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31 results for "NsIArray":
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xpcom/ds/nsiarray.idlscriptable this interface implements an array object. is also convention that if an interface provides access to an nsiarray, that the array should not be queryinterfaced to an nsimutablearray for modification.
XPCOM array guide
the standard array classes are: nsiarray - a scriptable container for scriptable xpcom objects.
...this interface actually derives from nsiarray.
... ownership nsiarray xpcom object yes no no no reference counted, weak/strong nsimutablearray xpcom object yes no yes no reference counted, weak/strong nscomarray<t> xpcom object no yes yes* no reference counted, strong nstarray<t> any that has a default constructor and copy constructor no yes yes* no can hold objects d...
...And 21 more matches
xpcom/ds/nsimutablearray.idlscriptable this interface is a subclass of nsiarray that provides arrays that are mutable; that is, they can be altered programmatically.
... inherits from: nsiarray last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) consumers of nsiarray should not queryinterface to nsimutablearray unless they own the array.
...conversely, if insertelementat() is never used, and null elements are never explicitly added to the array, then it is guaranteed that nsiarray.queryelementat() will never return a null value.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void addchildtoselection(in long index); void clearselection(); nsiarray getselectedchildren(); boolean ischildselected(in long index); nsiaccessible refselection(in long index); void removechildfromselection(in long index); boolean selectallselection(); attributes attribute type description selectioncount long the number of accessible children currently selected.
...getselectedchildren() returns an nsiarray of the selected nsiaccessible children.
... nsiarray getselectedchildren(); parameters none.
... return value an nsiarray.
ner.idlscriptable this interface provides standard fields used by both feeds (nsifeed) and feed entries (nsifeedentry) 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsifeedelementbase last changed in gecko 1.8.1 (firefox 2 / thunderbird 2 / seamonkey 1.1) method overview void normalize(); attributes attribute type description authors nsiarray an array of nsifeedperson objects describing the authors of the feed or entry.
... categories nsiarray an array of the categories found in a feed or entry.
... contributors nsiarray an array of nsifeedperson objects describing contributors to the feed or entry.
... links nsiarray an array of all links for a feed or entry.
method overview nsiaccessible gettarget(in unsigned long index); nsiarray gettargets(); attributes attribute type description relationtype unsigned long returns the type of the relation.
...nsiarray gettargets(); parameters none.
... return value an nsiarray object, each item in the array implements an nsiaccessible.
items nsiarray specifies an array of the items or entries on the feed.
... skipdays nsiarray an array of days of the week on which the feed should not be fetched.
... skiphours nsiarray an array of the hours of the day during which the feed should not be fetched.
336 nsiarray interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference an indexed collection of elements.
... 787 nsimutablearray interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference consumers of nsiarray should not queryinterface to nsimutablearray unless they own the array.
var inidomutils = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.inidomutils); method overview void addpseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); void clearpseudoclasslocks(in nsidomelement aelement); [implicit_jscontext] jsval colornametorgb(in domstring acolorname); nsiarray getbindingurls(in nsidomelement aelement); nsidomnodelist getchildrenfornode(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent); unsigned long long getcontentstate(in nsidomelement aelement); void getcsspropertynames([optional] in unsigned long aflags, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out wstring aprops); nsisupport...
... nsiarray getbindingurls( in nsidomelement aelement ); parameters aelement a dom element to retrieve the bindings of.
columnheadercells nsiarray return an array of column header cells for this cell.
... rowheadercells nsiarray return an array of row header cells for this cell.
method overview void activate(); void addnamespaces(in nsiarray namespaces); void discard(); void gatherentries(in pruint32 typebits, out unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] out string keys); nsiapplicationcachenamespace getmatchingnamespace(in acstring key); unsigned long gettypes(in acstring key); void initashandle(in acstring groupid, in acstring clientid); void markentry(in acstring key, in unsigned long typebits); void unmarkentry...
...void addnamespaces( in nsiarray namespaces ); parameters namespaces an nsiarray of nsiapplicationcachenamespace objects describing the namespaces to add to the cache.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview wstring computenextautoupdatetime(in nsicrlinfo info, in unsigned long autoupdatetype, in double noofdays); void deletecrl(in unsigned long crlindex); nsiarray getcrls(); void importcrl([array, size_is(length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsiuri uri, in unsigned long type, in boolean dosilentdownload, in wstring crlkey); void reschedulecrlautoupdate(); boolean updatecrlfromurl(in wstring url, in wstring key); constants constant value description type_autoupdate_time_based 1 type_autoupdate_freq_based 2 methods computenextautoupdatetime() wstring computenextautoupdatetime( in ...
...nsiarray getcrls(); parameters none.
depending on the data value, either an nsicookie2 interface pointer representing the cookie object that changed, or an nsiarray of nsicookie2 objects.
...the subject is an nsiarray of deleted cookies.
enclosures nsiarray an array of all the enclosures included in the entry.
... mediacontent nsiarray an array of all the enclosures or other media that might be displayed inline in the entry.
method overview void abortlistbuild(); boolean addlisttobuild(in short acattype, in nsiarray items optional, in astring catname optional); boolean commitlistbuild(); boolean deleteactivelist(); boolean initlistbuild(in nsimutablearray removeditems); attributes attribute type description available short indicates whether jump list taskbar features are supported by the current host.
...boolean addlisttobuild( in short acattype, in nsiarray items, optional in astring catname optional ); parameters acattype the type of list to add.
rental-controls-service;1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiparentalcontrolsservice); method overview void log(in short aentrytype, in boolean aflag, in nsiuri asource, [optional] in nsifile atarget); boolean requesturioverride(in nsiuri atarget, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext); boolean requesturioverrides(in nsiarray atargets, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext); attributes attribute type description blockfiledownloadsenabled boolean true if the current user account's parental controls restrictions include the blocking of all file downloads.
... boolean requesturioverrides( in nsiarray atargets, in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext optional ); parameters atargets an array of nsiuri objects, each representing a uri for which an override is desired.
ateresult aleft, in nsixultemplateresult aright, in nsiatom avar, in unsigned long asorthints); nsisupports compilequery(in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode aquery, in nsiatom arefvariable, in nsiatom amembervariable); void done(); nsisimpleenumerator generateresults(in nsisupports adatasource, in nsixultemplateresult aref, in nsisupports aquery); nsisupports getdatasource(in nsiarray adatasources, in nsidomnode arootnode, in boolean aistrusted, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, out boolean ashoulddelaybuilding); void initializeforbuilding(in nsisupports adatasource, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode arootnode); nsixultemplateresult translateref(in nsisupports adatasource, in astring arefstring); methods addbinding() add a variable binding for a particul...
...nsisupports getdatasource( in nsiarray adatasources, in nsidomnode arootnode, in boolean aistrusted, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, out boolean ashoulddelaybuilding ); parameters adatasources the list of nsiuri objects and/or nsidomnode objects.
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
use nsiarray instead.
Feed content access API
we then scan the array of items in the feed by looking at the feed.items nsiarray.
attribute nsiarray children; remark every child node in the array implements nsiaccessible interface.
nsiarray getrelations(); return value returns nsiarray array of accessible relations for this object, every accessible relation object implements nsiaccessiblerelation interface.
note: renamed from selectedcellscount in gecko 1.9.2 selectedcells nsiarray an array of selected cells.
see also nsiclipboardowner nsitransferable nsiarray using the clipboard ...
selectedfiles nsiarray an nsiarray of selected files, which contains nsiarray instances.
*/ /** * apply the custom action to an array of messages * * @param msghdrs array of nsimsgdbhdr objects of messages * @param actionvalue user-set value to use in the action * @param copylistener calling method (filtertype manual only) * @param filtertype type of filter being applied * @param msgwindow message window */ void apply(in nsiarray msghdrs /* nsimsgdbhdr array */, in autf8string actionvalue, in nsimsgcopyservicelistener copylistener, in nsmsgfiltertypetype filtertype, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); /* does this action start an async action?
as of gecko 1.9 alpha 1, can also be an nsiarray instead.
you only want this if your url is to a zip file or some file you want to download and make a nsiarraybufferinputstream out of it or something xhr.send(null); } xhr('', data => { services.prompt.alert(null, 'xhr success', data); var file = os.path.join(os.constants.path.desktopdir, "test.png"); var promised = os.file.writeatomic(file, new uint8array(data)); promised.then( function...
XPCOM Interface Reference
XPCOM primitive
the main use case is to store primitive values in a data structure that can only store xpcom objects, such as nsiarray.
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
nsifeedcontainer nsifeedelementbase nsifeedentry nsifeedgenerator nsifeedperson nsifeedprocessor nsifeedprogresslistener nsifeedresult nsifeedresultlistener nsifeedtextconstruct script mozijssubscriptloader storage mozistoragevacuumparticipant util nsieffectivetldservice worker nsiabstractworker data nsiarray nsicategorymanager nsicollection nsidictionary nsimutablearray nsisimpleenumerator nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprimitive nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportspriority nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint...
Window - Web APIs
this is an nsiarray.