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4 results for "JS_IsAboutToBeFinalized":
GCIntegration - SpiderMonkey Redirect 1
a very simple way to identify weak pointers is to look for usage of js_isabouttobefinalized().
... if a pointer is weak, there's a good chance that js_isabouttobefinalized() is used to null it out if its referent is about to be finalized.'s likely that js_isabouttobefinalized() will also be changed to take the address of the pointer.
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI referenceJS SetGCCallback
the callback may use js_isabouttobefinalized to clean up weak references to js objects (that is, pointers that are not traced by the gc).
JSAPI reference
MozillaProjectsSpiderMonkeyJSAPI reference
rmonkey 38 enum jsfinalizestatus added in spidermonkey 17 js_removefinalizecallback added in spidermonkey 38 js_setgczeal added in spidermonkey 1.8 js_schedulegc added in spidermonkey 17 js_dumpheap added in spidermonkey 1.8 js_setgccallbackrt obsolete since jsapi 13 js_setfinalizecallback added in spidermonkey 17 obsolete since jsapi 32 js_markgcthing obsolete since jsapi 5 js_isabouttobefinalized obsolete since jsapi 35 js_clearnewbornroots obsolete since jsapi 5 the rest of these apis help protect objects from being destroyed by the garbage collector before the application is done using them.
SpiderMonkey 38
1100579) js_evaluateucscript (bug 1100579) js_executescriptversion (bug 1095660) js_getflatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getfunctioncallback (bug 1103269) js_getinternedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getinternedstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsz (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharszandlength (bug 1037869) js_gettypename (bug 1037718) js_isabouttobefinalized (bug 650161) js_lookupelement (bug 1094176) js_lookupproperty (bug 1094176) js_lookuppropertybyid (bug 1094176) js_lookupucproperty (bug 1094176) js_newpropertyiterator (bug 1081660) js_nextproperty (bug 1081660) js_resolvestub (bug 1103152) js_setfinalizecallback (bug 996785) js_setfunctioncallback (bug 1103269) jschar (bug 1063962) api changes jschar, a typedef for the standard c++...