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14 results for "nsIAtom":
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 5.0 (firefox 5.0 / thunderbird 5.0 / seamonkey 2.2) method overview void adddefaultproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue); void addinsertionlistener(in nsicontentfilter infilter); void align(in astring aalign); boolean breakisvisible(in nsidomnode anode); boolean candrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void checkselectionstateforanonymousbuttons(in nsiselection aselection); nsidomelement createanonymouselement(in astring atag, in nsidomnode aparentnode, in astring aanonclass, in boolean aiscreatedhidden); nsidomelement createelementwithdefaults(in astring ata...
... getelementorparentbytagname(in astring atagname, in nsidomnode anode); astring getfontcolorstate(out boolean amixed); astring getfontfacestate(out boolean amixed); astring getheadcontentsashtml(); astring gethighlightcolorstate(out boolean amixed); void getindentstate(out boolean acanindent, out boolean acanoutdent); void getinlineproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall); astring getinlinepropertywithattrvalue(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall); nsisupportsarray getlinkedobjects(); void getlistitemstate(out boolean amixed, out boolean ali, out bo...
... void makeorchangelist(in astring alisttype, in boolean entirelist, in astring abullettype); boolean nodeisblock(in nsidomnode node); void pastenoformatting(in long aselectiontype); void rebuilddocumentfromsource(in astring asourcestring); void removealldefaultproperties(); void removeallinlineproperties(); void removedefaultproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue); void removeinlineproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute); void removeinsertionlistener(in nsicontentfilter infilter); void removelist(in astring alisttype); void replaceheadcontentswithhtml(in astring asourcetoinsert); void selectelement(in nsidomelement aelement); void setbac...
...And 8 more matches
Styling a Tree - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTutorialStyling a Tree
we can use the interface nsiatomservice to construct string atoms for the properties.
... getservice(components.interfaces.nsiatomservice); props.appendelement(aserv.getatom("makeitblue")); } } the properties list requires an array of atom objects, which can be thought of as constant strings.
... we create them using the xpcom interface nsiatomservice and add them to the array using the appendelement() function.
... getservice(components.interfaces.nsiatomservice); props.appendelement(aserv.getatom("makeitblue")); } else { return "makeitblue"; } } } this function would be defined as part of a view object.
boolean isancestorof(in nsimsgfolder folder); boolean containschildnamed(in astring name); nsimsgfolder getchildnamed(in astring aname); nsimsgfolder findsubfolder(in acstring escapedsubfoldername); void addfolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); void removefolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); void notifypropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in acstring oldvalue, in acstring newvalue); void notifyintpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in long oldvalue, in long newvalue); void notifyboolpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in boolean oldvalue, in boolean newvalue); void notifypropertyflagchanged(in nsimsgdbhdr item, in nsiatom property, in unsigned long oldvalue, in unsigned long newvalue); ...
... void notifyunicharpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in astring oldvalue, in astring newvalue); void notifyitemadded(in nsisupports item); void notifyitemremoved(in nsisupports item); void notifyfolderevent(in nsiatom event); void listdescendents(in nsisupportsarray descendents); void shutdown(in boolean shutdownchildren); void setinvfeditsearchscope(in boolean asearchthisfolder, in boolean asetonsubfolders); void copydatatooutputstreamforappend(in nsiinputstream aistream, in long alength, in nsioutputstream outputstream); void copydatadone(); void setjunkscoreformessages(in nsisupportsarray amessages, in acstring ajunkscore); void applyretentionsettings(); boolean fetchmsgpreviewtext([array, s...
... nsimsgfolder findsubfolder(in acstring escapedsubfoldername); addfolderlistener() void addfolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); removefolderlistener() void removefolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); notifypropertychanged() void notifypropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in acstring oldvalue, in acstring newvalue); notifyintpropertychanged() void notifyintpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in long oldvalue, in long newvalue); notifyboolpropertychanged() void notifyboolpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, ...
... in boolean oldvalue, in boolean newvalue); notifypropertyflagchanged() void notifypropertyflagchanged(in nsimsgdbhdr item, in nsiatom property, in unsigned long oldvalue, in unsigned long newvalue); notifyunicharpropertychanged() void notifyunicharpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in astring oldvalue, in astring newvalue); notifyitemadded() void notifyitemadded(in nsisupports item); notifyitemremoved() void notifyitemremoved(in nsisupports item); notifyfolderevent() void notifyfolderevent(in nsiatom event); listdescendents() ists all descendents, not just first leve...
method overview void addbinding(in nsidomnode arulenode, in nsiatom avar, in nsiatom aref, in astring aexpr); print32 compareresults(in nsixultemplateresult aleft, in nsixultemplateresult aright, in nsiatom avar, in unsigned long asorthints); nsisupports compilequery(in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode aquery, in nsiatom arefvariable, in nsiatom amembervariable); void done(); nsisimpleenumerator generateresults(in nsisupports adatasource, in ...
...void addbinding( in nsidomnode arulenode, in nsiatom avar, in nsiatom aref, in astring aexpr ); parameters arulenode rule to add the binding to.
...print32 compareresults( in nsixultemplateresult aleft, in nsixultemplateresult aright, in nsiatom avar, in unsigned long asorthints ); parameters aleft the left result to compare.
...nsisupports compilequery( in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode aquery, in nsiatom arefvariable, in nsiatom amembervariable ); parameters abuilder the template builder.
method overview astring getbindingfor(in nsiatom avar); nsisupports getbindingobjectfor(in nsiatom avar); void hasbeenremoved(); void rulematched(in nsisupports aquery, in nsidomnode arulenode); attributes attribute type description id astring id of the result.
...astring getbindingfor( in nsiatom avar ); parameters avar the variable to look up.
...nsisupports getbindingobjectfor( in nsiatom avar ); parameters avar the variable to look up.
Tree Widget Changes - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTree Widget Changes
once you have a column, you can get various properties of it: column.index - the index of the column in displayed order - the id attribute of the column column.element - the treecol element column.x - the x position in the tree of the left edge of the column column.width - the width of the column in c++ code, you can also get the atom attribute of nsitreecolumn which returns an nsiatom for the column, making it fast to do comparisons.
... nscomptr<nsiatom> atom; acol->getatom(getter_addrefs(atom)); if (atom = kmycol) ...
forcedcharset nsiatom a character set to override the page's default character set while processing; this is tried before using any other character set during page loads.
... parentcharset nsiatom indicates the docshell's parent document's character set.
in nsixultemplateresult aresult); void replaceresult(in nsixultemplateresult aoldresult, in nsixultemplateresult anewresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void resultbindingchanged(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); nsixultemplateresult getresultforid(in astring aid); nsixultemplateresult getresultforcontent(in nsidomelement aelement); boolean hasgeneratedcontent(in nsirdfresource anode, in nsiatom atag); void addrulefilter(in nsidomnode arule, in nsixultemplaterulefilter afilter); [noscript] void init(in nsicontent aelement); [noscript] void createcontents(in nsicontent aelement, in boolean aforcecreation); void addlistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); void removelistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); attributes attribute type description root nsidomelement...
...boolean hasgeneratedcontent( in nsirdfresource anode, in nsiatom atag ); parameters anode node to check.
Debugging on Windows
MozillaDebuggingDebugging on Windows
here are some entries that will make your life easier: ;; mozilla (1.7beta and later) nsautostring=<mdata,su> nsstring=<mdata,su> nscstring=<mdata,s> nscautostring=<mdata,s> nsrect=x=<x,d> y=<y,d> width=<width,d>; height=<height,d> nsstaticatomwrapper=<mstaticatom->mstring,s> nsiatom=<mstring,su> ; the following are not necessary in vc8 nscomptr<*>=<mrawptr,x> nsrefptr=<mrawptr,x> nsautoptr=<mrawptr,x> after you have made the changes and saved the file, you will need to restart visual c++ for the changes to take effect.
HTML parser threading
MozillaGeckoHTML parser threading
(aside: it would make more sense to make the parser deal with nsstringbuffers directly without having heap-allocated nsstrings involved.) element names, attribute names and the doctype name are represented as nsiatoms.
nsitransaction txn); void enableundo(in boolean enable); void undo(in unsigned long count); void canundo(out boolean isenabled, out boolean canundo); void redo(in unsigned long count); void canredo(out boolean isenabled, out boolean canredo); void begintransaction(); void endtransaction(); void beginplaceholdertransaction(in nsiatom name); void endplaceholdertransaction(); boolean shouldtxnsetselection(); void setshouldtxnsetselection(in boolean should); inline spellchecking methods nsiinlinespellchecker getinlinespellchecker(in boolean autocreate); void syncrealtimespell(); void setspellcheckuseroverride(in boolean enable); clipboard methods vo...
nsitreecolumn getnext(); nsitreecolumn getprevious(); void invalidate(); attributes attribute type description atom nsiatom the atom attribute of nsitreecolumn which returns an nsiatom for the column, making it fast to do comparisons.
to add properties for a particular row, you must use the nsiatomservice to create an nsiatom string, which can then be appended to the array to alter the style (see also styling a tree) getrowproperties: function(index, properties) { var atomservice = components.classes[";1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsiatomservice); var atom = atomservice.getatom("dummy"); properties.appendelement(atom); } hasnextsibling() used to de...
Mail event system
MozillaThunderbirdMail event system
getservice(components.interfaces.nsiatomservice); var testpropertyatom = atomservice.getatom("testproperty"); // now fire the test notification folder.notifyintpropertychanged(testpropertyatom, 0, 100); // now we would do some operations to change the message count, such // as copying a message into this folder or something.