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2 results for "nsILayoutHistoryState":
y = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsishentry); method overview void addchildshell(in nsidocshelltreeitem shell); nsidocshelltreeitem childshellat(in long index); void clearchildshells(); nsishentry clone(); void create(in nsiuri uri, in astring title, in nsiinputstream inputstream, in nsilayouthistorystate layouthistorystate, in nsisupports cachekey, in acstring contenttype, in nsisupports owner, in unsigned long long docshellid, in boolean dynamiccreation); native code only!
... layouthistorystate nsilayouthistorystate layouthistorystate for scroll position and form values.
...void create( in nsiuri uri, in astring title, in nsiinputstream inputstream, in nsilayouthistorystate layouthistorystate, in nsisupports cachekey, in acstring contenttype, in nsisupports owner, in unsigned long long docshellid, in boolean dynamiccreation ); parameters uri title inputstream layouthistorystate cachekey contenttype owner docshellid dynamiccreation violates the xpcom interface guidelines forgeteditordata() gets the owning pointer to the editor data ass...
layouthistorystate nsilayouthistorystate loadedtransindex long keeps track of the previous shtransaction index and the current shtransaction index at the time that the doc shell begins to load.