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3 results for "CERTIssuerAndSN":
MozillaProjectsNSSCERT FindCertByIssuerAndSN
syntax #include <cert.h> certcertificate *cert_findcertbyissuerandsn ( certcertdbhandle *handle, certissuerandsn *issuerandsn ); parameters handle in pointer to a certcertdbhandle representing the certificate database to look in issuerandsn in pointer to a certissuerandsn that must be properly formed to contain the issuer name and the serial number (see [example]) description this function creates a certificate key using the issuerandsn and it then uses the key to find the matching certificate in the database.
... example certissuerandsn issuersn; = caname->data; issuersn.derissuer.len = caname->len; = authoritykeyid->; issuersn.serialnumber.len = authoritykeyid->authcertserialnumber.len; issuercert = cert_findcertbyissuerandsn(cert->dbhandle, &issuersn); if ( issuercert == null ) { port_seterror (sec_error_unknown_issuer); } see also occurrences of cert_findcertbyissuerandsn in the current nss source code (generated by lxr).
Certificate functions
MozillaProjectsNSSCertificate functions
eedistnames mxr 3.2 and later cert_freenicknames mxr 3.2 and later cert_getavatag mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertchainfromcert mxr 3.4 and later cert_getcertemailaddress mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertificatenames mxr 3.10 and later cert_getcertificaterequestextensions mxr 3.10 and later cert_getcertissuerandsn mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertnicknames mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcerttrust mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertuid mxr 3.2 and later cert_getclassicocspdisabledpolicy mxr 3.12 and later cert_getclassicocspenabledhardfailurepolicy mxr 3.12 and later cert_getclassicocspenabledsoftfailurepolicy mxr 3.12 and la...
NSS functions
MozillaProjectsNSSReferenceNSS functions
eedistnames mxr 3.2 and later cert_freenicknames mxr 3.2 and later cert_getavatag mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertchainfromcert mxr 3.4 and later cert_getcertemailaddress mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertificatenames mxr 3.10 and later cert_getcertificaterequestextensions mxr 3.10 and later cert_getcertissuerandsn mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertnicknames mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcerttrust mxr 3.2 and later cert_getcertuid mxr 3.2 and later cert_getclassicocspdisabledpolicy mxr 3.12 and later cert_getclassicocspenabledhardfailurepolicy mxr 3.12 and later cert_getclassicocspenabledsoftfailurepolicy mxr 3.12 and la...