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10 results for "nsIPresShell":
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsiaccessibleretrieval method overview nsiaccessible createouterdocaccessible(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible createrootaccessible(in nsipresshell ashell, in nsidocument adocument); nsiaccessible createhtml4buttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhypertextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbuttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlaccessiblebymarkup(in nsiframe aframe, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createhtm...
...siaccessible createhtmltablecellaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltableheadaccessible(in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createhtmltextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltextfieldaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcaptionaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible getaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, inout nsiframe framehint, out boolean aishidden); nsiaccessible addnativerootaccessible(in voidptr aatkaccessible); void removenativerootaccessible(in nsiaccessible arootaccessible); void invalidatesubtreefor(in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsicontent achangedcontent, in pruint32 aevent); methods removenativerootaccessible() void removenat...
... void invalidatesubtreefor( in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsicontent achangedcontent, in pruint32 aevent ); parameters <tt>apresshell</tt> the presshell where changes occured.
Notes on HTML Reflow - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMisc top levelNotes on HTML Reflow
these are dispatched directly from the presentation shell (e.g., nsipresshell::stylechangereflow), and affect the entire frame tree. request (or schedule ) an incremental reflow (e.g., in response to a change in the content model), a reflow command object is created and passed to the presentation shell via the nsipresshell::appendreflowcommand method.
Space Manager Detailed Design - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaSpace Manager Detailed Design
*/ class nsspacemanager { public: nsspacemanager(nsipresshell* apresshell, nsiframe* aframe); ~nsspacemanager(); void* operator new(size_t asize); void operator delete(void* aptr, size_t asize); static void shutdown(); /* * get the frame that's associated with the space manager.
... nsspacemanager(nsipresshell* apresshell, nsiframe* aframe); ~nsspacemanager(); operators 'new' and 'delete' are overridden to support a recycler.
Choosing the right memory allocator
MozillaChoosing the right memory allocator
presshell arena nsipresshell::allocateframe() and nsprescontext::allocatefromshell() can be used to allocate memory from an arena maintained by the presshell.
... the corresponding deallocators are nsipresshell::freeframe() and nsprescontext::freetoshell().
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsiaccessible getaccessiblefor(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinweakshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getaccessibleinwindow(in nsidomnode anode, in nsidomwindow adomwin); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getapplicationaccessible(); nsiaccessible getattachedaccessiblefor(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessi...
...nsiaccessible getaccessibleinshell( in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell ); parameters anode the dom node to get an accessible for.
eldestpresshell nsipresshell presentation shell for the oldest document, if this docshell is currently transitioning between documents.
... presshell nsipresshell presentation shell for the currently loaded document.
[noscript] void init( in nsidomdocument doc, in nsipresshellptr shell, obsolete since gecko 5 in nsicontent aroot, in nsiselectioncontroller aselcon, in unsigned long aflags ); parameters doc the document to observe.
... shell obsolete since gecko 5.0 the nsipresshellptr representing the presentation shell displaying the document.
void setpresshell(in nsipresshell apresshell); native code only!
... void setpresshell( in nsipresshell apresshell ); parameters apresshell native code only!settextrangestyle set the painting style for the range.
presshell nsipresshellptr read only.
dispatchdomeventviapresshell() dispatches aevent via the nsipresshell object of the window's document.