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4 results for "FC_GetSlotInfo":
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceFC GetSlotInfo
name fc_getslotinfo - get information about a particular slot in the system.
... syntax ck_rv fc_getslotinfo( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_slot_info_ptr pinfo ); parameters fc_getslotinfo takes two parameters: slotid [in] pinfo [out] the address of a ck_slot_info structure.
... description fc_getslotinfo stores the information about the slot in the ck_slot_info structure that pinfo points to.
... a user may call fc_getslotinfo without logging into the token (to assume the nss user role).
268 fc_getslotinfo nss no summary!
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceFC GetTokenInfo
see also fc_getslotinfo, nsc_gettokeninfo ...
FIPS mode of operation
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceNSS cryptographic moduleFIPS mode of operation
general-purpose functions fc_getfunctionlist fc_initialize fc_finalize fc_getinfo slot and token management functions fc_getslotlist fc_getslotinfo fc_gettokeninfo fc_waitforslotevent fc_getmechanismlist fc_getmechanisminfo fc_inittoken fc_initpin fc_setpin session management functions fc_opensession fc_closesession fc_closeallsessions fc_getsessioninfo fc_getoperationstate fc_setoperationstate fc_login fc_logout object management functions these functions manage certificates and keys.