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5 results for "JSStackFrame":
nsistackframe createstackframelocation(in pruint32 alanguage, in string afilename, in string afunctionname, in print32 alinenumber, in nsistackframe acaller); void debugdump(in short depth); void debugdumpevalinjsstackframe(in pruint32 aframenumber, in string asourcetext); void debugdumpjsstack(in prbool showargs, in prbool showlocals, in prbool showthisprops); void debugdumpobject(in nsisupports acomobj, in short depth); [noscript,notxpcom] prbool definedomquickstubs(in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr proto, in pruint32 flags, in pruint32 interfacecount, [array, size_is(interfacecount)] i...
...filename missing description afunctionname missing description alinenumber missing description acaller missing description return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description debugdump() void debugdump( in short depth ); parameters depth missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description debugdumpevalinjsstackframe() void debugdumpevalinjsstackframe( in pruint32 aframenumber, in string asourcetext ); parameters aframenumber missing description asourcetext missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description debugdumpjsstack() void debugdumpjsstack( in prbool showargs, in prbool showlocals, in prbool showthisprops ); parameters showargs missing descrip...
(the jsval encoding depends on this.) the jsstackframe::down chain never forms a cycle.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSFastNative
when a jsfastnative is called, no jsstackframe is generated.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJSNative
this has limited use cases; it's used to implement firefox's "slow script" dialog, for example.) when a jsnative is called, no jsstackframe is generated.
js_gettrapopcode js_cleartrap js_clearscripttraps js_clearalltraps js_handletrap js_setinterrupt js_clearinterrupt watchpoints js_setwatchpoint js_clearwatchpoint js_clearwatchpointsforobject js_clearallwatchpoints inspecting the stack js_pctolinenumber js_linenumbertopc js_getfunctionscript js_getfunctionnative js_getfunctionfastnative js_getscriptprincipals typedef jsstackframe js_frameiterator js_getframescript js_getframepc js_getscriptedcaller js_stackframeprincipals js_evalframeprincipals js_getframeannotation js_setframeannotation js_getframeprincipalarray js_isnativeframe js_getframeobject js_getframescopechain js_getframecallobject js_getframethis js_getframefunction js_getframefunctionobject js_isconstructorframe js_isdebuggerframe js_getfra...