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3 results for "nsISSLStatusProvider":
this object usually supports nsisslsocketcontrol, nsitransportsecurityinfo, nsiidentityinfo, nsisslstatusprovider, nsiclientauthuserdecision and possibly other interfaces.
securityinfo nsisupports transport-level security information (if any, else null) corresponding to the channel, normally presented through the interfaces nsitransportsecurityinfo and nsisslstatusprovider read only.
How to check the security state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL - Web APIs
WebAPIXMLHttpRequestHow to check the secruity state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL
== ci.nsiwebprogresslistener.state_is_broken) { dump("unknown\n"); dump("\tsecurity description: " + secinfo.shortsecuritydescription + "\n"); dump("\tsecurity error message: " + secinfo.errormessage + "\n"); } } else { dump("\tno security info available for this channel\n"); } // print ssl certificate details if (secinfo instanceof ci.nsisslstatusprovider) { var cert = secinfo.queryinterface(ci.nsisslstatusprovider) .sslstatus.queryinterface(ci.nsisslstatus).servercert; dump("\tcommon name (cn) = " + cert.commonname + "\n"); dump("\tissuer = " + cert.issuerorganization + "\n"); dump("\torganisation = " + cert.organization + "\n"); dump("\tsha1 fingerprint = " + cert.sha1fingerpri...