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uriloader/base/nsidocumentloader.idlscriptable this interface responsible for tracking groups of loads that belong together (images, external scripts, and so on.) and subdocuments (iframe, frame, and so on.). create an instance, use: var documentloader = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidocumentloader); method overview void clearparentdocloader(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void createdocumentloader(out nsidocumentloader aninstance); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void destroy(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void fireonlocationchange(in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsirequest arequest, in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void fireonstatuschange(in nsiwebp...
... createdocumentloader() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) void createdocumentloader( out nsidocumentloader aninstance ); parameters aninstance destroy() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) void destroy(); parameters none.
[noscript,notxpcom] nsidocumentptr getdocument(); void hide(); void init(in nsiwidgetptr aparentwidget, [const] in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
... void setdocumentinternal(in nsidocumentptr adocument, in boolean aforcereuseinnerwindow); native code only!
... note: prior to gecko 10.0 (firefox 10.0 / thunderbird 10.0 / seamonkey 2.7), this attribute was part of nsidocumentviewer.
...And 6 more matches
erits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 5.0 (firefox 5.0 / thunderbird 5.0 / seamonkey 2.2) implemented by:;1 as a service: var focusmanager = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsifocusmanager); method overview void clearfocus(in nsidomwindow awindow); void contentremoved(in nsidocument adocument, in nsicontent aelement); native code only!
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 void firedelayedevents(in nsidocument adocument); native code only!
...void contentremoved( in nsidocument adocument, in nsicontent aelement ); parameters adocument aelement native code only!firedelayedevents fire any events that have been delayed due to synchronized actions.
... void firedelayedevents( in nsidocument adocument ); parameters adocument native code only!focusplugin indicate that a plugin wishes to take the focus.
The life of an HTML HTTP request - Archive of obsolete content
now the channel knows the content type of the incoming data, so the documentloader can find an nsidocumentloaderfactory for the "text/html" content type (in this case an nslayoutdlf). most cases (including this) it also creates a nsidocument (nshtmldocument) and binds it to the contentviewer.
... (7) since the presentation shell (nspresshell) has registred as an documentobserver with the nsidocument it also gets notified of changes in the document/content tree.
documentCharsetInfo - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
browser - Archive of obsolete content
documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
/dmd.cpp:1286) #02: malloc (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/memory/build/../../../memory/build/replace_malloc.c:153) #03: moz_xmalloc (/home/njn/moz/mi5/memory/mozalloc/mozalloc.cpp:84) #04: nscyclecollectingautorefcnt::incr(void*, nscyclecollectionparticipant*) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xul/../../dist/include/nsisupportsimpl.h:250) #05: nsxulelement::create(nsxulprototypeelement*, nsidocument*, bool, bool,mozilla::dom::element**) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xul/nsxulelement.cpp:287) #06: nsxblcontentsink::createelement(char16_t const**, unsigned int, mozilla::dom::nodeinfo*, unsigned int, nsicontent**, bool*, mozilla::dom::fromparser) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xbl/nsxblcontentsink.cpp:874) #07: nscomptr<nsicontent>::startassignment() (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xml/../../dist/inclu...
...::sizeofincludingthis(unsigned long (*)(void const*)) const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/parser/html/../../../dom/base/nsinode.h:307) #06: mozilla::dom::nodeinfo::nodetype() const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/base/../../dist/include/mozilla/dom/nodeinfo.h:127) #07: nshtmldocument::docaddsizeofexcludingthis(nswindowsizes*) const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/html/nshtmldocument.cpp:3710) #08: nsidocument::docaddsizeofincludingthis(nswindowsizes*) const (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/base/nsdocument.cpp:12820) } } the choice of whether to record an allocation stack trace for all blocks is controlled by an option (see below).
documentcharsetinfo nsidocumentcharsetinfo the document character set info.
...obsolete since gecko 12.0 note: the properties of the old nsidocumentcharsetinfo interface were merged into nsidocshell in gecko 12.0.
des(in nsidomnode leftnode, in nsidomnode rightnode, in nsidomnode parent); void deletenode(in nsidomnode child); void marknodedirty(in nsidomnode node); direction controller void switchtextdirection(); output methods astring outputtostring(in astring formattype, in unsigned long flags); example: // flags are declared in base/public/nsidocumentencoder.idl // outputselectiononly = 1, outputformatted = 2, // outputraw = 4, outputbodyonly = 8, // outputpreformatted = 16, outputwrap = 32, // outputformatflowed = 64, outputabsolutelinks = 258, // outputencodew3centities = 256, outputcrlinebreak = 512, // outputlflinebreak = 1024, outputnoscriptcontent = 2048, // outputnoframescontent = 4096,... nsieditorobserver observer);obsolete since gecko 18 void seteditorobserver(in editactionlistener observer); void removeeditorobserver(in nsieditorobserver observer obsolete since gecko 18); void addeditactionlistener(in nsieditactionlistener listener); void removeeditactionlistener(in nsieditactionlistener listener); void adddocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); void removedocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); debug methods void dumpcontenttree(); void debugdumpcontent() ; void debugunittests(out long outnumtests, out long outnumtestsfailed); [notxpcom] boolean ismodifiablenode(in nsidomnode anode); constants load flags constant value...
return value an nsidocumentfragment containing the text and markup.
... see also nsidomelement nsidocumentfragment interwiki link ...
Intercepting Page Loads - Archive of obsolete content
document loader service nsidocumentloader is nothing but a global web progress listener.
Using the Editor from XUL - Archive of obsolete content
nseditorshell is able to observe the document load on the <iframe>, because it implements nsidocumentloaderobserver, and registered itself as a doc loader when it was assigned the content window.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions developing an extension like xmlhttprequest / nsidocument / mozilla_internal_api a discussion on how to develop an extension similar to xmlhttprequest but for a different protocol than http, emulating the asynchronous aspect.
Installing headers using EXPORTS
here is an example <tt></tt> which has both c++ and idl headers: module = content xpidl_module = content_base exports = \ nsicontent.h \ nsidocument.h \ nsistylesheet.h \ $(null) xpidlsrcs = \ nsicontentpolicy.idl \ nsiselectioncontroller.idl \ $(null) include $(topsrcdir)/config/ ...
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
contract-id: ns_document_loader_service_contractid implemented interfaces: nsiwebprogress nsidocumentloader related interfaces: nsiwebprogresslistener public components nswebbrowser the nswebbrowser is the main embedding component which gecko exposes.
Getting from Content to Layout
nscssframeconstructor gets notified from the document's presshell (which implements nsidocumentobserver and observes the document) about all nodes in the document.
Introduction to Layout in Mozilla
h parser node objects some buffering and fixup occurs here opencontainer, closecontainer, addleaf content sink creates and attaches content nodes using nsicontent interface content sink maintains stack of “live” elements more buffering and fixup occurs here insertchildat, appendchildto, removechildat frame construction content sink uses nsidocument interface to notify of Δs in content model contentappended, contentinserted, contentremoved presshell is registered as document observer receives contentappended, etc.
TimerFirings logging
fn timer (one_shot): [content] 186 fn timer (one_shot): nsbrowserstatusfilter::timeouthandler 138 fn timer (one_shot): [content] 118 fn timer (one_shot): [content] 108 fn timer (slack): layeractivitytracker 104 fn timer (slack): nsidocument::selectorcache 104 fn timer (slack): cctimerfired ...
561 nsidocumentloader interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, needscontent, reference, référence(2), xpcom interface reference implemented by:;1.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsiaccessibleretrieval method overview nsiaccessible createouterdocaccessible(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible createrootaccessible(in nsipresshell ashell, in nsidocument adocument); nsiaccessible createhtml4buttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhypertextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbuttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlaccessiblebymarkup(in nsiframe aframe, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createht...
astring converttoplaintext( in astring src, in unsigned long flags, in unsigned long wrapcol ); parameters src the html source to parse (c++ callers are allowed but not required to use the same string for the return value.) flags conversion option flags defined in nsidocumentencoder.
this is equivalent to calling nsiparserutils::converttoplaintext(src, nsidocumentencoder::outputselectiononly | nsidocumentencoder::outputabsolutelinks, 0).
pt callers, one needs to get to the document that the transferable corresponds to, and then get the load context from the document like this: var loadcontext = doc.defaultview.queryinterface(ci.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(ci.nsiwebnavigation) .queryinterface(ci.nsiloadcontext); in c++ callers, if you have the corresponding document, you can just call nsidocument.getloadcontext() to get to the load context object.
XPCOM Interface Reference