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19 results for "IUnknown":
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1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) please also refer to the iaccessibletablecell interface.
...method overview [propget] hresult caption([out] iunknown accessible ); [propget] hresult cellat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] iunknown cell ); [propget] hresult columndescription([in] long column, [out] bstr description ); [propget] hresult iscolumnselected([in] long column, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult isrowselected([in] long row, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult modelchange([out] ia2tablemodelchange modelchange ); [propget] hresult ncolumns([out] long columncount ); [propget] hresult nrows([out] long rowcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedcells([out] long cellcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedcolumns([out] long columncount ); [propget]...
... hresult nselectedrows([out] long rowcount ); [propget] hresult rowdescription([in] long row, [out] bstr description ); hresult selectcolumn([in] long column ); [propget] hresult selectedcells([out, size_is(, nselectedcells,)] iunknown cells, [out] long nselectedcells ); [propget] hresult selectedcolumns([out, size_is(, ncolumns)] long selectedcolumns, [out] long ncolumns ); [propget] hresult selectedrows([out, size_is(, nrows)] long selectedrows, [out] long nrows ); hresult selectrow([in] long row ); [propget] hresult summary([out] iunknown accessible ); hresult unselectcolumn([in] long column ); hresult unselectrow([in] long row ); methods caption() returns the caption for the table.
...And 4 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) typically all accessible objects that represent cells or cell-clusters of a table will be at the same time children of the table.
...method overview [propget] hresult accessibleat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] iunknown accessible ); [propget] hresult caption([out] iunknown accessible ); [propget] hresult childindex([in] long rowindex, [in] long columnindex, [out] long cellindex ); [propget] hresult columndescription([in] long column, [out] bstr description ); [propget] hresult columnextentat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] long ncolumnsspanned ); [propget] hresult columnheader([out] iaccessible...
...s(, nchildren)] long children, [out] long nchildren ); [propget] hresult selectedcolumns([in] long maxcolumns, [out, size_is(,maxcolumns), length_is(, ncolumns)] long columns, [out] long ncolumns ); [propget] hresult selectedrows([in] long maxrows, [out, size_is(,maxrows), length_is(, nrows)] long rows, [out] long nrows ); hresult selectrow([in] long row ); [propget] hresult summary([out] iunknown accessible ); hresult unselectcolumn([in] long column ); hresult unselectrow([in] long row ); methods accessibleat() returns the accessible object at the specified row and column in the table.
...And 3 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview [propget] hresult columnextent([out] long ncolumnsspanned ); [propget] hresult columnheadercells([out, size_is(, ncolumnheadercells,)] iunknown cellaccessibles, [out] long ncolumnheadercells ); [propget] hresult columnindex([out] long columnindex ); [propget] hresult isselected([out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult rowcolumnextents([out] long row, [out] long column, [out] long rowextents, [out] long columnextents, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult rowextent([out] long...
... nrowsspanned ); [propget] hresult rowheadercells([out, size_is(, nrowheadercells,)] iunknown cellaccessibles, [out] long nrowheadercells ); [propget] hresult rowindex([out] long rowindex ); [propget] hresult table([out] iunknown table ); methods columnextent() returns the number of columns occupied by this cell accessible.
...[propget] hresult columnheadercells( [out, size_is(, ncolumnheadercells,)] iunknown cellaccessibles, [out] long ncolumnheadercells ); parameters cellaccessibles pointer to an array of references to cell accessibles.
...And 2 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview [propget] hresult localizedrelationtype([out] bstr localizedrelationtype ); [propget] hresult ntargets([out] long ntargets ); [propget] hresult relationtype([out] bstr relationtype ); [propget] hresult target([in] long targetindex, [out] iunknown target ); [propget] hresult targets([in] long maxtargets, [out, size_is(maxtargets), length_is( ntargets)] iunknown targets, [out] long ntargets ); methods localizedrelationtype() returns a localized version of the relation type.
...[propget] hresult target( [in] long targetindex, [out] iunknown target ); parameters targetindex 0 based index.
...[propget] hresult targets( [in] long maxtargets, [out, size_is(maxtargets), length_is( ntargets)] iunknown targets, [out] long ntargets ); parameters maxtargets maximum size of the array allocated by the client. will need to use queryinterface on the iunknown to get the iaccessible2.
Multiprocess on Windows
for example, if interface ifoo inherits from iunknown, the lowest possible mmethodindex for ifoo could be 3, because indices 0, 1, and 2 are occupied by the functions that ifoo inherited from iunknown.
...this should usually be set to vt_unknown | vt_byref, which is telling the interceptor that the outparam is an iunknown**.
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
contract-id: ns_iunknowncontenttypehandler_contractid implemented interfaces: nsiunknowncontenttypehandler helperapp launch dialog contract-id: ns_externalhelperappservice_contractid implemented interfaces: nsiexternalhelperappservice preferences service the preferences service provides access to persistent data stored within a user's profile directory.
...this interface provides runtime interface discovery and a reference counted memory model fashioned after the microsoft com iunknown interface.
for example, for a text link this method could return the substring of the containing string where the substring is overridden with link behavior, and for an image link this method could return an iunknown variant for iaccessibleimage.
...alternatively this method could return an iunknown variant of a com interface representing a target object to be activated when the link is activated.
Using COM from js-ctypes
#include <sapi.h> struct myispvoicevtbl; struct myispvoice { struct myispvoicevtbl* lpvtbl; }; struct myispvoicevtbl { /* start inherit from iunknown */ void* queryinterface; void* addref; ulong (__stdcall *release)(struct myispvoice*); /* end inherit from iunknown */ /* start inherit from ispnotifysource */ void* setnotifysink; void* setnotifywindowmessage; void* setnotifycallbackfunction; void* setnotifycallbackinterface; void* setnotifywin32event; void* waitfornotifyevent; void* getnotifyevent...
...ushort }, { 'data3': ushort }, { 'data4': byte.array(8) } ]); // advanced structures let clsid = guid; let iid = guid; // super advanced structures let refiid = iid.ptr; let refclsid = clsid.ptr; // vtables let ispvoicevtbl = ctypes.structtype('ispvoicevtbl'); let ispvoice = ctypes.structtype('ispvoice', [{ 'lpvtbl': ispvoicevtbl.ptr }]); ispvoicevtbl.define([ // start inherit from iunknown { 'queryinterface': ctypes.voidptr_t }, { 'addref': ctypes.voidptr_t }, { 'release': ctypes.functiontype(callback_abi, ulong, // return [ ispvoice.ptr ]).ptr }, // end inherit from iunknown // start inherit from ispnotifysource // can set to ctypes.voidptr_t if arent going to use it { 'setnotifysink': ctypes.voidptr_t ...
platform/xpcom - Archive of obsolete content
"unknown" is named after the "iunknown" interface in com.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
nsisupports the key interface in our model is the nsisupports interface, our equivalent to com's iunknown interface.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) every accessible object that can be manipulated via the native gui beyond the methods available either in the msaa iaccessible interface or in the set of iaccessible2 interfaces (other than this iaccessibleaction interface) should support the iaccessibleaction interface in order to provide assistive technology access to all the actions that can be performed by the object.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface provides the at with the information it needs to differentiate this application from other applications, from other versions of this application, or from other versions of this application running on different versions of an accessibility bridge or accessibility toolkit.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to retrieve information concerning the graphical representation of an object.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface is typically used in conjunction with the iaccessibletext interface and complements that interface with the additional capability of clipboard operations.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface is used for a representation of images like icons on buttons.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this enum defines values which specify a text() boundary type.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) the iaccessiblevalue interface represents a single numerical value and should be implemented by any class that supports numerical value like progress bars and spin boxes.
boolean isobjectsafeforscripting( in voidptr theobject, in nsiidref id ); parameters theobject the object to test (an iunknown cast into a void *).
on win32 systems, nsisupports is abi-compatible with microsoft com's iunknown interface.