp', { style: 'currency', currency: 'jpy' }).format(number)); // → ¥123,457 // limit to three significant digits console.log(new intl.numberformat('en-in', { maximumsignificantdigits: 3 }).format(number)); // → 1,23,000 using style and unit console.log(new intl.numberformat("pt-pt", { style: 'unit', unit: "mile-per-hour" }).format(50)); // → 50 mi/h console.log((16).tolocalestring('en-gb', { style: "unit", unit: "liter", unitdisplay: "long" })); // → 16 litres specifications specification ecmascript internationalization api (ecma-402)the definition of 'intl.numberformat' in that specification.
JSON.parse() - JavaScript
text = string(text); rx_dangerous.lastindex = 0; if (rx_dangerous.test(text)) { text = text.replace(rx_dangerous, function(a) { return ( "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) ); }); } // in the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look // for non-json patterns.
Math.acosh() - JavaScript
\geq 1, we have arcosh(x)=ln(x+x2-1)\operatorname {arcosh} (x) = \ln \left(x + \sqrt{x^{2} - 1} \right) and so this can be emulated with the following function: math.acosh = math.acosh || function(x) { return math.log(x + math.sqrt(x * x - 1)); }; examples using math.acosh() math.acosh(-1); // nan math.acosh(0); // nan math.acosh(0.5); // nan math.acosh(1); // 0 math.acosh(2); // 1.3169578969248166 for values less than 1 math.acosh() returns nan.
Math.atan() - JavaScript
examples using math.atan() math.atan(1); // 0.7853981633974483 math.atan(0); // 0 math.atan(-0); // -0 math.atan(infinity); // 1.5707963267948966 math.atan(-infinity); // -1.5707963267948966 // the angle that the line [(0,0);(x,y)] forms with the x-axis in a cartesian coordinate system math.atan(y / x); note that you may want to avoid using ±infinity for stylistic reasons.
Math.atan2() - JavaScript
examples using math.atan2() math.atan2(90, 15); // 1.4056476493802699 math.atan2(15, 90); // 0.16514867741462683 math.atan2(±0, -0); // ±pi.
Math.imul() - JavaScript
polyfill this can be emulated with the following function: if (!math.imul) math.imul = function(a, b) { var ahi = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff; var alo = a & 0xffff; var bhi = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff; var blo = b & 0xffff; // the shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part // the final |0 converts the unsigned value into a signed value return ((alo * blo) + (((ahi * blo + alo * bhi) << 16) >>> 0) | 0); }; however, the following function is more performant because it is likely that browsers in which this polyfill would ...
Math.pow() - JavaScript
examples using math.pow() // simple math.pow(7, 2); // 49 math.pow(7, 3); // 343 math.pow(2, 10); // 1024 // fractional exponents math.pow(4, 0.5); // 2 (square root of 4) math.pow(8, 1/3); // 2 (cube root of 8) math.pow(2, 0.5); // 1.4142135623730951 (square root of 2) math.pow(2, 1/3); // 1.2599210498948732 (cube root of 2) // signed exponents math.pow(7, -2); // 0.02040816326530612 (1/49) math.pow(8, -1/3); // 0.5 // signed bases math.pow(-7, 2); // 49 (squares are positive) math.pow(-7, 3); // -343 (cubes can be negative) math.pow(-7, 0.5); // nan (negative numbers don't have a real square root) // due to "even" and "odd" roots laying close to each other, // and limits in the floating number precision, // negative bases with fractional exponents always return ...
Number.EPSILON - JavaScript
property attributes of number.epsilon writable no enumerable no configurable no description the epsilon property has a value of approximately 2.2204460492503130808472633361816e-16, or 2-52.
Object.prototype.constructor - JavaScript
ts added for reference): function type() {},false, // new array() function type() {},false, // [] function type() {},false,false // new boolean() function boolean() { [native code] },false,true // true function type() {},false,mon sep 01 2014 16:03:49 gmt+0600 // new date() function type() {},false,error // new error() function type() {},false,function anonymous() { } // new function() function type() {},false,function () {} // function () {} function type() {},false,[object math] // math function ty...
Object.prototype.toString() - JavaScript
er base numbers, in example below we are converting base 10 number to a base 2 (binary) number let basetenint = 10; console.log(basetenint.tostring(2)); // expected output is "1010" and same for big integers let bignum = bigint(20); console.log(bignum.tostring(2)); // expected output is "10100" some common radix are 2 for binary numbers, 8 for octal numbers, 10 for decimal numbers, 16 for hexadecimal numbers.
RegExp.prototype[@@replace]() - JavaScript
var re = /-/g; var str = '2016-01-01'; var newstr = re[symbol.replace](str, '.'); console.log(newstr); // 2016.01.01 using @@replace in subclasses subclasses of regexp can override the [@@replace]() method to modify the default behavior.
RegExp.prototype[@@search]() - JavaScript
var re = /-/g; var str = '2016-01-02'; var result = re[](str); console.log(result); // 4 using @@search in subclasses subclass of regexp can override [@@search]() method to modify the behavior.
String.fromCodePoint() - JavaScript
instead, it requires the utf-16 surrogate pair in order to return a supplementary character: string.fromcharcode(0xd83c, 0xdf03); // code point u+1f303 "night with string.fromcharcode(55356, 57091); // stars" == "\ud83c\udf03" string.fromcodepoint(), on the other hand, can return 4-byte supplementary characters, as well as the more common 2-byte bmp characters, by specifying their code point (which is equivalent to the utf...
String.prototype.normalize() - JavaScript
let string1 = '\u00f1'; // ñ let string2 = '\u006e\u0303'; // ñ string1 = string1.normalize('nfc'); string2 = string2.normalize('nfc'); console.log(string1 === string2); // true console.log(string1.length); // 1 console.log(string2.length); // 1 console.log(string2.codepointat(0).tostring(16)); // f1 compatibility normalization in unicode, two sequences of code points are compatible if they represent the same abstract characters, and should be treated alike in some — but not necessarily all — applications.
Symbol.matchAll - JavaScript
property attributes of symbol.matchall writable no enumerable no configurable no examples using symbol.matchall let re = /[0-9]+/g; let str = '2016-01-02|2019-03-07'; const numbers = { *[symbol.matchall] (str) { for (const n of str.matchall(/[0-9]+/g)) yield n[0]; } }; console.log(array.from(str.matchall(numbers))); // array ["2016", "01", "02", "2019", "03", "07"] see string.prototype.matchall() and regexp.prototype[@@matchall]() for more examples.
TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT - JavaScript
examples using bytes_per_element int8array.bytes_per_element; // 1 uint8array.bytes_per_element; // 1 uint8clampedarray.bytes_per_element; // 1 int16array.bytes_per_element; // 2 uint16array.bytes_per_element; // 2 int32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 uint32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 float32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 float64array.bytes_per_element; // 8 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray.bytes_per_element' in that specification.
TypedArray.prototype.buffer - JavaScript
examples using the buffer property var buffer = new arraybuffer(8); var uint16 = new uint16array(buffer); uint16.buffer; // arraybuffer { bytelength: 8 } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray.prototype.buffer' in that specification.
TypedArray.prototype.findIndex() - JavaScript
function isprime(element, index, array) { var start = 2; while (start <= math.sqrt(element)) { if (element % start++ < 1) { return false; } } return element > 1; } var uint8 = new uint8array([4, 6, 8, 12]); var uint16 = new uint16array([4, 6, 7, 12]); console.log(uint8.findindex(isprime)); // -1, not found console.log(uint16.findindex(isprime)); // 2 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of '%typedarray%.prototype.findindex' in that specification. - JavaScript
examples using name; // "int8array"; // "uint8array"; // "uint8clampedarray"; // "int16array"; // "uint16array"; // "int32array"; // "uint32array"; // "float32array"; // "float64array" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of '' in that specification.
Uint32Array() constructor - JavaScript
nt32 = new uint32array(2); uint32[0] = 42; console.log(uint32[0]); // 42 console.log(uint32.length); // 2 console.log(uint32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new uint32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new uint32array([21, 31]); var y = new uint32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new uint32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var uint32 = new uint32array(iterable); // uint32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
Uint32Array - JavaScript
nt32 = new uint32array(2); uint32[0] = 42; console.log(uint32[0]); // 42 console.log(uint32.length); // 2 console.log(uint32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new uint32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new uint32array([21, 31]); var y = new uint32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new uint32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var uint32 = new uint32array(iterable); // uint32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
WebAssembly.CompileError() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jscompileerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Instance() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsinstance() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Instance.prototype.exports - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsexportschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.LinkError() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jslinkerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Memory() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsmemory() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.buffer - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsbufferchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.grow() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsgrowchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Module() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsmodule() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Module.customSections() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jscustomsectionschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Module.exports() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsexportschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Module.imports() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsimportschrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.RuntimeError() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsruntimeerror() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Table() constructor - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jstable() constructorchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Table.prototype.get() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsgetchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Table.prototype.grow() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsgrowchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Table.prototype.length - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jslengthchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.Table.prototype.set() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jssetchrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.compile() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jscompilechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.compileStreaming() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jscompilestreamingchrome full support 61edge full support 16firefox full support 58ie no support noopera full support 47safari no support nowebview android full support 61chrome android full support ...
WebAssembly.instantiate() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsinstantiatechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsinstantiatestreamingchrome full support 61edge full support 16firefox full support 58ie no support noopera full support 47safari no support nowebview android full support 61chrome android full support ...
WebAssembly.validate() - JavaScript
desktopmobileserverchromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnode.jsvalidatechrome full support 57edge full support 16firefox full support 52notes full support 52notes notes disabled in the firefox 52 extended support release (esr).ie no support noopera full support 44safari full support 11w...
encodeURI() - JavaScript
note how certain characters are used to signify special meaning: hence encodeuri() does not encode characters that are necessary to formulate a complete uri.
Standard built-in objects - JavaScript
array int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array keyed collections these objects represent collections which use keys.
Operator precedence - JavaScript
… bitwise not ~ … unary plus + … unary negation - … prefix increment ++ … prefix decrement -- … typeof typeof … void void … delete delete … await await … 16 exponentiation right-to-left … ** … 15 multiplication left-to-right … * … division … / … remainder … % … 14 addition left-to-right … + … subtraction … - … 13 bitwise left shift left-to-right … << … bitwise right shift … >> … bitwise unsigned right...
this - JavaScript; // 'custom' as this in the function is set to obj whatsthis.apply(obj); // 'custom' as this in the function is set to obj this and object conversion function add(c, d) { return this.a + this.b + c + d; } var o = {a: 1, b: 3}; // the first parameter is the object to use as // 'this', subsequent parameters are passed as // arguments in the function call, 5, 7); // 16 // the first parameter is the object to use as // 'this', the second is an array whose // members are used as the arguments in the function call add.apply(o, [10, 20]); // 34 note that in non–strict mode, with call and apply, if the value passed as this is not an object, an attempt will be made to convert it to an object.
function* - JavaScript
0; yield 20; }; const bar = foo(); console.log(; // {value: 10, done: false} generator example function* powers(n){ //endless loop to generate for(let current =n;; current *= n){ yield current; } } for(let power of powers(2)){ //controlling generator if(power > 32) break; console.log(power) //2 //4 //8 //16 //32 } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'function*' in that specification.
Strict mode - JavaScript
syntax error 197 + 142; var sumwithoctal = 0o10 + 8; console.log(sumwithoctal); // 16 seventh, strict mode in ecmascript 2015 forbids setting properties on primitive values.
JavaScript reference - JavaScript
uricomponent() fundamental objects object function boolean symbol error objects error aggregateerror evalerror internalerror rangeerror referenceerror syntaxerror typeerror urierror numbers & dates number bigint math date text processing string regexp indexed collections array int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array keyed collections map set weakmap weakset structured data arraybuffer sharedarraybuffer atomics dataview json control abstraction promise generator generatorfunction asyncfunction reflection reflect proxy internationalization intl...
Web app manifests
omescreen48.png", "sizes": "48x48", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen72.png", "sizes": "72x72", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen96.png", "sizes": "96x96", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen168.png", "sizes": "168x168", "type": "image/png" }, { "src": "images/touch/homescreen192.png", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image/png" }], "related_applications": [{ "platform": "play", "url": "" }] } deploying a manifest web app manifests are deployed in your html pages using a <link> element in th...
Values - MathML
constants a replacement for the deprecated constants below is: veryverythinmathspace => 0.05555555555555555em verythinmathspace => 0.1111111111111111em thinmathspace => 0.16666666666666666em mediummathspace => 0.2222222222222222em thickmathspace => 0.2777777777777778em verythickmathspace => 0.3333333333333333em veryverythickmathspace => 0.3888888888888889em constant value veryverythinmathspace 1/18em verythinmathspace 2/18em thinmathspace 3/18em mediummathspace 4/18em thickma...
MathML documentation index - MathML
16 <mglyph> mathml, mathml reference, mathml:element the mathml <mglyph> element is used to display non-standard symbols where existing unicode characters are not available.
Web Performance
to understand how to improve performance and perceived performance, it helps to understand how the browser works.recommended web performance timings: how long is too long?there are no clear set rules as to what constitutes a slow pace when loading pages, but there are specific guidelines for indicating content will load (1 second), idling (50ms), animating (16.7s) and responding to user input (50 to 200ms).the business case for web performanceyou know web performance is important, but how do you convince clients and management to invest in performance and make it a priority.
Progressive web app structure - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
f', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/fonts/graduate.woff', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/favicon.ico', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/js13kgames.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/bg.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-32.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-64.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-96.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-128.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-168.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-192.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-256.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-512.png' ]; var gamesimages = []; for(var i=0; i<games.length; i++) { gamesimages.push('data/img/'+games[i].slug+'.jpg'); } var contenttocache = appshellfiles.concat(gamesimages); the next block installs the service worker, which then actually caches all the...
Making PWAs work offline with Service workers - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
f', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/fonts/graduate.woff', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/favicon.ico', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/js13kgames.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/bg.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-32.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-64.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-96.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-128.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-168.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-192.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-256.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-512.png' ]; next, the links to images to be loaded along with the content from the data/games.js file are generated in the second array.
Structural overview of progressive web apps - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
f', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/fonts/graduate.woff', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/favicon.ico', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/js13kgames.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/img/bg.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-32.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-64.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-96.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-128.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-168.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-192.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-256.png', '/pwa-examples/js13kpwa/icons/icon-512.png' ]; var gamesimages = []; for(var i=0; i<games.length; i++) { gamesimages.push('data/img/'+games[i].slug+'.jpg'); } var contenttocache = appshellfiles.concat(gamesimages); with the file list prepared, it's time to install the service worker itself.
href - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
fifteen elements are using this attribute: <a>, <animate>, <animatemotion>, <animatetransform>, <discard>, <feimage>, <image>, <lineargradient>, <mpath>, <pattern>, <radialgradient>, <script>, <set>, <textpath>, and <use> html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 160 40" xmlns=""> <a href=""><text x="10" y="25">mdn web docs</text></a> </svg> in svg a for <a>, href defines the location of the referenced object, expressed as a url reference.
pointer-events - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
f --> <rect x="10" y="0" height="10" width="10" fill="black" /> <circle cx="15" cy="5" r="4" fill="white" pointer-events="none" /> </svg> window.addeventlistener('mouseup', (e) => { // let's pick a random color between #000000 and #ffffff const color = math.round(math.random() * 0xffffff) // let's format the color to fit css requirements const fill = '#' + color.tostring(16).padstart(6,'0') // let's apply our color in the // element we actually clicked on = fill }) as a presentation attribute, it can be applied to any element but it is mostly relevant only on the following twenty-three elements: <a>, <circle>, <clippath>, <defs>, <ellipse>, <foreignobject>, <g>, <image>, <line>, <marker>, <mask>, <path>, <pattern>, <polygon>, <polyline...
requiredFeatures - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
re#svgdom-animation --> <rect class="ko" x="10" y="135" height="25" width="430" /> <rect class="ok" x="10" y="135" height="25" width="430" requiredfeatures="" /> <text x="20" y="152"></text> <!-- testing : --> <rect class="ko" x="10" y="160" height="25" width="430" /> <rect class="ok" x="10" y="160" height="25" width="430" requiredfeatures="" /> <text x="20" y="177"></text> <!-- testing : --> <rect class="ko" x="10" y="185" height="25" width="430" /> <rect class="ok" x="10" y="1...
startOffset - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <textpath> html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="0 0 220 100" xmlns=""> <path id="path1" fill="none" stroke="red" d="m10,90 q90,90 90,45 q90,10 50,10 q10,10 10,40 q10,70 45,70 q70,70 75,50" /> <path id="path2" fill="none" stroke="red" d="m130,90 q210,90 210,45 q210,10 170,10 q130,10 130,40 q130,70 165,70 q190,70 195,50" /> <text> <textpath href="#path1" startoffset="0"> quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
stdDeviation - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <fegaussianblur> html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 480 200" xmlns=""> <filter id="gaussianblur1"> <fegaussianblur stddeviation="1" /> </filter> <filter id="gaussianblur2"> <fegaussianblur stddeviation="5" /> </filter> <filter id="gaussianblur3" x="-30%" y="-30%" width="160%" height="160%"> <fegaussianblur stddeviation="10" /> </filter> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" style="filter: url(#gaussianblur1);" /> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" style="filter: url(#gaussianblur2); transform: translatex(140px);" /> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" style="filter: url(#gaussianblur3); transform: translatex(280px);" /> </svg> usage notes value ...
tabindex - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <?xml version="1.0"?> <svg viewbox="0 0 260 260" xmlns=""> <circle cx="60" cy="60" r="15" tabindex="1" /> <circle cx="60" cy="160" r="30" tabindex="3" /> <circle cx="160" cy="60" r="30" tabindex="2" /> <circle cx="160" cy="160" r="60" tabindex="4" /> </svg> usage notes value valid integer default value none animatable no valid integer relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation.
textLength - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
css .controls { font: 16px "open sans", "arial", sans-serif; } svg let's start with the svg.
transform - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
as a presentation attribute, transform can be used by any element (in svg 1.1, only these 16 elements were allowed to use it: <a>, <circle>, <clippath>, <defs>, <ellipse>, <foreignobject>, <g>, <image>, <line>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>, <switch>, <text>, and <use>).
visibility - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
html <button id="nav-toggle-button" > <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="button-icon"> <path d="m16.59 8.59l12 13.17 7.41 8.59 6 10l6 6 6-6z" /> <path d="m12 8l-6 6 1.41 1.41l12 10.83l4.59 4.58l18 14z" class="invisible" /> <path d="m0 0h24v24h0z" fill="none" /> </svg> <span> click me </span> </button> css svg { display: inline !important; } span { vertical-align: 50%; } button { line-height: 1em; } .invisible { visibility: hidden; } javascript document.queryselec...
xChannelSelector - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <fedisplacementmap> html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 440 160" xmlns=""> <filter id="displacementfilter"> <feimage xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" result="abc"/> <fedisplacementmap in2="abc" in="sourcegraphic" scale="30" xchannelselector="r"/> </filter> <filter id="displacementfilter2"> <feimage xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" result="abc"/> <fedisplacementmap in2="abc" in="sourcegraphic" ...
xlink:href - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
22 elements are using this attribute: <a>, <altglyph>, <animate>, <animatecolor>, <animatemotion>, <animatetransform>, <color-profile>, <cursor>, <feimage>, <filter>, <font-face-uri>, <glyphref>, <image>, <lineargradient>, <mpath>, <pattern>, <radialgradient>, <script>, <set>, <textpath>, <tref>, and <use>} html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 160 40" xmlns=""> <a xlink:href=""><text x="10" y="25">mdn web docs</text></a> </svg> a for <a>, xlink:href defines the location of the referenced object.
yChannelSelector - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <fedisplacementmap> html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 440 160" xmlns=""> <filter id="displacementfilter"> <feimage xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" result="abc"/> <fedisplacementmap in2="abc" in="sourcegraphic" scale="30" ychannelselector="r"/> </filter> <filter id="displacementfilter2"> <feimage xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" result="abc"/> <fedisplacementmap in2="abc" in="sourcegraphic" ...
<foreignObject> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="0 0 200 200" xmlns=""> <style> div { color: white; font: 18px serif; height: 100%; overflow: auto; } </style> <polygon points="5,5 195,10 185,185 10,195" /> <!-- common use case: embed html text into svg --> <foreignobject x="20" y="20" width="160" height="160"> <!-- in the context of svg embedded in an html document, the xhtml namespace could be omitted, but it is mandatory in the context of an svg document --> <div xmlns=""> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
<script> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ke it uses the href attribute instead of src and it doesn't support ecmascript modules so far (see browser compatibility below for details) html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="0 0 10 10" xmlns=""> <script> // <![cdata[ window.addeventlistener('domcontentloaded', () => { function getcolor () { const r = math.round(math.random() * 255).tostring(16).padstart(2,'0') const g = math.round(math.random() * 255).tostring(16).padstart(2,'0') const b = math.round(math.random() * 255).tostring(16).padstart(2,'0') return `#${r}${g}${b}` } document.queryselector('circle').addeventlistener('click', (e) => { = getcolor() }) }) // ]]> </script> <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4" /> </svg> att...
<solidcolor> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
nt id="mygradient"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="green" /> </lineargradient> </defs> <text x="10" y="20">circles colored with solidcolor</text> <circle cx="150" cy="65" r="35" stroke-width="2" stroke="url(#mycolor)" fill="white"/> <circle cx="50" cy="65" r="35" fill="url(#mycolor)"/> <text x="10" y="120">circles colored with lineargradient</text> <circle cx="150" cy="165" r="35" stroke-width="2" stroke="url(#mygradient)" fill="white"/> <circle cx="50" cy="165" r="35" fill="url(#mygradient)"/> </svg> result ...
Transport Layer Security - Web security
from version 74 onwards, firefox will return a secure connection failed error when connecting to servers using the older tls versions (bug 1606734).
xml:base - XML: Extensible Markup Language
<svg xml:base="" width="909" height="1286" viewbox="0 0 909 1286"xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <style type="text/css"><![cdata[ .s9_999{ font-size: 9.17px; font-family: zapfdingbats_ghr; fill: #161615; } ]]></style> <text x="647" y="412" dx="0" class="s9_999" >r</text> <style type="text/css"><![cdata[ @font-face { font-family: zapfdingbats_ghr; src: url("fonts/zapfdingbats_ghr.woff") format("woff"); } ]]></style> </svg> setting the xml:base on the svg element means you can inline the svg and thereby bypass cors issue while not changing the base uri for yo...
Index - XPath
16 comparison of css selectors and xpath css, draft, needscontent, reference, selectors, xpath this article seeks to document the difference between css selectors and xpath for web developers to be able to better choose the right tool for the right job.
Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript - XPath
<?xml version="1.0"?> <people xmlns:xul = "" > <person> <name first="george" last="bush" /> <address street="1600 pennsylvania avenue" city="washington" country="usa"/> <phonenumber>202-456-1111</phonenumber> </person> <person> <name first="tony" last="blair" /> <address street="10 downing street" city="london" country="uk"/> <phonenumber>020 7925 0918</phonenumber> </person> </people> to make the contents of the xml document available within the extension, we create an xmlhttprequest object to...
Common XSLT Errors - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
often times stylesheets contain code like <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&nbsp;</xsl:text>, this is equivalent to simply putting &#160; in the stylesheet which will work great in all xslt engines.
<xsl:output> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
defined xslt, section 16.
<xsl:text> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to output html-entities, use numerical values instead, eg &#160; for &nbsp;) specifies whether special characters are escaped when written to the output.
<xsl:value-of> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to output html-entities, use numerical values instead, eg &#160 for &nbsp) specifies whether special characters are escaped when written to the output.
Index - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
15 for further reading needscontent, needshelp, transforming_xml_with_xslt, xml, xslt 16 resources extensions, needscontent, needsexample, needslivesample, xml, xsl no summary!