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2 results for "nsIWebBrowserSetup":
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
MozillaGeckoEmbedding MozillaAPI overview
contract-id: ns_webbrowser_contractid implemented interfaces: nsiwebbrowser nsiwebnavigation nsiwebbrowsersetup nsiwebbrowserpersist nsiwebbrowserfind nsiwebbrowserprint nsiwebbrowserfocus nsibasewindow requestor interfaces: nsidomwindow nsidomdocument nsiwebprogress nsiclipboardcommands nsiprompt related interfaces: nsiprompt nsiwebbrowserchrome nsiwebbrowsersitewindow nsiwebprogresslistener nsicontextmenulistener nsiprintoptions overview: most of gecko's functionality...
...being reviewed interface definition: nsiwebbrowser.idl nsiwebbrowsersetup this interface is used to enable or disable various capabilities of a nswebbrowser instance.
...being reviewed interface definition: nsiwebbrowsersetup.idl nsiwebbrowserchrome this interface provides access to the window containing an nswebbrowser instance.
you may specify null to check for compatibility with nsiwebnavigation objects that are in their default state; otherwise, the result is determined based on the configuration of the specified object (that is, how it is configured by using nsiwebbrowsersetup).