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3 results for "JS::AutoCheckCannotGC":
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetLatin1FlatStringChars
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1flatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteflatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... nogc js::autocheckcannotgc & a reference to js::autocheckcannotgc.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetLatin1InternedStringChars
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1internedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteinternedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... nogc js::autocheckcannotgc & a reference to js::autocheckcannotgc.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength
syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); const char16_t * js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... nogc js::autocheckcannotgc & a reference to js::autocheckcannotgc.