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6 results for "nsIStringInputStream":
XPCOM Stream Guide
primitive input streams type native class contract id interface how to bind to a data source generic nsstorageinputstream n/a nsiinputstream, nsiseekablestream storagestream.newinputstream(); string (8-bit characters) nsstringstream;1 nsistringinputstream stream.setdata(data, length); file nsfileinputstream;1 nsifileinputstream stream.init(file, ioflags, perm, behaviorflags); zip nsjarinputstream n/a nsiinputstream zipreader.getinputstream(zipentry); similarly, each of these implements nsioutputstream.
...o create an input stream that you then feed to the output stream: var outstream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistoragestream) .getoutputstream(); var instream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistringinputstream); var data = "hello world"; instream.setdata(data, data.length); while (instream.available()) { outstream.writefrom(instream, instream.available()); } note this is an inefficient example: the only important part is how to feed the output stream.
...addentrystream("/path/to/zipped/file", modtime, compression, stream, queueforlater); // if queued for later operations, and all operations are queued zipwriter.processqueue(); // when we don't need the zipwriter anymore zipwriter.close(); concatenating input streams var stringstream = components.constructor(";1", "nsistringinputstream", "setdata"); function buildstream(data) { return new stringstream(data, data.length); } function run_test() { var str1 = buildstream("we "); var str2 = buildstream("will "); var str3 = buildstream("rock "); var str4 = buildstream("you!"); var check = "we will rock you!"; var multi = components.classes["
...lasses[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableinputstream); instream.init(multi); var data =; // check == data; } creating copies of an input stream var stringstream = components.constructor(";1", "nsistringinputstream", "setdata"); var inputstream = components.constructor(";1", "nsiscriptableinputstream", "init"); function buildstream(data) { return new stringstream(data, data.length); } components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/netutil.jsm"); ...
Post data to window - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsCode snippetsPost data to window
createinstance(ci.nsistringinputstream); if ("data" in stringstream) // gecko 1.9 or newer = datastring; else // 1.8 or older stringstream.setdata(datastring, datastring.length); var postdata = cc[";1"].
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsMigrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage
(see xpcom:arrays.) nscomptr<nsisupportsarray> array; - rv = ns_newisupportsarray(getter_addrefs(array)); + array = do_createinstance(ns_supportsarray_contractid); - nscomptr<nsiinputstream> rawstream;- rv = ns_newbyteinputstream(getter_addrefs(rawstream),- (const char*)data, length); + nscomptr<nsistringinputstream> rawstream =+ do_createinstance(ns_stringinputstream_contractid, &rv);+ ns_ensure_success(rv, rv);++ rv = rawstream->setdata((const char*)data, length); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); nsistringinputstream is not frozen (and thus, not available in the gecko sdk as currently published).
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveAdd-onsOverlay ExtensionsFirefox addons developer guideUsing XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes
= ioservice.newuri('', null, null); browser.loaduri('', referrer); listing 22: loading a page with data transmitted via the post method var content = encodeuricomponent('password=foobar'); var referrer = null; var postdata = components.classes[';1'] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistringinputstream); content = 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n'+ 'content-length: '+content.length+'\n\n'+ content; postdata.setdata(content, content.length); var flags = components.interfaces.nsiwebnavigation.load_flags_none; browser.loaduriwithflags('', flags, referrer, null, postdata); « previousnext » ...
Creating Sandboxed HTTP Connections
MozillaCreating sandboxed HTTP connections
var inputstream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistringinputstream); inputstream.setdata(postdata, postdata.length); next, the nsichannel is qied to an nsiuploadchannel.
MozillaJavaScript code modulesNetUtil.jsm
createinstance(ci.nsistringinputstream); istream.setdata(test_data, test_data.length); netutil.asynccopy(istream, ostream, function(aresult) { if (!components.issuccesscode(aresult)) { // an error occurred!